Property Boiler Machinery renewal-5017-Renewal Pricing G:\#Clients\City of Denton\2015\Proposals\Property\Property Proposal.doc INSURANCE PROPOSAL for City of Denton A. POLICY TERM: 01 -October-2015 to 01-October-2016 B. NAMED INSURED: City of Denton C. POLICY LIMIT: This Company's total limit of liability, including any insured Business Interruption loss, will not exceed the Policy Limit o f $449,423,568 as a result of any one occurrence subject to the respective sub-limits of liability shown elsewhere in this policy. D. POLICY TERRITORY: Coverage provided by this policy is limited to property while located within: the fifty (50) United States; District of Columbia; Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; U.S. Virgin Islands; and Canada. E. INSURANCE PROVIDED: This Policy covers property, as described in this Policy, against ALL RISKS OF PHYSICAL LOSS OR DAMAGE, except as hereinafter excluded, while located as follows: See Attached Location Schedule. F. SUB-LIMITS: Unless otherwise stated below or elsewhere in this Policy, the following sub-limits of liability, including any insured Business Interruption loss, will be the maximum payable and will apply on a pe r occurrence basis. The sub-limits stated below or elsewhere in this Policy are part of and not in addition to the Policy Limit. When a limit of liability applies to a location or property, such limit of liability will be the maximum amount payable for all loss or damage. There shall be no liability under this Policy when “NOT COVERED ” is shown as a sublimit. 1. $50,000,000 Earth Movement annual aggregate for all coverages provided, and is the maximum amount payable for all loss or damage caused by or resulting from Earth Movement in any occurrence , not to exceed: $50,000 Earth Movement annual aggregate as respects Errors & Omissions, Off-Premises Service Interruption, Unnamed Locations and Supply Chain combined. EXHIBIT A G:\#Clients\City of Denton\2015\Proposals\Property\Property Proposal.doc 2. $50,000,000 Flood annual aggregate for all coverages provided, and is the maximum amount payable for all loss or damage caused by or resulting from Flood in any occurrence , not to exceed: $1,250,000 Flood annual aggregate for all coverages provided for the following locations: 21. 215 East McKinney Street, Denton, TX, 76201 22. 502 Oakland Street, Denton, TX, 76201 34. 1100 South Mayhill Road, Denton, TX, 76208 $50,000 Flood annual aggregate as respects Errors & Omissions, Off-Premises Service Interruption, Unnamed Locations and Supply Chain combined. Additional Property Damage Coverage $5,000,000 Accounts Receivable $100,000 Arson or Theft Reward Policy Limit Brands and Labels $100,000 Change of Temperature Policy Limit Control of Damaged Property $1,000,000 Data, Programs or Software Policy Limit Debris Removal Policy Limit Decontamination Costs $100,000 Deferred Payment Policy Limit Demolition and Increased Cost of Construction $1,000,000 Errors and Omissions $250,000 Expediting Expenses $250,000 Fine Arts $50,000 Green Coverage not to exceed 25% of the amount of the property damage loss $100,000 Land and Water Clean Up Expense annual aggregate $100,000 Locks and Keys $100,000 Money and Securities $10,000,000 Newly Acquired Property $1,000,000 Off-Premises Service Interruption - Property Damage not to exceed $50,000 for voice, data, and video services $100,000 Professional Fees Policy Limit Property Removed from a Location Policy Limit Protection and Preservation of Property - Property Damage not to exceed $250,000 for security costs $100,000 Tax Treatment $100,000 Tenants Legal Liability Terrorism Coverage and the Supplemental United States Certified Act of Terrorism Endorsement $100,000 A. United States Certified Act of Terrorism coverage $100,000 B. Terrorism Coverage for Locations Outside of the United States annual aggregate but not to exceed $100,000 annual aggregate for Property Removed from a Location, Unnamed Locations and Flood $500,000 Transit not to exceed $250,000 for Business Interruption $5,000,000 Unnamed Locations $5,000,000 Valuable Papers and Records EXHIBIT A G:\#Clients\City of Denton\2015\Proposals\Property\Property Proposal.doc Business Interruption Coverage This Company's total limit of liability for insured Business Interruption loss, will not exceed $10,000,000 as a result of any one occurrence subject to the respective sub-limits of liability shown below. $5,000,000 Gross Earnings not to exceed 30 days for ordinary payroll $5,000,000 Gross Profits for 12 months Period of Liability not to exceed 30 days for ordinary payroll $5,000,000 Rental Income $5,000,000 Extra Expense Business Interruption Coverage Extensions $100,000 Attraction Property 30 Days Civil or Military Authority $250,000 Computer Systems Non-Physical Damage annual aggregate $100,000 Contractual Penalties $100,000 Crisis Management not to exceed 30 Days 30 Days Extended Period of Liability $500,000 Ingress/Egress $250,000 Leasehold Interest $100,000 Logistics Extra Cost $1,000,000 Off-Premises Service Interruption - Business Interruption not to exceed $50,000 for voice, data, and video services $5,000,000 Protection and Preservation of Property - Business Interruption $250,000 Research and Development $100,000 Soft Costs $500,000 Supply Chain G. DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT: This Company will not be liable for loss or damage, including any insured Business Interruption loss, in any one occurrence until the amount of loss or damage exceeds the deductible amount shown below and then this Company will only be liable for its share of the loss or damage in excess of the deductible amount. If two or more deductibles apply to a single occurrence , then no more than the largest deductible amount will apply. However, this Policy allows for the application of separate and distinct deductibles and deductibles for specific loss or damage as shown below. The following deductible amounts shall apply per occurrence , unless otherwise stated, for insured loss or damage under this Policy: 1. $100,000 Earthquake (per location for all coverages provided). 