City of Denton Sidewalks Scope and Fee SubmittalEXHIBIT A SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS The following is the scope of services presented by Dannenbaum Engineering Company – Dallas, LLC (Engineer) to the City of Denton (City) for the survey and design of nineteen sidewalk sections. The nineteen sections of sidewalk are outlined below: Sidewalk Street Side Limits Length (ft) 1 Austin St. East McKinney to Oak St. 340 2 McKinney St. South Driveway west of Oakland to Austin St. 480 3 Parkway South Elm to Locust 350 4 McKinney St. South Oakland intersection to approx 100' west 110 5 Londonberry Ln. South Teasley (FM 2181) to Westminster St. 800 6 Pockrus Page North Post Oak to Swisher Rd. 890 7 Frame St. East McKinney St. to Paisley St. 1490 8 Bell Ave. East North of Driftwood Trail across drainage channel 80 9 McKinney St. North Bell Place to Frame St. 750 10 McKinney St. South Railroad St. to Denton County Courthouse (gaps) 2990 11 Loop 288 East DCTA Rail line to Brinker Rd. 1885 12 Oak St. Corner Corner of Oak St. and Crawford St. at St. James AME Church 110 13 Egan St. North Missing link between Malone St. and Bryan St. 240 14 Bernard St. West Parvin St. to Willowwood St. 2020 15 Nottingham Dr. West Emerson Ln. to Churchill Dr. 390 16 Old North Rd. East University Dr. to Windsor Dr. 3230 17 Old North Rd. West University Dr. to Windsor Dr. 3230 18 University Dr. South Nolen Cir. To Old North Rd. 900 General Project Understanding The Engineer will be provide engineering services for the design/construction plan set of sidewalks for nineteen locations in the City of Denton outlined in the table above. Engineering services will consist of design survey for the areas listed above and the construction plan set required for the sidewalks to be constructed. SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES I. Topographic Survey – Survey will horizontally and vertically locate visible surface features within the projects described above and being more specifically detailed below. a. Main project area cross sections and/or mapping will be field collected generally at 50’ intervals and at all breaks in grade producing 1’ interval contours for a width bounded by the center of the adjoining roadway to the near ROW line. The mapping swath will be a minimum of 25’ wide at all times. b. Project crossing side streets, alleys, and drainage ways will be surveyed an additional 50’ in each direction beyond the main project swath. Crossing alignments will be surveyed for a width that properly covers each crossing feature. c. The Surveyor will coordinate with the project Engineer/Owner to obtain right-of-entry (ROE) for surveying on this project. These services will be provided on the Surveyor’s behalf prior to beginning survey operations. d. Prior to commencing any topographic fieldwork, the Surveyor will submit a utility locate request for the project limits. e. Surveyor will locate and tie visible franchise utilities (Gas, Telephone/FOC, Electric, Cable, etc.) and associated appurtenances including but not limited to: power poles, guy anchors, manholes, meters, valves, test stations, vaults, handholds, pull boxes, pedestals, controllers, etc. If available, we will denote size, material type, pressure rating, line voltage and utility owner as applicable. f. Surveyor will locate and tie visible public utilities (water, wastewater, storm sewer, and telephone/fiber) and associated appurtenances including but not limited to: manholes, cleanouts, meters, services, isolation valves, blowoffs, fire hydrants, inlets, junction boxes, headwalls, wingwalls, riprap aprons and all other appurtenances. Our survey will denote size, material type and flow direction as applicable. We