7029 - Construction of Traffic Signals, 3.Statement of Work/ Specifications PURPOSE The purpose of this request for proposals is to select a contractor that can provide the City of Denton staff, equipment, supervision, bonds and insurance to complete tasks associated with traffic signal removal or installation. The selected contractor will closely monitor the construction schedule for each signal and should begin construction (mobilize) within 2 to 3 weeks of receiving authorization from the City staff. This will ensure a timely completion of the overall work effort under this contract. The contract will have a maximum fee of $5 million over a three year timeframe. The City has developed the following intersection list for traffic signal improvements and it is subject to change. Traffic Signals Ready for Construction: The following four intersections are ready to be constructed as the set of design plans have been signed and sealed and unit quantities have been calculated and identified in the Unit Price Sheet. Oak at Jagoe Oak at Fry Bell at Mingo Bell at Sherman Traffic Signals Under Design: The following seven intersections are under design and will be finalized during the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Unit quantities are anticipated to be comparable to the four intersections listed in the previous section. As such, standard unit pricing is being requested with the Unit Price Sheet. Locust at Windsor Sherman at Windsor McKinney at Locust McKinney at Elm McKinney at Bell McKinney at Woodrow Hickory at Bell Upcoming Traffic Signal Design: The City anticipates replacing an additional seven traffic signals due to aging infrastructure as well as add two new traffic signals in the future. These intersections are not currently funded for construction, but staff will be actively seeking funding from different sources to get these signals replaced/installed. US 77 at Discovery Park Entrance US 380 at Heritage Trail Eagle at Fort Worth Eagle at Bell Welch at Hickory Hickory at Ave B Hickory at Fry GENERAL PROVISIONS Representing Traffic Engineering for this contract will be a Traffic Engineering Project Manager, or his designated representative, and both shall have the responsibility of contract oversight. The Project Manager shall have authority to ensure Contractor compliance with specifications, drawings, regulations and safe work practices. The Traffic Engineering Project Manager shall have the authority to inspect work, accept construction work for payment, reject work, stop construction, and require corrections. The Project Manager shall approve all change orders requested prior to any work initiated by the Contractor. The Project Manager shall complete a formal audit of all construction units prior to approving payment of invoices. Projects in progress under the executed contract will continue until completed by the existing contractor. The work scoped using the existing contract will be done at the existing contract unit pricing. The Contract will be in effect after award date and all terms and conditions will apply from that date. The contractor shall warranty all work for two years. If damages to equipment or facilities occur, and it is found by Traffic Engineering staff not to be the Contractor’s responsibility for such damages, the contractor will not be liable for repair or replacement of such damaged items. The contractor shall comply with the latest local and national codes and regulations: National Electrical Safety Code APPA Safety Manual TXDOT specifications, rules, and guidelines Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) City of Denton ordinances, regulations and standard specifications FHWA laws and regulations The Contractor shall furnish adequate managerial, supervisory, licensed, and technical personnel on the site to insure expeditious and competent handling of all work. A Supervisor, experienced in major traffic signal installation shall be available to Traffic Engineering staff during construction. PLANS City of Denton Traffic Engineering Project Manager will issue design plans for all projects and may approve incidental work not part of a plan. The Supervisor shall look over any new project prior to commencement of work and communicate any concerns before the project begins with the Traffic Engineering Project Manager. Meetings regarding this contract will be held in City of Denton offices. SCHEDULE All work is to be complete and operational within 90 (Ninety) calendar days. Working hours shall be approved by the Traffic Engineering Project Manager for each project. PERMITS Contractor will be responsible for obtaining all crossing permits and easements including Texas Department of Transportation Permits and City of Denton Clearing and Grading and Right-of-way Permits, where required. The Contractor will be responsible for complying with all provisions set forth within each permit. UTILITIES and LOCATES The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining all necessary excavation locations and coordinating with other utilities in the work vicinity prior to installation. The Contractor is solely responsible for maintaining knowledge of current regulations, requirements and laws related to utilities and locates. The following are the primary utility facilities in and around the City of Denton. Other facilities may be present and each site shall be thoroughly researched prior to any work beginning. If a representative from any other utility is required to be onsite during excavation, the Contractor shall notify the Traffic Engineering Project Manager. Utility Company Type of Service Verizon Telephone Charter Communications Cable Television Oncor (TXU) Electric, Gas Co-Serv Electric, Gas, Communications City of Denton Sewer, Water, DME Electric, Gas, Communications Traffic Operations Traffic Signals, Communications CREW COORDINATION The contractor will be required to coordinate maintenance/construction activities with other organizations performing work