Animal Vet Supply SOW PURPOSE The City of Denton is providing information that will allow prospective suppliers to prepare submissions to supply pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for veterinary and general animal care purposes as requested by the City of Denton Animal Shelter. Orders will be placed as needed over the contract term. The City of Denton currently benefits from a quarterly tiered rebate program from qualified purchases made through the vendor. SUBMISSIONS Additional information clarifying the supplier’s product may be included in the product literature attached to their submission. Pricing shall include all cost to deliver goods as specified in this specification. Any special fees or commissions, and all freight for delivery to the City of Denton shall be included in the quoted price. PRODUCTS All products provided and other items as needed under this contract shall be guaranteed by the Contractor to meet the requirements and standards for veterinary medicine as provided by USP/NF standards and/or as required by the FDA. All products shall be manufactured or compounded, packaged and handled in accordance with the provisions of current Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act regulations. Expiration Dates: All products bearing expiration dates shall be delivered with as long a shelf life as possible. Upon delivery, any product bearing less than a one-year dating may be returned at City of Denton’s discretions for full credit. Orders It is desired that orders may be placed by either online, purchase order, email, phone, fax or taken directly by the Contractor’s sales representative. A purchase order number or a procurement (credit) card shall be accepted by the Contractor at the placement of each other. At the time an order is placed, the Contractor shall provide the product status (i.e., in-stock, backordered, etc.) and the expected delivery date. City of Denton expects delivery within 72 hours of placing the order. If a particular item is out of stock, the Contractor may suggest a substitute item. Substitute items shall be of equivalent quality. The Contractor shall not ship substitute items without the prior approval of the City’s representative placing the order. The City reserves the right to cancel orders without penalty for items that have a delayed delivery date, or that are temporarily out of stock or that fail to arrive by the expected delivery date. The shipping term for all orders shipped under this contract shall be FOB Destination. Unit prices shall include shipping and handling charges. QUALITY CONTROL The distributor shall be responsible for the quality control of the manufacturing processes to assure that all requirements of these specifications are met. However, the City reserves the right to observe, to inspect and to require additional quality control investigations, by its personnel to ensure compliance with the specifications. RETURNS Any products to be returned because of quality problems, duplicate shipments, short-dated or outdated products received, incorrectly ordered product, mis-picked product, damage product, etc., shall be picked up by the Contractor within one week of notification. Product not picked up within thirty (30) days may be disposed of by City of Denton without penalty. At the discretion of City of Denton, returned product may be replaced with like product or credited in the full amount originally charged. In the event of a credit, the Contractor shall issue a written credit memo which indicates the original invoice, the product returned and the amount of the credit. The Contractor shall no impose restocking charges/fees. WRITTEN WARRANTY and GUARANTEES Written guarantees shall include any limitations as to the nature of failure or time limitations. The guarantee shall begin upon receipt of the accepted units, not on the date of manufacture. Guarantees shall indicate whether or not it is made on a full replacement basis or a prorated basis and if prorated then what are the terms. Manufacturer/supplier guarantees that the goods furnished under this specification are of high quality and agrees to replace any goods found to be defective during inspection, installation, or service for a minimum period of 6 months after product is delivered to Denton. All replacements by the manufacturer/supplier shall be free of charge an F.O.B at the same delivery point called for in the original order. Replacements shall be handled in a professional and timely manner and in no case shall a replacement product take longer than 10 days to arrive in Denton after first being submitted for replacement. The respondent shall be an approved distributor by the manufacturer of these products, and is authorized to sell the products to the City of Denton. The respondent also guarantees that the City will be represented by the manufacturer, should an issue arise, and that all manufacturer’s warranties will be in effect for the life of the contract. SPECIAL DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS Deliveries shall be made between 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. All products shall be delivered to City of Denton Animal Shelter located at 3717 N. Elm St., Denton, TX 76209. The shelter staff and veterinary clinic staff shall ensure the accuracy of each delivery. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS City of Denton Animal Services will only accept submissions from specific manufacturers listed in the approved manufacturers list below. [Rescue] – Applies to Section B – item 3 of IFB 0000 Pricing Sheet (Exhibit 1) only. Only the specified brand shall be accepted. [Home Again] – Applies to Section L – item 197 of IFB 000 Pricing Sheet (Exhibit 1) only. Only the specified brand shall be accepted. The remaining sections of the Pricing Sheet may consist of any brand as long as the equivalent product specifications are met. MICROCHIPS (SECTION L OF PRICING SHEET) Approximately 3,500 chips are installed annually. The Home Again microchips need to be suitable for installation in a cat or dog by a Vet Technician or an Animal Control Officer. Each chip shall have a unique number. Each chip shall be capable of being registered by an interested owner with the owner contact information. Each chip shall be capable of broadcasting at 134kHz. The microchips shall be accessible 24 hours, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year. The City requires 24-hour support availability. The City of Denton Animal Shelter shall obtain microchip readers, which are compatible with the microchip offered by the respondent. Each chip shall contain a user-friendly applicator by the Animal Control Officers. KENNEL VETERINARY SUPPLIES (SECTION M OF PRICING SHEET) The supplies listed in this section are intended for use in the general Shelter/Kennel area. The estimated quantities listed in this section are separate from any identical listing in previous sections which are intended for use in the Veterinary Clinic.