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inch Water Supply Line COMPREHENSIVE CONDITION ASSESSMENT Prepared for: City of Denton Prepared by: Pure Technologies U.S. Inc. 2310 McDaniel Drive Carrollton, TX 75006 May 13, 2020 EXHIBIT B           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Pure Technologies U.S. Inc. .............................................................................................................. 1 Project Background ....................................................................................................................... 3 Project Approach – “Assess & Address” ......................................................................................... 4 Project Phases ............................................................................................................................... 5 Phase 1 - Site Reconnaissance and Project Planning ............................................................................. 5 Phase 2 - High-Frequency Pressure Monitoring .................................................................................... 5 Phase 3 - Identifying/locating Leak(s) and Gas Pocket(s) ...................................................................... 6 Phase 4 – Direct Measurement of Structural Integrity using Electromagnetic (EM) Inspection ......... 11 Phase 5 – Design Check & Pipe Performance Risk Curve(s) ................................................................. 16 Phase 6 - Report and Pipe-by-Pipe GIS Deliverable ............................................................................. 19 Phase 7 – Field Verification/Validation, Forensic Investigation and Report (if needed) ...................... 20 Assessing the 27-inch Raw Water Supply Line ................................................................................ 22 City of Denton Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 22 Fee Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 23 Attachment A: Conditions of Engagement ..................................................................................... 26           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 1 IIntroduction Pure Technologies U.S. Inc. (Pure Technologies) presents the following Scope of Services and associated fee schedule to conduct a comprehensive condition assessment of the City of Denton’s 27-inch Water Supply Line. The raw water supply line runs approximately 8.5 miles from Lake Lewisville north to the Denton Water Treatment Plant. The 27-inch water supply line is a bar wrapped pipe (BWP) material manufactured and installed in 1955. This document presents Pure Technologies’ technical approach to performing a comprehensive condition assessment of the 27-inch bar wrapped pipe water supply line. Pure Technologies U.S. Inc. Pure Technologies specializes in the condition assessment of critical pipeline infrastructure – supported by proprietary technologies developed for inspection of pressure pipelines, including water mains and wastewater force mains. Since 1993, Pure Technologies has been a world leader providing non-destructive testing and monitoring technologies to better understand the condition of critical pipeline infrastructure. We have performed inspections on over 16,000 miles of medium and large diameter water pipelines and more than 800 miles of wastewater force mains for more than 120 utilities worldwide. Excavations of pipe sections identified as problematic through Pure Technologies’ inspection methodologies have validated our technologies and capabilities to assess pipeline infrastructure. Our philosophies with respect to managing critical pressure pipelines include: 1. Assess and Address: Pure Technologies strives to maintain existing pipelines (rather than recommend their replacement) through an “Assess and Address” approach. Performing condition assessment and repairing only individual pipes that need repair can safely extend the service life of pipelines and provide significant cost savings. On average, a comprehensive condition assessment and repair program can typically be implemented for less than 10% of the capital costs to replace a pipeline. 2. RReturn on Investment: One of Pure Technologies’ key philosophies is that the project should provide “reliable” and “actionable” data and information with tangible benefits. If this is accomplished, the Client will easily recognize a return that is far greater than their investment and gain the public’s confidence, especially if any one of these three key benefits is realized: A comprehensive condition assessment and repair program can typically be implemented for less than 10% of the capital costs to replace a pipeline.           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 2 i. Averting Pipe Failure: Identify what immediate repairs are necessary to avert imminent pipeline failures. ii. Extending the Life of Pipelines: Without an understanding of the condition of a pipeline asset, many utilities have prematurely replaced pipelines. EPA has estimated that 70% to 90% of the pipe removed from the ground has remaining life. Condition assessment and subsequent targeted repairs should provide confidence in a pipeline to extend its service life. iii. Improved Capital Planning: Understanding the condition of a pipeline will provide significantly improved capital planning recommendations for future pipeline management and renewal projects. 33. Obtaining a Comprehensive Assessment: Obtaining a comprehensive assessment, especially for high risk pipelines, is important. Other case studies have demonstrated that too much emphasis can be placed on pursuing an inexpensive condition assessment program while overlooking the level of actionable information that can be obtained. The least expensive technology may not provide the best value or most cost-effective pipeline solution. If an inspection does not provide defensible or actionable data, it can lead to pipeline failures or incorrectly allocated capital funds replacing the wrong pipelines at the wrong time; easily eliminating the savings that were expected by deploying a less expensive condition assessment tool. According to an American Water Works Association Research Foundation Study, the average cost of a large diameter pipeline failure is $500,000 to $1,500,000. The costs can be significantly higher in urban areas. 4. RRisk Based Condition Assessment: Pure Technologies is a firm believer that a risk-based approach should be used to perform condition assessment and of critical pipelines. There is no silver bullet technology that applies to all pipelines. In general, low resolution technologies are appropriate for low risk pipelines. However, for high risk pipelines, a high degree of reliability is essential and higher resolution tools are prudent to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the pipeline.           