Daybreak_Proj._Criteria_Ex.5 - Addendum 2City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 1 of 13 Exhibit V ARCHITECT / ENGINEER SERVICES AND DELIVERABLES This document outlines the minimum services required and is not intended to preclude any other services required by the contract or good practice. All Construction Documents and other design work shall incorporate the requirements of all governing local, municipal, state and federal codes, including governing codes and regulations for accessibility. The project shall include, but not be limited to, the following:  Programming (as required for this project)  Site Development (limited modifications to site)  Site Utilities (modifications per project requirements)  Structural Systems (modifications per project requirements)  Exterior Envelope (limited modifications for this project)  Interior buildout drawings and finishes documentation  Casework, fixtures, equipment and specialties  Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Systems  Life Safety Systems  Data/Communication Systems The Architect shall establish and maintain a project web site, for the duration of the project, to facilitate communication. The web site shall be organized to hold all meeting minutes, drawings, reports, shop drawing submittal logs, Request for Information log, etc. and shall be accessible to the City of Denton staff, consultants, contractors, and others as determined to be appropriate during the life of the project. Deliverables required by this document shall comply with the following standards: With the exception of drawings and renderings, all documents (i.e. reports, meeting minutes, the Program of Requirements, specifications, project manuals, estimates, etc.) shall each be prepared using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Project format, as appropriate, and printed on white 8.5” X 11.0” paper. Special reports, such as the Program of Requirements, shall be bound in three ring, slant ring binders. Pages shall be readable with the short axis in the horizontal direction; i.e. standard business letter format. Color printing is not to be used. Sections shall be divided with card stock and tabs. Distribution of these documents shall be made to individual addresses as will be provided by the City of Denton Construction Project Manager. Distribution shall also include an electronic file delivered as an electronic mail attachment or on a CD. Drawings shall be prepared using AutoCad, formatted for a printing size of 30” x 42”. All CAD documents are allowed to be completed using firm’s layering standards and protocol, including poly-line of all rooms. Fonts, line weights, and other features shall be selected as is appropriate to readily allow saving the files in AutoCad without loss of features. Fonts, line weights, and other features shall be selected appropriately for printing and half size, while maintaining clarity and legibility. Distribution of these documents shall be made to individual addresses as will be provided by the City of Denton Construction Project Manager. Distribution shall also include an electronic file delivered as an electronic mail attachment or on a CD. Drawings prepared for presentations shall be 30” x 42” and laminated on 3/8” presentation board. Study and/or presentation models shall be constructed to withstand handling by delivery persons and shall include a protective boxes. Following are the requirements and deliverables, by phase: City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 2 of 13 1. Pre-Design / Programming Phase 1.1. A & E Activities 1.1.1. The Architect shall meet with City off Denton staff, and other outside sources, as is necessary to ascertain and confirm the programmatic needs and requirements for the project. The Architect shall develop a comprehensive Program of Requirements document that includes personnel projections, space projections (i.e. room-by-room summary), room data sheets, equipment data, room-by-room functional requirements, room-by-room systems criteria, building functional criteria, building systems criteria, adjacency diagrams, and simple diagrams of each room. 1.1.2. The Architect shall study alternative design scenarios if required, as required by the Request for Proposal, and the relationship of the building to its context in the alternative locations. 1.1.3. The Architect shall identify and analyze major project issues and challenges, including civil, utility, and other elements affected by and/or involved in the construction of the project, prior to the start of schematic design. This shall include an analysis of zoning and code implications, limitation, and requirements. 1.1.4. The Architect shall evaluate alternative approaches for the design and construction of the project, and the cost and schedule implication of those approaches. 1.1.5. The Architect shall prepare a schedule for the project. 1.1.6. The Architect shall prepare a cost estimate, based on the approved Program of Requirements. 1.1.7. The Architect shall assist City of Denton in preparing a project budget. 