7107 Contract Fully ExecutedNorth Central Texas Council of Governments INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS AND WHEREAS, the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is a voluntary association of, by and for local governments and has an interest in providing information to its members to support planning, engineering, public safety, and municipal management activities; and, WHEREAS, the (Entity), wishes to have its map-based information system include the 2019 digital orthophotography and/or LiDAR and/or derivative data and has determined that the creation of this resource provides information for a multitude of uses throughout the Entity and thus serves a valid public purpose; and, WHEREAS, the Entity requires this information to accomplish this purpose and has determined that NCTCOG can provide this information; and, WHEREAS, this Agreement is authorized by Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code; and, WHEREAS, NCTCOG and Entity are local governments as that term is defined in Section 791.003(4) of the Texas Government Code; and, WHEREAS, Section 791.025 of the Texas Government Code authorizes local governments to agree with another local government to purchase goods and services; and, WHEREAS, a local government that purchases goods and services under Section 791.025 of the Texas Government Code satisfies the requirement of the local government to seek competitive bids for the purchase of goods and services; and, WHEREAS, NCTCOG and Entity, acting by and through their respective governing bodies, adopt the foregoing premises as findings of said governing bodies. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties, Entity and NCTCOG, agree to the following terms and conditions regarding the creation of digital aerial photography. CITY OF DENTON City of Denton DocuSign Envelope ID: 6BEEE26E-1459-4FE2-8E41-FE1594AC1481 7/17/2018 I.LICENSE AGREEMENT The personnel specified in Appendix A will serve as points of contact for their respective organizations. The following provisions are a license agreement between NCTCOG and the Entity with respect to data products that are identified in section II. NCTCOG is the owner of and has the right to grant a license to use the said data products free of all liens, claims, encumbrances, and other restrictions and without otherwise violating any rights of any third party, including any patent, copyright, trade secret, or other proprietary rights. The NCTCOG data product may be distributed to the Entity on CD-ROM, DVD, or portable hard drive. The Entity will need to install and operate the NCTCOG data product on properly configured and compatible computer equipment running third party system and application software supplied by the Entity. The Entity will also need to ensure that any required data not supplied by NCTCOG is in proper format and no other software or equipment having an adverse impact on the NCTCOG product is present. A.Licensed Operating Environment (1)Operating Equipment. In exchange for monetary consideration listed in section II, the Entity will be granted an exclusive operation license to install, store, load, execute, anddisplay (collectively, “Use”) the NCTCOG data product on as many local area networksand/or end-user workstations as the Entity reasonably needs in support of its ownoperation (the “Licensed Operating Environment”). Any software components of theNCTCOG data product are provided in machine-readable executable format only. (2)Authorized Users. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the NCTCOG data product will beused by Entity officials, officers, employees, and authorized contractors only (“AuthorizedUsers”). A contractor shall be deemed authorized to Use the data products by the Entity orNCTCOG if such Use is incidental to a larger relationship between the contractor and the Entity, and is used for purposes no greater than reasonably needed to achieve theobjectives of an actual project undertaken in connection with that relationship. Thecontractor must agree in writing to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement. B.Permitted Uses (1)Use of NCTCOG Products. The Entity’s Authorized Users may Use the NCTCOG dataproduct in the Licensed Operating Environment for any use that furthers the Entity’sinternal operations or in furtherance of the Entity’s mission. (2)Use of Generated Output or Other Data. Except as stated, the Entity will own all originalworks of authorship it may independently create. Digital output from the Entity’s Use of theNCTCOG Data Product may be resized as desired and printed on black and white, colorprinters, or map plotters. Such printed hardcopies may be distributed to the Entity’sofficers, employees, citizens, contractors, or other persons in the regular course of business for their internal use or in connection with an actual transaction. Such printedoutput may be further copied, photographed, or reproduced digitally on the Internet. TheEntity may charge a fee for such hardcopy printouts that exceed the actual direct cost ofproduction. Without the prior written consent of NCTCOG, the Entity may not otherwiseprovide copied, digitized, reproduced, transmitted or disseminated, in whole or in part, anyof the original digital data product in any form. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6BEEE26E-1459-4FE2-8E41-FE1594AC1481 7/17/2018 II. OBLIGATIONS NCTCOG agrees to provide the Product(s) listed below for Entity’s use consistent with the terms herein. Upon delivery of the Product(s), NCTCOG shall invoice Entity in the amount(s) provided and Entity agrees to pay NCTCOG. Remote Sensing Product Amount 3” Orthophotography 6” Orthophotography 6” Oblique Photography LiDAR 0.5M Single Photon Total Aerial & LiDAR Derivative Product Amount 1’ Contours (no breaklines) 2’ Contours (no breaklines) 2’ Contours (hydrology breaklines) 1’ Contours (hydrology & transportation breaklines) 2’ Contours (hydrology & transportation breaklines) 3D Planimetrics Change Detection Mapping Impervious Surface Landcover/Landuse Solar Mapping Potential Total Aerial Derivative Product - 2D Planimetrics Amount Discounted Bundle A – Building footprints, road edges, parking lots, bridges & sidewalk centerlines Discounted Bundle B – Building footprints, road edges, parking lots, bridges & sidewalk edges Building footprints Bridges Driveways Fences Lake edges Parking lots Pavement pads Paved road centerlines Paved road edges Stream centerline Stream edges 48,989.08 20,970.90 0.00 0.00 69,959.