Addendum No 4 07600 Sheet Metal and Misc Accessories 018014-Fleet07600 -1Sheet Metal and Miscellaneous AccessoriesNelson + Morgan, Architects Service Bay ExpansionNMA 18014 Fleet Services Facility SECTION 07600 SHEET METAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A.Section Includes: 1.Provide flashing and sheet metal components for moisture protection.2.Related accessories. 1.02 DEFINITIONS ACM Asbestos Containing Materials ASCE American Society of Civil EngineersASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials CTEM Coal-Tar Elastomeric MembraneEIPEthylene Interpolymer EPA Environmental Protection AgencyEPDMEthylene Propylene Diene Monomer EPS Expanded PolystyreneEVTEquiviscous Temperatures FM Factory MutualIBCInternational Building Code KEE Ketone Ethylene EsterNDLNo Dollar Limit NESHAP National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air PollutantsNRCANational Roofing Contractors Association OSHA Occupational Safety & Health AdministrationSBSStyrene-Butadiene-Styrene SDI Steel Deck InstituteSMACNASheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A.Product Data:1.Submit shop drawings, product data and mockups of all sheet metal. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A.Comply with governing local, state, and federal regulations, safety standards, and codes. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers in satisfactory use in similar service forfive(5) years. Use experienced installers. Deliver, handle and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B.Reference Standards: Applicable portions of ASCE, SMACNA, ASTM, and NAAMMpublications. NMA Addendum #2 November 13, 2019 07600 -2Sheet Metal and Miscellaneous AccessoriesNelson + Morgan, Architects Service Bay ExpansionNMA 18014 Fleet Services Facility 1.05 WARRANTIES A.Manufacturer's Product Warranty: Submit manufacturer's standard limited product warrantysigned by the manufacturer's authorized official, guaranteeing to correct failures in productwhich may occur during the warranty period, without reducing or otherwise limiting anyother rights to correction which the Owner/Project Consultant may have under the contract documents. Failure is defined to include product failure which leads to interruption of awatertight installation. Correction may include repair or replacement of failed product. B.Contractor's Warranty Period: For roofing flashing and sheet metal, provide a writtenwarranty which shall warrant work to be free of leaks and defects in materials andworkmanship for two (2) years, starting from date of substantial completion. C.Defects of the sheet metal occurring during the warranty period shall be promptly correctedby the contractor, and defects of the roofing shall be promptly corrected by themanufacturer at no additional cost to the Owner. Upon notification from the Owner or theOwner's representative that evidence of a defect exists, the responsible party shallimmediately inform the Owner's representative of the date on which corrective work will be scheduled, and shall notify the Owner's representative when the corrective work has beencompleted. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 SHEET METAL MATERIAL A.Hot-dipped Galvanized Steel for use as counterflashings (where not visible from theground), and expansion joints: Minimum 24-gauge, G-90, hot-dipped galvanized metal,commercial quality, ASTM A 653/A 653M. B.Stainless Steel for use as pitch pans: Minimum 24-gauge, commercial quality,ASTM A 653/A 653M. C.Hot-dipped Galvanized Steel for use as continuous clips: Minimum 22-gauge, G-90,hot-dipped galvanized metal, commercial quality, ASTM A 653/A 653M. D.Prefinished Galvanized Sheet Steel (where visible from the ground): Shall be 24-gauge flatstock, prefinished with Kynar finish meeting ASTM A 446, forty-five and one-half inches toforty-eight inches width by one hundred twenty inches in length (45-1/2"-48" x 120") foruse as new metal edge gravel guard, cover plates, downspouts, gutters, coping andmiscellaneous metal. E.Stainless Steel: QQ-S-766, Class 304 or 316; or ASTM A 167, Type 304 or 316; form andcondition most suitable for the purpose. F.Prefinished Aluminum: Shall be that most suitable for the purpose. G.All existing sheet metal shall be replaced with new metal of like gauge and type, or asspecified on drawings. H.All prefinished metal color shall be as selected by Owner/Architect from manufacturer's fullrange of colors, including metallics. NMA Addendum #2 November 13, 2019 07600 -3Sheet Metal and Miscellaneous AccessoriesNelson + Morgan, Architects Service Bay ExpansionNMA 18014 Fleet Services Facility 2.02 FASTENERS