6590 Engineering Svc Addendum 1  Purchasing Department 901-B Texas St. Denton, TX 76209 (940) 349-7100 www.dentonpurchasing.com ADDENDUM #1 RFQ # 6590 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF DENTON Issue Date: November 21, 2017 Response due Date and Time (Central Time): Thursday, November 30, 2017, 11:00 A.M. RFQ #6590 ADDENDUM # 1 Please see the following questions and answers received in regards to the solicitation packet: Please confirm the number of pages for the SOQ is 25 pages. There is a different page limit listed on page 7. The intent here is to provide some flexibility to the submitter. There is a maximum of 25-pages allowable per any one category of work that the submitter wishes to be considered. A maximum of 200-pages is for the overall document is allowed. Any pages beyond the limits will not be reviewed. How many engineering firms will be selected for the seven categories of work? A minimum of 1 per category, it is the City’s intent to award at least one task order contract per work category and have the ability to award an unspecified number of contracts per work category over the next three years before re-advertising another RFQ for these services. On page 5 of 17, section 10, it shows maximum number of pages 25. Page 7 of 17 section 15.a shows 200 pages. What is the maximum allowed pages for this RFQ? See No. 1 above. Is the respondent require to cover all the categories under scope of work in her team? For example, our firm does not have survey, do I have to have a surveyor on my team? No. Main RFQ Document, page 5 of 17, under Statement of Qualifications, first paragraph it states “Statement of Qualifications should be no longer than 25 pages.” Can we use up to 25 pages for each of the 7 categories of work for a total of 175 pages? See No. 1 above. Main RFQ Document, page 7 of 17, under Submission Format Section item b. states “Submission shall be no more than 200 pages length”.  Is the 200 pages correct? See No. 1 above. Main RFQ Document, page 7 of 17, under Submission Format Section item b.3 and 4 list Attachment A to be ordered after the SOQ; the table on page 11 of 17 lists it before the SOQ. Which is the preferred order? Page 7 is correct. Main RFQ Document, page 8 of 17, under Submission Format Section item d.6 states “Attachment C - Safety Record (if applicable form will be attached)”.  Attachment C was not included.  Do we need this attachment? Attachment C can be removed/ignored. Main RFQ Document, page 11 of 17, under Solicitation Checklist, Order of Submission #6 states “Attachment C - Schedule and Budget Compliance Form”.  Attachment C was not included.  Do we need this attachment? No. RFQ 2. Service Description (page 3 of 17) The City is seeking a professional services contract for Professional Engineering Services relating to seven categories of work including project management, project review, and the design of roads, intersections, water projects, wastewater projects, and storm water projects.  Respondents may apply for any and all of the above categories of work.  This should read…”project management, development review, and the design of roads and intersections, traffic signals and street lights, water projects, wastewater projects, and storm water projects…” Statement of Work Exhibit #3, B. Scope of Work (page 1) Description of Work The City of Denton is seeking to award at least one task order contract per work category with a two year minimum contract life and the option to renew for a third year.  Other contracts for specific projects may be awarded to qualified responders Major work categories include: Project Management Development Review Design of Roadways, Intersections and Bridges Design of Traffic Signals and Street Lights Design of Wastewater Infrastructure Design of Water Infrastructure Design of Storm Water Infrastructure If we want to submit qualifications for more than one of the seven work categories, do we submit an entirely separate package for each?  Or do we provide a separate SOQ (max 25 pages) for each with a common set of Attachments?  Or is there another format for multiple submissions? For more than one category of work, submit in one overall document not to exceed 200-pages. Separate SOQ’s (max of 25-pages) for each category with a common set of attachments (as much as possible). Should we include sub-consultants (geotechnical, environmental assessments, survey) in the SOQ? Yes, please submit all team members (including sub-consultants) that you intend to utilize as a component of the work submitted for consideration. On Page 3 of the RFQ, #2 Service Description, it states there are seven (7) categories of work. Is the City wanting a completely separate submittal (SOQ) for each category of work a firm wishes to pursue or should they be combined into one submittal under one cover? No. Please submit one total document with separate