FY 2020-21 Utility Rate BookDenton Municipal Utilities Electric * Water * Wastewater * Solid Waste 2020 – 2021 FY 2021 Utility Rates October, 2020 Dedicated to Quality Service FY 2020-21 UTILITY RATE SUMMARY ELECTRIC: • The following summarizes the Electric rates staff recommends be discontinued. o Residential Renewable Energy Service Rider (RG) o Weekend Service (WS) o Downtown Decorative Lighting (DDL) o Dark Fiber (DFR) o Commercial Renewable Energy Service (CGR) o Independent Wholesale Generator (IWG) WATER: • A 2% cost of service rate decrease for the average residential and commercial customers. • Residential and Commercial decreases to the facility and volume charges as follows: • 1% cost of service decrease on facility charge • 2.4% cost of service decrease on volume charge • Revise the Wholesale Raw Water Rate (WRW) applicable to Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD). The proposed FY 2020-2021 City of Dallas raw water wholesale rate is $0.8915/1,000 gallons. Denton’s raw water wholesale rate to UTRWD is set at 85% of Dallas’ raw water wholesale rate as outlined in the contract with UTRWD. The current rate is $0.7401/1,000 gallon and will increase to $0.7578/1,000 gallons. • Increase the rate for the pass-through raw water sent from Lake Chapman into Lake Lewisville by the UTRWD per the Cooper Reservoir Project Contract and all “Chapman” water reclaimed for reuse if discharged into and subsequently withdrawn from Lewisville Lake by UTRWD or Lewisville. The rate adjustment will be determined by the annual percent change in the urban consumer price index as of June 30, 2020. The current rate is $0.0270/1,000 gallons and will increase to $0.0275/1,000 gallons. WASTEWATER: • No Rate Changes SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING: • 5% rate decrease for residential customers as follows: o Standard Refuse & Recycling Cart: decrease from $21.51 to $20.51 o Large Refuse & Recycling Cart: decrease from $26.26 to $25.04 o Additional Large Cart: decrease from $17.38 to $16.57 MISCELLANEOUS: • No Rate Changes CITY OF DENTON ELECTRIC UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISONRate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance Residential Service - RES Facility Charge $ - Single Phase (R2 1)8.67 8.67 0% Facility Charge $ - Three Phase (R2 3)17.33 17.33 0% Facility Charge $ - Single Phase (P2)16.02 16.02 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh: Tier 1: First 600 kWh (Winter)6.84 6.84 0% Tier 2: All Additional kWh (Winter)4.55 4.55 0% Tier 1: All kWh (Summer)6.84 6.84 0% Energy Cost Adjustment (ECA)Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable General Service Small - GS Facility Charge $ - Single Phase 16.60 16.60 0% Facility Charge $ - Three Phase 22.17 22.17 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh Tier 1: First 2,500 kWh 8.52 8.52 0% Tier 2: All Aditional kWh 4.46 4.46 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable General Service Medium - GM Facility Charge $ - Single Phase 16.60 16.60 0% Facility Charge $ - Three Phase 22.17 22.17 0% Demand Charge/$ per kW 4.78 4.78 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh: Secondary Service (GM1) Tier 1: First 6,000 kWh 5.23 5.23 0% Tier 2: All Additional kWh 4.32 4.32 0% For Primary Service (GM2) Tier 1: First 6,000 kWh 5.13 5.13 0% Tier 2: All Additional kWh 4.22 4.22 0% For Primary Service & Ownership (GM3) Tier 1: First 6,000 kWh 4.93 4.93 0% Tier 2: All Additional kWh 4.02 4.02 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable General Service Large - GL Facility Charge $69.06 69.06 0% Demand Charge/$ per kVA 10.80 10.80 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh: Secondary Service (GL1) Tier 1: First 200,000 kWh 2.45 2.45 0% Tier 2: All Additional kWh 1.40 1.40 0% For Primary Service (GL2) Tier 1: First 200,000 kWh 2.35 2.35 0% Tier 2: All Additional kWh 1.30 1.30 0% For Primary Service & Ownership (GL3) Tier 1: First 200,000 kWh 2.15 2.15 0% Tier 2: All Additional kWh 1.10 1.10 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable General Service Time Of Use - TG Facility Charge $80.54 80.54 0% Demand Charge/$ per kVA On-Peak 13.76 13.76 0% Demand Charge/$ per kVA Off-Peak 2.72 2.72 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh: For Secondary Service (TG1)0.82 0.82 0% For Primary Service (TG2)0.72 0.72 0% For Primary Service & Ownership (TG3)0.52 0.52 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable CITY OF DENTON ELECTRIC UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISONRate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance Local Government Service Small - GOS Facility Charge $ - Single Phase 16.60 16.66 0% Facility Charge $ - Three Phase 22.17 22.24 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh Tier 1: First 2,500 kWh 8.52 7.79 9% Tier 2: All Aditional kWh 4.46 7.79 -43% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable Local Government Service Medium - GOM Facility Charge $ - Single Phase 16.60 16.61 0% Facility Charge $ - Three Phase 22.17 22.19 0% Demand Charge/$ per kW 4.78 8.18 -42% Usage Charge/cents per kWh Tier 1: First 6,000 kWh 5.23 3.70 41% Tier 2: All Aditional kWh 4.32 3.70 17% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable Local Government Service Large - GOL Facility Charge $ - Three Phase 69.06 N/A Demand Charge/$ per kVA 10.80 N/A Usage Charge/cents per kWh Secondary Service (GOL) Tier 1: First 200,000 kWh 2.45 N/A Tier 2: All Additional kWh 1.40 N/A For Primary Service (GO2) Tier 1: First 200,000 kWh 2.35 N/A Tier 2: All Additional kWh 1.30 N/A For Primary Service & Ownership (GO3) Tier 1: First 200,000 kWh 2.15 N/A Tier 2: All Additional kWh 1.10 N/A Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable Temporary Service - T1 Facility Charge $ - Single Phase 16.61 16.61 0% Facility Charge $ - Three Phase 22.19 22.19 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh 8.54 8.54 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable Labor/Equipment $ per Hour - Regular Time Actual Costs Actual Costs Labor/Equipment $ per Hour - Overtime Actual Costs Actual Costs Unsalvageable Material/City's Warehouse cost plus 25%25% Above Cost 25% Above Cost Administrative Fee 10% of Total Costs 10% of Total Costs Athletic Field - AF Facility Charge $ - Single Phase 22.75 22.75 0% Facility Charge $ - Three Phase 34.11 34.11 0% Demand Charge/$ per kW: October through May (Winter)1.44 1.44 0% June through September On-Peak (Summer)6.06 6.06 0% June through September Off-Peak (Summer)1.44 1.44 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh: October through May (Winter) 4.89 4.89 0% June through September On-Peak (Summer)9.77 9.77 0% June through September Off-Peak (Summer)4.89 4.89 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable CITY OF DENTON ELECTRIC UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISONRate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance Street Lighting - LS Sodium: LSA 100 W Facility Charges 6.08 6.08 0% LSB 250 W Facility Charges 8.62 8.62 0% LSC 400 W Facility Charges 10.86 10.86 0% LED: LSD 100 W Facility Charges 6.08 6.08 0% LSE 250 W Facility Charges 8.62 8.62 0% LSF 400 W Facility Charges 10.86 10.86 0% LSG 85 W Facility Charges 10.86 N/A ECA Charge = Monthly Bulb Wattage Factor x ECA Variable Variable Monthly Bulb Wattage Factors: Sodium: 100 W 48 kWh 48 kWh 250 W 105 kWh 105 kWh 400 W 159 kWh 159 kWh LED: 100 W 25 kWh 25 kWh 250 W 96 kWh 96 kWh 400 W 148 kWh 148 kWh 85 W 23 kWh N/A Traffic Lighting Metered Traffic Lighting (LT) Usage Charge/cents per kWh 6.64 6.64 0% Unmetered Traffic Lighting (ULT) Usage Charge/cents per kWh 6.64 6.64 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable Unmetered School Zone/Crossing Flashers - UFL Usage Charge/cents per kWh 6.64 6.64 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable Unmetered Security Camera - USC Facility Charge $17.82 17.82 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh 6.64 6.64 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable Unmetered Wi-Fi Devices - UWF Facility Charge $17.82 17.82 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh 6.64 6.64 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable Other Lighting - LO LOA (unmetered lighting) Usage Charge/cents per kWh 6.64 6.64 0% where Usage Charge = kWh rate x Bulb Wattage/1000 x 333 hrs ECA Charge = Current ECA x Bulb Wattage/1000 x 333 hrs LOB (metered lighting) Usage Charge/cents per kWh 6.64 6.64 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Security Lighting - DD Sodium: CITY OF DENTON ELECTRIC UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISONRate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance DSA 100 W Facility Charges $9.61 9.61 0% DSB 250 W Facility Charges $12.71 12.71 0% DSC 400 W Facility Charges $15.32 15.32 0% DHA 250W Metal Halide Facility Charges $14.95 14.95 0% DHB 400W Metal Halide Facility Charges $17.82 17.82 0% LED: DSD 100 W Facility Charges $9.61 9.61 0% DSE 250 W Facility Charges $12.71 12.71 0% DSF 400 W Facility Charges $15.32 15.32 0% ECA Charge = Current ECA x Monthly Bulb Wattage Factor Monthly Bulb Wattage Factors: Sodium: 100 W 48 kWh 48 kWh 250 W 105 kWh 105 kWh 400 W 159 kWh 159 kWh LED: 100 W 25 kWh 25 kWh 250 W 96 kWh 96 kWh 400 W 148 kWh 148 kWh Non-Standard Street Lighting - DSL Facility Charge $ 9.18 9.18 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh: where Usage Charge = kWh rate x Bulb Wattage Factor DLSA 100 W Sodium Vapor 6.64 6.64 0% DLSB 250 W Sodium Vapor 6.64 6.64 0% DLSC 400 W Sodium Vapor 6.64 6.64 0% DLHA 250 W Metal Halide 6.64 6.64 0% DLHB 400 W Metal Halide 6.64 6.64 0% ECA Charge = Current ECA x Monthly Bulb Wattage Factor Monthly Bulb Wattage Factors: 100 W 48 kWh 48 kWh 250 W 105 kWh 105 kWh 400 W 159 kWh 159 kWh Labor/Equipment $ per Hour - Regular Time Actual Costs Actual Costs Labor/Equipment $ per Hour - Overtime Actual Costs Actual Costs Material/City's Warehouse cost plus 25%25% Above Cost 25% Above Cost Administrative Fee 10% of Total Costs 10% of Total Costs Economic Growth Rider - EGR Reduction to Monthly Load Demand: Year 1 50%50% Year 2 40%40% Year 3 30%30% Year 4 20%20% Year 5 10%10% Pole Attachment Fee - PAF Annual Pole Attachment/per attachment 15.57 15.57 0% On-Pole Conduit Rate/per linear foot 15.57 15.57 0% In-Ground Conduit Rate Variable Variable Riser Rate/per riser 160 160 0% Miscellaneous Attachments/per misc attachment 100 100 0% Application Filing Fee/per submittal 100 100 0% Review & Inspection Fee/per pole 25 25 0% Mileage Fee/per pole 5 5 0% Miscellaneous Analysis Fee/per pole 225 225 0% Unauthorized Attachment Penalty/per attachment per pole 1,000 1,000 0% Undefined Work/Expense Variable Variable CITY OF DENTON ELECTRIC UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISONRate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance Banner Install Fee Over the Street Banner Install/per banner 100 100 0% Pole One Time Banner Install/per banner 15 15 0% Pole Seasonal Banner Install/per banner 27 27 0% Wireless Node Attachments - WNA Facility Charge $17.82 17.82 0% Usage Charge/cents per kWh 6.64 6.64 0% Energy Cost Adjustment Variable Variable Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF)Variable Variable Electric Vehicle Charging Rate - EVCR Usage Charge/cents per minute 4.00 N/A Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Proposed Rates % Change Residential - WR & WRN 3/4" Meter 15.84 16.00 -1.00% 1" Meter 20.59 20.80 -1.00% 1 1/2" Meter 26.93 27.20 -1.00% 2" Meter 34.06 34.40 -1.00% All Gallons Block Rate - Winter 4.05 4.15 -2.41% First Block Rate - Summer 4.05 4.15 -2.41% Second Block Rate - Summer 5.76 5.90 -2.41% Third Block Rate - Summer 7.95 8.15 -2.41% Fourth Block Rate - Summer 10.64 10.90 -2.41% Residential outside Corporate Limits - WRO & WRNO 3/4" Meter 18.40 18.40 0.00% 1" Meter 23.90 23.90 0.00% 1 1/2" Meter 31.30 31.30 0.00% 2" Meter 39.55 39.55 0.00% All Gallons Block Rate - Winter 4.75 4.75 0.00% First Block Rate - Summer 4.75 4.75 0.00% Second Block Rate - Summer 6.80 6.80 0.00% Third Block Rate - Summer 9.35 9.35 0.00% Fourth Block Rate - Summer 12.55 12.55 0.00% Residential Irrigation - WRI 3/4" Meter 15.84 16.00 -1.00% 1" Meter 20.59 20.80 -1.00% 1 1/2" Meter 26.93 27.20 -1.00% 2" Meter 34.06 34.40 -1.00% All Gallons Block Rate - Winter 4.05 4.15 -2.41% First Block Rate - Summer 5.76 5.90 -2.41% Second Block Rate - Summer 7.95 8.15 -2.41% Third Block Rate - Summer 10.64 10.90 -2.41% Residential Irrigation - WRIO 3/4" Meter 18.40 18.40 0.00% 1" Meter 23.90 23.90 0.00% 1 1/2" Meter 31.30 31.30 0.00% 2" Meter 39.55 39.55 0.00% All Gallons Block Rate - Winter 4.75 4.75 0.00% First Block Rate - Summer 6.80 6.80 0.00% Second Block Rate - Summer 9.35 9.35 0.00% Third Block Rate - Summer 12.55 12.55 0.00% CITY OF DENTON WATER UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Proposed Rates % Change CITY OF DENTON WATER UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Commercial / Industrial - WC & WCN 3/4" Meter 22.37 22.60 -1.00% 1" Meter 31.68 32.00 -1.00% 1 1/2" Meter 38.31 38.70 -1.00% 2" Meter 50.99 51.50 -1.00% 3" Meter 109.30 110.40 -1.00% 4" Meter 216.71 218.90 -1.00% 6" Meter 296.21 299.20 -1.00% 8" Meter 415.01 419.20 -1.00% 10" Meter 594.00 600.00 -1.00% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons 4.34 4.45 -2.41% Commercial outside Corporate Limits - WCO & WCNO 3/4" Meter 26.00 26.00 0.00% 1" Meter 36.80 36.80 0.00% 1 1/2" Meter 44.50 44.50 0.00% 2" Meter 59.25 59.25 0.00% 3" Meter 126.95 126.95 0.00% 4" Meter 251.75 251.75 0.00% 6" Meter 344.10 344.10 0.00% 8" Meter 482.10 482.10 0.00% 10" Meter 690.00 690.00 0.00% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons 5.10 5.10 0.00% Commercial Irrigation - WCI 3/4" Meter 22.37 22.60 -1.00% 1" Meter 31.68 32.00 -1.00% 1 1/2" Meter 38.31 38.70 -1.00% 2" Meter 50.99 51.50 -1.00% 3" Meter 109.30 110.40 -1.00% 4" Meter 216.71 218.90 -1.00% 6" Meter 296.21 299.20 -1.00% 8" Meter 415.01 419.20 -1.00% 10" Meter 594.00 600.00 -1.00% Volume Charge - Winter / 1000 Gallons 4.34 4.45 -2.41% Volume Charge - Summer / 1000 Gallons 6.00 6.15 -2.41% Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Proposed Rates % Change CITY OF DENTON WATER UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Commercial Irrigation - WCIO 3/4" Meter 26.00 26.00 0.00% 1" Meter 36.80 36.80 0.00% 1 1/2" Meter 44.50 44.50 0.00% 2" Meter 59.25 59.25 0.00% 3" Meter 126.95 126.95 0.00% 4" Meter 251.75 251.75 0.00% 6" Meter 344.10 344.10 0.00% 8" Meter 482.10 482.10 0.00% 10" Meter 690.00 690.00 0.00% Volume Charge - Winter / 1000 Gallons 5.10 5.10 0.00% Volume Charge - Summer / 1000 Gallons 7.10 7.10 0.00% Metered Hydrant - WFH Facility Charge (Fire Hydrant Meter) 110.63 111.75 -1.00% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons 5.07 5.20 -2.41% Deposit 1,100 1,100 0.00% Wholesale - WW2 Facility Charge / 30 days 288.72 288.72 0.00% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons 0.61 0.61 0.00% Demand Charge / per MGD 667,879 667,879 0.00% Wholesale - Raw - WRW Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (85% of Dallas) 0.7578 0.7401 2.39% Wholesale Raw Wtr Pass Through - WCL Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons 0.0275 0.0270 1.85% 1" Tap With Meter Fees - Paved 5/8 x 3/4 Inch 2,405 2,405 0.00% 3/4 x 3/4 Inch 2,445 2,445 0.00% 1 Inch 2,475 2,475 0.00% 2" Tap With Meter Fees - Paved 1 1/2 Inch 3,070 3,070 0.00% 2 Inch 3,080 3,080 0.00% 1" Tap With Meter Fees - Unpaved 5/8 x 3/4 Inch 1,605 1,605 0.00% 3/4 x 3/4 Inch 1,645 1,645 0.00% 1 Inch 1,675 1,675 0.00% Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Proposed Rates % Change CITY OF DENTON WATER UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON 2" Tap With Meter Fees - Unpaved 1 1/2 Inch 2,070 2,070 0.00% 2 Inch 2,080 2,080 0.00% Meter Fees 5/8 x 3/4 Inch 305.00 305.00 0.00% 3/4 x 3/4 Inch 345.00 345.00 0.00% 1 Inch 375.00 375.00 0.00% 1 1/2 Inch 670.00 670.00 0.00% 2 Inch 680.00 680.00 0.00% Meter Relocation Fees 3/4 Inch 285.00 285.00 0.00% 1 Inch 285.00 285.00 0.00% 1 1/2 Inch 340.00 340.00 0.00% 2 Inch 390.00 390.00 0.00% Tap Without Meter Fees Paved 4 Inch 3,600 3,600 0.00% 6 Inch 3,800 3,800 0.00% 8 Inch 4,800 4,800 0.00% 12 Inch 5,500 5,500 0.00% Unpaved 4 Inch 2,100 2,100 0.00% 6 Inch 2,200 2,200 0.00% 8 Inch 3,100 3,100 0.00% 12 Inch 4,000 4,000 0.00% Fire Hydrant Installation Paved 6,200 6,200 0.00% Unpaved 4,300 4,300 0.00% Laboratory Testing Fees Colilert (P/A) 20.00 20.00 0.00% Colilert Quantitray (MPN) 25.00 25.00 0.00% Heterotrophic Plate Counts (HPC) 25.00 25.00 0.00% Colilert Quantitray Fecal Coliform (MF) 25.00 25.00 0.00% Records Search - per hour 25.00 25.00 0.00% Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance Residential - SR & SRO Facility Charge (Inside City)11.00 11.00 0% Facility Charge (Outside City)12.75 12.75 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Inside City)3.80 3.80 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Outside City)4.40 4.40 0% % of Water Consumption 100%100%0% Residential without Water Service - SRNI & SRNO Facility Charge (Inside City)11.00 11.00 0% Facility Charge (Outside City)12.75 12.75 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Inside City)3.80 3.80 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Outside City)4.40 4.40 0% Mobile Home Park - SMH & SMHO Facility Charge (Inside City)26.50 26.50 0% Facility Charge (Outside City)30.50 30.50 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Inside City)3.80 3.80 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Outside City)4.40 4.40 0% % of Water Consumption 100%100%0% Mobile Home Park without Water Service - SMNI & SMNO Facility Charge (Inside City)26.50 26.50 0% Facility Charge (Outside City)30.50 30.50 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Inside City)3.80 3.80 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Outside City)4.40 4.40 0% Wastewater Volume Billed (Gallons)5,000 5,000 0% Regular Commercial - SC & SCO Facility Charge (Inside City)26.50 26.50 0% Facility Charge (Outside City)30.50 30.50 0% Pretreatment / Program Categorical (SCA)400.00 400.00 0% Pretreatment / Program Non-categorical (SCB)50.00 50.00 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Inside City)4.85 4.85 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Outside City)5.50 5.50 0% Sampling Charge (As Required)60 60 0% Analysis Charge (As Required)Actual Cost Actual Cost Violation Demand Charge - Four-Part Grab (As Required)170.00 170.00 0% Violation Demand Charge - 1st Day Sampling (As Required)110.00 110.00 0% Violation Demand Charge - Additional Day Sampling (As Required)50.00 50.00 0% Surcharge - See Below % of Water Consumption 95%95%0% CITY OF DENTON WASTEWATER UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance CITY OF DENTON WASTEWATER UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Commercial / Industrial without Water Service - SCNI & SCNO Facility Charge (Inside City)26.50 26.50 0% Facility Charge (Outside City)30.50 30.50 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Inside)4.85 4.85 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Outside)5.50 5.50 0% Sampling Charge (As Required)60.00 60.00 0% Analysis Charge (As Required)Actual Cost Actual Cost Violation Demand Charge - Four-Part Grab (As Required)170.00 170.00 0% Violation Demand Charge - 1st Day Sampling (As Required)110.00 110.00 0% Violation Demand Charge - Additional Day Sampling (As Required)50.00 50.00 0% Wastewater Volume (For Apartments) Gallons 5,000 5,000 0% Surcharge - See Below Commercial with Dedicated Water Meters - SCD Water Metered and Returned to the WW system 3/4" Meter 26.00 26.00 0% 1" Meter 36.80 36.80 0% 1 1/2" Meter 44.50 44.50 0% 2" Meter 59.25 59.25 0% 3" Meter 126.95 126.95 0% 4" Meter 251.75 251.75 0% 6" Meter 344.10 344.10 0% 8" Meter 482.10 482.10 0% 10" Meter 690.00 690.00 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons 4.85 4.85 0% Surcharge - See Below % of Water Consumption 100%100%0% Commercial with Dedicated Water Meters - SCS Water Metered and NOT Returned to the WW system 3/4" Meter 26.00 26.00 0% 1" Meter 36.80 36.80 0% 1 1/2" Meter 44.50 44.50 0% 2" Meter 59.25 59.25 0% 3" Meter 126.95 126.95 0% 4" Meter 251.75 251.75 0% 6" Meter 344.10 344.10 0% 8" Meter 482.10 482.10 0% 10" Meter 690.00 690.00 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons - - Surcharge - See Below % of Water Consumption 100%100%0% Septage Transfer Station - SCH Facility Charge 5.80 5.80 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons 37.20 37.20 0% Application Fee 300.00 300.00 0% Vehicle Permit Fee 300.00 300.00 0% Waste Manifests Book 40.00 40.00 0% Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance CITY OF DENTON WASTEWATER UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Equipment Services & Eating Establishments - SEE Facility Charge 26.50 26.50 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons 6.75 6.75 0% Pretreatment / Program Categorical (SEA)400.00 400.00 0% Pretreatment / Program Non-categorical (SEB)50.00 50.00 0% Sampling Charge (As Required)60.00 60.00 0% Analysis Charge (As Required)Actual Cost Actual Cost Violation Demand Charge - Four-Part Grab (As Required)170.00 170.00 0% Violation Demand Charge - 1st Day Sampling (As Required)110.00 110.00 0% Violation Demand Charge - Additional Day Sampling (As Required)50.00 50.00 0% Surcharge - See Below % of Water Consumption 95%95%0% Metered Wastewater - SMI & SMO Facility Charge (Inside City)323.00 323.00 0% Facility Charge (Outside City)361.50 361.50 0% Pretreatment / Program Categorical (SMA)400.00 400.00 0% Pretreatment / Program Non-Categorical (SMB)50.00 50.00 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Inside)4.85 4.85 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons (Outside)5.50 5.50 0% Sampling Charge 60.00 60.00 0% Analysis Charge Actual Cost Actual Cost Violation Demand Charge - Four-Part Grab (As Required)170.00 170.00 0% Violation Demand Charge - 1st Day Sampling (As Required)110.00 110.00 0% Violation Demand Charge - Additional Day Sampling (As Required)50.00 50.00 0% Surcharge - See Below Treated Wastewater Effluent - SGE Facility Charge 3/4" Meter 22.60 22.60 0% 1" Meter 32.00 32.00 0% 1 1/2" Meter 38.70 38.70 0% 2" Meter 51.50 51.50 0% 3" Meter 110.40 110.40 0% 4" Meter 218.90 218.90 0% 6" Meter 299.20 299.20 0% 8" Meter 419.20 419.20 0% 10" Meter 600.00 600.00 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons 1.50 1.50 0% Wholesale - SSC Facility Charge 230.75 230.75 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons 2.60 2.60 0% Sampling Charge (As Required)60.00 60.00 0% Analysis Charge (As Required)Actual Cost Actual Cost Violation Demand Charge - Four-Part Grab (As Required)170.00 170.00 0% Violation Demand Charge - 1st Day Sampling (As Required)110.00 110.00 0% Violation Demand Charge - Additional Day Sampling (As Required)50.00 50.00 0% Surcharge - See Below Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance CITY OF DENTON WASTEWATER UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Surcharge Biochemical Oxygen Demand - BOD per pound 0.4700 0.4700 0% Total Suspended Solids - TSS per pound 0.4200 0.4200 0% Flat Rate - SFLAT Facility Charge 26.50 26.50 0% Volume Charge / 1000 Gallons 4.85 4.85 0% Compost - CWM Dyno Soil (Top Soil Blend)30.00 30.00 0% Dyno Dirt 25.00 25.00 0% Dyno Dirt Bagged 4.00 Dyno Lite 30.00 30.00 0% Dyno Dirt Overs 3.00 3.00 0% Compost and Wood Mulch - CWM Dyno Deco Colored Mulch 30.00 30.00 0% Dyno Double Grind 17.50 17.50 0% Dyno Dirt Interdepartmental Discount 40%40%0% Contractor Resale Discount 30%30%0% Asphalt Millings per cubic yard 10.00 10.00 0% Grass / Brush / Leaves - GBL Uncontaminated grass, leaves and brush under 12' lengths 20.00 20.00 0% Uncontaminated grass, leaves and brush greater than 