Freightliner of Austin - Vehicles, Heavy Duty Trucks, Police Motorcycles - # 521-16 October 19, 2016 Sent Via E‐mail: carlton@ftl1.com Carlton Hempel Freightliner of Austin 1701 Smith Rd. Austin, TX 78721 Re: Notice of The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative Award Proposal Name and Number: Vehicles, Heavy Duty Trucks, Police Motorcycles, Parts and Service Labor Proposal No. 521-16 Congratulations, The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (Cooperative) has awarded your company a BuyBoard® contract based on the above-referenced Proposal. The contract is effective 12/1/2016 through 11/30/2017, with two possible one-year renewals. The contract documents are those identified in Section 3 of the General Terms and Conditions of the specifications. To view the items your company has been awarded, please review the proposal tabulation No. 521-16 on the following web-site: www.buyboard.com/vendor. Only items marked as awarded to your company can be sold through the BuyBoard contract. In addition, on this website you will find the membership list which will provide you with the names of all entities with membership in our purchasing cooperative. Enclosed with this letter you will find the following documents:  Vendor Quick Reference Sheet  Electronic Catalog Format Instructions  Vendor Billing Procedures You are advised that receipt of a purchase order directly from a Cooperative member is not within the guidelines of the Cooperative. Accepting purchase orders directly from Cooperative members may result in a violation of the State of Texas competitive bid statute and termination of this Cooperative BuyBoard contract. Therefore, all purchase orders must be processed through the BuyBoard in order to comply. Please forward by fax (1-800- 211-5454) any order received directly from a Cooperative member. If you inadvertently process a purchase order sent directly to you by a Cooperative member, please fax the order to the above number and note it as RECORD ONLY to prevent duplication. Per proposal specifications, awarded vendors will have 30 days or sooner to submit their electronic catalog including pricing. If the electronic data is not provided within 30 days or sooner of notice of award, we reserve the right to inactivate any company’s award information from the BuyBoard until such time the electronic data is received. On behalf of the Texas Association of School Boards, we appreciate your interest in the Cooperative and we are looking forward to your participation in the program. If you have any questions, please contact BuyBoard Procurement Staff at 800‐695‐2919. Sincerely, Arturo Salinas BuyBoard Procurement Director v.12.15 October 19, 2016 Sent Via E-mail: carlton@ftl1.com Carlton Hempel Freightliner of Austin 1701 Smith Rd. Austin, TX 78721 Re: Notice of National Purchasing Cooperative Piggy-Back Award Proposal Name and Number: Vehicles, Heavy Duty Trucks, Police Motorcycles, Parts and Service Labor Proposal No. 521-16 Congratulations, The National Purchasing Cooperative (National Cooperative) has awarded your company a BuyBoard® contract based on the above-referenced Proposal. As provided for in the Proposal and your National Purchasing Cooperative Vendor Award Agreement, you are authorized to sell the goods and services awarded under the Proposal to National Cooperative members in states other than Texas through the BuyBoard. The contract is effective 12/1/2016 through 11/30/2017, with two possible one-year renewals. The National Cooperative membership list is available at our website www.buyboard.com/vendor. The list identifies the current members that may purchase awarded goods and services under your National Cooperative BuyBoard contract. You are advised that receipt of a purchase order directly from a National Cooperative member is not within BuyBoard guidelines. Accepting purchase orders directly from Cooperative members may result in a violation of applicable competitive procurement law and termination of this National Cooperative BuyBoard contract. Therefore, all purchase orders from National Cooperative members must be processed through the BuyBoard. Please forward by fax (1-800-211-5454) any order received directly from a National Cooperative member. If you inadvertently process a purchase order sent directly to you by a National Cooperative member, please fax the order to the above number and note it as RECORD ONLY to prevent duplication. Per proposal specifications, awarded vendors will have 30 days or sooner to submit their electronic catalog including pricing. If the electronic data is not provided within 30 days or sooner of notice of award, we reserve the right to inactivate any company’s award information from the BuyBoard until such time the electronic data is received. On behalf of the National Cooperative, we are looking forward to your participation in the program. If you have any questions, please contact BuyBoard Procurement Staff at 800-695-2919. Sincerely, BuyBoard Procurement Director v.12.15 Board Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard 'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH;800-695-2919 'FAX:800-211-5454 •www.buyboard.com Proposer's Agreement and Signature Proposal Name;Vehicles, Heavy DutyTrucks, Police Motorcycles, Parts, and Service Labor Proposal Opening Date and Time; August 24,2016 at 2:00 PM Proposal Number:521-16 Contract Time Period;December 1,2016 through November 30, 2017 with two (2) possible one-year renewals. Location of Proposal Opening; Texas Association of School Boards,Inc. BuyBoard Department 12007 Research Blvd. Austin,TX 78759 Anticipated Cooperative Board Meeting Date; October 2016 Freiqhtliner of Austin Name of Proposing Company 1701 Smith Rd, Street Address Austin,TX 78721 City,State,Zip 512-389-0000 -X4 Date reofAuthorized'Company Official Carlton Hempel Printed Name of Authorized Company Official Vice President Telephone Number of Authorized Company Official Position or Title of Authorized Company Official 512-389-2663 Fax Number of Authorized Company Official 26-1564219 Federal ID Number The proposing company CVou"or "your")hereby acknowledges and agrees as follows: 1. You have carefully examined and understand all Cooperative information and documentation associated with this Proposal Invitation,including the Instructions,General Terms and Conditions,Attachments/Forms,Item Specifications,and Line Items (collectively "Requirements"); 2. By your response ^Proposal")to this Proposal Invitation,you propose to supply the products or services submitted at the prices quoted in your Proposal and in strict compliance with the Requirements,unless specific deviations or exceptions are noted in the Proposal; 3. Any and all deviations and exceptions to the Requirements have been noted In your Proposal and no others will be claimed; FORM A-PAGE 1 COMM.V.11.18.15 ^VBoartl' ^Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 'FAX:800-211-5454 •www.buyboard.com 4. If the Cooperative accepts any part of your Proposal and awards you a contract, you will furnish all awarded products or services at the prices quoted and In strict compliance with the Requirements (unless specific exceptions are noted In the Proposal),including without limitation the Requirements related to: a. conducting business with Cooperative members.Including offering pricing to members that Is the best you offer compared to similar customers; b. payment of a service fee Inthe amount specified and as providedfor Inthis Proposal Invitation; c.the possible award of a piggy-back contract by another governmental entity.Inwhich event you will offer the awarded goods and services in accordance with the Requirements;and d. submitting price sheets or catalogs in the proper format for posting on the BuyBoard as a prerequisite to activation of your contract; 5. You have clearly Identified any Information Inyour Proposal that you believe to be confidential or proprietary or that you do not consider to be public Information subject to public disclosure under a Texas Public Information Act request or similar public Information law; 6. The individual signing this Agreement is duly authorized to enter into the contractual relationship represented by this Proposal Invitation on your behalf and bind you to the Requirements, and such Individual (and any Individual signing a Form) Is authorized and has the requisite knowledge to provide the information and make the representations and certifications required In the Requirements; 7. You have carefully reviewed your Proposal, and certify that all information provided is true,complete and accurate,and you authorize the Cooperative to take such action as It deems appropriate to verify such Information;and 8. Any misstatement,falsification, or omission In your Proposal,whenever or however discovered,may disqualifyyou from consideration for a contract award under this Proposal Invitation or result In termination of an award or any other remedy or action provided for in the General Terms and Conditions or by law. FORMA-PAGE2 COMM.V.11.18.15 ^Board' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard 'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 *FAX:800-211-5454 'www.buyboard.com Vendor Purchase Order,Request for Quotes,and Invoice Receipt Options Company:Freightliner of Austin General Contact Name:Carlton Hempel Purchase Orders:Purchase orders from Cooperative members will be available through the Internet or by facsimile. Option 1:Internet.Vendors need Internet access and at least one e-mail address so that notification of new orders can be sent to the Internet contact when a new purchase order arrives.An information guide will be provided to vendors that choose this option to assist them with retrieving their orders. Option 2: Fax. Vendors need a designated fax line available at all times to receive purchase orders. Please choose only one fll of the following options for receipt of purchase orders and provide the requested Information: Q I will usethe INTERNET to receive purchase orders. E-mail Address:CarltongFTLI .com Internet Contact:Carlton Hempel Phone:51 2-389-0000 Alternate E-mail Address:Jay^FTLl .com Alternate Internet Contact:Jay Hendrix Phone:51 2-389-0000 n I will receive purchaseorders via FAX. Fax Number: Fax Contact:Phone: Request for Quotes rRF0"1:Cooperative members will send RFQsto you by e-mail. Please provide e-mail addresses for the receipt of RFQs: E-mail Address:CarltonOFTLl .com Alternate E-mail Address:Jay^FTLl .com Invoices:Your company will be billed monthly for the service fee due under a contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation.All Invoices are available on the BuyBoard website and e-mail notifications will be sent when they are ready to be retrieved.Please provide the following address,contact and e-mail information for receipt of service fee invoices and related communications: Mailing address:1701 Smith Rd.Department: City:Austin State:ty Zip Code:78721 Contact Name:Scott MUller Phone:512-389-0000 Fax:51 2-3fiQ-2fifi3 E-mail Address:5 m11 ^4-L. Alternative E-mail Address: FORM B COMM.V.il.18.15 ^Board' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 'FAX:800-211-5454 *www.buyboard.com Felony Conviction Disclosure and PEBARMEm"Certification Felony Conviction Disclosure Subsection (a) of Section 44.034 of the Texas Education Code (Notification of Crimina!History of Contractor)states:"A person or business entity that enters into a contract with a school district must give advancs notice to the district if the person or an owner or operator has been convicted of a felony.The notice must include a general description of the conduct resulting in the conviction of a felony." Section 44.034 further states in Subsection (b): "Aschool district may terminate a contract with a person or business entity if the district determines that the person or business entity failed to give notice as required by Subsection (a) or misrepresented the conduct resulting in the conviction.The district must compensate the person or business entity for services performed before the terminationof the contract." Please check N)one of the following: I I My company isa publicly-held corporation.