1.2. Deliverables 1.2.1. Copies of a Pre-Design Report which shall summarize all the results, alternatives, consultations, schedules and cost estimates presented to the City of Denton in the foregoing activities, and accompanied by a separate, bound Program of Requirements. This report shall contain a list of recommendations to the City of Denton concerning the Architectural ramifications of the Program of Requirements. 1.2.2. A written list of recommendations to City of Denton concerning the major cost implications to the preliminary Program of Requirements. 1.3. Miscellaneous 1.3.1. The Architect shall establish and maintain a project web site, for the duration of the project, to facilitate communication. The web site shall be organized to hold all meeting minutes, drawings, reports, shop drawing submittal logs, etc. and shall be accessible to the City of Denton staff, consultants, and others as appropriate during the life of the project. 1.3.2. The Pre-Design Report and the Program of Requirements shall each be printed on white 8.5” X 11.0” paper and bound in binder. 1.3.3. Engineering analysis and cost comparisons necessary to support programmatic data and to define alternatives shall be reviewed with the City of Denton before proceeding. City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 3 of 13 1.3.4. The impact of existing utilities and soil conditions shall be reviewed with the City of Denton before proceeding. 1.3.5. The Architect and his consultants shall not proceed into the Schematic Phase of design until the Pre-Design report has been approved by the City of Denton Construction Project Manager. 1.3.6. All documents shall be delivered to the City of Denton in printed and electronic format. All electronic text files shall be delivered in Microsoft Word or Excel format. 1.3.7. CAD documents are to be provided to City of Denton in AutoCAD format on CD. 2. Schematic Design 2.1.1. Based on the Program of Requirements and budget established and approved by the City of Denton, the Architect shall propose alternate schematic designs and alternatives for solving requirements, issues and questions including:  Plan arrangement of all program spaces  Solution of adjacency requirements  Massing of program/building elements  Choice of building materials  Choice of Building Systems to be complimentary to the existing  Phasing of construction, if required or advantageous  All other pertinent recommendations by the Architect 2.1.2. After reviewing available information, the Architect shall investigate and analyze the major project challenges along with identifying any major issues that need to be resolved prior to the start of Design Development, including a detailed analysis and report of applicable codes and regulations. 2.1.3. At the end of the Schematic Design Phase, the Architect shall review with the City of Denton alternative approaches for the design and construction of the Project and the cost and schedule implications of those approaches. 2.1.4. Studies shall include sketches/drawings etc. illustrating the scale, functions, and relationships of the project components in a manner that demonstrates one or more solutions to the program. 2.1.5. The architect shall prepare a schematic design estimate. Additionally, the architect shall work with the cost estimator to resolve any difference between the estimates to within five percent between them. 2.1.6. The schematic design package shall be prepared and issued for the City of Denton review. The report shall include written and graphic descriptions of Architectural and building systems. The report shall also include a tabulation of areas (gross & net square feet), a code analysis, a cost estimate, and an outline specification/project description including, at a minimum, the following: Civil  Site Development (limited scope for this project)  Utilities (as required for this project) City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 4 of 13 Architectural  Concrete  Steel  Carpentry  Roofing  Doors & Windows  Earthwork (as required for this project)  Exterior material and finishes  Interior materials and finishes  Specialty Items Structural – (as required for this project)  Design Criteria  Framing Concept Mechanical  Design Criteria  Primary Equipment Electrical  Design Criteria  Lighting Concepts and levels  Building Loads  Primary equipment Plumbing  Design Criteria  Fixtures  Fire Protection Landscape  Paved Areas (as required for this project)  Planted Areas (as required for this project) Site Utilities  Extensions (if required for this project)  Drainage and sewer system (if required for this project) 2.2. Deliverables 2.2.1. Copies of the schematic design documents. 2.2.2. Presentation materials as requested by the City of Denton, including architectural computer- generated graphics including video walk-thrus, etc. Architect’s studies; sketches, renderings, computer-generated graphics, and study models are included in the base City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 5 of 13 proposal; additional high-quality presentation materials, if specially requested, are reimbursable expenses. 