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 3 PProject Background The 27-inch Raw Water Supply Line originates at the Lake Lewisville Pump Station and runs approximately 8.5 miles north to the City of Denton’s Water Treatment Plant> After leaving the pump station, the 27-inch bar wrapped pipe water supply line runs under IH-35 and then north along the Denton County Transportation Authority’s railway track. The 27-inch bar wrapped pipe was manufactured in 1955 and is assumed to have been installed in 1955-1956. An aerial photograph displaying the approximate location of the 27-inch raw water supply line is presented below in Figure 1. Figure 1. Aerial photograph showing the approximate location of the 27-inch BWP Raw Water Supply Line           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 4 PProject Approach - “Assess & Address” Condition Assessment Approach for Bar Wrapped Pipe Water Mains As presented earlier, the proposed overall approach to assessing pressure pipelines consists of a risk-based approach that Pure Technologies calls Assess and AddressTM. The goal of this approach is to identify and rehabilitate high risk pipes before they fail, which significantly increases the remaining useful life of the pipeline at a fraction of the total replacement cost and avoids pipeline failure. A “comprehensive” condition assessment typically includes a combination of technologies and methodologies, each serving as a complementary component in addressing a comprehensive evaluation as to a pipeline’s ability to perform. For the comprehensive assessment of the 27-inch BWP raw water supply line, Pure Technologies is proposing to include the following: x review of existing information, a site reconnaissance, meetings with City of Denton operations and engineering, and development of a detailed project planning document addressing all phases of the project; x a workshop with the City of Denton to review the project planning document and insure that all parties involved clearly understand their roles and responsibilities; x continuous high-frequency pressure monitoring to identify potential sources of transient events and/or cyclical loading conditions; x performing a baseline pipeline inspection using a combination of technologies and delivery platforms to address the appropriate level of risk to include: o an inspection utilizing a free-swimming internal acoustic technology (SmartBall®) to identify and locate existing leak and gas (air) pockets, and o an electromagnetic (EM) inspection using a long-range Robotic unit and/or a free- swimming PipeDiver® delivery platform to assess the structural integrity of each pipe within the water main. x a structural evaluation of the pipe design as compared to AWWA design standards or other applicable standards in effect at the time of manufacture, as well as the current design standards; x developing Pipe Performance Risk Curves for each pipe design; and x a final report including: o the results of all technology inspections, o a risk assessment and ranking of distressed pipes based on likelihood of failure, o a pipe-by-pipe geospatial GIS deliverable           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 5 Each phase of a “comprehensive” condition assessment is presented in greater detail below. PProject Phases Phase 1 - Site Reconnaissance and Project Planning Pure Technologies will conduct a site reconnaissance, review existing pipeline drawings, meet with the City of Denton’s operations personnel, evaluate design specifications, hydraulic conditions, manufacturing and installation details which will be used in planning the condition assessment and verifying the appropriate inspection/testing technologies and engineering analysis. Any unexpected pipeline features or missing information identified in the process of the review will be noted and discussed with the City. A workshop with the City of Denton will culminate the planning process, with all parties understanding roles and project requirements prior to Pure Technologies mobilizing on site. Phase 2 - High-Frequency Pressure Monitoring Hydraulic pressure transients occur in pipelines when the steady-state conditions of the system change due to pressure or flow disturbances (e.g. the rapid closure of a valve, pump start- up/shutdown, etc.). The magnitude of a transient is related to several factors including the flow rate within the pipeline, the time in which the change in the steady-state condition occurs, and pipe hoop rigidity. During the change, the kinetic energy of the flow momentum is converted into potential energy with a rise in pressure and strain energy in the pipe wall. Conventional pressure monitors typically collect data in intervals of minutes while a pressure transient may occur in a fraction of a second. When a transient occurs in the pipeline, it is important that a high rate of sampling be utilized to capture the true magnitude of the transient event. High-frequency pressure monitoring equipment addresses the sampling rate issue by continuously monitoring pressure at a high sample rate up to 256 Hz or 256 times per second). Figure 2 illustrates the difference between conventional and high-frequency pressure monitoring. Figure 2: Comparison of Traditional (in yellow) and High-Frequency (in blue) Pressure Monitoring Data           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 6 The yellow trend line in the figure shows the pressure data recorded at a sample rate of one reading per minute. Based on conventional pressure monitoring, the internal pipeline pressure ranges between 25 and 50 psi, which is well below the pipe design pressure of 250 psi (green horizontal line). However, when the high-frequency pressure monitor data, recorded at a sample rate of more than 100 samples per second (blue trend line) is analyzed, a significant transient event can be seen that reaches nearly 240 psi. Further evaluation of available pump station operational data indicated that the transient coincided with a rapid pump shutdown. If a pipeline owner/operator relies solely on conventional pressure monitoring, the actual pressures impacting a pipeline may not be detected thereby limiting an accurate structural evaluation, condition assessment, and operational awareness. Why implement Transient Pressure Monitoring? Collection of transient pressure data is critical in the hydraulic evaluation of a pipeline’s performance and can add significant value to the condition assessment. The occurrence of pressure transients within a pipeline can have adverse effects on the integrity of a pipe section. Damage from pressure transients can include cracking of the cement mortar coating and /or lining, crack propagation, movement at joints and structural fatigue. The impact of pressure transients can vary depending on the magnitude of the transient and current condition of the pipe. Accumulated damage of this nature can eventually decrease the structural integrity of the pipe. Understanding the maximum pressure (operating + transient) experienced in the pipeline, allows for optimal utilization of the Pipe Performance Risk Curve when assessing the potential risk of failure for distressed pipes identified as part of the condition assessment inspections. Implementation of continuous high-frequency pressure monitoring also measures the true impact of various system operations on a pipeline and can help validate and calibrate a hydraulic surge model. PPhase 3 - Identifying/locating Leak(s) and Gas (Air) Pocket(s) As part of the baseline inspection, Pure Technologies typically inspects each pipeline for leaks and pockets of trapped gas (air) pockets. Whereas leaks indicate an obvious concern, air pockets can also be a major concern - restricting flow capacity in a pipeline. Because the sound created by leaks in large diameter pipelines attenuate much more rapidly (versus smaller diameter pipe), conventional external leak detection using listening mics and correlators is typically not feasible. Transmission mains also do not provide enough “touch” points at which external listening mics or correlators can detect most leaks. Because of these limitations associated with conventional external leak detection, Pure Technologies utilizes an internal acoustic leak and gas pocket detection technology that allows           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 7 the acoustic sensor to pass directly by a leak. Given the sensitivity of the internal acoustic system, Pure Technologies can detect leaks less than 0.1 gallons per minute. The