7195 Large Diameter Water Pipe Technical SpecificationsDocument No. BDPS-FRM-118 Revision: 1 - Effective Date: 03/25/2010 1 RFP 7195 Large Diameter Water Pipes, Accessories & Emergency Repair Services Technical Specifications PURPOSE: The purpose of this solicitation is to establish a three (3) year with two (2) one-year renewal options master agreement to purchase Large Diameter Concrete Water Pipes, Accessories and Emergency Service Repair contract for the City of Denton. METHOD OF AWARD: This proposal will be a best value award to Vendor(s) which can meet the required qualification and demonstrate compliance with the specifications. The City of Denton (City) reserves the right to award that which is most advantageous to the City of Denton. The City's intends to award percentages (markup/discounts (+/-)) to the most advantageous percentage per deepest discount or markup when calculating the net cost from sample pricing, however, the award will exceed the estimated expenditure. Some groups in this solicitation requires unit pricing in conjunction with markup/discount lines, the City will calculate both the unit pricing and markup/discount total to determine the lowest price for the respective groups. A request for proposal does not commit the City of Denton to award any contract, and the City of Denton reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or waive irregularities. The unit proposal price shall remain firm for the term of the contract from the date of award by council for all proposal items. The unit price listed shall be for full compensation for all labor and equipment, and any incidental work. PRICE LIST: Upon award of the proposal, the awarded vendor shall provide the City of Denton with the most current manufacturer’s catalog or price list(s), by CD, e-mail, internet, or FTP (File Transfer Protocol), at no cost to the City of Denton. Paper catalogs or Paper Price list will not be considered meeting the specifications. Please note: other methods of verification will be considered on a case by case basis. The City must have a tangible way of verify pricing, for each delivery order as part of our auditing process. The awarded vendor must provide the pricing media for citywide usage; the information on the pricing media shall contain stock number, colors, sizes, prices and all other pertinent information to that purchase order. The awarded vendor is required to submit any revised list as soon as they obtain it; price changes will begin on the date the City of Denton receives revised price list. The City of Denton will not reprocess invoices that have been paid per old price lists due to the bidder’s failure to submit current price lists. QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: If requested, proposer(s) must provide references of at least twenty-four months in the specified line of business. For Services: The successful proposer(s) shall be established in the production, repairs and installation of large diameter water main emergency repair and tapping services for two (2) years or more. The successful proposer(s) must also possess the capability to provide the products and service necessary through the duration of the agreement. COMMUNICATION: In order to provide the customer service required for this proposal, proposers must respond quickly and clearly, this is essential for the City. Vendors must answer written correspondence from the City within three (3) working days; a company employee (not an answering service or answering machine) answer the phone during normal business hours, or provide either a cell phone number. Phone messages must be returned within two (2) hours upon receipt of call. The awarded vendor shall be responsible for all direct Document No. BDPS-FRM-118 Revision: 1 - Effective Date: 03/25/2010 2 correspondence with the Owner and shall not delegate communication responsibilities to anyone including sub- contractor, consultant, or manufacturer if applicable. EXPLANATIONS OR CLARIFICATIONS: Requests for explanations or clarifications may be emailed to the assigned buyer within the Purchasing division. The email must clearly identify the solicitation number. Any material information given to one proposer concerning a solicitation will be furnished by an addendum to all proposers who have been issued a solicitation. It is the vendor’s responsibility to view/check the City’s Procurement web-site/Ion Wave to ensure the vendor obtains the latest information related to this RFP. The provisions for this proposal are intended to ensure a fair and equitable review process so that there is no actual or potential situation where one proposer secures or attempts to secure an unfair advantage over another proposer or creates a situation where there is an appearance of impropriety in contacts between the proposer, its agent, contractor, or consultant and City officials. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES: The City of Denton has listed estimated expenditures/quantities for Large Diameter Concrete Water Pipes, Accessories and Emergency Repairs Services for five years. The actual estimated expenditures/quantities may to be more or less than the stated amount during the term of the contract, depending on anticipated needs. The City of Denton will not be responsible for any anticipated profits or losses, by any proposer, based on the estimate. User department will place their orders on an as needed basis. Some months may have several of orders and some months may have none. Payment to the successful proposer will be based on actual service and products supplied. PRICE PROTECTION: All proposers shall agree to hold prices quoted for the term of the contract. INVOICE REQUIREMENTS: In order to be in compliance with these specifications, awarded vendor must have received a hard copy of a City of Denton delivery order prior to the delivery or servicing of any pipe unless stated otherwise by the City’s department authorized personnel. The delivery order must reflect the price(s) on the vendor’s pricing sheet. The City of Denton is not liable for any service render in which a Delivery Order was not obtained first. Invoices submitted for payment must have the following information: • Vendor’s name and company address • Name and address of the department