7095-3 Scope of WorkScope of Work and Technical Specifications This document describes the scope of work and technical specifications required to provide inspections of gas wells located within the City of Denton. The services will enhance the current capabilities and capacity of the City of Denton gas well inspections staff in order to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public and to assure that the orderly and practical development of mineral resources is compatible with the adjacent land uses, including conformance with Denton Plan 2030. The following are described in detail: • Service provider qualifications required for performing gas well inspections and the documentation necessary to demonstrate qualifications • Required routine inspection services, including frequency, technical requirements, documentation requirements and communication requirements • Additional support services that may be necessary based on site-specific conditions There are currently 289 active gas wells within the City of Denton city limits which are located on 156 padsites. Each well is assigned an inspection priority based on distance from the closest sensitive use, such as a residence, school, church, or park. The distribution of wells across the three priority levels, high, moderate, and low, and the inspection frequency of each are as follows: Inspection Priority No. of Wells Inspection Frequency  High 60 Once every 6 months  Moderate 122 Once every 12 months  Low 107 Once every 24 months  TABLE 1 The above table represents current conditions and is subject to change based on new development or a change in gas well activity. Current conditions should be used for proposal responses. Evaluation will be based upon: Criteria Factor weight  Ability to provide additional support services 10%  Indicators of probable performance 30%  Compliance with specifications 30%  Price 30%   TABLE 2 Indicators of Probable Performance The successful respondent will demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of the drilling and operation of gas wells and the rules and regulations that govern gas well operations in Texas. They must also demonstrate a history of practical experience in providing gas well inspection services with no less than three years providing similar services for municipal customers. In order to ascertain a respondent’s knowledge and experience, responses should include: An introduction summary that briefly describes their understanding of the requested services, important issues, and City requirements. The company’s organization information Relevant experience Licenses, certifications, and education levels of staff References Specifications The majority of tasks will be conducted as inspections throughout the year. A total of 296 inspections are to be performed per year as indicated in TABLE 1. A complete inspection includes the following tasks. Contacting each operator prior to inspection in order to gain and/or verify Site access and field tagging permission. The number and type of equipment located on each padsite. Providing the City of Denton with the inspection schedule two weeks before the scheduled dates. Performing the inspection at each scheduled padsite. Within 24-hours of inspection, providing the City of Denton a list of all findings per padsite by email. The findings should specify: Operator Padsite by name and number The individual piece of equipment and the issue identified for each Creating a final inspection report outlining any pending corrective actions after receiving a list from the City of Denton within two weeks of the inspection date that outlines which findings have been corrected and which remain outstanding. Submitting final inspection reports in PDF format to the City of Denton within three weeks of the initial inspection date. Note: All final inspection reports will be posted online on the City’s Gas Well Locator Map. Providing a comprehensive annual report. The specific measurements and inspection items vary by the inspection priority assigned to the well(s). High priority City of Denton Ordinance 2015-233 compliance Fenceline evaluations - upwind and downwind simultaneous measurements Methane concentrations Radiation Hydrogen sulfide Total Volatile Organic Compounds Noise levels Particulate matter concentrations, PM2.5 and PM10 Near equipment evaluations for all onsite equipment, including but not limited to: Leak identification NORM identification Spill and release identification Equipment safety and integrity Moderate Priority City of Denton Ordinance 2015-233 compliance Fenceline evaluations - upwind and downwind simultaneous measurements Methane concentrations Radiation Hydrogen sulfide Total Volatile Organic Compounds Near equipment evaluations for all onsite equipment, including but not limited to: Leak identification NORM identification Spill and release identification Equipment safety and integrity Low Priority City of Denton Ordinance 2015-233 compliance Near equipment evaluations for all onsite equipment, including but not limited to: Leak identification NORM identification Spill and release identification Equipment safety and integrity A final annual summary report shall be submitted to the City of Denton by the end of the contract year. Contingency Sampling In certain circumstances, the City may require additional analyses or measurements. The City anticipates that initial inspections or citizen complaints may drive the need for more in-depth sampling and analyses or follow-up inspections. These services may include re-inspections for specific items, VOC analysis, Hydrogen sulfide analysis, 72-hr noise study, and simultaneous upwind and downwind air sampling. Furthermore, the City may request additional technical or field support for specific situations. The pricing sheet reflects these additional services. To substantiate the firm’s ability to meet the above requirements all respondents should submit: An example report An equipment schedule including the year, make, model, description, and measurement resolution Quality assurance/quality control plan Safety plan Equipment Specifications Equipment Type Resolution/Detection Required  Optical Gas Imaging Camera <10,000 ppmv  Radiation, Geiger-Mueller Gamma Scintillameter (IS) or equivalent 1 µR/hr  Hydrogen Sulfide, Gold-film H2S meter or equivalent 3 ppbv  Volatile Organic Compounds, Photoionization Detector or equivalent 1 ppbv  Noise, Class 1 microphone with 1/3 octave filters or equivalent 1 dBA  Weather Variable  Particulate Matter, Nephlometer (multiple size particle estimation) or equivalent 1 µg/m3  Methane, DP-IR or equivalent 1 ppmv   Contingency Sampling Equipment Equipment Type Resolution/Detection Required  Discrete Volatile Organic Compound Identification and Quantification, Field Capable GC/MS or equivalent 1 ppbv   Optional Continuous Monitoring Equipment Type Resolution/Detection Required  Continuous Air Quality - Ozone, Methane, Hydrogen Sulfide, Particulate Matter, Volatile Organic Compounds, Sensors with Cellular Linked Enclosure or equivalent Variable - as noted above