Exhibit 1 - Agenda Informaton Sheet-PUBCity of Denton _____________________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET DEPARTMENT: Procurement & Compliance CFO: Antonio Puente, Jr. DATE: September 9, 2019 SUBJECT Consider recommending adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 1 to the contract between the City of Denton and DDM Construction Corporation, for the Bonnie Brae Roundabout; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7027 – Change Order No. 1 in the not-to-exceed amount of $585,310.35 for a total contract award aggregated to $3,490,847.05). IFB INFORMATION/BACKGROUND The North Bonnie Brae Street at Scripture Street Roundabout is part of the overall Bonnie Brae – IH 35E to Scripture project which was included in the City’s 2014 Bond Program. This project is also a capacity and mobility improvement in the City’s Mobility Plan as a secondary arterial. The scope consists of the construction of a four (4) lane divided roadway, including associated storm drain improvements and bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. The original construction contract was awarded on May 21, 2019, to DDM Construction Corporation (“DDM”) in the amount of $2,905,536.70. The changes are comprised of the following:  Relocation of 20”, 16”, and 12” water mains. (This item accounts for the majority of the additional cost, and most of the additional time associated with this Change Order.) Due to the existing water mains being in conflict with the excavation and underground drainage improvements associated with this intersection, it was determined the lines needed to be relocated before the intersection was regraded and paved.  Increased trench depths. DDM incurred additional costs for the water main, sanitary sewer main, and storm sewer installations. Due to ATMOS taking longer than anticipated to relocate their facility, DDM dug the trenches from the existing ground surface, thus involving far deeper trench depths and added cost than had been planned. DDM bid the project using the typical construction sequence which allows for mass excavation first before digging any trenches necessary for these utilities to be installed. Digging these trenches from the existing ground level and not waiting on ATMOS to complete their relocation also allowed the project to stay on schedule.  Extended work hours. In order to condense the construction timeline, City Staff visited many of the local residences in early July to get their feedback on the idea of extended working hours (nights and weekends). The overwhelming response was that the inconvenience of extended working hours would be acceptable if it meant reopening the intersection to traffic significantly earlier. Since that time, the Contractor has regularly worked into the night, and on weekends. City Hall 215 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas www.cityofdenton.com  Substitution of flex-base subgrade instead of lime-stabilized subgrade. This change was made in order to condense the construction time by several weeks, as there is a curing step associated with the lime-stabilized subgrade.  Substitution of high-early strength (HES) concrete. This changed was made in order to condense the construction time by several weeks, as HES concrete needs far less time to cure.  Asbestos abatement and building demolition reduced from 10 to 5. The Bid Form was structured anticipating ten structures would need asbestos abatement and demolition. A subsequent re- alignment of the southern portion of Bonnie Brae Street facilitated only five structures needing to be demolished. The asbestos assessments for each structure was completed subsequent to the award of the construction contract with each structure needing extensive abatement work. Though the work was more extensive than anticipated, the reduction in structures involved allows for a reduction in the contract.  Additional asphalt depth encountered during milling operations. In several areas, the existing asphalt was found to be deeper than what was anticipated based on the boring log reports supplied in the bid documents. This required additional milling and haul-off costs.  Additional traffic control signage. This was needed to prevent the traveling public from using the driveways and drive aisles at 2501 Bonnie Brae St. as cut-throughs.  Delay in storm sewer pipe installation. On two occasions during excavation by DDM, there were underground utilities discovered that were not previously marked when locates were requested. Although the City expedited the identification and resolution of these utilities, DDM’s crew and equipment were delayed.  Miscellaneous quantity increases/reductions from those in the bid form. These are associated with the items listed above.  Reductions associated with the removal of bid items from the contract. These are items not required for the successful completion of this project or are capable of being done by the City. These items combined involve a net increase of $585,310.35 and 60 calendar days being added to the Contract Time for final completion. PRIOR ACTION/VIEW (COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS) On May 21, 2019, Council approved a contract with DDM Construction Corporation in the amount of $2,905,536.70 (Ordinance 19-1054). On September 9, 2019, this item will be presented to the Public Utilities Board for recommendation to the City Council for consideration. RECOMMENDATION Award Change Order No. 1 with DDM Construction Corporation, enabling the City of Denton to proceed with the construction of the Bonnie Brae Roundabout in the amount of $585,310.35, for a total contract award aggregated to $3,490,847.05. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS DDM Construction Corporation Addison, TX ESTIMATED SCHEDULE OF PROJECT The estimated final completion date is January 2020. FISCAL INFORMATION The Bonnie Brae North 4B/Round-a-bout Project is funded from account 250023467.1360.40100 in the amount of $2,905,536.70. Upon Council approval; Purchase Order 189746 to DDM Construction Corporation will be increased by $585,310.35 for a new contract amount of $3,490,847.05. EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Agenda Information Sheet Exhibit 2: Original Ordinance and Contract Exhibit 3: Ordinance and Change Order 1 Respectfully submitted: Lori Hewell, 940-349-7100 Purchasing Manager For information concerning this acquisition, contact: Todd Estes at 940-349-8917. Legal point of contact: Mack Reinwand at 940-349-8333.