(Advance notice requirement does not apply to publicly-held corporation.) [2 My company is notownedor operated byanyonewho has been convicted ofa felony. D My company isowned/operated bythe following individual(s)who has/have been convicted o a felony: Name of Felon(s): Details of Conviction(s): By signature below, I certify that the above information is true,complete and accurate and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. Fre3>.ghtliner of Austin Company Name Carlton Hempel2^ ure of Authorized Company Official Printed Name Debarment Certification Neither my company nor an owner or principal of my company has been debarred,suspended or otherwise made ineligible for participation in Federal Assistance programs under Executive Order 12549, "Debarment and Suspension,"as described in the Federal Register and Rules and Regulations. By signature below,I certify that the above is true,complete and accurate and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. Freiqhtligier of Austin Company Name Carlton Hempel Signature of Authorizedxompany Official Printed Name FORMC COMM.V.ll.18.15 ^VBoard' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard 'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 • FAX:800-211-5454 'www/.buyboard.com Resident/Nonresideivt Certification Chapter 2252, Subchapter A,of the Texas Government Code establishes certain requirements applicable to proposers who are not Texas residents. Under the statute,a "resident" proposer is a person whose principal place of business is in Texas, including a person whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in Texas.A "nonresident"proposer is a person who is not a Texas resident.Please Indicate the status of your company as a "resident"proposer or a "nonresident" proposer under these definitions.Please check Nl one of the following. 0 I certify that mycompany isa Resident Proposer. • I certify that my company isa Nonresident Proposer. If your company is a Nonresident Proposer, you must provide the following information for your resident state (the state in whichyour company's principal place of business is located): Company Name Address City State ZipCode A. Does your resident state require a proposer whose principal place of business Is in Texas to under-price proposers whose resident state Is the same as yours by a prescribed amount or percentage to receive a comparable contract? •Yes •No B.What is the prescribed amount or percentage?$or % Vendor Employment Certification Section 44.031(b)of the Texas Education Code establishes certain criteria that a school district must consider when determining to whom to award a contract.Among the criteria for certain contracts is whether the vendor or the vendor's ultimate parent or majority owner (i)has its principal place of business inTexas; or (ii)employs at least 500 people in Texas. If neither your company nor the ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in Texas,does your company,ultimate parent company,or majority owner employ at least 500 people in Texas? Please check one of the followina. • Yes No Bysignature below, I certify that the information in Sections 1 {Resident/Nonresident Certificdtion)and 2 (Venciot'$rhployn]ent C^rtificBtion)is true,complete and accurate and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. Freiqhtliner of Austin Company Name Carlton Hempel Signati^of Authorized Company Official Printed Name FORM D COMM.V.ll.18.15 ^Board' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard *Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 •FAX:800-211-5454 'www.buyboard.com Historically Underutilized Business Certification A proposer that has been certified as a Historically Underutilized Business (also known as a Minority/Women Business Enterprise or "MWBE"and all referred to in this form as a "HUB")is encouraged to indicate its HUB certification status when responding to this Proposal Invitation.The electronic catalogs will indicate HUB certifications for vendors that properly indicate and document their HUB certification on this form. Please check (yl)a\\that aoolv • I certify that mycompanyhas been certified as a HUB inthe following categories: G Minority Owned Business G Women Owned Business G Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Business (veteran defined by 38 U.S.C. §101(2),who has a service-connected disability as defined by U.S.C. § 101(16),and who has a disability rating of 20%or more as determined by the U. S.Department ofVeterans Affairs or Department of Defense) Certification Number: Name of Certifying Agency: S My companyhas NOT been certified as a HUB. By signature below, I certify that the above is true,complete and accurate and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. Freightliner of Ausfcin Company N ignatur^e^rf^uthorized CompJany Official Carlton Hempel Printed Name FORM E COMM.V.ll.18.15 ^Board' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 *FAX:800-211-5454 'www.buyboard.com Affirmation Regarding Construction-Related Goods and Services A contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation covers only the specific goods and services awarded by the BuyBoard.Asexplained in the BuyBoard Construction Related Goods and Services Advisoryfor Texas Members ("Advisory"),Texas law prohibits the procurement of architecture or engineering services through a purchasing cooperative.This BuyBoard contract does not Include such services.Architecture or engineering services must be procured by a Cooperative member separately,in accordance with the Professional Services Procurement Act (Chapter 2254 of the Texas Government Code)and other applicable law and local policy. The Advisory,attached to this Form F,provides an overview of certain legal requirements that are potentially relevant to a Cooperative member's procurement of construction or construction-related goods and services, including those for projects that may involve or require architecture,engineering or independent testing services. By signature below, the undersigned affirms that Proposer has read and understands the Advisory attached to this Form F and is authorized by Proposer to make this affirmation.If Proposer sells construction-related goods or services to a Cooperative member under a BuyBoard contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation,Proposer will comply with the Advisory and applicable legal requirements, make a good faith effort to make its Cooperative member customers or potential Cooperative member customers aware of such requirements,and provide a Cooperative member with a copy of the Advisory before executing a Member Construction Contract with the member or accepting the member's purchase order for construction-related goods or services,whichever comes first. Freightliner of Austin Company Name Carlton Hempel jre of Authorized Company Official Printed Name z(b-JL Date FORM F-PAGE 1 COMM.V.ll.lB.iS ^Board' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 •FAX:800-211-5454 *www.buyboard.com BUYBOARD PROCUREMENT AND CONSTRUCTION-RELATED GOODSAND SERVICES ADVISORY FORTEXAS MEMBERS Why make purchases using BuyBoard?Purchasing through a cooperative or "interlocal contract" satisfies the requirement of local governments to seek competitive procurement for the purchase of goodsor services.' Therefore, you may purchase goods and servicesfrom a vendor through BuyBoard without having to conduct your own competitive procurement. If, however, you are procuring construction-related services through a BuyBoardJob Order Contract (JOG)or contract for the installation of equipment or materials (e.g., athletic fields and surfaces,kitchen equipment,HVAC,playground equipment, or modular buildings), you may, as explained in this Advisory,need to procure certain aspects of these services using a separate procurement process outside of the BuyBoard and should consult your procurementofficerand/or legal advisor for specificadvice. What is BuyBoard's Procurement Process?The BuyBoard uses a competitive procurement process to award contracts to vendors for goods and services that the BuyBoard determines,based on an evaluation of multiplecriteria,represents the best value for its members. How does BuyBoard award a contract to a vendor?Asa condition of being awarded a BuyBoard contract, a vendor is bound by and must agree to comply with all the terms of the BuyBoard's proposal invitation (or specifications), the vendor's proposal response, and any additional contract terms negotiated with the BuyBoard member.Among other things, the vendor must honor the pricing submitted in the vendor's proposal.THE PRICE YOU PAY FOR THE GOODS AND SERVICES COVERED BY THE BUYBOARD CONTRACT MAY BE LESS THAN THE AWARDED PRICING, BUT CANNOT BE MORE. Additionally,the vendor must complywith the BuyBoard contract's generalterms and conditions, and any additional terms and conditions that apply to the specific BuyBoard contract, as set out in the proposal invitation. How does a BuyBoard member make purchases through the BuyBoard contract?You utilize the awarded BuyBoard contract by issuing a signed purchase order through the BuyBoard online application to procure the selected goods or services. Although BuyBoard must receive a copy of the signed purchase order,BuyBoard does not review or approve the purchase order or other supplemental agreement that you obtain - this is a matter between you and the vendor. If construction-related services are procured through the BuyBoard, additional contracts with professionals and the contractor may be required,depending on the nature and scope of the services. As stated above, you should consult your procurement officer and/or legal advisor for specific advice. How do I know that my entity has made a purchase through the BuyBoard? BuyBoard must have a copy of the purchase order in order for the purchase to be considered a BuyBoard procurement.To ensure that your entity has satisfied state law requirements for competitive procurement, make sure that the BuyBoard has your purchase order. Do not rely on the vendor to submit the purchase order on your behalf; it is your responsibility to make sure that the BuyBoard has the signed purchase order. Youmay log in to www.buvboard.com using your member I.D.and password to view the Purchase Order Status Report to confirm that the purchase order is in the BuyBoard system. What should BuyBoard members consider when using BuyBoard for construction-related purchases?Whilepurchasing goods and services through BuyBoard satisfies your legal requirement to competitively procure a good or service, as a general matter you must keep in mind other legal requirements that may relate to the purchase, especially when using BuyBoard for construction-related procurement. FORM F-PAGE 2 COMM.V.11.18.15 ^Board' ^Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard *Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 •FAX:800-211-5454 •www.buyboard.com When making construction-related purchases through a BuyBoard contract,BuyBoard members must consider the following: •Best value determination.In compliance with Texas law and any local policy,your entity must first determine that purchasing through an interlocal contract or purchasing cooperative is the procurement method that will provide bestvalue."Thisisdone bythe governing body(e.g., board of trustees,council,commissioners'court,etc.)or may be delegated by the governing body to an individual or committee,with written notice. •Products or services not covered by the BuyBoard contract.The BuyBoard contract covers only the specific goods and services awarded by the BuyBoard. If you want to purchase from a BuyBoard vendor goods or servicesfrom a BuyBoard vendor that are not covered by the vendor's BuyBoard contract,such as architectural, design, or engineering services,you must procure them separately in accordance withstate lawand local policy. •Architectural or Engineering and Independent Testing services.If your procurement includes a construction component that requires architectural or engineering services,you must procure those services separately.YOU MAY NOT PROCURE ARCHITECTURAL OR ENGINEERING SERVICES THROUGH A BUYBOARD CONTRACT.Texas law requires architectural and engineering services to be obtained in accordance with the Professional Services Procurement Act (Chapter 2254 of the Texas Government Code) and prohibits them from being procured through a purchasing cooperative.'" o Architecture.A new building owned by a political subdivision having construction costs exceeding $100,000 or an alteration or addition to an existing building having construction costs exceeding $50,000 must have architectural plans and specifications prepared by an architect.'* (An "alteration"or "addition" for purposes of this requirement requires the removal,relocation,or addition of a wallor partition or the alteration or addition of an exit.) o Engineering.If the goods or services procured through the BuyBoard will involve engineering in which the public health, welfare, or safety is involved,the plans for structural, mechanical,electrical,electronic,fire suppression,geotechnical systems,foundation design, surface water drainage,plumbing and certain roof modifications and associated estimates must be prepared by an engineer,and the engineering construction must be performed under the direct supervision of an engineer.* The Engineering Practice Act provides two exceptions to this rule - no engineer is required if (1)the project involves mechanical or electrical engineering and will cost $8,000 or less, or (2)the project does not require mechanical or electrical engineering and will cost $20,000 or less.