2024-034 West Nile Virus 2024 Season Update September 20, 2024 Report No. 2024-034 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Update on the City of Denton's 2024 Mosquito Season Risk Level and Mosquito Surveillance and Response Plan process. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In May 2024, the City deployed traps at the beginning of mosquito season. The Mosquito Surveillance and Response Plan (MSRP) outlines the City's process which includes five risk levels. The city began the 2024 mosquito season at Risk Level 2 due to occurrence of West Nile Virus (WNV) in mosquito pools in the previous season. On June 28, the City elevated to Risk Level 3 with mosquito pools testing positive for West Nile Virus. On September 20, the City was notified of a confirmed WNV human case within the City of Denton and elevated to Risk Level 4. At Risk Level 4, the City will initiate necessary actions for ground-level spraying. To authorize ground-level spraying, the City Council is required to take action on a Resolution. However, it is at MSRP Risk Level 5 that ground-level spraying be part of the implemented vector control actions. BACKGROUND: The City of Denton prepared the first Mosquito Surveillance and Response Plan (MSRP) in 2002 and has reviewed it annually. The last revisions were made in 2021 following the 2020 Mosquito Season, which included ground-level spraying. Denton works with the University of North Texas (UNT)to deploy, collect, and test mosquitoes across the city. Collected mosquitoes are sent to the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for actual analysis of the West Nile Virus. Additionally, the City works closely with Denton County to share mosquito trap locations as well as WNV test results. An interactive map on the Denton County website integrates mosquito trapping results from participating communities. Denton County is the Public Health Authority and is the entity to be notified of any positive WNV human cases. The City of Denton offers a limited supply of Bti briquettes (kill mosquito larva)to residents (two per resident while supplies last) to assist in controlling the mosquito populations. Proof of residency is required: Customer Service, 601 E. Hickory St., Ste F, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. —5 p.m. City of Denton Composting, 1100 S. Mayhill Rd., Tuesday-Saturday, 7 a.m. —3 p.m. DISCUSSION: The City of Denton began the 2024 Mosquito Season at Risk Level 2 — Enhanced Response because of positive West Nile Virus (WNV) tests detected in 2023 mosquito pools within city limits. On June 28, the City elevated to Risk Level 3 — Public Health Concern due to mosquito September 20, 2024 Report No. 2024-034 pools being reported as positive for WNV by the Texas DSHS. On September 20,the City elevated to Risk Level 4 - Public Health Warning due to notification from Denton County Public Health of a confirmed WNV human case within the City of Denton. At Risk Level 4, the probability of human outbreak is moderate to high and WNV is reported in multiple mosquito pools with a single human case confirmed through laboratory testing. At Risk Level 4, the City would continue enhanced efforts to promote source reduction and personal protection.Possible breeding areas on City controlled property are treated regularly with larvicide. In accordance with the City's Integrated Pest Management (IPM), we would proceed to use Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) and Spinosad products (bacterial insecticide). The City would finalize all actions for implementing ground level spraying activities using ULV applications of pyrethroids. In Risk Level 5,laboratory testing would confirm human outbreak with multiple human cases. The City would increase outreach efforts across the community and intensify larviciding efforts using Bti in targeted areas. Larvidices containing Insect Growth Regulators (IGR) or pesticides such as Spinosad may be applied at this time. Additionally, standing water in our City parks would be the target of intense treatments. If the threat to human health is considered imminent, the City would consider targeted adulticide applications using ground-based Ultra-Low Volume (ULV) equipment. The decision to spray would be made by a Council Resolution prior to the first application, for each mosquito season. ULV application should be implemented in the vicinity (approximately 1 mile) of areas where positive human cases were detected. The City of Denton last used ULV spraying in 2020,and that effort utilized Merus 3.09,an organic pyrethrin product that does not contain petroleum distillates. Natural pyrethrins are a botanical insecticide produced primarily by flowers from the chrysanthemum family.Merus 3.08 is Organic Review Materials Institute (OMRI) and meets National Organic Program (NOP) standards for adult mosquito control. The use of Merus 3.0®, or any organic-certified pesticides that may become available, would continue to be used as the preferred option for ground-level spraying operations in accordance with integrated pest management. Spraying, if performed, uses city-owned spray equipment operated by a third-party licensed contractor. Advanced community alerts of the spraying operation would include a news release, social media messaging, website posts, text campaigns,phone calls, and road signs. NEXT STEPS: City Council should reach out to Michael Gange with any questions by Tuesday, Oct. 1. Staff are preparing to bring a Resolution forward for Council consideration at the Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024, Council Meeting. September 20, 2024 Report No. 2024-034 CONCLUSION: The City of Denton has elevated to Risk Level 4 based on the positive WNV mosquito pools and the confirmed human WNV case. This Report is an effort to clarify how the City elevated risk levels and the necessary action of Council should ULV spraying be required within the City of Denton. The current Risk Level, link to the mosquito trapping map, and other mosquito awareness information may be round on the City's website. STAFF CONTACT: Michael A. Gange Director of Environmental Services & Sustainability Michael.gangekcityofdenton.com (940) 349-7165 REOUESTOR: Staff Initiated. STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 2 hours PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Environmental Services&Sustainability,Marketing and Communication, and City Manager's Office