7095 Addendum No. 2RFP # 7095 ADDENDUM #2 Page 1 Purchasing Department 901-B Texas St. Denton, TX 76209 (940) 349-7100 www.dentonpurchasing.com ADDENDUM #2 RFP # 7095 GAS WELL INSPECTION SERVICES Issue Date: June 18, 2019 Response due Date and Time (Central Time): Thursday, July 18, 2019, 11:00 A.M. C.S.T RFP # 7095 ADDENDUM #2 Page 2 The following are Questions and Answers from Pre-Bid Conference, June 26, 2019 through July 5, 2019: 1. What is the estimated cost range for this project? Answer: Estimated annual cost for this project is $250,000. Bid Attributes, Section 1, Contract Term states “contract for one (1) year, effective from date of award. The City and the Supplier shall have the option to renew this contract for an additional two (2) one-year periods. 2. In reviewing the equipment specifications list for the above referenced RFP, the ‘resolution/detection required’ levels for the H2S meter and PID are listed as 3 parts per billion volume (ppbv) and 1 ppbv, respectively. Is that correct, as it seems that most meters have detectable limits of 1 to 3 parts per million volume (ppmv) for H2S and 1 ppmv for PIDs? Answer: The detection limits listed are accurate. For instance, TCEQ’s H2S 30-minute limit is 0.08 ppm. A detection limit of 1 ppm would not be sufficient. 3. Measure upwind and downwind at the same time; simultaneously? Answer: Upwind and downwind must be measured simultaneously in order to measure the impact from the site while subtracting background measurements. 4. Is visual equipment required? Answer: Yes. 5. Bid Lines Item 8 and 14 are the same; “Air Sampling on Padsite”? Answer: Bid Line 14, “Air Sampling on padsite” changed to “Air Sampling on padsite continuous”. 6. On line item No. 9, “72 hour noise study”; is this real time? Answer: Do not need real time. A report will be fine. Read the code it will be clearer. RFP # 7095 ADDENDUM #2 Page 3 7. High priority gas well inspections frequency versus low priority gas well inspections frequency; Can low priority be done with spot checks? Answer: High priority sites are done twice per year, once per six months. Low priority sites are to be done on a frequency of once every two years. 8. Is safety training needed for access? Answer: Standard training is fine. 9. Numbers for GIS support and tech support; Is this on an as needed basis? Answer: Yes. This is on an as needed basis only. When necessary, the City would provide current GIS layer as shapefile for incorporating the updates. 10. Does the contractor enter in Denton system and manipulate Denton data? Answer: No. The contractor will not enter Denton’s system. 11. Will data support require basic data entry? Answer: Most data support will require basic data entry. 12. Contractor updates data according to the findings? Answer: Just need the inspections report. 13. Contractor responsible for findings and do not communicate with outside operators? Answer: Contractor responsible for submitting inspection findings report and the city will follow up. Contractor responsible for contacting site operators for scheduling site entry. 14. Does Operator need to be present? Answer: Notify operator of schedule for site entry. At least one site operator requires to be present during all inspections. RFP # 7095 ADDENDUM #2 Page 4 15. Contractor finds issue and repeat findings; how is this handled? Answer: City will take care of this; corrective action. 16. Contractor is for identification purposes and the City will take care of issues? Answer: Yes 17. Preferred method to identify leak detection? Answer: Use Optical gas imaging equipment. NO OTHER CHANGES AT THIS TIME. Please acknowledge addendum on Attachment F of the main solicitation document when submitting a proposal.