*' o Independent Testing.If acceptance of a ^cility by a public entity involves independent testing of construction materials engineering and/or verification testing services, the testing services should be procured under the Professional Services Procurement Act,and may not be procured under a BuyBoardcontract. o Written Certification.Effective 09/01/2013,a local governmental entity purchasing construction-related goods and services through a cooperative in an amount that exceeds $50,000 must designate a person to certify in writing that the project does not require the preparation of plans or specifications by an architect or engineer OR that an architect or engineer has prepared the plans or specifications.*" FORM F-PAGE 3 COMM.V.11.18.15 WBoard' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 *FAX:800-211-5454 'www.buyboard.com •Bonds.You must also consider whether the vendor is required to provide a payment or performance bond. A payment bond Is required for contracts that exceed $25,000 to protect subcontractors who supply labor or materials for the project. A performance bond is required for a contract that exceeds $100,000,to protect the local government if a contractor falls to complete the project. Without payment and performance bonds.Ifthe contractor falls to pay Its subcontractors or to complete the project,the public entity that entered the contract can be held responsible for payment claims or costs to complete. •Construction Contract.Even though the procurement of construction or construction-related services may be through the BuyBoard,your construction contract Isbetween your entity and the contractor.The BuyBoard contract's general terms and conditions, standing alone,are not sufficient to document your entity's specific transaction.THEREFORE,YOU SHOULD USE AN APPROPRIATE FORM OF CGNSTRUCTIGN CONTRACT JUST AS YOU WOULD DO IF YOU PROCURED CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INDEPENDENTLY,USING COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS.The contract must contain provisions required by state law Including:performance and payment bonds,requirements for payment of prevailing wages to all construction workers, workers'compensation coverage for all workers and, on projects where contractor employees may have direct contact with students,criminal history record checks. Other provisions which should be considered In the construction contract are retalnage,contingency, liquidated damages and dispute resolution, among others.By supplementing the BuyBoard contract with an appropriate form of construction contract,you ensure that your entity's unique Interests are addressed and that your entity can enforce the contract directly. •Legal advice.Because of the variety of laws that relate to constnjctlon-related purchasing and the potential risk of high exposure,you are well-advised to consult with your entity's legal counsel before procuring construction-related goods and services under any procurement method.Including a purchasing cooperative. This Advisory is provided for educational purposes only to facilitate a general understanding of the law.This Advisory is neither an exhaustive treatment on the subject nor is it intended to substitute for the advice of an attorney. For more Information about BuyBoard,contact us at 800-695-2919. \. Tex. GoVt Code §791.025 and Tex. LocalGovtCode §271.102. li.Tex. Ed. Code §44.031(a}(school districts); Tex. LocalGov't Code §252.043(a)(munidpalitles)and §262.022(5-a)and §262.027(counties) Hi.Tex.GovtCode §2254.004and §791.011(h) iv. Tex. Occ. Code §1051.703 V. Tex. Occ.Code §1001.0031(c) vi. Tex. Occ. Code §1001.053 vii. Tex.Govt Code §791.011(j),effective September 1, 2013 viii. Tex.Govt Code §2253.021(a) IssuedMsrch Ji,201*/ FORM F-PAGE 4 COMM.V.11.18.15 ^7Board' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard *Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 •FAX:800-211-5454 •www.buybo3rd.com Deviation and Compliance Signature Form If your company intends to deviate from the General Terms and Conditions,Item Specifications or other requirements associated with this Proposal Invitation, you must listall such deviations on this form,and provide complete and detailed information regarding the deviations on this form, an attachment to this form, or elsewhere in your Proposal.(If you do not provide the information on or as an attachment to this form,the information must be clearly identified in your Proposal.)The Cooperative will consider any deviations in its contract award decision,and reserves the right to accept or reject a proposal based upon any submitted deviation. In the absence of any deviation identified and described in accordance with the above,your company must fully comply with the General Terms and Conditions, Item Specifications and all other requirements associated with this Proposal Invitation if awarded a contract under this Proposal Invitation. [X]NO;Deviations I I YGS;Deviations List and fully explain any deviations you are submitting: PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1.Shipping Via:•Common Carrier ^Company Truck •Prepaid and Add to Invoice D Other: 2.Payment Terms:SJ Net 30days • 1%in 10/Net 30 days •Other: 3.Number of Days for Delivery:60+aro 4.Vendor Reference/Quote Number:Buy Board Trucks 5.State your return policy:„.'No returns 6.Are electronic payments acceptable?®Yes •No 7.Are credit card payments acceptable?DVes 0 No Freiqhtliner of Austin Compam Carlton Hempel )fAuthorizes CompanyOfficialSignatufeofAuthorizesCompanyOfficial Printed Name [M G COMM.V.U.18.15 ^Board' KJ Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 'FAX:800-211-5454 'www.buyboard.com Dealership Listings If you have morethan one location that will service a contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation, pleaselist each location below.If additional sheets are required,pleaseduplicate thisform as necessary. Freiahtliner of Austin Company Name 1701 Smith Rd. Address Austin TX 78721 City State Zip 512-389-0000 512-389-2663 Phone Number Fax Number Carlton Hempel Contact Person Company Name Address City State Zip Phone Number Fax Number Contact Person FORM H COMM.V.ll.18.15 ^Board' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard 'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 'FAX:800-211-5454 •vmw.buyboard.com Texas Regional Service Designation Unless you designate otherwise on this form,you agree to service members of The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative statewide! The Cooperative (referredto as "Te^as CX)Operdt/\/a"in ttj/s fbrni and in theState Service Oesignation fdrrg)offers vendors the opportunity to service its members throughout the entire State of Texas.If you do not plan to service all Texas Cooperative members statewide,you must indicate the specific regions you will service on this form. Additionally,ifyou do not plan to service Texas Cooperative members (i.e., if you wHi service only states other than Texas),you must so indicate on this form. Regional Education Service Centers — 11J — hi--" ... M •7" -.... FreighMiner of Austiji Company Name re of Authorized Company Official Carlton Hempel Printed Name FORM I ^I will service Texas Cooperative members statewide. • I will not service Texas Cooperative members statewide.I will only service members in the regions checked below: Reoion Headquarters • 1 Edinburg • 2 Corpus Christi • 3 Victoria • 4 Houston • 5 Beaumont • 6 Huntsvilie • 7 Kilgore • 8 Mount Pleasant • 9 V\/ichita Falls • 10 Richardson • 11 Fort Worth • 12 Waco • 13 Austin •14 Abilene • 15 San Angelo • 16 Amarillo • 17 Lubbock • 18 Midland n 19 El Paso • 20 San Antonio • I will not service members of the Texas Cooperative. COMM,V.11.18.15 <s> WBoard Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard *Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 *FAX:800-211-5454 •www.buyboard.com State Service Designation The Cooperative offers vendors the opportunity to service other governmental entities in the United States, including intergovernmental purchasing cooperatives such as the National Purchasing Cooperative BuyBoard. You must complete this form if you plan to service the entire United States,or will service only the specific states indicated. (Note:If you plan to service Teyas Cooperat/\/e rnerntyerSj.6e sure that you corrjplete the Te^as RegionalService Designation fbrrn.) S I will service all states in the United States. • I will not service all states in the UnitedStates.I will service only the states checked below: •Alabama •Alaska • Nebraska •Arizona CH Nevada •Arkansas •New Hampshire •California (Public Contract Code 20118 &20652)•New Jersey •Colorado • New Mexico n Connecticut • New York •Delaware •North Carolina •District of Columbia •North Dakota •Florida • Ohio •Georgia •Oklahoma •Hawaii CH Oregon •Idaho •Pennsylvania •lilinois •Rhode Island •Indiana EH South Carolina •Iowa EH South Dakota •Kansas EH Tennessee •Kentucky EH Texas •Louisiana • Utah •Maine EH Vermont •Maryland EH Virginia •Massachusetts D Washington •Michigan EH WestVirginia •Minnesota • Wisconsin •Mississippi Q Wyoming •Missouri •Montana This form will be used to ensure that you can service other governmental entities throughout the United States as indicated.Your signature below confirms that you understand your service commitments during the term of a contract awarded under this proposal. Frej.qhtlJ.ner of Austin Company Name Slgn^re of Authorized Company Official Printed Name FORM J COMM.V.ll.18.15 ^Board' KJ Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 *FAX:800-211-5454 'www.buyboard.com National Purchasing Cooperative Vendor AwardAGREEMErrr In accordance with the Terms and Conditions associated with this Proposal Invitation,a contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation may be "piggy-backed"by another governmental entity. The National PurchasingCooperative is an intergovernmental purchasing cooperativeformed by certain school districts outside of Texas to serve its members throughout the United States.If you agree to be considered for a piggy-backaward by the National Purchasing Cooperative, you agree to the following terms and agree to serve National Purchasing Cooperative members in the states you have indicated on the State Service Designation form, in your Proposal. By signing this form.Proposer (referred to in this Agreementas "Vendor")agrees as foiiows: 1. Vendor acknowledges that if The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative C'Texas Cooperative") awards Vendor a contract under this Proposal Invitation C'Underlying Award"),the National Purchasing Cooperative ^National Cooperative") may - but is not required to - "piggy-back"on or re-award all or a portion of that Underlying Award O'Plggy-Back Award").By signing this National Cooperative Vendor AwardAgreement C'Agreement"), Vendor accepts and agrees to be bound by any such Piggy-BackAward as provided for herein. 2. In the event National Cooperative awards Vendor a Piggy-Back Award,the National Cooperative Administrator C'BuyBoard Administrator")will notify Vendor in writing of such Piggy-Back Award,which award shall commence on the effective date stated in the Notice and end on the expiration date of the Underlying Award,subject to annual renewals as authorized in writing by the BuyBoard Administrator. Vendor agrees that no further signature or other action is required of Vendor in order for the Piggy-Back Award and this Agreement to be binding upon Vendor. Vendor further agrees that no interlineations oi' changes to this Agreement by Vendor will be binding on National Cooperative,unless such changes are agreed to by its BuyBoardAdministrator in writing. 3. Vendor agrees that it shall offer its goods and services to National Cooperative members at the same unit pricing and same general terms and conditions,subject to applicable state laws in the state of purchase,as required by the Underlying Award. However, nothing in this Agreement prevents Vendor from offering National Cooperative members better (i.e., lower) competitive pricing and more favorable terms and conditions than those in the Underlying Award. 4. Vendor hereby agrees and confirms that it will serve those states it has designated on the State Service Designation Form of this Proposal Invitation.Any changes to the states designated on the State Service Designation Form must be approved in writing by the BuyBoard Administrator. 