2.2.3. All documents shall be delivered to the City of Denton in printed and electronic format. 3. Design Development Phase 3.1. A & E Activities 3.1.1. Based on Schematic Design Documents and any adjustments authorized by the City of Denton in the program or Project budget, the Architect shall prepare Design Development Studies of developed and detailed designs including, but not limited to:  Site Plans  Landscape Plan (as required for this project)  Underground Utility Layouts (if required for this project)  Phasing plans (if required for this project)  Floor plans  Wall and floor fire resistance ratings (shown on all backgrounds Architectural, mechanical, electrical)  Roof plans  Detailed plans for each specialty area  Building elevations  Building sections  Unique Architectural features  Typical sections, and elevations  Distribution of building utilities  Security plans door keying logic  Mechanical floor plans and details  Details of mechanical equipment spaces  HVAC routing and control schemes  List of required mechanical equipment  Electrical single line diagrams  Electrical floor plans  Typical electrical details  Details of electrical equipment spaces  Electrical performance data  List of required electrical equipment  Process utility runs  Sanitary and waste runs  Riser Diagrams for all services  Provide design calculations for mechanical systems  Provide cut sheets of major MEP equipment  Kinds of materials  All other items or concepts to be included in the building that require detailing, explanation or will result in construction drawings or construction specifications  Data/Communication Plans and equipment layouts Design development studies shall mean drawings, sketches, analysis, graphics and other documents that refine the Design Development Documents to a level where Construction Document Drawings can be begun. 3.1.2. The Architect and his consultants shall investigate and evaluate critical issues that require additional study including, but not limited to: City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 6 of 13  Mechanical block load calculations  Electrical block load calculations  Code requirements from local agencies  Any major item affecting capital cost  Any major item affecting operating cost The Architect shall review the findings of these studies with the City of Denton at regularly scheduled meetings. The Architect and his consultants shall also present recommendations for resolving problems and choosing among alternative courses of action. 3.1.3. After reviewing with the City of Denton the information and analysis of information gathered in Sections 3.1.1, the Architect shall produce the Design Development Report. This report shall include a written, numerical, and graphical presentation of details of the solutions presented at the end of the Design Phase. This report shall also include a Tabulation of Areas as defined by the Owner showing the net assignable square foot areas in the building structures of the Project as illustrated by the Design Development Drawings. 3.1.4. The Architect and his consultants shall prepare for City of Denton review, based upon marked-up specifications. These specifications shall include detailed descriptions and exact performance requirements of the subject areas covered in Section 3.1.1. 3.1.5. The Architect and his consultants shall prepare, present, and deliver to the City of Denton reports including, but not limited to:  Structural calculations  Building air balance (heat load)  Choices of building primary equipment  Code compliance calculations  Pressurization control scheme (Graphical) The Architect shall review the findings of these studies with the City of Denton at scheduled meetings. The Architect and his consultants shall present recommendations for resolving problems and choosing among alternative courses of action. 3.1.6. The Architect and consultants shall prepare a list of long lead time materials including, but not limited to:  Structural steel  Primary mechanical equipment  Electric transformers and switch gear  Specialty items required by the design 3.1.7. The Architect shall select finished materials and colors to be incorporated in the Work and shall prepare schedules of such materials and colors for the Owner’s approval. 3.1.8. The Architect shall prepare and submit to the City of Denton a Design Development Cost Estimate based on an item-by-item, take-off unit costs current at the time of such estimate. This Design Development Cost Estimate shall include the cost of the elements shown in the project Cost Model, a factor for cost rise to the estimated bidding date, and a design contingency factor of ten percent (10%). Additionally, the architect shall work with cost estimator to resolve any difference between the Architect’s estimate and that of City of Denton assigned estimator’s estimate to within three percent between them. City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 7 of 13 3.1.9. The Architect shall attend progress meetings and prepare meeting minutes. 