7029 - Construction of Traffic Signals, 3.Statement of Work/ Specifications (2)REMOVING TRAFFIC SIGNALS GENERAL SUMMARY Section Includes: The removal and salvaging of traffic signal equipment Deviations from this City of Denton Standard Specification None. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: Division 0 – Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract Division 1 – General Requirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES Measurement and Payment Dispose of Full Traffic Signal Measurement Measurement for this Item shall be per each Traffic Signal Intersection removed and salvaged. Payment The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item shall be paid for at the price bid for per each “Salvage Traffic Signal” performed. The price bid shall include: Removing the following items: Signal heads Poles Mast arms Foundations Ground boxes Conduit Cable Signs Electrical services Amplifiers Controllers Returning equipment to the City, if specified Excavation Hauling Clean-up Dispose of Traffic Signal Pole and Mast Arm Assembly Measurement Measurement for this Item shall be per each traffic signal pole and mast arm assembly removed and salvaged. Payment The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item shall be paid for at the price bid for per each “Dispose of Traffic Signal Pole and Mast Arm Assmbly” performed. The price bid shall include: Removing the following items: Signal heads Poles Mast arms Foundations Cable Signs Excavation Hauling Clean-up Returning equipment to the City, if specified ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination Coordinate with Inspector 48 hours in advance of removals. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Delivery and Acceptance Requirements Contractor shall properly dispose of all material unless told otherwise by the Engineer or Inspector. Any salvaged materials that the City requests will be delivered by the Contractor to the City at a location designated by the Inspector. The Inspector, assisted by authorized representatives, will serve as the receiving agent for salvage material. Storage and Handling Requirements The Contractor will ship and handle all salvage material (heads, poles, cabinets, cable, signs, amplifiers, etc.) in a manner so as to prevent damage to these items. Signal heads will be removed from poles prior to shipping. All cables must be secured in controller cabinets to prevent damage during shipment and handling. All screws will be tightened into their respective slots to prevent loss during shipping. The controller and all supplemental control equipment (conflict monitors, detector amplifiers, load switches, etc.) will be removed from the cabinet prior to cabinet removal and given to the Inspector at the time of the signal turn-on. The Inspector will identify existing damage to salvageable material and mark damaged items in the field before they are delivered to the City yard. If damage to material is the fault of the Contractor, the Contractor will have 3 Working Days to make repairs or supply like items, at the Contractor’s expense, for damaged items. If the Contractor fails to repair or replace damaged items in said time, the City may charge the Contractor for the assessed value as determined by the Traffic Services Manager or designee. EXECUTION REMOVALS Special Techniques Curbs and sidewalks Secure permission from the Inspector before cutting into or removing any walks or curbs which might be required during construction. Where possible, dig under sidewalks. If the Contractor chooses to remove or cut the sidewalk, the concrete must be sawed and broken out and then restored to an equal or better condition than the original. Foundations All foundations subject to removal (as indicated on the Drawings) shall be razed to a level at least 2 feet below the ground surface. If the foundation subject to removal is located within a sidewalk, the foundation shall be removed to a depth equal to or greater than the thickness of the walkway. Once the foundation is removed, the ground surface shall be restored to surrounding conditions. Ground Boxes The hole remaining from ground box removal shall be filled and the ground surface shall be restored to surrounding conditions. Any conduit elbows found within the ground box to be removed shall be cut back to a minimum of 12 inches below the natural ground surface. Signs The existing stop sign panels, or any grounded mounted signs, as shown on the Drawings, will be removed after the traffic signals are placed in flash and before the signal is turned to full colors by City forces. END OF SECTION