internal acoustic leak detection systems require a minimum operating pressure in the pipeline of 15 to 20 psi. The higher the pressure in the pipeline, the lower the detection level. The pressure does not affect the technology’s ability to detect gas pockets. Pure Technologies is proposing to utilize a free-swimming internal acoustic device called “SmartBall®” to identify and locate leaks and gas (air) pockets in each water supply line. Additional information regarding the SmartBall is presented below. SSmartBall® Free Swimming Device Pure Technologies’ patented SmartBall technology is a free-swimming device that consists of a foam ball that envelops a water- tight aluminum sphere (approximately 2-½ inches in diameter) that contains instrumentation and a power source. The inner core contains the battery power source, as well as an acoustic sensor, microprocessor, ultrasonic transmitter to track the device, an accelerometer to measure the rotation of the ball and a magnetometer to assist in identifying features along the pipeline. The device is inserted into a live and flowing pipeline and released to allow the flow to roll it downstream. The SmartBall is designed to roll on the bottom of the pipe, which allows the accelerometer to record the rotations of the device, which in turn aids in establishing its velocity and placement of the device at any given time during the survey. The compressible foam outer ball allows for insertion through any existing 4-inch diameter outlet. The outer foam material deadens any sound the tool may make while rolling on the bottom of the pipeline and provides mass by which the device is pushed by the flow of the water. While the ball is traversing the pipeline, it continuously records all acoustic activity in the pipeline. Because signals generated by an electromagnetic inspection of bar wrapped pipe (BWP) may be partially masked at the joint rings where the metallic mass increases due to the thicker steel bell and spigot that overlap, the SmartBall will identify if any leaks have occurred at the joint due to a Figure 3: SmartBall and SmartBall Tracking System           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 8 rolled gasket, a slightly opened or pulled joint and/or possible corrosion through the cylinder because of poor exterior mortar protection and/or a poor quality weld between the steel cylinder and thicker joint rings. Insertion The SmartBall tool is typically inserted through a 4-inch or 6-inch gate valve into an active pipeline, as illustrated in Figure 4. In instances where a hot tap is required to provide access, Pure Technologies requires a six (6) inch tap. The gate valve for insertion is mounted on the top of the pipe, without any bends in the riser connecting the valve to the pipeline. The minimum internal diameter of the opening from the gate valve to the pipe must not be less than 4-inches or the insertion equipment will not pass through. A minimum of 4 feet overhead clearance is required above the top of the insertion valve flange. Extraction The SmartBall tool is typically extracted from the pipeline by inserting an expandable, retractable extraction net deployed into the flow of the pipeline. The ball, which is rolling along the bottom of the pipe, will be caught in the net and retrieved from the active pipeline, as illustrated in Figure 5, below. Figure 4: SmartBall Insertion           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 9 The standard extraction net can be inserted through a 4-inch or 6-inch gate valve into the active pipeline. Again, if a hot tap is required to provide access, Pure Technologies will require a 6-inch hot tap. The gate valve must be oriented vertically off the top portion of a flat section of pipeline (flat and straight for a minimum of 30 feet before the extraction site). The minimum internal diameter of the opening from the gate valve to the pipe must not be less than 4-inches or the extraction equipment will not pass through. At least 16 feet of headroom is required above the top of the gate valve to extract the ball from. Pure must be made aware of any additional valves nearby the planned extraction site. SmartBall Tracking Receivers (SBRs) Pure Technologies utilizes proprietary SmartBall tracking receivers (SBR’s), as shown previously in Figure 3, to track the location of the device as it travels through the pipeline. The SBR’s utilize a small sensor that is applied to the outer surface of a metallic surface in direct contact with the fluid column. Prior to the inspection, SBR tracking sensors will be installed along the pipeline to allow for the SBRs to track the position of the SmartBall as it travels through the pipeline. The SBRs perform best when attached directly to the metal surfaces of pipeline appurtenances, such as existing air release valves, flanges, valves or any other contact points on the pipe. At these locations, Pure Technologies’ staff will adhere the requisite number of acoustic sensors on the pipe for the duration of the survey. To achieve a desired locating resolution of plus or minus three (3) feet for any leaks and/or air pockets identified, Pure Technologies prefers that SBR tracking locations be spaced 2,500 to 3,500 feet apart. Details for installing SBR’s will be included in the Project Planning document prior to the inspection. Figure 5: SmartBall Extraction           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 10 Pure Technologies will evaluate the use of existing appurtenances for installation of the SBR tracking sensors and will advise as to the need for any vacuum extraction “pothole” excavations that may be necessary to provide necessary SBR tracking locations. These locations will be field verified to avoid existing utilities and roadways and summarized in the Project Planning document. Flow Requirements The SmartBall tool requires a minimum pipeline liquid average velocity of 1 to 3 feet per second (fps). The inspection rate is approximately 70% of average liquid velocity. The City of Denton staff will control the flow rate to confirm the requisite velocity during tool deployment. The existence of any bottom outlets, off-takes or inline valves must be brought to the attention of Pure Technologies when planning the inspection. All in-line valves located along the length of the pipeline must be fully opened prior to inspection. Any off-take lateral valves must be assessed in advance of the field inspection and shall be fully closed during the inspection. Pipeline Pressures City of Denton staff will operate the system to maintain pipeline pressures as necessary to accommodate system requirements. Approximate pressure measurements may be requested during inspection. Pressure in the pipeline should not be less than 20 psi at any time. Data Analysis & Reporting Once the SmartBall is retrieved, the recorded data is downloaded and analyzed by experienced data analysts. The SmartBall report will identify and locate all leaks and gas (air) pockets in each pipeline. Whereas the benefits of finding and repairing leaks is obvious, many utilities have become more aware of the importance of eliminating gas (air) pockets in the line, as they can reduce capacity in the line and increase energy consumption required for pumping. Gas (air) pockets will also exacerbate the effect of any transient events that may be occurring in a pipeline. Figure 6. Tracking at a pothole location. Note the 8-inch green PVC sleeve and cap installed as part of the vacuum extraction excavation process.           