12' lengths 30.00 30.00 0% Contaminated grass, leaves or brush in any length 44.00 44.00 0% Whole trees and stumps 50.00 50.00 0% Minimum Charge per load 25.00 25.00 0% Taps With Cleanout Fees - Paved 4 Inch 2,600 2,600 0% 6 Inch 2,700 2,700 0% 8 Inch 2,800 2,800 0% Taps With Cleanout Fees - Unpaved 4 Inch 1,500 1,500 0% 6 Inch 1,650 1,650 0% 8 Inch 1,800 1,800 0% Manhole Breakout Fee (6" - 12" Line)165.00 165.00 0% Treated Effluent WW Taps - Paved 4 Inch Actual Cost Actual Cost 6 Inch Actual Cost Actual Cost 8 Inch Actual Cost Actual Cost 12 Inch Actual Cost Actual Cost Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance CITY OF DENTON WASTEWATER UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Treated Effluent WW Taps - Unpaved 4 Inch Actual Cost Actual Cost 6 Inch Actual Cost Actual Cost 8 Inch Actual Cost Actual Cost 12 Inch Actual Cost Actual Cost On-Site Sewage Facility Permit Fees - OSSF New Construction of aerobic treatment systems 500.00 500.00 0% Reinspection fee of aerobic treatment systems 250.00 250.00 0% New Construction of non-aerobic treatment systems 300.00 300.00 0% Reinspection Fee of non-aerobic treatment systems 150.00 150.00 0% Repair or Alteration fees (all types of OSSF's)200.00 200.00 0% Collection and Transportation Service Permit - SWP Application Fee 200.00 200.00 0% Truck Service Fee 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Container Fee, per Cubic Yard, per Container - Annual 0.00 0.00 Right-of-Way Fee, per Cubic Yard, per Container / per Month 0.00 0.00 Waste manifests per Vehicle 400.00 400.00 0% Waste manifests per book of 100 40.00 40.00 0% Small Operators Collection and Transportation Fees - SWP Application Fee 0.00 0.00 Truck Service Fee 0.00 0.00 Container Fee, per Cubic Yard, per Container - Annual 0.00 0.00 Right-of-Way Fee, per Cubic Yard, per Container / per Month 0.00 0.00 Waste manifests per book of 100 0.00 0.00 Residential Storm Drainage Fees - SDR Fee Block 0 - 600 0.50 0.50 0% 601 - 1,000 1.00 1.00 0% 1,001 - 2,000 3.35 3.35 0% 2,001 - 3,000 5.45 5.45 0% 3,001 - 4,000 7.60 7.60 0% 4,001 - 5,000 9.75 9.75 0% 5,001 - 6,000 12.00 12.00 0% Over 6,000 15.50 15.50 0% Non-Residential Storm Drainage Fees - SDN Per Sq Ft of Impervious Surface Cover 0.00186 0.00186 0% Stormwater Reinspection Fee - SDI Reinspection Fee 150.00 150.00 0% Engines manufactured prior to Jan. 2003 Tier IV engines manufd after January 2011 Tier III eng manufd between Jan. 2007 and Dec 2010 Engines manufd between Jan. 2003 - Dec. 2006 Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance Residential Storm Drainage Fees - SDR Fee Block 0 - 600 0.50 0.50 0% 601 - 1,000 1.00 1.00 0% 1,001 - 2,000 3.35 3.35 0% 2,001 - 3,000 5.45 5.45 0% 3,001 - 4,000 7.60 7.60 0% 4,001 - 5,000 9.75 9.75 0% 5,001 - 6,000 12.00 12.00 0% Over 6,000 15.50 15.50 0% Non-Residential Storm Drainage Fees - SDN Per Sq Ft of Impervious Surface Cover 0.00186 0.00186 0% Stormwater Reinspection Fee - SDI Reinspection Fee 150 150 0% CITY OF DENTON DRAINAGE UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance Residential Collection Services Monthly Rate Monthly Rate Standard Refuse & Recycling Cart (65 Gallon Refuse Cart)20.51 21.51 -5% Large Refuse & Recycling Cart (95 Gallon Refuse Cart)25.04 26.26 -5% Additional Large Refuse Cart 16.57 17.38 -5% Yard Waste Subscription - Kraft Bags*1.00 1.00 0% Yard Waste Subscription - Cart*0.50 0.50 0% Residential Service Fees Bulk Waste Collection - per item, in excess of 2 items per collection*5.00 5.00 0% Brush Collection - per staff hour, in excess of 4 cubic yards*75.00 75.00 0% Appliances & Electronics Collection (per item)20.00 20.00 0% Residential Remodeling - per cubic yard-(4 CY maximum)25.00 25.00 0% Yard Waste Cart - per cart purchase*20.00 20.00 0% Cart Change Out Fee (next service day)50.00 50.00 0% Commercial Service - SWC One Pair-Refuse and Recycling Carts 33.25 33.25 0% Additional Refuse Cart 19.75 19.75 0% Additional Recycling Cart 15.00 15.00 0% Commercial Side Load Refuse & Recycling 1xPer Week Commercial Side Load-3 CY 104.64 104.64 0% Commercial Side Load-4 CY 139.52 139.52 0% 2xPer Week Commercial Side Load-3 CY 209.28 209.28 0% Commercial Side Load-4 CY 279.04 279.04 0% 3xPer Week Commercial Side Load-3 CY 313.92 313.92 0% Commercial Side Load-4 CY 418.56 418.56 0% 4xPer Week Commercial Side Load-3 CY 439.44 439.44 0% Commercial Side Load-4 CY 585.92 585.92 0% 5xPer Week Commercial Side Load-3 CY 576.90 576.90 0% Commercial Side Load-4 CY 769.20 769.20 0% 6xPer Week Commercial Side Load-3 CY 726.84 726.84 0% Commercial Side Load-4 CY 969.12 969.12 0% CITY OF DENTON SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance CITY OF DENTON SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Commercial Front Load Refuse & Recycling 1xPer Week Commercial Front Load-3 CY 74.16 74.16 0% Commercial Front Load-4 CY 98.88 98.88 0% Commercial Front Load-6 CY 148.32 148.32 0% Commercial Front Load-8 CY 197.76 197.76 0% 2xPer Week Commercial Front Load-3 CY 148.32 148.32 0% Commercial Front Load-4 CY 197.76 197.76 0% Commercial Front Load-6 CY 296.64 296.64 0% Commercial Front Load-8 CY 395.52 395.52 0% 3xPer Week Commercial Front Load-3 CY 222.48 222.48 0% Commercial Front Load-4 CY 296.64 296.64 0% Commercial Front Load-6 CY 444.96 444.96 0% Commercial Front Load-8 CY 593.28 593.28 0% 4xPer Week Commercial Front Load-3 CY 311.52 311.52 0% Commercial Front Load-4 CY 415.36 415.36 0% Commercial Front Load-6 CY 623.04 623.04 0% Commercial Front Load-8 CY 830.72 830.72 0% 5xPer Week Commercial Front Load-3 CY 408.75 408.75 0% Commercial Front Load-4 CY 545.00 545.00 0% Commercial Front Load-6 CY 817.50 817.50 0% Commercial Front Load-8 CY 1,090.00 1,090.00 0% 6xPer Week Commercial Front Load-3 CY 515.16 515.16 0% Commercial Front Load-4 CY 686.88 686.88 0% Commercial Front Load-6 CY 1,030.32 1,030.32 0% Commercial Front Load-8 CY 1,373.76 1,373.76 0% Valet Shared Service Rates* Tier 1 - Offices and Residential 24.70 24.70 0% Tier 2 - Small Retail Stores and Bars (no food)74.16 138.25 -46% Tier 3 - Large Retail Stores, Bars (with food), and Small Restaurants 148.75 148.75 0% Tier 4 - Medium Sized Restaurants (limited service)289.50 289.50 0% Tier 5 - Large Sized Restaurants (full service)460.00 460.00 0% Compactor Rates Front Load Compactor Service (Per CY)74.16 74.16 0% 30 Cubic Yard Self Contained Compactor 448.95 448.95 0% 42 Cubic Yard Stationary Compactor 645.75 645.75 0% Container Service Fee (Each Haul)275.00 275.00 0% Roll-Off Container Rates Container Rental - (monthly)167.08 167.08 0% Container Service Fee (Each Haul)275.00 275.00 0% Commercial Organics Collection Service Monthly Service Fee (3 CY 1 x week)374.13 374.13 0% Extra Empty 240.00 240.00 0% Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance CITY OF DENTON SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Commercial Service Fees Delivery / Inaccessible / Relocation / Exchange / Extra Service 75.00 75.00 0% Same Day Service Fee 50.00 50.00 0% Dumpster Lock Installation (one-time fee)20.00 20.00 0% Temporary Container Service Rental Fee Per Month 80.00 80.00 0% Temporary Container Service Per Empty Fee 120.00 120.00 0% Damaged Containers Repl. Cost Repl. Cost 0% Bulk Waste Collection - Trip Fee*20.00 20.00 0% Bulk Waste Collection - Per Item Collection Fee*5.00 5.00 0% Yard Waste Service - Per Staff Hour (in 15 minute increments)75.00 -100% Landfill Rates (per ton)Per Ton Per Ton Gate Rate (City of Denton Residents/Businesses) 44.00 44.00 0% Gate Rate (Non-Denton Residents/Businesses) 48.00 46.00 4% City Hauled Disposal Rate (Open Top & Compactors)40.00 40.00 0% Wholesale Rate 24.50 24.50 0% Sludge Dewatered 50.00 46.00 9% Clean Concrete, Asphate, Brick, or Dirt (if needed)22.00 22.00 0% Special Waste (Must be pre-approved by City of Denton)Varies Varies Minimum Charge (per load) 25.00 25.00 0% After Hour Fee 120.00 120.00 0% Unsecured Loads - per load 20.00 20.00 0% Electronics - Per Item 10.00 10.00 0% Appliances - Per item 10.00 10.00 0% Cubic Yardage Rates (in event of scale outage) Uncompacted MSW / CY 7.50 7.50 0% Compacted MSW / CY 14.50 14.50 0% Brush and Green Waste Per Ton Per Ton Whole tree stumps 50.00 50.00 0% Unbagged grass, leaves, and brush <=12'-bagged not accepted 20.00 20.00 0% Brush >12'30.00 30.00 0% *Represents new service and rate for FY 20 Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance NEW SERVICE CHARGES All Meters except for Non-Standard Electric Meter First Service Requested 23.00 23.00 0% First Service Requested, guaranteed same day service (In addition to first service requested)30.00 30.00 0% Non-Standard Electric Meter First Service Requested 131.00 131.00 0% First Service Requested, guaranteed sam day service 176.00 176.00 0% Meter Reconnection Charge Residential Delinquent Service Fee (When service is disconnected at the electric socket or water meter)23.00 23.00 0% Residential Reconnect Charge, guaranteed same day service (In addition to delinquent service fees)30.00 30.00 0% Commercial Delinquent Service Fee (When service is disconnected at the electric meter socket or water meter)46.00 46.00 0% Commercial Reconnect Charge, guaranteed same day service (In addition to delinquent service fees)61.00 61.00 0% Delienquent Service Fee (When service is disconnected at the electric transformer or water meter removed)168.00 168.00 0% Reconnect Charge, guaranteed same day service (When service is disconnected at the transformer or water meter removed)231.00 231.00 0% Return trip charge during business hours 23.00 23.00 0% Return trip charge after business hours 61.00 61.00 0% Unauthorized Usage Penalty Unauthorized Usage Penalty 30.00 30.00 0% Meter Reading Per Additional Reading 46.00 46.00 0% CITY OF DENTON MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Rate Schedule 2021 2020 Rates Rates Variance CITY OF DENTON MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY FISCAL YEAR RATE COMPARISON Meter Testing KWH Electric Meter per test 62.00 62.00 0% KW/KWH Electric Meter per test 93.00 93.00 0% Water Meter per test 93.00 93.00 0% Meter Tampering and/or Damage Charge Electric connection per event 310.00 310.00 0% Water Connection per event 200.00 200.00 0% Meter Inaccessibility Charge Per Event 46.00 46.00 0% New Customer Application Fees New Residential Customer Application Charge - per person 3.00 3.00 0% New Commercial Customer Application Charge 16.00 16.00 0% Late Payment Charge Per Late Payment 20.00 20.00 0% Interest Charge Per Month on all past due charges and account balances unpaid 1%1%0% Credit Card Processing Service Fee Per Non-Residential Customer's Payment Transaction 2.7%2.7%0% Returned Payment Charge Per Check 27.00 27.00 0% Rate Identifier Description RES RES Residential Service RPP Residential Prepaid Service GS GS General Service Small GM GM1 General Service Medium Secondary Voltage GM2 General Service Medium Primary Voltage GM3 General Service Medium Primary Voltage + Owner GL GL1 General Service Large Secondary Voltage GL2 General Service Large Primary Voltage GL3 General Service Large Primary Voltage + Owner TG TG1 General Service Time of Use Secondary Voltage TG2 General Service Time Of Use Primary Voltage TG3 General Service Time Of Use Primary + Owner GOS GOS Local Government Service Small GOM GOM Local Government Service Medium GOL GOL Local Government Service Large Secondary Voltage GO2 Local Government Service Large Primary Voltage GO3 Local Government Service Large Primary + Owner T1 T1 Temporary Service AF AF Athletic Field LS LS Street Lighting LSA 100 W Sodium Vapor LSB 250 W Sodium Vapor LSC 400 W Sodium Vapor LSD 100 W Equivalent LED LSE 250 W Equivalent LED LSF 400 W Equivalent LED LSG 85 W Equivalent LED LT LT Traffic Lighting ULT Unmetered Traffic Lighting UFL UFL Unmetered School Zone/Crossing Flashers CITY OF DENTON ELECTRIC UTILITY ELECTRIC RATE CODES - OCTOBER 1, 2020 Rate Identifier Description CITY OF DENTON ELECTRIC UTILITY ELECTRIC RATE CODES - OCTOBER 1, 2020 USC USC Unmetered Security Camera UWF UWF Unmetered Wi-Fi Devices LO LO Other Lighting LOA Unmetered Lighting LOB Metered Lighting DD DD Security Lighting DSA 100 W Sodium Vapor DSB 250 W Sodium Vapor DSC 400 W Sodium Vapor DHA 250 W Metal Halide DHB 400 W Metal Halide DSD 100 W Equivalent LED DSE 250 W Equivalent LED DSF 400 W Equivalent LED DSL DSL Non-Standard Street Lighting DLSA 100 W Sodium Vapor DLSB 250 W Sodium Vapor DLSC 400 W Sodium Vapor DLHA 250 W Metal Halide DLHB 400 W Metal Halide EGR EGR Economic Growth Rider GIP GIP GreenSense Incentive Program ECA ECA Energy Cost Adjustment RCA RCA Renewable Cost Adjustment TCRF TCRF Transmission Cost Recovery Factor DGR DGR Distributed Generation from Renewable Sources Rider SFR SFR Special Facilities Rider PAF PAF Pole Attachment Fee BIF BIF Banner Install Fee WNA WNA Wireless Node Attachments WNU Wireless Node Unmetered EVCR EVCR Electric Vehicle Charging Rate Rate Identifier Description WR WR Residential Water WRN Residential Water w/o WW non-irrigation WRI Residential Water w/o WW irrigation WRO WRO Residential Water outside City Limits WRNO Residential Water outside City Limits w/o WW WRIO Residential Water outside City Limits w/o WW irrigation WC WC Commercial Water WCN Commercial Water w/o WW non-irrigation WCI Commercial Water w/o WW irrigation WCO WCO Commercial Water outside City Limits WCNO Commercial Water outside City Limits w/o WW WCIO Commercial Water outside City Limits w/o WW irrigation WFH WFH Fire Hydrant Meter WCL WCL Wholesale Raw Water Pass-Through WW WW2 Wholesale Treated Water - UTRWD / Sanger WD2 Wholesale Demand - UTRWD / Sanger WW3 Wholesale Treated Water - UTRWD / Krum WD3 Wholesale Demand - UTRWD / Krum WRW WRW Wholesale Raw Water WCS Dummy Water Rate for Wastewater Customers W2B Dummy Water Rate for Wastewater Customers WATER TAP & METER FEES Water Tap and Meter Fees FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION FEES Fire Hydrant Installation Fees WATER LABORATORY TESTING FEES Water Laboratory Testing Fees SPECIAL FACILITIES RIDER Special Facilities Rider CITY OF DENTON WATER UTILITY WATER RATE CODES - OCTOBER 1, 2020 Rate Identifier Description SR SR Residential Wastewater SRO Residential Wastewater outside City Limits w/ Water SRNI Residential Wastewater inside City Limits w/o Water SRNO Residential Wastewater outside City Limits w/o Water SMH SMH Mobile Home Wastewater SMHO Mobile Home Wastewater outside City Limits w/ Water SMNI Mobile Home Wastewater inside City Limits w/o Water SMNO Mobile Home Wastewater outside City Limits w/o Water SC SC Commercial Wastewater SCO Commercial Wastewater outside City Limits w/ Water SCNI Commercial Wastewater inside City Limits w/o Water SCNO Commercial Wastewater outside City Limits w/o Water SCA Commercial Wastewater Categorical SCB Commercial Wastewater Non-Categorical SCD SCD Commercial Wastewater Included w/ Water Meter SCS SCS Commercial Wastewater Excluded w/ Water Meter SEE SEE Equipment Services / Eating Establishments Wastewater SEA ES / EE Categorical SEB ES / EE Non-Categorical SCH SCH Septage & Chemical Toilet Disposal at Plant SM SMI Metered Wastewater inside City Limits SMO Metered Wastewater outside City Limits SMA Metered Wastewater Categorical SMB Metered Wastewater Non-Categorical SGE SGE Wastewater Effluent SSC SS1 Wholesale Wastewater - Corinth SS2 Wholesale Wastewater - Argyle SS3 Wholesale Wastewater - Krum SS4 Wholesale Wastewater - Orchard Addition (LCMUA) CWM CWM Dyno Dirt Products GBL GBL Grass / Brush / Leaves CITY OF DENTON WASTEWATER UTILITY WASTEWATER RATE CODES - OCTOBER 1, 2020 Rate Identifier Description CITY OF DENTON WASTEWATER UTILITY WASTEWATER RATE CODES - OCTOBER 1, 2020 ST ST Wastewater Tap and Manhole Fees STE Treated Effluent Wastewater Tap Fees OSSF OSSF On-Site Sewage Facilty Permit Fees SWP Collection and Transportation Services Permit SD SDR Storm Drainage Fees - Residential SDN Storm Drainage Fees - Non-Residential SDI SDI Stormwater Reinspection Fee SPECIAL FACILITIES RIDER Special Facilities Rider ORDINANCE NO.20-1553 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS ESTABLISHING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS : SECTION 1. The Schedule of Rates for electrical services as provided for in Chapter 26 of the City of Denton Code of Ordinances, is as follows: ELECTRIC RATE SCHEDULES PAGE RES GS GM GL TG GOS GOM GOL Tl AF LS LT UFL USC UWF LO DD DSL EGR GIP ECA RCA TCRF DGR SFR PAF BIF WNA EVCR Residential Service General Service Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Time Of Use Local Government Service Small Local Government Service Medium Local Government Service Large Temporary Service Athletic Field Street Lighting Traffic Lighting Unmetered School Zone/Crossing Flashers Unmetered Security Camera Unmetered Wi-FI Devices Other Lighting Security Lighting Non-Standard Street Lighting Economic Growth Rider GreenSense Incentive Program Energy Cost Adjustment Renewable Cost Adjustment Transmission Cost Recovery Factor Distributed Generation From Renewable Sources Rider Special Facilities Rider Pole Attachment Fee Banner Install Fee Wireless Node Attachments Electric Vehicle Charging Rate 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 43 44 46 1 RESDENTLAL ELECTRIC SERVICE (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to any Customer for all electric service used for residential purposes in an individual private dwelling or an individually metered apartment, supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. This Rate is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby, or supplementary service. MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill $ 8.67 $ 17.33 $ 16.02 Single-Phase Service (R2) Three-Phase Service (R2) Prepaid Service (P2) plus; (2)Usage Charge Per kWh Winter (Billing months of November through April): Tier 1: First 600 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh $0.0684 $0.0455 Summer (Billing months of May through October): Tier 1 : All kWh $0.0684 plus; (3)Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA plus; (4)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF MINIMUM BILLING For each billing period, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the Facility Charge as a minimum, regardless of actual energy usage. 2 USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Winter (Billing months of November through April): Usage Charge = kWh in Tier 1 x Tier 1 Rate per kWh kWh in Tier 2 x Tier 2 Rate per kWh, if applicable Summer (Billing months of May through October): Usage Charge = All kWh x Tier I Rate per kWh SPECIAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer’s service requirements shall be provided, subject to Special Facilities Rider. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance SCHEDULE GS GENERAL SERVICE SMALL (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to any commercial customer having a maximum demand of less than 21 kW in each of the previous twelve (12) months for all electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. If the demand is equal to or exceeds 21 kW in two consecutive months, account will be adjusted to bill under General Service Medium (GM) and the Customer must remain on the GSM rate for a minimum of twelve (12) billing periods. This Rate is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby, or supplementary service. MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill $ 16.60 $22.17 Single-Phase Three-Phase plus; (2)Usage Charge Per kWh $0.0852 $0.0446 Tier 1: First 2,500 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh plus; (3) plus; Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA (4)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF MRqIMUM BILLING For each billing period, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the Facility Charge as a minimum, regardless of actual energy usage. USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge =kWh in Tier 1 x Tier 1 Rate per kWh kWh in Tier 2 x Tier 2 Rate per kWh, if applicable 4 SPECLAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer’s service requirements shall be provided, subject to Special Facilities Rider. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. SCHEDULE GM GENERAL SERVICE MEDIUM (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to any commercial customer having a maximum demand that meets or exceeds 21 kW but less than 240 kW in each of the previous twelve (12) months for all electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. If the demand is equal to or exceeds 240 kW in two consecutive months, account will be adjusted to bill under General Service Large (GSL), and the Customer must remain on the GSL rate for a minimum of twelve (12) billing periods. Applicable to GSM Customers utilizing City owned and operated facilities and transformation equipment and who are metered at primary voltage. (GM2) Applicable to GSM Customers that own, operate, and maintain all facilities necessary to receive three- phase primary voltage service and all transformation facilities required for conversion to utilization voltage. (GM3) This Rate is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby, or supplementary servIce MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill $16.60 $22.17 Single-Phase Three-Phase plus; (2)Demand Charge Per kW $4.78All kW plus; (3)Usage Charge Per kWh GM Tier 1: First 6,000 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh $0.0523 $0.0432 GM2 Tier 1: First 6,000 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh $0.0513 $0.0422 $0.0493 $0.0402 GM3 Tier 1: First 6.000 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh plus; 6 (4) plus; Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA (5)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF MINIMUM BILLING For each billing period, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the Facility Charge plus the Demand Charge, regardless of actual energy usage. DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand used in calculating the Demand Charge for the billing period shall be the greater of: (1 ) the actual monthly kW demand as measured during the fifteen (15) minute period of maximum use each month; or (2) 21 kW; or (3) seventy percent (70%) of the maximum monthly actual demand for any month during the previous billing months of May through October in the twelve (12) months ending with the current month. USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge =kWh in Tier 1 x Tier 1 Rate per kWh kWh in Tier 2 x Tier 2 Rate per kWh, if applicable SPECIAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer’s service requirements shall be provided, subject to Special Facilities Rider. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. SCHEDULE GL GENERAT, SERVICE LARGE (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to any commercial customer having a minimum demand of 240 kW for all electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. Customers who elect to discontinue service under this Rate are ineligible for service under this Rate for twelve (12) months. Applicable to GSL Customers utilizing City owned and operated facilities and transformation equipment and who are metered at primary voltage. (GL2) Applicable to GSL Customers that own, operate, and maintain all facilities necessary to receive three- phase primary voltage service and all transformation facilities required for conversion to utilization voltage. (GL3) This Rate is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby, or supplementary service. MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill $69.06Three-Phase plus; (2)Demand Charge Per kVA $10.80All kVA plus; (3)Usage Charge Per kWh GL Tier 1: First 200,000 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh $0.0245 $0.0140 GL2 Tier 1: First 200,000 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh $0.0235 $0.0130 SO.021 5 $0.0110 GL3 Tier 1: First 200,000 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh plus; 8 (4) plus; Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA (5)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF MINIMUM BILLING For each billing period, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the Facility Charge plus the Demand Charge, regardless of actual energy usage. DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand used in calculating the Demand Charge for the billing period shall be the greater of (1 ) the actual monthly kVA demand as measured during the fifteen (15) minute period of maximum use each month; or (2) 250 kVA; or (3) seventy percent (70%) of the maximum monthly kVA actual demand for any month during the previous billing months of May through October in the twelve (12) month period ending with the current month. USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge =kWh in Tier 1 x Tier I Rate per kWh kWh in Tier 2 x Tier 2 Rate per kWh, if applicable SPECLAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer’s service requirements shall be provided, subject to Special Facilities Rider. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. SCHEDULE TG GENERAI, SERVICE TIME OF USE (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to any Customer having a minimum demand of 240 kW for all electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. Customers electing this Rate must remain on this Rate for a minimum of twelve (12) continuous billing months. If the Customer is new or does not have a history of on-peak use for June through September, and elects to accept service on the TGS Rate. the Customer’s demand shall be billed at the GSL Demand Rate until the Customer establishes a separate on-peak and off-peak demand during an on-peak month. Applicable to TGS Customers utilizing City owned and operated facilities and transformation equipment and who are metered at primary voltage. (TG2) Applicable to TGS Customers that own, operate, and maintain all facilities necessary to receive three- phase primary voltage service and all transformation facilities required for conversion to utilization voltage. (TG3) This Rate is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby, or supplementary service. MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill $80.54Three-Phase plus; (2)Demand Charge Per kVA $13.76 $ 2.72 On-Peak Off-Peak plus; (3)Usage Charge Per kWh TG AllkWh $0.0082 $0.0072 $0.0052 TG2 All kWh TG3 AII kWh plus; 10 (5) plus; (6) Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF MINIMUM BILLING For each billing period, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the Facility Charge plus the On-Peak and Off-Peak Demand Charges, regardless of actual energy usage. DEFINITION OF TIME OF USE HOURS The City’s on-peak hours, for the purpose of this rate schedule, are designated as being from 2:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. each Monday through Friday, for the months of June through September excluding Independence Day and Labor Day. The City's on-peak hours may be changed from time to time. The City's off-peak hours, for the purpose of this rate schedule, shall be all hours not designated as on-peak hours. DETERMINATION OF DEMAND On-Peak Demand Charge for the billing period shall be the greater of: (1) the kVA actual demand supplied during the fifteen (15) minute period of maximum use each month during on-peak hours as recorded by the City’s demand meter; or (2) 250 kVA; or (3) one hundred percent (100%) of the actual maximum on-peak demand similarly determined during the billing months of June through September in the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the current month. The On-Peak Demand Charge will be applied to each billing period. Off-Peak Demand Charge for the billing period shall be the greater of: (1) the kVA actual demand supplied during the fifteen (15) minute period of maximum use each month during on-peak hours as recorded by the City’s demand meter; or (2) 250 kVA. The Off-Peak Demand Charge will be applied to each billing period. USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge =All kWh x Rate per kWh SPECLAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer’s service requirements shall be provided, subject to Special Facilities Rider. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. 11 SCHEDULE GOS LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE SMALL (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to any local City, County or School District customer having a maximum demand of less than 21 kW in each of the previous twelve (12) months for all electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. If the demand equals or exceeds 21 kW in two consecutive months, account will be adjusted to bill under Local Government Service Medium (GOM), and the Customer must remain on the GOM Rate for a minimum of twelve (12) billing periods. This Rate is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby or supplementary service. NET MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill $ 16.60 $22.17 Single-Phase Three-Phase plus; (2)Usage Charge Per kWh $0.0852 $0.0446 Tier 1: First 2,500 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh plus; (3) plus; Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA (4)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF MINIMUM BILLING For each billing period, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the Facility Charge as a minimum, regardless of actual energy usage. USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge =All kWh x Rate per kWh 12 SPECLAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer’s service requirements shall be provided, subject to Special Facilities Rider. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. 13 SCHEDULE (,OM LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE MEDIUM (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to any local City, County, or School District customer having a maximum demand that meets or exceeds 21 kW but less than 240 kW in each of the previous twelve (12) months for all electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. If the demand is equal to or exceeds 240 kW in two consecutive months, account will be adjusted to bill under Local Government Service Large (GOL), and the customer must remain on the GOL rate for a minimum of twelve (12) billing periods. This Rate is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby, or supplementary service. NET MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill $ 16.60 $22.17 Single-Phase Three-Phase plus; (2)Demand Charge Per kW $4.78All kW plus; (3)Usage Charge Per kWh $0.0523 $0.0432 Tier 1: First 6,000 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh plus; (4)Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA plus; (5)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF MINIMUM BILLING For each billing period, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the Facility Charge plus the Demand Charge, regardless of actual energy usage. 14 DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand used in calculating the Demand Charge for the billing period shall be the greater of: (1) The actual kW demand supplied during the fifteen (15) minute period of maximum use each month; or (2) fifty percent (50%) of the maximum monthly actual demand for any month during the previous billing months of May through October in the twelve (12) months ending with the current month. USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge =kWh in Tier 1 kWh x Rate per kWh kWh in Tier 2 kWh x Rate per kWh, if applicable SPECLAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer’s service requirements shall be provided, subject to Special Facilities Rider. PAYMENT The due date for the payment of the bill for utility services shall not be less than ten (10) business days after issuance. 15 SCHEDULE GOL LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE LARGE (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to any local City, County, or School District customer having a minimum demand of 240 kW for all electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. Customers who elect to discontinue service under this Rate are ineligible for service under this Rate for twelve (12) months. Applicable to GOL Customers utilizing City owned and operated facilities and transformation equipment and who are metered at primary voltage. (G02) Applicable to GOL Customers that own, operate, and maintain all facilities necessary to receive three- phase primary voltage service and all transformation facilities required for conversion to utilization voltage. (G03) This Rate is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby, or supplementary service. MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill $69.06Three-Phase plus; (2)Demand Charge Per kVA $10.80All kVA plus; (3)Usage Charge Per kWh GOL Tier 1: First 200,000 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh $0.0245 $0.0140 G02 Tier 1: First 200,000 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh $0.0235 $0.0130 $0.0215 $0.0110 G03 Tier 1: First 200.000 kWh Tier 2: Additional kWh plus; 16 (4) plus; Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA (5)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF MINIMUM BILLING For each billing period, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the Facility Charge plus the Demand Charge, regardless of actual energy usage. DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand used in calculating the Demand Charge for the billing period shall be the greater of: (1 ) the actual monthly kVA demand as measured during the fifteen (15) minute period of maximum use each month; or (2) fifty percent (50%) of the maximum monthly kVA actual demand for any month during the previous billing months of May through October in the twelve (12) month period ending with the current month. USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge =kWh in Tier 1 x Tier 1 Rate per kWh kWh in Tier 2 x Tier 2 Rate per kWh, if applicable SPECIAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer’s service requirements shall be provided, subject to Special Facilities Rider. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. 17 SCHEDULE Tl TEMPORARY SERVICE (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to short term or temporary electric service where a Customer has received a permit. This Rate is not applicable after the certificate of occupancy or building final inspection has been issued. NET MONTHLY RATE (1 ) Facility Charge Single-Phase Three-Phase Per Bill $16.61 $22.19 plus; (2) Usage Charge All kWh Per kWh $0.0854 plus; (3) Energy Cost Adjustment Charge plus; (4) Transmission Cost Recovery Factor MINIMUM BILLING For each billing period, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the Facility Charge regardless of actual energy usage. USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge = All kWh x Rate per kWh See Schedule ECA See Schedule TCRF 18 ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY SERVICE CHARGES Labor Regular time or overtime labor hourly rates in effect at the time the work is performed for all personnel performing the work. Labor charges shall be based on a one (1) hour minimum with all additional time above the minimum to be measured to the nearest one-quarter hour Transportation To be billed by hours or miles, as applicable, according to the estimated cost of operating the required equipment. Material Material that cannot be salvaged shall be billed at the City’s Warehouse cost plus twenty five percent (25%), plus applicable sales tax. At the time a temporary service is removed or converted, any loss of the installed material due to negligence or willful action by the Customer will be billed separately to the Customer at replacement cost plus twenty five percent (25%), plus applicable sales tax. Administrative Fee Ten percent (10%) of the total labor, transportation, and material costs. SPECIAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer’s service requirements shall be provided, subject to Special Facilities Rider. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. 19 SCHEDULE AF ATHLETIC FIELD (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to all electric service metered at one point for use to light specified areas for athletic events. This Rate is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby, or supplementary service except in conjunction with applicable rider. NET MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill $22.75 $34. 1 1 Single-Phase Three-Phase plus; (2)Demand Charge Per kW $6.06 $ 1.44 On-Peak Off-Peak plus: (3)Usage Charge Per kWh $0.0977 $0.0489 On-Peak Off-Peak plus; (4) plus; Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA (5)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF MINIMUM BILLING For each billing period, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the Facility Charge, regardless of actual energy usage. 20 DEFINITION OF ON-PEAK AND OFF-PEAK HOURS The City’s on-peak hours, for the purpose of this rate schedule, are designated as being from 2:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M., for the months of June through September. The City’s on-peak hours may be changed from time to time. The City’s off-peak hours, for the purpose of this rate schedule, shall be all hours not designated as on-peak hours. DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand used in calculating the Demand Charge for the billing period shall be the actual kW demand supplied during the fifteen (15) minute period of maximum use during the current billing period as determined by the City’s demand meter. USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge =On-Peak kWh x Rate per kWh Off Peak kWh x Rate per kWh SPECIAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer’s service requirements shall be provided, subject to Special Facilities Rider. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. 21 SCHEDULE LS STREET LIGHTING (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to all street lighting owned and maintained by the City. NET MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill Luminaire Style Type 100 W Sodium Cobra (LSA) 250 W Sodium Cobra (LSB) 400 W Sodium Cobra (LSC) 100 W LED Cobra (LSD) 250 W LED Cobra (LSE) 400 W LED Cobra (LSF) 85 W LED Post (LSG) $6.08 $8.62 $10.86 $6.08 $8.62 $10.86 $10.86 plus; (2)Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT CHARGE Current ECA multiplied by respective kWh based on the following Bulb Wattage Factors: Luminaire Type 100 W Sodium (LSA) 250 W Sodium (LSB) 400 W Sodium (LSC) IOOWLED (LSD) 250 WLED (LSE) 400 WLED (LSF) 85 WLED (LSG) Bulb Wattage Factor 48 kWh 105 kWh 159 kWh 25 kWh 96 kWh 148 kWh 23 kWh PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance 22 TRAFFIC LIGHTING (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to State and Local Government agencies that operate and maintain their own traffic signals. METERED TRAFFIC LIGHTING NET MONTHLY RATE (LT) (1 ) Usage Charge $0.0664 per kWh plus; (2) Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA plus; (3) Transmission Cost Recovery Factor USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Metered Traffic Lighting Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge = All kWh x Rate per kWh UNMETERED TRAFFIC LIGHTING NET ANNUAL RATE (ULT) (1 ) Usage Charge $0.0664 per kWh plus; (2) Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA plus; (3) Transmission Cost Recovery Factor USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Unmetered Traffic Lighting Usage Charge shall be based on historical recorded annual kWh consumption. Usage Charge = All kWh x Rate per kWh Annual Usage = 904 kWh per account See Schedule TCRF See Schedule TCRF PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. 23 SCHEDULE UFL UNMETERED SCHOOL ZONE/CROSSING FLASHERS (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to local government agencies that operate and maintain their own unmetered school zone/crossing flashers. NET ANNUAL RATE (1) plus; Usage Charge $0.0664 per kWh (2) plus; Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA (3)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on historical recorded annual kWh consumption. The total billed usage divided by number of school zone/crossing flashers will determine the average kWh usage. This average consumption will be billed for each school zone/crossing flasher once every twelve (12) months at the end of the fiscal year. Any accounts that are added during the year will be billed on prorated consumption. Usage Charge =All kWh x Rate per kWh Annual Usage =48 kWh per account PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance 24 SCHEDULE USC UNMETERED SECURITY CAMERA (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to Local Government agencies that operate and maintain their own unmetered security cameras. NET ANNUAL RATE (1) plus; Facility Charge $17.82 per bill (2) plus; Usage Charge $0.0664 per kWh (3) plus; Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA (1)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on technical information of installed equipment. This calculated consumption will be billed for each camera once every twelve (12) months at the end of the fiscal year. Any accounts that are added during the year will be billed on prorated consumption. Usage Charge =annual kWh per camera x kWh Rate Annual Usage =300 kWh per camera per account PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. 25 SCHEDULE UWF UNMETERED WI-FI DEVICES (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to local government agencies that operate and maintain their own unmetered Wi-FI devices. NET ANNUAL RATE (1) plus; Facility Charge $ 17.82 per bill (2) plus; Usage Charge $0.0664 per kWh (3) plus; Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA (4)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on technical information of installed equipment. This calculated consumption will be billed for each device once every twelve (12) months at the end of the fiscal year. Any accounts that are added during the year will be billed on prorated consumption. Usage Charge =annual kWh per device x kWh Rate Annual Usage =300 kWh per device per account PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. 26 SCHEDULE LO OTHER LIGHTING (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to Texas Department of Transportation unmetered and metered safety lighting systems and continuous lighting systems as those terms are defined in Texas Administrative Code, Title 43, Part 1, Chapter 25, Subchapter A, Rule §25.11. METERED LIGHTING NET MONTHLY RATE (LOB) (1) plus; (2) Usage Charge $0.0664 per kWh Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA METERED LIGHTING USAGE CHARGE (LOB) Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge = All kWh x Rate per kWh UNMETERED LIGHTING NET MONrHLY RATE (LOA) (1) plus; (2) Usage Charge $0.0664 per kWh Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA UNMETERED LIGHTING USAGE CHARGE (LOA) Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on estimated kWh consumption during the billing period. Usage Charge = (kWh Rate x Bulb Wattage/1000) x (Hours of Operation per Billing Period) Hours of Operation per Billing Period = 333 hours Bulb Wattage is the rated wattage of the luminaire bulb PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. 27 SCHEDULE DD SECURITY LIGHTING (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to all outdoor area lighting when such lighting facilities are operated as an extension of the City's distribution system. NET MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill Luminaire Type 100 W Sodium Vapor (DSA) 250 W Sodium Vapor (DSB) 400 W Sodium Vapor (DSC) 250 W Metal Halide (DHA) 400 W Metal Halide (DHB) 100 W Equivalent LED (DSD) 250 W Equivalent LED (DSE) 400 W Equivalent LED (DSF) $ 9.61 $12.71 $15.32 $14.95 $ 17.82 $ 9.61 $12.71 $15.32 plus; (2)Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT CHARGE Current ECA multiplied by respective kWh based on the following Bulb Wattage Factors: Luminaire Type 100 W Sodium Vapor (DSA) 250 W Sodium Vapor (DSB) 400 W Sodium Vapor (DSC) 250 W Metal Halide (DHA) 400 W Metal Halide (DHB) 100 W Equivalent LED (DSD) 250 W Equivalent LED (DSE) 400 W Equivalent LED (DSF) Bulb Wattage Factor 48 kWh 105 kWh 159 kWh 105 kWh 159 kWh 25 kWh 96 kWh 148 kWh 28 TYPE OF SERVICE The City shall furnish, install, maintain and deliver electric service to automatically controlled lighting fixtures conforming to the City’s standards and subject to its published rules and regulations. Where necessary for proper illumination or where existing poles are inadequate, the City will install or cause to be installed, one (1) wood pole with the necessary lighting hardware and overhead conductor for each installed light, at a distance not to exceed eighty (80’) feet from existing lines, at no charge to the Customer. Additional contractual arrangements between the City and the Customer are subject to the Special Facilities Rider. TERM OF CONTRACT A two (2) year contract shall be agreed to and signed by each Customer desiring security lighting service authorizing fixed monthly charges, which may be reviewed annually, and to be applied to the Customer’s monthly municipal utilities bill. In the event that a Customer requests the removal of the unit or discontinuance of the service prior to completion of two (2) years, the remainder of the contract period shall become due and payable. After the end of the initial two (2) year contract, service shall continue on a month-to-month basis and may be canceled by either party upon thirty (30) days’ notice. SPECLAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer’s service requirements shall be provided, subject to Special Facilities Rider. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance 29 SCHEDULE DSL NON-STANDARD STREET LIGHTING (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to street lighting owned and maintained by the Customer. Availability of this service is contingent on the existence of an executed Special Facilities Rider between the legally responsible party and the City under which the legally responsible party accepts all responsibilities, both legal and financial, related to operation and maintenance of the subject lights, including but not limited to payment of all applicable energy charges. NET MONTHLY RATE (1) plus; Facility Charge $9.18 per bill (2)Usage Charge $0.0664 per kWh plus; (3)Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA USAGE CHARGE Current usage charge and ECA rates are multiplied by respective kWh based on the following Bulb Wattage Factors: Luminaire Type 100 W Sodium Vapor (DLSA) 250 W Sodium Vapor (DLSB) 400 W Sodium Vapor (DLSC) 250 W Metal Halide (DLHA) 400 W Metal Halide (DLHB) Bulb Wattage Factor 48 kWh 105 kWh 159 kWh 105 kWh 159 kWh ADDITIONAL SERVICE CHARGES If the City is required to maintain the privately owned lights to ensure public safety, the owner of the lights may be subject to additional service charges. The additional service charges shall be the actual cost of performing any work required to perform the necessary maintenance including but not limited to 30 Labor Regular time or overtime labor hourly rates in effect at the time the work is performed for all personnel performing the work. Labor charges shall be based on a one (1 ) hour minimum with all additional time above the minimum to be measured to the nearest one-quarter hour. Transportation To be billed by hours or miles, as applicable, according to the estimated cost of operating the required equipment. Material Any material needed to repair and/or maintain facilities will be billed at City Warehouse cost plus twenty five percent (25%). Administrative Fee Ten percent (10%) of the total labor, transportation, and material costs. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. 31 SCHEDULE EGR ECONOMIC GROWTH RIDER (Effective 10/01/20) PURPOSE The purpose of this Rider is to facilitate local economic growth and expand the ad valorem tax base of the City. AVAILABILITY This Rider is available to the Customers who: (1) (2) (3) Receive service from Rate Schedules GSL or TGS; and Pay City ad valorem tax; and Receive no electric service discounts other than those specifically defined in the GSL or TGS Rate Schedules. APPLICATION This Rider is available to electric service supplied at any one location. It is for firm electric service applicable to new and existing customers as described below, over a five (5) year period. This Rider is available to the following classes of customers: (1)New Customers whose electric service represents demand not previously served by the City at any location in the City’s service area in the last twelve (12) months, where such metered demand will be in excess of 1 ,000 kVA and customer load factor must be greater than the City’s electric system load factor, as estimated and mutually agreed upon by the General Manager of the City’s electric utility and the Customer. (2)Existing Customers served under Rate Schedules GSL or TGS who increase their prior existing metered demand by 1,000 kVA and customer load factor must be greater than the City’s electric system load factor. This increase shall be verified by sub- metering (at the Customer’s expense) the additional load. If sub-metering is not possible, at the discretion of the General Manager of the City’s electric utility, the increase may be verified by comparing a three-month rolling average of the new level of demand to the prior demand averaged for corresponding months. During periods in which this verification method cannot be applied, the General Manager and the Customer may develop a mutually agreed-upon formula to estimate the base and additional demand levels. 32 In light of additional costs associated with the Economic Growth Rider and to mitigate potential risk to ratepayers, any participant in the Economic Growth Rider must be, at the time this Rider is applied for and continuing while such Rider is in effect, a Customer in good standing of all City utilities, including solid waste services. Unless legal review procedures have been invoked in good faith regarding the obligation, a Customer in good standing for the purpose of this Rider is defined as a Customer not owing any unpaid utility or solid waste debt obligation that is over forty-five (45) days past due to the City during the previous twelve (12) months. NET MONTHLY RATE The Customer shall be charged under the appropriate applicable rate schedules with the exception that the monthly billing demand (for the GSL Rate) or system demand and on-peak demand (for the TGS Rate) will be adjusted in accordance with the following table: Time Period Reduction to Billing Demand First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year 50% 409/8 30% 20% l09/a CONTRACT PERIOD The term of the contract will be for five (5) years. 33 SCHEDULE GIP GREENSENSE nqCENTIVE PROGRAM (Effective 10/01/20) PROGRAM SUMMARY The objective of the GreenSense Incentive Program (“Program”) is to reduce energy demand and consumption by promoting energy conservation, thereby reducing the utility bills of City Customers, reducing the peak load of the City’s electric system, reducing emissions in the state, and promoting energy conservation. The Program offers incentives, in the form of credits on the electric service bills of City retail customers. Cash incentives may be paid to retail customers for the installation of photovoltaic applications. In light of additional costs associated with the GreenSense Incentive Program and to mitigate potential risk to ratepayers, any participant in the GreenSense Incentive Program must be, at the time this program is applied for and continuing while such program is in effect, a Customer in good standing of all City utilities, including solid waste services. Unless legal review procedures have been invoked in good faith regarding the obligation, a Customer in good standing for the purpose of this Program is defined as a Customer not owing any unpaid utility or solid waste debt obligation that is over forty-five (45) days past due to the City during the previous twelve (12) months. Program applicants will be able to qualify for multiple incentives simultaneously, unless specified in the individual guidelines. A separate application may be necessary for each incentive. The Program will be in effect each fiscal year beginning on October 1, until the allotted funding is depleted or until cancellation of the program by the City. At the time the funds are depleted, no additional applications for participation will be accepted until the next fiscal year. Qualifying applicants must receive electric service from the City. The program guidelines and payment provisions are subject to change by the City without prior notice. The City may, at any time, discontinue the Program without prior notice. The current program guidelines may be found in the GreenSense Incentive Program Manual located at www.cityofdenton.com. 34 SCHEDULE ECA ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT (Effective 10/01/20) The Energy Cost Adjustment (ECA) Rate shall be set by the Public Utilities Board (“PUB”). The EC'A Rate shall be reviewed on a quarterly basis and adjusted as defined below to recover the net cost of energy delivered to Customers and to maintain the City’s electric utility in a financially sound position. NET MONTHLY RATE ( 1 ) Energy Cost Adjustment Charge $0.0341 per kWh ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT BALANCING ACCOUNT CALCULATION The ECA Balancing Account shall be calculated using the following formula: ECA Balancing Account = (Beginning ECA Account Balance) – (Projected Net Energy Cost) Where: Projected Net Energy Cost = For the next fiscal quarter, the electric utility’s projected cost of electric load purchases from ERCOT PILB aII projected electric utility power/energy related costs for that same period including, but not limited to, power production (including the Denton Energy Center debt and all other costs); purchased power; applicable transmission services, losses and congestion; other ERCOT charges; renewable energy credits; and financial and/or physical power/energy trades; less all projected revenue to be received by the electric utility for power/energy related sales and/or trades. The General Manager of the City’s electric utility or his/her designee shall calculate the ECA Balancing Account monthly. In the event that the ECA Balancing Account calculated during the last month of each fiscal quarter (December, March, June, and September) is projected to be over/under collected by $5,000,000 or more during the next quarter, the General Manager or his/her designee may recommend to the PUB and City Council a revision to the ECA to maintain the City’s electric utility in a financially sound position. ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION ECA = [(Projected Net Energy Cost) + (ECA Balancing Account)] / (Projected kWh sales) ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT CHARGE The Energy Cost Adjustment Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption during the billing period . Energy Cost Adjustment Charge = kWh x ECA Rate 35 SCHEDULE RCA RENEWABLE COST ADJUSTMENT (Effective 10/01/20) Applicable to any Customer receiving City electric service that owns an on-site distributed generation powered by a renewable resource which is interconnected with the City’s electric system. The Renewable Cost Adjustment (RCA) Rate shall be set by the Public Utilities Board (“PUB”). The RCA Rate shall be reviewed on a quarterly basis and adjusted as defined below to reflect an economically neutral value of distributed generation energy. NET MONTHLY RATE (1 ) Renewable Cost Adjustment $0.0381 per kWh RENEWABLE COST ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION The RCA shall be calculated using the nodal market price and renewable hourly output factor: RCA = (Nodal Market Price) x (Renewables Hourly Output) / (Total Annual Renewables Production) RENEWABLE COST ADJUSTMENT CREDIT The Renewable Cost Adjustment Charge shall be based on actual kWh delivered from Customer to the City’s electric system during the billing period. Renewable Cost Adjustment Credit = kWh x RCA Rate 36 SCHEDULE TCRF TRANSMISSION COST RECOVERY FACTOR (Effective 10/01/20) The Transmission Cost Recovery Factor (TCRF) Rate shall be set by the Public Utilities Board (“PUB”). The TCRF Rate shall be reviewed on a quarterly basis and adjusted as defined below to recover the costs of transmission service within the boundaries of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (“ERCOT”) region which are billed and charged to the City. NET MONTHLY RATE Residential General Service Small Local Government Service Small Temporary Service Athletic Field Traffic Lighting Unmetered Traffic Lighting Unmetered School Zone/Crossing Unmetered Security Camera Unmetered Wi-FI Devices Per kWh $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 NET MONTHLY RATE General Service Medium Local Government Service Medium Per kW $0.00 $0.00 NET MONTHLY RATE General Service Large Local Government Service Large General Service Time Of Use Per kVA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TRANSMISSION COST RECOVERY FACTOR BALANCING ACCOUNT CALCULATION The TCRF shall be calculated using the following formula: TCRF Annual Billing = (Actual monthly net TCOS billing amounts charged by ERCOT transmission service providers to the City) + (Projected increases or decreases PUCT- approved TCOS billing amount charges to ERCOT utilities) During the last month of each fiscal year quarter (December, March, June, and September), the General Manager of the City’s electric utility or his/her designee shall calculate the TCRF Balancing Account. The TCRF charge will be developed by the City for each applicable customer billing schedule herein, based on projected kWh sales for billing schedules without a demand component and on monthly peak kW for billing schedules with a demand component. TCRF rate class allocation amount = [(TCRF annual billing) x (Projected rate class kWh usage)] / (Total projected usage for all rate classes). 37 SCHEDULE D(,R DISTRIBUTED GENERATION FROM RENEWABLE SOURCES RIDER (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION This Rider is available to any retail Customer receiving electric service under a City electric rate schedule who owns and operates an on-site generating system powered by a renewable resourcecapable of producing power, and which is interconnected with the City’s electric system. Renewable energy technology is any technology that exclusively relies on an energy source that is naturally regenerated over a short time and derived directly or indirectly from the sun or wind. A renewable energy technology does not rely on energy resources derived from fossil fuels, waste products from fossil fuels, or waste products from inorganic sources. This Rider applies to a Customer-owned generating system that primarily offsets all or part of the Customer’s electric service provided by the City. If the Customer-owned generating system is sized such that it produces energy in excess of a Customer’s electric consumption, special arrangements and a contract may be necessary. The current interconnection guidelines may be found in the Distributed Generation Manual located at www.cityofdenton.com. In light of additional costs associated with the Distributed Generation From Renewable Sources Rider and to mitigate potential risk to ratepayers, any participant in the Distributed Generation From Renewable Sources Rider must be, at the time this Rider is applied for and continuing while such Rider is in effect, a Customer in good standing of all City utilities, including solid waste services. Unless legal review procedures have been invoked in good faith regarding the obligation, a Customer in good standing for the purpose of this Rider is defined as a Customer not owing any unpaid utility or solid waste debt obligation that is over forty-five (45) days past due to the City during the previous twelve (12) months. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE All charges, character of service, and terms and conditions of the electric rate schedule under which the Customer receives service shall apply except as expressly altered by this Rider. The Customer shall comply with the City’s current technical requirements for distributed generation interconnection. The Customer shall obtain approval from the City prior to the installation of the on-site generating system. The Customer shall submit to the City a completed interconnection application form and signed Agreement for Interconnection and Parallel Operation of Distributed Generation before the system installation. The minimum term of an agreement under this Rider is one year, extended automatically unless terminated by either party with sixty (60) days advance written notice. The Customer is responsible for the costs of interconnecting with the City’s electric system, including transformers, service lines, or other equipment determined necessary by the City for safe installation and operation of the Customer’s equipment with the City’s electric system. The Customer is responsible for any costs associated with required inspections and permits. 38 METERING Metering under this Rider shall be performed by a single meter capable of registering the flow of electricity in two directions (delivered by the City’s electric system to the Customer, and delivered to the City’s electric system by the Customer’s system) to determine the Customer’s net energy flow. RATE Beginning in the billing period after a Customer receives approval from the City, to interconnect the Customer’s on-site generating system; all energy generated by the Customer’s system and delivered to the City’s electric system will be considered renewable energy. The Customer shall be billed for all energy delivered by the City to the Customer under the approved rates. For any generation delivered by the Customer’s system to the City’s electric system up to the amount of energy delivered by the City to the Customer, the City shall credit the Customer’s account for the energy generated as follows: Generation Credit = [(kWh delivered from the Customer’s approved system) x (Customer’s base electric service rate)] + [(kWh delivered from the Customer’s approved system) x (RCA Rate)] For all energy delivered by the Customer’s system to the City’s electric system that exceeds the amount of energy delivered by the City to the Customer, the City shall credit the Customer’s account for the energy generated as follows: Excess Generation Credit = (kWh delivered from the Customer’s system) x RCA Rate Any Billing Period Credit shall be applied to the utility charges due from the Customer to the City for the billing period. INDEMNIFICATION The Customer operating the renewable distributed generation system indemnifies the City and holds the City harmless for all damages and injuries to the City, the Customer, or others arising out of Customer’s use, ownership or operation of Customer’s distributed generation facilities in parallel with the City’s system. Customer is solely responsible for providing adequate protection for operating in parallel with the City’s system in such a manner that faults or other disturbances on the City’s system do not cause damage to the Customer’s distributed generation equipment. 39 SCHEDULE SFR SPECLAL FACILITIES RIDER (Effective 10/01/20) (1)All service shall be offered from available facilities. If a Customer’s service characteristics require facilities and devices not normally and readily available at the location where the Customer requests service, the total cost incurred by the City for all facilities installed, buried, relocated and/or removed shall be the responsibility of the Customer and subject to a contract entered into between the City and the Customer. This contract shall be signed by both parties prior to the City providing service to the Customer. (2)Any contract under this rider is subject to the following approvals: (a) if the total value of the contract is less than $100,000, the contract may be approved by the City Manager, or his designee. If a contract under this subsection is not approved by the City Manager, or his designee, then it must be recommended for approval by the Public Utilities Board and approved by the City Council. (b) if the total value of the contract is equal to or greater than $100,000, the contract must be recommended for approval by the Public Utilities Board and approved by the City Council 40 SCHEDULE PAF POLE ATTACHMENT FEE (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION This Rate is available to a licensee who desires to access designated poles or conduits owned by the City for the purpose of installing and maintaining their facilities and associated equipment to provide services to the public. An agreement between such entity and the City shall be executed separate from, but will reference, the following rate schedule: NET ANNUAL RATE (1) (2) (3) Annual Pole Attachment (“APA”)$ 15.57 per attachment plus; plus; On-Pole Conduit Rate $15.57 per linear foot In-Ground Conduit Rate Rate specified pursuant to Schedule SFR plus; (4) plus; (5) Riser Rate $ 160 per riser Miscellaneous Attachments $ 100 per miscellaneous attachment Note: Annual Rates (2) and (3) listed above are not available on all poles nor in all areas across the City APPLICATION PROCESSING COSTS (1) (2) (3) Application Filing Fee (per submittal)$ 100 per application Per pole cost (review & inspection)$25.00 per pole Per pole cost (mileage)$5.00 per pole All application processing costs are non-refundable. If an application being processed is identified as inaccurate or with errors, the licensee will need to resubmit the application and pay the application filing fee again. MISCELLANEOUS (1)The City or City Contractor Performing Analysis 41 $225 per pole (2) (3) Unauthorized Attachment Penalty $ 1,000 per attachment per pole Undefined Work or Expense Rate pursuant to Schedule SFR MAKE READY COSTS Licensees will be required to pay for any work done or contracted by the City, including but not limited to make ready work and any installed, used or maintained facilities in violation of the Agreement that the licensee has not corrected. The City will invoice licensee, and licensee must pay, for identified expenses as needed before any work will begin and shall include all reasonable fully loaded material (including any applicable overhead), labor, engineering, transportation and administrative costs. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance 42 SCHEDULE BIF BANNER INSTALL FEE (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to any person who has completed an application and received approval from the City to have a banner installed on facilities owned by the City for the purpose of marketing and publicizing community events shall be assessed a fee based on the following schedule: NET ANNUAL RATE Over the Street Banner Install $ 100.00 per banner Pole One Time Banner Install $ 15.00 per banner Pole Seasonal Banner Install $27.00 per banner TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE Persons requesting the City install an Over the Street Banner must provide the City with a banner that is no more than three (3) feet tall by thirty-five (35) feet in length with six (6) feet of rope. All Over the Street Banners must be made out of mesh only (fish net type material). A sample of the banner material is recommended for approval. The City’s Building Inspections Department requires an application and permit fee of sixty (60) dollars for installation of an Over the Street Banner which needs to be completed prior to contacting the City’s electric utility. Persons requesting the City install a Pole Banner must provide the City’s electric utility with a banner that is no more than thirty (30) inches tall by eighty (80) inches in length with openings of two (2) inches. Pole Banners are required to be made of weather beater or vinyl material only. The appropriate application for each type of banner must be completed prior to installation and returned to a representative of the City’s Electric Operations and Maintenance Division along with applicable fees listed above, a digital image of the banner, and location requests. The City’s electric utility will determine install locations depending on availability. Any banners that promote sponsors or advertisement are strictly prohibited. PAYMENT Payment is required to the City at the time the banners are given for installation. Permit fees, when applicable, are due to Building Inspections in order to reserve specific dates. 43 SCHEDULE WNA WIRELESS NODE ATTACHMENTS (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION This Rate is available to a licensee who desires to install and maintain their wireless nodes and associated equipment to provide services to the public. An agreement between such entity and the City shall be executed separate from, but will reference, the following rate schedule: NET ANNUAL RATE (1) (2) (3) (4) Facility Charge $17.82 per node plus; plus; plus; Usage Charge $0.0664 per kWh Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF METERED USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Metered Usage Charge shall be based on actual kWh consumption for each device once every twelve (12) months at the end of the fiscal year. Usage Charge = All kWh per device x Rate per kWh UNMETERED USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Unmetered Usage Charge shall be based on 1) kWh consumption from similarly installed metered equipment; or 2) technical information of installed equipment provided by licensee, if similar equipment is not already metered. This calculated consumption will be billed for each device once every twelve (12) months at the end of the fiscal year. Usage Charge =Annual kWh per device x Rate per kWh Annual Usage =2,000 kWh per device per account (or calculated consumption based on technical information provided by licensee) MISCELLANEOUS (1)Unauthorized Attachment Penalty $ 1,000 per attachment 44 (2) Undefined Work or Expense Rate pursuant to Schedule SFR MAKE READY COSTS Licensees will be required to pay for any work done or contracted by the City, including but not limited to make ready work and any installed, used or maintained facilities in violation of the Agreement that the licensee has not corrected. The City will invoice licensee, and licensee must pay, for identified expenses as needed before any work will begin and shall include all reasonable fully loaded material (including any applicable overhead), labor, engineering, transportation and administrative costs. PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. 45 SCHEDULE EVCR ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING RATE (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to vehicles that utilize charging services from City of Denton owned and operated Level 2 EV chargers. NET ANNUAL RATE (1 ) Usage Charge $0.04 per minute USAGE CHARGE Billing for the Usage Charge shall be based on actual charging time incurred. The billing service will be provided by a third-party vendor Usage Charge = EV Charging duration x Rate per Minute 46 DISCONTINUED AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2020 SCHEDULE RG RESIDENTIAL RENEWABLE ENERGY SERVICE RIDER APPLICATION Applicable to any Customer for all electric service used for residential purposes in an individual private dwelling or an individually metered apartment, supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. This Rider is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby, or supplementary service. In lidrt of additional costs associated with the Residential Renewable Energy Service Rider and to mitigate potential risk to ratepayers, any participant in the Residential Renewable Energy Service Rider must be, at the time this Rider is applied for and continuing while such Rider is in effect, a Customer in good standing of all City utilities, including solid waste services. Unless legal review procedures have been invoked in good faith regarding the obligation, a Customer in good standing for the purpose of this Rider is defined as a Customer not owing any unpaid utility or solid waste debt obligation that is over forty-five (45) days past due to the City during the previous twelve (12) months. NET MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Single-Phase Three-Phase $ 8.67/bill $ 17.33/bill plus; (2)Usage Charge Winter (Billing months of November through April): Tier 1: First 600 kWh Tier 2: All Additional kWh 6.84#/kWh 4.55#/kWh Summer (Billing months of May through October): Tier 1: All kWh 6.84#/kWh plus; (3) plus; (4) Renewable Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule RCA Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF 47 DISCONTINUED AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2020 SCHEDULE WK WEEKEND SERVICE APPLICATION Applicable to any commercial and industrial user whose maximum demand load occurs during the period from Thursday at 12 midnight through Sunday at 12 midnight and does not experience a demand load during the period from Sunday 12 midnight through Thursday 12 midnight that exceeds eighty percent (80%) of the maximum demand load. Customers who violate the eighty percent (80%) requirement more than four (4) times during the month, or more than twice on the same day of the week, during the months of June through September, are ineligible for service under this Rate for twelve (12) months. This Rate is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby or supplementary service except in conjunction with applicable rider. NET MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Single-Phase Three-Phase $21 .87/bill $27.34/bill plus; (2)Demand Charge $7.66/kW (First 20 kW not billed) plus; (3)Usage Charge Tier 1: First 2,500 kWh Tier 2: Next 3,500 kWh Tier 3: Additional kWh 8.50#/kWh 4.46#/kWh 3.28#/kWh plus; (4) plus; Energy Cost Adjustment Charge See Schedule ECA (5)Transmission Cost Recovery Factor See Schedule TCRF 48 DISCONTINUED AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2020 SCHEDULE DDL DOWNTOWN DECORATrVE LIGHTING APPLICATION Applicable to any Customer requesting service on the perimeter of the historic County Courthouse Square located in downtown Denton and served by the City’s existing electric distribution system for outdoor area lighting at said location. NET MONTHLY RATE (1) plus; (2) Facility Charge $4.78/bill Energy Cost Adjustment (Current ECA per Schedule ECA) x (350 kWh per Customer) 49 DISCONTINUED AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2020 SCHEDULE CGR COMMERCIAL RENEWABLE ENERGY SERVICE RIDER This Rider defines the manner by which commercial customers may purchase predetermined 1,000 kWh blocks of energy or one hundred percent (100%) of actual energy consumption from renewable resources by substituting the Renewable Cost Adjustment Charge (see Schedule RCA) in lieu of the Energy Cost Adjustment (see Schedule ECA) specified in their applicable rate schedule APPLICATION This Rider is applicable to any non-residential customer receiving service under rate schedules GSS, GSM, GSL, Gl, TGS, or WK at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. This Rider is not applicable to resale service in any event, or to temporary, standby, or supplementary service NET MONTHLY RATE A Customer eligible for service under this Rider may elect to purchase renewable energy at the Renewable Cost Adjustment Charge, determined in accordance with Schedule RCA. Said Customer may elect to purchase 1,000 kWh blocks of energy at the RCA Rate, with the remainder of the Customer’s energy use charged at the ECA Rate or to purchase all energy used at the RCA Rate. All other charges contained in the Customer’s applicable rate schedule shall continue to apply, as specified in said schedule. Said Customer’s energy charge shall be calculated as follows. Either: Total Energy Charge = [(Y x 1000 kWh) x RCA] + { [(Total Energy Used) - (Y x 1000 kWh)] x ECA} Where: Customer has elected to purchase a portion of its energy consumption at the RCA and: Y= Number of 1 000 kWh RCA blocks elected by said Customer Or: Total Energy Charge = Total Energy Used x RCA Where: Customer has elected to purchase its entire energy consumption at the RCA 50 DISCONTINUED AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2020 SCHEDULE IW(, INDEPENDENT WHOLESALE GENERATOR APPLICATION The Independent Wholesale Generator (IWG) Rate is applicable to non-renewable generating installations of ten (10) MW or less interconnected to and operating in parallel with the City’s distribution system, for the sole purpose of delivering the net output (gross output minus auxiliary load and step up transformer loses) of said generating installation to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (“ERCOT”) transmission grid for sale in the ERCOT wholesale power market. NET MONTHLY RATE The Customer shall be subject to special contract arrangements and the rate charges to the Customer shall consist of at a minimum, a monthly Facility Charge plus a monthly Distribution Delivery Charge and a monthly Distribution Line Loss Charge. Additional Service Charges may apply. These charges shall be calculated as follows: Facility Charge: The Customer shall pay the City a monthly Facility Charge sufficient to compensate the City for its investment in special facilities dedicated exclusively to providing the Customer service and/or that are necessary to ensure that the quality of service provided to other Customers is not adversely affected pursuant to the requirements of the SYSTEM MODIFICATION provisions set forth above. The minimum monthly Facility Charge shall be $69.06. Distribution Delivery Charge: The Customer shall pay the City a monthly distribution delivery charge equal to $2.06 times the Customer’s delivery demand. The Customer’s delivery demand shall be the greatest of the Customer’s maximum 15 minute net capacity output as measured at the Customer’s IWG site, the minimum billing kW shall be as established in the City’s Agreement for Interconnection and Parallel Operation of Independent Wholesale Generation, or 1,500 kW. Distribution Line Loss Charge: The Customer shall pay the City a monthly Distribution Line Loss Charge equal to the applicable monthly Energy Cost Adjustment (“ECA”) Charge (see Schedule ECA) times monthly energy losses. Monthly energy losses shall be calculated as the metered monthly kilowatt-hour output of the Customer’s IWG generating unit(s) as measured at the Customer’s IWG site times five percent (5%). 51 MOVED TO TECH SERVICES SCHEDULE DFR DARK FIBER APPLICATION Service is available to any Customer to the extent there is any excess capacity respecting the City’s fiber optic cable facilities, within the area served by the City’s electric distribution system, for the purpose of point-to-point dark fiber optic cable connectivity intended for the transport of high-speed data NET MONTHLY RATE (1) plus; (2) Fiber Mileage Charge $400 per fiber pair/mile, per month; and Building Presence Charge $ 180 per location, per month Total Fiber Rate $580 per fiber pair/mile, per month, per location TERM OF LEASE CONTRACT All dark fiber lease contracts shall be for a minimum term of five (5) years. 52 SECTION 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to expend funds to authorize credits to Customers on their electric service bills and further to authorize cash incentives for the installation of photovoltaic systems in accordance with the form and type set forth in Schedule GIP, as the installation of energy efficient upgrades is in the best interest of the City, as such will reduce energy demand and consumption, reduce the peak load of the City’s electric system, reduce emissions in the state, and promote energy conservation, which are all public purposes of the City SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in force when the provisions of this ordinance became effective which are inconsistent, or in conflict with the terms or provisions contained in this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict. SECTION 4. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, hereby declares it would have enacted such remaining portions despite any such invalidity. SECTION 5. This ordinance and the rates herein adopted shall become effective, charged, and applied to all electric services rendered by the City, and all energy usage by Customers of the City effective with the first billing issued on and after October 1, 2020; and a copy of said rates shall be maintained on file in the Office of the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas. SECTION 6.This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and approval. = eK:\T=== S ==d :fIv=1 P a S S e :iI= n d a P P r 0 : d b y t h e fo 1 1 0 :iT=t: Aye ,/ Nay Abstain Absent Mayor Chris Watts: Gerard Hudspeth, District 1 :,Z J J y’ r a Keely G. Briggs, District 2: Jesse Davis, District 3 : John Ryan, District 4: Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5 : Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: PASSED AND APPROVED this the 22'oh d,y ,f SQ \wnba &M/ CHRIS WATTS, MAYOR 53 . 2020 ATTEST BY: _zZmo x,aLf ROSA RTf)S_ CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 54 ORDINANCE NO.20-1549 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE RATES FOR WATER AND WATER SERVICE; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER; PROVIDrNG FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The Rate Schedules for water service as provided for in Chapter 26 of the Code of Ordinances established as follows: WATER RATE SCHEDULES PAGE 2WR Residential Water Service WC Commercial/Industrial Water Service Rate 6 WFH Metered Water From Fire Hydrant WW Wholesale Treated Water Service to Upper Trinity Regional Water District WRW Wholesale Raw Water Service to Upper Trinity Regional Water District WCL Wholesale Raw Water Pass-Through to Upper Trinity Regional Water District from Lake Chapman into Lake Lewisville Water Tap and Meter Fees Fire Hydrant Installation Water Laboratory Testing Fees Special Facilities Rider 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 SCI-IE DU LE WR RESIDENTIAL WATER SERVICE (Effective 10/0 1/20) APPLICATION Applicable for single-family residential service, and individually-metered apaltments. mobile homes, or multi-family facilities with less than four units, with wastewater service within the corporate limits of the City of Denton, Texas. (WR) Applicable for single-family residential service, and individually-metered apaltments, mobile homes, or multi-family facilities with less than four units outside the corporate limits of the City of Denton. Texas with or without wastewater service. (WRO) Applicable where the metered water is used for domestic purposes and is not returned to the wastewater system for collection and treatment. (WRN) Applicable where the metered water is used for landscape irrigation purposes and is not returned to the wastewater system for collection and treatment. (WItt) Applicable where metered water is outside the coll)oratc limits of the City of Denton, Texas and is used for landscape irrigation purposes and is not retulned to the wastewater system for collection and treatment. (WRIO) Not applicable to resale, temporary, standby, or supplementary service except in conjunction with applicable rider. MONTHLY RATE (WR) – RESIDENTIAL WATER SERVICE; AND MONTHLY RATE (WRN) – METERED WATER NOT RETURNED TO WASTEWATER SYSTEM FOR COLLECTION AND TREATMENT (1)Facility Charge Per Bill 3/4 inch Meter 1 inch Meter 1-1/2 inch Meter 2 inch Meter $15.84 $20.59 $26.93 834.06 (2) Volume Charge Rate Per 1.000 Gallons RATE BLOCK PER 30 DAYS WINTER Billing months of NOV. through APRIL SUMMER Billing months of MAY through OCT. 0- 15,000 gals $4.05 $4.05 2 15,00 1-30,000 gals 30,001-50,000 gals Over 50,000 gals 84.05 $4.05 $4.05 $5.76 $7.95 Sl 0.64 MONTI-ILY RATES (WRO) – WATER SERVICE OUTSIDE CORPOIU\TE LIMITS MONTI-ILY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill Sl 8.40 $23.90 $31.30 839.55 3/4 inch Meter 1 inch Meter 1-1/2 inch Meter 2 inch Meter (2)Volume Charge Rate Per 1.000 Gallons RATE BLOCK PER 30 DAYS WINTER SUMMER Billing months NOV through APRIL Billing months MAY through OCT 0-15,000 gals 15,00 1-30,000 gals 30,001-50,000 gals Over 50,000 gals $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $6.80 89.35 $12.55 MONTHLY UTES (WRI) – METERED WATER SERVICE FOR IRRIGATION MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill $15.84 $20.59 $26.93 834.06 3/4 inch Meter 1 inch Meter 1-1/2 inch Meter 2 inch Meter (2)Volume Charge Rate Per 1.000 Gallons RATE BLOCK PER 30 DAYS WINTER SUMMER Billing months NOV through APRIL Billing months MAY through OCT 0- 15,000 gals $4.05 $5.76 3 15,001-30,000 gals Over 30,000 gals $4.05 $4.05 87.95 $10.64 MONTHLY RATES (WRIO) – METERED WATER SERVICE FOR IRRIGATION MONTHLY RATE (1)Facility Charge Per Bill 3/4 inch Meter 1 inch Meter 1-1/2 inch Meter 2 inch Meter 818.40 823.90 $3 1 .30 $39.55 (2)Volume Charge Rate Per 1.000 Gallons RATE BLOCK PER 30 DAYS WINTER SUMMER Billing months NOV through APRIL Billing months MAY through OCT 0- 15 ,000 gals 15,001-30,000 gals Over 30,000 gals $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $6.80 $9.35 812.55 MINIMUM BILLING Facility Charge PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered. and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. SPECIAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer's service requirements shall be provided, subject to the Special Facilities Rider. VOLUME CHARGE Billing for the water consumption shall be based on the gallon consumption during the billing period. Fornrula: Gallons in rate block x rate per 1,000 gal. in rate block 1,000 gallons RETAIL WATER RATES UNDER DROUGI-IT CONTINGENCY PLAN CONDITIONS – ORDINANCE NO. 20 14- 109 Under Stage 2 drought conditions, residential customers shall be charged a 10% rate increase for water usage greater than 15,000 gallons per account per thiIly (30) days. Under Stage 3 drought conditions, residential customers shall be charged a 20% rate increase for water usage greater than 15,000 gallons per account per thirty (30) days. SCIIEDULE WC COMMERCIAL/[NDUSTRIAL WATER SERVICE RATE (Effective 10/0 1/20) APPLICATION Applicable to all commercial and industrial users, or other water users not otherwise classified under this ordinance, for all water provided at one point of delivcl)' and measured through one meter. (WC) Applicable for all commercial and industrial users or other users not otherwise classified under this ordinance outside of the corporate limits of the City of Denton for all water service provided at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. with or without wastewater service. (WCO) Applicable where the metered water is used for commercial purposes and is not retumed to the wastewater system for collection and treatment. (WCN) Applicable where metered water is used for landscape irrigation purposes and is not returned to the wastewater system for collection and treatment. (WCI) Applicable where metered water is outside the corporate limits of the City of Denton, Texas and is used for landscape irrigation purposes and is not returned to the wastewater system for collection and treatment. (WCIO) Not applicable to resale service in any event, nor to temporary, standby. or supplementary service except in conjunction with applicable rider. MONTHLY RATE (WC) and (WCN) (1)Facility Charge Per Bill 3/4 inch Meter 1 inch Meter 1 - 1/2 inch Meter 2 inch Meter 3 inch Meter 4 inch Meter 6 inch Meter 8 inch Meter 10 inch Meter $22.37 $31.68 $38.31 $50.99 $ 109.30 8216.71 $296.21 8415.01 $594.00 (2) Volume Charge $4.34pcr 1 .000 gallons 6 MONTIILY UTE (WCO) – OUTSIDE CORPOIt\TE LIMITS (1)Facility Charge 3/4 inch Meter 1 inch Meter 1-1/2 inch Meter 2 inch Meter 3 inch Meter 4 inch Meter 6 inch Meter 8 inch Meter 10 inch Meter Per Bill $26.00 $36.80 $44.50 $59.25 $ 126.95 $251.75 $344. 10 8482.10 $690.OO (2) Volume Charge $5.10 per 1,000 gallons MONTHLY IUTE (WCI) - IRRIGATION (1)Facility Charge Per Bill $22.37 $3 1 .68 $38.31 $50.99 S 109.30 $216.71 $296.21 $415.01 $594.00 3/4 inch Meter 1 inch Meter 1 -1/2 inch Meter 2 inch Meter 3 inch Meter 4 inch Meter 6 inch Meter 8 inch Meter 10 inch Meter (2) Volume Charge Rate Per 1.000 Gallons WINTER SUMMER Billing months of NOV. through APRIL Billing months of MAY through OCT. 84.34 6.00 $ MONTHLY IUTE (WCIO) - IRRIGATION (1)Facility Charge 3/4 inch Meter 1 inch Meter 1- 1/2 inch Meter 2 inch Meter 3 inch Meter 4 inch Meter Per Bill $26.00 $36.80 844.50 859.25 $ 126.95 $25 1 .75 7 6 inch 8 inch 10 inch Meter Meter IVleter $344. 10 $482. 10 $690.00 (2) Volume Charge Rate Per 1,000 Gallons WINTER SUMMER Billing months of NOV. through APRIL Billing months of MAY through OCT. $5.1 O 87.10 MINIMUM BILLING Facility Charge PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered and become past due if not paid within fincen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. SPECIAL FACILITIES All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer's service requirements shall be provided, subject to the Special Facilities Rider. VOLUME CHARGE Billing for the water consumption shall be based on the consumption during the billing period. Formula: Gallons consumption x Rate per 19000 gallons 1 ,000 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL WATER RATES UNDER DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN CONDITIONS – ORDINANCE NO. 20 14- 109 Under Stage 2 drought conditions, Commercial/Industrial customers shall be charged a 1 0% surcharge penalty for water usage above 80% of prior billing volumes per account per thirty (30) days. Under Stage 3 drought conditions, Commercial/Industrial customers shall be charged a 20% surcharge penalty for water usage above 70% of prior billing volumes per account per thirty (30) days. 8 SCI IED UL E WFI I METERED WATER FROM FIRE I-IYDItANT (Effective 10/0 1/20) APPLICATION Applicable for all water taken through a fire hydrant or other direct distribution line source at one location for private or commercial use not associated with firefighting. Customers must complete, sign, and agree to all terms and conditions stated in the “Fire Flydrant Meter Use Agreement.“ DEPOSIT $ 1, 100 per meter User shall place a deposit each time a City’s hydrant meter(s) is requested. The deposit will be returned when meter is returned and final bill is paid. NET RATE Volume Charge $5.07 per 1,000 gallons Monthly volume shall be computed by subtracting the beginning meter reading from the ending meter reading divided by 1,000, and multiplied times the volume charge, upon the monthly return of the metel to the Water Department for reading. Per the “Fire []ydrant Meter Use Agreement“, failure by the Customer to return the meter to water utilities by the 3rd day of each month for reading, results in acceptance by the Customer to pay a monthly billing equal to 100,000 gallons of water usage for the month Facility Charge $110.63 per bill PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered, and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL WATER RATES UNDER DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN CONDITIONS – ORDINANCE NO. 2014- 109 Under Stage 2 and Stage 3 drought conditions9 use of water from fire hydrants limited to fire fighting, essential distribution system maintenance, and related activities. All other water use from fire hYdrants will be by special pennit only. SCIIEDULE WW WIIOLESALE TREATED WATER SERVICE TO UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DIS’l-RICT (Effective 10/0 1/20) APPLICATION Applicable to all wholesale treated water sales from the City of Denton, Texas to the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD) Not applicable for temporary, standby, or supplementary service. MONTHLY CIIARGES The monthly charge for service shdll be expressed as a facility charge, a volume price per 1,000 gallons and a demand price per million gallons per day (MGD) of demand. (WW2/WW3) (1) Facility Charge $288.72 per bill (2) Water Volume Rate 80.61 per 1,000 gallons (WD2/WD3)(3) Subscribed Demand Rate $667.879 per MGD (Annual) 12 (Paid Monthly) 8Full Payment of Annual Water Demand Adjustments: As detcnnined in the last month of each fiscal year (September). if any outstanding or unpaid annual water demand adjustment charges exist, they shall be included in their entirety on the monthly billing for the following month of October. Water demand adjustment charges shall be billed and payable in full, in accordance with the bill payment delinquency provisions provided for below. MINIMUM BILLING The minimum monthly billing shall be the sum of the monthly facility charge plus the monthly subscribed demand rate charge. WATER DEMAND The demand will be billed on a monthly basis at the Water Demand Rate for the subscribed MGD water demand level. Annual water demand charges will be retroactively adjusted up beginning in June fOI each water year, if anytime during the fiscal year the actual peak demand required, as established by the highest rate of How controller setting for any one day during the fiscal year, is greater than the peak demand subscribed during the fiscal year. 10 BILL PAYMENT DELINQUENCY Bills shall be due and payable when rendered. Bills are considered delinquent if not paid within twenty (20) calendar days of the date a bill for service is rendered. There shall be a ten (IOc%) percent pel annum interest charge on the amount due. from the date when due until paid. if not paid within twenty (20) calendar days of the date a bill for service is rendered 11 SCI'IEDUIJE WRW WI-IOLES ALE MW WA’I-ER SERVICE TO UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DIS'l-RICT (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to all raw water sales from the City of Denton, Texas to the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD), per the Interim Sale of Wholesale Raw Water Contract MONTHLY CHARGES The monthly charge for service shall be expressed as a volume price per 1,000 gallons. Volume Charge: S..7578 per 1,000 gallons PAYMENT Denton shall render bills by the tenth (10th) day of each month. Bills shall be due and payable within twenty (20) calendar days of the date a bill is rendered. BILL PAYMENT DELINQUENCY Bills shall be due and payable when rendered. Bills are considered delinquent if not paid within twenty (20) calendar days of the date a bill for service is rendered. There shall be a ten (10%) percent per annum interest charge on the amount due, from the date when due until paid, if not paid within twenty (20) calendar days of the date a bill for service is rendered 12 SCI-IEDULE WCI, WIIOLES ALE RAW WATER PASS-THROUGII TO UPPER ’rRINiTY REGIONAL WATER DIS'I'lIICT FROM I.AKE CHAPMAN INTO LAKE LEWISVILLE (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION Applicable to all pass-through raw water sent from Lake Chapman into Lake Lewisville by the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD) per the Cooper Reservoir Project Contract, as well as, all Lake Chapman water reclaimed for reuse if discharged into and subsequently withdrawn from Lewisville Lake by UTRWD or Lewisville pursuant to a reuse permit or other appropriate regulatory authorization. MONTHLY CI-IARGES The monthly charge for service shall be expressed as a volume price per 1,000 gallons. Volume Charge:$0..0275 per 1,000 gallons PAYMENT Denton shall render bills monthly. Bills shall be due and payable within twenty (20) calendar days of the date a bill for service is rendered. BILL PAYMENT DELINQUENCY Bills shall be due and payable when rendered. Bills are considered delinquent if not paid within twenty (20) calendar days of the date a bill for service is rendered. There shall be a ten (10%) percent per annum interest charge on the amount due. from the date when due until paid. if not paid within twenty (20) calendar days of the date a bill for service is rendered. 