3.2. Deliverables 3.2.1. Copies of a bound Design Development Report. 3.2.2. Sets of reproducibles of the Design Development Drawings for the City of Denton review and approval. This shall include sheets for all items included in Section 3.1.1. Every system of subsystem to be placed in the building shall be detailed in a drawing. 3.2.3. Copies of the engineering calculations required to support any and every decision, including all the items in Section 3.1.4. These calculations shall be bound together by the Architect for presentation to the City of Denton. 3.2.4. Copies of a list of long lead time materials as defined in 3.1.5. 3.2.5. All documents shall be delivered to the City of Denton in printed and electronic format, as previously described. 3.2.6. Sets and electronics copy of the Architect’s Design Development Cost Estimate. 3.2.7. All models or other documents generated as a result of Design Development. 3.2.8. CAD documents are to be provided to the City of Denton in AutoCAD format on CD. 3.3. Miscellaneous 3.3.1. The Design Development Drawing shall be at the same scale as the scale to be used in the Construction Documents Drawings. 3.3.2. The Architect shall report to the City of Denton in writing that the Design Development Drawings and Specifications conform to all applicable laws, regulations, and building codes and City of Denton Standards. 3.3.3. The Architect and all his consultants shall sign the Design Development Cost Estimate Report to indicate agreement with the data presented therein. 3.3.4. This Phase will be reviewed through a series of progress reviews, both on site and in the Architect’s office. 4. Construction Document Phase 4.1. A & E Activities 4.1.1. Based on the Design Development Documents and any further adjustments in the scope or quality of the Project, or in the Project budget authorized by the City of Denton, the Architect and his consultants, upon request of the City, shall prepare, for approval by City, Construction Document Drawings and Specifications setting forth in detail the requirements for the construction of the Project including, but not limited to the following: Not all items below may apply to this project. General: Cover sheet Index City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 8 of 13 Sheet of symbols, abbreviations, etc. Civil: Site plan including paved and site concrete Utility Plan Grading Plan Paving, water sewer, and concrete, and site amenities details Landscape Plan Architectural: Key plans Building plans (floor, and roof) Roof details (if applicable) Window schedules and details Entry doors schedules and details Hardware keying logic and schedule Louver schedule and details Detail floor plans and elevation for each specialized area Building exterior elevations Enlarged partial elevations Wall sections Wall system details Interior elevations Longitudinal and transverse sections Reflected ceiling plans Stair plans Elevator plans Shaft plans Unique Architectural features Sections and elevation Typical office plan, section, and elevation Room material schedule and details Partition details Door schedule and details Interior glazing schedule and details Custom casework details Miscellaneous details Mechanical: Equipment schedule Equipment room plans and details (1/4” scale) Equipment room sections Equipment room elevations Duct run plans, sections, and elevations (1/4” scale) Show all equipment, pipes, ducts, etc., in double line Pressurization control scheme details Energy control scheme details Miscellaneous details Electrical: Master utility plan Equipment schedule Equipment room plans Equipment room elevations Main service details Buildings electrical schematic Panel schedules Lighting schematics Lighting plans and details City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 9 of 13 Fire alarm device plans (all devices to be shown on one sequence of sheets either wall or ceiling) Telecommunications plans and details Data communications plans and details Security plans and details Plumbing: Schedule sheet Master utility plan Schematic piping diagrams (including risers) Schematic control diagrams Potable water plan and details (including risers) Sanitary sewer plan and details (including risers) Special services plan and details Fire sprinkler plans Any and all other details to be constructed shall also be supported by drawings. Plans typically at 1/8” scale except for master utility tie-ins. 4.1.2. The Architect and his consultants shall prepare for the City of Denton review the proposed Project Manual, which shall include the complete, final Specifications, contract for general construction, and general conditions, The City of Denton Purchasing Department will compose and issue front-end documents for the bid invitation. These specifications shall include the final detailed descriptions and exact performance requirements of the subject areas covered in Section 2.1.1 presented in the manner to be issued in bidding. 