7013 - Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, Addendum 1- Modification to the Specs (2)Landscape Planting 32 90 00 - 1 DTN18104 – Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements 32 90 00 LANDSCAPE PLANTING 1.00 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary (including but not limited to topsoil, soil testing, soil sterilizers, soil amendments, shade trees, tree staking materials and to complete all landscape planting as specified herein and as indicated on the contract drawings. 1.02 QUALITY CONTROL A. Plant Lists: Furnish planting as specified according to the Plant List on the drawings. Plants shall conform to the varieties specified, with no substitutions allowed unless approved in writing in advance by the Landscape Architect whose seal appears on the construction documents (hereinafter referred to as “Landscape Architect”). B. Nomenclature: The scientific, as well as, common names listed in the schedule are the standardized plant names authorized by the American Joint Committee on Horticulture Nomenclature. In the event of any question concerning plant type, notify the Landscape Architect before any planting operations, other than preparing the planting beds. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals by Contractor shall be provided to both Owner and Landscape Architect in accordance with Section 01 33 00 “Submittals”. The submittals shall be completed by Contractor and approved in writing by Landscape Architect prior to all other Contractor activities related to landscape planting. Contractor submittals other than those specifically described below will not be reviewed. Contractor submittals shall include the following items 1. Shop Drawings: a. The plant list shall include common and botanical names, quantities, container sizes, trunk diameter, height, and spread. Contractor may submit plant list shown on drawings for this submittal b. The Landscape schedule shall indicate Contractor’s proposed dates for all landscape planting activities, including but not limited to: pre-construction meeting; order and delivery of plant material; irrigation system installation, testing, and completion in all landscape planting areas; soil preparation; edging installation; planting, finish grading, staking, mulching, and fertilization; and proposed final inspection 1.04 STANDARDS A. The applicable provisions of the following standards shall apply as if written here in their entirety: 1. American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature 2. "Standardized Plant Names", Second Edition, 1942 3. American Sod Producers Association (ASPA) specifications Landscape Planting 32 90 00 - 2 DTN18104 – Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements 4. American National Standard Institute (ANSI) publications 5. "American Standard for Nursery Stock" 6. American Society of Testing and Material (ASTM) specifications: a. ASTM D5268 - Specifications for Topsoil Use for Landscaping Purposes b. ASTM C136 - Method for Sieve Analysis for Fine and Course 1.05 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Notify Owner a minimum of five (5) business days in advance of delivery date. Unload and display plants and trees at a location on project site as directed by Owner. A suitable method of handling plants must be employed to insure the careful, workmanlike delivery of plants. B. All delivered plants shall be identified by the Contractor with a legible waterproof label bearing common and botanical plant name securely attached to each plant. Plant identification labels shall not be removed until after completion of the maintenance period final inspection (and required replacements, if any) described in Section 3.08 of the Specifications. C. All delivered plants not meeting the requirements of the drawings and specifications shall be immediately removed from the site by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Plants shall conform to the criteria specified (including common name, botanical genus and specie names, root type, size, and other characteristics noted) in the Plant List on the drawings. Plants shall have been grown under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the project site, unless otherwise approved in writing in advance by the Landscape Architect. Plants shall not be pruned prior to delivery to the site. B. Plants shall be selected for health and appearance and shall be well-matured, well-shaped, well-leafed, and be generally symmetrical in appearance from all directions. Trees shall be single trunk (unless listed as multi-trunk in the Plant List on the drawings) with straight trunks and a balance of well-leafed branches on each side of the main trunk. C. Plants and trees shall be handled so that the roots are protected at all times. D. Plants which have been grown in greenhouses, under lath, or in other protected environments shall be hardened off and acclimated to site conditions prior to delivery to site. E. Plants which cannot be immediately planted will be left in containers and watered regularly until time of planting. 1.07 GUARANTEES A. Plantings shall be guaranteed until the completion and final acceptance of the entirety of the landscape planting under this contract. At the end of the guarantee period, any trees or plants which are determined by the Owner to be dead or not in vigorous healthy growing condition shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost to Owner. Replacement plantings and materials shall meet all requirements of the contract documents, including watering Landscape Planting 32 90 00 - 3 DTN18104 – Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements from time of planting of the replacement until these plantings are deemed acceptable by the owner. 2.00 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Topsoil: Existing rocky soil, gravel, clay, shale, or subsoil SHALL NOT be re-used as topsoil. Existing clay loam topsoil on this project site may be stripped, stockpiled, amended, and re- used in new work. Additional topsoil, if necessary, shall be fully pulverized, incorporate added sterile organic compost, and be free of weeds (including nutgrass), trash, debris, roots, sticks, rocks, gravel, clay, shale, and subsoil). B. Pea Gravel: 3/8-inch diameter clean, washed, non-sharp-edge gravel of uniform size and free of fines. C. Soil Sterilant: Contractor preferred product (used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and all applicable codes and regulations). D. Lime: Agricultural lime conforming to ASTM C602, Class "T". E. Peat Moss: Horticulture grade Canadian stock, fibrous type, low in wood content, having a moisture content of not more than 30%. F. Mulch: Horticultural grade finely-ground hardwood mulch, free of sticks, stones, clay or other foreign materials; 3/4" to 1" graded size, of such character as not be easily displaced by wind. G. Plants: Plants (shade trees) shall conform to the Plant List in the Drawings, shall be container-grown, and shall not have been re-potted within ninety (90) days prior to delivery to the project site. H. Trees Straps: Tree straps shall be 3/4 inch width polypropylene fabric straps, dark green color: Gempler model AT5G or Webbing Landscape Supplies model WEB500 (or equivalent if approved in writing by Landscape Architect prior to installation). I. Steel Earth Anchors: Non-corrosive finish steel earth anchors shall be 1/2 inch diameter X 30 inch length with 1 inch diameter eye hole at top and 4 inch diameter blade at bottom: American Earth Anchors model Helix 30-4 or Gempler model MTE30B (or equivalent if approved in writing by Landscape Architect prior to installation). J. Commercial Fertilizer: Fertilizers shall: (i) conform to all applicable state fertilizer laws (ii) be delivered in original, unopened containers, and (iii) be uniform in composition, dry, and free flowing. A complete, time-release-coated, granule-type fertilizer with an equal Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium analysis shall be submitted for approval by the Landscape Architect prior to any use on the project. K. Perlite: Norcal #1 – Horticulture Perlite or equivalent as approved by Landscape Architect. 2.02 PLANTING SOIL MIXTURE A. Planting soil mixture for backfilling in excavations around all plantings shall be premixed on grade before shoveling into the planting pit. Planting soil backfill mixture shall consist of Landscape Planting 32 90 00 - 4 DTN18104 – Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements three (3) parts planting bed topsoil and one (1) part finely ground hardwood mulch, thoroughly mixed. 3.00 EXECUTION 3.01 TOPSOIL PREPARATION AND AMENDMENT A. Topsoil Depth: Minimum topsoil depth in all at-grade planting areas shall be established as follows: 1. Shrub/Ornamental Beds: A minimum depth of nine (9) inches of topsoil, measured from finish grade on the Grading Plan in the drawings, shall exist or be established in all shrub/ornamental grass bed areas as indicated in the Drawings. B. Soil Preparation: Scarification of all at-grade planting areas shall be performed prior to planting. 1. Shrub Beds: A minimum depth of twelve (12) inches of thorough scarification, measured from finish grade indicated on the Grading Plan in the Drawings, by means of plowing and disc harrowing, or in small areas by rototilling, shall be provided. Remove all weeds (including nutgrass), trash, debris, roots, sticks, rocks, gravel, clay, shale, and subsoil. Level soil by means of steel matt drags, tiller rakes, and hand raking as required to (i) eliminate bumps, ridges and depressions, and (ii) establish finish grade. All finish grades of shrub/ornamental grass bed soil shall conform to finish grades specified in the Grading Plan in the drawings. C. Lime Addition 1. Test the scarified topsoil for pH in a minimum of twelve (12) evenly distributed locations representative of all planting area across the project site. For all planting areas with topsoil pH between 4.0 and 5.0, add 90-140 pounds of lime per 1,000 square feet. For all planting areas with topsoil pH of 5.1 to 6.0, add 40 to 90 pounds per 1000 square feet. Lime shall be thoroughly mixed into the minimum full depth of required topsoil for all areas. D. Peat Moss Addition 1. Add peat moss at the rate of one hundred fifty (150) pounds per one thousand (1,000) square feet in all turf areas. Add peat moss at the rate of two hundred fifty (250) pounds per one thousand (1,000) square feet in all shrub/ornamental grass bed areas. Peat moss shall be thoroughly mixed into the minimum full depth of required topsoil for all areas. E. Soil Sterilization 1. Following scarification and amendment mix-in, topsoil in all planting areas shall be sterilized using soil sterilant (herbicide) in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s written directions. Contractor shall protect all existing trees to remain and other adjacent vegetation from any harm or damage from sterilant application. Contractor shall allow treated planting areas to sit undisturbed per manufacturer’s recommended time period prior to installation of plants and turf and prior to performing any other planting operations. Landscape Planting 32 90 00 - 5 DTN18104 – Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements 3.02 TIME OF PLANTING A. The preparation of planting areas may begin prior to time of planting. If finish grading has been completed prior to planting, finish grades shall be protected from landscape planting construction traffic (including protection from soil compaction). B. Planting SHALL NOT be done during exceptionally hot, cold, or wet periods. C. Planting SHALL NOT occur during or within three (3) days of temperatures above 95 degrees Fahrenheit. D. Planting SHALL NOT occur during or within three (3) days of temperatures below 35 degrees Fahrenheit. E. Planting shall not be done in saturated soils. 