7461 - CM Approval Executed - Deluxe Inn Docusign City Manager Approval Transmittal Coversheet File Name Purchasing Contact Piggy Back Option Contract Expiration                  Revised 6/11 Request for City Manager Approval of Purchase DATE: 8/13/2020 Questions concerning this acquisition may be directed DEPARTMENT: Materials Management to Randee Klingele 940-349-8206 CFO: David Gaines SUBJECT Hotel for Emergency Shelter during COVID-19. Dollar amount: $500,000 BID/FILE INFORMATION Bid file number: 7481 Temporary shelter for persons experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 57 rooms, total amount covers March through October 2020. We have currently expended $245,775 since March 2020. RECOMMENDATION Recommend issuing an amount of $500,000 to fund hotel for emergency shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS Patel and Patel General Partnership dba Deluxe Inn Denton, TX ESTIMATED SCHEDULE OF PROJECT Start Date: March 2020 Estimated Completion Date: October 2020 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR Randee Klingele, Treasury Manager Request for City Manager Approval FISCAL INFORMATION OR Number: 146307 PO Number: 193037 Operating Budget: 160099.7808 4176A          Revised 6/11 Page 2 Deluxe Inn Attachment 1: Ordinance 20-1255 Requested by: Name: Randee Klingele Phone 940-349-8206 Requisition# 146307 Respectfully submitted: Purchasing Expenditure Approved: __________________________ City Manager or Designate __________________________ Date           ORDiNANCE NO.20-1255 AN ORDINANCEOF THE CITY OF DENTON, A TEXAS HOME–RULEMUNICIPAL CORPORATION,CONFIRMING THE EFFECTIVEPERIOD OF THE DECLARED STATE OF LOCAL DISASTER;SUPERSEDINGAND REPLACINGTHE SIXTH ORDER OF COUNCILOF THE CITY OF DENTON ISSUEDJUNE 23, 2020 APPROVEDBY ORDINANCE20-1199TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSAND GUIDANCE, INCLUDINGREQUIRINGCERTAIN BUSINESSESTO IMPLEMENT A HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY; CONFIRMINGTHE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS; PROVIDING A REPEALERCLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, beginningin December2019, a novel coronavirus, now designated SARS- CoV2 which causesthe diseaseCOVID-19, has spread throughout the world and has now been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization; and WHEREAS, symptomsof COVID-19 include fever, coughing,and shortnessof breath, andin somecasesthe virus has causeddeath; and WHEREAS, the number of known casesof COVID-19 diagnosed in the State of Texas is currentlyincreasingdaily;and WHEREAS, extraordinary measuresmust be taken to contain COVID-19 and prevent its spreadthroughout the City of Denton and Denton County, including the limitation of community gatheringsandrequiringindividuals,groupsof individuals, or propertyto besubjectto additional measuresthat prevent or control the spreadof disease;and WHEREAS, the StateOffice of Court Administration, in consultationwith the Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeals,andRegional Judges,hasprovided guidancerecommending postponement of all non-essential court proceedings, minimizing staff,and taking all other appropriate measuresto prevent the spreadof disease; and WHEREAS, theMayor of theCity of Denton determinedthat extraordinary measuresmust betaken by temporarily limiting the number of personsallowed to convene in a single location; temporarilyclosing City buildings, facilities, and limiting certain usesthereoCtemporarily postponingall non-essentialmunicipal court proceedings;providing resourcesto preventeviction due to COVID-19 impact; and temporarily suspendingall City utility shut-offs to residential customers; and WHEREAS,onMarch 13,2020,theMayor executeda “Declarationof Local Disasterfor Public Health Emergency”and an“Order of the Mayor of the City of Denton” pursuantto the Declaration; and WHEREAS, finding it in the bestinterestof the citizens of Denton, onMarch 17,2020, the City Council, through OrdinanceNo. 