13 WATER TAP AND METER FEES (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION This schedule applies to the installation, removal, or relocation of water taps and meters by the City of Denton Utility Department at the request of a person, firm, association or corporation. TAP AND METER FEES Any person, association of persons, or coII)oration that requests that a water main tap, water meter or water meter loop, be removed, installed, or relocated by the Utility Department shall pay in advance to the Utility Depallment the following applicable fees: WATER TAPS WITH METER All taps and meters listed in this section include the installation of a water main tap, a service line from the main to the water meter, the meter box, and water meter. Water impact fees are not included. For situations where porlions of this installation requires a pavement cut and repair or the water service line must be bored under the street, the Paved Street fee shall apply. For installations that require a full concrete panel section of pavement to be removed and replaced, or that require a meter larger than 2 inches, the Water Utility Depaltment will provide a special price quotation (see “fees for installdtions not listed” section). T_w Meter Paved Street Unpaved Street 1 inch 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch 1 inch 3/4 inch x 3/4 inch 1 inch 1 inch $2,405.00 $2,445.00 $2,475.00 Sl ,605.00 S 1 ,645.00 $1 ,675.00 2 inch 1 -1/2 inch 2 inch 2 inch $3,070.00 $3,080.00 82.070.00 52,080.00 WATER METER FEES This section applies where there is an existing water tap and service line of sufficient size to install a water meter. Situations include water meter installations for new developments and existing propellies requesting a larger water meter with an existing adequately sized water tap and service line. Fees include installation and setup of a new water meter and a new water meter box (if required). Water impact fees are not included. For a meter larger than 2 inches, the Water Utility Department will provide a special price quotation (see “fees for installations not listed“ section). Size of Meter 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch 3/4 inch x 3/4 inch 1 inch 8305.00 $345.00 $375.00 14 1- 1/2 inch 2 inch 8670.00 $680.00 WATER METER RELOCATIONS This section applies for relocations for existing water meters to remove them from conflicts with driveways, sidewalks and other surface obstructions. This standard fee covers relocation of the meta box and water meter and water service line up to 10 feet and does not include pavement removal or replacement. For distances longer than 10 feet. the Water Utility Department will provide a special price quotation in increments of 10 feet (see “fees for installations not listed’' section). Size of Meter Relocation of 10 Feet or Less 3/4 inch 1 inch 1-1/2 inch 2 inch $285.00 $285.00 $340.00 $390.00 WATER LINE TAPS This section applies to the installation of all water main taps for extension of water mains, larger than 2 inch diameter service lines, and fire lines, including, but not limited to, fire sprinkler lines. The fees include the tapping sleeve and isolation gate valve, the installation of the tap, and the removal and restoration of the pavement for the water tap installation only. The contractor is responsible fOI installing the mainline extensions, service lines, and fire lines from the tapping sleeve isolation valve. For tap installations impacting concrete pavement that require a full concrete panel section to be removed and replaced, the Water Utility Department will provide a special price quotation. If requested, the Water Utility DepaKment can offer to make a short extension of the main or service line to the back side of the adjacent street curb line or street right of way line based upon a special price quotation (see “fees for installations not listed” section). Size of Tap Paved Street Unpaved Street 4 inch 6 inch 8 inch 12 inch $3,600.00 $3,800.00 $4.800.00 $5.500.00 $2, 100.00 $2,200.00 83, 100.00 $4,000.00 FEES FOR INSTALLATIONS NOT LISTED For the installation of a tap, loop or meter for which a fee is not specified, the requestor shall paY in advance based upon the estimated cost of such installation, or similar work, plus an administrative charge of 20%. 15 FIRE IIYDRANT INS’rAI,I.A’rioN (Effective 10/01/20) APPLICATION This schedule applies to the installation, removal, or relocation of fire hydrants by the City of Denton Utility Department at the request of a person, firm, association or COIl)oration. FIRE HYDI(ANT INs'l-,/\LLATION FEES Any person, association of persons, or corporation that requests that a fire hydrant be removed, installed, or relocated by the Utility Department shall pay in advance to the Utility Department the following applicable fees: Fire Hydrant Installation Paved Street Unpaved Street Installation Fee $6,200.00 $4,300.00 FEES FOR INSTALLATIONS NOT LISTED For the installation of a fire hydrant for which a fee is not specified, the requcstor shall pay in advance a 50% deposit based upon the estimated cost of such installation, or similar work. plus an administrative charge of 20%. Upon completion of the installation, the applicant shall be billed at actual cost, as detennined by the Utility Department, plus a 20% administrative fee 16 WA'l'ER LABORATORY TES’1-ING FEES (Effective 10/0 1/20) APPLICATION Applicable to all customers and entities requesting testing and analysis services from the City of Denton Water/Wastewater Laboratory RATE Fee Description Fee Per Test Colilen (P/A), (Total Coliform, E. coli) Colilert Quantitray (MPN), (Total Coliform, E. coli) Colilen Quantitray (MPN), (Fecal Coliform) I-leterotrophic Plate Counts (HPC) $20.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Records Search – per hour $25.00/hour The testing and analysis fees are established to recover the cost of testing water and wastewater sanrples. MINIMUM BILLING $20.00 - Testing $25.00 - Records Search PAYMENT Bills are due when rendered, and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of issuance 17 SPECIAL FACILITIES RIDER (Effective 10/0 1/20) (1)All service shall be offered from available facilities. If a Customer service request for a special or unusual service not otherwise provided for by the water rate ordinance. and/or requires facilities or devices which are not normally and readily available at the location at which the Customer requests the service, then the City shall provide the service subject to the requirements of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Rider. (2)The total cost of all facilities required to meet the Customer’s special or unusual requirements. which are incurred by the City in connection with rendering the selvice shall be subject to a contract entered into between the City and the Customer. This contract shall be signed by both parties prior to the City providing the requested service to the Customer. (3)Any contract under this rider is subject to the following approvals: (a)If the total value of the contract is less than Sl 00.000. the contract may be dpproved by the City Manager, or his designee. If a contract under this subsection is not approved by the City Manager, or his designee, then it must be recommended for approval by the Public Utilities Board and approved by the City Council (b)If the total value of the contract is equal to or greater than $100,000, the contract must be recommended for approval by the Public Utilities Board and approved by the City Council . SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in force when the provisions of this ordinance became effective which are inconsistent or in conflict with the terms of provisions contained in the amended schedule of rates hereby enacted by this ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict. SECTION 3. If any section, subsection. paragraph, sentence. clause. phrase or word in this ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, hereby declares it would have enacted such remaining portions despite any such invalidity. SECTION 4. The Schedule of Rates herein adopted shall be effective, charged and applied to all water consumption occurring on and after October 1, 2020; and a copy of said rates, fees. and charges shall be maintained on file in the Office of the City Secretary of Denton. Texas. 18 s e c o n d = 1 :y 1 X=;iI aIlee X dda : J the following vote [7 - E]: Aye AL a AC I ./ ,/ ,// Nay Abstain Absent Chris Watts, Mayor: Gerard Hudspeth, District 1 : Keely G. Briggs, District 2: Jesse Davis. District 3 : John Ryan, District 4: Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5 : Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: PASSED AND APPROVED this the @Iday of8®,M mI was ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY By: A APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY By : 19 R .... ',. . i ... i ! .,..... / .. ., F M.: ' ... F i a 1 i . f', ' ' ' ., . . ... . ... . ... # • `, : . .. ..." I ' ` i: a . i r r . I ` 1 ` . .. . . s . ., 1 . . . '. i' ` '' ' ' ' I, - - ,- .,, . f; `i - ' • •- ' .'` f` # ' ,. • 0 0 0 SCH Septage & Chemical Toilet Disposal at the Pecan Creek Water 17 Reclamation Plant Septage Transfer Station SEE Equip ent Services Facilities and estaurants & Foad 19 Service Establishments Wastewater Service r , - t` 4_ t . f. . - 22 24 26 2$ 30 31 32 w . 11 , `. m SD Storm Drainag Fees 37 s I Stor water Reinspection Fee 39 RESIDENTIAL WASTEWATER SERVICE Effective 10/O1 % 19) Applicable for single-family residential service, and individually metered apartments or mobile hames or multi-farnily facilities with less than four (4} units. Alsa applicable for wastewater service without City of Denton, Texas water service. Not applicable for sub-billing or other utility billing by service user in any event. 1) Facility Charge $11.00/bill 2} Volume Charge $3.80/1,000 gallans effluent I • ' ' ' ; • • • 1 • 1) Facility Charge $12.75/bill 2) Volume Charge $4.40/1,000 gallons effluent Except as otherwise stated in this schedule, wastewater volume is calculated based upon a current winter Average Daily Usage, established annually during the previous billing months of December through February, and based upon 100% of actual water consumption during those manths. The average daily usage may be calculated using as few as two months. The Average Daily Usage thus calculated establishes the wastewater volume charge for each subsequent manth, through the following February. The calculated wastewater billed volumes will be capped at a maximuxn of 1$,000 gallans/bill. For customers without an established winter Average Daily Usage water consumption billing history derived fram the preceding billing months of December through February, wastewater valutne for each billing month through the following February shall be calculated at 100% of 5,400gallons. t . . Facility Charge With a current Average Daily Usage, billings through the following February shall be based on the average daily usage calculated using the following formula. Current Avera e_Dail Usa e_ w x Rate per 1,000 gallons 1,000 Far customers without an established current Average Daily Usage, billings shall be based on 100% of 5,400 gallons. C[ ,I c„ x Rate per 1,000 gallons 1,000 r' - •. - • r. -- .'- •. •. All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer's service requirements shall be pravided, subject to the Special Facilities Rider. 1'C T i`'I l Y 1.."I`,;I l l/'i"ta'i""I"1-lt.),1.1. "I'1" (i T)ENTON„WATERmSERVICE 1 } Facility Charge 2} Volume Charge r . 12.75/bill 4.40/1,000 gals r. . • - . *- - - , -• . - - - 111 •. • F . , : R. r 1! 1 * . . - . - r ac; v u° r° w: °k, a. The billing for the wastewater volume sha11 be based on the minimum wastewater volume (5,000 gallons} during the billing period. 111 +. 111 111 *. • r 0 11\ 11 i . - ... , i ' li ` .. II f. ., 1. ,r. ;1 i ` r I ` ` r ` 1. .. i . . .I ` ` i.' i i` i' i . r i,` 0 C • ... . . . . 1 1 ' Applicable for mobile home parks that are master water metered to provide residential wastewater service. Wastewater service is billed based on the Customer's winter average water usage. Alsa applicable for wastewater service withaut City of Denton water service, in the event the mobile hame park does not have a master meter for wastewater. Wastewater service is billed on the average residential wastewater volume per custamer. Nat applicable for sub-billing or other utility billing by service user in any event. l'1 Imm1]` 1°Iry1? 1"1- - WITH CITY OF I7ENTON "'U,"C` ,1 '"'1;;'1-.; 1) Facility Charge $26.50bi11 1 111 •. bN°'1 fI" ..h'.1; «@'4%_m-... t l' l l^.. ° ()T l(l i k [ lf'l'1_____ ,U'°G'.0 C'°i.v." ({' l:l:l`g,V WATER SERVICE 1) Facility Charge $30.50/hill 1 1!1 *. . r . ' . ' 1' ' " r. • • 11' . .' . - . - . r - . - , . . . - - . +- -. . . * . r - .-r . . . 111 . • r w- ' •: . - - * # • . ,. . * • - . . ' . ' # ' # r • • • " #' . '' . . ` . ..• . . . , . .^ 111 , • r- • •-, - - • - - •. . * - - , 1 '._ ' .... 1 .' _ . 1 .i._ ..- L _ R . . Facility Charge vc r.r cx - 1- z ro r x s rc With a current Average Daily Usage, billings thraugh the following February shall be based on the average daily usage calculated using the following formula. rl•a-,r_1.° C)a i l i,rx.__x Rate per 1,000 gallons 1,000 For customers without an established winter Average Daily Usage, bi111ngs shall be based on the established billable valume af 5,000 gallans per mobile home per month. Established Bi11ab1e Volume x Rate per 1,000 gallons x Number of Mobile Homesm, 00.0 Bills are due when rendered, and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15} calendar days from date of issuance. f.y[J/_III I:t#111111tl1 All services which require special facilities in order to meet Custorner's service requirements shall be provided, subject to the Special Facilities Rider. 1 • # • ' ' ' - 1) 2 Facility Charge SMNI Inside Carparate Limits 1 1 1!! •, SMNO Outside Corporate Limits 1 1 ' 1 ' . The Customer shall pay a minimum Valume Charge on the established billable volume of five- thousand (5,000) gallons per month. C"1]"1 7 1C 1 1 1T T" - WITHOUT CITY OF DENTON ""I°1 1 1"."L' The Facility Charge plus five-thousand (5,000) gallons of wastewater per mabile hame 1..1 ""1 r:" - '"I" t::1 4`l" `":C°I''" t.):' f k,l"l't" 1 l:Wl ",1"° The billing for the wastewater volume shall be based on the wastewater volume calculated during the billing period. ini astewater Vol ____e x ate per 1,000 gallons x N ber of obile o es 1,000 AY..,..,....ENT i, . . . . . - . . ` 1 ` . ~ f. -- , - . . f f ` , I . . . ` f" 1 -. . . . . . . .: 1 "1 1 • i . COMMERCIAL AND_INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER SERVICE Effective 10/O1/19} w.r c r w_r r r: Applicable ta all general commercial and industrial wastewater service users and to all wastewater service users not atherwise specifically classified under a specialized class wastewater rate. Also applicable to all cornmercial facilities not receiving metered water service from the City of Dentan, including subdivisions, for apartments, or other commercial users. 1't N C f 1 ` p 1 , - '"1"1 C 1......1' C l° P E';" VII I..: ^,:'l ;ry. 1} Facility Charge $26.50/bill 2) Volume Charge $4.85/1,000 gallons effluent Billing based on ninety-five (95%} percent of monihly water consumption. Plus SCA) (A} Categorical Custamer $400.00/bill SCB) (B} Nan-categorical Customer $ 50.00/bill A} Sampling charge per sample site (each) $60.00 B} Analysis charge (per test) Actual cost per test C) Violatian demand sampling charge per sample site: 1 11 -. t. • • •• _ . • + ' 11 w, ! 1 -, 0 M_ONTHLY RATE (SCO) — OUTSIDE CORPORATE LIMITS WITH CITY OF DENTON WATERSERVICE ..._ ......._.. e ...... ......................................................................._...........................................................................................................................................,,,m... .. .......,............... 1) Facility Charge $30.50/bill 2} Valume Charge $5.50/1,000 gallons effluent Billing based on ninety-five (95%) percent of monthly water consumption. MIIVIMUM BILLING Facility Charge Billing far the wastewater valume shall be based on the wastewater volume calculated during the billing period. Formula: U"( r : , x Rate per 1,000 gallons 1,000 In addition ta the above charges for commercial and industrial services, there will be added ta the monthly rate a surcharge based on the following formula: Surcharge Unit Cost Factar $0.47 per pound of Biachemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 1 •- • • • . •- - r Cu = Vu x.00834 ([Bu-250] B+[Su-250] S]) Where: Cu is the surcharge far customer X. Vu is the billing volume per 1000 gallons for customer X. 00834 is the conversion factor Bu is ihe tested BOD level for user X or 250 mg/1, whichever is greater. B is the unit cost factor for treating one pound ofBOD Su is the tested TSS level far user X or 250 mg/1, whichever is greater. S is the unit cost factor for treating ane pound of TSS 1} 2} Facility Charge Valume Charge SCNI Inside Carporate Limits 26---............ 50/bill SCNO Outside Corporate Limits 30.50/hill 4.85/1,000 gals $5.50/1,000 gals The minimum apartment Valume Charge will be far five-thousand (5,000) gallons per unit receiving wastewater service per month. Other commercial users will be billed on their estimated monthly wastewater volume. I i1 II l 1T.ii11lf [f 1) Facility Charge plus 5,000 gallans wastewater per unit receiving wastewater service. ar 2) Facility Charge plus ather commercial user estimated monthly wastewater volume. Billing for the wastewater volume shall be based on the wastewater volume calculated during the billing period. 111 . 111 I 1°"I!i1 .0;1_1 1;17°]?T(s t 1'i (_C r. ."+s.1?1.Nc. 1) Categarical Customer $400/bi11 2) Non-categorical Customer $50/bill 1'"1 1 1 I-A i J *9,1 "aC :."}-le i(.a r, li l 9 A) Sampling charge per sample site (each} $60.00 B) Analysis charge (per test} Actual cost per test C) Violation demand sampling charge per sample site: Four-Part Grab $170.00/each First Day of Compasite Sampling $110.00 Additianal Day Composite Sampling $50.00/each u' ' ' '' ' In additian to the above charges for comrnercial and industrial services, there will be added ta the net monthly rate a surcharge based on the follawing farmula: Surcharge Unit Cost Factor $0.47 per pound of Biachemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 0.42 per paund af Tatal Suspended Solids (TSS} Cu = Vu x.00834 ([Bu-250] B+[Su-250] S]) Where: Cu is the surcharge for custorner X. Vu is the billing valume per 1000 gallans far customer X. 00834 is the conversion factor Bu is the tested BOD level far user X or 250 mg/1, whichever is greater,. B is the unit cost factor far treating one paund BOD. Su is ihe tested TSS level for user X or 250 mg/1, whichever is greater. S is the unit cast factar for treating ane pound af TSS. l/' Bills are due when rendered, and become past due if not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days fram date af issuance. All services which require special facilities in order ta meet Customer's service requirements shall be provided, subject to the Special Facilities Rider. 12 1 I, 1 ' 7 i ' ' . " , .,, -, ' ' '; ' . # . . . .; 1 ` . ' . ' ' #' . ' ' ' 1 ' i ' # ' f' # . , . . . . . V _ _ __ 1) Facility Charge 3/4" Meter 1" Meter 1-1/2" Meter 2" Meter 3" Meter 4" Meter 6" Meter 8" Meter 10" Meter 2) Volume Charge 111 . The wastewater billing is based on ane-hundred (100%) percent of the actual water volume submetered. Facility Charge i. - - . . - -• . r' - . • - •. .. . - . . • w •-+ • - r; •- . . ' •- R ; i.i . ' ., ' ' ' ' .r. ;. ' . .. s ' i:..'( i'- s I •' ' ! ! ', ' i ' ' '. . , ! ' 1 ' ', ' " ' ' ; cu = vu X.00s34«Bu-Zso B+su-Zsa s} ere: Cu is the surcharge far customer X. Vu is the billing vol e per 1000 gallons for customer X. 00834 is the conversion factor Bu is the tested OD level for user X ar 250 mg/1, whichever is greater. B is the unit cost factor for treating one pound of BOD. Su is the tested TSS level for user X or 250 mg/l, whichever is greater. S is the unit cost factor for treating one pound of TSS. Billing for the wastewater volume shall be based on the wastewater volume calculated during the billing periad. I . tt.tl 1, r x: x Rate per 1,000 gallons 1,000 1 1 1 ' r . ' / . . . . .' . . . - _ . . . t ! . . . . . . i " # . ' -, f # ' ' _ _ Nat applicable for sub-billing or other utility billing by service user in any event. MONTHLY RATE 1} Facility Charge 3/4" Meter 1 " Meter 1-1/2" Meter 2" Meter 3" Meter 4" Meter 6" Meter Meter 10" Meter 2} Volume Charge — None 1 a11i 1`_sl. r - w • . - w w t ' • - ! 1 i' • ' " - . . . . . I 1 II il l.7 1111[; r' ' . . -- .- •. . # All services which require special facilities in order to meet Customer's service requirements shall be pravided, subject to the Special Facilities Rider. WASTEWATER SURCHARGE w ' - . +- - . . _ - .-• s ' • . - . - . -r r - : . . • *- - . r :• 1 ' . •'# f . •- -• cu = vu X.00$34 ([Bu-250] B+[Su-250] S]) ere: Cu is the surcharge for customer X. Vu is the billing volume per 1000 gallons for customer X. 00834 is the conversion factor Bu is the tested BOD level for user X or 250 mg/1, whichever is greater. B is the unit cost factor for treating one pound of BOD. Su is the tested TSS level for user X or 250 mg/l, whichever is greater. S is the unit cost factor for treating one pound of TSS. t . ' r. - - . - - . . r : - • + r _ . r- - •' _ ,w _ , _ _ , - . . 1 •i 1 1 ' 1i7:#iili:i : A11 persons owning or operating a vacuum truck, cesspool pump truck, liquid waste transport truck or ather vehicle shall nat service any septic tank, seepage pit, grease interceptor, grit trap/ail separatar, ar cesspool within City of Denton without first having received a valid transport truck discharge TTD) permit. Applicable to all users of the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant Septage Transfer Station. The user must sign the c6Agreement for Disposal of Liquid Waste" and comply with the following requirements: 1. Sections 26-309, 26-310, and 26-311 of the City af Denton Code af Ordinances 2. Provide to the City: signed "Application far Permit", "Agreement for Disposal af Liquid Waste" documents, and provide copy of current TCEQ Registration Certificate, current Insurance Certificate for each vehicle, and current Manager of Operations Driver's License. 3. Comply with the 66Liquid Waste Hauler — Vehicle Inspection Audit" requirements City staff, after reviewing the permit application and agreement, and after conducting any necessary research, may issue the permit, issue the permit with conditions, ar deny the issuance of the permit. The City will establish the number afpermits to be issued. The City maintains the right to deny the disposal of wastes at the Septage Transfer Station when necessary to prevent adverse affects to the aperations of the treatment facilities. 