Addendum No. 4 -01210 Allowances 18014 -Fleet01210- 1 Allowances- Addendum #2 Nelson + Morgan, Architects Service Bay Expansion NMA 18014 Fleet Services Facility SECTION 01210 ALLOWANCES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY 1. Contract, Division 1 - General Requirements, and the Drawings are collectively applicable to this Section. 2. Section Includes: a. Schedule of monetary amounts of allowances in Contract Sum for designated products or services. b. Costs in Contract Sum other than in Allowances. c. Procedures for administration of Allowances. 1.2 SCHEDULE OF ALLOWANCES 1. Materials Testing Services: Provide a lump sum amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for the services of an Owner selected materials testing lab to provide the code required and project required materials testing services. 1.3 COSTS INCLUDED IN ALLOWANCES 1. Cost of product to Contractor or subcontractor, less applicable trade discounts. 2. Delivery to site. 3. Labor required under allowance, only when labor is specified to be included. 4. Applicable taxes. 1.4 CONTRACTOR COSTS INCLUDED IN CONTRACT SUM 1. Products handling at site, including unloading, uncrating, and storage. 2. Protection of products from elements and from damage. 3. Labor for installation and finishing, except when installation is specified as part of allowance. 4. Other expenses required to complete installation. 5. Contractor overhead and profit. 1.5 ADJUSTMENT OF COSTS 1. Should the net cost be more or less than the specified amount of the allowance, the Contract Sum will be adjusted accordingly by Change Order. 2. Submit claims for anticipated additional costs at the site, or other expenses caused by the selection under the allowance, prior to execution of the Work. 3. Submit documentation for actual additional costs at the site, or other expenses caused by the selection under the allowance, prior to execution of the work. 4. Failure to submit claims within the designated time will constitute a waiver of claims for additional costs. 1.6 ARCHITECT RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Consult with Contractor in consideration of products, suppliers, and installers. 2. Select products, obtain Owner's written decision, and transmit full information to Contractor as follows: NMA Addendum #2 November 13, 2019 01210- 2 Allowances- Addendum #2 Nelson + Morgan, Architects Service Bay Expansion NMA 18014 Fleet Services Facility a. Manufacturer, product, model or catalog number, accessories, attachments, and finishes. b. Supplier and installer as applicable. c. Cost to Contractor, delivered to site, and installed, if so specified. 1.7 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Assist Architect in determining suppliers and installers; obtain proposals when requested. 2. Make recommendations for Architect consideration. 3. Promptly notify Architect of any reasonable objections against supplier or installer. 4. On notification of selection, execute purchase agreement with designated supplier and installer. 5. Arrange for and process shop drawings, product data, and samples. 6. Arrange for delivery. Promptly inspect products upon delivery for completeness, damage, and defects. Submit claims for transportation damage. 7. Install, adjust, and finish products. 8. Provide warranties for products and installation. 1.8 CORRELATION WITH CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS 1. Schedule shop drawings, product data, samples, and delivery dates, in Progress Schedule for products selected under allowances. PART 2 PRODUCTS and PART 3 EXECUTION Not Used END OF SECTION NMA Addendum #2 November 13, 2019