7029 - Construction of Traffic Signals, Addendum 1- Pavement Marking Quantities Breakdown  Purchasing Department 901-B Texas St. Denton, TX 76209 (940) 349-7100 www.dentonpurchasing.com ADDENDUM #1 RFP # 7029 CONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS Issue Date: April 23, 2019 Response due Date and Time (Central Time): Thursday, April 25, 2019, 11:00 A.M. C.S.T RFP # 7029 ADDENDUM #1 The following are questions with answers received on project: Bid Item 185 has Striping and Pavement markings at lump sum. All of the intersections are different and would have different quantities. Can quantities be provided for the intersection for the lump sum bid item? Answer: The Pavement Marking Quantities Breakdown spreadsheet (attached) identifies the different items and quantities anticipated for each intersection. Bid Item 186 has Detectable Warning (2’x5’) Truncated Domes, but there is no bid item for barrier free ramps. Will there be barrier free ramps for the RFP? Answer: There will be barrier free ramps included and they are called out in each signal plan set. The concrete work for each ramp was calculated under item number 184 – Concrete Sidewalk. NO OTHER CHANGES AT THIS TIME. Please acknowledge addendum on Attachment F of the main solicitation document when submitting a proposal.