2. Flood (per occurrence for each location for all coverages provided): A. $100,000 at all locations Except: B. $500,000 at the following locations: 21. 215 East McKinney Street, Denton, TX, 76201 22. 502 Oakland Street, Denton, TX, 76201 34. 1100 South Mayhill Road, Denton, TX, 76208 EXHIBIT A G:\#Clients\City of Denton\2015\Proposals\Property\Property Proposal.doc 3. $50,000 Wind and/or Hail per location, but not to exceed $250,000 per occurrence for all coverages provided. 4. Off Premises Service Interruption Qualifying Period: The Company will not be liable for business interruption loss unless the period of liability exceeds 24 hours. Should the period of liability exceed this time period, the loss will be calculated beginning from the time of loss, subject to the applicable deductible(s) causing the interruption of services. 5. Data, Programs, or Software and Computer Systems Non-Physical Damage Deductible: A. Data, Programs, or Software: In the event of loss or damage to Data, Programs, or Software insured by this Policy caused by the malicious introduction of a machine code or instruction, no coverage is provided unless the period of liability exceeds 48 hours beginning from the time of insured loss or damage. The company’s liability commences only after, and does not include, the waiting period specified. If the period of liability exceeds 48 hours, the insured loss or damage will be calculated based upon the amount of such loss in excess of the waiting period, subject to a minimum deductible of $50,000 combined for all coverages. Any period in which business operations or services would have not been maintained, or any period in which goods would have not been produced will not be included as part of or serve to reduce the effect of any waiting period. B. Computer Systems Non-Physical Damage: In the event of lo ss resulting from the failure of the Insured’s electronic data processing or media to operate as a direct result of a malicious act directed at the named Insured, no coverage is provided unless the period of liability exceeds 48 hours beginning from the t ime of insured loss or damage. The company’s liability commences only after, and does not include, the waiting period specified. If the period of liability exceeds 48 hours, the insured loss or damage will be calculated based upon the amount of such loss in excess of the waiting period, subject to a minimum deductible of $50,000 combined for all coverages. Any period in which business operations or services would have not been maintained, or any period in which goods would have not been produced will not be included as part of or serve to reduce the effect of any waiting period. 6. $10,000 Mobile and Contractors' Equipment. 7. $50,000 All Other Losses. EXHIBIT A G:\#Clients\City of Denton\2015\Proposals\Property\Property Proposal.doc H. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. United States Certified Act of Terrorism 2015 As respects the United States, its territories and possessions and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the definition of terrorism contained in DEFINITIONS is declared null and void and it is agreed that an event defined as a Certified Act of Terrorism under the terms of the SUPPLEMENTAL UNITED STATES CERTIFIED ACT OF TERRORISM ENDORSEMENT attached to this policy shall be considered terrorism within the terms of this policy. Notwithstanding anything contained in this policy to the contrary, this policy provides coverage for direct physical loss or damage to insured property and any resulting Business Interruption loss, as provided in the policy, caused by or resulting from a Certified Act of Terrorism only to the extent coverage is provided under the terms and conditions of the SUPPLEMENTAL UNITED STATES CERTIFIED ACT OF TERRORISM ENDORSEMENT attached to this policy. Any difference in limit between loss recoverable under the SUPPLEMENTAL UNITED STATES CERTIFIED ACT OF TERRORISM ENDORSEMENT and this policy is not recoverable under this policy. 2. Transmission and Distribution Systems Exclusion - PRO 132 (04/15) PROPERTY EXCLUDED is amended to include: Transmission and distribution systems, including poles, towers and fixtures, overhead conductors and devices, underground or underwater conduit, underground or underwater conductors and devices, line transformers, service meters, street lighting and signal systems. 3. Motor Vehicle Coverage at the Insured’s Locations - PRO 143 (4/15) This Policy covers: a) Motor vehicles; b) Trucks; and c) Trailers; Licensed for highway use while at a described location . PROPERTY EXCLUDED, item 7., is amended to: 7. Motor vehicles licensed for highway use owned by directors, officers and employees of the Insured except while at a described location. Motor Vehicle Coverage Exclusion: With respect to Motor Vehicle Coverage, the following additional exclusions apply: This Policy does not cover loss or damage resulting from: i) Collision; or ii) Overturn; While such motor vehicles, trucks, and trailers are being operated under their own power; or being towed (whether or not in motion at the time of loss). EXHIBIT A G:\#Clients\City of Denton\2015\Proposals\Property\Property Proposal.doc I. INDEX OF FORMS: The following forms are made part of this policy: Title Form No. Edition Declarations Page PRO DEC 4100 (04/15) Declarations PRO S-1 4100 (04/15) All Risk Coverage PRO AR 4100 (04/15) Supplemental United States Certified Act of Terrorism 7312 (1/15) Endorsement Texas Special Mandatory Endorsement AFM 6810 (04/15) Total Premium including the United States Certified Act of Terrorism coverage: $297,601 Total Premium for the United States Certified Act of Terrorism: $6,000 If the option to purchase coverage for the United States Certified Act of Terrorism is elected, the Additional Property Damage Coverage Sub-Limit for Terrorism Coverage part A. will be amended to A. $449,423,568 Engineering Fees: $10,000 Applicable state taxes, surcharges and fees are not included in this proposal. Applicable state taxes, surcharges and fees will be added to the invoice. Any variations between this proposal letter and Affiliated FM forms versus your application are not provided. This proposal expires 10/1/15. EXHIBIT A G:\#Clients\City of Denton\2015\Proposals\Property\Property Proposal.doc Location Schedule 1. 