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 11 PPhase 4 – Direct Measurement of Structural Integrity using Electromagnetic (EM) Inspection Over the years, bar wrapped pipe has been called various names, including pre-tensioned concrete cylinder pipe (P303), concrete cylinder pipe (CCP), rod wrapped pipe and C303 pipe. The proper name is Bar-Wrapped Pipe (BWP). The minimum design and manufacturing requirements are covered by the AWWA C303 standard. BWP is comprised of a welded steel cylinder that serves as a watertight membrane and works together with steel reinforcing bars wrapped under tension around the cylinder to provide strength. An internal cement mortar lining and external cement mortar coating provide corrosion protection to the steel components. BWP is essentially designed as a steel pipe with mild steel used to manufacture the steel cylinder and steel bars. BWP utilizes a cement mortar coating placed over the steel cylinder and bars to protect the pipe. The coating places the steel in an alkaline environment that prohibits corrosion. If the coating deteriorates or is damaged due to improper handling, operations, aggressive environments, etc., the alkaline environment will be compromised which may lead to corrosion of the steel cylinder and bars. As these elements corrode, the steel cylinder and bars will pit, thereby reducing the effective area of steel. If corrosion continues to progress, the pipe will likely develop a small, non-visible leak, which will grow with time. Eventually a large visible leak or a pipe failure will occur. Figure 7: Cross section of bar wrapped pipe Figure 8: Examples of BWP deterioration: crack, extensive Corrosion, delamination and leakage           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 12 There are two important aspects to note regarding the deterioration of BWP: 1. Broken bars: there may or may not be broken bars, as corrosion and deterioration can begin on the bars or on the cylinder. 2. Ductile failure: since the structural elements of BWP consist of mild steel, a brittle (sudden) failure is highly improbable. Rupture can occur; however, it usually takes place after an extended period of deterioration, usually preceded by leakage. This has been anecdotally contradicted in field observations, where reported sudden failures have occurred; however, in these cases, it is likely that the pipe was previously leaking for an extended period, but the leak was unnoticed. Evaluating the condition of BWP involves a combination of technologies and techniques to identify the various signs of deterioration. Signs of deterioration can include degradation of the bars and steel cylinder, leakage, concrete cracking, spalling and deflection. EElectromagnetic (EM) Inspection of Steel Pipe and Bar Wrapped Pipe Pure Technologies’ patented EM system can detect wall loss due to corrosion on the steel pipe and the steel cylinder of BWP, as well as the broken bars on BWP. It is reasonable to expect that the bars on BWP can be severely corroded but not yet broken. Since the EM system can only detect broken bars and not partially corroded bars, inspections where no broken bars are detected does not necessarily indicate that the pipe is structurally sound. With BWP, corrosion can begin on the bar or on the cylinder. Although the EM system cannot detect corrosion alone, it can identify areas of corrosion that has resulted in significant wall loss, including large holes in the cylinder or areas where significant cylinder perforation has occurred. The size depends on the pipe class, diameter and number of detectors. EM technology identifies regions of wall loss on the steel pipe/cylinder along the full alignment of a pipeline. An exciter coil generates an electromagnetic field that then diffuses into the pipe wall. If the pipe wall thickness is consistent (i.e. no wall loss), this field remains relatively constant as determined by signals captured by receiver coils on the delivery platform that are positioned around the internal circumference of the pipe. In the presence of wall loss (corrosion), changes in the field are detected by the receiver coils and later identified as wall loss during the analysis of the data. EM inspections evaluate the electromagnetic signature over the pipe wall to identify anomalies that are produced by variations in the cylinder thickness due to wall loss or manufacturing defects. Various characteristics associated with an electromagnetic anomaly (length, magnitude, phase shift, etc.) are evaluated to provide an estimate of the size and depth of the anomaly.           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 13 The expected resolution of the EM inspection technology depends on the proximity of the detectors to the area of wall loss and the spacing of those sensors around the circumference of the pipe. For the 27-inch water supply line, the minimum defect size for detection is approximately 3-in x 3-in x 30% loss. This means that the pipe will be fully scanned circumferentially and longitudinally for defects this size and larger. It is possible that defects that are smaller that this will be detected if they pass directly under a detector. Pure Technologies recommends a thorough validation and calibration process for any technology implemented over the course of the project. Test pits will serve to allow for external verification of wall thickness to validate the results of any inspection and provide an opportunity to further document the actual condition and environment of the pipeline. Direct access to the exterior of the pipe will also allow for the collection of soil or material samples, identification of issues with bedding or settlement, visual examination of the exterior coating and for wall thickness measurements to be taken. Figure 9. 70% Wall Loss on 20-inch steel cylinder identified by EM iti Amp contour 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 2 4 6 8 10 12 Figure 10. Bar Breaks/cylinder corrosion on BWP identified using EM Inspection Joint Bar Breaks & Wall Loss Joint Figure 11. Examples of distressed bar wrapped pipe identified by EM inspection           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 14 DDelivery Platforms for EM Inspection The EM inspection technology can be deployed using one of three delivery platforms: manned cart, long-range multi-sensor robotic unit and/or a free-swimming PipeDiver® tool. Because manned cart applications can only be performed in pipe diameters 36-inch and larger, Pure Technologies is limited to conducting the electromagnetic inspection using the long-range robotic system and/or the free-swimming PipeDiver tool. Free-Swimming PipeDiver PipeDiver is a free-swimming device consisting of a battery module, electromagnetic exciter with multiple detectors (receivers), and a tracking module. The PipeDiver is typically deployed and captured under temporary de-pressurized conditions. Once inside the line, PipeDiver will travel with the water flow until it reaches a predetermined extraction point. For the EM inspection of bar wrapped pipe, Pure Technologies utilizes two different PipeDiver EM configurations. A “24D” PipeDiver unit utilizes a 24- detector circumferential array designed to identify regions of wall loss on the steel cylinder of the BWP along the full alignment of a pipeline. A “Standard” PipeDiver utilizing a 6-detector array configured is used to identify and locate broken reinforcing bars on the 27- inch BWP water line. For the steel cylinder, an exciter coil generates an electromagnetic field that then diffuses into the pipe wall. If the pipe wall thickness is consistent (i.e. no wall loss), this field remains relatively constant as determined by signals captured by receiver coils on the delivery platform that are positioned around the internal circumference of the pipe. In the presence of wall loss (corrosion), changes in the field are detected by the receiver coils and later identified as wall loss during the analysis of the data. EM inspections evaluate the electromagnetic signature over the pipe wall to identify anomalies that are produced by variations in the cylinder thickness due to wall loss or manufacturing defects. Various characteristics associated with an electromagnetic anomaly (length, magnitude, phase shift, etc.) are evaluated to provide an estimate of the size and depth of the anomaly. The expected resolution of the EM inspection technology depends on the proximity of the detectors to the area of wall loss and the spacing of those sensors around the circumference of the pipe. Figure 12. PipeDiver EM with 24-Detector           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 15 Tracking of the PipeDIver EM Tool PipeDiver location is tracked from above ground using proprietary SBR tracking sensors (refer to discussion on SmartBall) attached to the pipe or accessible pipeline appurtenances. Verification as to the accessibility and acceptability for attaching at these locations is determined as part of our advanced site reconnaissance and preparation of the project planning document prior to performing any field work. In instances where reasonable locations for attachment of the tracking sensors is not available, access points that can be provided utilizing vacuum extraction methods to create an 8-inch access chamber to the surface of the exterior pipe wall. Insertion and Extraction of the PipeDiver EM Tool The PipeDiver will be inserted into the water line during a temporary shutdown of flow in the line. Once inserted into a force main, the PipeDiver will be held in place using a “lasso” configuration until such time that the required pressure and flow velocity are established; at which time the PipeDiver would be released. To ensure reliability and repeatability of data collected by the 24D PipeDiver, Pure Technologies conducts two (2) inspection runs as standard operating procedure. Only one inspection run using the standard PipeDiver to assess reinforcing bars is required. A consistent flow velocity between 1 to 3 fps is typically acceptable when running the standard PipeDiver; hhowever, the 24D PipeDiver requires a consistent 1 fps flow velocity. A net that will stop the PipeDiver tool at the end of inspection can also be installed (during a brief shutdown and de-pressurization) into the pipeline to accommodate retrieval of the PipeDiver. Once the PipeDiver is captured in the net, a second depressurization is required to remove the tool and net from the pipeline through a minimum 16-inch access. Figure 13: “Lasso” configuration used when deploying the PipeDiver under de-pressurized conditions..           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 16 Figures 14 and 15 show a capture net and a configuration of the de-pressurized extraction net system. In addition to using the capture net, Pure Technologies can also capture the tool when it discharges to open atmosphere and coordinate with the pump operator to stop flow as the PpeDiver nears an extraction location and the unit can be retrieved by a remote operated vehicle. Data Analysis and Reporting Upon collection and verification of acceptable data for each run, Pure Technologies. Specialized data analysis will evaluate the data and identify distressed pipes and other anomalies. The analysis and reporting of the results typically take 12 to 14 weeks. In addition to proving all results in a detailed Excel spreadsheet for each pipe, Pure Technologies also presents the findings in a pipe-by-pipe geo-spatial GIS deliverable. Figure 15: Configuration of de-pressurized extraction net system. Figure 14: Capture Net for de-pressurized extraction           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 17 LLong-Range Robotic EM Unit Pure Technologies is also able to utilize our long-range, multi-sensor robotic delivery platform to perform electromagnetic inspection of the 27-inch water supply line. Photographs of the robotic unit equipped with the 24-detector array are presented in Figures 16 and 17 below. The robotic unit is designed to operate in fully submerged conditions and can be equipped with a high-definition pan-tilt-zoom camera. It also can be equipped with multiple sensor technologies such as laser and SONAR profilers, as well as an inertial mapping unit capable of 3D mapping. As with the PipeDiver delivery platform, EM inspection of metallic pipelines requires two inspection passes to assure reliability and repeatability. The robotic unit is equipped with a 9,000-foot tether; however, the actual inspected distance will vary depending on the pipeline configuration (i.e., in-line valves, bends, slopes, etc.) and interior pipeline condition (i.e., debris, sediment accumulation, bio-film, etc.). The robotic unit requires a minimum 18-inch diameter access for deployment in a 27-inch pipeline. The quality of the high-definition pan-tilt-zoom camera will depend on the clarity in the water. The turbidity in raw water often prevents a clear viewing of the interior pipe wall. Phase 5 – Design Check & Pipe Performance Risk Curve(s) For the 27-inch BWP water supply line, Pure Technologies will conduct an evaluation of the existing pipe to verify that the pipe was manufactured in accordance with the design parameters established in AWWA Standard C303 at the time the pipe was manufactured, as well as compared to current C303 Standard. Figure 16 and 17: Robotic unit equipped with 24-detector EM array.           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 18 While the electromagnetic inspection described herein will provide reliable data on reinforcing bar breaks and cylinder wall loss due to corrosion, tthe challenge associated with assessing and managing distressed pipe is determining what level of distress (i.e., combination of broken reinforcing bars and cylinder corrosion) creates an unacceptable level of risk, thereby requiring repair and/or replacement actions. Pure Technologies uses 3D finite element analysis (FEA) to develop a structural model based on the pipe design and incorporating hydraulic evaluation data that provides a decision-making tool – “Pipe Performance Curve” - for the management of a bar wrapped pipe main. Based on the Pipe Performance Curve results, distress in a pipe may be present, but this may not require the immediate rehabilitation or replacement of the pipe section allowing for management and/or monitoring deterioration. Pure Technologies can develop a Pipe Performance Curve for each design class of BWP that is found to be in distress. If the original pipe manufacturer’s design and lay drawings are not available, Pure Technologies can conduct a physical inspection of the pipe to measure reinforcing bar diameter and spacing, as well as the cylinder wall thickness (using non- destructive UT measurement). These curves can be used to determine how close a distressed pipe is relative to the yield and strength limits based on the operational and surge pressure identified using transient pressure monitoring. If no surge data is available, Pure Technologies can utilize the allowable design factor in AWWA C303. Figure 18: 3D FEA used to determine Pipe Performance Curves for each class of distressed pipe. Figure 19. Example of a BWP Pipe Performance Curve           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 19 Phase 6 - Report and Pipe-by-Pipe GIS Deliverable Following completion of all field inspections and data analysis, Pure Technologies will submit a draft report presenting the results of the high-frequency pressure monitoring, the SmartBall leak and gas pocket inspection and the electromagnetic inspection. The report will address the results