in the same project areas. Such coordination shall not entitle the contractor to any claims or additional compensation. Some work may be required on weekends and holidays to coordinate with other organizations. Payment will be made based only on unit cost for all construction. CUSTOMERS PROPERTY Contactor shall be responsible for damage to customer’s property and damage to other utilities (i.e. water, electric, gas, cable, phone, and sewer) and any other facilities that are damaged due to contactor negligence. Contactor shall leave work areas in acceptable condition (i.e. landscaping, fence etc. shall be restored). PROPERTY LINES AND MONUMENTS The contractor shall protect all property corners makers, and when any such marker or monuments are in danger of being disturbed, they shall be properly referenced and if disturbed shall be reset at the expense of the contractor. EXISTING STRUCTURES The plans show the locations of all known surface and subsurface structures. However, Traffic Engineering assumes no responsibility for failure to show any of these structures on the plans, or to show them in their exact location. It is mutually agreed that such failure shall not be considered sufficient basis for claims for additional compensation for extra work or for increasing the pay quantities in any manner whatsoever, unless the obstruction encountered is such as to necessitate unusual changes in the lines or grades, or requires the building of special work, provisions for which are not made in the plans and proposal, in which case the provisions in these specifications for extra work shall apply. SAFETY The Contractor, while working for Traffic Engineering, shall conduct all operations in a safe manner and in accordance with all state, federal, and city regulations. Traffic Engineering reserves the right to inspect Contractor’s safety and training records prior to and after award of contract. The Contractor shall immediately correct any unsafe conditions identified by the Traffic Engineering Project Manager. If the Contractor fails to immediately correct such unsafe conditions, the Traffic Engineering Project Manager may either have the unsafe conditions corrected by others at the Contractor's expense, or direct that the work be stopped immediately. ACCIDENTS The Contractor shall report in writing to the Traffic Engineering Project Manager all accidents whatsoever arising out of, or in connections with the performance of the work, whether on, or adjacent to the site, which caused death, personal injury, or property damages, giving full details and statements of witnesses. In addition, if death or serious injuries or serious damages are caused, the accident shall be reported immediately by telephone and email to the Traffic Engineering Project Manager. DRUG POLICY The Contractor shall comply with all applicable regulations and drug and alcohol testing programs, including the Department of Transportation (DOT) and America with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Contactor shall adopt the drug and alcohol testing procedures and guidelines of the DOT. It is the policy of the City of Denton to have zero-tolerance. BARRICADES, LIGHTS, SIGNS, and TRAFFIC CONTROL The Contractor shall furnish and erect such barricades, fences, flashers, signals, and signs, and other precautionary measures for the protection of persons and property as necessary to comply with all federal, state, and local regulations. The Contractor is responsible for compliance with these regulations without intervention from Traffic Engineering. Prior to commencement of work, Contractor’s Supervisor and Traffic Engineering Project Manager shall determine if the proposed traffic control plans are acceptable by City standards. The Traffic Engineering Project Manager may order that work be stopped immediately if the barricading or traffic control is not properly set up. Failure of the Contractor to insure proper barricading, signage, and/or traffic control on a recurring basis may be considered a breach of contract. Vehicular traffic flow shall not be impacted due to lane closers during the week within the peak hours of 7:00 am to 9:00 am and 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The contractor shall immediately notify Traffic Engineering if any significant deviation or problem occurs during the traffic signal installation. The contractor shall provide a phone number or mobile phone number where a knowledgeable individual can be contacted, on a 24-hour basis, to repair barricades and/or signs that might be discovered to be inadequate, damaged, vandalized, missing, and/or impeding traffic flow. 15. TRAFFIC The Contractor shall conduct his work with as little interference to public travel, be it vehicular or pedestrian, as possible. Whenever it is necessary to cross, obstruct, or close roads, driveways, and/or walks, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide and maintain suitable and safe detours or other temporary expedients for the accommodation of public and private travel, be it vehicular or pedestrian. The Contractor shall also give reasonable notice to owners of private drives before interfering with access. The Contractor shall provide all notices required by city regulations. 16.ENERGIZED FACILITIES Existing transmission lines, distribution lines, utility lines, communication lines, and other power and signal service lines may be encountered on work sites. These service systems will generally remain energized and functional during construction. The contractor must have a licensed utility/class A journeyman (as described in next section) present at all energized facilities. The Contractor shall be completely responsible for the safety and protection of his personnel and the public on work sites in which energized facilities are encountered. Safety and protection methods shall include, but not be limited to: providing barriers, guard structures, insulating guards and sleeves, warning signs, and prevention of unauthorized access. All work on or near energized conductors or equipment shall be coordinated through Traffic Engineering Project Manager or representative. 17. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR While engaged in carrying out and complying with the terms and conditions of this Contract, the Contractor is, and shall be, an Independent Contractor and shall not, with its acts or omissions, be deemed an officer, employee, or agent of the City. The Contractor shall not at any time or in any matter represent that it or any of it agents or employees, are in any manner agents or employees of the City. Contractor is, and shall remain, an Independent Contractor, with full, complete and exclusive power and authority to direct, supervise, and control their own employees and to determine, the methods of the performance of the work covered thereto. The fact that Traffic Engineering Project Manager or representative have the express right to observe Contractor’s work during their performance. 18. COMPANY LOGO All equipment used on projects shall be clearly marked with the Contractor’s name and LOGO. Any approved subcontractor’s equipment shall also be similarly marked. 19. FIELD CONDITIONS Traffic Engineering makes no guarantees as to actual field conditions that may be encountered for any project. The Contractor, in accordance with state law, is responsible for locating all underground facilities prior to excavation. Traffic Engineering will provide as much information as is available for each project but makes no guarantee of accuracy or completeness. In the event the Contractor fails to exercise appropriate caution or to complete underground locating, all costs for repair shall be the Contractor’s responsibility. Any restoration shall be with the same type of material and construction as the original, or better. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage to any underground utilities and associated property damage as a result of operator error or failure to exercise appropriate caution. Contractors are required to make the necessary repairs in a timely manner as deemed by Traffic Engineering. If repairs are not made as required, Traffic Engineering will make the repairs and bill the contractor for services. 20. CLEANUP and RESTORATION The Contractor shall be responsible for cleanup and restoration of all areas disturbed in any way during the course of construction. The level of surface restoration must be equal to original undisturbed condition or at a level approved by the City. Where work will be intensive and the City of Denton has agreed to finish out the landscape work, the Contractor shall bring the surface to original shape and finished grade, ready for landscaping. The City of Denton will provide reasonable concrete and asphalt repair. Contractor is responsible for control and disposal of all spoils onsite at each job location and shall dispose of all debris and trash in an appropriate manner. The City requires that mats or plywood be used in yards and grassy areas to reduce amount of damage. Where additional or unnecessary damage occurs to private or personal property and/or yards, the Contractor will make these repairs at their expense. The contractor, at the end of construction, shall fill and grade all holes, ruts, settlements and depressions to match the elevation of adjacent surfaces, and repair any damage created by the Contractor’s construction. All areas disturbed by construction shall be restored to their original condition to the maximum extent practicable. Cleanup and restoration must be approved by the Traffic Engineering Project Manager before work is considered complete and invoices will be processed. 21. PROTECTION OF IMPROVEMENTS The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the protection of all improvements that are not designated by the City to be removed for proper construction of the projects; this shall include sidewalks, building walls, existing inlets and manholes, underground utilities, shrubs, trees, signs, sod and fences. 22. SITE CLEANLINESS During construction, the Contractor shall, at all times, keep work sites and adjacent premises as free from material, debris, and/or rubbish as possible. All material used to backfill behind curbs and trenches shall be tamped or compacted in such a manner as to keep it in a stabilized condition if rain or high winds occur. Contractor shall remove all waste material and trash from the site daily and comply with any other instructions concerning site cleanliness from the Traffic Engineering Project Manager. The Contractor shall remove all surplus materials and temporary structures from the site when they are no longer needed. 23. BACKFILL Normal procedure for backfilling is to reuse excavated material from the trenching. When excavated material from trenching contains rock, sand backfill will be used to one foot above the conduit. Normal procedure for backfilling duct banks is to backfill with 1 ½ sac concrete at least one foot above the conduits and complete the backfill with excavated material from the trenching. Use of higher grade sac concrete will not be allowed unless specifically agreed to by the Traffic Engineering Project Manager in advance. When streets are excavated, backfill will be 1 1/2 sack concrete. Concrete for backfill will be the responsibility of the Contractor, billable at a unit price. Traffic Engineering Project Manager may require concrete backfill in other trenches as necessary to maintain protection of conduits or compaction of trenches. Depth of concrete backfill will be designated by the Traffic Engineering Project Manager or on the plans. The Contractor will be responsible for removal and proper disposal of any excess excavated material. Scrap materials and/or trash will not be backfilled in any excavations under this contract. 