5. Vendor agrees to pay National Cooperative the service fee providedfor in the Underlying Award based on the amount of purchases generated from National Cooperative members through the Piggy-Back Award. Vendor shall remit payment to National Cooperative on such schedule as it specifies (which shall not be more often than monthly). Further, upon request.Vendorshall provide National Cooperative with copies of all purchase orders generated from National Cooperative members for purposes of reviewing and verifying purchase activity. Vendor further agrees that National Cooperative shall have the right, upon reasonable written notice, to review Vendor's records pertaining to purchases made by National Cooperative members in order to verity the accuracy of service fees. FORM K-PAGE 1 COMM.V.11.18.15 ^Board' CooperativePurchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 'FAX:800-211-5454 •www.buyboard.com 6.Vendor agrees that the Underlying Award, including its General Terms and Conditions,are adopted by reference to the fullest extent such provisions can reasonably apply to the post-proposal/contract award phase. The rights and responsibilities that would ordinarily inure to the Texas Cooperative pursuant to the Underlying Award shall inure to National Cooperative; and,conversely,the rights and responsibilities that would ordinarily inure to Vendor in the Underlying Award shall inure to Vendor in this Agreement. Vendor recognizes and agrees that Vendor and National Cooperative are the only parties to this Agreement, and that nothing in this Agreement has applicationto other third parties, including the Texas Cooperative.In the event of conflict between this Agreement and the terms of the Underlying Award, the terms of this Agreement shall control, and then only to the extent necessary to reconcile the conflict. 7. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Rhode Island and venue for any dispute shall lie in the federal district court of Alexandria,Virginia. 8.Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the award of a Piggy-Back Award is within the sole discretion of National Cooperative,and that this Agreement does not take effect unless and until National Cooperative awards Vendor a Piggy-Back Award and the BuyBoard Administrator notifies Vendor in writing of such Piggy-Back Award as provided for herein. WHEREFORE,by signing below Vendor agrees to the foregoing and warrants that it has the authority to enter into this Agreement. Freiqhtliner of Austin Name of Vendor Sigrjature of AuthorizedCompany Official g"—-76 Date FORM K-PA6E 2 Proposal Invitation Number Carlton Hempel Printed Name of Authorized Company Official COMM.V.11.18.15 'Board Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard *Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 *FAX:800-211-5454 'www.buyboard.com Federal AND State/PurchasingCooperative Discount Comparison Form The Cooperative strivesto provide its members with the best services and products at the best prices available.The Cooperative determines whether prices/discounts are fair and reasonable by comparing prices/discounts stated in your Proposal with prices/discounts you offer federal and state entities and other interlocal purchasing cooperatives (collectively referredto as "purchasing cooperative"inthis form).Please respondto the following questions. 1. 2. 3. Provide the dollar value of sales to or through purchasing cooperatives at or based on an established catalog or market priceduringthe previous 12-month periodor the last fiscal year:£t^o fTheperiodofthe12monthperiodisi?li [is^t ?/?'In the event that adollar value is not an appropriate measure of the sales,provide and describe your own measure of the sales of the item(s). Based on your written discounting policies are the discounts you offerthe Cooperative equal to or better than the best price you offer other purchasing cooperatives acquiringthe same items regardless of quantity or terms and conditions? YES0^on Based on your written discounting policies,provide the information requested below for other purchasing cooperatives,either in the chart below or in an equivalent format.Rows should be added to accommodate as many purchasing cooperatives as required. PURCHASING GROUP DISCOUNT (o/o)QUANTITY/VOLUME FOBTERM 1.Federal General Services Adm. 2.T-PASS 3. U.S.Communities Purchasing Alliance 4. The Cooperative Purchasing Network 5.Houston-Galveston Area Council 6.Other COMPANY DOES NOT CURREriTLY HAVE ANY OF THE ABOVE OR SIMILAR TYPE CONTRACTS. CURRENT BUYBOARD VENDORS If you are a current BuyBoard vendor, indicate the discount for your current BuyBoard contract and the proposed discount in this Proposal. Explainany difference between your current and proposed discounts. Current Discount (%): Explanation:^ixpianation:/ Proposed Discount (%):.150 By signature below, I certify that the above is true, complete and accurate and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. ^reighh-liner of Austin Company Name irature of Autholized Company Official m L Carlton Hempel Printed Name COMM.V.ll.18.15 BmBoard Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard *Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 •FAX:800-211-5454 *www.buyboard.com Governmental References AND Price/Discount Information For your Proposal to be considered,you must supply a minimum of five (5)individual governmental entity references.Provide the information requested below, including the existing price/discounts you offer each customer. The Cooperative determines whether prices/discounts are fair and reasonable by comparing prices/discounts stated in your Proposal with the prices/discounts you offer other governmental customers.Attach additional pages if necessary. Quantity/ Contact Phone#Discount Volume FOB Term 1 LCRA Troy Fulmar 512-482-6247 0%1 Net 30 ?.Travis Co.Mike Joyce 512-854-4658 0%3 Net 30 3.Bastrop Co.Melissa Jackson 512-332-7210 0%1 Net 30 4.city of Austin Will O'Connor 512-927-3297 0%1 Net 30 S.Williamson Co.Randy Rogers 512-943-3362 0%1 Net 30 Doyou ever modifyyour written policiesor standard governmental sales practices as identified in tiie above chart to give better discounts (lower prices)than indicated?YES D NOlX]If YES,please explain: Bysignature below, I certify that the above is true and correct and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. Freiahtliner of Austin Company Name Signa^eof Authorizefl Company Official Carlton Hempel Printed Name FORM M COMM.V.ll.18.15 ^VBoard Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard 'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 "FAX:800-211-5454 'ww/w.buyboard.com Marketing Strategy For your Proposal to be considered, you must submit the Marketing Strategy you will use ifthe Cooperativeaccepts all or part of your Proposal.(Fy^mn/p:HoW vour cx)rriDdnv \¥ll initially inform CooDorativo members of your BuyBoarrj contract endhowyou wm continueto supportthe BuyBoard for the duration ofd)e contractperiod.) Attach additional pages if necessary. /cj-7^ e»->—^ '•f'W—-4^^^—'^-yQgt^ /fa?--*t t f Freightliner of Austin Company Name /Signatur^f Authorized Company Official Carlton H^pel Printed Name FORM N COMM.V.tl.18.15 ^Board' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 *FAX:800-211-5454 •www.buyboard.com Confidential/Proprietary Information Form A.Public Disclosure Laws All Proposals, forms,documentation,or other materials submitted by Vendor to the Cooperative In response to this Proposal Invitation may be subject to the disclosure requirements of the Texas Public Information Act (Texas Government Codechapter 552.001,et seq.)or similar disclosure law.Proposermust clearly Identify on this form any Information In Its Proposal (Including forms,documentation,or other materials submitted with the Proposal)that Proposer considers proprietary or confidential. If Proposer fails to properly Identify the Information,the Cooperative shall have no obligation to seek protection of such Information from public disclosure should a member of the public or other third party request access to the Information under the Texas Public Information Act or similar disclosure law.Proposer will be notified of any third party request for Information Ina Proposal that Proposer has Identified In this form as proprietary or confidential. Does your Proposal (including forms, documentation, or other materials submitted with the Proposal)contain Information which Vendor considers proprietary or confidential? Please check one ofthe followina: PI NO,Icertify that none of the information included with this Proposal is considered confidential or proprietary. •YES,I certify thatthisProposal contains information considered confidential or proprietary andallsuch information is specifically identified on this form. If you responded "YES",you must Identify below the specific Information you consider confidential or proprietary.List each page number, form number, or other Information sufficient to make the Information readily Identifiable.The Cooperative and Its Administrator will not be responsible for a Proposer's failure to clearly Identify Information considered confidential or proprietary.Further, by submitting a Proposal, Proposer acknowledges that the Cooperative and ItsAdministrator will disclose Informationwhen required by law,even If such information has been Identified herein as Information the vendor considers confidential or proprietary. Confidential /Proprietary Information: (Attad)dddWondl d)eetsifneeded.) FORM O-PAGE 1 COMM.V.11.18.15 ^VBoard' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard 'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 *FAX:800-211-5454 *www.buyboard.com B.Copyright Information Does your Proposal (including forms, documentation, or other materials submitted with the Proposal) contain copyright information? NO,Proposal (including forms,documentation,orothermaterials submitted with the Proposal)does not contain copyright information. I I YES,Proposal (including forms,documentation,or other materials submitted with the Proposal)does contain copyright information. If you responded "YES",identify belowthe specific documents or pages containing copyright information. Copyright Information: (Attachadditionalsheetsifnaeded.) C.Consentto Release Confidentlal/ProDrietarv/Copvriaht Information to BuvBoard Members BuyBoard members (Cooperative and nonprofit members)seeking to make purchases through the BuyBoard may wish to view information included in the Proposals of awarded Vendors. If you identified information on this form as confidential, proprietary, or subject to copyright,and you are awarded a BuyBoard contract,your acceptance of the BuyBoard contract award constitutes your consent to the disclosure of such information to BuyBoard members,including posting of such information on the secure BuyBoard website for members. Note:Neither the Cooperative nor its Administrator will be responsible for the use or distribution of information by BuyBoard members or any other party. Bysignature below, I certify that the information in this form is true, complete, and accurate and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification and all consents and agreements contained herein. Freightliner of Austin Company Name Signature of AuthorizedCompanyOfficial Carlton Hempel Printed Name •g--Ito Date FORM O-PAGE 2 COMM.V.ll.18.15 dMi * O O CcWBoard Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard *Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 'FAX:800-211-5454 *www.buyboard.com Vendor Business Name Form Bysubmitting a Proposal, Proposer is seeking to enter into a legal contract with the Cooperative. As such, a Proposer must be an individual or legal business entity capable of entering into a binding contract. Proposers, must completelyand accurately provide the information requested belowor your Proposal may be deemed non-responsive. Austin Trucks &Equipment LTD DBA Name of Proposing Company:Freightliner of Austin (List the let/al narne of the company seeking to contract w'th tte Cooperative.DotuQl list an assumed name,Ptja,aka, etc. here. Such informationmsy he proviPePbehy/.Ifyou are submittingaJointproposal i^th anotherenPty to pro\riPethe sameproposeo goops or services,each submittingenPty shouip completea separate venPor informaP'on form-Separately operaPnglegal business enP'Pes, even lfa/77liatePenP'ties,vvhich propose to provipe gooPs or services separately mustsubmittheiroivn Proposals.) Please check fV')one of the followino: Type of Business: Individual/Sole Proprietor Corporation Limited Liability Company Partnership y Other If other,identify State of Incorporation (ifapplicable): Federal Employer Identification Number ^^^^^I C\/enc/or njust indude a conjpfetec/IRS fbrin with thdrproposal) Listthe Name(s) by which Vendor, if awarded,wishes to be identified on the BuyBoard:(i\]ote:ifpifferent than the t\iame offmpposing Compeny UsteP above, only valiptraPe names (Pba, aka,etc.)ofthe Proposing Company may 6e i/seP anP a copyofyourAssumeP ivame CerPf/catefs),ifapplicable,mustbe aPacheP.) Freightliner of Austin FORM P COMM.V.il.18.15 Form (Rev.August 2013) Departmentof theTreasury IntemalRevenue Service W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Give Form to the requester.Do r)ot send to the IRS. Name (as shown on your income taxretum) AUSTIN TRUCK &EQUIPMENT,LTD. Business