2024-028 NCTCOG EPA CHDV July 26,2024 Report No. 2024-028 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) application to the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles (CHDV) Grant EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: NCTCOG is applying to the EPA Clean Heavy Duty Vehicles Grant Program on behalf of the NCTCOG region. The grant program provides funding for replacing Class 6 and 7 internal combustion engine vehicles with zero-emission vehicles and associated infrastructure. The City of Denton and DME have submitted a Utility Partnership Agreement to NCTCOG to submit with their application, demonstrating that the City's utilities are aware of the NCTCOG grant request. DISCUSSION: On June 10, 2024,the NCTCOG held a virtual meeting with area local governments and regional entities that may have eligible vehicles for replacement under the EPA Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles (CHDV) grant program. The NCTCOG is applying for this grant on behalf of the entire NCTCOG region. The application deadline is July 25, 2024, and notification of selected applicants is expected in November 2024. Final awards are anticipated in February 2025. The request is for funding to replace up to 375 Class 6 and 7 internal combustion engine vocational vehicles with zero-emission vehicles and up to 375 units of charging infrastructure associated with those vehicles On July 10, 2024, the NCTCOG requested support for their application from the City of Denton and Denton Municipal Electric. The support request is demonstrated through a Utility Partnership Agreement.The Utility Partnership Agreement states that the NCTCOG and the City have discussed a program plan for application to the CHDV grant. The City provided information on the current number of electric vehicles in the City's fleet and the inventory of Direct Current Fast Chargers and Level 2 EV Chargers within the City of Denton. If awarded,NCTCOG will open a Call for Projects to eligible entities within the region. The call will ask entities to submit requests for funding to replace Class 6 and 7 vocational vehicles and charging infrastructure through a sub-award program. When a Call for Projects is opened, Staff will assess the City's ability to apply for these funds. The City will also identify potential replacement vehicles and installation of new charging infrastructure based on the sub-award application criteria. If the City chooses to apply for this sub-award program, the application will go through the Grant Review Committee process for review, and if approved, it will be brought before the City Council for consideration. If applicable, Council consideration would be requested in the Spring of 2025, dependent on the NCTCOG's ability to successfully secure funds for the program. July 26,2024 Report No. 2024-028 ATTACHMENTS: Utility Partnership Agreement STAFF CONTACT: Jessica Williams Chief Financial Officer Jessica.JWilliamskcityofdenton.com 940-349-8244 REQUESTOR: Staff Initiated PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Denton Municipal Electric Finance Fleet Environmental Servies City Manager's Office STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 1 hour &EPAAgencyni States EEnviroiro nmental Protection OMB Control Number:2060-0754 Office of Transportation and Air Quality Expiration Date: 04/30/2027 April 2024 Burden Statement for EPA Form 5900-685: This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (OMB Control No. 2060-0754). Responses to this collection of information are voluntary (2 CFR 200 at 2 CFR 1500). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 2 hours per response. Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support Division Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address. FY2024 Clean Heavy-Vehicles Program TCD Utility Partnership Instructions: Planning early for long-term electric charging infrastructure needs is important forproject success. This form was created for the convenience of applicants and utility providers to assist in discussing the potential new zero-emission vehicle/equipment project and infrastructure projects, including key components such as anticipated costs and timelines. The intent of this form is to ensure awareness of all parties involved in the potential new zero- emission vehicle project. This document is not binding, meaning that applicants and utility providers do not need to complete a full utility analysis or otherwise fully commit to proceeding with the potential new zero emissions vehicle/equipment project as outlined on this form. The information identified in this worksheet may be used to support the Project Narrative component of the grant application package, but it is not required. Applicants may include a copy of this worksheet for each project location included in the application. Regardless of whether applicants use this worksheet, the EPA strongly encourages applicants to coordinate with their and electric utility providers to determine anticipated costs and timelines. Additionally, applicants should keep fleet electrification expansion plans in mind, as futureproofing for upcoming needs can ultimately decrease overall utility upgrade costs. EPA Form Number: 5900-685 1. Fleet Information Requested in Application Current Electric Fleet at time of Application Submission The number of vehicles and chargers already operating within NCTCOG region Type and Number of Electric Up to 375 Vocational The City of Denton has 9 electric Vehicles/Equipment: Vehicles vehicles for staff transportation between City facilities. Number of DC Fast Charger Up to 375 DC Fast Chargers There are 17 DC Fast Charger Units: (one for each vehicle) ports in the City of Denton. Number of Level 2 AC Level 2 Chargers are not expected in There are 66 Level 2 Charging Charger Units' this application as most vocational ports in the City of Denton. vehicles will need a DC Fast Charger Number of Other EV N/A N/A Charger Units: (please specify the type of chargers) Number of Shore Power N/A N/A Pedestals: Number of Units of Other N/A N/A Eligible Charging and/or Fueling Infrastructure: (please specify the type of infrastructure) Specific locations are to be determined through a Call for Projects(CFP)to award rebates for Expected location(s) (street, vehicle replacements with supporting infrastructure,as needed.All infrastructure will be installed within the North Central Texas Council of Governments'16-county region,with most city, state) of Charger and/or infrastructure installed within the NCTCOG 10-county ozone non attainment region.NCTCOG Electrical Infrastructure will require each CFP applicant to submit a signed letter from their utility indicating that the applicants proposed location is able to support the installation of electric vehicle infrastructure Installations' and any upgrades needed can be completed within the applicant's proposed timeline.Finally, NCTCOG will advise all CFP applicants in Oncor's territory to enroll in Oncor's Evolution program to allow for proactive utility coordination. EPA Form Number: 5900-685 2. Utility Information The EPA recommends that applicants fill out information for each individual utility provider they are communicating with about their potential electric infrastructure project. The EPA recommends that applicants communicating with more than one utility identify whether the project scope occurring with a specific utility provider would constitute all or only part of the potential electric infrastructure project. a. Utility Provider#1 Name of the Utility Provider: Denton Municipal Electric Utility Contact Name: Tony Puente Utility Contact Phone: 940-349-8487 Utility Contact Email: antonio.puente@cityofdenton.com b. Utility Provider#2 Name of the Utility Provider: Utility Contact Name: Utility Contact Phone: Utility Contact Email: c. Utility Provider#3 Name of the Utility Provider: Utility Contact Name: Utility Contact Phone: Utility Contact Email: d. Utility Provider#4 Name of the Utility Provider: Utility Contact Name: Utility Contact Phone: Utility Contact Email: EPA Form Number: 5900-685 3. Applicant and Utility Coordination Affirmation By signing this Affirmation, I certify that I am an Authorized Representative for the Applicant or Utility Provider identified below. If an applicant has not received a response from their local utilityprovider(s) after repeated attempts to discuss this form, then they may submit the document with signatures from all parties involved in the application except for the utility, with the understanding that there will be continued outreach with the utility after the application deadline. During application review, the EPA may reach out to request an updated copy of this form that includes all required signatures. The EPA expects all the appropriate signatures to be present at the time of award, and omission of these signatures may compromise an applicant's selection status. • For applicants to the Clean Heavy Duty Vehicle Program:In the event the applicant attempted to contact the utility provider about this form, but received no response, the applicant should also email cleanhdvehicles(a),epa.gov with the following information:name of the utility, name of utility point of contact they've been working with,(or attempting to work with), and information on when the applicant attempted to contact the utility provider. Applicant Affirmation I have discussed the project plan for the fleet and charging infrastructure outlined above with the Utility Company, and if applicable with the School District and/or Port Authority, and others as appropriate. North Central Texas Council of Governments Applicant Organization Name Authorized Representative (Signature) Date Utility Provider Affirmation I have discussed the project plan for the fleet and charging infrastructure outlined above with the Applicant listed above, and if applicable, the third parties below, including the relevant School District and/or Port Authority, and others as appropriate. Denton Municipal Electric 07/23/24 Utility Provider#1 Name Authorized Representative (Signature) Date Utility Provider#2 Name Authorized Representative (Signature) Date Utility Provider#3 Name Authorized Representative (Signature) Date Utility Provider#4 Name Authorized Representative (Signature) Date EPA Form Number: 5900-685 Other Entity Affirmation-N/A (applicable only if part of project; e.g., school district, other state or local agencies, including Port Authorities) I have discussed the project plan for the fleet and charging infrastructure outlined above with the Utility Company and Applicant Organization, listed above, and others as appropriate. Entity Organization Name Authorized Representative (Signature) Date EPA Form Number: 5900-685 4. OPTIONAL: Planning for Utility Upgrades This section is NOT required to be completed and/or submitted to the EPA, however, the EPA strongly encourages applicants and utility providers to discuss the items listed in Section 4.Additionally, applicants should keep fleet electrification expansion plans in mind, as futureproofing for upcoming needs can ultimately decrease overall utility upgrade costs. Please work with your utility to provide a rough estimate of the total N/A engineering and construction cost for utility owned infrastructure (in front of the meter) for the project based on the number of vehicles and eligible charging and/or fueling infrastructure listed in the applicant's application: In the box below, please briefly describe the scope of any needed utility upgrades for the project. Please consider whether engineering, construction, and/or permitting is needed, whether an interconnection study is necessary, and the extent of services needed for completion. This should include whether upgrades are necessary for the following pieces of equipment: • Power transformer • Terminator Pole • Service lateral/conductor • Metering • Primary line extension • Any additional equipment This information will be collected when NCTCOG conducts a call for projects and reported back to the EPA. Based on the information provided above,please provide an estimate of time required to complete the necessary utility-owned infrastructure (in front of the meter)upgrades: This information will be collected when NCTCOG conducts a call for projects and reported back to the EPA. EPA Form Number: 5900-685