1) Facility Charge 2) Volume Charge 4) Vehicle Permit Fee 5} Waste Manifests per book af 100 5.80/bill G ! ' !1! , • i !1 11 .- . - ., ., i 11 11 •- . . - , - . .,, I iil ii l7l i11'11 LR1 Facility Charge Application and Vehicle Permit fee is due in full befare first disposal at Pecan Creek Water Reclamatian Plant Septage Transfer Station. Bills are due when rendered, and became past due if not paid within fifteen (15} calendar days fram date of issuance. Billing far the septage valume contained in the septage hauling tank, shall be based on the full tank valume only. Permits are issued annually, beginning Dec. 1, and are effective from Jan. 1 ar the date of issuance, whichever is later, through Dec.31 of the same calendar year. The permit application pracess should be initiated and fees should be paid as early as passible during the last quarter af each calendar year for the upcaming calendar year so that adequate time is available for review and processing of the application. Submittal of applicatians by Dec.l will eliminate the possibility of permits being issued after Jan. 1. All permits issued under this schedule shall be valid for up to one calendar year from the date of issuance. All permits issued during each calendar year will expire on the last day of that calendar year. EC UIPIVIENT S It 1I ES A IL,IT'I S AI TJ S A 1 I S FC7 S VI E ST L,IS EI S 1STE.__.._1T'E SE VICE Effective 10/O 1 / 19) 7[ i Applicable ta facilities which perform washing, cleaning or servicing af autamobiles, trucks, buses ar similar equipment and are categorized by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) numbers: ($11111, $11112, $11113, 811118, $11122, 811121, $11192, $1119$, 447110, 447190} and /or similar code classifications. Applicable ta all restaurants and food service establishments that prepare and serve food directly ta custamers and are categorized by NAICS numbers: (722110, 722211, 722212, 722213, 722410, 722310, 722320) and/ar similar code classificatians. 1'6 C I I" h'1°.SEE) 1) Facility Charge $26.50/bill 2) Valume Charge $6.75/1,000 gallans effluent Billing based on ninety-five (95%) percent of monthly water consumptian. Plus PRETREATMENT / PROGRAM C l i I:; . 1:1;°: SEA) (A) Categorical $400/bill SEB) (B) Non-categorical $50/bill The appropriate Pretreatment/Program charge will be applied if the Customer is identified as either categorical or nan-categor cal. These charges are not ta be applied if the Customer is not designated as either a categorical or non-categorical custamer. SAMPLING/ANALYSIS_(' ,,1.;;.1a a a A) Sampling charge per sample site (each) $60.00 B} Analysis charge (per test) Actual cost per test C) Violation demand sampling charge per sample site: E Four-Part Grab $170.00/each First Day af Composite Sampling $110.00 Additianal Day Composite Sampling $50.00/each 1 I:°;" N;"-["I N,:,i",+f r. r r . - - -r ' s . . . • • - : - -r r . - r w . , r • • ` . , r- - - -r ` - 2} Customers under the SEE rates shall be charged the SC rate plus the applicable industrial surcharge if the Customer: a) Installs a wastewater sampling manhale on the sanitary sewer discharge line; r " r. , r . . . 1 . t :•1 . f -. ;- •. :- # - . .'' i * "' • •. . -w • " w . " . . .'*- i: . i ` . • • . ; I . • + - _ . . ,, l/ 1\ / 1/ : 1\ iJ Facility Charge r r • ' ' ! t . w . w , , - • : • - . • *- !. . r : • 1 ' - r • , •- -• w • " 11: : 11 : .11 Where: Cu is the surcharge for customer X. Vu is the billing volume per 1000 gallons for customer X. 00834 is the conversion factor Bu is the tested BOD level for user X or 500 mg/1, whichever is greater. B is the unit cost factor for treating ane pound of BOD. Su is the tested TSS level for user X or 600 mg/1, whichever is greater. 1 . M i . ', 4 ` i • 1/ 1 i r. • . - . . r Billing for the wastewater volume shall be based on the wastewater volume calculated during the biiling period. UV`i N v 1 a r . x Rate per 1,000 gallons 1,000 1 R . * 1 1 • Applicable to any wastewater service Customer whose wastewater discharge is metered from a single customer locatian and not otherwise classified under this ordinance. I 1) Facility Charge 2} Volume Charge 1 r- • r . 361.50/bill 1! +, ' 1 111 *. x • SMA) (A) Categorical 1! .' 1 r -• - • - •- -' , - - r x' .• . _ . •- . . -a , . . . f / . ,,. A) Sampling charge per sample site (each) $60.00 B) Analysis charge (per test) Actual cost per test 1 !1 - r . + ' 1 11 1. •• * ' 1 11 -. I ,... , 1. . 4 ' I .... f '' • '. .. ' . . .... • ...,.. ...` i ..:. ., r I . . . •. :... ,. ,. 1` 1 ... , ,'. . : .... a . :Y. ' ' ' ' • ' : * , ; ere: Cu is the surcharge for customer X. Vu is the billing volume per 1000 gallons for customer X. Bu is the tested BOD level for user X or 250 mg/1, whichever is greater, 00834 is the conversion B is the unit cost factor for reating one po d of OD. Su is the tested TSS level for user X or 250 mg/1, whichever is greater. S is the unit cost factor for treating one pound of TSS. fwll i ii 1:111111[J r - '' - -.; ' + . . +- r ` C , - - - - - ' _ •. - . ' .' . . t 1 ' ! ', '' 1Z 771 1 ii[!l:/.l.ff! Billing for the wastewater volume shall be based on the wastewater volume calculated during the billing period. I '. +_ r.. ! 1! . s 1 SAI C F' T'RE"1F'I IAST'EWAT'R EF`F`I, W. W . ............................WW..... Effective 10/d 1 / 19) r r . .' - w - . - r . - . - - - . • . . • - . - r . Wastewater effluent is available for resale only if volumes are available. Supplies may be limited or unavailable. i 1/'\ 1 I 11 . w r- ' . • • . • .. .!,- . . t . w - - . - m Billing for the wastewater volume shall be based on the effluent volume calculated during the billing period. I',f a 1 ^cer; x Rate per 1,000 gallons 1,000 1 WHOLESALE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SERVICE FOR A GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, DIVISIt 1. OR SUBDIVISION Effective 10/O 1 / 19) APPLICATION Applicable to any municipal corporation, or other governmental agency or subdivision which operates a wastewater collection system and contracts with the City of Denton for wastewater treatment service. 1 i [) Y:11l/7_ti . 1) Facility Charge 230.75/bill 2) Pretreatment/Program Charge (As Applicable) A) Categorical B) Non-categorical 3) Volume Charge 400.00/bill 50.00/bill 2.60/1,000 gallons Billing shall be based on one-hundred (100%) percent of actual gallons measured. J'[E'_P l l: YSIS CHARGE. Ci 7 A) Sampling charge per sample site (each) $60.00 B) Analysis charge (per test) Actual cost per test C) iolation demand sampling charge per sample site: Four-Part Grab $170.00/each First Day of Camposite Sampling $110.00 Additional I7ay Compasite Sampling $50.00%ach MINIMUM BILLING Facility Charge. r. -• # . # . '. F1 ' • r r w : • . , # :- - . r : 1 •' • • .' r. .* * 1! : ! : ! Where: Cu is the surcharge for customer X. Vu is the billing volume per 1000 gallons for customer X. d0834 is the canversion factor Bu is the tested BOD level for user X or 250 mg/1, whichever is greater. B is the unit cost factor for treating one pound of BOD. Su is the tested TSS level for user X or 250 mg/1, whichever is greater. S is the unit cost factor for treating one pound of TSS. 17_'/I 1 I1 w . r ' ' • . ' • s , w ' ' . - w . . 2 "i :rl ' tit':"I.t, FA+'II I '11:' w-. .. # . - - -• - - . - w- * - - - , , . . . U ' , Billing far the wastewater volume shall be based on the wastewater volume calculated during the billing period. I 4r",a:, tr_ x Rate per 1,000 gallons 1, 000 1 DYNO DIRT PRODUCTS Effective 10/O1/19) APPLICATION Applicable to any and all customers, whether residential, commercial, or wholesale, which elect to acquire the City of Denton's Dyno Dirt products for their use. The City of Denton reserves the right to restrict or limit the sale of all Dyno I7irt products to any customer at any time. Dyno 17irt products will be sold by volume on a cubic yardage basis, or in one cubic faot bags. Each bag of Dyno I7irt contains 1 cubic foot. Bulk quantities will not be sold in volumes less than one-half cubic yard. A) Compost 1) Dyno Soil (Top Soil Blend) 2) Dyno Dirt 3) Dyno Dirt (Bagged) 4) Dyno Lite 5) Dyno Dirt Overs B) Wood Mulch 1) Dyno Deco Colored Mulch 2) Dyno Double Grind 30.00 /Cubic Yard 25.00 /Cubic Yard 4.00/Per Bag 30.00/Cubic Yard 3.00/Cubic Yard 30.00/Cubic Yard 17.50/Cubic Yard Purchases for (A) and (B) above, greater than ten (10) cubic yards will receive a 20% discount, purchases greater than 100 cubic yards will receive a 40% discount. A contractor's rate will be given to companies or persons who provide a current and valid resale certificate for inspection. The contractor's rate includes a 30% discount on any purchase of from 1 to 99 cubic yards at any one time of any Dyno Product of the City of Denton. C) City of Denton departments will receive a 40 % discount on all purchases af Dyno Dirt products. D) Asphalt Millings PRODUCT AVAILABILITY 10.00/Cubic Yard The City of Denton produces Dyno Dirt products throughout the year in varying limited quantities. The City of Denton does not guarantee the availability of any product, and expressly reserves the right to restrict the sale of any product based upon available volumes. MiL ZN IY[!]I i . " , . . !- . _ , ; w . - ; . 1f . ' .• • . 1 4 • i` :- ; ` , ' 1 ` „ - - I, i i' •' ' „ , w '," ` i i ' ` : . ` i . - • i !'' ` - ,, ` ' i '' . . ", . . . I R, Cr SS/iFZi1SF-/L,EAV ST_ m V( Effective 10/O 1/ 19} 1- * _ - - , -'. • , r + Product Characteristics Char e 1 11 • r -* 1 !1 r - : 11 w 11! • r . • - . - .- . . - - .. • + r - - - - - + - - . • . - , -. -• + - . .' Grass, brush, and leaves shall not be assessed the City of Denton salid waste 3.5% surcharge to compensate for the State of Texas surchaxge for all solid waste received at landfills if the materials are not land filled. i hIAST'E TAT`EIZ T' D Iv1AI T-IC I,E F ES n..,..,..,..,.... __.m .............................____....._.,__ _________________ Effective 10/O1/19) This schedule applies to the installatian, remaval, or relocation of wastewater taps by the City of Denton Utility Department at the request af any persan, firm, association, corporatian, ar other legal entity. H'l.f.' Any person, fi , association, corporation, or other legal entity that requests that a wastewater main tap be removed, installed, or relocated by the Wastewater Utility Department shall pay in advance to the Wastewater Utility Department the following applicable fees: a 1 '"av c l t ,:c°_k `t t 1111 ' 1111 11 11 ' . 1 11 11 11 ' :1 1 ! 1! l r . - , .. # ,- -• - - - • . .. .. . - a . - r• - - , -• • . . . • . .. . _ r . . . • . . . . - . - . - -. - . !' .• . . 31 T°FZ A"I'I F'F'I.,LT I TT' t 1ASt'WATEI `TAI F,S m.,.._m_...,.,.,.._....._ ............._._._._________________._._____ ...................... Effective 10/01 / 19) This schedule applies to the installatian, removal, ar relocatian of treated effluent wastewater taps by the City of Denton Utilzty Department at the request of any person, firm, associatian, corporation, or oiher legal entity. I l f.' Any person, firm, association, carparation, ar other legal entity that requests that a wastewater main tap be removed, installed, or relocated by the Wastewater Utility Department shall pay in advance to the Wastewater Utility Department ihe following applicable fees: ti;c 9 l Paved or C r cµ9 '°t r r For installation of a tap for which a fee is not specified, the requestor shall pay in advance a deposit based upon the estimated cost of such installatian, ar similar work, plus an administrative charge af 20%. Upon completion af the installatian or similar wark requested, the custamer shall be billed at actual cost, as determined by the Wastewater Utility Department, plus a 20% administrative charge. Any excess deposit shall be refunded to the Customer. I SITE S ACiE 'A.II,"I"`' 1'11'Blr. m_____________._______ _ _._ Effective 1 d/O 1 / 19) I r • w r - r - , , . _ . . . - - . - . - - r, . - .. .. . l. . w i _' .r . - -- 1# r -. ' , r w • • .- •• ., _ . ' 1! R . ,,,. { ,, . ; { I M 7 ; RMITCOLLECTIONANDTRANSPORTATIONSERVIE..... .. .. Effective 10/Ol/19) Any person, entity, or business engaged in the collection and transpart of waste, recyclables, or other materials as classified within this rate schedule, and operating within the City of Denton must possess a current permit issued from the City prior to providing collection and transportatlon services. Any private container located within the City of Denton for use in waste and recyclables collection services is required to be permitted. Permits far collection and transportation services are required for, but are not limited to, the follawing wastes and recyclables classifications: Special Waste Medical Waste Grease & Grit Trap Waste Cammercial and Industrial Recyclable Materials — containerized and baled Canstruction and I3emolition (C&D) materials, recyclables, reuseables, and discarded C&D materials Waste and recyclable collection service providers operating in newly annexed areas, or contract service providers for the city Refuse or recyclables that the City does not collect and transport. Waste Cooking Oil r . •- • - . , r. - - -r .i• . .. . . r . • . - . . - . - - r r- . - - - -- - -- - r• . . - . - , • . r• • . - . r- - - r . • •. - . ' -- - - r - •', - w * ' + . . # , . . . ,' . -• - . • ,' ' r . - f' . 1 ' ' : ' ' . . ' • `. #' • ! . . . ' .:'. . '.. .-.... . .. - . `.... *" .: . 1 . ' .'.. ..' ' '. ' ' ' ' ' t.. s.• • •. -- !'t ::. .1' -. . ... ..:. j. ' . '. , ' .: .. . ... ... , ' .... .. * . . *.... l ' • !' ' '' EXC1US10riS Individuals living within the City limits of Denton, and hauling personal materials, wastes, ar 34 recyclables fram their primary living residence are exempt from this requirement. Any person, who transports applicable materials three or fewer times per year, shall register with the City on the forms provided for that purpose. No annual service fees are required, but registration and permitting through the City is required. Fees Collection and Transportation Services Per it Fees Service Providers Application Fee Paid Annually $200.00 Service Fees: Per Vehicle $400.00 Waste manifests; Per Book af 100 $40.00 Service providers desiring to provide services in more than one service category are required to complete permit documentatian and pay the applicable fees for each service category they desire to provide within Denton's City limits. All fees paid are nonrefundable. Application and service fees will be billed to the applicant through City of Denton's Customer Service Department. Service fees are non-transferable between vehicles and are unit specific. i• 1• i A business which has not been permitted by the City to operate within the City limits of Denton; or has been suspended by the City from operating within the City limits af Denton, Texas shall be charged a sum of up to $500.00 per day by the City, for each day of violatian of this ordinance, if the provider violates the `No Operatians' requirement priar to receipt of a Ciiy of Denton permit, or during any suspensian of a permit period. Each day af illegal operations during a`No Operations' period is considered a separate violation and the service pravider is subject to being charged a sum of up ta $500.00 for each day af vialation. Follawing the receipt of a`Na Operations' declaration and prior ta a service provider being reinstated to legally operate within the City limits af Denton, the service provider must meet with the City staff to update their application and agreement and make payment af all manies owed ta the City. If a service provider operates a vehicle within Denton's City limits which has not been permitted, operates any piece of equipment with an expired permit, performs some other permit violation, fails to make payment of the appropriate fees in a timely manner, the city will issue a`No Operations' declaration to the service pravider, and assess all applicable permit vialatian fees. Once a service provider has been issued a'3 10 Operatians' declaratian fram the City, all services to be provided within Denton's City limits are required to cease. Fallawing a meeting with the City staff, and the payment ofall monies owed the City, the status of the permit will be determined. evocation of Services Non- enewal of Perrnits If the City iinds any requirement af the permit has been violated, or abserves service providers operating within Denton's City lirnits without current permits, the City may institute a`No Operatians' declaration. Additionally, the City may revoke or not renew the service provider's permit, thereby requiring the service provider to cease all operations within the City limits of Denton. I' , ' , r . f'` • ;•' ' ' •' ' •" t..' : • 1. ' ,t ''. '... ' .'... ' .. ' -'.. ... .. 1 # ;'- • ' ,.' •, ' ' ' • 1 r # ' ', . '' . ' •. # • . . . . .. s• ! . . - • . . . ' ,[ /' ' 1 ' • 1- • ',, + . The City of Denton has the autharity to inspect the contents of any container located within Denton's City limits in order to determine the materials content of the container, so as to ensure compliance with the contamination requirements, which shall not exceed 10%. r. , - -t . . i., , . _ . . ., . _ _ . # . . ' w. - s • . ' • r' •. .. . • ' : - . • . ' t -. w .• - ., .r - . - , r f f ., •' ` .• . ` ' • . ''. •# r' .' i' . • * # . A " " •'r ' ! ' .' "::• +.. '. . . #. . ,, ... i ,. ,,,.. 11' G I!\. r ` ` . .. •' . , - . - 't . • # . '•' ' . ~ f ' " . .' '. . +' 1 ". 1' , f. '1 •• "+ • •' 1 . ' ' ' . ' . # r . ! ' ! .; . ' 14'(1 1 11'l„1^.,-- a S E}?1F,lr"'11=_w.4. r .r - • . - . ,* • - .. •- . ., -• f ' ' ,!' . " ' '# • • . i ' ' '' .#.; l' 'C • • '# i # 1' i ... .. . - .... . ... M mm_mmm THLY FEE NOI [1;I?i["l fY";1 1"' r . . . -. ' - . . -r : r - . . - ,.. . . - w Formula: Measured Square Footage of Impervious Surface Cover x$0.001$6 per bill I. u' # r , . 1; i . i i i i . ., . tf f i r r `i r! . . . ` `i /" ii"f . , ` 1 i - - • •4, f" , ' ` -. . , r. i 4 . * M . f if , f' i - „ , . i.. i i ' i i. . R' i . i.. -f . i i 1 1 1` i il i i` i r I M ,,,. wli*i 1• • ` ' . ` ! # • • • - . '• . 1 • s ' 4 . ' " w ! ` . # •' - + - r • ' • ` * r • .' ' * r r. ' • '' . ! 1" i •' ` , . ' `, ' ', ,, i • •' _. ' . ' , * ' . . ' 1 . SPECIAL FACILITIES RIDER Effective 10/O 1 % 19} r - . - , r • , , . - . - , - . r . . . - , - . • . r . • ,. t • - - . - . . . . * ` • •. . 1! !!1 - . . - .• -r r w . '. _ ' ; i;. . , , r'! # 11!!! - . ' y ' i. , . 'r ' 1 M' . i • ` ' ' . r ' 1 ` 11' . ! ' r v tl zs ordinance vvas mad by /. ./-,` ndTh mation to appro s c nd d by . " - 'J wld. ih ordi an c was pass d and approved by the fcslla ing vot m : y 1 Tay Abstain Absent IVlayor l ris iJatts: '...._ m I ly , ri s, Disirict 2e J ss I)avis, l istric 3 e a" Johrl Ityan, I7istrici 4e __ L7eb Armintar, t L,arge F'la 5 a PASSED AND APPROVED this the '' day of _ W, f m 2019. rf 4 . an , CH..... ,,.... ._.,. __ _- _ ---. mmRIS WA] ', :^YOR ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CTTY SECRETARY r BY: " W M m".., , "" ,. ---- ..._.. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY m. BY: 42 a /J r, ` , i ORDINANCE NO.20-1551 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING THE RATES FOR SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION SERVICE; REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 19-2138; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER; PROVIDiNG FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SECTION 1. The charges for Solid Waste and Recycling collection services as established as follows: SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING RATE SCHEDULES PAGE RESIDENTIAL REFUSE & RECYCLING COLLECTION SERVICES __..___......_____. 2 COMMERCIAL REFUSE & RECYCLING COLLECTION SERVICES............................ 3 PROCESSING AND DISPOSALSERVICES ........................................................................... 4 SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING SERVICES DEFINITIONS _______.___.________._ 6 RESIDENTIAL REFUSE & RECYCLING COLLECTION SERVICES (Effective 10/01/20) Units/Accounts eligible for Residential collection services accounts are defined as: A single- family detached dwelling unit, each unit of a duplex, triplex, or quadraplex, or any single unit or living space in which an individual or single family resides. Residential collection services are not available to residents of apartments, dormatories, or other multifamily housing units. Carts are collected weekly on a date and at a time assigned by the City of Denton. All refuse must be contained and secured within a plastic bag prior to deposit within the refuse cart and the lid must be fully closed. Recycling materials shall not be bagged when placed in the recycling cart and the lid must be fully closed. All carts must be placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day. Residential accounts are billed monthly. To receive any residential service, a resident shall contact Customer Service a minimum of one business day prior to their scheduled collection day. Residential Collection Services Standard Refuse & Recycling Cart (65 Gallon Refuse Cart) Large Refbse & Recycling Cart (95 Gallon Refuse Cart) Additional Large Cart Yard Waste Subscription – Kraft Bags Yard Waste Subscription – Cart Monthly Rate $16.57 $1.00 $0.50 Residential Service Fees Bulk Waste Collection – per item, in excess of 2 items per collection Brush Collection – per staff hour, in excess of 4 cubic yards Appliances and Electronics Collection (per item) Residential Remodeling – per CY – (4 CY maximum) Yard Waste Cart – per can purchase Cart change out fee – for next service day Fee $5.00 $75.00 $20.00 $25.00 $20.00 $50.00 COMMERCIAL REFUSE & RECYCLING COLLECTION SERVICES (Effective 10/01/20) New commercial business development and redevelopment will be provided commercial refuse and recycling services as outlined in the Denton Development Code and Site Plan Criteria Manual. Pursuant to the City of Denton Code of Ordinances, Chapter 24, the City of Denton is the exclusive provider of commercial refuse service in the City of Denton. Refuse and recyclables will be collected in city provided or city-approved containers only. Pursuant to the City of Denton Code of Ordinances, Chapter 24, the City of Denton is a provider of commercial recycling service in the City of Denton. Operators may contract with any provider to collect, transport, and process their recyclable material. Only recyclable materials accepted by the City shall be deposited in the City’s recycling containers. The owner/manager of all commercial businesses is responsible for notifying their employees/personnel of proper recycling procedures. Refuse & Recycling Rates Commercial Cart Service One Pair Refuse & Recycling Carts Additional Refuse Cart Additional Recycling Cart $33.25 $19.75 $15.00 Front Load and Side Load Refuse Service 4x Perlx Per 2x Per 3x Per Week WeekWeekSizeWeek $148.32 $222.48 $3 1 1 .52$74.163 CY $296.64 $415.36$98.88 $ 197.764 CY $444.96 $623.04$296.64$148.326 CY $830.72$593.28$395.52$ 197.768 CY 5x Per Week $408.75 $545.00 $817.50 $ 1 090.00 6x Per Week $515.16 $686.88 $ 1 ,030.32 $1,373.76 Front Load and Side Load Recycling Service 4x Perlx Per 2x Per 3x Per WeekWeekWeekWeekSize $267.91$63.78 $127.56 8191.333 CY $255.11 $357.21$170.07$85.044 CY $535.81$255.11 $382.676 CY $127.56 $ 1 70.07 $5 1 0.22 $714.42$340.158 CY 5x Per Week $351.53 $468.70 $703.05 $937.40 6x Per Week $443.04 $590.72 $886.08 $1.181.43 Valet Shared Service Rates Tier 1 – Offices and Residential Tier 2 – Small Retail Stores and Bars (no food) Tier 3 – Large Retail Stores, Bars (with food), and Small Restaurants Tier 4 – Medium Sized Restaurants (limited service) Tier 5 – Large Sized Restaurants (full service) $24.70 $74.16 $148.75 $289.50 $460.00 Compactor Rates Front Load Compactor Service (Per CY) 30 Cubic Yard Self Contained Compactor 42 Cubic Yard Stationary Compactor Container Service Fee (Each Haul) $74.16 $275.00 Roll-Off Container Rates Container Rental (Monthly) Container Service Fee (Each Haul) Commercial Organics Collection Service Monthly Service Fee (3 CY 1 x week) Extra Empty Commercial Service Fees Delivery•Relocation•Inaccessible•Extra Empty•Exchange Same Day Service Fee Dumpster Lock Installation (one-time fee) Temporary Container Service Rental Fee Per Month Temporary Container Service Per Empty Fee Damaged Containers Bulk Waste Collection – Trip Fee Bulk Waste Collection – Per Item Collection Fee Yard Waste Service – Per Staff Hour (in 15-minute increments) $75.00 $80.00 $ 120.00 Ret)1. Cost $20.00 $5.00 $75.00/hour PROCESSING AND DISPOSAL SERVICES (Effective 10/0 1/20) Landfill Rates (per ton) Gate Rate (City of Denton Residents/Businesses) Gate Rate (Non-Denton Residents/Businesses) City Hauled Disposal Rate (Open Top & Compactors) City of Denton Department Rate Sludge, Dewatered Clean Concrete, Asphalt, Brick, or Dirt (if needed) Special Waste (must be pre-approved by City of Denton) Per Ton 844.00 848.00 840.00 $24.50 850.00 $22.00 Varies Minimum Charge (per load) After Hour Fee Unsecured Loads Electronics per item Appliances per item $25.00 $ 120.00 820.