will locate top of operating nut elevations for visible utility valves. Accessible utility manholes will be detailed identifying: structure size, material type, rim elevations, measure downs and corresponding flow line and top of pipe elevations for visible pipe wall penetrations. Upstream and downstream sanitary and storm sewer rim and invert data will be shown. g. Surveyor will provide location, height and material type for fences located within the project limits. Provide the location and material type for retaining walls and provide top and bottom of wall elevations along its length at grade changes. h. Surveyor will locate and tie existing ROW, property lines and easements, including type, size, volume and page, where applicable. Survey will show lot, block, abstract number, adjacent street names and property address. City and County boundaries will be shown where applicable. Property owner and business names will be shown on the survey. i. Roadways, driveways, alleys and sidewalks will be located and identified on the survey. Existing width and composition of improved surfaces will be shown on the survey. Existing lane striping, pedestrian crossing striping and signage will be identified on the survey. Traffic signal bases, mast arms and control boxes will be shown on the survey. j. Surveyor will locate and tie top, toe and flow lines of existing swales, channels and creeks with the project limits. Survey will locate headwall and wingwalls and denote number, size, material type, flow line and top of pipe elevation for culvert conduit(s). k. Surveyor will locate trees 4” or larger in diameter, shrubs and landscaping features and provide identification notes accordingly. We attempt to provide tree species and caliper as measured approximately four feet off the ground. Major tree and brush lines will be delineated on the survey. Existing visible irrigation structures and planters will be located on this survey. II. Engineering and Design Services a. Project Management and Coordination i. The Engineer will provide general project management and coordination with the following entities; The City of Denton, TxDOT, stakeholders and related sub-consultants for survey and design. ii. Engineer will document that project has conformed to all AASHTO and TDLR guidelines. iii. Engineer will perform investigation to obtain all associated plans for design areas. b. Development and Design Services i. Engineer will provide necessary field investigation of the sites as required for project development. ii. Develop horizontal alignment/layout of proposed sidewalks. iii. Develop cross sections and grading plans as needed for sidewalks and grading of adjacent area to tie to existing ground. iv. Engineer will provide the design for the extension of two culverts along the project utilizing TxDOT standards. v. Provide sequence of work and traffic control plan (TxDOT standards) and narrative. vi. Provide Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) following City of Denton procedures. vii. Provide retaining wall layouts (where applicable) and design utilizing TxDOT standard retaining walls. viii. Provide summary sheets and quantity estimate. ix. Provide all standard design sheets applicable to project. In the absence of City of Denton standards the Engineer shall use TxDOT with approval of the City. x. Coordinate with franchise utilities on project design. Transmit Plans Adequate for Utility Relocation (PAUR) at 60% level to all franchise utilities. xi. Provide detailed Engineers opinion of probable cost. xii. Assemble Project Specification Manual with contract, bid schedule, and specs from City of Denton as applicable. xiii. Engineer will provide the City with 30%, 60%, 