19-1312 Ordinance Executedi i- i ',. R . I ; l l, y ...., ...:: i: ,.. i ! ', , * ,.. I '. " F i . ,. i i I, I ; 1 ....- '•. ., i :.. ; .. i^ F l i I l .. I . L. I I i' '...... ,. . ',,. ' ,, ', . i 4 f M , I, f ' i ` , ., • ` ` ' i . . . , i ` ` ` • # ! ` 1 ., . ., - ` • i ` i i . ,, . y - , ` ' ' ` ! I. `' !;. . . ., . ., . . i i ., i •," 1 ` '• f ` A i ` • ` + ` ! !' ` i !' ! i'; • f `' r ,f`'' ` • : i.. ! ,, . . . ,,,. . , - - . . .i1 i, -f . . r i i ' `!'' FILE NUM E VENDOR AMO T 1 i1 ` ! ` `' ' ` . 'f ` . . . : f . . ` f' ! f ` ' r • ,, ` ` ,, w • . fi `" . . ' . w` . SI C;I'If)N 3. Should tl c Cit a ld persons sul rnitting r ved G rrd acceptecl items sct f z•th ii tl is c a•dinln e wish to entec int< a 1:<rm<l vritten a reement s a result of't hc City's afiificatioii o1.' bids aw1•ded by tl:lc SC tt of' "I'exas Department l' Inl:c rrraritir n S;rvices (io 1)ireci Progr un, the City Managcr, or his cicsignated re resentativ, is hereby rChorired to cxeeut; Che; writtc;n ec ntraet Wi11C11 SI1 lIl C elltaclled heretc; provicied rl ar xl,e wricten can r c is i, accoi•dance wiih thc tea ms, c ynditic na, speciiications and sland;.tirds cc ntained in t11c I'roposal submittcd to thE Stat of 'I"exas T:.)cparC cnt o:Plal:l.'c rinatic n Sccvices (.Yo Uirect 1'rogr un, quantities and specifiecl sums contained in the Ciky's purch sE orders, and re.latcd clocua icnts hereit approvecl a71d acccpt.Ed. I'a." I_m 1;• F3yth G caeptanec and al roval fthe t ove enu c atcd bids, llle CiCy Council h reby autlioriies th; ;pei dit u• of funds therefor ir Che amot nt and in accordance with the approved bids. 5.1::;C'fION S, 'Chis orciia ance sllall becoine e'Eeclivc iinmedi tely upott its pass tge and approval, 1 1 ' rdinance was made bY .. ". " i ; , ... , anci1"he not on tc a»i ve Ch s o " ' sec>nded 'k ^`" l. m..._, he esolutio w s t.w approv d hy the A.m..... _._ e._. following , _ Mayc.r, Chris W tCs: Gerard I-ludspeth, I)istrict 1: Kcely C.T. I3riggs, I.istrict 2: Jesse D vis, Distt ict 3: c hn Rya a, District 4: Deb lrmintor, 1C I,.x ge 1'l:ice S; Paul Melt.zer, At l.urge 1.'lace; C; Ayc Nay Abstain Absent PASSf.:D 1NI ,1'I'ROVL;D this th ' _ day oi' °" . _, 2U19, m. rv_. ..,, . _ '''_ __ . CI-IItiS WA"I"f , M 1YOR ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY BY: r .. ....m , . .,,.,,r ....... ........ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY BY: , , ` - ' a,„