A.Fasteners shall be same metal as flashing/sheet metal, or other non-corrosive metal asrecommended by sheet manufacturer for the specific application. Match finish of exposedheads with material being fastened. B.Fasteners and fastening plates or bars shall be listed in the FM Global Approval Guide. C.Fastener for Brick: Shall be one-fourth inch by two inches (1/4" x 2"), zinc with plated steelor stainless steel nail, one piece unit, flat head. D.Screws: Self-taping sheet metal type with neoprene washer, as appropriate. E.Pop Rivets: Full stainless steel Series 42 or 44, as appropriate. F.Continuous Clip: Concealed hold-down clip type; of same materials as coping, gravelguard, sized to suit application. Use a continuous clip, minimum 22-gauge G-90galvanized. 2.03 RELATED MATERIAL A.Plastic Cement: FS SS-C-153, cutback asphalt type. B.Solder: QQ-S-571 composition best suited for purpose; use high tin content, minimum 60/40, for stainless steel and monel alloy. C.Copper, Sheet, and Strip: QQ-C-576, ASTM B 370, light cold-rolled temper, minimum16ounce. D.Sealant (for Sheet Metal): One-component polyurethane, conforming to requirements of FS TT-S-230C, non-staining and non-bleeding. E.Miscellaneous Materials:1.Downspout Boots: Provide and install cast iron by Neenah Foundry Company, orpre-approved equal.2.Splash Blocks: Concrete, 3000 psi, 28 days. Provide and install with protection pads at all downspouts. Dimensions shall be a minimum eighteen inches wide by thirty-sixinches long (18" x 36").3.Metal Accessories: Provide and install sheet metal clips, straps, anchoring devices,and similar accessory units as required for installation of work, matching orcompatible with material being installed, non-corrosive, size, and gauge required forperformance. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A.Verify roof openings, curbs, pipes, sleeves, ducts or vents through roof are solidly set, cantstrips and reglets in place, substrates are smooth and clean and nailing strips located. B.Verify membrane termination and base flashings are in place, sealed and secure, prior tometal installation. C.Beginning of installation means acceptance of conditions. NMA Addendum #2 November 13, 2019 07600 -4Sheet Metal and Miscellaneous AccessoriesNelson + Morgan, Architects Service Bay ExpansionNMA 18014 Fleet Services Facility 3.02 PREPARATION A.Field measure site conditions prior to fabricating work. Provide all shop drawings andmock-ups one month prior to installation to the Owner/Project Consultant for approval. B.Install starter and edge strips and cleats before starting installation. 3.03 FABRICATION -GENERAL A.Shop-fabricate work to greatest extent possible. Comply with details shown, and withapplicablerequirements of SMACNA "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" and otherrecognized industry practices. Fabricate for waterproof and weather-resistant performance; with expansion provisions for running work, sufficient to permanently prevent leakage,damage or deterioration of the work. Form work to fit substrates. Comply with materialmanufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Form exposed sheet metal workwithout excessive oil-canning, buckling, and tool marks, true to line and levels as indicated,with exposed edges folded back to form hems. B.Fabricate gravel stops/fascia, gutters/downspouts, counterflashings, expansion joints, andcopings with new galvanized sheet metal as specified. Fabricate gravel guard and fasciato size and dimensions as indicated on the drawings. Fabricate light metal coping, guttersand downspouts as indicated. C.Fabricate pitch pans with new stainless steel as specified. D.Form sheet metal on bending brake. E.Form materials with straight lines, sharp angles and smooth curves. F.Fold back edges on concealed side of exposed edge to form hem (1/4" minimum). G.Weld or solder joints on parts that are to be permanently and rigidly assembled. H.Limit single-piece lengths to ten feet (10'). I.Fabricate corner pieces with eighteen inch (18") extensions, mitered and sealed by forming as one piece. J.Where installing flashing directly to masonry or dissimilar materials, backpaint withbituminous paint. K.Install new metal rooftop projections. New rooftop projection details shall be asrecommended in NRCA or SMACNA handbooks. All rooftop projections shall be cleaned,all joints sealed, and painted with a rust inhibitive paint. L.All sheet metal shall be sealed and watertight. M.Metal work should be secured so as to prevent damage from buckling or wind. Where clipsare shown, fabricate as detailed. N.All metal to receive bitumen or adhesive shall be first primed with asphalt primer. O.All prefinished metal shall be sanded and/or abraded prior to receiving primer. NMA Addendum #2 November 13, 2019 07600 -5Sheet Metal and Miscellaneous AccessoriesNelson + Morgan, Architects Service Bay ExpansionNMA 18014 Fleet Services Facility P.Separations: Provide for separation of metal from non-compatible metal or corrosivesubstrates by coating concealed surfaces at locations of contact, with bituminous coating orother permanent separation as recommended by manufacturer/fabricator. Q.Bed flanges of work in a thick coat of bituminous roofing cement where required forwaterproof performance. 