90% and final submittals. Engineer will produce comment matrix detailing comment, acceptance, response and resolution. Engineer will address all comments from each submittal milestone. xiv. 30%, 60%, 90% submittals will all be paper copies. Final submittal to the City will be paper. Final submittal and record drawings will be submitted to the City as full size mylar. xv. All design will be performed in Microstation and Open Roads as applicable. ADDITIONAL SERVICES AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CITY OF DENTON I. Provide services as outlined below for the sidewalk project. a. Sub surface utility engineering (SUE) not to exceed as outlined in the fee estimate. b. Up to 15 easement documents for the construction of sidewalks. DEC PS&E SERVICES SUMMARY TOTALS Hrs Fee Hrs Fee Hrs Fee Hrs Fee Hrs Fee Project Management 87 13,874.25$ 13,874.25$ Roadway 324 47,114.70$ 47,114.70$ H&H and Drainage 115 16,834.16$ 16,834.16$ Utilities 36 5,492.31$ 5,492.31$ SWPPP 23 3,403.85$ 3,403.85$ Survey - Spooner and Associates 77,962.50$ 77,962.50$ SUE - Level B - Rios Group 18,000.00$ 18,000.00$ DIRECT EXPENSES - DEC 1,158.20$ 1,158.20$ -$ -$ Total 585 87,877.47$ 0 77,962.50$ 0 18,000.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 183,839.97$ Percent Participation 47.80%42.41%9.79%0.00%0.00%100.00% % PARTICIPATION = NON-DBE 87,877.47$ 47.80% DBE 95,962.50$ 52.20% TOTAL 183,839.97$ 100.00% Dannenbaum Engineering Company Dallas - LLC GRAND TOTAL SUMMARY DEC PS&E SERVICES SUMMARY Develop PS&E for Construction of Sidewalks Construction of Sidewalks Total Construction of Sidewalks PS&E Services =$183,839.97 PRIME SUB - DBE SUB - DBE Function Codes Dannenbaum Engineering Company Dallas - LLC Spooner and Associates Rios Group 1 OF 7 Total Task Labor Hrs.Cost 0 MANAGE WORK AUTHORIZATIONS (PS&E DEVELOPMENT) (INCLUDING RECORD KEEPING, FILING, ADMINISTRATION, ETC) AND OVERALL QA/QC: 0 SCHEDULE & ATTEND WORK AUTHORIZATION DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS 2 2 4 $ 721.06 0 PREPARATION OF INVOICES AND PROGRESS REPORTS (TOTAL = 6 EA)3 5 8 $ 954.26 0 SCHEDULE & ATTEND PRE-DESIGN MEETING (TOTAL= 1 )2 2 1 5 $ 785.24 0 SCHEDULE, ATTEND COMMENT REVIEW MEETINGS - (3, 30% / 60% / 95%)4 4 4 12 $ 1,698.84 0 RESEARCH / REVIEW EXISTING PLANS & DATA 1 1 $ 149.41 0 CONDUCT PROJECT SITE VISIT (1 SITE VISIT)2 2 4 $ 721.06 0 COORDINATION WITH CITY OF DENTON 3 8 11 $ 1,828.64 0 COORDINATION WITH TXDOT 1 4 5 $ 808.76 0 COORDINATION WITH SPOONER AND ASSOCIATES - SURVEY 1 4 5 $ 808.76 0 PREPARE - OVERALL 30% SUBMITTAL ( 1 SUBMITTAL)2 2 $ 298.82 0 PREPARE - OVERALL 60% SUBMITTAL ( 1 SUBMITTAL)2 2 $ 298.82 0 PREPARE - OVERALL 95% SUBMITTAL ( 1 SUBMITTAL)2 2 $ 298.82 0 PREPARE - OVERALL 100% SUBMITTAL ( 1 SUBMITTAL)2 2 $ 298.82 0 QC/QA - OVERALL 30% SUBMITTAL ( 1 SUBMITTAL)2 2 4 $ 721.06 0 QC/QA - OVERALL 60% SUBMITTAL ( 1 SUBMITTAL)2 2 4 $ 721.06 0 QC/QA - OVERALL 95% SUBMITTAL ( 1 SUBMITTAL)2 2 4 $ 721.06 0 QC/QA - OVERALL 100% SUBMITTAL ( 1 SUBMITTAL)2 2 4 $ 721.06 0 ORGANIZE AND DOWNLOAD ELECTRONIC FILE DELIVERABLES 1 1 $ 149.41 0 DEVELOP ROADWAY DESIGN CRITERIA 1 1 $ 149.41 Denton, Texas Dannenbaum Engineering Company Dallas - LLC MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE DEC BASIC PS&E SERVICES Develop PS&E for the Construction of Sidewalks Senior Structural Engineer Project Engineer PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PS&E SERVICES) (6 MONTHS) Sr. Engineer Tech Admin / ClericalPrincipalProject Manager Senior EngineerNO. OF DWGS SHEET BASIC SERVICES DESCRIPTION 2 OF 7 Total Task Labor Hrs.Cost Denton, Texas Dannenbaum Engineering Company Dallas - LLC MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE DEC BASIC PS&E SERVICES Develop PS&E