requesting the service • The location where the service was rendered • Date of delivery • Delivery order number that authorized the service and or products • Unit cost and extended cost of each serviced item and or product • Total cost of the order All original invoices are to be sent to: The City of Denton intends to issue a work order or orders to the Contractor for services on an as-needed basis, although nothing in this document or elsewhere in the contract documents shall be construed as obligating the City of Denton to do so. PROPOSAL GUIDELINES: • The proposal signature page shall be the first page of the proposer’s submission; the pricing sheet shall immediately precede the proposal signature page. • After purchase the awarded contractor must make available to the City any product or service enhancements, terms, conditions, or circumstances that benefit the City, including reduction in costs that are made generally available without charge to the awarded proposers other customers. Document No. BDPS-FRM-118 Revision: 1 - Effective Date: 03/25/2010 3 DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS: Orders for service shall be completed within fourteen (30) business days after the work order has been received or as specified in the work order. Orders for products must be deliver within five (30) business days after receipt of order. If the contractor is unable meet this time frame, the contractor shall notify the Contract Manager in writing or e-mail of any job that could not be completed within twenty-four (24) hours of the scheduled completion or delivery date. The notice must state the extenuating circumstances, the reason job and or product will or was not completed and or delivered on time. Pricing quoted in the pricing sheet must include any delivery, shipping or freight charges of materials (All quotations must be F.O.B City of Denton, and included in unit cost.); the City of Denton will not pay shipping, delivery or freight charges unless it’s an emergency. In an Emergency, the City of Denton may need to expedited service orders within twenty-four (24) hours of notification. For emergencies the awarded vendor must supply estimated freight charges to the City of Denton prior to shipping the order. Verbal orders will require acknowledgment within twenty-four (24) hours. The city of Denton will provide off-loading of materials. Materials must be placed as close as possible to specified site, unless otherwise noted. Deliveries will be required at various locations throughout the City. Frequency of deliveries varies with the seasons. The successful bidder shall coordinate deliveries to ensure a constant supply of product. INSURANCE: For the duration of the contract, successful proposer(s) will provide a certificate of insurance evidencing proof of General Liability, Automobile Liability, Professional Liability and Workers’ Compensation/Employers Liability insurance coverage. The City of Denton will be provided a Waiver of Subrogation waiving Rights of Recovery against the City on the Workers’ Compensation policy. The City will be shown as the certificate holder. SAMPLE CONTRACT: The successful proposer(s) shall be required to execute the Form Contract in substantially the form as included in these proposal documents (document “Sample Contract pdf”). The Form may be tailored by the City Attorney’s Office to meet the peculiar requirements of this procurement. All proposers are expected to calculate and submit their proposal based on the requirements contained in the Form Contract attached as well as this Specification. Proposers should review the form contract carefully and seek private legal advice if there are questions about the legal effect of any of the provisions. No exceptions or modifications to, or substitutions for, this Form Contract shall be accepted or permitted; any attempt to except to, modify, or substitute for the Form of Contract as contained herein may render the proposal non-responsive. ADDITIONAL CONTRACT RULES: The contractor shall perform his obligations as set forth in the specifications and the contract in a professional manner. In the event the contractor does not perform his obligations to the satisfaction of the City of Denton or does not perform the duties as set forth in the specifications, the City of Denton shall give the contractor a written ten (10) day notice of deficiencies by certified mail. Upon receipt of the notice, the contractor shall have ten (10) days to correct all the deficiencies, or the contract will be canceled effective ten (10) days from the receipt of the notice. The notice or communication given under this paragraph shall be in writing and be given by certified mail; same shall be deemed to have been given and received when a certified letter containing such notice, properly addressed, with postage prepaid, is deposited in the United States Mail, it shall be deemed to have been given when delivered to and received by the party to whom it is addressed. In the event that the contractor does not or cannot rectify all problems after the ten (10) day period, the contract shall be subject to termination, and the City of Denton shall have no further obligations to the contractor. GENERAL PRODUCT & SERVICE REQUIREMENTS QUALITY ASSURANCE: ▪ The successful proposer(s) is responsible for insuring all shipments of material received from manufacturers or suppliers are constructed with the proper materials to the required manufactured tolerances. Improper manufacturing, damage occurring during transport and all other transactions between the Contractor and parts supplier, manufacturer, or another Contractor/Vendor shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Document No. BDPS-FRM-118 Revision: 1 - Effective Date: 03/25/2010 4 ▪ The successful proposer(s) shall ensure that the services rendered are performed with adequate quality control. If any service is determined to be unsatisfactory by the City of Denton, the service is to be rendered again within thirty (30) working days after the detection by the City of Denton at no additional cost. Awarded vendor will be held responsible for all work including those of his subcontractor(s). ▪ Application for water main pipes: Concrete shall be made with Portland cement Pursuant to Section 271.907 of the