18-1107 Ordinance Executed1I A ... # ' , .... l #. . *; , ..... C ,,.. # `. R . l .. R . .. I R . .. .., ;,.. , ..,, ' , ......, .. . '.. ! . ,. . / C ,': l. !, !: . # ', 1 1 WHEREAS, on March 6, 201$ the City Council approved a pre-qualified engineer list Ordinance 201$-331} and the professianal services provider (the "Provider") mentioned in this ordinance is being selected as the most highly qualified on the basis of its demonstrated competence and qualifications to perform the prapased professional services; and WHEREAS, the fees under the proposed contract are fair, and reasonable, and are consistent with, and not higher than the recommended practices and fees published by the prafessional associations applicable to the Provider's professian, and such fees do not exceed the maximum provided by law; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a professional service contract with Pape-Dawson Engineers, LLC, to provide professional design services for the 2019 Bundle Street Reconstruction Project, a copy af which is attached hereto and incarporated by reference herein. SECTION 2. The City Manager is autharized to expend funds as required by the attached contract. 1- # - - -, _ . ..,, . .. r . . .' • -.' -• # •- • w - •' -! • - -' !, SECTION 4. The findings in the preamble of this ordinance are incorporated herein by reference, mmmONmmS. This ardinance shall became effective immediately upon its passage andSECTI approval. mm... . .. ., and secondd by motion e a rove % a inance was mate ordinance was pa p Y ..............'....... sed and approved by the following vote - : Mayor Chris Watts: Gerard Hudspeth, District 1: Keely G. Briggs, District 2: Don Duff, District 3: John Ryan, District 4: Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5: Nay Abstain Absent Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: " PASSED AND APPROVED this the 2. day of 2018. w t ,._.. , .______ ---- _—. CHRIS 4 I h, ] I' MAYOR ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY N . L.t' ry-µ„, W H',..T y , ..,,. BY; APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY BY: . .