5000 & 5003 Airport Road, Denton, TX, 76 207 2. 300 South Woodrow Lane, Denton, TX, 76205 3. 1988 Kings Row, Denton, TX, 76208 4. 101 South Bonnie Brae Street, Denton, TX, 76201 5. 1304 South Locust Street, Denton, TX, 76201, Index No. 002960.92 6. 3400 North Bonnie Brae Street, Denton, TX, 76207 7. 8401 Jim Christal Road, Denton, TX, 76207 8. 1868 Geesling Road, Denton, TX, 76208 9. 4109 & 4110 North Locust Street, Denton, TX, 76207 10. 1701 Spencer Road, Denton, TX, 76205, Index No. 074302.29 11. Pockrus Page Road & I-35E, Denton, TX, 76210 12. 604 East Hickory Street, Denton, TX, 76205 13. 217 West McKinney Street, Denton, TX, 76201 14. 332 East Hickory Street, Denton, TX, 76201, Index No. 000666.19 15. 3309 East McKinney Street, Denton, TX, 76209 16. 1204 McCormick Street, Denton, TX, 76201 17. 2110 East Sherman Drive, Denton, TX, 76209 18. 2230 West Windsor Drive, Denton, TX, 76207 19. 3232 Teasley Lane, Denton, TX, 76210 20. 801 Texas Street, Denton, TX, 76209, Index No. 074301.38 21. 215 East McKinney Street, Denton, TX, 76201, Index No. 074301.78 22. 502 Oakland Street, Denton, TX, 76201, Index No. 074301.37 23. 3020 North Locust Street, Denton, TX, 76209, Index No. 000172.99 24. 3228 Teasley Lane, Denton, TX, 76210, Index No. 074309.09 25. 321 East McKinney Street, Denton, TX, 76201, Index No. 074301.33 26. 509 North Bell Avenue, Denton, TX, 76209, Index No. 074301.33 27. 1001 Parvin Street, Denton, TX, 76205 28. 2001 West Windsor Drive, Denton, TX, 76207 29. 400 East Hickory Street, Denton, TX, 76201 30. 2400 Long Road, Denton, TX, 76207, Index No. 000660.39 31. 1300 Wilson Street, Denton, TX, 76205 32. 1527 South Mayhill Road, Denton, TX, 76208 33. FM 2181 Old Alton Road, Denton, TX, 76210 34. 1100 South Mayhill Road, Denton, TX, 76208, Index No. 074301.82 36. 1720 Riney Road, Denton, TX, 76 207 37. 705 Thomas Street, Denton, TX, 76201 38. 1/4 mile west of I-35, Denton, TX, 76210 39. 5945 Florence Road, Justin, TX, 76247 40. 16525 Lake Ray Roberts Dam Road, Aubrey, TX, 76227, Index No. 000654.04 41. 221 North Elm Street, Denton, TX, 76201 42. 601 East Hickory Street, Denton, TX, 76205, Index No. 074302.40 43. 804 Texas Street, Denton, TX, 76209 44. 2009 West Windsor Drive, Denton, TX, 76207 45. 629 Lakey Street, Denton, TX, 76205 46. 4109 Lakeview Blvd., Denton, TX, 76208 47. 1201 North Mayhill Road, Denton, TX, 76208 49. Airport Road, Denton, TX, 76201 50. 901 Texas Street, Denton, TX, 76209 EXHIBIT A G:\#Clients\City of Denton\2015\Proposals\Property\Property Proposal.doc 51. 1117 Riney Road, Denton, TX, 76207 52. 3021A North Bonnie Brae Street, Denton, TX, 76207 53. 1659 Spencer Road, Denton, TX, 76205 54. 4201 Vintage Boulevard, Argyle, TX, 76226 55. 869 South Woodrow Lane, Denton, TX, 76205 56. 1022 North Ruddell Street, Denton, TX, 76209 57. 1521 South Mayhill Road, Denton, TX, 76208 59. 1685 Spenser Road, Denton, TX, 76205 60. 4550 Swisher Road, Denton, TX, 76210 61. 9800 John Payne Road, Argyle, TX, 76226, Index No. 002763.32 62. 3322 Roselawn Drive, Denton, TX, 76205, Index No. 002610.98 63. 651 South Mayhill Road, Denton, TX, 76208 64. 1221 North Bonnie Brae Street, Denton, TX, 76201, Index No. 074302.46 65. 2428 Hickory Creek Road, Denton, TX, 76210 66. 4171 Fort Worth Drive, Denton, TX, 76205 67. 5200 Loop 288, Denton, TX, 76209 68. 750 Precision Drive, Denton, TX, 76207, Index No. 002763.34 69. Shady Oaks Drive & Woodrow Lane, Denton, TX, 76205 70. Shady Oaks Drive & Woodrow Park, Denton, TX, 76205 71. 300 East McKinney Street, Denton, TX, 76201 72. 1001 South Mayhill Road, Denton, TX, 76208 73. 2230 Audra Lane, Denton, TX, 76209, Index No. 002960.93 74. 2520 McKinney Street, Denton, TX, 76209 75. 3537 South Interstate 35 East Suite 317, Denton, TX, 76210 76. 2009 West Windsor Drive, Denton, TX, 76207 77. 3717 North Elm Street, Denton, TX, 76207 EXHIBIT A Edition January, 2015 POLICYHOLDER DISCLOSURE NOTICE OF TERRORISM INSURANCE COVERAGE Insured Name: City of Denton Date: 9/18 /15 Account Number : 1-56362 Insurer Name : Affiliated FM Insurance Company The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, as amended and extended in 2005 , 2007 and again in 20 15 , gives you the right as part of your property insurance program to elect or reject insurance coverage for locations within th e United States or any territory or possession of the United States for losses arising out of acts of terrorism, as defined and certified in accordance with the provisions of the act. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT WHERE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED FOR LOSSES RESULTING FR OM CERTIFIED ACTS OF TERRRORISM, SUCH LOSSES MAY BE PARTIALLY REIMBURSED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT UNDER A FORMULA ESTABLISHED BY FEDERAL LAW. UNDER THIS FORMULA, THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT GENERALLY PAYS 85% (AND BEGINNING ON JANUARY 1, 2016, SHALL THEN DECREASE BY 1 PERCENTAGE POINT PER CALENDAR YEAR UNTIL EQUAL TO 80 PERCENT) OF COVERED TERRORISM LOSSES EXCEEDING A STATUTORILY ESTABLISHED DEDUCTIBLE PAID BY THE INSURER REFERENCED ABOVE. ALSO, THERE IS A $100,000,000,000 CAP ON THE FEDERAL AND INS URER SHARE OF LIABILITY STATING THAT IF THE AGGREGATE INSURED LOSSES EXCEED $100,000,000,000 DURING ANY CALENDAR YEAR , NEITHER THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT NOR ANY INS U RER THAT HAS MET ITS INSURER DEDUCTIBLE SHALL MAKE PAYMENT OR BE LIABLE FOR ANY PORTION OF THE AMOUNT OF SUCH LOSS ES THAT EXCEED $100,000,000,000. THE PREMIUM CHARGED FOR THIS COVERAGE IS PROVIDED BELOW AND DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY CHARGES FOR THE PORTION OF LOSS COVERED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNDER THE ACT . ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF TERRORISM INSURANCE COVERAGE: UNDER FEDERAL LAW, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT THIS OFFER OF COVERAGE FOR TERRORIST ACTS COVERED BY THE ACT AS PART OF YOUR PROPERTY INSURANCE PROGRAM. IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE THIS SI G NED DISCLOSURE FO RM PRIOR TO PROPERTY INSURANCE PROGRAM INCEPTION DATE OF 10 /01 /15 , THEN YOUR PROPERTY INSURANCE PROGRAM WILL REFLECT YOUR DECISION NOT TO PURCHASE THE TERRORISM COVERAGE PROVIDED BY THE ACT. ______I hereby elect to purchase coverage for terrorist acts covered by the act for an annual premium of $6,0 00 . This premium does not include applicable taxes or surcharges. ______I hereby decline this offer of coverage for terrorist acts covered by the act. _________________________________ ______________________________ Policyholder/Applicant Signature Date _________________________________ Print Name EXHIBIT A Regional Centers: Asia-Pacific | Canada | Europe, Middle East and Afr ica | Latin America | MENA & SCA Home | About Us | Contact Us | Sitemap Ratings & Criteria » Rating Process and Definitions + » Methodology + » Credit Rating Releases + » Get a Credit Rating » Best’s Special Reports » Add Best’s Credit Ratings Search To Your Site » BestMark for Secure-Rated Insurers » Contact an Analyst » Awards and Recognitions News & Analysis Products & Services Industry Information Corporate Regulatory Affairs Support & Resources Conferences and Events Find a Best's Credit Rating Enter a Company Name » Advanced Search Assigned to insurance companies that have, in our opinion, a superior ability to meet their ongoing insurance obligations. Rating Search: Search » Advanced Search Add to BestAlert Print this page Affiliated FM Insurance Company (?) A.M. Best #: 000103NAIC #: 10014FEIN #: 050254496 Mailing Address P .O. Box 7500 Johnston, RI 02919-0750 United States Web:www.affiliatedfm.com Phone: 401-275-3000 Fax: 401-275-3029 View Additional Address Information Based on A.M. Best's analysis, 004067 - Factory Mutual Insurance Company is the A MB Ultimate Parent and identifies the topmost entity of the corporate structure. View a list of operating insurance entities in this structure. Best's Credit Ratings Financial Strength Rating View Definition Rating: Affiliation Code: A+ (Superior) g (Group) Financial Size Category: XV ($2 Billion or greater) Outlook: Stable Action: Affirmed Effective Date: September 25, 2014 Initial Rating Date: June 30, 1954 Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating View Definition Long-Term: aa Outlook: Stable Action: Affirmed Effective Date: September 25, 2014 Initial Rating Date: April 18, 2007 u Denotes Under Review Best's Rating Best's Credit Rating Analyst Rating Issued by : A.M. Best Company, Inc. Senior Financial Analyst: Brian O'Larte Assistant Vice President: Jennifer Marshall, CPCU, ARM Disclosure Information View A.M. Best's Rating Disclosure Statement A.M. Best Affirms Ratings of FM Global Group's Members September 25, 2014 Rating History A.M. Best has provided ratings & analysis on this company sin ce 1954 and it has received Secure Financial Strength Ratings every year during the most recent 5 year historical period. Financial Strength E ffective DateRating 9/25/2014A+ 9/20/2013A+ 9/20/2012A+ 9/23/2011A+ 10/1/2010A+ 10/6/2009A+ Long-Term Issuer Credit E ffective DateRating 9/25/2014aa 9/20/2013aa 9/20/2012aa 9/23/2011aa 10/1/2010aa 10/6/2009aa Related Financial and Analytical Data The following links provide access to related data r ecords that A.M. Best utilizes to provide financial and analytical data on a consolidated or branch basis. AMB #Company Name Company Description 087009 Affiliated FM Insurance Company CABRepresents the Property/ Casualty financials for the Canada Branch of this legal entity. Reports and News Visit Best's News and Analysis site for the latest news and press releases for this company and its A.M. Best Group. AMB Credit Report - includes Best's Financial Strength Rating and ration ale along with comprehensive analytical commentary, detailed business overview and key financial data. Report Revision Date: 5/15/2015 (represents the latest significant change). Historical Reports are available in AMB Credit Report Archive. Best's Executive Summary Reports (Financial Overview) - available in three versions, these presentation style reports feature balance sheet, income statement, key financial performance tests including profitability, liquidity and reserve analysis. Data Status: 2015 Best's Statement File - P/C, US Contains data compiled as of 9/16/2015 Quality Cross Checked . •Single Company - five years of financial data specifically on this company. •Comparison - side-by-side financial analysis of this company with a peer group of up to five other companies you select. •Composite - evaluate this company's financials against a peer group composite. Report displays both the average and total composite of your selected peer group. Ratings & Criteria Center Welcome Back Rachel Jobb My Member Center | Log Out Page 1 of 2 Affiliated FM Insurance Company -Company Profile -Best's Credit Rating Center 9/18/2015 http://www3.ambest.com/ratings/entities/SearchResults.aspx?AltSrc=9 EXHIBIT A Disclaimer The following summary of coverages is to be used only as an overview of each policy written and in no way should it be used, nor is intended to be used, as a substitute for the original policy provisions. It has been prepared as a guideline for your reference only. The policy/policies contain conditions, limitations and exclusions which may affect or limit coverage to be provided and should be reviewed by the insured to verify that coverage has been written as requested. All of the information contained in this proposal is subject to the terms, conditions and limitations contained in the policies. Values are based on information provided by the client. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROPRIETARY , CONFIDENTIAL AND /OR PRIVILEGED AND IS INTENDED TO BE REVIEWED ONLY BY THE INDIVIDUAL AND /OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRE SSED . IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INTENDED RECIPIENT , YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY REVIEW , COPYING , DISCLOSURE AND /OR DISSEMINATION OF THIS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROHIBITED . EXHIBIT A McGRIFF, SEIBELS & WILLIAMS, INC. COMPENSATION STATEMENT Our principal remuneration for the placement and service of your insurance policy(ies) will be by commission (a proportion of the premium paid that is allowed to us by the insurance company(ies)) and/or a mutually agreed fee. You should be aware that we may receive additional income from the following sources:  Interest or Investment Inco me earned on insurance premiums.  Expense Allowances or Reimbursements from insurance companies and other vendors for (a) educational and professional development programs; (b) managing and administering certain binding authorities and other similar facilities, including claims which may arise; and (c) attendance at insurance company meetings and events; all of which we believe enable us to provide more efficient service and competitive terms to those clients for whom we consider the use of such facilities appropriate.  Tier II Commission (sometimes referred to as “extra compensation”) is exclusive to the placement of employee benefits insurance and is based on premium volume of new business and/or premium retention.  Contingent Commission (sometimes referred to as “profit sharing”) which can be based on profitability, premium volume, premium retention, and/or growth. If any part of your account is on a fee basis, we will not accept contingent commissions related to your account. If you have questions or desire additional information about remuneration and other income, please contact your Agent who will put you in touch with our Senior Insurance Market Conduct Officer for assistance. If any part of your insurance program is placed through any BB&T-owned companies (including retail insurance brokers BB&T Insurance Services, Inc. and BB&T Insurance Services of California, Inc.; wholesale insurance brokers CRC Insurance Services, Inc. and Crump Life Insurance Services, Inc.; Florida domiciled insurance company, American Coastal Insurance Company; managing general underwriter AmRisc, LP; insurance premium finance company, Prime Rate Premium Finance Corporation, Inc. or affiliates; or BB&T Assurance Company, Ltd.) disclosure of that income will also be included. 7/14 ed EXHIBIT A McGRIFF, SEIBELS & WILLIAMS, INC. PROVIDER SECURITY STANDARDS The following is a brief summary of the measures that we have taken as your broker to review and report to you objectively on the financial security of your insuring companies. Information is included on A.M. Best Company, our primary security rating source, and the internal policies and standards, which we have established to address this important issue for our customers. MSW Security Review - McGriff, Seibels & Williams has established an internal “Security Review Committee ” composed of senior management representatives from the Finance, Marketing, Branch, Wholesale and Administrative Divisions of the company. This committee ’s purpose is to develop and implement all policies, procedures and standards for the financial security of all insurers, intermediaries and associations used by MSW and its subsidiary companies. This committee meets periodically to review the current listing of all companies, intermediaries and associations, which are actively used by MSW. It will also act on any pending requests received from throughout the company to have new Providers activated, and to deactivate any Providers that do not meet current MSW standards. MSW Provider Classifications: “Approved Provider ” is any Provider whose A.M. Best ’s rating is A- or higher. The Best ’s rating of an “approved ” Provider must be printed on all MSW Confirmations of Coverage (Binders) and proposals delivered to clients or prospects. “Restricted Provider ” is any Provider whose A.M. Best ’s rating is lower than A-, or any Provider who is “NOT RATED BY A.M. BEST” and that Provider has not been designated an exception by the Security Review Committee. A copy of the latest Best Financial Overview Report, if available, on the Provider in question will be printed and attached at the time of proposal and at binding. Restricted Providers will be bound only upon presentation of a Standard Disclaimer Letter and signed by the client acknowledging they are authorizing MSW to place their coverage with the Provider. “Exception Provider ” is certain Providers with a rating lower than A-, including those companies “not rated by A.M. Best” which after review by the Security Review Committee will be acceptable security. As an exception “approved” Provider, the client will not be required to sign a Standard Disclaimer Letter. A copy of the latest Best Financial Overview Report on the Provider in question will be printed and attached to the proposal and Confirmation of Coverage (binder). Any Provider approved by MSW receiving an A.M. Best downgrade of rating will be posted on our website (www.mcgriff.com ). A downgrade that results in an “Approved” Provider moving to a “Restricted” Pro vider will be communicated to you in writing. Revised May 1, 2014 EXHIBIT A A.M. Best Company Ambest Road Oldwick, New Jersey 08858 History - A.M. Best Company was incorporated in 1899 as the first rating agency in the world to offer reliable information on the financial condition of U.S. insurance companies. The Best ’s Rating Guide was first published in 1900, and has since become a cornerstone of the security review process by continuously evaluating the financial integrity of over 4,100 insurance companies. In 1984, the first edition of the Best ’s International Rating Guide was published, reporting on the claims-paying ability of over 950 international insurers. The information used by Best to rate insurance carriers is provided by the companies themselves as a part of their normal filings with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, those states in which the company is licensed, the SEC