Texas Local Government Code material standard. Portland cement is a composite material composed of an aggregate bonded together with fluid cement. The specified product shall utilize Portland cement that is manufactured by means of a dry kiln process. Failure to use Portland cement manufactured through a dry kiln process as required above shall render the bid non-responsive. PERMITS & LICENSES: The Contractor shall have all permits and/or license required from the local, state and federal authorities at the time of award. The Contractor is responsible for and shall include all charges incurred, whether foreseen or unforeseen, for these permits, licenses and inspections. MATERIAL / PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Reference Standards for Storm Sewer Pipe: Pipe in this specification pertaining to storm sewer is required to meet the American Society for testing and Material designation C76, Class III, Wall B. Copies of the American Society for Testing and Material designation C76, Class III, Wall B may be viewed at the City of Denton, Main Library, 1515 Young Street or purchased from North Texas Council of Governments in Arlington, TX, 817-640- 3300. Unless otherwise stated, the latest editions of the following documents are applicable for this specification: If there is a conflict between codes then Texas Local Government Code has supremacy. ▪ Group # 1 - AWWA Water Pipe L-301/E-301, CL200-20 ▪ Group # 2 - AWWA Water Pipe B-303/C303 Bar Wrapped, CL200-20 ▪ Group # 3 - AWWA Water Pipe L-301/E-301 Repair Sections with 24” Outlets ▪ Group # 4 - AWWA Water Pipe L-301/ E-301 - 30” Outlets with Blind Flange, Nuts, Bolts & Gasket ▪ Group # 5 – AWWA C303 & C301 Concrete Water Pipe Fittings ▪ Group # 6 – AWWA C200 Steel Water Pipe & Fittings ▪ Group # 7 - Parts & Labor For Emergency Services Including Welding To Repair Concrete Main Leak ▪ Group # 8 - Parts & Labor For Emergency Services Including Welding To Repair Steel Main Leak ▪ Group # 9 - Tapping & Line Stop Emergency Leak Repair & Service for Concrete Main / Steel pipe Reference Standards for Water Main Pipe: Pipe in this specification pertaining to water main repair is required to meet the American Water Works Association C301, pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe, C303 Concrete Bar- Wrapped Cylinder Pipe, Steel Water Pipe C200, C207 & C208. A copy of the M9 and M11 manual can be purchased from American Water Works Association. SERVICE REQUIRMENTS • Service contractor must be on site within 24 hours after notice of emergency situation. ▪ Contractors shall be prepared to furnish a list of sub-contractors that may be used. ▪ The Contractor shall furnish trained and competent professionals to perform any services. ▪ The successful contractor shall not sell, sublet, assign or re-assign any portion thereof to any other person or persons, except upon the written approval by City authorized representative. ▪ The Contractor shall furnish all items, articles, materials, supplies, equipment, and qualified personnel necessary to perform the contracted services mentioned in these specifications. ▪ The Contractor shall execute all work in strict accordance with all local, state, and national codes, ordinances and regulations governing the work involved. Document No. BDPS-FRM-118 Revision: 1 - Effective Date: 03/25/2010 5 ▪ The Contractor shall be held responsible for material and/or property damages while the equipment is in transport, in storage or being repaired in the Contractor’s shop facilities. All damages caused by misuse, carelessness, neglect, abuse, unqualified and/or unlicensed personnel, or disappearance (theft) shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to correct and repair the damage or replace the pump to the satisfaction of the City. WARRANTY: All products provided shall be new and warranted to be free from defects in workmanship, design and materials. Warranty shall be for the manufacturer’s customary warranty period or a period of one (1) year whichever is greater. The warranty will begin upon the City’s final acceptance of the product, installation, and or service. Defective parts shall be replaced with new materials when it has been determined that the failure(s) is product related. The warranty period will start over upon the City’s final acceptance of the repaired unit. The Contractor will be responsible for any shipping charges for returns during the warranty period. If it’s determined that a product must be replaced the product will be returned for full credit, including any shipping charges at no additional charge to the City. SERVICE WARRANTY: All services provided under this contract shall be warranted to be free from defects in workmanship which affects the integrity of each repair. The warranty shall be for the industries customary warranty period or a period of one (1) year, whichever is greater. If the service and or materials used fails and is believed to be defective, the City of Denton shall give written notice for additional service and repair. The Contractor shall make repairs at the Contractors expense in a manner mutually agreed upon by the City and the Contractor. The warranty will begin upon the City’s acceptance of the service provided. ENVIROMENTAL: The City of Denton has adopted an Environmental Policy that commits Contractors with the City to adhere to specific environmental standards. ERROR AND OMISSION: Proposers are expected to examine all documents that make up the Proposal Solicitation. Proposers shall promptly notify the City of any omission, ambiguity, inconsistency or error that they may discover upon examination of the solicitation documents. Proposers must use the complete proposal solicitation to prepare proposal submittals. The City assumes no responsibility for any errors or misrepresentations that result from the use of incomplete proposal solicitations. The vendor is required to notify the City of Denton Purchasing Department of any noted error, omission or ambiguity. A vendor shall not be allowed to take advantage of any error or omission in these specifications. The vendor is required to review these specifications carefully and notify the City of Denton Purchasing Department of any noted error or omission. **************END OF SPECIFICATION******************