Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information SheetCity of Denton _____________________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET DEPARTMENT: Procurement & Compliance CM: Antonio Puente, Jr. DATE: January 28, 2020 SUBJECT Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to utilize a contract through the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), Contract #NCT-2016-14, for pavement analysis services; providing the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7224 – awarded to IMS Infrastructure Management Services, LLC, in the not-to-exceed amount of $422,186.05). INFORMATION/BACKGROUND IMS has conducted the last two roadway inspections and evaluations in 2009 and 2014. The proposed 2020 pavement study will also include a survey of pavement markings and provide a striping database. Typically, pavement assessments are performed every 5 to 6 years in order to add new streets and verify the work that has been completed since the last review. The City of Denton currently maintains over 1,400 lane miles of roadway and uses a computer-based Pavement Management System (PMS) to keep the information and run pavement evaluation scenarios from the information previously obtained. These evaluation scenarios allow the City staff to help select the most appropriate treatment for each roadway in the network and to prioritize the required maintenance, repair and reconstruction activities. The agreement, Contract #NCT-2016-14, began 8/2/2016 for an initial three (3) year period ending on December 31, 2019, with three (3) optional one (1) year renewals. The first optional renewal was executed, and the term of the contract was extended through December 30, 2020. Chapter 271.102 of the Local Government Code authorizes local governments to participate in a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or local cooperative organization. In lieu of competitive bidding, items and services may be purchased through such agreements as the agreements have already been bid by the sponsoring entity or agency. The City of Denton is part of an inter-local agreement with NCTCOG and several other cities in the area. By doing this as a cooperative effort, the combined purchasing usage of these entities was utilized to realize competitive pricing and reduced administrative costs of individual bidding. Pricing obtained through NCTCOG contract has been competitively bid and meets the statutory requirements of Texas Local Government Code 271.102. City Hall 215 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas www.cityofdenton.com PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW (Council, Boards, Commissions) On July 17, 2018, Council approved the Interlocal Agreement with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) (Ordinance 18-1074) RECOMMENDATION Award a contract with IMS Infrastructure Management Services, LLC for pavement analysis services in an amount not-to-exceed $422,186.05. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IMS Infrastructure Management Services, LLC Temple, AZ ESTIMATED SCHEDULE OF PROJECT This project will be started upon approval with a completion date within 4 to 6 months. FISCAL INFORMATION These services will be funded from Street Improvement Fund account 285801.6516 and Engineering, Traffic Division, General Fund account 352001.6516. The budgeted amount for this item is $422,186.05. EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Agenda Information Sheet Exhibit 2: Pricing Sheet Exhibit 3: LLC Members Exhibit 4: Ordinance Respectfully submitted: Lori Hewell, 940-349-7100 Purchasing Manager For information concerning this acquisition, contact: Ethan Cox, 940-349-7421. Legal point of contact: Mack Reinwand at 940-349-8333.