20-721, extendedtheDeclaration of Emergency through April 30, 2020 and issuedan Order of the Council of the City of Denton, attached thereto asExhibit “C,” including the authorizationto expendno more than Five Hundred Fifty ThousandDollars          ($550,000.00)during this period to proceedwith the necessaryemergencyresponsesandessential functions not alreadybudgeted;and WHEREAS, City of Denton Codeof OrdinancesSection 9-54(b) provides for penalties for violation of proclamations of emergencyandany rule, regulation, or order issuedpursuant to such proclamation andChapter 9 of the City of Denton Code of Ordinances;and WHEREAS,informationaboutCOVID-19 continuesto evolve andmeasuresmustbe takento respondto the latest information available; and WHEREAS,following updatedinformation onthespreadof COVID-19, theCity Council amendedthe Order of Council onMarch 20, 2020; and WHEREAS, asCOVID- 19continued to spreadthroughout theCity andCounty of Denton, theMayor issuedaSecondDeclaration of Local Disaster on March 24, 2020, andan“Order of the Mayor of theCity of Denton”pursuantto the SecondDeclaration,extendingmeasuresin an attemptto slow the spreadof the disease;and WHEREAS,GovernorGregAbbott issuedExecutiveOrderGA-14on March 31, 2020, further limiting public gatheringsanddefining which “essential services” wereto continue during the declared state-wide emergency; and WHEREAS,GA-14 expresslypreemptedlocal ordinances,declarations,and orders inconflictwithit; and WHEREAS, in compliance and to be consistent with GA- 14, the City Council passeda SecondOrderof Council on April 6, 2020, supersedingand replacing the prior ordersof Council; and WHEREAS, Governor Abbott issued Executive Order GA-16 on April 17, 2020, supersedingGA-14, allowingretail storesto reopenundercertainconditionsandusingcertain procedures; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 2020, Governor Abbott issued Executive Order GA-18,further orderingthat peopleminimize socialgatheringsand in-personcontact with peoplenot in the same household except where necessaryto obtain essential or reopened services, and still expressly preemptinglocal ordinances,declarations,andorders in conflict with his orders; and WHEREAS, on April 28, 2020,Denton County issueda new DisasterDeclarationand ExecutiveOrderof the DentonCountyCommissionersCourt,which extendedthe emergency declarationthroughMay 15,2020 andincorporatedthe provisionsof GA-18 and the social distancing guidelines promulgated by the Centers for Disease Control; and WHEREAS, on April 30, 2020, the City Council in compliance andto be consistent with the Governor’sExecutiveOrdersand the County Orders,extendedthe effectivenessof the Declaration of Local Disaster until 11:59 p.m. May 31, 2020 and thereafter as any subsequent proclamation renews the Texas Governor’s disaster proclamation; and          WHEREAS, onMay 5,2020, the City Council in compliance andto beconsistent with the Governor’s Executive OrdersandtheCounty Orders, extendedthe effectivenessof the Declaration of Local Disaster until 11:59 p.m. May 3 1,2020; and WHEREAS, on May 29, 2020, the City Council in compliance with and to be consistent with the Governor’s Orders,extendedthe effectiveness of the Declaration of Local Disaster until 11:59 p.m. June 30, 2020; and WHEREAS, on June3, 2020, Governor Abbott issued Executive Order GA-26, ordering that peopleshould not be in groups larger than ten and should maintain a distanceof six feet of social distancing from thosenot in their group, and still expressly preempting local ordinances, declarations,andordersin conflictwith his orders;and WHEREAS,on June23, 2020, Governor Abbott amendedExecutive Order GA-26, permitting countyjudges and mayorsto place additional restrictionson outdoor gatherings estimatedto consistof 100peopleor more; and WHEREAS, GovernorAbbott hasindicated that local governmentsmay require businesses to develop Health and Safetypolicies; and WHEREAS,onJune26,2020,GovernorAbbott issuedExecutiveOrderGA-28, ordering that certainbusinessesreturn to 50 percentof occupancy limits andprohibiting certain gatherings andvisiting bars;and WHEREAS,theCity Council finds that it is in thebestinterestof thecitizens of the City of Denton to supersede and replace the Sixth Order of the Council of the City of Denton dated June26, 2020,confirming certainprevious orders, andproviding additional requirements and guidance;NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OFDENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The facts, circumstances, and recitations contained in the preamble of this Ordinance are found and declaredto be true and correct, and are incorporated herein by reference asif fully setoutherein. SECTION 2. Pursuantto Section 418.108, Texas Government Code, and Section9-27, City of Denton Codeof Ordinances,Council confirms the effective period of Declaration of Local Disasterexecutedby the Mayor on March 13,2020 until 11:59p.m. on August 3 1,2020 and shall be further extendedto the samedateas any proclamation by the Governor of the State of Texas renewingthe original March 13,2020 COVID-19 proclamation in the interestof public health and safetyin an attemptto preventthe spreadof COVID-19, unlessfurtherextended,revised,or terminatedbylaw. SECTION 3. The Council hereby adopts the Seventh Order of Council, dated June 26, 2020, attached hereto asExhibit “A.” SECTION4. It is Council’s intent that this Ordinanceandthe Orderof Council attached heretosupersedeand replacethe prior Ordersof Council, passedMarch 17, 2020 through          Ordinance 20-420, March 20, 2020 through Ordinance 20-740, April 6, 2020 through Ordinance 20-812, April 30 through Ordinance 20-873, May 5 through Ordinance 20-923, May 29 through Ordinance 20-980, and June 23 through Ordinance 20-1199. To the extent those prior Orders conflict with the Orderherein passed,they arerepealed. SECTION5. TheCity Council confirms theexpenditureauthority asfurther specified in Exhibit “A,” including the authoritypreviously grantedto the City Managerto executean Amendmentwith theUnited Way of Denton County Inc. regarding funds previously budgeted forthe Barriers Fund. „TV;EITP/;,Jh,'/=;::,“'”TiEhE='"=',==er=Ifheitfi’£€£=::vote [J -d']: NIe NJa, L// Abstain Absent Chris Watts,Mayor: GerardHudspeth,District1:,// KeelyG.Briggs,District 2: JesseDavis,District3: ,// -£ b/ J£ JohnRyan,District4: DebArmintor,AtLargePlace5: PaulMeltzer, At Large Place 6: J£ PASSED AND APPROVED thi,the a% &day of ATTEST: ROSARIOS,CITY SECRETARY 1\\ 1111111 APPROVEDAS TO LEGAL FORM AARON L, CITY ATTO          EXHIBITA DEON SEVENTH ORDER OF THE COUNCILOFTHECITYOFDENTON DATE ISSUED: JUNE 26,2020 Summary: The virus that causes2019 CoronavirusDisease(COVID-19) is easily transmitted through personto personcontact,especially in group settings,and it is essentialthat the spreadof the virus be slowed to protect the ability of public and private health careproviders to handle the influx of newpatientsandsafeguardpublic healthandsafety. Asthenumberof positivecasesof COVID- 19continueto increasein the City of Denton, thereis animmediate needto undertake the following measuresdescribedin this Order. This Order supersedesandreplacesthe Sixth Order of the City Council adoptedon Tuesday,June23, 2020 (Ordinance No. 20-1199). PURSUANTTO THE PRIORDECLARATION EXTENDEDBY COUNCIL ONJUNE 23,2020AND THE AUTHORITYIN SECTION9-22OF THE DENTONCODE OF ORDINANCESAND SECTION418.108OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, THECOUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF DENTONHEREBY ORDERS: 1. This Orderpertainingto a Declarationof Local Disasterfor PublicHealth Emergency, originally enactedby the Mayor on March 13, 2020and extendedby Council putsuantto ordinance,supersedesandreplacestheprior Orders of the Mayor and of Council. The Order shall take effect at 11:59p.m. on June26, 2020 and continue through 11:59p.m. on August 31,2020. 2 Effective asof 11:59p.m. on June26, 2020: a.It isrecommendedthat all individuals currently living within theCity of Denton stayat home or their currentplace of residence.For the purposesof this Order, residences include hotels,motels. sharedrentals.and similar facilities. To the extentindividuals are using sharedor outdoor spaces,they must at all times asreasonablyaspossible maintain social distancingof at leastsix feet from any other non-householdmemberwhen theyareoutsidetheir residence. b.All businessesoperatingwithin the City of Denton shall abideby theregulations set out in GubernatorialExecutive Order GA-28, signed by Governor Abbott on June 26, 2020, and as may be further amended. The restrictionsand prohibitions of GA-28 are incorporated herein by reference asif setout fully herein. To the greatestextent possible, all business establishments shall comply with the Social Distancing Guidelines promulgated by the United StatesCenters for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC) and Texas DSHS, including maintaining six-foot social distancing for both employees and the generalpublic. C.All elective medical, surgical, anddentalproceduresshall comply with therequirements of Gubernatorial Executive Order GA- 19,asmay beamended.          3. This Order hereby authorizesthe useof all lawfully available enforcement tools found in Denton City Code,Chapter 9 (Emergency Management), statelaws and gubernatorial orders, orfederallaws. 4. This Order establishes aspolicy in accordance with City of Denton Code of Ordinances 2- 28 the authority of the city managerto create standardoperating procedures and administrative directivesasnecessaryduring the duration of the Declarationof Local Disasterassociatedwith this Order,andany extensionsthereof,to protect the safetyof employeesandthepublic, including adopting proceduresand directives related to personnel, or to open, close, or otherwise alter the operationof facilitiesorservicesof theCity of Denton. 