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 Cubic Yardage Rates (in event of scale outage) Uncompacted MSW (per CY) Compacted MSW (per CY) Brush and Green Waste Whole tree stumps Unbagged grass, leaves, and brush $ 12'- bagged material is not accepted Brush > 12’ Per Ton $50.00 $20.00 $30.00 SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING SERVICES DEFINITIONS & ADDITIONAL DETAILS (Effective 10/01/20) Household Hazardous Waste Residential and multi-family household chemicals should not be placed in refuse or recycling containers. These waste materials include pesticides, herbicides, cleaning chemicals, paints, oils, etc. Residents shall contact Customer Service to schedule curbside collection. The chemicals should be kept in their original containers and placed where requested by the Customer Service staff. Residents may also dispose of household hazardous waste at the City’s Home Chemical Center located at 1527 S. Mayhill Rd. during operational hours. Household hazardous waste may not be left for disposal while the facility is closed or unattended Residential Brush Collection 4 cubic yards of brush will be collected at no charge by contacting Customer Service to schedule a collection. Accumulations in excess of 4 cubic yards will be assessed a collection fee equivalent to the hourly labor and equipment cost to collect the material. The collection fee will be assessed in 15-minute increments. Electronic Equipment Televisions, monitors, video displays, laptops, similar electronic devices, and certain appliances containing CRT, LED, LCD, plasma, and other electronic displays will be charged fees for the collection, processing, recycling, and disposal of these items. Residential Remodeling Residential remodeling materials include, but are not limited to; lumber, brick, fencing, drywall, and other construction materials. No materials shall exceed 8 feet in length. If the customer has over 4 cubic yards of remodeling materials for collection, the customer is required to utilize a City refuse container of adequate size to contain the materials and maintain a collection service frequency of at least once per month. Special Event – Clearstream Services Clearstream containers are available for special events at no charge. they can be picked up and returned by the customer to the Solid Waste & Recycling administration office located at 1527 S. Mayhill Rd. Commercial Cart Collections In areas where commercial cart collection service is available, small quantity waste generators may contract for weekly cart service. All refuse must be placed in the cart, and the cart set out for collection no later than 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day. 6 Commercial Delivery / Relocation / Inaccessible / Exchange Fee / Extra Service A fee will be charged for container delivery, relocation, inaccessibility, exchange, or extra collection services. Shared Commercial Services The Director of Solid Waste may designate certain commercial containers as shared containers for use by multiple commercial customers. Shared container rates include a range of costs. The rate assigned may vary and fluctuate according to waste and recycling volumes and frequency of service Commercial Bulky Waste Collection Commercial bulk waste is bulk material (furniture, mattresses, etc.) placed outside the dumpster or roll-off container sited at a commercial account holder’s service location. Bulk waste set for disposal at commercial businesses may be collected by the City of Denton if the property owner, business owners, and/or account holder schedules a collection. A trip charge and per item fee is assessed for all collections. Commercial Service Requirements Equipment Uses - All equipment furnished by the City shall at all times be considered the property of the City, and not private property. Customers shall not modify the equipment or use it for any purpose other than as set forth herein. The City shall repair, as necessary, the equipment fbrnished. The customer, however, agrees to be solely responsible for any damages to or loss of equipment resulting from any negligent acts or misuse by the customer, customer's agents, employees, or invitees. The City may temporarily replace the size and/or type of equipment contracted with one or more pieces of equipment of equivalent capacity for the purposes of repairing the equipment. Customer agrees that the equipment is in the customer's care, custody, and control at all times. Gate Rate All persons delivering material to the City of Denton Landfill are subject to a fee for the disposal or beneficial reuse of said material. City of Denton residents and businesses qualify for the City gate rate by providing proof of residency. Clean mixed paper, cardboard, steel and aluminum cans, glass bottles, and plastics #1-7 delivered to the recycling facility exclusively for recycling are not assessed a fee. Special Wastes Acceptance of special waste is subject to Federal and State laws and regulations. The City of Denton has the right to refuse to accept or collect special waste at their discretion. Charges for the collection and disposal of special waste, approved by the Director of Solid Waste and Recycling, will be established based on the type of special waste, the regulatory requirements, and cost of service for collection and disposal of the waste. 7 Unsecured Loads In compliance with Texas Transportation Code, Title 7, Chapter 725,Sec.725.021 (c)., solid waste loads that are not adequately secured/tarped to prevent the material from spilling will be charged an Unsecured Load Fee. Landfill Surcharge The State of Texas assesses a state-mandated landfill surcharge (see 30 Texas Administrative Code 330.602), the surcharge is a pass-through charge collected on behalf of the State of Texas. Any additional assessment or fees established by a governmental entity will be added to the disposal rates and assessed on all waste delivered to the landfill. Contracted Commercial Disposal Rates The Denton City Council may, at its sole discretion, approve service contracts with commercial waste haulers for disposal services at the City of Denton’s landfill facility located at 1527 S. Mayhill Rd. Miscellaneous Should any other fees and/or charges be established by any other authorized governmental entity, those fees and/or charges will be added to the monthly rate stated hereinabove in order that the City shall recover those additional costs from the customer. Indemnification and Hold Harmless Customer shall defend, indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all claims at the service location, and any and all claims made by any other person having an interest in the property situated at the service location, for any loss, damage or deterioration of the pavement, surface, subsurface materials, or similar facilities at the service location by reason of use thereof by the City’s trucks that are used to service the equipment. Customer further agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Denton, Texas, from and against any and all claims of damages related to the furnishing of solid waste and recycling services performed by the City in servicing single- and multi-family living facilities as well as commercial entities. SECTION 2. The Director of Solid Waste and Recycling of the City of Denton, or designee, is hereby authorized to deny the use of the City of Denton landfill to any customer who provides false information regarding the origin of, or the composition of the solid waste delivered for disposal to the landfill; or for safety violations committed by a customer within the landfill; or for non-compliance with verbal and written instructions provided to the customer by Solid Waste and Recycling Department personnel at the landfill; or for nonpayment of delinquent funds owed by the customer to the City of Denton, Texas; or for any violation of the law committed by the customer within the landfill; or for any non-compliance by the customer with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regulations or policies; or for any non- compliance by the customer with the City of Denton’s Code of Ordinances or rules; or for any 8 violation of the written landfill rules by the customer as posted by the Solid Waste and Recycling Department at the entrances to the landfill, from time to time. SECTION 3. It is in the public interest that the provisions of Sections 26-3, 26-4, 26-5, 26-7, 26-8(a), and 26-9 of Article I of Chapter 26 of the City of Denton Code of Ordinances shall expressly apply to City of Denton Solid Waste and Recycling services. SECTION 4. Ordinance 19-2523 is hereby repealed. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in force when the provisions of this ordinance became effective which are inconsistent, or in conflict with the terms or provisions contained in this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict. SECTION 5. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or under any circumstances is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, hereby declares it would have enacted such remaining portions despite any such invalidity. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall become effective, charged, and applied to all solid waste and recycling services rendered by the City of Denton on and after October 1, 2020; and a copy of said rates, fees, and charges shall be maintained on file in the Office of the City Secretary of Denton, Texas. *..M'r£y''W==P" B=J:dh~'"' "” '%Xd=:U;pY:l=L,pp„„.d'Ethe following vote [L -a : @ @ Abstain Absent Chris Watts, Mayor: Gerard Hudspeth, District 1 : Keely G. Briggs, District 2: Jesse Davis , District 3 : John Ryan, District 4: Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5 : Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: ,/ IZZZ 7 ,/ PASSED and APPROVED this fbEa4 d a y o f S q \C(Y\b q2 0 2 O n aRIS b 9 ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY By: 10 o aNCE No. - AN O ANCE OF THE CITY OF ENTON, TEXAS PROVTD G FO THE SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS FEES, DEPOSITS, BILLINGS AND PROCEDURES FOR ADMINTSTRATIVE SERVICES TO CITY UTILITIES CUSTOMERS; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE ATE. r ' - ' ' • 1 R- A. ACCOUNT CONNECTION„_AND RECONNECTION CHARGES„ PAGE Meter Connection Charge 3 New Customer Application Charge METE CHA GES 3 4 5 5 5 Meter Tampering and/or Damage Charge 6 Meter Inaccessibility Charge 6 C ,!C f";Ci,."+r l. I? _""ll t 1_:!l l...w17 1'w l [_` Returned Pay ent Charge 7 Service Deposits Waiver af Service Deposits Late Payment Charge Due an Delinquent Balances Interest Charge on Past ue Account alance 1 Credit Card Processing Service Fee 10 ACCOUNT CO ECTION AND I l°:`,lI C"x";:: 1, " [(.a For the purposes of this rate schedule, business hours shall be defined as Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 1:17 I1[N=1111[!]I r - - . ' i ' ' , r . r . . . ; . r . . , . . - . - . . • - . • - . t . • . . . , - . - - - - . ' , • - . • . w . . . . - . • - ' , . First Service Requested $23.00 First Service Requested, guaranteed $30.00 same day service In addition to first service requested} 4. '+ 'R First Service Requested $131.00 First Service Requested, guaranteed $176.00 same day service T IET'EIZ .`C I^;""]."l i)1` "[{I.s "-C.d C il"^W 1! r i . i. r 1 ! '` ! Commercial Reconnect Charge, guaranteed same day service $61.00 In addition to delinquent service fees) 1I' # . . `• . •.' i • ' When more than one trip, within twenty-four (24) hours, is required ta restore a customer's service, a Return Trip Charge, in addition to the Recannection Charge, shall be applied for each additional trip. w !1 Return Trip Charge after business hours $61.00 Appiicable to any customer that fails to request connection of services within 24 hours of occupancy in a new service locatian. Unauthorized Usage Penalty $30.00 1-101[7 I 1 . . # . / . :! . •' • -# r . •' . # ' • • • . +" ' •' #, l/iz ir:i,z ii R ' l [. # . r i • Additional Meter Reading Fee is applicable to any electric or water utility customer who requests a reading of a city meter due ta a cantested billing more than twice in the previous twelve (12) months, and no error is found. Manual reading fee is applicable to any electric customer who requests a Non-Standard Electric Meter. A"Non-Standard Electric Meter" is an electric meter that does not have the ability and/or capability to integrate with the AMI meter reading system. Examples would be older mechanical meters, solid state meters without an AMI module and one-way RF transmit meters; these meters have to be read manually. I' ' • . ' -,• +' Manual Reading of Non-Standard Electric Meter R 1 1 1 I i • . . , r Applicable to any customer who requests the testing of a city meter previously tested within the past four (4) years and the meter is found to be within accuracy standards. 62.00/KWH Electric Meter 93.00/KW/KWH Electric Meter 93.00 Water Meter A meter is defined as within accuracy standards when found to be plus or minus two percent 2%} or less. 1 ' . . . • Per Event $310.00 minimum per electric connection per system Per Event $200.00 minimum per water co ection per system R I 1.. . .. 1 ' ' i . ., . ' • ', s # a is a7'!!f"+ '": N"G.;I,,r ll;'__)ll 8__q'_ I+ `1 I il w ri a,_,i l:f')T..'.. 1 ' u f:/•1 7f''l l x r . ' . . . .' •, . - # ' •- r, • . • . '' •, y'- f:' • ' . - . r ' Applicable when a residential custamer requests utility service in the City of Denton service area and does not have twelve (12) months of good credit standing with the City of Denton or demonstrates a passing credit rating through an external credit reparting agency. Applicable when a commercial customer daes not have twenty-faur (24} months of good credit standing with the City of Denton or demanstrates a passing credit rating through an external credit reparting agency. Nat applicable when a cammercial customer provides an irrevocable letter of credit to the City af Dentan as security for payment. Residential Customer An amount up to 1/6 of the last 12 months of billing at the service location. If utility service is disconnected for non-payment ar the account is consistently past due, then the customer will be required to pay a deposit sum up to 1/6 of the last 12 months of billing at the service location. Commercial Customer An amount up to 1/6 of the last 12 manths of billing at the service location. If utility service is disconnected for non-payment or the accaunt is consistently past due, then the customer will be required to pay a depasit sum up ta 1/6 of the last 12 months of billing at the service location. Deposits will earn interest for the customer. The applicable rate of interest will be adjusted semi-annually to equal the rate of a one-year United States Treasury Note on October 1 and April 1 of each year. If refund of deposit is made within thirty (30} days of receipt of deposit, no interest payment will be made. If the City retains the deposit more than thirty (30) days, payment of interest, at the current rate, shall be made retroactive to the date the depasit was paid.Payment of the interest to the customer shall be made at the time the deposit is returned or credited to the customer's account. The deposii shall cease to earn interest an the date it is returned or credited ta the customer's accaunt. i 6 1 1°,I: ()'" ,"1^'i'1_* C"[. For purpases of the exemptions from deposit, "acceptable credit rating" shall mean a credit rating which is based upon a commonly used formula or a formula appraved by the City Council. Residential exemption from depasit, No service deposit will be required of an applicant for residential utility service if the applicant can provide and qualify for one (1) af the following: 1) The applicant has an acceptable credit rating for twelve (12) consecutive months within the last twa (2) years with the city utility system. 2) The customer receives an acceptable credit rating from a credit source available to the city. The customer must pay the cost of obtaining the credit rating. This cost will be set annually within the utility rate ordinance, but will nat exceed one hundred dollars 100.00). 3) Customers with little credit histary or a fair credit rating may be allowed to provide ane af the following alternatives in lieu of deposit: a. A signed letter of good standing for utility services from a former utility company far verificatian within twenty (20) days of applying far service; or b. The applicant provides a cosigner who accepts responsibility and is verified to have an acceptable credit rating wiih the city utility system, and wha is willing to be listed on the applicant's account to guarantee payment of the applicant's utility bills. This guarantee will be in effect until the applicant develops an acceptable credit rating and the cosigner requests remaval from the accaunt. 4) Customer is participating in a verifiable permanent supportive or rapid rehousing program and provides a dated and completed certificatian letter upan applying for utility services. 5) Customer has been qualified as a Victim af Family Violence and provides a dated and completed certification letter upon applicatian far utility services. Applicable when an Applicant is a citizen of the City of Denton, Texas and who also is a"victim of family violence," applies for utility service in the City af Denton, Texas, To be a qualified as a victim of family violence" an Applicant must secure and provide a certification letter, provided by one of the certifying entities to the Utilities Custamer Service Department. If a proper, dated and campleted certification letter is presented by or on behalf of the Applicant to the Utilities Customer 5ervice Department, and its issuance is verified by the Utilities Customer Service Department, then the requirement of a utility deposit shall be waived for that Applicant. This provision is applicable solely to "victims of family vialence" as defined by Texas Family Code, §71.004, as amended. No other relief from the City's utility rates, or deposits, or charges, or fees is hereby provided to "victims of family vialence." 6) Customer signs up for auto pay and maintains an acceptable credit rating for twelve 12) consecutive months. Commercial exemptian from deposit. An applicant for utility service for a commercial or industrial entity or business may not be required ta make a deposit if the applicant: 1) Pravides the city an acceptable commercial/industrial credit rating for the last twenty-four (24} months the customer received service from the city utility system; or 2) The customer receives an acceptable credit rating from a credit source available to the city. The customer must pay the cost of obtaining the credit rating. This cost will be set annually within the utility rate ordinance, but will not exceed one hundred dollars 100.00). 3} If the credit af a commercial/industrial customer for service has not been established satisfactorily to the city, the applicant may provide an irrevocable letter of credit in lieu of a depasit within twenty (20) days of signing for service. The irrevocable letter of credit must be executed by a Texas bank and must be approved by the city manager and city attorney. The customer must maintain the irrevocable letter of credit in effect at all times. If the customer allows the irrevocable letter of credit to expire, the customer shall pay a deposit in the amount provided as listed above, or the city may terminate utility service. i. . '. R , '.. .. . Ta cover a portion of the administrative costs of collecting past due balances, a late payment charge shall be assessed an the fifth business day following the due date. Late payment charges will not continue to be assessed once an account is closed. 1 11 . - . , . , . i. . Interest shall be assessed an any past due account balance (excluding late payment charges) that remains unpaid at the time of the current month's billing calculation. Interest charges will not continue to be assessed once an account is closed. The interest pravided for and assessed herein shall be due and payable an the due date of the current month's billing statement, 7 CHARGE 1%/ month on all past due charges and account balances unpaid at the time of the current month's billing calculation.* * Under no circumstances shall the interest charge provided for herein exceed the legal rate of interest. To the extent that it does so, the charge is inadvertent, and the City intends only to assess, charge and collect such interest rate that does not exceed the highest lawful rate, C'I1;^,' 1 b,1) '' t")i"i".+'L.""I:RETAINA:.,in Contract retainage will earn interest for the contractor as provided by TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. Article 6252, Sec.Sb (Vernon Supp. 1992). The rate of interest will be adjusted semi- annually to equal the interest rate of a one year United States Treasury Note on October 1 and April 1 of each year. Payment of the interest shall be made at the time the retainage is paid to the contractor. I C=1:°I' 'r"L P s SING SER"I+C"; ltl: APPLICATION Applicable when a non-residential customer remits payment for fees, fines, court costs, taxes, utilities, or other charges using a credit card. Charge is assessed by the City of Denton's payment processing vendor after the customer has confirmed the payment amount and authorized the fee. CHARGE Per Payment Transaction 2.7% of the payment amount remitted using the non- residential customer's credit card SECTION 2. Ordinance No. 2015-295 and Ordinance No. 2016-276 are repealed. SECTION 3. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, hereby declares it would have enacted such remaining portions despite any such invalidity. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective, charged, and applied to all services occurring on and after October 1, 2018; and a copy of said fees and charges shall be maintained on file in the Office of the City Secretary of Denton, Texas. The motion to approve this Ordinance was made by ","/,' ` „„ __m,_ and seconded by , ,m° ; the Ordinance was passed and approved by i1<>ia lc ; , 10 Chris Watts, Mayor: Gerard Hudspeth, District 1; Keely G. Briggs, District 2: Don Duff, District 3: John Ryan, District 4: Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5: Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: A e Na Abstain Absent PASSED AND APPROVED this the ,"'_. 1, t"_ q'°'";"' ,„2018. m _ I I I .'.,°;; ,.G"S, MA ": R ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY By' '-" — - - °=------- APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY By: _ . __ —..-_.—._. 11