for the Construction of Sidewalks Senior Structural Engineer Project Engineer PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PS&E SERVICES) (6 MONTHS) Sr. Engineer Tech Admin / ClericalPrincipalProject Manager Senior EngineerNO. OF DWGS SHEET BASIC SERVICES DESCRIPTION 1 DEVELOP PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 1 2 3 $ 509.94 1 PREPARE SPECIFICATION BOOK 1 2 3 $ 509.94 SUB-TOTAL - PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PS&E SERVICES) (6 MONTHS)0 28 0 0 49 0 10 87 13,874.25$ 1 1 TITLE SHEET 1 3 4 $ 568.39 1 2-2 INDEX OF SHEETS 1 4 5 $ 708.05 5 3-7 EXISTING TYPICAL SECTIONS 2 2 4 $ 578.14 5 8-12 PROP TYPICAL SECTIONS 2 6 8 $ 1,136.78 1 13-13 GENERAL NOTES & SPECIFICATION DATA 1 1 4 6 $ 919.17 0 14-13 PREPARE CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE (30% / 60% / 95% / FINAL)1 2 4 7 $ 1,068.58 1 14-14 SUMMARY OF REMOVAL ITEMS 3 8 11 $ 1,565.51 1 15-15 SUMMARY OF ROADWAY QUANTITIES 2 6 8 $ 1,136.78 1 16-16 SUMMARY OF SW3P (EROSION CONTROL)1 3 4 $ 568.39 1 17-17 SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION NARRATIVE 1 4 8 13 $ 1,926.04 16 18-33 STANDARDS 1 2 3 $ 428.73 1 34-34 SURVEY CONTROL LAYOUT(INCLUDE BENCHMARK DATA SHEETS)1 2 3 $ 428.73 4 35-38 HORIZONTAL CONTROL SHEETS 1 3 4 $ 568.39 12 39-50 REMOVAL PLAN (1:100 - DOUBLE BANKED)3 12 15 $ 2,124.15 17 51-67 SIDEWALK PLAN (1:100)1 16 60 77 $ 10,981.28 5 68-72 DRIVEWAY LAYOUTS 6 16 22 $ 3,131.02 2 73-74 DRIVEWAY DETAILS 2 10 12 $ 1,695.42 ROADWAY 3 OF 7 Total Task Labor Hrs.Cost Denton, Texas Dannenbaum Engineering Company Dallas - LLC MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE DEC BASIC PS&E SERVICES Develop PS&E for the Construction of Sidewalks Senior Structural Engineer Project Engineer PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PS&E SERVICES) (6 MONTHS) Sr. Engineer Tech Admin / ClericalPrincipalProject Manager Senior EngineerNO. OF DWGS SHEET BASIC SERVICES DESCRIPTION 2 75-76 RAIL DETAILS 2 8 10 $ 1,416.10 2 77-78 CUVLERT STRUCTURAL DETAILS 4 4 8 16 $ 2,676.32 10 79-88 RETAINING WALL LAYOUTS 1 1 6 24 32 $ 4,699.77 2 89-90 RETAINING WALL DETAILS 1 1 6 16 24 $ 3,582.49 0 91-90 COORDINATION WITH CITY ON TREE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT 2 4 6 $ 857.46 3 91-93 MISCELLANEOUS ROADWAY DETAILS 5 8 13 $ 1,864.33 6 94-99 PRELIMINARY CROSS SECTIONS (50 FOOT INCREMENTS ON 11x17 SHEETS @ 3 SECTIONS / SHEET)1 4 12 17 $ 2,484.68 66 SUB-TOTAL - ROADWAY 0 7 0 6 78 233 0 324 47,114.70$ 0 100-99 DATA COLLECTION/REVIEW DATA 1 $ 149.41 0 100-99 MODEL EXISTING CONDITIONS 2 12 $ 1,974.74 0 100-99 MODEL PROPOSED CONDITIONS 4 12 $ 2,273.56 5 100-104 PREPARE LARGE AND SMALL DRAINAGE AREA MAPS:4 4 $ 1,156.28 2 105-106 HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 6 2 $ 1,175.78 2 107-108 HYDRAULIC COMPUTATIONS SHEETS 4 4 $ 1,156.28 2 109-110 INLET MODIFICATIONS 4 10 $ 1,994.24 4 111-114 CULVERT P & P SHEETS 4 8 16 $ 4,391.24 2 115-116 PREPARE MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS 4 12 $ 2,273.56 12 117-128 STANDARDS 1 1 $ 289.07 29 SUB-TOTAL - H&H AND DRAINAGE 0 0 0 4 38 73 0 115 16,834.16$ H&H AND DRAINAGE UTILITIES 4 OF 7 Total Task Labor Hrs.Cost Denton, Texas Dannenbaum Engineering Company Dallas - LLC MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE DEC BASIC PS&E SERVICES Develop PS&E for the Construction of Sidewalks Senior Structural Engineer Project Engineer PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PS&E SERVICES) (6 MONTHS) Sr. Engineer Tech Admin / ClericalPrincipalProject Manager Senior EngineerNO. OF DWGS SHEET BASIC SERVICES DESCRIPTION 10 129-138 PREPARE EXISTING UTILITY LAYOUTS FROM SURVEY DATA (1:100)(DOUBLE BANKED) - LEVEL B 1 4 8 $ 1,926.04 0 139-138 ATTEND