7109-Addendum #2-Scope of Work - Solid Waste-Landfill Prof. & Eng. Services The scope of work shall be finalized upon the selection of the Firm. The respondent’s submission shall have accurately described your understanding of the objectives and scope of the requested products and services and provided an outline of your process to implement the requirements of the Scope of Work and Services. It is anticipated that the scope of work will include, at a minimum, the following: A: INTRODUCTION In accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 2254, the City of Denton (City), a home-rule city of the State of Texas, is requesting submissions to select at least one firm with demonstrated experience in providing Professional and/or Engineering services. Firms may submit on any and all of the individual categories of work relating to design, project management and construction phase assistance of City public works infrastructure as described in this document. The responses shall be submitted to the City of Denton in a sealed submission. The awarded firm(s) shall have the ability to accomplish all aspects of the requested services. B: SCOPE OF WORK Description of Work The City of Denton Solid Waste/Landfill is seeking to award at least one task order contract per work category. Other contracts for specific projects may be awarded to qualified responders, Major work categories include: Planning, Engineering Design, and Facility Permitting Municipal Solid Waste Permitting and Permit Modifications Materials Recovery Facility Permitting and Permit Modifications Transfer Station Permitting and Permit Modifications Landfill Cell Design Landfill Cover Design Final Cover Design Site Operation Plans Fill Plans Grading Plans Soil Use Plans Airspace Usage Estimates and Projections Groundwater Monitoring System Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan Sequence of Development B: SCOPE OF WORK (Continued) Planning, Engineering Design, and Facility Permitting Landfill Gas Management Plan Landfill Closure/Post-Closure Care Cost Estimates Cost of Service Modeling Stormwater Permitting Composting Site Permitting and Development Air Permitting and Permit Modifications Odor Control Floodplain Assessment and Management Landscape and Irrigation Design Infrastructure Design Construction Documents, Technical Specifications, and Construction Management Final Plans, Contract Documents, and Specifications, Engineer’s cost estimates Bid Phase Services Construction Phase Services Conduct Construction Meetings Review and Approve Shop Drawings, Field Orders, Change Orders, Construction Quantities, Pay Requests Scheduling Daily Updates Construction Quality Assurance/Quality Control Constant Communication, Evaluation and Re-Design as material costs increase Environmental Services Installation of the Groundwater Monitoring Wells and Landfill Gas Probes Groundwater Sampling, Landfill Gas Sampling, Surface Water Monitoring and Analytical Laboratory Testing Statistical Evaluation Regulatory Reporting B: SCOPE OF WORK (Continued) Landfill Planning and Engineering Services Periodic Ground and Aerial Surveying to update Available Airspace, Compaction Rate, Site Life Projections, and Target Grades for Site Development  Annual Municipal Solid Waste Report Planning for Operational Issues Leachate Storage and Disposal Interior and Exterior Roads Storm Water and Sediment Control Stockpile Locations and Utilization Borrow Area Grading and Utilization  Landfill Gas Services Landfill Gas Management Plan Development and Update Gas Collection and Control System Design Gas System and Control System Expansions Planning Design Budgeting Permitting New Source Performance Standards Compliance, Gas Collection and Control System Troubleshooting and Landfill Gas Remediation Services as necessary at the site. Drone and Surveying Services Physical Site Survey and/or Drone Flights Collect Aerial Topography Data Estimate Airspace Consumption Determine Waste Settlement Rate Estimates. Quarterly and Annual Surveys Additional services not included in basic services, may be requested by the City in writing and would be executed only upon acceptance by both parties of the scope and costs of each additional services. C: EXPECTATIONS OF CITY DURING AND AFTER CONCLUSION OF PROJECT The City wants to work with the successful firm for seamless start-to-finish project completion. Our expectations include all services listed in B: Scope of Work. RFQ submissions and subsequent documentation will comply with all Federal, State, County and City laws, regulations, and licensing. The successful firm will provide a competent and experienced contract administration liaison to work with the City and any selected contractor(s). Deliverables and specific project scopes will be determined in writing for each project awarded under this RFQ. D: OBJECTIVES To provide qualified Professional and Engineering Services to accomplish the needs of the City of Denton’s Capital Improvements Plan. E: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REQUESTED All engineering services will be performed under the direct supervision of a Registered Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas. The Engineer will seal all documents requiring the seal of a Professional Engineer. The services will meet or exceed the minimum standards of practice established by the Texas Board of Professional Engineers. All professional services will be performed under the direct supervision of an appropriately registered or licensed professional licensed or registered to practice in the State of Texas, if appropriate (i.e. Professional Geoscientist, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, etc.) Firm must be registered by the State of Texas to provide services in the State. All fees and taxes are the responsibility of the offeror. Include copies of current licenses or certifications of the lead Engineer and any other firm employee that will be signing and/or sealing official documents. The firm shall not substitute or replace the Lead Engineer or any other major staff involved with this contract without the written acceptance by the City of Denton. F: FIRM RESPONSIBILITIES The successful firm(s) shall perform all necessary actions as defined by each awarded contract that results from this RFQ. Due to the uniqueness and variability of projects subject to this RFQ, Firm responsibilities and project scopes, schedules and budgets shall be negotiated and agreed upon in writing at the time services are required. G: CITY RESPONSIBILITIES Similar to the Firm’s responsibilities above, the City shall perform all necessary actions as defined by each awarded contract as a result of this RFQ. Due to the uniqueness and variability of projects subject to this RFQ, the City’s responsibilities shall be negotiated and agreed upon in writing at the time services are required. H: PRICING Compensation for each contract shall be negotiated on a cost plus expenses basis. Payment will be made within 30-days of receipt of Firm’s monthly invoice to be paid per the Firm’s rate schedule attached to each contract resulting from this RFQ. Any travel will be reimbursed at cost ONLY after receipts are received, verified and approved. Travel reimbursement would only be applicable if Engineer is traveling outside a 75-mile radius from the City of Denton and must use the gsa.gov website for mileage reimbursement. Travel outside the 75-mile radius must be approved in advance by the City. I: SELECTION CRITERIA All firms will be evaluated. Only the firms that meet the evaluation criteria of a Minimum Score of 80% will be considered moving to the second phase of the Evaluation Process for this RFQ Evaluation: a) Identification and understanding of the City's requirements for this project (FACTOR: 20%) The respondent's understanding of the objectives and scope of the requested services of the primary areas, in a clear and concise, written expression. The respondent will provide all the appropriately requested criteria consideration to be a critical component of the evaluation. b) Past Performance and experience on projects of this magnitude and complexity (FACTOR: 20%) The respondent's successful experience in projects within the primary areas similar to the scope of work requested in this RFQ will be a major consideration.  Based on the past performance of both the individual project personnel and the respondent, The City of Denton will determine if the respondent has the track record to provide the required services in successfully administering similar projects. c) Experience and qualifications of the Respondent (FACTOR:  20%).  The qualifications of the respondent in terms of experience, service capability and resources will be reviewed in order to assess the ability of the respondent to successfully complete projects to be assigned under this RFQ.  The firm’s ability to provide the necessary professional and technical expertise and supervision will be a major consideration.   d) Key personnel and Project Team available for work categories submitted upon (FACTOR: 20%).  The qualifications and experience of the individuals who will be directly assigned to the primary areas is a major evaluation factor to be considered.  The personnel cited shall be designated as to whether they are an employee, consultant or contract employee of the RFQ respondent.  Their educational and professional credentials as well as direct experience on similar projects will be considered in evaluating the respondent.  Experience with other municipally funded projects and familiarity with municipal requirements and procedures will also be considered in the evaluation process. e) Ability to meet schedules for each category of service submitted upon (FACTOR: 20%) Respondents shall demonstrate methodology and examples of ability to meet both fast-track and more conservatively scheduled projects resulting from this RFQ. The total possible score of the submissions shall be scored and weighted as indicated above. Based on the outcome of the computations performed, each submission will be assigned a raw score. The assigned weight will then be applied to these scores to calculate an overall score for each submission for completion of the final scoring process.