of any high-frequency pressure monitoring that identifies any transient events and/or cyclical loading on the pipeline, along with the results from any subsequent investigations with the City to determine the cause of any pressure anomaly. The report will identify the location of all leaks and/or gas (air) pockets identified by the SmartBall inspection, including the approximate size of the leak and/or length of the gas (air) pockets. Leaks are reported in terms of Small (9 to 2 gpm), medium (2 to 10 gpm) and large (greater than 10 gpm). The report will list all pipes within a given pipeline including a description as to the extent of distress (i.e., bar breaks, wall loss, and miscellaneous anomalies) on each pipe. Any distress will be identified axially on the pipe. Wall loss will also be identified and displayed circumferentially on the pipe. Should distressed pipes of concern be identified, Pure Technologies can utilize the Pipe Performance Curve(s) as may be applicable and evaluate distressed pipes to determine how close a distressed pipe is relative to the yield and strength limits based on the projected operational and surge pressure. The draft report may also include recommendations for specific pipes to be repaired or replaced. In addition to providing the electromagnetic results in a line item (by pipe) summary spreadsheet, the pipeline and corresponding EM inspection results will can be incorporated into a pipe-by-pipe geospatial GIS representation of the pipeline. All inspection information will then be associated with this pipeline representation and displayed via an ESRI Shapefile, geodatabase, KML or other geospatial format compatible with the Client’s GIS or mapping system. After submittal of the draft report and receipt of comments or edits from the City of Denton, Pure Technologies will finalize the report and present to the City at a Workshop. Figure 20: Geospatial GIS displays pipe-by-pipe location along with inspection results           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 20 PPhase 7 - External Inspection/Verification and Forensic Evaluation Pure Technologies is available to assist in the external inspection and forensic analysis of pipes that are excavated and exposed by the City of Denton. Pure Technologies will furnish an Engineer to visually assess the exterior of the exposed pipe, including the exposed joints at each end to verify the presence of corrosion or other distress. Pure Technologies’ engineer may sound the exterior cement coating to identify potential delamination of the exterior coating and will collect soil and groundwater (if present) samples adjacent to the pipe. If broken or corroded reinforcing bars are present and exposed, our engineer may also collect samples of the reinforcing bars and the exterior cement mortar. The engineer will also utilize UT technology to measure the thickness of the steel cylinder. All material samples will be sealed and held pending laboratory analysis on approval by the City. All findings will be included in a separate report. Assessing the 27-inch Steel Water Supply Line The following discussion addresses delivery platform alternatives and logistical support requirements that may be necessary to assure a successful condition assessment of the 27-inch raw water supply line. Site Reconnaissance & Project Planning Document Pure Technologies will require that the City of Denton provide personnel and equipment to accompany our project team during a site reconnaissance of the entire 27-inch water supply line. The City will need to afford Pure Technologies’ personnel access to all appurtenances on the pipeline, including access manholes and air relief valves. Pure Technologies requests that each of the air relief valves be assessed and repaired/replaced as necessary to insure operability in advance of the field inspections. Pure Technologies’ Wachs Water Services Division is available to assess and repair/replace air relief valves. Any required materials and/or replacement air relief valves to be furnished by the City. High-Frequency Pressure Monitoring Pure Technologies will furnish and install a high-frequency pressure monitor on the pipeline near the pump station for a period of 30-days. The City will need to furnish a ¼-inch threaded outlet on which we can install the pressure monitoring unit. Pure Technologies will identify a potential access location as part of the site reconnaissance and project planning. If there is no readily available access, Pure Technologies may be able to provide the required access in conjunction with the adaptor utilized to insert the SmartBall tool.           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 21 SmartBall Leak & Gas Pocket Inspection The City will need to furnish a minimum 4-inch access equipped with a 4-inch full bore valve or immediately downstream of the pump station via which to insert the SmartBall under live conditions. If there is no readily available access at the pump station Pure Technologies may be able to utilize the existing ARV at Station 00+80. The typical ARV configuration detailed in Freese and Nichols pipeline drawings show an 18-inch flange outlet on the top of the pipe with an 18- inch by 3-inch reducing flange that accommodated the ARV. The City will need to remove the existing reducing flange and replace with an 18-inch by 4-inch reducing flange equipped with a 4- inch full bore valve. To extract the SmartBall, the City will also need to furnish a minimum 4-inch access equipped with a 4-inch full bore valve at the water treatment plant. If there is no readily available access at the water treatment plant Pure Technologies may be able to utilize the existing ARV at Station 424+80. The typical ARV configuration detailed in Freese and Nichols pipeline drawings show an 18-inch flange outlet on the top of the pipe with an 18-inch by 3-inch reducing flange that accommodated the ARV. The City will need to remove the existing reducing flange and replace with an 18-inch by 4-inch reducing flange equipped with a 4-inch full bore valve. Based on review of the plan and profile drawings, there appears to be enough existing ARV’s and access manhole to provide adequate tracking locations. Pure Technologies will confirm the appropriate tracking locations as part of the site reconnaissance and project planning document. Should we determine the need for any pothole excavation, Pure Technologies will advise the City accordingly. Electromagnetic Inspection The City has the option as to which delivery platform Pure Technologies can use to conduct an electromagnetic inspection of the 27-inch raw water supply line. The fee schedule presented herein accommodates pricing for each option. Pure Technologies had utilized the Robotic EM unit when assessing the City’s 30-inch raw water supply line in 2017. Using the Robotic unit to inspect the 27-inch water supply line will require that the supply line be removed from service for an extended time, and that the pipeline be dewatered at insertion locations. The City will also need to remove existing appurtenances and blind flanges at selected access locations (i.e., ARV’s and Access Manholes) and replace said configurations o completion of inspections. Pure Technologies will also request that the City provide lifting equipment to assist in placing the robotic unit into the pipeline at each inspection access. Based on our preliminary review of the drawings, it appears that there are sufficient 18- inch outlets to accommodate robotic inspection of the entire water supply line.           