name/disregarded entity name,ifdifferentfrom above FREIGHTLINER OF AUSTIN a Checkappropriate box for federal tax classification: D Indrvidual/sole proprietor r~l 0 Corporation Q 8Corporation Q Partnership l~lTrust/estate Exemptions (see Instructions): Limited liabilitycompany.Enterthe tax classification (C=C corporation,3=3 corporation,P=partnershlp)• Exempt payee code (ifany) Exemption from FATCAreporting code (ifany) Other(see instructions)• Address (number,street,and apt.or suite no.) 1701 SMITH RD. City,state,and ZIP code AUSTIN,TX 78721 Listaccount number(s)here (optional) Part I Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Requester's nameand address (optional) Enteryour TIN in the appropriate box.The TIN provided must match the name given on the "Name"line to avoid backup withholding.For individuals,this is your social security number (SSN).However,for a resident alien,sole proprietor,or disregarded entity,see the Part Iinstructions on page 3. For other entities,it is your employer identification number (EiN).ifyou do not have a number,see How to get a TIN on page 3. Note.Ifthe account is inmore than one name,see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose number to enter. Enteryour TIN in the appropriate box.The TIN provided must match the name given on the "Name"line to avoid backup withholding.For individuals,this is your social security number (SSN).However,for a resident alien,sole proprietor,or disregarded entity,see the Part Iinstructions on page 3. For other entities,it is your employer identification number (EiN).ifyou do not have a number,see How to get a Social securitynumber Part II Certification Employeridentification number 2 6 -1 5 6 4 2 1 9 Under penalties of perjury,icertify that: 1.The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer Identification number (orIam waitingfor a number to be Issued to me), and 2. iam not subject to backup withholdingbecause:(a)iam exempt from backup withholding,or (b)Ihave not been notifiedby the internafRevenue Service (IRS)that iam subjectto backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends,or (c)the IRS has notified me that Iam no longer subject to backup withholding,and 3. Iam a U.S.citizen or other U.S.person (defined below),and 4. The FATCA code{s)entered on this form (ifany)indicating that Iam exempt Cerlification Instructions.You must cross out item 2 above ifyou have been because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return,interest paid,acquisition orabandoniTl^of secured property,cancellation of generally,payments other than inter/st aijid dividends,yo^are not required to instructions on page3. , from FATCA reporting is correct. notified by the IRSthat you arecurrently subject to backup withholding For real estate transactions,item 2 does not apply.For mortgage debt,contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA),and sign the certification,but you must provide your correctTIN.See the Sign Here signature of U.S.person• General Instructions Section referencesare to the Intemal Revenue Code unlessotherwise noted. Futuredevelopments.The IRS has created a pageon IRS.govfor information about Form W-9, at wwiv./rs.gov/w9,Information about any future developments affecting Form W-9 (such as legislation enacted after we releaseit)willbe posted on that page. Purpose of Form Aperson who is required to filean informationreturn withthe IRSmust obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (TIN)to report, for example, income paid to you,payments made to you insettlementof payment card and third party network transactions,real estatetransactions,mortgage interestyou paid,acquisition or abandonment of secured property,cancellation of debt,or contributions you made to an IRA. Use Form W-9 only ifyou are a U.S.person (including a resident alien), to provideyour comectTIN to theperson requesting it (the requestei)and,when applicable,to: 1.Certify thatthe TINyou are giving is comect (or you are waiting for a number to beIssu^), 2. Certify thatyou are not subjectto backupwithholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup withholding ifyou are a U.S.exemptpayee. If applicable,you are also catifying that as a U.S.person,your allocable shareof any partnership incomefrom a U.S.tradeor business is not subjectto the Date>- withholding tax on foreign partners'share of effectively connected income,and 4. Certifythat FATCA code(s)entered on this form (ifany) indicating that you are exempt from the FATCAreporting,is correct. Note.Ifyou are a U.S.personand a requestergives you a form otherthan Form W-9 to request your TIN,you must use the requester's form ifit is substantially similar to this Form W-9. Definitionof a U.S.person.For federal tax purposes,you are considered a U.S. person ifyou are: • An individual who is a U.S.citizen or U.S.residentalien, • Apartnership, corporation,company,or association created or organized inthe United States or underthe laws ofthe United States, • An estate (other than a foreign estate),or • Adomestic trust (as defined in Regulations section 301.7701-7), Special rulesfor partnerships.Partnerships that conduct a tradeor business in the United Statesaregenerallyrequired to pay a withholding tax under section 1446 on any foreign partners'share of effectively connected taxable income from such business.Further, incertain cases where a Form W-9 has not been received, the rules under section 1446 require a partnershipto presume that a partner isa foreign person, and pay the section 1446 withholdingtax. Therefore, ifyou are a U.S. person that is a partnerina partnership conducting a trade or business inthe United States,provide Form W-9 to the partnership to establish your U.S.status and avoidsection 1446 withholding on your share of partnership income. Cat.No.10231X Form W-9 (Rev.8-2013) ^7Board' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard 'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 ' FAX:800-211-5454 •www.buyboard.com EDGAR Vendor Certification Form (2 CFR Part 200 and Appendix 11) When a Cooperative member seeks to procure goods and services using funds under a federal grant or contract,specific federal laws,regulations,and requirements may apply in addition to those under state law.This includes,but is not limited to,the procurement standards of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, 2 CFR 200 (sometimes referred to as the "Uniform Guidance"or new "EDGAR").All Vendors submitting proposals must complete this EDGAR Certification Form regarding Vendor's willingness and ability to comply with certain requirements which ttj^y be applicable to specific Cooperative member purchases using federal grant funds. This completed form will be made available to Cooperative members for their use while considering their purchasing options when using federal grant funds. Cooperative members may also require Vendors to enter into ancillary agreements,in addition to the BuyBoard contract's general terms and conditions,to address the member's specific contractual needs,including contract requirements for a procurement using federal grants or contracts. Pat parA ofthe itettjs Venctot shouici cettify Vendofs egtoenieht ebUity to co/?7p/» epph'cebte,by Vendot's authoHzec/toptesetiteti\/e check end itiitiat the eppliceble boxes end sign the eckno^rwiedgnjent et the end of this fotn).If yon fbii to conjpiete eny itenj in this fdtnp the Coopetetive wiii considet end niey list the Vendot's response on the BuyBoerd es the Vendor is nnebie or unv\riHing to conipty^A "NO" response to any of the items may.Ifapplicable, impact the ability of a Cooperative member to purchase from the Vendor using federal funds. 1.Vendor Violation or Breach of Contract Terms: Contracts for more than the simplified acquisition threshold currently set at $150,000,which is the inflation adjusted amount determined by the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils)as authorized by 41 USC 1908, must address administrative, contractual,or legal remedies in instances where contractors violate or breach contract terms,and provide for such sanctions and penalties as appropriate. Provisions regarding Vendor default are included in the BuyBoard General Terms and Conditions,including Section E.18,Remedies for Default and Termination of Contract.Any Contract award will be subject to such BuyBoard General Terms and Conditions,as well as any additional terms and conditions in any Purchase Order,Cooperative member ancillary contract,or Member Construction Contract agreed upon by Vendor and the Cooperative member which must be consistent with and protect the Cooperative member at least to the same extent as the BuyBoard Terms and Conditions. The remedies under the Contract are In addition to any other remedies that may be available under law or in equity. By submitting a Proposal, you agree to these Vendor violation and breach of contract terms. Vendor Certification,Item 1 (Vendor Violat^^H Breach ofContract Terms) 0 YES, I agree to the above.(Initial: • NO,I do NOT agree to the above.(Initial: ) FORM Q-PAGE 1 COMM.V.11.18.15 ^Board' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard *Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 •FAX:800-211-5454 'www.buyboard.com 2.Termination for Cause or Convenience: For any Cooperative member purchase or contract in excess of $10,000 made using federal funds, you agree that the following term and condition shallapply: The CoopQrdti\/Q mernber terrrtindte or csncol any puivbase orcfer under this Contract at any time. With or without causa, byproviding seven 0 business days advance written notice to the l/endor.Ifthis Agreement is terminated in accordance with this Paragraph, the Cooperative member shail only be requiredtopay Vendor forgoodsor services delivered to the Cooperative mQ^nberpriorto the termination and not otherwise returned in accordance with Vendor's return policy.Ifthe Cooperative m^diber has paid Vendor for goods orservices notyetprovided as of the date oftermination.Vendor shall Imniedlately refund such paymnnt(s). If an alternate provision for termination of a Qx)perative member purchase for cause and convenience, including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement,is included in the Cooperative member's purchase order,ancillary agreement,or Member Construction Contract agreed to by the Vendor,the Cooperative member's provisionshall control. Vendor Certification,Item 2(Termination f^r^ause or Convenience): ^YES,Iagree to the above.(Initial:f 'A N-" • NO, I do NOT agree to the above.(Initial:) 3.Equal Employment Opportunity: Except as otherwise provided under 41 CFR Part 60, all Cooperative member purchases or contracts that meet the definition of 'federally assisted construction contract"in 41 CFR Part 60-1.3 shall be deemed to include the equal opportunity clause provided under 41 CFR 60-1.4(b),in accordance with Executive Order 11246,"Equal Employment Opportunity"(30 FR 12319,12935,3 CFR Part,1964-1965 Comp.,p.339),as amended by Executive Order 11375, "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity,"and implementing regulations at 41 CFR Part 60, "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs,Equal Employment Opportunity,Department of Labor." The equal opportunity clause provided under 41 CFR 60-1.4(b)is hereby incorporated by reference. Vendor agrees that such provision applies to any Cooperative member purchase or contract that meets the definition of "federally assisted construction contract"in 41 CFR Part 60-1.3 and Vendor agrees that it shall comply with such provision. Vendor Certification,Item 3 (Equal Employm^r^i;Opportunity): YES.I agree to the above.(Initial: • NO.I do NOT agree to the above.(Initial:) FORM Q-PAGE 2 COMM.V.ll.18.15 4.Davis-Bacon Act: ^Board' ^CooperativePurchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 *FAX:800-211-5454 *www.buyboard.com When required by Federal program legislation,Vendor agrees that, for all Cooperative member prime construction contracts/purchases In excess of $2,000, Vendor shall complywith the Davis-Bacon Act (40 use 3141-3144, and 3146-3148)as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5, "Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Contracts Covering Federally Financed and Assisted Construction").In accordance with the statute,Vendor is required to pay wages to laborers and mechanics at a rate not less than the prevailing wages specified in a wage determinate made by the Secretaryof Labor.In addition,Vendor shall paywages not less than oncea week. Current prevailing wagedeterminations issued bythe Department of Labor are available at www.wdol.Qov. Vendor agreesthat,for any purchase to which this requirement applies,the award ofthe purchase to the Vendor is conditioned upon Vendor's acceptance of the wage determination. Vendorfurther agrees that it shall also comply with the Copeland "Anti-Kickback"Act (40 USC 3145), as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 3,"Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Building or Public Work Financed in Whole or in Part by Loans or Grants from the United States"). The Act provides that each contractor or subredpient must be prohibited from inducing,by any means, any person employed in the construction,completion,or repair of public work,to give upany part of the compensation to which heorshe is otherwise entij;^led. Vendor Certification,Item 4 (Davis-Bacoi S YES,I agree to the above.