3.03 PLANTING, GENERAL A. The location for all plantings is noted on the drawings at the scale indicated on each drawing. No deviations from the planting locations shown on the drawings are permitted unless approved in writing in advance by the Landscape Architect. B. In preparing at-grade plant excavations, remove all rocks or underground obstructions to a depth necessary, and completely clear of root ball and backfill zones, to permit proper planting. Planting pits shall be generally circular in outline with heavily scarified vertical sides and flat (slightly dish-shaped) bottoms. C. Depth of at-grade planting pits shall be equal to the height of the root ball plus four (4) inches. This is to provide for: (i) six (6) inches of firmed planting soil mixture under the root ball and (ii) two (2) inches of root ball top above adjacent finish grade. D. Diameter of planting pits shall be dug twice the diameter of the root ball. 3.04 PLANTING SOIL MIXTURE PLACEMENT A. At-grade planting soil mixture shall be shoveled into the pit around the plant balls in six (6) inch dry layers and firmly dry-tamped by foot before the next layer is added. 3.05 TREE PLANTING A. Prior to planting, prepare root ball of tree by carefully removing container from root ball and carefully loosening any ‘matted’ or ‘pot-bound’ roots around the outside of the root ball. As planting soil is added around root ball during planting, carefully place and evenly distribute loosened roots in a direction outward from the trunk(s) of the tree. B. For trees located in shrub beds, prepare excavation as described above and on details on the drawings. Set root ball in center of pit on prepared planting soil and complete backfilling in six (6) inch dry layers. All finish grades of soil shall conform to finish grades specified in the drawings. Slowly saturate the planting pit and adjacent area two (2) times within in the first four (4) hours immediately following planting. C. For trees located in turf, prepare excavation as described above and on details on the drawings. Set root ball in center of pit on prepared planting soil and complete backfilling in six (6) inch dry layers. All finish grades of soil shall conform to finish grades specified in the drawings. Construct a circular earthen saucer four (4) inches high (measured above Landscape Planting 32 90 00 - 6 DTN18104 – Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements adjacent finish grade) and sixteen (16) inches wide immediately outside edge of planting pit. Slowly saturate the planting pit and area inside the saucer two (2) times within in the first four (4) hours immediately following planting. D. After watering, apply additional planting soil mixture, if needed, to fill settled planting pit backfill to assure conformance with details on the drawings. Apply top layer of mulch in accordance with the details on the drawings. E. After planting, where necessary, prune in accordance with the details on the drawings. Maintain uniform overall shape of tree. 3.06 FERTILIZER APPLICATION A. Fertilizer shall, upon completion of planting, be applied to all plantings (trees, shrubs, and turf) at the rate specified by the manufacturer for each type of planting. 3.07 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain all landscape areas, plants, and turf during all stages of landscape construction until final acceptance of planting operations, regardless of the date of Owner's acceptance of the project. Plants and turf shall be watered regularly, as required to provide vigorous and healthy growth, by the Contractor during construction and until final acceptance. Irrigation shall be performed with Temporary Irrigation System per Section 31 25 13.13 “Seeding for Erosion Control.” The Contractor shall at no time during landscape construction and prior to final acceptance, allow visible weed growth, insect infestation, accumulation of any trash or construction debris, or other unsightly conditions in any landscape areas. 3.08 FINAL INSPECTION BY OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT A. At the completion of the maintenance period, the Owner shall make a final inspection of all planting areas (trees, shrubs, grasses, groundcovers, and turf). Any plantings determined by the Owner not to be in a vigorous healthy growing condition at this time shall be replaced by the Contractor at no charge to the Owner. Any and all such replacements shall be guaranteed by the Contractor in accordance with Section 1.07 of the Specifications. 3.09 CLEAN AND ADJUST A. All empty material containers and bags, unusable materials, trash, and other debris must be removed daily and the project site kept neat and clean at all times. Any and all excess excavated topsoil and/or subsoil shall be promptly removed from the project site. After planting operations are finished, paved areas which may have become strewn with soil or other material shall be thoroughly cleaned by sweeping and washing, if necessary, to provide a neat and clean project site. END OF SECTION