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 22 The PipeDiver EM tool should be able to inspect the entire line via single deployments. Three (3) runs will be required. As described earlier for deployment of the SmartBall, the PipeDIver could be inserted via the existing ARV access located at Station 00+80 and extracted at the existing ARV located at Station 424+80. The City will need to maintain a consistent flow velocity of 1 foot per second (fps) throughout the entire run. Based on the 8.5-mile length of pipeline, we estimate each inspection run to take approximately 10 hours. Please note that the PipeDiver inspection would not capture data on portion of the water supply line between the pump station and Station 00+80 or between Station 424+80 and into the water treatment plant. Pure Technologies can address these portions of the pipeline using the Robotic EM unit. CCity of Denton Responsibilities 1. Notification to landowners as required. 2. Provide personnel familiar with the pipeline system available during site reconnaissance and field work and to accompany Pure Technologies personnel. 3. Provide access for insertion and retrieval of SmartBall, Robotic and/or PipeDiver inspection technologies, as well as access to attach the tracking sensors. 4. Provide access for deployment and retrieval of technologies, and placement of the tracking sensors. 5. Provide Traffic Control. Pure Technologies can perform this task as part of our contract if requested. 6. Shut down pumps and de-pressurize the line for an extended time to accommodate deployment of the Robotic unit or temporary periods to accommodate insertion and extraction of the of the PipeDiver EM tool. Project will require two (2) shutdowns per PipeDiver inspection run (3 inspection runs); total of 6 temporary shutdowns). 7. Assess the working condition of all in-line and lateral valves prior to the inspection. Repair valves as necessary. Close all lateral valves during all inspection. Pure Technologies’ Wachs Water Services Division is available to perform all work related to the assessment and management of the valves if requested. 8. As needed, furnish and operate lifting equipment to assist in placing the Robotic EM and/or PipeDiver EM tool into, and removing from, the pipeline. 9. Provide threaded outlet for high frequency pressure monitor. 10. Requirements and permits for disposal of water resulting from any de-watering. 11. If required, provide excavation/backfill of pipes selected for test pit excavations and field verification. Also provide air compressor and generator. 12. Repair/rehabilitation of pipe(s) as needed. 13. If deemed necessary, provide 8-inch vacuum extraction potholes at selected locations to allow for attachment of the tracking sensors to the crown of the pipe.           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 23 FFee Schedule Projected fee schedule for the Comprehensive Condition Assessment of the 27-inch raw water supply line using the Robotic EM delivery Platform and the SmartBall is presented below: 27-inch BWP Raw Water Supply Line (Robotic EM and Leaks & Gas Pockets): Task Tottal Site Reconnaissance and Project Planning Document High Frequency Pressure Monitoring (One Unit for ~30 days) SmartBall Set-Up/Mobilization/Demobilization/Travel/Equipment Fee/Shipping SmartBall Insertion/Tracking/Retrieval/Data Analysis Robotic EM Set-Up/Mobilization/Demobilization/Travel/Equipment Fee/Shipping Robotic EM Insertion/Tracking/Retrieval/Data Analysis Pipe Performance Curves Design Check and Report Pipe-by-Pipe GeoSpatial GIS Deliverable Projectedd Tootal ((Robotic EM) $4ϵϮ͕000.00 Prrojected Tootal (LLeakss && Gas PPocketss) $1120,000.00 Additional Notes: 1. All pricing is based on performing field work under a single mobilization for each inspection technology and in a contiguous manner without delays. Stand-by rates for delays caused by others for SmartBall inspection shall be billed at $6,500 per day and re- mobilization to be billed at $20,000 each. Stand-by rates for delays caused by others for the Robotic EM inspection shall be billed at $15,500 per day and re-mobilization to be billed at $47,500 each. 2. Results of the SmartBall inspection will be available within 4 to 6 weeks following completion of the field inspection. Results of the EM inspection will be available within 14 to 16 weeks following completion of the field inspection.           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 24 3. Condition assessment report including design check and pipe performance curve to be submitted within two (2) weeks following receipt of EM inspection data. 4. Billing Schedule: TTask BBilling Schedule Site Reconnaissance & Planning Document 100% upon delivery of planning document SmartBall Set-Up and Mobilization 100% upon site mobilization SmartBall Field Inspection 100% upon completion of field work EM Inspection Set-Up and Mobilization 100% upon site mobilization EM Field Inspection 100% upon completion of field work High-Frequency Pressure Monitoring 100% on delivery of draft report Design Check and Report 100% on delivery of draft report Performance Curves 100% on delivery of curves Pipe-by-Pipe GIS Deliverable 100% on delivery of GIS shapefile 5. Payment Terms: Net 30 days. 6. Fees do not include any local, state or federal taxes. 7. All work to be conducted in accordance with the attached Terms of Condition. Pure Technologies appreciates this opportunity to present our technologies and engineering services in support of the City of Denton’s assessment of the 27-inch BWP Raw Water Supply Lines. If you have any questions, please call me at (214) 240-4412. Respectfully submitted, PPURE TECHNOLOGIES US INC. Clayton Coe           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 25 AAttachment A: Conditions of Engagement The Proposal is issued upon and is subject to these Conditions of Engagement. If the Proposal is accepted by the Client, these Conditions of Engagement and the Proposal will be deemed to form part of the Contract between the Client and Pure. 1. DEFINITIONS: In these Conditions of Engagement the following definitions apply: Client means any person or persons, firm or company engaging Pure to provide the Services. Contract means the agreement awarded to Pure as a result of the Proposal. Pure means Pure Technologies Ltd., Pure Technologies U.S. Inc., Pure Engineering Services Inc., or any of their affiliates, as the case may be, which submitted the Proposal and is a party to the Contract. Proposal means Pure's offer to carry out the Services and includes all related correspondence plus agreed written variations or amendments thereto. Services mean those services of whatever nature to be supplied by Pure under the Contract. Site means the facility, land, installation or premises to which Pure is granted access for the purposes of the Contract and may include any combination of the foregoing. 2. PURE’S OBLIGATIONS 2.1 Pure will perform the Services in accordance with the procedures described in the Proposal, using reasonable skill, care and diligence and consistent with industry standards. 2.2 Pure will ensure that the equipment used in performing the Services is in a good and functional state. 3. CLIENT’S OBLIGATIONS 3.1 The Client will provide to Pure full, good faith co-operation to assist Pure in providing the Services. Unless otherwise specified in the Proposal and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Client will at its own expense: (i) ensure, if required, access to private land will be given to Pure and that any official permits or permissions required for Pure to have access to the Site or carry out the Services are obtained and are in force for the duration of the Services; (ii) inform Pure in writing of any special circumstances or danger which the execution of the Services may entail or which are inherent in the Site, including the existence and identity of any known hazardous substance or material;           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 26 (iii) perform such additional duties and responsibilities and provide such information and resources as are described in the Proposal. 