3.04 INSTALLATION A.General: All sheet metal termination to vertical wall shall have a through-wall with receiverinstalled on masonry walls or prefabricated "Z" bar flashing pre-installed to fluid applied wallfinished prior to installation of sheet metal termination. This applies to edge metal, base flashing closures and all vertical surface intersections. Refer to NRCA, SMACNA, andmetal manufacturer's guidelines. B.Gravel Guard/Fascia:1.Shall be installed with expansion joints, ten feet (10') on center, one-fourth inch (1/4")expansion leeway, with a cover plate. 2.Form sections identical to profiles as shown or approved similar, to match existingbuilding.3.Fabricate corner pieces with minimum eighteen inch (18"), maximum forty-eightinch(48")extensions, formed and sealed with rivets and sealant, as one piece.4.Hem exposed edges one-half inch (1/2") minimum.5.Backpaint flashing in contact with masonry or dissimilar materials with bituminous paint. Surface sand before applying primers.6.Integrate flashing in a manner consistent with detailing.7.Provide and install continuous clip, minimum 22 gauge.8.Apply sealant at horizontal juncture of gravel guard metal to exterior vertical wall.9.Shall be fabricated in accordance with published details.10.Install bead of sealant at metal edge juncture at exterior wall surface. C.Coping:1.Install new pre-manufactured metal coping for a permanent watertight installation.2.All coping shall be pre-manufactured to includelow profile standing metal seamto meet ANSI/SPRI ES-1 requirements. 3.Shall be minimum 24-gauge prefinished Kynar installed in ten foot (10') sectionsmaximum.4.Vertical fascia shall extend minimum two and one-half inches (2-1/2") or be minimumone and one-half inches (1-1/2") below bottom of nailer, whichever is greater.5.Fabricate corner pieces with minimum eighteen inch (18"), maximum forty-eightinch(48") extensions, formed and sealed with rivets and sealant, as one piece.6.Hem exposed edges one-fourth inch (1/4") minimum.7.Provide and install continuous clip, minimum 22-gauge.8.Shall be fabricated in accordance with published details. D.Expansion Joint Field and at Wall:1.Shall be as outlined by details, and be in full compliance with these specifications.2.Lock seams and end joints.3.Fabricate corner pieces with minimum eighteen inch (18"), maximum forty-eightinch(48") extensions, formed and sealed with rivets and sealant, as one piece.4.Hem exposed edges one-fourth inch (1/4") minimum.5.Backpaint flashing in contact with masonry or dissimilar materials with bituminouspaint. Surface sand before applying primers.6.Integrate flashing in a manner consistent with detailing. NMA Addendum #2 November 13, 2019 07600 -6Sheet Metal and Miscellaneous AccessoriesNelson + Morgan, Architects Service Bay ExpansionNMA 18014 Fleet Services Facility 7.Provide and install continuous clip, minimum 22-gauge or one gauge thicker thanflashing.8.Shall be fabricated in accordance with published details. E.Counterflashing:1.Provide and install new two-piece sheet metal counterflashing as required for a permanent watertight installation.2.Saw cut brick mortar joint to receive friction fit reglet and removable counterflashingas detailed in SMACNA 7th Edition Figure 4-4D. F.Gutter and Downspout:1.Fabrication: a)Fabricate gutter and downspout of profile and size to match existing and asindicated.b)Field measure site conditions prior to fabricating work.c)Fabricate with required connection pieces.d)Fabricate section square, true, and accurate in size, in maximum possiblelengths and free of distortion or defects detrimental to appearance or performance.e)Hem exposed edges of metal.f)Form and seal all metal joints; provide for expansion joints per SMACNA.2.Installation:a)Install collector head, downspout, and accessories.b)Join lengths with seams pop riveted and sealed watertight. Flash and seal collector head to downspouts and accessories.c)Seal all metal joints watertight for full metal surface contact.d)Collector