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 16,758.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,189.50 4,189.50 0.00 0.00 6,982.50 8,379.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6BEEE26E-1459-4FE2-8E41-FE1594AC1481 7/17/2018 Swimming pools Sidewalk centerlines Sidewalk edges Tree canopy Unpaved road edges Total SDCP 2019 Project Total You have agreed to the payment terms listed below and have secured the total amount with purchase order (PO) number (Please enter a PO number if blank. If you have not yet secured a PO, please enter 9999). Invoice Date Fiscal Year or After Delivery Payment Years If your payment is spread across two fiscal years you will be invoiced 50% of the total amount each year. Upon receipt of the first invoice, the Entity has thirty (30) days to review the products and pay said invoice or the remaining amount owed to the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). III. TERMINATION The parties agree that the Entity may terminate this Agreement by providing thirty (30) days’ written notice to NCTCOG. Such notice shall be given to NCTCOG at the address set forth under its signature below. In the event of such termination, NCTCOG shall reimburse to the Entity pro-ratable portion of the contracted amount for services rendered. The Entity shall reimburse NCTCOG for staff time billed to the project up to termination at a rate of $95.00/hour. Reimbursed amount shall not exceed the total project amount in Section II. 0.00 4,887.75 8,379.00 0.00 0.00 $53,765.25 $123,725.23 9999 4 FY 2019-20 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6BEEE26E-1459-4FE2-8E41-FE1594AC1481 7/17/2018 IV. MISCELLANEOUS Entirety of Agreement The terms and provisions of this Agreement constitute the entire agreement of the undersigned parties and in the event of a conflict between this Agreement and any attachment thereto, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Texas and venue shall lie exclusively in Tarrant County, Texas. In performing its obligations hereunder, each party shall operate and perform in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws. Severability. In the event that one or more provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of the Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein, and shall not affect the remaining provision of this Agreement, which shall remain in force and effect. Assignment. No party to this Agreement may assign or otherwise transfer any of its interest in this Agreement without the express written consent of the other party. Immunity. It is expressly understood and agreed that in the execution of this Agreement, that the parties, either individually or jointly, do not waive, nor shall they be deemed to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to each against claims arising in the exercise of its powers or functions. Non-appropriation of Funds. Each party paying for the performance of governmental functions in this Agreement must make those payments from current revenues available to the paying party. In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated by the Entity in any fiscal period for any payments due hereunder, Entity will notify NCTCOG of such occurrence and this Agreement shall terminate on the last day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were received without penalty or expense to the Entity of any kind whatsoever, except as to the portions of the payments herein agreed upon for which funds shall have been appropriated. Force Majeure. The Entity and NCTCOG shall exercise their best efforts to meet their respective duties and obligations as set forth in this Agreement, but shall not be held liable for any delay or omission in performance due to force majeure or other causes beyond their reasonable control. (force majeure), including, but not limited to, compliance with any government law, ordinance or regulation, acts of God, acts of the public enemy, fires, strikes, lockouts, natural disasters, wars, riots, material or labor restrictions by any governmental authority, transportation problems and/or any other similar causes. Certification. The undersigned are properly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties. and each party certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending such authority have been fully passed and are now in full force and effect. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6BEEE26E-1459-4FE2-8E41-FE1594AC1481 7/17/2018 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated below. NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS 07/17/2018 Mike Eastland Date Executive Director 616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 200 Arlington, Texas 76011 Signature Date Name: Title: Street Address: City, State, Zip: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________ CITY OF DENTON DocuSign Envelope ID: 6BEEE26E-1459-4FE2-8E41-FE1594AC1481 Denton, TX 76209 901B Texas Street Chief Technology Officer Dep. City Attorney 7/17/2019 City Manager Todd Hileman City Secretary 7/17/2018 APPENDIX A NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS MAIN CONTACT ADDITIONAL CONTACT Name: Shelley Broyles Brian Lister Title: GIS Project Coordinator Senior Research Data Analyst Department Research and Information Services Research and Information Services Organization: NCTCOG NCTCOG Street Address: 616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 200 616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 200 City, State, Zip Arlington, Texas 76011 Arlington, Texas 76011 Phone/Fax: (817) 695-9156 (817) 640-4428 (817) 695-9153 (817) 640-4428 E-mail: sbroyles@nctcog.org blister@nctcog.org DocuSign Envelope ID: 6BEEE26E-1459-4FE2-8E41-FE1594AC1481