Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information SheetCity of Denton _____________________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET DEPARTMENT: Procurement & Compliance CFO: Antonio Puente, Jr. DATE: May 19, 2020 SUBJECT Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Axon Enterprise, Inc., through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract No. DIR-TSO-3561 for the purchase of police in-car camera system (Axon Fleet System) for 100 vehicles including cameras, software, peripherals, routers, maintenance and services; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7313- awarded to Axon Enterprise, Inc., in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $1,422,450). INFORMATION/BACKGROUND The Denton Police Department currently uses the L3 in-car camera system. The department equips each vehicle with a forward-facing camera mounted in the windshield and a rear-facing camera mounted in the rear window of the car. Either camera can be positioned to record an individual in the backseat of the squad car. These cameras upload data wirelessly through proximity access points mounted in the rear of the police department. This data is stored on a local server physically located at the Police Department. Videos that reach a set purge deadline are then archived onto physical blue-ray disc for long-term storage. This system is used in conjunction with a body-worn camera system from Axon. Officers are required to wear the body- worn camera as well as the microphone for the in-car camera. Officers are also responsible to activate both systems during an incident. The Fleet system provides automatic activation features for speed, activation of emergency equipment, and crashes which allows the camera detects for the events like when the door is opened, or light bar is activated and start recording. The Denton Police Department would like to streamline processes and take advantage of cloud-based storage (Evidence.com) option for digital products including evidence. The current L3 system does not offer a cloud-based solution and still relies on DVD archiving. DVDs corrupt over time making it difficult for the department to comply with the video storage requirements of evidence tied to arrests. Statutes require that we maintain video evidence of first-degree felony arrests for 50 years. The current L3 archiving system is inadequate for this. The L3 camera system’s data upload, data search, evidence capture, long-term storage solution is antiquated. Additionally, this system has limited interoperability with other technologies deployed by the department. Uploading data based on proximity to the north lot of the police department is not the most desirable solution. This presents some delays in the officer’s ability to review the file prior to generating a written report. The vehicle must be left running to avoid the camera system shutting down during upload. The data (video) is searchable on a web-based platform. However, the web-based viewer is only available City Hall 215 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas www.cityofdenton.com through the department intranet preventing remote access. The evidence capture presents some issues as well. The evidence is only reviewable either through playback on the web-based portal or using a proprietary player. The evidence can be downloaded for playback without choosing to produce a DVD, but that process is complicated. Generally, playback requires the production of a DVD at some point. The long- term storage options also present some difficulties. The storage solution does not offer categorization options to manage retention periods for videos. This is done through the physical production of a DVD for storage in evidence. Videos not produced for evidence are eventually archived in compressed files on DVDs. There are issues with the corruption of the archived videos. Also, DVDs degrade over time leading to file corruption. Thus, evidence that must be maintained for 10 years by statute for open records (like a video from a DWI) might be corrupted and unavailable for production. This system functions independently from all other technology deployed by the department. It has no capacity to crossover or enhance other systems. The Denton Police Department currently uses Axon for a body-worn camera program. This product solves several issues pointed out above. First, Axon Fleet has interoperability with other technology platforms. Axon Fleet will work in conjunction with our body-worn camera solution. This eliminates the need for officers to wear a separate microphone system for the in-car camera in addition to the body-worn camera. The Axon Fleet system can be triggered to activate by speed, activating emergency equipment, or crashes like the department’s current system. In addition, the Axon Fleet can be activated and start recording when a Taser is turned on when a door is opened, or a light bar is activated. This camera system also has the ability to compare the activity to calls stored in the CAD/RMS system to intuit when videos might be associated with specific calls making locating records easier. The current solution does not offer this capability. Videos captured by Axon Fleet are stored in evidence.com, a cloud-based, secure evidence storage system. This is the current system used for body-worn cameras. Using the same system means that processes are simplified for officers in the field. Evidence.com manages purge cycles and legally required retentions for videos. The data is stored on secured, CJIS compliant servers with multiple back-up systems. Videos can be accessed remotely through web-based platforms that maintain CJIS security. The videos are also viewable in a non-proprietary MP4 format. The system also maintains an audit trail of who accesses evidence, when they did it, and if it was downloaded. Evidence cannot be altered in this system, but it does have a redaction feature that the current solution does not offer. Evidence.com is easy to search and access data on. Evidence can be located by the officer’s name, badge number, camera serial number, date, case number, category, and other criteria. Evidence.com can also manage inventory of equipment deployed and assigned. Axon Fleet also includes the installation of routers in the vehicles deploying the system. This enables continuous remote uploading of videos that do not require proximity to any specific structure or network. This package includes unlimited storage for all video evidence created by the Axon Fleet system. The Department is requesting for expenditure approval for the next five (5) years through 2025 with the base of 100 vehicles and the projected increase of the vehicle fleet and contingency. Axon Fleet requires a 5-year service contract. This contract includes the installation of the Axon Fleet System and a robust warranty for easy replacement of hardware. Pricing obtained through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network has been competitively bid and meets the statutory requirements of Texas Local Government Code 271.102. Description Year 1 (Apr. 20 - Mar. 21) Year 2 (Apr. 21 - Mar. 22) Year 3 (Apr. 22 - Mar. 23) Year 4 (Apr. 23 - Mar. 24) Year 5 (Apr. 24 - Mar. 25) Fleet System for 100 vehicles $365,000 Yearly Maintenance $154,800 $154,800 $154,800 $154,800 Projected new purchases and the replacement based on 5-year expenditure ($4,600/vehicle x 10) + 1,548 x 10 $61,480 $76,960 $92,440 $107,920 Contingency 10% $3,650 $21,628 $23,176 $24,724 $26,272 Total $368,650 $237,908 $254,936 $271,964 $288,992 Contract Total: $1,422,450 PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW (COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS) On January 28, 2020, Council approved the interlocal agreement with the Department of Information Resources Purchasing Network (Ordinance 20-196). RECOMMENDATION Award a contract with Axon Enterprise Inc., for the purchase of Police In-Car Camera System (Axon Fleet System) for 100 vehicles including cameras, software, peripherals, routers, maintenance and services, in a five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $1,422,450. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS Axon Enterprise Inc. Scottsdale, AZ ESTIMATED SCHEDULE OF PROJECT This is a five (5) year contract. FISCAL INFORMATION These products and services will be funded through the Technology Service Public Safety Operating Budget 830700.7804. Requisitions will be entered on an as-needed basis. The budgeted amount for this item is $1,422,450. EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Agenda Information Sheet Exhibit 2: Ordinance and Contract Respectfully submitted: Lori Hewell, 349-7100 Purchasing Manager For information concerning this acquisition, contact: Melissa Kraft, 940-349-7823. Legal point of contact: Mack Reinwand at 940-349-8333.