(Initial:| n NO, I do NOTagree to the above.(Initial: 5.Contract Work Hours and Safety StandardsAct: Where applicable,for all Cooperative member contracts or purchases in excess of $100,000 that involve the employment of mechanics or laborers, Vendor agrees to comply with 40 USC 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5).Under 40 USC 3702 of the Act, Vendoris required to computethe wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work week Is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week. The requirements of 40 USC 3704 are applicable to construction workand provide that nolaboreror mechanic must be required to workin surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary,hazardous or dangerous.These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market,or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. Vendor Certification,Item 5 (Contract Work rs and Safety StandardsAct): E]YES, I agree to the above.(Initial: • NO. I do NOT agree to the above.(Initial: FORM Q-PAGE 3 COMM.V.11.18.15 ^BoartT Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard 'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 •FAX:800-211-5454 •wvm.buyboard.com 6.Right to Inventions Made Under a Contract or Agreement: If the Cooperative member's Federal award meets the definition of "funding agreement"under 37 CFR 401.2(a)and the recipient or subredpient wishes to enter Into a contract with a small business firm or nonprofit organization regarding the substitution of parties,assignment or performance or experimental, developmental,or research work under that "funding agreement,"the recipient or subrecipient must comply with the requirements of 37 CFR Part 401, "Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants,Contracts and Cooperative Agreements,"and any implementing regulations issued by the awarding agency. Vendor agrees to comply with theabove requirer^ts when applicable. Vendor Certification,Item 6(Right to Inv^tyons Made Under aContract or Agreement): 0 YES. I agree to the above.(Initiar •NO,Ido NOT agreetothe above.^nitial:) 7.Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act: Clean AirAct (42 USC 7401-7671q.)and the Federal Water PollutionControl Act (33 USC 1251-1387),as amended -Contracts and subgrants of amounts in excess of $150,000 must contain a provision that requires the non-Federal award to agree to comply with all applicable standards,orders,or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean AirAct (42 USC 7401-7671q.)and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act,as amended (33 USC 1251-1387).Violations must be reported to the Federal awarding agency and the Regional Officeof the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). When required.Vendor agrees to comply with all applicable standards,orders,or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean AirAct and the Federal Water/Pollution Control Act. Vendor Certification,Item 7 (Clean Air Act Federal Water Pollution Control Act): ^YES.I agree to the above.(Initial: G NO, I do NOT agree to the above.(Initial: 8.Debarment and Suspension: Debarment and Suspension (Executive Orders 12549 and 12689)- Acontract award (see 2 CFR 180.220) must not be made to paitles listed on the government-wide exclusions In the System for Award Management (SAM), In accordance with the 0MB guidelines at 2 CFR180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR Part 1966 Comp. p. 189)and 12689 (3 CFR Part 1989 Comp. p.235),"Debarment and Suspension."SAM Exclusions contains the names of parties debarred,suspended,or otherwise excluded by agencies,as well as parties declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. FORM Q-PAGE 4 C014M.V. ^Board' V.y Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 *FAX:800-211-5454 •www.buyboard.com Vendor certifies that Vendor is not currently listed on the government-wide exclusions in SAM,Is not debarred,suspended,or otherwise excluded by agencies or declared ineiigible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. Vendor further agrees to immediately notify the Cooperative and all Cooperative members with pending purchases or seeking to purchase from Vendor if Vendor is later listed on the government-wide exclusions in SAM,or is debarred,suspended,or otherwise excluded by agencies or declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. Vendor Certification,Item 8 (Debarment and Suspension): [3 YES, I agree /certify to the above.(Initial: O NO, I do NOT agree /certifyto the above.(Initial: ) 9.Byrd Antl-Lobbying Amendment: Byrd Anti-Lobbylng Amendment (31 USC 1352) -- Vendors that apply or bid for an award exceeding $100,000 must file the required certification.Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency,a member of Congress,officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract,grant or any other award covered by 31 USC 1352.Each tier must also disclose any lobbying with non-Federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any Federal award.Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the non-Federal award. As applicable, Vendor agrees to file all certifications and disclosures required by, and otherwise comply with,the ByrdAnti-Lobbying Amendment (31 USC 1352). Vendor Certification,Item9 (Byrd Anti-LobAy/ng Amendment): 3 YES.Iagree to the above.(Initial:[joV) • NO, I do NOT agree to the above.(Initial: ) 10.Procurement of Recovered Materials: For Cooperative member purchases utilizing Federal funds,Vendor agrees to comply with Section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act,as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act where applicable and provide such information and certifications as a Cooperative member may require to confirm estimates and otherwise comply. The requirements of Section 6002 Include procuring only items designated inguidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)at 40 CFRPart 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable,consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition,where the purchase price of the item exceeds $10,000 or the value of the quantity acquired during the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000;procuring solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery, and establishing an affirmative procurement program for procurement of recovered materials identified in the EPA guidelines. FORM Q-PAGE 5 COMM.V.ll.18.15 ^7r O KJ ci WBoard CooperativePurchasing 12007 Research Boulevard 'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 'FAX:800-211-5454 *www.buyboard.com Vendor Certification,Item 10 (Procuremei\^of Recovered Materials); ®YES.I aoree to the above.(Initial: • NO, I do NOT agree to the above.(Initial: ) 11.Profit as a Separate Element of Price For purchases using federal funds in excess of $150,000,a Cooperative member may be required to negotiate profit as a separate element of the price.See,2 CFR 200.323(b).When required by a Cooperative member,Vendor agrees to provide Information and negotiate with the Cooperative member regarding profit as a separate element of the price for a particular purchase.However,Vendor agrees that the total price,Including profit,charged by Vendor to the Cooperative member shall not exceed the awarded pricing.Including any applicable discount, under Vendor'sCooperative Contract. Vendor Certification,Item 11 (Profit as Scjdarate Element of Price): ^YES.Iagree to the above.(Initial:C^() • NO. I do NOT aoree to the above.(Initial: ) 12.General Compliance and Cooperation with Cooperative Members In addition to the foregoing specific requirements,Vendoragrees, Inaccepting any Purchase Order from a Cooperative member,it shall make a good faith effortto work with Cooperative membersto providesuch information and to satisfysuch requirements as may apply to a particularCooperative member purchase or purchases including,but not limited to,applicable recordkeeping and record retention requirements. Vendor Certification,Item 12 (GeneralCompliance and Cooperation with Cooperative Members): ^YES,I aoree to the above,finitial:(1 • NO. I do NOT aoree to the above.(Initial: ) By signature below,I certify that the information in this form is true,complete,and accurate and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification and all consents and agreements contained herein. Freiqhtliner of Austin Comoanv Name Sign^re ofAuthorized Company Official Carlton Hempel Printed Name F0RMQ-PAGE6 COMM.V.ll.18.15 a a a a a Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed S Completed [E Completed a m a a a a Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed [E Completed IE Completed a a a a FORM R Completed Completed Completed Completed mBoard' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard 'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 *FAX:800-211-5454 *www.buyboard.com Reouired Forms Checklist (Pleasecheck(V)thefollowing) Proposer's Agreement and Signature (FormA) Vendor Purchase Order,Request for Quotes,and Invoice Receipt Options (Form B) Felony Conviction Disclosure and Debarment Certification (Form C) Resident/Nonresident Certification (Form D) Historically Underutilized Business (HUB)Certification (Form E) Affirmation Regarding Construction Related Goods and Services (Form F) Deviation/Compliance Signature Form (Form G) Dealership Listings (Form H) Texas Regional Service Designation (Form I) State Service Designation (Form J) National Purchasing Cooperative Vendor Award Agreement (Form K) Federal and State/Purchasing Cooperative Discount Comparison Form (Form L) Governmental References and Price/Discount Information (Form M) Marketing Strategy (Form N) Confidential/Proprietary Information Form (Form 0) Vendor Business Name Form with IRS Form W-9 (Form P) EDGAR Vendor Certification Form (Form Q) Forms Checklist (Form R) Proposal Spedfication Form with Cataiogs/Pricellsts (Form S),Manufacturer Authorization Letters,Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehides,Applicable Dealer License and Options List. COMM.V.11.18.15 Proposal Invitation No.521-16Vehides,Heavy DutyTrucks,Police Motorcyles,Parts,and Service Labor *ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLETED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED NOTEl!Vendors should proposedirect replacement models if a vehide/truck model specified below hasbeendiscontinued by the manufecturer.All vehicle fees to be charged for anypurchasefrom thiscontract vdth theexception of delivery fees pre deliveryinspection,makeready,appiicabiestateinspection fee,manu^cturer destinationfees,etc)are to be included in the base prioe(5).Vehlde fees notinduded in the base price(s)will not be allowed.The Cooperative servicefee Is not a "vehidefee"and is notto be Induded in the base pridng. NOTE2;An awardedVendor must be approved by the manufacturerto sell,install,and service the brand of equipmentsubmitted.Proposers respondingtothis Proposal Invitation should submitanapproval letter from each manufecturer.Manufacturerauthorization letters mustindude the regions in whichequipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Franrhise MotorVehlde Dealer Certificatefrom Texas Deoartmentof MotorVehicles.Manufecturer certificate fromTexas DeoartmentofMotor Vehldes or.if vendor proposesto serve states outsideofthe Stateof Texas,the appiicabie dealer license(s}for such state(s). Section I:Freiohtiiner Model Vehicles Item No. Specified Brand or EquaJ Short Description Full Description Base Model fh-ice State Brand and Model Vehicle Options 166 Freighttiner FrdghtJiner Model M2-106 Freightliner Model M2-106 - Cab and chassis, 18,000#GVW,Eaton 5 speed transmission,200 HP, front axle 6,000lbs,rear axle 13,000lbs,complete with all manufacturer's standard equipment. Per section 11you must attach a serperate sheetwith upgrade options to include all manufactureroptions for this model including alternative fuel choseequipment (CNG, LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 167 Freightliner Freightliner Model 1085D Freightliner Model 108SD- Cab and chassis, 31,000#GVW, Eaton 9 speed transmission,260 HP, front axle 10,000lbs,rear axle 21,000lbs,complete with all manufacturer's standard equipment. «ij/.