24. SURPLUS MATERIALS The Contractor, at his cost and expense, shall dispose of surplus materials not in good working or usable condition. All excavated earth in excess of that required for backfilling shall be removed from the job site, at Contractor’s expense, and disposed of in a satisfactory manner except in locations where, in the judgment of the Coordinator and Jobsite Superintendent, it can be neatly spread over along the sites to form the finished contours. 25. DISPOSAL OF MATERIAL Excavated or surplus material may be disposed of at the City Landfill based on their latest fees and stipulations. Examples of prohibited items include lead acid batteries, used motor oil, used oil filters, whole tires, refrigerators or freezers containing chlorinated fluorocarbon (CFC), liquid waste, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) waste, and regulated waste which endangers human health and welfare or the environment. The Contractor is responsible for all cost (including tipping fees) associated with the legal disposal of surplus material. Current disposal rates are subject to change and may be viewed at: https://www.cityofdenton.com/en-us/government/departments/solid-waste/landfill- accordian/disposal-rates 26. USE OF FIRE HYDRANTS No person shall open, turn off, interfere with, attach any pipe or hose to, or connect anything to any fire hydrant, stop valve or stop cock, or tap any water main belonging to the City, unless duly authorized to do so by the City of Denton Water Department. 27. PROTECTION OF TREES No trees shall be cut except upon the specific authority of the City. Trees adjacent to the work shall be protected from all damage during the construction. 28. FENCES, GATES Fences within the right-of way of projects shall be kept in good repair and closed at all times, expect when it is necessary to move machinery and equipment through the fence. Gates shall be closed immediately after being used. When a project is complete, the Contractor shall repair all fences and gates that have been moved or damaged as a result of construction. Fences shall be left in repair equal to the original condition. No separate compensation shall be made for this work. 29. DRAINAGE CHANNEL Where surface drainage channels are disturbed or blocked during construction, they shall be restored to their original condition of grade and cross section after the work of the construction is completed. 30. POLES, SIGNS, GUY WIRE, ETC All signal poles, sign post, signs, guy wires and similar private obstructions which interfere with the construction of projects shall be removed and replaced, or moved to new permanent locations by the Contractor as approved by the City. The removal and replacement of all City street signpost and signs is the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to street signpost and signs within the limits of his operation that remain in place or are by the Contractor operation, the Contractor shall replace them. No separate compensation shall be made for this work. 31. INSPECTION Traffic Engineering reserves the right to inspect conduit installations before concrete encasement or trench covering. Cable installations and terminations will also be inspected. The inspections are intended to insure that installations meet City standards. The Contractor shall coordinate this inspection with the Traffic Engineering Project Manager. 32. FIELD RECORDS The Contractor shall maintain an orderly and adequate file of up-to-date copies of all project plans and other project documents. In addition, the Contractor shall maintain a continuous record of all field changes by means of a set of drawings marked to indicate current as-built conditions. This as-built set of drawings shall be made accessible to the Traffic Engineering Project Manager. When a project is completed, the as-built drawings, accurately and neatly marked with field changes, shall be provided to the Traffic Engineering Project Manager within 5 business days. The as-built drawings shall include all revisions to the project and the date the project was completed. 33. QUALITY CONTROL The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality control of each installation to assure that all requirements of these specifications are met. The City of Denton reserves the right to observe, to inspect and to require additional quality control investigations, either by its personnel or an independently employed quality control investigator, at any or all stages of installation. Failure to adequately maintain quality of installation until completion shall be grounds for cancellation of the order or any part thereof. Field repairs required or having to redo work due to quality control failures or deviation from permitted grade or alignment locations shall be the full responsibility of the Contractor. Any corrective action that is required to complete the project, or bring it up to an acceptable condition, shall be determined by the City of Denton. 34. BILLING AND PAYMENT All billing shall include the following information: name of project; purchase order number; location of project; account number; warehouse tickets; and labor charges being billed. For projects with multiple billings the contractor is responsible for keeping a master as-built drawing of the overall project and a master copy of warehouse tickets. The contractor’s billing shall be received within 45 days from the date the as-built is turned in. A late fee of 20% per month of billing total will be accessed if billing is not received within 45 days after acceptance of the as-built drawings by Traffic Engineering. The fee will be assessed due to Traffic Engineering’s desire to close out completed projects for financial booking of assets. 35. WITHHOLDING OF FUTURE PAYMENTS Traffic Engineering reserves the right to withhold from any amounts owed to the Contractor, present or future, amounts for rejected work, incorrect billings, late billing penalties, material charges, or any other expenses due to the City of Denton. The Traffic Engineering Project Manager will only make final payments for projects after formal reviews and material reconciliation.