sections for each category of work to be applied for. On Page 5 of the RFQ, #10 Statement of Qualifications it is stated the SOQ should be no longer than 25 pages. Then, on Page 7 of the RFQ, under a. Submission Format, Item b states submission shall be no more than 200 pages in length. See No. 1 above. If the City does want only one (1) combined submittal, is each category of work allowed a 25-page SOQ? And does the 200 page limit refer to the combined 7 work categories and all submittals for each category, as well as required forms (attachments)? See No. 1 above. Also, if all categories should be submitted under one cover (one SOQ), may one “set “ of attachments be submitted for all work categories? See No. 12 above. Do the required forms (attachments) count in the page limits? Yes, in the overall 200-page limit. The Statement of Work identifies (section B Scope of Work) seven work categories, each of which the City of Denton is seeking to award at least one task order contract.  In the RFQ, Section 10, it is stated that the Statement of Qualification is not to exceed 25 pages.  In the RFQ, Section 15, submissions are limited to 200 pages. Our firm is considering proposing three work categories as an example; The requirements for the submission identify the following which makes up 8 pages for items i to ix, except for item iii, statement of qualifications which can be 25 pages. Coversheet – including Solicitation number and name, firm name, address, contact name, phone, fax, website and email address. (1 page) Completed Solicitation Checklist…………………………………………………………..(1 page) Statement of Qualifications ………………………………………….(25 pages) Attachment A- Business Questionnaire…………………………………………………(2 pages) Attachment B- Exception Form…………………………………………………………….(1 page) Attachment C -Safety Record (if applicable form will be attached) Attachment D -References ……………………………………………………………(1 page) Attachment E -Conflict of Interest Questionnaire form…………………………(1 page) Attachment F -Signed Acknowledgement form…………………………………(1 page) This would then suggest we could submit on three work categories as follows with each section specific to that work section, assuming the 25 pages is the limit for each Statement of Qualification and the entire package must be less than 200 pages.  This would result in two options within the guidelines of the SOQ, Submit all of items b (above) for each work category which would result in 8 pages plus 25 pages equaling 33 pages.  Then three work categories would be 99 pages; OR Submit items b for the firm which would require 8 pages plus 25 pages for each of three statement of qualifications equaling 75+8 equaling 83 pages. Which is permitted ci or cii? See No. 1 and No. 12 above. For each work category, is it desired that each firm will describe its internal resources to accomplish that work category, OR, should the firm consider also adding the qualifications of subcontracting firms to support the responding firm’s efforts. As an example, our firm does not offer surveying services but when we perform design services, we secure the services of a subcontracting surveying firm as a team partner.  Is it acceptable that we do not include expected or likely subconsultant firms until later once we have been selected and then know the type of work and specific projects on which we will be performing work? The City is interested in the complete team that will be working on any given category of work, in that vein it would be appropriate to include intended sub-consultants. The City recognizes that changes may occur for a variety of reasons throughout the life of the contract. On Page 7 of 17 in RFQ 6590 - Main Document, under section a. Submission Format; you have listed under d. the submission shall be in the following order: 6. Attachment C – Safety Record (if applicable form will be attached). However, on the Solicitation Checklist (Page 11 of 17); you show: 6. Attachment C – Schedule and Budget Compliance Form There is no Attachment C required for this solicitation. Am I understanding that the OVERALL submittal shall not exceed 200 pages, and only the Statement of Qualifications section of the submittal is restricted to 25 pages?  See No. 1 above. On page 5 of the RFQ it states the “Statement of Qualification should be no longer than 25 pages.” On page 7 of the RFQ under Submission Format it states “Submission shall be no more than 200 pages in length” Please clarify. See No. 1 above. On page 3 of the RFQ it states “The following minimum requirements must be demonstrated in order for the submission to considered responsive to the City of Denton” and is followed by a large list of services to be provided. Is it the intent of the City that we obtain subs and submit as a team in order to meet ALL of these services? No, a firm may submit proposal for as many categories as their firm desires. The City is not intending to award an entire contract for all services to one firm. On page 1 of the Statement of Work under Description of Work the Major work categories do no match up with the long list of services to be provided that is shown on page 3 of the RFQ (the first bullet under Minimum Qualifications). Please clarify which list of services we are to use for this submittal. Please see question 10 above. Regarding the “application for and receipt of all required permits”, is the respondent required to have a personnel on the team to perform this task? If Permits are required on a specific project stemming from this RFQ (i.e. TxDOT, USACE, etc…) these items will be negotiated and included into the contract scope, including the responsibilities of each party in the permitting process. Do all the subs need to complete the forms or just the respondent? Specifically conflict of interest, if yes, how would this meet the page requirement? Yes, all subs included in the RFQ must submit a 1295 and conflict of interest form. If changes in the respondents intended sub-consultants occur, then a new 1295 will be required at that time. We thought we heard that you would select at least one firm for each of the 7 categories, but we also thought we heard you would not have a pool for each category.  So, to clarify, will you select only one firm for each category or could you have multiple firms selected for each?  Another angle for that question is, could a firm be selected for more than one category? At least one firm will be selected under each category for an initial task order or blanket contract. Since this RFQ is intended to be utilized for the next two to three years as a basis for consultant selection, any respondent that meets the qualifications requested may be contacted for engineering services. In other words, we will be awarding contracts over the next three years to multiple firms under each category and not just the firm that is initially selected for a task order contract. Yes, a firm can be selected for more than one category. On attachment A section 13, What kind of “details” are you looking for to support the evaluation criteria? Are you looking for full project profiles? There is a lot of latitude here. We are primarily looking for both firm and project team experience. In other words, what has the team you are proposing for that category worked on. I have a question about the Minimum Qualifications – Bullet 1. A demonstrated competence in providing services the submitter wishes to be considered in the following types of work: For example, it lists several items related to traffic engineering - traffic signal timing; traffic control systems analysis, design, and implementation, intelligent transportation system; signing, pavement marking and channelization; ITS control systems analysis, design, and implementation; street and pedestrian illumination design; traffic signal design etc. Items don’t fall under “Traffic Signal and Lighting Design” category.  While they are part of traffic engineering, the projects that will be identified under the main category – signal and lighting design will most likely not highlight experience for items highlighted in yellow. How do we need to demonstrate competence in these items in Min. Qualifications section?  If we try to show project experience for each item in yellow, this section itself will be too long. Can you explain your expectation for this section and how to best demonstrate the competence? See item 28 above. The demonstrated work experience does not necessarily have to be an extremely long narrative, but a short paragraph of the project, what it entailed, and how the proposed team was involved. There is some duplication on the information requested in minimum qualifications, Attachment A and under evaluation criteria. For example five project descriptions for each work category is requested in three places, at the preproposal meeting it was emphasized to minimize the number of pages, do we provide requested information in 3 different places: under minimum qualifications, Attachment A and under evaluation criteria, please confirm. The SOQ just needs to cover the items, if those items can be consolidated in one area, the please do so. Conciseness is preferred and creativity is encouraged. Would information on Attachment A considered for evaluating minimum qualifications and therefore is no separate write up required for minimum qualifications, please confirm. Correct. Can you please send us the preproposal meeting sign in sheet. Please see attached Can you please send us the list of surveying and geotechnical firms that are registered with city of Denton. The City doesn’t maintain a list of pre-approved or registered firms as requested. NO OTHER CHANGES AT THIS TIME. Please acknowledge addendum on Attachment F of the main solicitation document when submitting a proposal.