7046 - CDW Apple Branded Products and Services- Ord 19-605 - CDW Apple Branded Productsa #: . . ' i , R i ......... R ... y, R .. . i ,', ! ,.. 4 . '. . '., ,,. ........ i . \ , i ' ., ., ,, ! . , ',. l... I R ' , '. ... , ,.,. ,,, . , '.. R . ,,, ', . f ,. .. i I ,. . ;:. F ,. , ,,,, .. .. ., ..,.. . 1 1 1 r . - • - - , . - . • • •• . * w , r w _ , R,., . . . , . . 11 • . , - - : , • ` . w r R ' : • w . . . . . ,. # . , w : FILE NU ER VENDOR AMO T 7046 CDW Gavernment, LLC $600,000 r .' . . . . . r • . w . . . y . . w. - , , • i - . -., - 4 , * . . SECTION 3. Should the City and persons submitting approved and accepted items set forth in File 7046 wish to enter into a formal written agreement as a result of the City's ratification of bids awarded by the State of Texas Department of Information Services Go Direct Program, the City Manager, or his designated representative, is hereby authorized to execute the written contract which shall be attached hereto, provided that the written contract is in accordance with the terms, conditions, specifications, and standards contained in the Proposal submitted to the State of Texas I;ral ¢d f ls s-a at s .a i a, .""a r°a, a d t't ar c la l:s ttA,ae ° the City's purchase orders, and related documents herein approved and accepted. SECTION 4. By the acceptance and approval ofthe above enumerated bids, the City Council hereby authorizes the expenditure of funds therefor in the amount, and in accordance with the approved bids. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approvThe motion w this ordinance was made by ``" ' "^ A ° ' and the resolution was ased F seconded by '`, .. y,, M , p and approved by the 11 rN ir u r, `_ __i , _... Mayor, Chris Watts: Gerard Hudspeth, District 1; Keely G. Briggs, District 2: Don Duff, District 3: John Ryan, District 4: Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5 Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: r x Nay W_ ........................................ ta, Abstain Absent PASSED AND APPROVED this the , day of "`^ N"o" . 2019. d. m. ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY BY: ., ' .; ':i' ma., _.t: _. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, :' l"l"° ATTORNEY BY; „ .r d.. m. __.,......,.rv. CHRIS WATTS, MAYOR