UTILITY COORDINATION MEETINGS (2 MEETINGS)4 4 8 $ 2,559.40 0 139-138 UTILITY COORDINATION 3 4 $ 1,006.87 10 SUB-TOTAL - UTILITIES 0 5 0 0 11 20 0 36 5,492.31$ 0 139-138 PREPARE SW3P 1 1 4 6 $ 919.17 1 139-139 EPIC 1 2 3 $ 428.73 10 140-149 SW3P LAYOUTS (LINE DIAGRAMS)1 2 5 8 $ 1,208.24 1 150-150 MISCELLANEOUS SW3P DETAILS 1 4 5 $ 708.05 4 151-154 STANDARDS 1 1 $ 139.66 16 SUB-TOTAL - SW3P 0 2 0 0 5 16 0 23 3,403.85$ HOURS SUB-TOTALS 0 42 0 10 181 342 10 585 LABOR RATE PER HOUR 298.82$ 211.12$ 159.15$ 240.35$ 149.41$ 139.66$ 64.18$ DIRECT LABOR COSTS -$ 8,867.04$ -$ 2,403.50$ 27,043.21$ 47,763.72$ 641.80$ 86,719.27$ TOTAL -$ 8,867.04$ -$ 2,403.50$ 27,043.21$ 47,763.72$ 641.80$ 86,719.27$ PERCENT LABOR UTILIZATION FOR TOTAL PROJECT (BASED ON FEE)0.00%10.22%0.00%2.77%31.18%55.08%0.74%100.00% PERCENT LABOR UTILIZATION FOR TOTAL PROJECT (BASED ON MANHOURS)0.00%7.18%0.00%1.71%30.94%58.46%1.71%100.00% 138 GRAND TOTAL 0 42 0 10 181 342 10 585 86,719.27$ $ 1,158.20 $ 95,962.50 $ - $ 183,839.97 GRAND TOTAL - PHASE III SERVICES (DIRECT EXPENSES, BASIC, SPECIAL AND SUB CONSULTANT SERVICES) SW3P TOTAL DANNENBAUM DIRECT EXPENSES (FROM BELOW) SUBTOTAL BASIC SERVICES SUB CONSULTANTS (FROM BELOW) SUBTOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES (FROM BELOW) 5 OF 7 Total Task Labor Hrs.Cost Denton, Texas Dannenbaum Engineering Company Dallas - LLC MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE DEC BASIC PS&E SERVICES Develop PS&E for the Construction of Sidewalks Senior Structural Engineer Project Engineer PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PS&E SERVICES) (6 MONTHS) Sr. Engineer Tech Admin / ClericalPrincipalProject Manager Senior EngineerNO. OF DWGS SHEET BASIC SERVICES DESCRIPTION DIRECT EXPENSES FC 160 No. of Submittals Copies per Submittal Unit Fixed Mileage Rate Miles Per Trip Number of Trips Photocopies B/W (11 X 17) each $0.20 - (137.5 drawings X 4 copies/submittal X 8 submittals)4.00 8.00 880.00$ -$ -$ MILEAGE mile 0.535 65 8 278.20$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,158.20$ SPOONER AND ASSOCIATES - SURVEY - INCLUDES 15 EASEMENTS @ $895/EA RIOS GROUP - LEVEL B SUE - AS NEEDED (NOT TO EXCEED) TOTAL ENGINEERING (CONSULTANT) - BASIC SERVICES TOTAL ENGINEERING (SUBCONSULTANT) - SPECIAL SERVICES 18,000.00$ 77,962.50$ TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES BASIC SERVICES (SUBCONSULTANT) 95,962.50$ SPECIAL SERVICES (SUBCONSULTANT) -$ 6 OF 7 Total Task Labor Hrs.Cost Denton, Texas Dannenbaum Engineering Company Dallas - LLC MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE DEC BASIC PS&E SERVICES Develop PS&E for the Construction of Sidewalks Senior Structural Engineer Project Engineer PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PS&E SERVICES) (6 MONTHS) Sr. Engineer Tech Admin / ClericalPrincipalProject Manager Senior EngineerNO. OF DWGS SHEET BASIC SERVICES DESCRIPTION ASSUMPTIONS 1. EASEMENTS WILL BE PRODUCED AS NEEDED TO A TOTAL OF 15. 2 NO PUBLIC WORKSHOP HELD / NO ADVERTISEMENTS 3 NO COORDINATION / ATTENDANCE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS 4 NO GEOTECHINICAL PERFORMED. 5 UTILITY COORDINATION WILL ONLY INCLUDE COORDINATION WITH ENTITIES AND ATTENDING COORDINATION MEETINGS (2 MEETINGS) 6 PROJECT WILL NOT INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING DESIGN / SHEETS: PROJECT LAYOUT, TCP GENERAL NOTES, TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN WILL UTILIZE TXDOT STANDARDS, HORIZONTAL PLAN DESIGN OF SIDEWALKS (NO VERTICAL WILL BE PROVIDED), REMOVAL PLANS, DRIVEWAY LAYOUTS WHERE APPLICABLE, SW3P LINE DIAGRAM LAYOUTS. 7. ITEMS NOT SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED IN THE FEE ESTIMATE WILL BE EXCLUDED. SPECIAL SERVICES 1 2 2 7 OF 7