\o-ss0 Per sedion n you must attach a serperate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufactureroptions for this model including alternabve fuel chose equipment (CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) PROPOSAL NOTE: 1. * Detailed spedficationsheetsand a optionspricelist must be submitted with proposal or the proposal wll not considered. lof6 UPDATED 7/19/16 Proposal Invitation No.521-16Vehicles,Heavy DutyTrucks,Police Motorcyles,Parts,and Service Labor *ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLETED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED Item No. ^>ecified Brand or Equal Short Desdiption Full Description Base Model Price State Brand and Model Vehicle Options 168 Frelghtiiner Freightiiner Model M2-112 Freightiiner Model M2-112 - Cab and chassis, 52,000#GVW,Detroit DD13 370 HP at 1625 RPM, Eaton 10 speed transmission,front axle 12,000[bs, rear axle 40,000lbs,complete with all manufacturer's standard equipment. Per section II you mustattach a serperate ^eetwith upgrade optionsto include all manufactureroptions for this model including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 169 Frelghtliner Freightiiner Model Cascadia 125 Freightiiner Model Cascadia 125 - Cab and chassis,52,000#GVW,Detroit DD15 455 HP at 1625 RPM, Eaton FR-15210B 10 speed transmission,front axle 12,000ibs,rear axie 40,000ibs,complete with all manufacturer's standard equipment. ^/V 1-SLiT Per section II you must attach a serperate sheetwith upgrade options to includeail manufactureroptions for this model including alternative fuel choseequipment (CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 170 Freightiiner Freightiiner Model 122SD Freightiiner Model 122SD - Cab and chases, 52,000#GVW,Detroit DDIS 455 HP at 1625 RPM, Eaton FR15210B 10 speed transmission,front axle 12,000ibs,rear axle 40,000ibs,completewith all manufacturer's standard equipment. «1 Per section II you must attach a serperate sheetwith upgrade options to include ail manufactureroptions for this model including alternative fuel choseequipment (CNG, LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 171 Freightiiner Freightiiner Model 1145D Freightiiner Model 114SD- Cab and chassis, 52,000#GVW,Detroit DD13 370 HP at 1625 RPM, Eaton FR1S210B,front axie 12,000lbs,rear axie 40,000lbs,complete with ail manufacturer's standard equipment. 1^"iL-ir^''M,Per section 11you must attach a serperate sheetwith upgrade options to indude all manufactureroptions for this model induding alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) PROPOSAL NOTE: 1.*Detailed spedflcatlonsheetsand a optionspricellst must be submitted witb proposal or tbe proposal willnot (onsidered. 2of6 UPDATED 7/19/16 Proposal Invitation No.521-16Vehicles,Heavy Duty Trucks,Police Motorcyles,Parts,and Service Labor *ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLETED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED Item No. Specified Brand or Equal Short Description Full Description Base Modd Price State Brand and Modei Vehicle Options 172 Freightiiner Freightiiner Cascadia 113 Freightiiner Modei Cascadia 113 - Cab and chasis,Detroit DD13 370 HP, Eaton FR15210B, front axle 12000 ibs, rear axle 40000 lbs,compiete with all manufacturer's standard equipment. Per section II you must attach a serperate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufactureroptions for this model including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG, LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 173 Freightliner Frdghtliner MT45 Freightiiner MT45 - Van Chassis (cab and chassis),14,990#GVW,for 10 ft. van body. Cummins ISB-10 6.7L 200 HP at2300 RPM,Allison 1000 HSautomatic transmission (5 speed)with parking pawl, rear axle 13,000 ibs, rear axle 12,0001bs,complete with ail manufacturer's Sandard equipment. Per section II you must attach a serpa-ate sheetwith upgrade options to include all manufactureroptions for this model including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 174 Freightiiner Freightiiner MT55 Freightiiner MT55 - Van Chassis (cab and chassis),25,000#GVW,for 16 ft. van body. Cummins ISB-IO 5.7L 200 HPat 2300 RPM,Allison 2200 HSautomatic transnission (5 speed)with parking pawl, front axle 8,000lbs,rear axle 13,500lbs,complete with all manufacturer's standard equipment. T Per section 11you must attach a serperate sheetwith upgrade options to include ail manufactureroptions for this model including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) PROPOSAL NOTE: 1. *DeC3lled specification sheets and a optionsphcelistmust tie sutxnittedwttiproposal or the proposal willnot considered. 3 of6 UPDATED 7/19/16 Proposal Invitation No.521-16Vehicles,Heavy DutyTrucks,Police Motorcyles,Parts,and Service Labor *ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLETED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED Section II:Reiahtiiner Model Vehicles OPTIONS and EOUIPMEWT-Ootions will be selected by the CooDerabvemenba-atthe timeof order.A COMPL£TE LIST OF ALL OPTIONSANDEQUIPMENT MUST BESUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL FORPROPOSALTO BECONSIDERED! Item No. Specified Brand or Equal Short Description Full Description State Percent{%) of Discount off Catalog/Pricelist state Nameof Catalog/Prioelist Vehlde Options 175 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)Options Discount (%) offOriginal Equipment Manufacture' (OEM) Options Discount (%)off all Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)Options, Lv-l-^>.--M,Per section II you mustattach a serperate sheetwith upgrade options to include all manufacturer options for this model including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 176 Third Party (not OEM)and Unpublished Options Discount (%) offThird Party (not OEM)and Unpublished Options Discount (%)off Third Party (notOEM) and Unpublished Options and Equipment ry % C Per section n you mustattach a serperate sheetwith upgrade optionsto include ail manufactureroptions for this model induding alternative fuel chose equipment(CNG, LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 177 Program Vehicles Discount (%) off Program Vehides (Lease and/or Pre-Owned) Discount (%)off for all Program Vehides (Lease and/or Pre-Owned).CP % Per section n you mu^attach a serperate sheetwith upgrade optionsto include ail manufacturer options for this model induding alternative fuel chose equipment(CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) PROPOSAL NOTE: 1. * Detailed specification sheets and a optionspriceiist must be submittedwith proposal or the proposal willnot considered. 4of6 UPDATED 7/19/16 ^Boanf Proposal Invitation No.521-16Vehicles,Heavy DutyTrucks,Police Motorcyles,Parts,and Service Labor *ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLFTED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED Item No. Spedfied Brand or Equal Short Description Full Description State Percent (%) of Discountoff Catalog/Pricelist State Name of Catafog/Pricellst Vehicle Options 178 Original Equipment Manufacture- (OEM)Parts Discount(%) offOEM Parts Discount (%)off Original Equipment Manufacutrer (OEM)Parts.% &-h 179 Roor Plan Insurance Discount (%) off Roor Plan Insurance Discount (%)off Roor Plan Insurance (dealer inventory vehicles and upfitting vehicles).^% —i 180 Lot Insurance DiSOTunt (%) off Lot Insurance Discount (%)off Lot Insurance (dealer inventory vehicles and upfitting vehicles).% PROPOSALNOTE: 1. * Detailed specification sheetsand a options pricelist must be submitted with proposal or the proposal willnot considered. 5of6 UPDATED 7/19/16 Proposal Invitation No.521-16Vehicles,Heavy DutyTrucks,Police Motorcyles,Parts,and Service Labor *ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLETED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED Item No. Specified Brand or Equal Short Desaiption Full Description State Percent (%) of Discount off Catalog/Price!ist State Nameof Catalog/Priceiist Vehide Options 181 Extended Service Maintenance Agreements. Discount (%) off Extended Service Maintenance Agreements. Discount (%)off Extended Service Maintenance Agreements.^% '-•5 ^// Section III:FREIGKrLINER MODEL VEHICLES HOURLY LABOR RATE FOR REPAIR/SERVICE OFVEHICLESAND DELIVERY FEES Item No. Specified Brand or Equal Short Description Full Description Hourly LaborRate and Delivery Fee Detailed Information on Hourly Labor Rate and Delivery Fee Exceptions to Hourly Labor Rate and Delivery Fee 182 Repair/Service Not to Exceed Hourly Labor Rate for Repair/ Service Hourly Labor Rate for Repair/Sendee of Vehicle -State the Not to Exceed hnurlv lahnr ratefor Installation/Repair Service. «//J^.£>0 183 Delivery Fees Per Mile Delivery Fee for Vehicles Per Mile Delivery Fee for Vehicles -State the per mile delivery fee for Vehicles, $1 /Per Mile PROPOSALNOTE: 1. *Detaied spedfication sheetsand a options pricelist mustbe submitted with proposal or the proposal willnot considered. 6of6 UPDATED 7/19/16 ^Boara'Q Q cwwweeu** Proposal Invitation No.521-16 Vehicles,Heavy Duty Trucks,Police Motorcyles,Parts,and Service Labor *ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLETED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED NOTE 1:Vendors should nrnnnse dirnrt repiarement mnripk if a vehlrle/friirk model .snerified below has been discontinued bv the manufacturer.Allvehicle fees to be charged for any purchasefrom this contractwith the exception of delivery fees (i.e.c/e/i}^tyitfspectio/i,opp/ic^b/estQte ifispectioti ttjpnu^cturet c/esti/iPtioti feesit etvO are to be Included in the base prlce(s).Vehicle fees not included in the base prlce(s)will not be allowed.The Cooperative service fee is not a "vehicle fee"and Is notto be included In the base pricing. NOTE2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell.Install,and service the brand ofeauioment submitted.Proposers resDondInq to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer.Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions In which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer CerHficj^te from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles.Manufacturer certificate from Texas Deoartmentof Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State ofTexas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Section I;Freiahtliner Sorinter Model Vehicles Item No. Specified Brand or Equal Short Description Full Description Base Model Price State Brand and Model Vehicle Options 184 Frelghtliner Sprinter C2500 Freightliner Sprinter C2500 - 144"BBC,8550 GVWR,Automatic transmission,2.11-4 engine, conventional cab,tandem axle,complete with all manufacturer's standard equipment. t Per section II you must attach a serperate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options for this model Including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG, LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 185 Freightliner Sprinter C3500 Freightliner Sprinter C3500 - 144"BBC,9990 GVWR,Automatic transmission,2.11-4 engine, conventional cab,tandem axle,complete with all manufacturer's standard equipment. 4 Per section II you must attach a serperate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options for this model Including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) PROPOSAL NOTE: 1. * Detailed specification sheetsand a options prlceiist must be submitted with proposal or the proposal will not considered. 1 of 5 Proposal Invitation No,521-16 Vehicles,Heavy Duty Trucks,Police Motorcyles,Parts,and Service Labor ♦ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLETED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED Item No. Spedfied Brand or Equal Short Description Full Description Base Model Price state Brand and Model Vehicle Options 186 Freightliner Sprinter 3500 c/c Freightliner Sprinter 3500 C/C - 144"BBC, 11,030 GVWR,Automatic transmission,2.1 T4 engine,conventional cab,tandem axle,complete with all manufacturer's standard equipment. CAC^ Per section II you must attach a serperate sheet with upgrade options to Include all manufacturer options for this model including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG, LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 187 Frelghtiiner Sprinter P2500 Passenger Van Freightliner Sprinter P2500 PassengerVan - 144"BBC,8550 GVWR,Automatic transmission,2.1 1-4 engine,conventional cab,tandem axle, complete with all manufacturer's standard equipment. 4 Per section II you must attach a serperate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options for this model including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG, LPG, Hybrid,etc.) Section II:Freiahtllner Sorinter Model Vehicles OPTIONS and EOUIPMENT-Ontions will be selected bv the Coooerative member at the time of order.A COMPLETE USTOFALL OPTIONS AND EQUIPMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL FOR PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED! Item No. Specified Brand or Equal Short Description Full Description state Percent (%) of Discount off Catelog/Pricelist State Name of Catalog/Prlcelist Vehicle Options 188 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)Options Discount (%) off Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Options Discount (%)off all Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Options. (y % A—^ Per section II you must attach a serperate sheet with upgrade options to Include all manufacturer options for this model including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) PROPOSAL NOTE; 1.