7014 - Trucking Services Bid TabulationExhibit 2 IFB 7014 - Bid Tabulation for Trucking Services Respondent's Business Name: Principal Place of Business (City and State): ITEM UOM EST ANNUAL QTY Type of Service Requested City of Denton Required Response Time Cost of Service per Hour or Load Total Cost of Service per hour or Load Cost of Service per Hour or Load Total Cost of Service per hour or Load 1 HOUR 4500 Per Hour, Per Tandem Dump Truck - 14 Yard 24 hr response 57.00$ 256,500.00$ 60.00$ 270,000.00$ 2 HOUR 200 Per Hour, Per Tractor trailer end dump - 20 Plus Yard 24 hr response 95.00$ 19,000.00$ 75.00$ 15,000.00$ 275,500.00$ 285,000.00$ 1,300,000.00$ Total Cost: Contract Total (5 Years): Jagoe-Public Company Denali Services Denton, TX Price per hour to haul spoil materials, hot mix asphaltic concrete, concrete, gravel, wood chips, and other material, as required, for different operations throughout the contract period. Dallas, TX