19-2305 OrdinanceR ':,... .., . . ' . I ':,... '.. .. ',. ! : . i 1. ,.. .. I ! l ',. . # ' 1 ,, ', l... ..,. , ,,.. . ... , '.... : I # ...,.... R , , l ; ', . R 1 ,...., \ ! : ' I , '.:. ... : + . R WHEREAS, the City ofDentan, ("City"} desires to have a pool ofprofessional fi s ready to serve as contractors to pravide the City with engineering related services on a continuing contract basis; and R ; - .• 'i I i; i R • . * * # . . ,, t ' . - : • . . • ; w - , , ; - - - - - r w _ w w , . - _ . - • . . - w , w -r _ , w • . - - w . - w _ - . w • - , a ` - . . • . - '' • r w . r •- w . -'' • • • r-.• • - . r - . - ' . . , ' - - s . , r w • - . . . .: • . .. _ - , s _ , i • ; • , i ' r ' r , . . - - . , .: , - ' - . - r . • . '' , r and local ordinances; provided that, the City Manager, or his designee, may take any actions that may be required or permitted to be performed within his previously delegated authority. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval, The motion to rv this ordinance was made by _ i fi ,,, . „„, , , , and seconded by ,,_,: the ordinance was passed and approved by the following vote ", - Mayor Chris Watts: Gerard Hudspeth, District 1: Keely G. Briggs, District 2: Jesse Davis, District 3: John Ryan, District 4: Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5: Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: PASSED AND Aye Nay Abstain Absent i: this the m day of ----- i. . ., 2019. PR w ", w.n ' . w w.. _— ..... ... _. CHRIS ATTS, MAYOR ATTEST: '"' '" ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY w BY: .n , a . r ,. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY n BY. ' rf . b h 'f....... RFQ 7109 Respondent Sheet Solid Waste/Landfill Professional & Engineering Services Firm Narne: Principal Place of Business m Arredondo, Zepeda, & Brunz, LLC Dallas, TX 2 Biggs & Mathews Environmenta1 Mansfield, TX Brittain & Craw.. ford, LLC Ft. Worth, TX Burns & McDonnell En inee Dalla , 4 g ring s TX Com an 5 Civil & Enviranmental Cansultants, Inc. Austin, TX Coleman & Assoc . r. _ . . _..------- . _ Land Surveying Denton, TX Hayden .. .... _..__ . onsultants, Inc. Dallas, TX e, . ..e „ ,a ... — ., ,.. 8 HDR Engineering, Inc. Dallas, TX 9 Parkhill ..... ... r....— --....... mith & Cooper Inc Frisco, TX 10 Risa VVeinberger & mm v~ Associates Inc Dallas, TX l l..., w .....____ SCS Engineers .... ........_ Irving, TX 2 __ Solutient GeoSci. ----- ... . ences, Inc Tyler, TX 13 . ......... The Ca. . ..... m_. rel Carporatian Keller, TX 4 ..._____ We...... ..._._ m........... --- ..... a_... aver Consultants Graup Ft. Worth, TX