7238 Regulatory Advisement Specifications Materials Management Department 901-B Texas Street Denton, Texas 76209 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 7238 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ENERGY MANAGEMENT OFFICE REGULATORY ADVISEMENT SERVICES NIGP CLASS and ITEM 972 47 Issue Date: December 12, 2019 Response due Date and Time (Central Time): Tuesday, January 9, 2020, 11:00am The City highly recommends that respondents do not wait until minutes before the due date and time for submission. It can take significant time for the submissions to reach the City. City of Denton RFQ 7167 for Energy Management Office Advanced Forecasting Model RFQ 7167 - Main Document Page 2 of 5 1. INTRODUCTION In accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 2254, the City of Denton (the City) is requesting submissions to contract with an individual or business with considerable experience in providing the services of this solicitation. The responses shall be submitted to the City of Denton in a sealed submission. The awarded individual or business shall possess a proven track record of providing regulatory advisement services that represent the best value to their clients. The awarded individual or business shall have the ability to accomplish all aspects of the requested services. The selected individual or firm will work and coordinate with DME to provide innovative methods to deal with regulatory challenges that affect the City of Denton’s municipal utility. The scope of service shall be finalized upon the selection of the highest ranked proposer meeting evaluation criteria. 2. SERVICE DESCRIPTION The City is seeking a regulatory advisement services provider that has a proven track record for providing commercially focused regulatory monitoring and reporting, representation, and advisement service for a municipal electric utility in ERCOT. The respondent submission shall accurately describe their understanding of the objectives and scope of all of the requested service. The respondents shall clearly specify their qualifications, experience, resources and capabilities to meet the objectives and scope and provide an outline of how the proposer will meet those requirements. It is anticipated that the scope of service(s) will require, at a minimum, the following: A. Attend, be able and prepared to represent DME interests at ERCOT, PUCT, and Other Meetings (e.g. PUCTx, TX Railroad Commission, ERCOT - various committees, working groups and adhoc meetings - Market rule, regulation and operationally focused industry/coalition/market participant meetings) B. Analyze Proposed Policies and Protocols (eg at ERCOT) and provide reports, recommendations and necessary advisement to the impact for DME and the marketplace. C. Financial and other Regulatory Compliance support eg CFTC, Dodd-Frank, NFA, PUCT, FERC, NERC and Sarbanes-Oxley, GASB, FASB etc. D. Networking, collaboration and cooperation with other interested/impacted entities/parties E. Work with Legal Counsel in support of DME activities F. Work with DME Legislative Consultants G. Market Analysis and written reporting of conclusions, recommendations H. Rate Analysis, Monitoring, and advisement eg TCOS, and to include Energy Services products and services I. Development of Cost Savings Options J. Natural Gas Regulatory Compliance K. Other Services as requested City of Denton RFQ 7167 for Energy Management Office Advanced Forecasting Model RFQ 7167 - Main Document Page 3 of 5 3. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The following minimum requirements must be demonstrated in order for the submission to be considered responsive to the City of Denton. Any submission received, which is determined to not meet these mandatory requirements shall be immediately disqualified and rejected as non-responsive. • Respondent must have at a minimum of 7 to 10 years’ experience advocating for an electric utility at the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (“ERCOT”) and Public Utility Commission of Texas (“PUCT”). • Respondent must within the last 7 years, have Chaired or Vice-Chaired an ERCOT working group or Task Force. • Respondent must within the last 7 years, sponsored or co-sponsored an approved Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR), Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) or Technical Whitepaper. • Respondent must show proof of active participation in ERCOT and its forums. • Respondent must within the last 7 years have prepared PUCT projects, docket filings and provided testimony before the PUCT on behalf of their client(s). • Respondent must provide at least 3 references who can verify and attest to responder’s qualifications to meet the requirements and intended scope of this RFQ. • The responding individual or business must be registered in the State of Texas, or the County of Denton, to provide the products or services required in the solicitation, and the individual or business must have all licensure required by the State to provide any services required under this contact. To learn how to obtain information about filing with the State of Texas, or obtaining copies or certificates from the Secretary of State visit Webpage: http://www.sos.state.tx.us/corp/copies.shtml; Phone 512-463-5578; or email corpcert@sos.state.tx.us. City of Denton RFQ 7167 for Energy Management Office Advanced Forecasting Model RFQ 7167 - Main Document Page 4 of 5 4. CONTRACT TERM Proposers shall submit with the proposal a description of how they will meet the intended requirements. Support services shall be provided for a period of three (3) years. The Contract shall commence upon the issuance of a Notice of Award/Issuance of Purchase Order by the City of Denton. At the sole option of the City of Denton, the Contract may be further extended as needed, not to exceed a total of six (6) months. 5. PRICING This contract is for professional services as defined in the Texas Government Code 2254 and price shall not be solicited. The City will select a firm on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications to perform the services described in this RFQ. Once the most qualified firm is selected, a fair and reasonable price will be set. The professional fees under this contract may not exceed any maximum provided by law. Compensation will be negotiated with the most highly qualified and experienced firm that can meet the requirements of this solicitation. Upon completion of the work, the Professional will provide electronic files, plots, maps, exhibits, field notes, and/or other materials as requested by the City. Payment will be made upon receipt of proposer’s monthly invoice based upon the time and materials used by provider. Pricing shall be based upon a not to exceed price negotiated between DME and provider and the hourly rates agreed to between DME and provider. Accepted negotiated prices must remain firm for the entire contract period, including any periods of extension or renewal. At the time of any renewal or extension of the contract, the city or the supplier may request a price adjustment based upon the economy. All requests for a price adjustment must include detailed documentation and rationale to support the requested adjustment. The party to whom a request for price adjustment is made may, in its sole discretion, accept or reject the request. Any price adjustment must be mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties, and shall be effective for the applicable renewal term. 6. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Sealed qualifications will be accepted in accordance with the minimum qualifications detailed in section 3. The Consultant shall file all documents necessary to support its qualifications and include them in the submittal. Please include at a minimum the following: • A maximum four (4) page narrative as to the firm’s interest, particular abilities and qualifications related to these services. • The location and contact information of your main office where the responder can be reached by DME staff to meet the requirements and service requests. Please identify the number of persons who will perform requested services and the approximate number of employees in that office. • Resumes of key personnel to be assigned to this project with an organizational chart. City of Denton RFQ 7167 for Energy Management Office Advanced Forecasting Model RFQ 7167 - Main Document Page 5 of 5 • A list and general description of qualification for services that the above-mentioned staff has performed that would indicate your firm’s ability to perform the work being considered. At least five (5) examples of services should be included. The list of specific monitoring/advisement shall indicate the professional services necessary to accomplish the requirement, along with your client’s name and phone number. 7. SCHEDULE AND BUDGET COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE Respondents shall provide, if not provided under item 6, above, a detailed description and timeline of services provided to two (2) clients of similar scope to this RFQ. City of Denton RFQ 7167 for Energy Management Office Advanced Forecasting Model RFQ 7167 - Main Document Page 6 of 9