7245 Wartsila Gas Engine Emissions Performance Testing SpecificationsIFB 7245 Page 1 of 6 IFB 7245 Technical Specifications Supply of Wärtsilä Gas Engine Emissions Performance Testing A. PURPOSE The City of Denton is providing information to prospective suppliers to enable them to prepare and submit proposals for consideration by the City of Denton for Stack Emissions Performance Testing. The testing will be conducted at the Denton Energy Center located at 8161 Jim Christal Road, Denton TX, 76207. B. SUBMISSIONS Submissions shall be provided in Ionwave, with supporting documentation as required. Additional information clarifying the supplier’s services, testing report content examples, Equipment and Procedure descriptions, similar equipment testing experience, and tester qualifications may be attached to their submission. Pricing shall include all costs to deliver the services as specified in this specification. Any special fees, commissions, rentals and all freight for delivery to perform the services the Denton Energy Center must be included in the quoted price. Item pricing shall be mutually exclusive, thus the City of Denton reserves the right to choose the best valued item from different vendors. C. QUALITY CONTROL The services supplier shall be responsible for the quality and validity of its emissions measurement and reporting procedures through a quality assurance and quality control program to assure that all requirements of these specifications and regulatory compliance stack testing measures are met. D. WRITTEN WARRANTY and GUARANTEES Written guarantees shall include any limitations as to the nature of failure or time limitations. The guarantee shall begin upon receipt of the accepted contract. Guarantees shall indicate whether or not it is made on a full replacement or a prorated basis and if prorated then what are the terms. The respondent must be an approved Emissions testing contractor in the state of Texas and must be authorized to perform the services for the City of Denton. The respondent also guarantees that the City of Denton will be represented by the services supplier, should an issue arise, and that all supplier warranties will be in effect for the life of the contract. IFB 7245 Page 2 of 6 E. SPECIAL DELIVERY and WORK TIME REQUIREMENTS Deliveries and Work Times shall be made between 5:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sunday to Sunday, excluding holidays to Denton Energy Center, 8161 Jim Christal Road, Denton, TX 76207. Service contractor shall provide a detailed schedule along with their bid, defining the hours of the day that tests are to scheduled, as well as showing the turn-around time required between tests. It is preferred that the Service Contractor provide enough personnel to execute three unit emissions tests in one day. The start of the testing is tentatively scheduled for early spring during the testing years, but this date is subject to change based on other plant startup activities. Service Contractor is requested to ensure availability for the month of March 2020 for the first testing interval. Any potential cost additions to ensure this request shall be clearly stated by the Service Contractor as part of their bid. If the Service Contractor is not available for the month of March 2020, the availability in January, February, and April 2020 shall be clearly stated by the Service Contractor as part of their bid. F. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The Work under this specification shall include furnishing all equipment, materials, and services for the Emissions Tests at Denton Energy Center. The Emission Tests are required to satisfy the Emissions Limits of nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter (PM), and ammonia (NH3) for the reciprocating engines, as listed in Table 1. Table 1 Emissions Limits Pollutant Permit Limit, lb/h NSPS, g/hp-h NOx 1.33 1 (82 ppmvd@15% O2) CO 4.96 2 (270 ppmvd@15%O2) VOC 2.07 0.7 (60 ppmvd@15%O2) SO2 0.09 PM (10 and 2.5) 3.17 Ammonia (NH3) 3.17 The Service Contractor shall also be responsible for conducting all necessary supplemental tests that are required for the tests in Table 2. For example, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Methods 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be executed at the same time as the NOx, CO, and VOC tests. The gas samples shall be tested with ASTM D1945 and D3588 in addition to D6667. Two gas samples (one for analysis and the other as a backup) shall be taken each day that an emission test occurs. Table 2 Test Methods and Requirements Pollutant Test Method # Runs, Time/run NOx EPA Method 7E 3, 1 hr CO EPA Method 10 3, 1 hr VOC EPA Method 18/25A 3, 1 hr SO2 ASTM D6667 Daily Sample PM (10 and 2.5) EPA Method 5/202 3, 3 hr Ammonia (NH3) CTM-027 3, 1 hr IFB 7245 Page 3 of 6 F. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Test will be performed on each of twelve (12) engines, with each test conducted at a uniform load for each test. Testing shall not be performed during startup, or malfunction, and all reported emission data for each test shall be averaged per engine. A total of 36 tests shall be performed to meet the minimum requirements of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)/EPA tests. GENERAL TESTING CONDITIONS All emissions testing will be performed at stack platform as shown in the attachments. During all tests, Service Contractor will have access to the plant area applicable to contractor’s scope of work. WORK INCLUDED The work included under these specifications shall include furnishing all equipment, materials, access provisions and services, except those listed to be furnished by the Purchaser; providing all labor, supervision, administration, and management; and supplying all materials, and services necessary to perform the emissions testing for the Denton Energy Center, complete as specified herein and in accordance with the specification documents. Major components of the work under these specifications for emissions testing are as follows: Preparation of testing plan and protocols to include testing procedures and methods, results calculation methods, diagrams of monitoring system, and qualifications and experience of testing personnel (include length of employment with any testing companies identified in resume). The protocol prepared to demonstrate compliance with the air permit shall be prepared in accordance with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requirements and will be submitted to the TCEQ. Comments from TCEQ shall be incorporated into the final protocol. Testing schedule Emissions Stack testing Any required man lifts for testing location access and hoists/clamps to lift or secure testing equipment for emissions testing. Preparation of preliminary summary reports during testing. Preparation of reports documenting the results of the testing, and after incorporating comments from Owner review, submission of the reports to TCEQ/EPA. Equipment and labor to hoist testing equipment to testing locations. Temporary facilities such as air hoses, drop cords for electrical connection to Purchaser’s/Owner’s electrical outlets, etc. Pretest walk-down of facility. IFB 7245 Page 4 of 6 F. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (Continued) The above explanations and listings are intended to give a general definition of the scope of the work under these specifications and shall not be construed to be an itemized listing of each element of work required. The Service Contractor shall be responsible for the complete execution of the work, conforming in all respects to the details and requirements of the specifications, drawings, and other documents. The test shall be conducted using Service Contractor provided test instrumentation. Calibration records, traceable to recognized standards, will be available for all primary test instrumentation as applicable. The calibration records will be included in the final test reports. Post-test calibrations shall be completed, as a minimum, as required by the EPA test procedures, or if there is additional concern about any of the instruments. WORK NOT INCLUDED Work not included under these specifications. The Denton Energy Center will provide the following services to the Service Contractor: Test ports required for testing (platforms not provided). Utilities, including electrical services. Existing plant electrical outlets will be available for use as needed. The outlets are 480V, and the Service Contractor is responsible for necessary transformers to step-down the voltage as their equipment requires. As part of their bid, the Service Contractor shall provide electrical power consumption requirements. Personnel to operate plant equipment. Personnel and equipment to continuously monitor unit operating parameters (i.e., load, temperatures, fuel flow, etc.) and items required to establish required operating conditions. Plant data from the plant instrumentation and from the DCS; Load % Engine Speed (RPM) Output Power (MW) Fuel Flow (lb/hr) Air Manifold Pressure (PSI) Air Manifold Temperature (F) SCHEDULE Service Contractor shall deliver its Work in accordance with the schedule provided. These dates are preliminary and may be adjusted to match actual testing needs. Service Contractor acknowledges that its Work is integral for the operation of the facility and that Service Contractor’s late delivery of Work may affect the commercial operation of the equipment. IFB 7245 Page 5 of 6 F. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (Continued) With Purchaser’s guidance, the Service Contractor shall prepare a test schedule that details the coordination of the various stack performance tests and outlines the following parameters on date(s) of test: time of test, duration, testing task, parameter(s) measured, and support personnel as a minimum. Actual date of tests will vary based on availability. The Service Contractor will be notified as soon as the schedule is determined and prior to mobilization. The test schedule shall be developed to minimize the time the Service Contractor is on the site to the greatest extent possible, including the use of multiple crews and testing trailers. The test program shall be based upon the minimum of at least 12 hour days, including start-of- day set up time, time in between test runs (i.e. while unit is maintaining the same operating load) for sample recovery and changeover for the next run, and end-of-day tear down without incurring any overtime charges. The specific hours may vary but should generally be limited to the hours ranging from 5 AM to 8 PM, with provisions for adequate rest periods between tests. Weekend periods shall be within the normal scope of scheduled testing. The Service Contractor shall assume one mobilization based on testing requirements associated with the testing dates specified and the testing requirements specified herein. The Service Contractor shall calculate how many crews are required to conduct the work in the allotted time. The Service Contractor is to assume their standard time for calibrations and test train changes after each run. The Service Contractor shall be responsible for any extension of test periods beyond the standard times allowed due to any Service Contractor caused delays. All scheduled test periods shall include all required mobilization/demobilization travel time, equipment set up and tear down time. The tests shall be conducted at 100% load and shall be stabilized for at least an hour prior to conducting the emissions tests. TEST CALCULATIONS Test calculations shall be identified in the submitted test protocols. All calculations shall be based on air permit and federal code (e.g. 40 CFR Part 60) requirements and shall use standard industry practice. All needed plant data will be supplied to the Service Contractor and identified as part of the test protocols. DATA COLLECTION Test data shall be logged by the Service Contractor. Data collection shall be automated to the fullest extent practical. At the end of each day, copies of all raw data shall be provided to Denton Energy Center representative. This data shall be provided in an Excel format for easy review. Copies of any preliminary results shall be provided to Purchaser and Owner representative when available (typically within twenty-four (24) hours after test completion). IFB 7245 Page 6 of 6 F. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (Continued) TEST RESULTS The uncertainty analysis shall be submitted to the Owner and shall be equal to or less than the maximum uncertainty allowable in accordance with the test codes. INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION Calibration data of the testing equipment shall be identified in the submitted test protocol. All calibration shall be in accordance with 40 CFR 60. TEST REPORTS Upon completion of the test, the results of a completed stack test will be compiled in accordance with the criteria and test methods per TCEQ and EPA standards.The Service Contractor shall prepare test reports documenting the results for the compliance tests for TCEQ. The test reports will include the following items as minimum. Description of the facility. Final test data summary and calculations including calculations. Instrument calibration data. Date and time of test start and finish. Summary of results. Description of the data reduction methods. Fuel sampling, fuel flow data (one minute data), engine horsepower values throughout the duration of tests (one minute data), air-fuel ratio, engine speed (one minute data), reagent flow rate, oxidation catalyst inlet temperature, catalyst bed pressure drop, and emissions reports in g/hp-hr as well as lb/hr (data to be provided by Purchaser/Owner). All required supporting test data such as original test data, calibration data, calibration gas data, equipment calibration data in accordance with 40CFR60 requirements, etc. Electronic copies of the draft testing protocols and draft test reports that includes method- specific QA/QC procedures ensuring the data is valid shall be submitted to the Purchaser for review. The final test protocols and test reports shall be prepared, and two (2) hard copies and one electronic copy of each shall be submitted to the Denton Energy Center. G. ACCEPTABLE CONTRACTORS DME will only accept submissions from firms that possess Federal and State (Texas) Certifications. H. ATTACHMENTS 1 - General Site Plan 2 - Stack Test Ports