*Detailed specificatjon sheets and a options phcellst must be submitted with proposal or the proposal will not considered. 2 of 5 Proposal Invitation No.521-16 Vehicles,Heavy Duty Trucks,Police Motorcyles,Parts,and Service Labor *ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLETED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED Item No. Specified Brand or Equal Short Description Full Description State Percent (®/o) of Discount off Catalog/Pricelist State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Vehicle Options 189 Third Party (not OEM)and Unpublished Options Discount (%) off Third Party (not OEM)and Unpublished Options Discount (%)off Third Party (not OEM)and Unpublished Options and Equipment.% Per section II you must attach a serperate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options for this model including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 190 Program Vehicles Discount (%) off Program Vehicles (Lease and/or Pre-Owned) Discount (%)offfor all Program Vehicles (Lease and/or Pre-Owned). 5 % Per section II you must attach a serperate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options for this model Including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG, LPG, Hybrid,etc.) 191 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)Parts Discount (%) off OEM Parts Discount (%)off Original Equipment Manufacutrer (OEM)Parts.% of t'c PROPOSAL NOTE: 1. * Detailed specification sheets and a options pricelist must be submitted with proposal or the proposal will not considered. 3 of5 ProposalInvitationNo.521-16Vehicles,HeavyDutyTrucks,PoliceMotorcyles,Parts,andServiceLabor*ALLCOLUMNSMUSTBECOMPLETEDORPROPOSALWILLNOTBECONSIDEREDItemNo.SpecifiedBrandorEqualShortDescriptionFullDescriptionStatePercent(®/o)ofDiscountoffCatalog/PriceliststateNameofCatalog/PricelistVehicleOptionserf'192FloorPlanInsuranceDiscount(%)offFloorPlanInsuranceDiscount(%)off Floor PlanInsurance(dealerinventoryvehiclesandupfittingvehicles).^%193LotInsuranceDiscount(%)offLotInsuranceDiscount(%)off LotInsurance(dealerinventoryvehiclesandupfittingvehicles).^0,PROPOSALNOTE:1.*Detailedspecificationsheetsandaoptionspricelistmustbesubmittedwithproposalortheproposalwillnotconsidered.4of5 CMfvraf^fiRMsAif Proposal Invitation No.521-16 Vehicles,Heavy Duty Trucks,Police Motorcyles,Parts,and Service Labor *ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLETED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED Item No. Specified Brand or Equal Short Description Full Description State Percent of Discount off Cataiog/Pricelist State Name of Catafog/Pricelist Vehicle Options 194 Extended Service Maintenance Agreements. Discount (%) off Extended Service Maintenance Agreements. Discount (%)off Extended Service Maintenance Agreements.% ^ Section III:FREIGHTLINER SPRINTER MODEL VEHICLES HOURLY LABOR RATE FOR REPAIR/SERVICE OF VEHICLES AND DELIVERY FEES Item No. Specified Brand or Equal Short Description Full Description Hourly Labor Rate and Delivery Fee Detailed Information on Hourly Labor Rate and Delivery Fee Exceptions to Hourly Labor Rate and Delivery Fee 195 Repair/Service Not to Exceed Hourly Labor Rate for Repair/ Service Hourly Labor Rate for Repair/Service of Vehicle -State the Not to Exceed hourlv labor rate for Installatlon/Repair Service. 1 /}o^ 196 Delivery Fees Per Mile Delivery Fee for Vehicles Per Mile Delivery Fee for Vehicles -State the per mile delivery fee for Vehicles. 4 /./Per Mile /7 PROPOSAL NOTE: 1.*Detailed specification sheets and a options priceiist must be submitted with proposal or the proposal will not considered. 5 of5 ^/Board' Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 •FAX:800-211-5454 •www.vendQr.buyboard.com THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING COOPERATIVE ADDENDUM NO.1 Proposal Invitation No.521-16 Vehicles.Heavy DutvTrucks.Police Motorcycles.Parts and Service Labor The following information becomes a permanent part of the Proposal Invitation document: PROPOSER^S AGREEMENT AND SIGNATURE FORM: Contract Time Period;December 1,2016 through November 30,2017 with two (2)possible one-year renewals. Proposal Opening Date and Time;September 1, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. Anticipated Cooperative Board Meeting Date:October 2016 Please sign and return one copy of the addendum with proposal as verification of receipt and compliance with addendum information. Company Name:Freightliner of Austin Address:1701 Smith Rd.Austin,TX 78721 Signature ofAuthorize juV //X^ Company Official:/Title:1// Telephone Number:512-389-0000 Date:^^^ ^7Board' Vii/Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 •FAX:800-211-5454 •www.vendor.buyboard.com THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING COOPERATIVE ADDENDUM NO.2 Proposal Invitation No.521-16 VehicleSr Heavy DutyTrucks^Police Motorcycles.Parts and Service Labor The following information becomes a permanent part of the Proposal Invitation document. PROPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS: For the following manufacturers,the detailed specifications for base model vehicles have been revised and updated. •Chevrolet and CMC Detailed Specifications •Chrysler,Dodge and Jeep Detailed Specifications •Freightliner Detailed Specifications The above referenced detailed specifications are available and should be downloaded at www.buvboard.cQm/vendor.Please download the "UPDATED"copy of the detailed specifications and disregard the previous version provided. Please sign and return one copy of the addendum with proposal as verification of receipt and compliance with addendum information. Company Name:Freightliner of Austin Address:1701 Smith Rd.Austin,TX 78721 Signature of Authorized^^^^^^,/^ Company Official:X Title:(/' Telephone Number:^Date:^^~ ^^BoartT CooperativePurchasing 12007 Research Boulevard • Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH:800-695-2919 "FAX:800-211-5454 •www.vendor.buyboard.com THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING COOPERATIVE ADDENDUM NO.3 Proposal Invitation No.521-16 Vehicles.Heaw DutvTrucks.Police Motorcycles.Parts,and Service Labor The following information becomes a permanent partof the Proposal Invitation document PROPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS; For the following manufacturers,the detailed specifications for base model vehicles have been revised and updated. 1.Chevrolet -detailed specifications have been revised to include line items No. 454, 455, and 456.These line items are included on page 2 of Addendum No. 3. 2.Crane Carrier -detailed specifications are available and should be downloaded at www.buvboard.com/vendor.Please download the "UPDATED"copy of the detailed specifications and disregard the previous version provided. Please sign and retum one copy of the addendum with proposal as verification of receipt and compliance with addendum informadon. Company Name:Freightliner of Austin Address:1701 Smith Rd.Austin,TX 78721 Signahjre of Authorize Company Official;/'y jitle: Telephone Number:S'^'2-^Date:^ ^7Boartl'KJ KJ CocptnlMPmtltmlar Proposal Invitation No.521-16 Vehicles/Heavy Duty TruckS/Police Motorcycles,Parts,and Service Labor Addendum No.3 *ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLETED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED Section Z:Chevrolet Model Vehicles Specified Item Brand or Short Base Model State Brand No.Eauai Description Full Description Price and Model Vehide Options Chevrolet Express Cargo Van (CG13405) Chevrolet Express Passenger Van (CG23406) Chevrolet Bolt EVAII Electric (1FB48) Cargo Van Passenger Van Compact Sedan Chevrolet Express (CG13405)Cargo Van -Chevrolet Express Cargo Van, base model,full size,front wheel drive, completewith all manufacturer's standard equipment. Chevrolet Express (CG23406) PassengerVan -Chevrolet Express Passenger Van,base model,full size front wheel drive,complete witJi all manufacturer's standard equipment Chevrolet Bolt EV All Electric (1FB48)CompactSedan -Chevrolet Bolt 1FB48 base model complete with all manufacturer's standard equipment. Per secbon IV you must attach a separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options for this model including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG, LPG, Hybrid,etc) Per section IV you must attach a separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options for this model including alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG,LPG, Hybrid,etc.) Per section IV you must attach a separate sheet with upgrade options to indude all manufacturer options for this model induding alternative fuel chose equipment (CNG,LPG, H^rld,etc) Szjyr O O Co 'Board' CooperaUve Parchaslag 12007 Research Boulevard •Austin,Texas 78759-2439 PH;800-695-2919 •FAX:800-211-5454 •www.vendor.buyboard.com THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING COOPERATIVE ADDENDUM NO.4 Proposal Invitation No.521-16 Vehicles.Heaw Dutv Trucks.Police Motorcycles.Parts,and Service Labor The following information becomes a permanent part of the Proposal Invitation document PROPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS; For the following manufacturers,ttie detailed specifications for base model vehicles have been revised and updated. 1.Tovota -detailed specifications have been revised to include line items No.469. This line item is included on page 2 of Addendum No. 4. Please sign and return one copy of the addendum with proposal as verification of receipt and oompiiance with addendum information. Company Name:Freiqhtliner of Austin Address:1701 Smith Rd.Austin,TX 78721 Signature of Authoriz^d--'"'''''''''^^yCompanyOfficial:^r jiyg.-jr Telephone Number:,5*^^pgj.g. Proposal Invitation No.521-16 Vehicles,Heavy Duty Trucks,Police Motorcycles,Parts,and Service Labor Addendum No.4 *ALL COLUMNS MUST BE COMPLETED OR PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED :Toyota Model Vehicles IISpecified Brand or Eaual Sho Descrii Full Description Hino 155 (Toyota) Hino Model 155 Hino 155,Low Cab Over,14,500 lbs GVW,Engine- Class 4,5-lita'JOS series engine rated at210 HP and 440 Ib.-ft.torque,ODmpiete with ail manufacturer's standard equipment. Base Model Price State Brand and Model Vehide Options Per section IV you must attach a separate sheet with upgrade options to indude all manufacturer options for this model induding aiternative fuel chose equipment (CNG,IPG, Hybrid,etc) August 24,2016 Mr.Carlton Hempel Sales Manager Freightliner of Austin 1701 Smith Road Austin,TX78721 Mr. Hempel: DAIMLER DaimlerTrucks North America John Georgoulis Manager Business Development This letter confirms that Freightiiner of Austin,1701 Smith Road,Austin,Texas is an authorized Freightiiner Trucks Full Service dealer under a Freightiiner Trucks dealer agreement. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this letter. Sinc6i€iy]| John Georgoulis Manager Business Development cc: Jay Hendrix Rich Rewerts DaimlerTmcksNorthAmerica LLC 9225Indian Creek Parkway Suite 120 913.906.5504PhoneADaimlerCompany913.451.8662 Fax John,Geofgoulls@Oaimler.com - - . . .•_'••<JControlNo.24 8 281DeportmentofN^fcorVehiclesMOTORVEHICLEDIVISIONFRANCHISEDRtoTQRVEraCLEDEALERFRANCHISENO:-B12218^GENERALDISlTNGUiSmNGNO:P20265MotorVehicleDealerP4247X TraEer/SemitrailerDealerAUSTINTRUCK&EQUIPMENTLTDFREIGHTLINEROFAUSTIN1701SMITHRDAUSTIN,TX78721-3544EXPIRES:10/31/2017PHYSICALLOCATION:1701SMITHRDAUSTINvTX78721-35441®LICENSEDTOONLYSELLTHEFOLLOWINGLINE(S)OFNEWMOTORVEHICLFS*CUMMINSDIESELENGINES-EN,FREIGHTLINER-MT,FREIGHTLINER-HT,DETROITDIESEL-EN,FREIGHTLINER-LTLForusedvehiclesalesonly•>":•"-ev.-..•••::..v!'y.'piEAPPLICABLEREQUIREMENTSOFCHAPTER2301OFTHETEXASOCCUPATIONSrnr»FphaptpdoptuptpvaS-DEPART^NT™MO^^^Cl^S^^MOTOR^^HEREBYLICENSEDWITHTHETEXAStUhUiAvStUDanielAvitia,DirectorTexasDepartmentofMotorVehiclesiVlVD-200(REV.12/2012)msss.^mniimsis...s?yIsI.;yw•S,/I# FREIGHTLINER of AUSTIN August 25,2016 Parts pricing and availability is Vehicle Identification Number specific.When we order parts from a manufacturer that we represent the YIN#of the existing truck is the basis for what the part number is and what the price is for the specific component.There is no catalog format since it is YIN#specific. Freightliner of Austin will discount the price of repair parts 15%off of the list price for our BuyBoard customers. Sincerely; 'arlton Hempel Vice President Freightliner ofAustin 512 389 0000 1701 Smith Rd. • Austin,Texas 78721 •{512)389-0000 •www.freightlinerofaustin.com