4.1.3. The Architect shall prepare and submit to the City of Denton an Architect’s 50% and 90% Construction Document drawing Cost Estimate based on an item-by-item, take-off unit costs correct at the time of such estimate. This Architect’s 50% and 90% Construction Document Drawing Cost Estimate shall include the cost of the elements shown in the Project Cost Model, a factor for cost rise to the estimated bidding date, and a design contingency factor of five percent (5%). Additionally, the architect shall work with City of Denton assigned cost estimator to resolve any difference between the estimates to within three percent between them. 4.1.4. The Architect shall prepare a final Tabulation of Areas, based upon the completed Construction Document Drawings and Specifications, showing the net assignable square foot and the gross square foot areas in the building structures of the Project. 4.1.5. The Architect shall assist the City of Denton and the Contractor in securing building permits for this Project. 4.1.6. The Architect shall attend weekly progress meetings with the City of Denton and prepare meeting minutes. 4.2. Deliverables 4.2.1. Copies of 50% Construction Document Drawings for the City of Denton review. The City of Denton Construction Project Manager shall confirm required sheet sizes and distribution. 4.2.2. Copies of the Specification. These shall be available at the 50% Construction Document Drawing review. 4.2.3. Sets of a 50% Construction Document Cost Estimate. 4.2.4. Sets of final Construction Document Drawings and Specifications for City of Denton review and sign-off. This shall include sheets for all items in Section 4.1.1. City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 10 of 13 4.2.5. One (1) set of 30” x 42” size corrected and approved final Construction Document Drawings, delivered to City of Denton. 4.2.6. All models or documents generated as a result of construction document generation. 4.2.7. Copies of final stamped and signed engineering calculations. These calculations shall be bound together by the Architect for presentation to the City for the Building Permit. Architect to submit plans for permit process. 4.2.8. Set of final construction drawings for presentation to the City for the Building Permit. 4.2.9. Two (2) sets of final color and finish boards. 4.2.10. All documents shall be delivered to City of Denton in printed and electronic format. 4.3. Miscellaneous 4.3.1. Each Construction Document Drawing submitted for building permit shall be approved, signed, and bear the seal of a registered qualified engineer in the particular category of work covered by the drawing. 4.3.2. All Construction Document Drawings and other design work shall be accomplished in accordance with all governing local, municipal, state and federal codes. 4.3.3. Each Construction Document Drawing shall contain complete details delineating various conditions of work. 4.3.4. Equipment and material call-outs on each Construction Document Drawing shall contain complete descriptive information, which may be required for engineering procurement or installation purposes. Clear identification shall be made of switches, values, and other safety devices essential to safety or proper operation and maintenance of the purchaser’s equipment. 4.3.5. The Architect and all his consultants shall sign the 50% Construction Document Cost Estimate Report to indicate agreement with the data presented therein. 4.3.6. The Architect shall not proceed further under this Contract until all the Construction Document Drawings and Specifications, including the signed-off Final Construction Document Drawings and Final Outline Specification Report are approved by City of Denton. 5. Bidding Phase 5.1. A & E Activities 5.1.1. The Architect shall provide the City of Denton with assistance including, but not limited to:  Preparation and distribution of bidding packages  Evaluation of construction bids  Answer, compile, and distribute any questions received during the bidding period.  Preparing and distributing Addenda.  Attend Pre-Bid Meeting and prepare minutes. 5.1.2. The Architect shall prepare bidding information which shall include: City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 11 of 13  Invitation to bid  Instructions to bidders  Conditions of the contract  Bidding information for alternates  Form of bid proposal  City of Denton Insurance Requirements 5.2. Deliverables 5.2.1. Approved Construction Document Drawings (blue-lines) and Project Manuals required for bidding. 6. Construction Phase 6.1. A & E Activities 6.1.1. The Architect shall review and approve:  Shop drawings  Materials and samples submittals The Architect shall provide City of Denton with assistance including, but not limited to:  Technical advice for placing building function equipment in operation  Correction of construction drawings  Preparation of needed additional drawings 6.1.2. The Architect shall promptly provide full, complete, and responsive assistance to Contractor requests for drawing and specification clarifications. The Architect shall promptly provide full, complete, and responsive assistance to Contractor’s “request for information.” 