Head: SMACNA style profile; submit detail for approval.e)Downspouts: Rectangular profile. Seal all joints, six inches by six inches(6"x 6") minimum or as shown on published details.f)Support Brackets, Joint Fasteners: Profiled to suit gutters and downspouts. g)Anchorage Devices: SMACNA requirements. Type recommended by fabricator.h)Collector Head Supports –Kynar.i)Downspout Support Straps –Kynar. G.Overflow Scupper, Collector Head and Downspout:1.Fabrication: a)Fabricate overflow scupper, collector head and downspout of profile and sizeindicated, taking care that the roof drain leader fits properly into the back of thecollector head. Seal the pipe to the collector head for watertightness.b)Field measure site conditions prior to fabricating work.c)Fabricate with required connection pieces.d)Fabricate section square, true, and accurate in size, in maximum possiblelengths and free of distortion or defects detrimental to appearance orperformance.e)Hem exposed edges of metal.f)Form and seal all metal joints; provide for expansion joints per SMACNA.2.Installation:a)Install collector head, downspout,and accessories.b)Join lengths with seams pop riveted and sealed watertight. Flash and sealcollector head to downspouts and accessories.c)Seal all metal joints watertight for full metal surface contact.d)Collector Head: SMACNA style profile; submit detail for approval.e)Downspouts: Rectangular profile. Seal all joints, six inches by sixinches(6"x 6") minimum or as shown on published details.f)Support Brackets, Joint Fasteners: Profiled to suit gutters and downspouts. NMA Addendum #2 November 13, 2019 07600 -7Sheet Metal and Miscellaneous AccessoriesNelson + Morgan, Architects Service Bay ExpansionNMA 18014 Fleet Services Facility g)Anchorage Devices: SMACNA requirements. Type recommended by fabricator.h)Collector Head Supports –Kynar.i)Downspout Support Straps –Kynar. H.Pitch Pans –Stainless Steel:1.Install pitch pans of 24-gauge stainless steel according to NRCA standards,minimum of six inches by six inches (6"x 6").2.Pitch pans shall be fabricated to minimum of four inches (4") above the finished roofmembrane. Seams of pitch pans shall be soldered inside and out.3.Mastic shall be applied under pitch pan flange a minimum of one-half pound (1/2#)per linear foot.4.All metal flanges shall be primed with asphalt primer prior to flashing installation. Inside of pitch pan shall be cleaned and primed.5.All projections enclosed in pitch pans shall be cleaned in any manner suitable andcoated with a rust inhibitive coating as approved by the Owner/Project Consultant.Coating shall be allowed to dry prior to pitch pan fill.6.Base of pitch pans shall be filled around penetration with M-1 sealant. Sprinkle modbit granules over sealant 1/4" deep. 7.Top finish fill shall be coal-tar urethane, with maximum fill to within three-eighths inch(3/8") of top of pitch pan sides.8.Strip metal flange of pitch pan with one strip of Type IV fiberglass felt set in hotbitumen extending from the outer edge of the flange a minimum of three inches (3")inward to base of pitch pan.9.Strip in fiberglass felt with 60 mil coal-tar elastomeric membrane (CTEM) flashing set in hot asphalt extending from the outer edge of the Type IV fiberglass underlaymenta minimum of three inches (3") inward to the base of the pitch pan. I.Bonnets/Hoods:1.Fabricate and install above all pitch pans, where necessary, or reinstall as applicable,metal bonnets over all pitch pans, NO EXCEPTIONS. 2.Bonnets/Hoods shall be manufactured with metal compatible with metal to whichbonnet is to be attached.3.On beams and other steel, weld in place bonnets fabricated from one-fourth inch(1/4") steel plate.4.Draw band bonnets fabricated from 22-gauge galvanized steel may be used oncircular projections. 3.05 FINISH A.Backpaint concealed metal surfaces with bituminous paint where expected to be in contactwith cementitious materials or dissimilar metals. Exposed surfaces to be provided with afactory applied fluorocarbon Kynar finish meeting ASTM A 446 and AAMA specification605.2 for high performance coating. B.New 24-gauge hot-dipped galvanized metal shall be painted on all locations visible from theground with an industrial grade paint as selected by Project Manager/Architect frommanufacturer's full range of colors, including metallics. Galvanized metal surface must beproperly prepared by removing all oil, grease, and/or protective mill coatings by solventcleaning surface in accordance with SSPC-SP1, and according to paint manufacturer'srecommendation, to ensure proper adhesion of paint to metal. END OF SECTION 07600 NMA Addendum #2 November 13, 2019