Fort Worth Contract 53316 AssignmentCITY SECRETARY RACTNO. 533N (A CITY OF FORT WORTH ASSIGNMENT For value received, Martin Eagle Oil Company, Inc. ("Assignor"), hereby assigns to U.S. Venture, Inc. ("Assignee"), all of its right, title and interest in and to any and all sums of money now due or to become due from the City of Fort Worth to Assignor under PSK 9263/ CSCO 53316 (the "Contracts") and Assignee agrees to assume and perform all duties and obligations required by Assignor under the terms of the Contracts. This Assignment constitutes the entire agreement between Assignor and Assignee with respect to the subiect matter hereof. No modification of any provision of this Assignment shall be effective unless in writing and signed by Assignor and Assignee. This Assignment shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon Assignor and Assignee and their respective successors and assigns. This Assignment shalt be governed by the terms of the original Contracts between Assignor and various other entities and the City of Fort Worth and the laws of the State of Texas, without application of principles of conflicts of law. This Assignment may be executed in one or more counterparts each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall coustitlrte one and the same instrument. Signed signature pages may be transmitted by facsimile or e-mail, and any such signature shall have the same Iegal effect as an original. Dated the /U day of k4a'"2020. Martin Eagle Oil Company, Inc. Assignor By: f Print: L'%,A-tz j,,J Title: Chief Operating Officer U.S.Venture,Inc. Assignee) By: Print: Lwa Hiseescl- Title: Assi t AF p 2024 FOR ,t tF n,.a f.s- o C9'y JECRETAWI' Fir, WORTH -° Assignment Huge 1 013 NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On the ) Z day of 12 ;??A---_ _ 2020, personally appeared 1i 7&-2'Z ;Awho acknowledged to me that (s)he is the Chief Operating Officer of Nlt ittn Eagle Oil Company, Inc., and that (s)hc executed this document for the purposes and consideration contained herein. Ma By: rtin Itr atn a iy,Inc. Print: Sae*hz 4. t,. vv^t S"I/ Title: Chief Operating Officer SUBSCRIBED TO before me on this day of 1- ,2020. fix'';" ANTOINMDHAMM wYcoMMisNotary Public in and for the State of `%'rocJLILY1NOTARYIDMycommissionExpires: `2 •—%Z:2-—a NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On Ile day of C 2020, personally appeared who acknowledged to me that (s)he is theA , 5 r+r. pf U.S. Venture, Inc., and that (s)he executed this document for the purposes and consideration contained herein. U.S. Venture, Inc. By: Print: Lam' ast1- Title: A50 SUBSCRIBER?TO befo[q pie on this tt10 day of 2020. S.P 0 ARY Iota Public in and For the Sh&te ol'( Owe J, z rly commission Expires: 191 1 J at7a.oPU8 art OFWOFMCCUAL RECORD' CITY SECRETARY FT.1NI0R'TK`; Assiom ent Pugs 2 o f3 CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT The City of Fort Worth consents to the assignment of Martin Eagle Oil Company, Inc. Assignor") to U.S. Venture, Inc. ("Assignee"), of all its rights, title, and obligation owing and all funds due or to become due to Assignor under PSK 9263/CSCO 53316, as long as all terms required of Assignor in said contracts are met by Assignee. CITY OF FORT WORTH 44U L4 2D Dana BurgO—ofVAS-sislit City Manager DATE Cynthia Garcia, Assistant Director—FMS DATE Attested By: 8` Syr ary Ka cit36Wecretary k•,' DATE APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Jo tro g, s is t City Attorney ECk p WOEy Via'; I y'}4,,. Assignment Page 3 of