and/or with its shareholders. Rating reviews are performed annually on each insurance company, and on an interim basis as conditions dictate. Best ’s Rating System - The Best ’s rating system is designed to evaluate a wide range of objective and subjective factors that affect the overall performance of an insurance company (not applicable to associations or intermediaries). These factors deal with the company ’s financial strength, its operating performance and its ability to meet its financial obligations to policyholders, as follows: * Profitability * Spread of risk * Quality of reinsurance program * Leverage/Capitalization * Quality and diversification of assets * Liquidity * Adequacy of policy loss reserves * Adequacy of policyholder ’s surplus * Capital structure * Management experience and objectives Best ’s Rating Symbols - A typical Best ’s rating is composed of two parts. The “Security ” portion provides an alphabetical indication of the quality of the security provided by a company to its policyholders. This rating is further defined in three categories, “Secure ”, “Vulnerable ” or “Not Assigned ”. The “Financial Size ” (FSC) portion of the Best ’s rating uses Roman numerals to rank companies based on the dollar amount of their policyholder ’s surplus and contingent reserve funds. While comparative rankings for security or financial size by themselves may not adequately portray the complete financial health of a company, the combination of the two has proven to be reliable in predicting the ability of a company to meet its claims obligations in a timely manner, both now and in the near future. The actual rating symbols used by Best and their meanings are: “Secure ” Ratings A++ or A+ Superior A or A- Excellent B++ or B+ Good “Vulnerable ” Ratings B or B- Fair C++ or C+ Marginal C or C- Weak D Poor E Under Supervision F In Liquidation S Suspended “NR ” Not Rated Designation – Assigned to companies not rated by A.M. Best. Revised May 1, 2014 EXHIBIT A Financial Size Categories I Under $1,000,000 VIII 100,000,000 - 250,000,000 II 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 IX 250,000,000 - 500,000,000 III 2,000,000 - 5,000,000 X 500,000,000 - 750,000,000 IV 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 XI 750,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 V 10,000,000 - 25,000,000 XII 1,000,000,000 - 1,250,000,000 VI 25,000,000 - 50,000,000 XIII 1,250,000,000 - 1,500,000,000 VII 50,000,000 - 100,000,000 XIV 1,500,000,000 - 2,000,000,000 XV Over $2,000,000,000 Source: Best ’s Key Rating Guide - 201 3 Edition EXHIBIT A CRIME NAMED INSURED: City of Denton ADDRESS: 215 E. McKinney Denton, TX 76201 POLICY NUMBER: Renewal of GVT 268-76 -87 -13-00 EFFECTIVE DATES: 12:01 a.m. on October 01, 2015 to 12:01 a.m. on October 01, 2016 ISSUING COMPANY: Great American Insurance Company .M.ABestARatedA“ +”A(Excellent)AClassAX III POLICY FORM: Ed. 04/12 Discovery Form COVERAGE: COVERAGE FORM LIMIT DEDUCTIBLE Employee Dishonesty $500,000 $25,000 Forgery or Alteration $500,000 $25,000 Computer Fraud $500,000 $25,000 Funds Transfer Fraud $500,000 $25,000 ANNUAL PREMIUM: $8,390 2.08% increase from expiring - $8,219 POLICY FORMS: Great American Insurance Fidelity & Crime Policy Cover Texas – Important Notice Important Notice Fidelity Crime Division Claims Crime Protection Policy for Public Entities Include Coverage For Funds Transfer Fraud Include Volunteer Workers Other Than Fund Solicitors as Employees Exclude Trading Loss Texas Changes Texas Changes – Cancellation and Non Renewal Texas Changes – Loss Payment Texas Notice Amend Confidential Information and Data Breach Costs Exclusions Named Insured Amendment Endorsement – Omnibus Named Insured – 60 Days Revision to Inventory Shortages Credit, Debit or Charge Card Forgery - $25,000 Limit of Insurance, $0 Deductible Faithful Performance of Duty - $500,000 Limit, $25,000 Deductible Include Employee Dishonesty Excess Over A Statutory Bond Requirement – Delete Bonded Employee/Treasurer or Tax Collector Virtual Or On-Line Peer to Peer Mediums of Exchange Exclusion BusinessPRO Forms and Endorsement Schedule Economic and Trade Sanctions Clause In Witness Claus EXHIBIT A Regional Centers: Asia-Pacific | Canada | Europe, Middle East and Afr ica | Latin America | MENA & SCA Home | About Us | Contact Us | Sitemap Ratings & Criteria » Rating Process and Definitions + » Methodology + » Credit Rating Releases + » Get a Credit Rating » Best’s Special Reports » Add Best’s Credit Ratings Search To Your Site » BestMark for Secure-Rated Insurers » Contact an Analyst » Awards and Recognitions News & Analysis Products & Services Industry Information Corporate Regulatory Affairs Support & Resources Conferences and Events Find a Best's Credit Rating Enter a Company Name » Advanced Search Assigned to insurance companies that have, in our opinion, a superior ability to meet their ongoing insurance obligations. Rating Search: Search » Advanced Search Add to BestAlert Print this page Great American Insurance Company (?) A.M. Best #: 002213NAIC #: 16691FEIN #: 310501234 Domiciliary Address 3 01 E. Fourth Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 United States Web:www.greatamericaninsurance.com Phone: 513-369-5000 Fax: 513-369-3600 Based on A.M. Best's analysis, 058317 - American Financial Group, Inc is the A MB Ultimate Parent and identifies the topmost entity of the corporate structure. View a list of operating insurance entities in this structure. Best's Credit Ratings Financial Strength Rating View Definition Rating: A+ (Superior) Financial Size Category: XIII ($1.25 Billion to $1.5 Billion) Outlook: Stable Action: Affirmed Effective Date: March 20, 2015 Initial Rating Date: September 30, 1908 Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating View Definition Long-Term: aa- Outlook: Stable Action: Affirmed Effective Date: March 20, 2015 Initial Rating Date: June 17, 2005 u Denotes Under Review Best's Rating Best's Credit Rating Analyst Rating Issued by : A.M. Best Company, Inc. Senior Financial Analyst: Michael W. Russo Assistant Vice President: Jennifer Marshall, CPCU, ARM Disclosure Information View A.M. Best's Rating Disclosure Statement A.M. Best Affirms Ratings of American Financial Group, Inc. and Its Property/Casualty Subsidiaries March 20, 2015 Rating History A.M. Best has provided ratings & analysis on this company sin ce 1908 and it has received Secure Financial Strength Ratings every year during the most recent 5 year historical period. Financial Strength E ffective DateRating 3/20/2015A+ 2/21/2014A+ 2/22/2013A 3/29/2012A 2/14/2011A 5/10/2010A Long-Term Issuer Credit E ffective DateRating 3/20/2015aa- 2/21/2014aa- 2/22/2013a+ 3/29/2012a+ 2/14/2011a+ 5/10/2010a+ Related Financial and Analytical Data The following links provide access to related data r ecords that A.M. Best utilizes to provide financial and analytical data on a consolidated or branch basis. AMB #Company Name Company Description 005990 Great American Insurance Companies (SG) Rating Unit Represents the A.M. Best Consolidated financials for the P roperty/ Casualty business of this legal entity. 087045 Great American Insurance Company CABRepresents the Property/ Casualty financials for the Canada Branch of this legal entity. 094364 Great American Insurance Company (SGB)Represents the Property/ Casualty financials for the Singapore Branch of this legal entity. Reports and News Visit Best's News and Analysis site for the latest news and press releases for this company and its A.M. Best Group. AMB Credit Report - includes Best's Financial Strength Rating and ration ale along with comprehensive analytical commentary, detailed business overview and key financial data. Report Revision Date: 6/9/2015 (represents the latest significant change). Historical Reports are available in AMB Credit Report Archive. Best's Executive Summary Reports (Financial Overview) - available in three versions, these presentation style reports feature balance sheet, income statement, key financial performance tests including profitability, liquidity and reserve analysis. Data Status: 2015 Best's Statement File - P/C, US Contains data compiled as of 8/28/2015 Quality Cross Checked . •Single Company - five years of financial data specifically on this company. •Comparison - side-by-side financial analysis of this company with a peer group of up to five other companies you select. Ratings & Criteria Center Welcome Back Rachel Jobb My Member Center | Log Out Page 1 of 2 Great American Insurance Company -Company Profile -Best's Credit Rating Center 9/2/2015 http://www3.ambest.com/ratings/entities/CompanyProfile.aspx?ambnum=2213&URatingId ... EXHIBIT A Disclaimer The following summary of coverages is to be used only as an overview of each policy written and in no way should it be used, nor is intended to be used, as a substitute for the original policy provisions. It has been prepared as a guideline for your reference only. The policy/policies contain conditions, limitations and exclusions which may affect or limit coverage to be provided and should be reviewed by the insured to verify that coverage has been written as requested. All of the information contained in this proposal is subject to the terms, conditions and limitations contained in the policies. Values are based on information provided by the client. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROPRIETARY , CONFIDENTIAL AND /OR PRIVILEGED AND IS INTENDED TO BE REVIEWED ONLY BY THE INDIVIDUAL AND /OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRE SSED . IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INTENDED RECIPIENT , YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY REVIEW , COPYING , DISCLOSURE AND /OR DISSEMINATION OF THIS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROHIBITED . EXHIBIT A McGRIFF, SEIBELS & WILLIAMS, INC. COMPENSATION STATEMENT Our principal remuneration for the placement and service of your insurance policy(ies) will be by commission (a proportion of the premium paid that is allowed to us by the insurance company(ies)) and/or a mutually agreed fee. You should be aware that we may receive additional income from the following sources:  Interest or Investment Inco me earned on insurance premiums.  Expense Allowances or Reimbursements from insurance companies and other vendors for (a) educational and professional development programs; (b) managing and administering certain binding authorities and other similar facilities, including claims which may arise; and (c) attendance at insurance company meetings and events; all of which we believe enable us to provide more efficient service and competitive terms to those clients for whom we consider the use of such facilities appropriate.  Tier II Commission (sometimes referred to as “extra compensation”) is exclusive to the placement of employee benefits insurance and is based on premium volume of new business and/or premium retention.  Contingent Commission (sometimes referred to as “profit sharing”) which can be based on profitability, premium volume, premium retention, and/or growth. If any part of your account is on a fee basis, we will not accept contingent commissions related to your account. If you have questions or desire additional information about remuneration and other income, please contact your Agent who will put you in touch with our Senior Insurance Market Conduct Officer for assistance. If any part of your insurance program is placed through any BB&T-owned companies (including retail insurance brokers BB&T Insurance Services, Inc. and BB&T Insurance Services of California, Inc.; wholesale insurance brokers CRC Insurance Services, Inc. and Crump Life Insurance Services, Inc.; Florida domiciled insurance company, American Coastal Insurance Company; managing general underwriter AmRisc, LP; insurance premium finance company, Prime Rate Premium Finance Corporation, Inc. or affiliates; or BB&T Assurance Company, Ltd.) disclosure of that income will also be included. 7/14 ed EXHIBIT A McGRIFF, SEIBELS & WILLIAMS, INC. PROVIDER SECURITY STANDARDS The following is a brief summary of the measures that we have taken as your broker to review and report to you objectively on the financial security of your insuring companies. Information is included on A.M. Best Company, our primary security rating source, and the internal policies and standards, which we have established to address this important issue for our customers. MSW Security Review - McGriff, Seibels & Williams has established an internal “Security Review Committee ” composed of senior management representatives from the Finance, Marketing, Branch, Wholesale and Administrative Divisions of the company. This committee ’s purpose is to develop and implement all policies, procedures and standards for the financial security of all insurers, intermediaries and associations used by MSW and its subsidiary companies. This committee meets periodically to review the current listing of all companies, intermediaries and associations, which are actively used by MSW. It will also act on any pending requests received from throughout the company to have new Providers activated, and to deactivate any Providers that do not meet current MSW standards. MSW Provider Classifications: “Approved Provider ” is any Provider whose A.M. Best ’s rating is A- or higher. The Best ’s rating of an “approved ” Provider must be printed on all MSW Confirmations of Coverage (Binders) and proposals delivered to clients or prospects. “Restricted Provider ” is any Provider whose A.M. Best ’s rating is lower than A-, or any Provider who is “NOT RATED BY A.M. BEST” and that Provider has not been designated an exception by the Security Review Committee. A copy of the latest Best Financial Overview Report, if available, on the Provider in question will be printed and attached at the time of proposal and at binding. Restricted Providers will be bound only upon presentation of a Standard Disclaimer Letter and signed by the client acknowledging they are authorizing MSW to place their coverage with the Provider. “Exception Provider ” is certain Providers with a rating lower than A-, including those companies “not rated by A.M. Best” which after review by the Security Review Committee will be acceptable security. As an exception “approved” Provider, the client will not be required to sign a Standard Disclaimer Letter. A copy of the latest Best Financial Overview Report on the Provider in question will be printed and attached to the proposal and Confirmation of Coverage (binder). Any Provider approved by MSW receiving an A.M. Best downgrade of rating will be posted on our website (www.mcgriff.com ). A downgrade that results in an “Approved” Provider moving to a “Restricted” Pro vider will be communicated to you in writing. Revised May 1, 2014 EXHIBIT A A.M. Best Company Ambest Road Oldwick, New Jersey 08858 History - A.M. Best Company was incorporated in 1899 as the first rating agency in the world to offer reliable information on the financial condition of U.S. insurance companies. The Best ’s Rating Guide was first published in 1900, and has since become a cornerstone of the security review process by continuously evaluating the financial integrity of over 4,100 insurance companies. In 1984, the first edition of the Best ’s International Rating Guide was published, reporting on the claims-paying ability of over 950 international insurers. The information used by Best to rate insurance carriers is provided by the companies themselves as a part of their normal filings with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, those states in which the company is licensed, the SEC and/or with its shareholders. Rating reviews are performed annually on each insurance company, and on an interim basis as conditions dictate. Best ’s Rating System - The Best ’s rating system is designed to evaluate a wide range of objective and subjective factors that affect the overall performance of an insurance company (not applicable to associations or intermediaries). These factors deal with the company ’s financial strength, its operating performance and its ability to meet its financial obligations to policyholders, as follows: * Profitability * Spread of risk * Quality of reinsurance program * Leverage/Capitalization * Quality and diversification of assets * Liquidity * Adequacy of policy loss reserves * Adequacy of policyholder ’s surplus * Capital structure * Management experience and objectives Best ’s Rating Symbols - A typical Best ’s rating is composed of two parts. The “Security ” portion provides an alphabetical indication of the quality of the security provided by a company to its policyholders. This rating is further defined in three categories, “Secure ”, “Vulnerable ” or “Not Assigned ”. The “Financial Size ” (FSC) portion of the Best ’s rating uses Roman numerals to rank companies based on the dollar amount of their policyholder ’s surplus and contingent reserve funds. While comparative rankings for security or financial size by themselves may not adequately portray the complete financial health of a company, the combination of the two has proven to be reliable in predicting the ability of a company to meet its claims obligations in a timely manner, both now and in the near future. The actual rating symbols used by Best and their meanings are: “Secure ” Ratings A++ or A+ Superior A or A- Excellent B++ or B+ Good “Vulnerable ” Ratings B or B- Fair C++ or C+ Marginal C or C- Weak D Poor E Under Supervision F In Liquidation S Suspended “NR ” Not Rated Designation – Assigned to companies not rated by A.M. Best. Revised May 1, 2014 EXHIBIT A Financial Size Categories I Under $1,000,000 VIII 100,000,000 - 250,000,000 II 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 IX 250,000,000 - 500,000,000 III 2,000,000 - 5,000,000 X 500,000,000 - 750,000,000 IV 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 XI 750,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 V 10,000,000 - 25,000,000 XII 1,000,000,000 - 1,250,000,000 VI 25,000,000 - 50,000,000 XIII 1,250,000,000 - 1,500,000,000 VII 50,000,000 - 100,000,000 XIV 1,500,000,000 - 2,000,000,000 XV Over $2,000,000,000 Source: Best ’s Key Rating Guide - 201 3 Edition EXHIBIT A