20-1165 - 7383 - Amendment 1 Ordinance ExecutedORDINANCENO.20-1165 AN ORDINANCE OFTHECITY OFDENTON, TEXAS, A TEXAS HOME-RULE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION,AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO APROFESSIONALSERVICESAGREEMENTBETWEENTHE CITY OF DENTONAND RIZIKON, iNC., AMENDING THE CONTRACT APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER ON MAY 20,2020,IN THENOT-TO-EXCEEDAMOUNT OF$90,000,SAIDFIRSTAMENDMENT TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL ON-SITE SAFETY SERVICES;PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS THEREFOR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (FILE7383– PROVIDINGFORAN ADDITIONAL FIRSTAMENDMENT EXPENDITUREAMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $50,000,FOR A TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $140,000) WHEREAS, on May 20,2020, theCity Manager awardedacontract to Rizikon, Inc. in the amount of $90,000to provide additional on-site safetyservices;and WHEREAS, Section252.022 of the Local Government Codeprovides thatprocurement of itemsthat are only availablefrom one source,including, items that are only available from one source because of patents, copyrights, secret processes or natural monopolies; films, manuscripts or books; electricity, gas,water andotherutility purchases;captive replacement partsor components for equipment;andlibrary materialsfor apublic library thatareavailableonly from the personsholding exclusive distribution rights to the materials; and neednot be submitted to competitive bids; and WHEREAS, the additional fees under the proposed First Amendment arefair andreasonable and are consistent with and not higher than the recommended practices and fees applicable to the Provider’sprofessionand suchfees do not exceedthe maximum provided by law; NOW, THEREFORE, THECOUNCILOFTHECITY OFDENTONHEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. TheFirst Amendment, increasingtheamount of thecontractbetweenthe City andRizikon Inc.,whichis on file in theoffice of the PurchasingAgent,in theamountof Fifty Thousandand00/100Dollars ($50,000),is herebyapprovedandthe expenditureof fundstherefor is hereby authorized in accordancewith said amendment. The total contract amount increasesto $ 140,000. SECTION2 Thisordinanceshallbecomeeffectiveimmediatelyuponits passageand approval The motion,to approve this _ordinancewasa(3secondedbyfollowingvote[b_-a] : madebytheordin; andMhZ4db #-was passeadd approvedbythe Aye .// LZ./ Nay Abstain Absent MayorChrisWatts: GerardHudspeth,District1: KeelyG. Briggs,District 2: JesseDavis.District3: JohnRyan,District 4: DebAmlintor,AtLargePlace5: PaulMeltzer,At LargePlace6: j£Z PASSEDANDAPPROVEDthisthe 2020 ,/ZCHRIS WATTS.Mm IMat_IIfWATTEST: ROSARIOS,CITY SECRETARY T42 A,Ib:_Jen APPROVEDASTOLEGALFORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY BY ec