5. Effective as of 11:59p.m. on June26, 2020 (“Effective Date”) andcontinuing until 11:59 p.m. on August 4, 2020, unlessextended,modified, or terminatedearly: a.From the Effective Date of this Order, all commercial andnon-profit entities in the City of Denton providing goodsor servicesdirectly to the public must develop and implement a healthandsafetypolicy (“Policy”) within five (5) calendardays. The Policy must require, at aminimum,thatall employeesandvisitors to theentity’s businesspremisesor other facilities wear facecoveringsthat cover the noseand mouth when in an area or while performing anactivity which will necessarilyinvolve close contactor proximity to co- workers or the public. The Policy may allow individuals with an operational need to remove aface covering solong as suchoperational needsarespecifically addressedin the Policy. The Policy may also include the implementationof other mitigating measures designed to control and reduce the transmission of COVID-19 such astemperature checks or health screenings. The Policy must be postedconspicuously at or near all entrancesof anycommercialor non-profit entity in the City of Dentonin clearview of any employees or membersof the public entering the business. The requirement of a face covering does not apply if covering the noseandmouth posesa significant mental or physical health risk to the individual. If possible,aface shield is recommendedto be worn in the event a face covering cannotbe safely worn. The requirement of a face covering also does not apply whenan individual is consuminga food or beverageor receivinga servicewhere the wearing of aface covering would impair the performance of the service. b. Outdoor gatheringsin excessof 100people areprohibited unlessspecifically permitted by GA-28 C.In all public areasnot subjectto paragraph5a, all people 10yearsor older are strongly urgedto weara face covering over their nose and mouth where it is difficult to keep six feetawayfrom otherpeopleor working in areasthatinvolve proximity with coworkers. The CDC advisesface coverings for people 2 yearsor older. Facecoverings may include homemademasks,scarves,bandanas,or a handkerchief. City of Denton residents should continue to maintain social distancing of at least six feet while outside their home. d. Violationsof Paragraph5a may be enforcedby Dentonpolice officers,building enforcementofficers, zoning compliance officers, or community improvement services officers. Violationsof Paragraph5amaybeenforcedin accordancewith city ordinance. Page2 of 5          6. Pursuantto Section 9-22 of the Code of Ordinances, the following measuresarealso hereby ordered continued as set forth herein: a. All City Committee, Commission, and Board meetings aresuspendedthrough the term of this order, with the following exceptions: 1. 11. 111. IV. ThePlanningandZoning Commissionshall meetno morethantwice per month; The Public Utilities Board shall meetno more than twice permonth; The Civil ServiceCommission shall meet asneeded;and Otherboardsand commissionsshallmeetonly asnecessaryto considertime- sensitiveitemscritical for the continuedoperationof the City andprovision of servicesto thepublic. b. City Council meetings shall be rescheduled asposted and may be conducted in accordance withalternatemeasuresaspermittedbylaw; c. Only electronic purchasingsubmissionsshall beaccepted; d. TheCity Manageror his designeeis authorizedto makeapplicationfor local, state,and federal assistanceasnecessaryand/or applicable; e. TheCity Manageror his designeeisauthorizedto accepton behalfof theCity services, gifts, grants,equipment,supplies,and/or materials whether from private, nonprofit, or governmentsources; f. The City Manageror his designeeis authorizedto terminateor suspendany eventthat is or may negatively impact the health, safety, andwelfare of personswithin the City; g. The City Manager is authorized to approve individual purchasesandsign contracts up to $500,000.00 for general expenditures already budgeted or authorized by Section 7(k) ofthis Order; h.All City of Denton utility non-payment shut offs aresuspendeduntil 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2020 and no penalties for non-payment of utilities under Ordinances 19-2140, 19-2136, 19-2137, 19-2138, or 18-1494 shall accrue during the time period between March 13, 2020 and June30, 2020, but non-payment shut offs and penalties for non-payment of utilities may occur beginning July 1,2020; and 1.The City Manager is given authority to expend thosepreviously budgetedfunds of up to $100,000.00asfunding to the United Way of Denton County to assistindividuals and families living in the City of Denton, who haveexperiencedincomeor job loss directly resultingfrom COVID-19, in eviction avoidance; Page3 of 5          J.The City Manager is authorized to expend no more than One Million One Hundred Fifty ThousandDollars ($1,150,000.00)total, including previously authorized funds, from the generalfund reservebalance during this period to proceed with the necessaryemergency responsesand essentialfunctionsnot already budgeted,which includes the previouslyauthorized. k. The City Manager is authorized to expend no more than the previously authorized Fifty ThousandDollars ($50,000.00) from the customer servicefund reservebalanceduring this period to increaseutility assistancefunding for FY 2019-2020 to One Hundred Seventy- Five Thousand Dollars ($175,000.00). 