7038 - Allred & John Paine Water Transmission Main, Addendum 1ADDENDUM NO. 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 CITY OF DENTON ALLRED AND JOHN PAINE ROAD WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN Invitation for Bid No. 7038 Addendum No. 1. Issue Date: May 17, 2019 Bid Receipt Date: May 23, 2019 This addendum forms part of the contract documents referenced above and modifies the original Contract Documents. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum by signing and attaching it to the Contract Documents (inside). Note receipt of the Addendum in the Bid Proposal and on the outer envelope of your bid. CLARIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS Below is a summary of significant or repetitive questions received: ·Will the Contractor be allowed to remove all trees in the temporary easement on the Park property? Plans state all trees in the permanent easement are to be removed. o The Contractor will not be required to remove trees on Park property within the temporary construction easement. However, trees may be removed if required. ·Please clarify if Item 20 is requiring import topsoil or can on-site topsoil be used? o Topsoil shall be in accordance with NCTCOG Item 202.2 ·Paragraph 202.2.2 states "All excavated material which is suitable for topsoil shall be used before any topsoil is obtained from a borrow source. ·Section 01 50 00 indicates the Contractor will pay for construction water for testing and flushing. Will you please confirm this will be required as the water is typically fed from an existing line and not through a meter for testing? o This Section has been revised as indicated below for clarity. ·Section 33 14 20 indicates a 4-inch integral bypass will be required for what appears to be double disc gate valves. Please clarify the intent of this specification. o This Section has been revised as indicated below for clarity. ·Will snap rings for joint restraint be permitted for Bar Wrapped Concrete Steel Cylinder pipe in lieu of welding? o Section 33 14 12, Article 2.2.A.18 indicates that snap rings are not allowed. ·Please clarify if grouting of the annulus is required between the casing and carrier pipe. o Section 33 05 24, Article 3.1.F indicates that grouting of the annular space between the casing and carrier pipe is only required for sewer lines and will not be required for this project. ADDENDUM NO. 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 SPECIFICATIONS ·Specification 01 50 00 – Temporary Facilities and Control o MODIFY Article 1.4.C.2 as follows: 2.Water a.Contractor to obtain from City, provide water required for and in connection with Work to be performed and for specified tests of piping, equipment, devices or other use as required for the completion of the Work. 1)Test water may be obtained from existing water lines at proposed connection points. b.Provide and Maintain adequate supply of potable water for domestic consumption by Contractor personnel and Project Manager and Project Manager’s duly authorized representative. c.Coordination 1)Contact City 1 week before water for construction is desired d.Contractor Payment for Construction Water 1)Obtain construction water meter from City for payment as billed by City’s established rates Construction water will be provided by the City at no cost to the Contractor. ·Specification 33 14 20 – Resilient Seated Gate Valve o MODIFY Article 2.2.C.3 as follows: 3.Bypass a.For 30-inch gate valves using a double roller, track and scrapper system, an integrally cast bypass on the body of the valve is required. 1)Orient the bypass on the same side of the gate valve as the spur gear to allow operation of both valves from the manhole opening. 2)The bypass shall be a minimum 2-inch in size. All other provisions of the contract documents, plans and specifications shall remain unchanged. Failure to return a signed copy of the addendum with the Proposal shall be grounds for rendering the bid non-responsive. A signed copy of this addendum shall be placed into the Proposal at the time of bid submittal. RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: By: Company: