6935-0 Main / Materials Management Department 901-B Texas Street Denton, Texas 76209 INVITATION FOR BIDS IFB 6935 TOWING SERVICE FOR THE CITY OF DENTON Issue Date: June 4, 2019 Response due Date and Time (Central Time): Tuesday, June 18, 2019, 11:00 A.M. Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. COMMODITY OR SERVICE DESCRIPTION 3 3. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 3 4. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 4 5. PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE AND WALKTHROUGH 4 6. CONTRACT TERM 4 7. PRICING 4 8. PRICE ADJUSTMENTS 4 9. COOPERATIVE PURCHASING / PIGGYBACK OPTION 5 10. ADDENDA 5 11. BUSINESS OVERVIEW 6 12. EXCEPTIONS 6 13. DISCLOSURES 6 14. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 6 15. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 6 a. Submission Format 7 b. Electronic Submission Requirements 7 16. EVALUATION PROCEDURES 8 17. CONTACT BETWEEN RESPONDENT AND THE CITY 8 SOLICITATION CHECKLIST 9 ATTACHMENT A-BUSINESS OVERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE AND FORMS 9 ATTACHMENT B-SUBMISSION EXCEPTIONS 13 ATTACHMENT C-REFERENCES 14 ATTACHMENT D-CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE 15 ATTACHMENT E-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 16 Exhibit 1 Pricing Sheet Exhibit 2 General Provisions, Standard Terms and Conditions and Appendices Exhibit 3 Scope of Work or Technical Specifications INTRODUCTION In accordance with the provisions of Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 252 and 271, the City of Denton (the City) is requesting submissions to contract with an individual or business with considerable experience in providing goods or services of this solicitation. The responses and the cost solutions shall be submitted to the City of Denton in a sealed submission. The awarded individual or business shall possess a proven track record of using innovative approaches to providing goods and services that represent the best value to their clients. The awarded individual or business shall have the ability to accomplish all aspects of the requested services. The selected individual or firm should be able to provide innovative methods to deal with municipal challenges, and cost effective solutions. A firm may submit a solicitation response for one or more of the categories of product or services requested in this solicitation. COMMODITY OR SERVICE DESCRIPTION The City is seeking a term contract for the Towing Service Contract for the City of Denton. The The products and services shall be accomplished per all exhibits identified in the table of contents. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The following minimum requirements must be demonstrated in order for the submission to be considered responsive to the City of Denton. Any submission received, which is determined to not meet these mandatory requirements shall be immediately disqualified and rejected as non-responsive. Three (3) years experience providing similar products or services. Three (3) references from governmental entities for the products or services requested. The City prefers references from municipalities of similar size. The responding individual or business must be registered in the State of Texas, or the County of Denton, to provide the products or services required in the solicitation, and the individual or business must have all licensure required by the State to provide any services required under this contact.  To learn how to obtain information about filing with the State of Texas, or obtaining copies or certificates from the Secretary of State visit Webpage: http://www.sos.state.tx.us/corp/copies.shtml; Phone 512-463-5578; or email corpcert@sos.state.tx.us. Meet the specifications per Exhibit 3. Submittal documents including a cover sheet, Solicitation Checklist, Attachments A -F and Exhibit 1, per the method described in SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The City of Denton reserves the right to change the dates indicated below: Solicitation Schedule: Deadline for Submission of Questions: 6/11/2019 at 11:00 AM CST Deadline for Submission of Responses: 6/18/2019 at 11:00 AM CST The City of Denton is using the solicitation ‘Issue Date’ as noted in the Schedule of Events above as the official 30 day notification requirement for an interview with a firm. PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE AND WALKTHROUGH There will be no pre-submittal conference for this solicitation. CONTRACT TERM It is the intention of the City of Denton to award a contract for a five (5) year period. The Contract shall commence upon the issuance of a Notice of Award/Issuance of Purchase Order by the City of Denton. At the sole option of the City of Denton, the Contract may be further extended as needed, not to exceed a total of six (6) months. PRICING Unit Pricing in Exhibit 1 shall include all fees and costs to provide the goods and services to the City.  Unit pricing for goods shall include delivery costs, F.O.B. Destination Firm Price Pricing and discounts submitted are firm for the initial one-year period specified in the solicitation. Price decreases are allowed at any time. Price increases shall only be considered as stipulated below in “PRICE ADJUSTMENTS”. Price Decreases/Discount Increases Respondents are required to immediately implement any price decrease or discount increase that may become available. The City of Denton must be notified in writing for updating the contract. PRICE ADJUSTMENTS Prices quoted for the commodities or services described in the solicitation must be firm for a period of one year from date of contract award. Any request for price adjustment must be based on the, U.S Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index (PPI). The price will be increased or decreased based upon the annual percentage change in the PPI. The maximum escalation will not exceed +/- 8% for any individual year. The escalation will be determined annually at the renewal date. Should the PPI change exceed a minimum threshold value of +/-1%, then the stated eligible bid prices shall be adjusted in accordance with the PPI change not to exceed the 8% limit per year. The supplier should provide documentation as percentage of each cost associated with the unit prices quoted for consideration. Request must be submitted in writing with supporting evidence for need of such increase to the Purchasing Manager at least 60 days prior to contract expiration of each year. Respondent must also provide supporting documentation as justification for the request. Upon receipt of such request, the City of Denton reserves the right to either: accept the escalation as competitive with the general market price at the time, and become effective upon the renewal date of the contract award or reject the increases within 30 calendar days after receipt of a properly submitted request. If a properly submitted increase is rejected, the Contractor may request cancellation of such items from the Contract by giving the City of Denton written notice. Cancellation will not go into effect for 15 calendar days after a determination has been issued. Pre-price increase prices must be honored on orders dated up to the official date of the City of Denton approval and/or cancellation. The request can be sent by e-mail to: purchasing@cityofdenton.com noting the solicitation number. The City of Denton reserves the right to accept, reject, or negotiate the proposed price changes. COOPERATIVE PURCHASING / PIGGYBACK OPTION The contract resulting from this solicitation will be available for use by all governmental entities, providing there is no conflict with any applicable statutes, rules, policies, or procedures. The governmental entities will have the option to use the pricing as agreed to within the resulting contract. Governmental entities will issue their internal purchase orders directly to the contractor(s). ADDENDA Respondents are required to acknowledge addenda with their submission.  Respondents will be responsible for monitoring the City of Denton Purchasing website at www.dentonpurchasing.com to ensure they have downloaded and signed all addenda required for submission with their submission. Respondents should acknowledge each individual addendum on Attachment F. BUSINESS OVERVIEW Respondent shall complete the Business Overview Questionnaire, Project Information Form & Schedule Compliance Form as applicable per Attachment A. EXCEPTIONS The respondent shall note any exceptions to the solicitation document, on Attachment B. The exceptions will be reviewed to ensure they meet the minimum specifications. The City reserves the right to accept or reject the exceptions provided. Do not mark or change the text of the solicitation document, exceptions shall be noted only on Attachment B. If no exceptions are taken, the respondent shall sign and return Attachment B in the appropriate signature block. DISCLOSURES The individual or business must disclose any business relationship that would have an effect, of a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest statement must be signed as part of the contract negotiated with the awardee(s). (Attachment E) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Submit a signed acknowledgement by authorized agent of the responding firm (Attachment F). SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS The City of Denton will accept electronic or hard copy submittals until the date and time on the cover sheet of this solicitation. Any submission received after the date and/or hour set for solicitation opening will be returned unopened. Electronic submittals may be emailed to ebids@cityofdenton.com with the solicitation number and name in the subject line or submitted online through https://dentontx.ionwave.net/Login.aspx. Please consolidate attachments as much as possible, and do not exceed 35MB total for attachments. Emails received by the City will remain unopened until after the due date and time. Only authorized Materials Management Staff will have access to the e-bid email inbox. Please do not email the buyer directly to ensure security of the proposal. Electronic proposals must be received by the City before the due date and time.  The date and time used by the City shall be the official time.  It is highly recommended that respondents do not wait until minutes before the due date and time to email their submission.  It can take significant time for the email to reach the City. Hard copy submissions may be hand delivered (by firm or express courier) to the address listed below: City of Denton Materials Management SOLICITATION NUMBER AND NAME 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 The City of Denton reserves the right to accept or reject in part or in whole any submission, and to waive technicalities of the submission, in the best interest of obtaining best value for the City. Each respondent is responsible for taking the necessary steps to ensure their submission is received by the date and time noted herein. The City is not responsible for missing, lost or late mail or any mail or email delays, internal or external, that may result in the submission arriving after the set time. Submission Format Respondents shall provide detailed information to allow the City to properly evaluate the submission. The City requests the following format be used: Hard copy submissions shall be bound only utilizing a staple or binder clip. Do not submit responses in a binder or file folder. Submission shall be no more than 200 pages in length Utilize tabs to identify exhibits and attachments The submission shall be in the following order: Coversheet – including Solicitation number and name, firm name, address, contact name, phone, fax, website and email address. Pricing Sheet – Exhibit 1 Completed Solicitation Checklist Attachment A - Business Questionnaire Attachment B - Exception Form Attachment C - References Attachment D - Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Form Attachment E - Signed Acknowledgement form Appendices may be used for additional documentation or clarification at the respondent’s option. Hard Copy submittals shall include one (1) original signed by an officer authorized to bind the firm, and three (3) copies of the completed response. Submit response, before the published due date. Hard copy submittals must be in a sealed envelope with the solicitation number and name. Electronic Submission Requirements All respondents shall submit their pricing sheet (Exhibit 1) in Microsoft Excel format for quick tabulation of results. If submitting through https://dentontx.ionwave.net/Login.aspx use the line items as the price sheet submission. The electronic pricing sheet must be received regardless of the method chosen by the proposer to submit (hard copy or electronic). If a respondent is only submitting a hard copy, they shall provide a flash drive, containing a complete copy of the response to this solicitation, or submit electronically to ebids@cityofdenton.com. Please consolidate attachments as much as possible, and do not exceed 35MB total for attachments. Please do not email the buyer directly to ensure security of the proposal EVALUATION PROCEDURES Selection of a firm(s) to provide the aforementioned materials and services shall be in accordance with the City of Denton Purchasing Policies and procedures and the State of Texas Local Government Code Chapter 252.043. The City of Denton shall evaluate each submission utilizing the following process: Step 1: A public opening will be conducted. Responses will be read aloud thirty minutes after the opening time and date published on the coversheet. Step 2: The City of Denton will evaluate the submissions in accordance with the minimum qualifications and adherence to the specifications. Step 3: Upon selection of the lowest responsible respondent meeting the specifications, a written recommendation will be presented to the appropriate approving authority for the City of Denton (the City Manager, Public Utility Board, City Council) requesting authorization to proceed with contract execution for the proposed services. CONTACT BETWEEN RESPONDENT AND THE CITY Respondents shall direct all inquiries and communications concerning this solicitation to the Point of Contact(s) listed below: Suzzen Stroman Buyer 901-B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 (940) 349-7100 Fax: (940) 293-1837 Suzzen.stroman@cityofdenton.com *** Please do not email the buyer the final proposal unless requested after the due date and time published on the coversheet. A proposal should be emailed to ebids@cityofdenton.com SOLICITATION CHECKLIST Check when Completed Task to be Completed by Respondent   Exhibit 1 – Pricing sheet   Review Exhibit 2 – General Provisions and Terms and Conditions   Review Exhibit 3 – Scope of Work/Technical Specifications   Cover sheet   Solicitation number   Solicitation name   Firm name   Firm address   Contact name   Contact phone   Contact fax   Website address   Contact email address   Solicitation Checklist   Attachment A- Business Overview Questionnaire   Document how firm meets minimum qualifications in Section 3   Attachment B – Exception Form   Attachment C – Reference Form   Attachment D – Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Form- with signature   Attachment E - Acknowledgment   Acknowledgment of Addenda   Submission signed by authorized officer, in the order specified below   Hard Copy Submission: If submitting a hard copy, the City requires one (1) original and three (3) copies, with the pricing sheet submitted electronically in excel or emailed in excel to Ebids@cityofdenton.com with the solicitation # and name in the subject line.   Electronic Submission: If submitting an electronic proposal only, email to Ebids@cityofdenton.com with the solicitation # and name in the subject line. The pricing sheet (Exhibit 1) must be in excel format.  Submit response, with tabs marking each section, in the following order: Order for Submission Document  1 Cover Sheet  2 Pricing Sheet – Exhibit 1  3 Solicitation Checklist  4 Attachment A- Business Overview Questionnaire  5 Attachment B – Exception Form  7 Attachment C – Reference Form  8 Attachment D – Conflict of Questionnaire Form  9 Attachment E - Acknowledgment   ATTACHMENT A-BUSINESS OVERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE AND FORMS Contract Information (for formal contracting purposes): The following information will be used to write a contract, should your firm be selected for award. Firm’s Legal Name: Address: Agent Authorized to sign contract (Name): Agent’s email address: Subsidiary of: Check the appropriate Organization Class and provide proof of registration as indicated below: ______ Sole Proprietorship – County Assumed Name Certificate ______ General Partnership – County Assumed Name Certificate ______Corporation – Secretary of State Certificate of Registration ______Limited Liability Companies (LLC) – Secretary of State Certificate of Registration ______ Limited Partnership (LP) – Secretary of State Certificate of Registration ______ Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) – Secretary of State Certificate of Registration ______ Foreign Entity – Secretary of State Certificate of Registration Tax Payer ID#: Date Established: Historically Underutilized Business: Yes or No Does your company have an established physical presence in the State of Texas, or the City of Denton? Yes or No, in which? Please provide a detailed listing of all products and/or services that your company provides. Has your company filed or been named in any litigation involving your company and the Owner on a contract within the last five years under your current company name or any other company name? If so provide details of the issues and resolution if available. Include lawsuits where Owner was involved. (Notice: Failure to disclose this information during proposal submission, and later discovered, may result in contract termination at the Owner’s option.) Have you ever defaulted on or failed to complete a contract under your current company name or any other company name? If so, where and why? Give name and telephone number of Owner. Have you ever had a contract terminated by the Owner? If so, where and why? Give name and telephone number (s) of Owner (s). Has your company implemented an Employee Health and Safety Program compliant with 29 CFR 1910 “General Industry Standards” and/or 29 CFR 1926 “General Construction Standards” as they apply to your Company’s customary activities? http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owasrch.search_form?p_doc_type=STANDARDS&p_toc_level=1&p_keyvalue=1926 Resident/Non-Resident Bidder Determination: Texas Government Code Section 2252.002: Non-resident bidders. Texas law prohibits cities and other governmental units from awarding contracts to a non-resident firm unless the amount of such a bid is lower than the lowest bid by a Texas resident by the amount the Texas resident would be required to underbid in the non-resident bidders’ state. In order to make this determination, please provide the name, address and phone number of: Responding firms principle place of business: Company’s majority owner principle place of business: Ultimate Parent Company’s principle place of business: Provide details on how firm meets the minimum qualifications stated in this Main document Section 3. The details must be completed on this form, and shall not point to another document in the respondent’s proposal. Sign below and return form with final submission. I certify that our firm meets the minimum qualifications as stated in this Main document, section 3. _______________________ _____________________ _____________________ Signature Company Date ATTACHMENT B-SUBMISSION EXCEPTIONS Any exceptions or clarifications taken to this solicitation (including terms and conditions in Exhibit 2, the General Provisions and Terms and Conditions) must be itemized on the lines below. Additional pages may be added as needed. If there are no exceptions or clarifications, please sign where indicated at the bottom of the page. Item # Description The above exceptions or clarifications (and any additional pages identified) are the ONLY exceptions to the specifications, General Provisions and Terms and Conditions in Exhibit 2, and sample contract to this solicitation. I understand that the City may not accept additional exceptions produced after final submission of this proposal. _______________________ _____________________ _____________________ Signature Company Date No Exceptions are taken to this solicitation or the General Provisions and Terms and Conditions in Exhibit 2. _______________________ _____________________ _____________________ Signature Company Date ATTACHMENT C-REFERENCES Please list three (3) Government references, other than the City of Denton, who can verify the quality of service your company provides. The City prefers customers of similar size and scope of work to this solicitation. REFERENCE ONE   GOVERNMENT/COMPANY NAME: LOCATION: CONTACT PERSON AND TITLE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: SCOPE OF WORK: CONTRACT PERIOD: REFERENCE TWO   GOVERNMENT/COMPANY NAME: LOCATION: CONTACT PERSON AND TITLE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: SCOPE OF WORK: CONTRACT PERIOD: REFERENCE THREE   GOVERNMENT/COMPANY NAME: LOCATION: CONTACT PERSON AND TITLE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: SCOPE OF WORK: CONTRACT PERIOD: ATTACHMENT D-CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE - FORM CIQ For vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity  This questionnaire reflects changes made to the law by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session. This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code, by a vendor who has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a) with a local governmental entity and the vendor meets requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local government entity not later than the 7th business day after the date the vendor becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006(a-1), Local Government Code. A vendor commits an offense if the vendor knowingly violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor.  1 Name of vendor who has a business relationship with local governmental entity.     2  Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire.   (The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than the 7th business day after the date on which you became aware that the originally filed questionnaire was incomplete or inaccurate.)  3 Name of local government officer about whom the information in this section is being disclosed.       Name of Officer    This section, (item 3 including subparts A, B, C & D), must be completed for each officer with whom the vendor has an employment or other business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a), Local Government Code. Attach additional pages to this Form CIQ as necessary. Is the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from the vendor? Yes No Is the vendor receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from or at the direction of the local government officer named in this section AND the taxable income is not received from the local governmental entity? Yes No Is the filer of this questionnaire employed by a corporation or other business entity with respect to which the local government officer serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownership of one percent or more? Yes No D. Describe each employment or business and family relationship with the local government officer named in this section.  4  I have no Conflict of Interest to disclose.     5                Signature of vendor doing business with the governmental entity  Date    ATTACHMENT E-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The undersigned agrees this submission becomes the property of the City of Denton after the official opening. The undersigned affirms he has familiarized himself with the specification, drawings, exhibits and other documents; the local conditions under which the work is to be performed; satisfied himself of the conditions of delivery, handling and storage of materials and equipment; and all other matters that will be required for the work before submitting a response. The undersigned agrees, if this submission is accepted, to furnish any and all items/services upon which prices are offered, at the price(s) and upon the terms and conditions contained in the specification. The period for acceptance of this submission will be 120 calendar days unless a different period is noted. The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this submission has not been prepared in collusion with any other respondent, nor any employee of the City of Denton, and that the contents of this submission have not been communicated to any other respondent or to any employee of the City of Denton prior to the acceptance of this submission. Respondent hereby assigns to the City any and all claims for overcharges associated with this contract which arise under the antitrust laws of the United States, 15 USCA Section 1 et seq., and which arise under the antitrust laws of the State of Texas, Tex. Bus. & Com. Code, Section 15.01, et seq. The undersigned affirms that they have read and do understand the specifications, all exhibits and attachments contained in this solicitation package. The undersigned agrees that the solicitation package posted on the website are the official specifications and shall not alter the electronic copy of the specifications and/or pricing sheet (Exhibit 1), without clearly identifying changes. The undersigned understands they will be responsible for monitoring the City of Denton Purchasing Website at: http://www.cityofdenton.com/index.aspx?page=397 to ensure they have downloaded and signed all addendum(s) required for submission with their response. I certify that I have made no willful misrepresentations in this submission, nor have I withheld information in my statements and answers to questions. I am aware that the information given by me in this submission will be investigated, with my full permission, and that any misrepresentations or omissions may cause my submission to be rejected. Acknowledge receipt of following addenda to the solicitation: Addendum No 1 Dated _______________________ Received _________________ Addendum No 2 Dated _______________________ Received _________________ Addendum No 3 Dated _______________________ Received _________________ NAME AND ADDRESS OF COMPANY: AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: ___________________________________ Signature ___________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Title Tel. No. ____________________________ Fax No. Email.