6.1.3. The Architect shall provide the necessary drawings and specification changes to meet Owner-approved Change Orders. 6.1.4. Not used. 6.1.5. Not used. 6.1.6. The Architect shall prepare written Punch Lists in every discipline that shall be issued to both Contractor and City of Denton. 6.1.7. The Architect shall be a representative of City of Denton during the Construction Phase, and shall advise and consult with the City of Denton as necessary and use its best effort to assist in the timely and cost-effective completion of the Work. 6.1.8. Not used. 6.1.9. The Architect shall, at all times, have access to the Work wherever it is in preparation or progress. 6.1.10. The Architect shall cause its employees and consultants to be present at the site at all times necessary for the performance of Architect’s obligations hereunder. The Architect’s local authorized representative shall visit the site at intervals not to be exhaustive or continuous, but appropriate to the stage of construction, but not less frequently than twice a week, to City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 12 of 13 become familiar with the progress and quality of the Work and to determine if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Construction Document Drawings and Specifications. On the basis of such on-site observations, the Architect shall keep the City of Denton informed of the progress of the Work and shall endeavor to protect the City of Denton against defect and deficiencies in the Work of the Contractor. The Architect shall attend weekly job site meetings called by the Contractor. 6.1.11. Unless otherwise directed by the City of Denton, (a) the Architect shall be the interpreter of the requirements of the Construction Document Drawings and Specification and the judge of the performance of the Contractor there under, and (b) the Architect shall render interpretations necessary for the proper execution of the Work with reasonable promptness on written request of either the City of Denton or the Contractor and shall render written decisions within a reasonable time on all mater in question relating to the execution or progress of the Work or the interpretation of the Contraction Document Drawings and Specifications. 6.1.12. The Architect shall review Contractor’s submittals such as shop drawings, product data, and samples, but only for conformity to the design concept of the Work and with the information given in Construction Document Drawings and Specifications. Such action shall be taken with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay. The Architect’s approval of a specific time shall not constitute an assembly of which the item is a component. 6.1.13. The Architect shall review proposals and payout request from the Contractor and recommend preparation of Change Orders for City of Denton’s approval and execution in accordance with the Contract for Construction. 6.1.14 The Architect and his consultants shall assist the Contractor in providing initial start-up testing, adjustment and balancing of building system. 6.2. Deliverables 6.2.1. Drawings and specifications as required in Section 6.1.3. 6.2.2. Punch lists as required in Section 6.1.6. 6.3. Miscellaneous 6.3.1. The Construction Phase will begin with the acceptance of a Contractor bid by the City of Denton and will terminate at the Date of Final Completion. 6.3.2. All Change Orders shall be executed as specified in the Agreement between Owner and Architect and the Contract for Construction. 7. Post-Construction Phase 7.1. A & E Activities 7.1.1. During all periods of guarantee of the Work provided for in the Contract of Construction (1 year), the Architect shall provide technical assistance in securing correction of any and all defects and deficiencies covered by guarantees. 7.1.2. Upon final acceptance by the City of Denton of construction of the Work, the Architect shall collect from the Contractor the marked-up Construction Document Drawings and Specifications, coordination drawings, and Change Order Drawings. These shall be incorporated into the final Construction Document electronic files to produce a set of Record Drawings. These Record Drawings shall show the as-built final locations of all City of Denton Development Service Building Project Number 1307 Locust Street Denton, Texas Required Architect/Engineer Services and Deliverables Page 13 of 13 mechanical equipment, utility lines, ducts and outlets as well as any other changes made in the field that affect the operation, maintenance, or ability to reconfigure, remodel, or advantageously use the Work. 7.1.3. Prior to substantial completion the Architect shall collect from the Contractor Operations/Engineers Manuals. 7.2. Deliverables 7.2.1. Record Drawings. 7.2.2. Set of CAD files including layering in AutoCAD format on compact disc or USB drive. 7.2.3. Provide schematic floor plans (8.5” x 11”) showing rooms, corridors, equipment rooms. Plans shall indicate locations of all panels, major equipment, valves and utility connections. * * *