RFP 7177 - SOW Exhibit C - Construction Staking and Survey01 71 23 - 1 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 1 of 4 CITY OF DENTON RFP# 7177 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised September 20, 2018 SECTION 01 71 23 1 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1. Requirements for construction staking to be provided by the Contractor. 6 2. Requirements for coordination with City to allow performance of as-built survey at 7 the Site. 8 B. Deviations from this City of Denton Standard Specification 9 1. None 10 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 11 1. Division 0 – Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 12 2. Division 1 – General Requirements 13 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 14 A. Measurement and Payment 15 1. Construction Staking 16 a. Measurement and Payment 17 1) Work associated with this Item is considered incidental to the various Items 18 bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 19 2. As-Built Survey 20 a. Measurement and Payment 21 1) Work associated with this Item is considered incidental to the various Items 22 bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 23 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 24 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 25 1.5 SUBMITTALS 26 A. Submittals, if required, shall be in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 27 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery. 28 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 29 A. Certificates 30 1. Provide certificate certifying that elevations and locations of improvements are in 31 conformance or non-conformance with requirements of the Contract Documents. 32 a. Certificate must be sealed by a registered professional land surveyor in the 33 State of Texas. 34 B. Field Quality Control Submittals 35 1. Documentation verifying accuracy of field engineering work. 36 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 37 01 71 23 - 2 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 2 of 4 CITY OF DENTON RFP# 7177 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised September 20, 2018 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 2 A. Construction Staking 3 1. Construction staking will be performed by the Contractor. 4 2. Coordination 5 a. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to coordinate staking such that construction 6 activities are not delayed or negatively impacted. 7 3. General 8 a. Contractor is responsible for preserving and maintaining staking. 9 b. If in the opinion of the City, a sufficient number of stakes or markings have 10 been lost, destroyed or disturbed, by Contractor’s neglect, such that the 11 contracted Work cannot take place, then the Contractor will be required to re-12 stake the deficient areas. 13 B. As-built Survey 14 1. As-built Survey will be performed by the City. 15 2. Coordination 16 a. Contractor to verify that control data established in the design survey remains 17 intact. 18 b. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to coordinate As-built Survey such that 19 construction activities are not delayed or negatively impacted. 20 c. Contractor shall coordinate construction operations with City sufficiently in 21 advance and make provisions for City to perform as-built survey on various 22 items indicated in Paragraph B.3.b. 23 d. Contractor shall restore or replace all necessary control data damaged during 24 construction operations. 25 1) Contractor shall perform replacements and/or restorations. 26 3. General 27 a. As-built survey will be performed in order to maintain complete and accurate 28 logs of control and survey work as it progresses for Project Records. 29 b. The Contractor will ensure coordination is maintained with the City to allow 30 performance of as-built survey to obtain construction features including, but not 31 limited to, the following: 32 1) All Utility Lines 33 a) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinates for each manhole or 34 junction structure 35 2) Water Lines 36 a) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates for waterlines at the following 37 locations: 38 (1) Every 250 linear feet 39 (2) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc. (All 40 Fittings) 41 (3) Cathodic protection test stations 42 (4) Sampling stations 43 (5) Meter boxes/vaults (All sizes) 44 (6) Fire lines 45 (7) Fire hydrants and valves 46 (8) Gate valves and Butterfly Valves 47 01 71 23 - 3 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 3 of 4 CITY OF DENTON RFP# 7177 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised September 20, 2018 (9) Plugs, stubouts, dead-end lines 1 (10) Air Release valves (Manhole rim and vent pipe) 2 (11) Blow off valves (Manhole rim and valve lid) 3 (12) Pressure plane valves 4 (13) Cleaning wyes 5 (14) Casing pipe (each end) 6 b) Storm Sewer 7 (1) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates at the following locations: 8 (a) Every 250 linear feet 9 (b) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc. 10 c) Sanitary Sewer 11 (1) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates for sanitary sewer lines at 12 the following locations: 13 (a) Every 250 linear feet 14 (b) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc. 15 (c) Cleanouts 16 c. As-built survey will be performed in order to maintain complete and accurate 17 logs of control and survey work associated with meeting or exceeding the line 18 and grade required by these Specifications. 19 d. The Contractor will ensure coordination is maintained with the City to allow 20 performance of as-built survey and verify control data including, but not limited 21 to, the following: 22 1) Verification that established benchmarks and control are accurate. 23 2) Use of Benchmarks to furnish and maintain all reference lines and grades 24 for tunneling. 25 3) Use of lines and grades to establish the location of the pipe. 26 4) Submit to the City copies of field notes, if requested, used to establish all 27 lines and grades and allow the City to check guidance system setup prior to 28 beginning each tunneling drive. 29 5) Provide access for the City, when requested, to verify the guidance system 30 and the line and grade of the carrier pipe on a daily basis. 31 6) The Contractor remains fully responsible for the accuracy of the work and 32 the correction of it, as required. 33 7) Monitor line and grade continuously during construction. 34 8) Record deviation with respect to design line and grade once at each pipe 35 joint and submit daily records to City. 36 9) If the installation does not meet the specified tolerances, immediately notify 37 the City and correct the installation in accordance with the Contract 38 Documents. 39 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 40 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 41 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 42 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 43 44 45 01 71 23 - 4 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 4 of 4 CITY OF DENTON RFP #7177 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised September 20, 2018 PART 3 - EXECUTION 1 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 2 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 4 3.4 APPLICATION 5 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 6 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 7 3.7 FIELD [OR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL 8 A. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to maintain all stakes and control data in accordance 9 with this Specification. 10 B. Do not change or relocate stakes or control data without approval from the City. 11 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 12 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 13 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 14 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 15 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 16 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 17 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 18 END OF SECTION 19 20 21