1.All non-essentialin-personcourt proceedingsin the Municipal CourtNo.1of the City of Denton arepostponed. All suchproceedingswill berescheduledfollowing the term of this Order. Courtproceedingsthat may be conducted remotely may beheld at their scheduled time or rescheduledduring theterm of this orderif suchproceedinghas alreadybeen postponed. No fine, penalty, or punishment shall issueagainsta party becauseof the postponementorderedherein or by prior Order of Council. Municipal Court No. 1 shall continue to hear all proceedingsdeemed essential by the state Office of Court Administration, including searchand arrest warrant requests,arraignments,criminal magistrationproceedings,and requestsfor temporary restraining orders All court proceedingsin the Municipal Court No. 1 of the City of Denton shall comply with the guidance andrequirementspromulgated by the stateOffice of Court Administration. In- person proceedingswill recommenceasprovided by the Office of Court Administration andapprovedby the Regional Judge. m. Due to increaseddemandfor householdproducts and groceriesresulting from stock up buying andindividuals who purchasefor resale,retail suppliersshall usecommon sense rationing of householdproducts andgroceriesthat arein limited supply. n. For businessestablishmentsthathavemore than fifty-one percent(51%)of their gross receipts from the saleof alcoholic beverages,the City Manager is authorized to take the following actions: 1. 2. 3. Temporarily extendCity-issuedfood establishmentpermit expirationuntil July 31, 2020without penaltyfor thosesetto expire prior to that date; Proratethe City food establishmentpermit feesfor the currentyear from twelve (12) months down to seven(7) months; and Where suchan establishmenthas already paid its permit fee for twelve (12)months, reimbursesaidestablishmentanamount to reflect aproratedseven(7) month rate. o. The Parks and Recreation ReopeningPlan (“Park Plan”) and Public Library Reopening Plan(“Library Plan”) previously adoptedshall continue asadopted. 7. Copiesof this Order shall bepromptly provided to theCity Secretaryfor filing andposting on the City’s websiteand in otherconspicuousplaces. Page4 of 5          IT IS SOORDERED PURSUANTTO ORDINANCE NO,20- 1255 Page5 of 5          Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 96C0CFA6D4D144D0ADDDB752258BAB75 Status: Completed Subject: City Manager Approval Docusign Item 7461 Deluxe Inn Source Envelope: Document Pages: 12 Signatures: 2 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 5 Initials: 0 Erica Garcia AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 erica.garcia@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 8/13/2020 6:57:58 PM Holder: Erica Garcia erica.garcia@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Erica Garcia erica.garcia@cityofdenton.com Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 8/13/2020 9:48:05 PM Viewed: 8/13/2020 9:48:12 PM Signed: 8/13/2020 9:50:22 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 8/13/2020 9:50:24 PM Viewed: 8/14/2020 8:06:27 AM Signed: 8/14/2020 8:06:47 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Todd Hileman todd.hileman@cityofdenton.com City Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 8/14/2020 8:06:49 AM Viewed: 8/14/2020 8:21:36 AM Signed: 8/14/2020 8:21:42 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 7/25/2017 11:02:14 AM ID: 57619fbf-2aec-4b1f-805d-6bd7d9966f21 In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Randee Klingele Randee.Klingele@cityofdenton.com Sr Treasury Analyst City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 8/14/2020 8:21:43 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 8/14/2020 8:21:44 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 8/14/2020 8:21:44 AM Certified Delivered Security Checked 8/14/2020 8:21:44 AM Signing Complete Security Checked 8/14/2020 8:21:44 AM Completed Security Checked 8/14/2020 8:21:44 AM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, City of Denton (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. 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