3.2 The description of the Services and related compensation amount set out in the Proposal will be based upon information that the Client shall have provided to Pure, and assumptions that Pure shall have identified in the Proposal. The Client acknowledges that if any such information provided by Client is materially incomplete or inaccurate, or if the assumptions identified by Pure are not correct, then the parties will modify the Proposal to reflect the actual information, assumptions, and Services required, and the compensation to Pure will be adjusted accordingly using the change order process set out in the Contract, or if there is no such process, on an equitable basis. 4. PPROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 4.1 All reports generated in the performance of the Services and delivered by Pure to the Client will become the property of the Client. 4.2 Pure's equipment which is made available to the Client in connection with the Contract and the raw data generated in the performance of the Services will remain the sole and exclusive property of Pure. The Client will not acquire any proprietary rights in Pure's equipment, systems, software, technology, inventions (whether or not patentable), patents, patent applications, documentation, specifications, designs, data, databases, methods, processes or know-how (“Pure’s Proprietary Technology”). Any modifications or improvements to the Pure’s Proprietary Technology made during the performance of the Services will be the sole and exclusive property of Pure. 4.3 Both parties agree to keep confidential all documentation and information provided by the other during the performance of the Contract. The obligations set out in this clause 4.3 will remain in full force and effect after any termination or expiry, as the case may be, of the Contract. 5. LIABILITY AND WARRANTIES 5.1 Pure will indemnify the Client against any expense, demand, liability, loss, claim or proceeding whatsoever in respect of personal injury to or the death of any person, or any loss, destruction or damage to any tangible property and arising directly or indirectly from the negligence of Pure, its employees, servants or agents except to the extent caused by the negligence of the Client or any person for whom the Client is responsible. The Client will similarly indemnify Pure. 5.2 Pure will not be liable for any loss of production, loss of use of property, loss of revenue or profit, equipment downtime, business interruption, loss of goodwill, loss of anticipated savings, cost of procurement of substitute goods or services, or for any consequential, indirect, incidental, or special loss or damage suffered by the Client or           Comprehensive Conditions Assessment 27-inch Water Supply Line City of Denton Dallas, TX | 2310 McDaniel Drive | Carrollton, TX 75006 | Tel: (214) 377-5301 | puretechltd.com 27 any third party, or for any punitive damages, even if advised of the possibility thereof and notwithstanding the failure of essential purpose of any remedy. 5.3 Pure's cumulative liability under the Contract, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, will in no event exceed the aggregate consideration paid by the Client to Pure for the portion of the Services that gave rise to the liability, provided, however, that this clause 5.3 shall not limit Pure’s indemnification obligations under these Conditions of Engagement. 5.4 The report(s) and any other recommendations or advice made by Pure relating to the pipeline or the Services will be made in accordance with the procedures described in the Proposal, using reasonable skill, care and diligence consistent with industry standards, but do not and will not constitute a warranty of the pipeline’s quality, capacity, safety or fitness for purpose. Pure will not be liable to the Client for any liability or damages that arise from the Client’s reliance upon or application or use of such final report or recommendations or advice made by Pure in relation to the pipeline or Services, and the Client will indemnify Pure against any liability to third parties resulting therefrom. 5.5 Pure’s warranties for the Services will be set out in the Contract. Pure disclaims all implied or statutory warranties or conditions, including of merchantability, merchantable quality, durability, or fitness for particular purpose to the extent allowed by applicable law. This means Pure’s warranty obligations will be limited to what is expressly set out in the Contract. 6. RRISKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 Prior to commencing any field activities, Pure will provide the Client with a planning document outlining the full scope and schedule of Pure’s inspection activities. Contained therein is a description of any risks and the responsibilities of PURE and the Client regarding risk mitigation, risk consequences, and schedule deviations. Acceptance of this proposal and general terms constitutes acceptance of risks and responsibilities as set forth in the planning document. Any amendment to the risks and responsibilities as set forth in the planning document should be notated in writing and will be agreed to by both parties prior to commencement of field inspections.           &LW\RI'HQWRQ7H[DV&RQWUDFW 6WDQGDUG$JUHHPHQWIRU(QJLQHHULQJ5HODWHG'HVLJQ6HUYLFHV5HYLVHG'DWH3DJHRI  ([KLELW&  Bidder's attention is directed to the insurance requirements below. It is highly recommended that bidders confer with their respective insurance carriers or brokers to determine in advance of Bid submission the availability of insurance certificates and endorsements as prescribed and provided herein. If an apparent low bidder fails to comply strictly with the insurance requirements, that bidder may be disqualified from award of the contract. Upon bid award, all insurance requirements shall become contractual obligations, which the successful bidder shall have a duty to maintain throughout the course of this contract. 67$1'$5'3529,6,216 Without limiting any of the other obligations or liabilities of the Contractor, the Contractor shall provide and maintain until the contracted work has been completed and accepted by the City of Denton, Owner, the minimum insurance coverage as indicated hereinafter. As soon as practicable after notification of bid award, Contractor shall file with the Purchasing Department satisfactory certificates of insurance, containing the bid number and title of the project. Contractor may, upon written request to the Purchasing Department, ask for clarification of any insurance requirements at any time; however, Contractors are strongly advised to make such requests prior to bid opening, since the insurance requirements may not be modified or waived after bid opening unless a written exception has been submitted with the bid. Contractor shall not commence any work or deliver any material until he or she receives notification that the contract has been accepted, approved, and signed by the City of Denton. All insurance policies proposed or obtained in satisfaction of these requirements shall comply with the following general specifications, and shall be maintained in compliance with these general specifications throughout the duration of the Contract, or longer, if so noted: x(DFKSROLF\VKDOOEHLVVXHGE\DFRPSDQ\DXWKRUL]HGWRGREXVLQHVVLQWKH6WDWHRI7H[DV ZLWKDQ$0%HVW&RPSDQ\UDWLQJRIDWOHDVW$9,,RUEHWWHU  x$Q\GHGXFWLEOHVRUVHOILQVXUHGUHWHQWLRQVVKDOOEHGHFODUHGLQWKHELGSURSRVDO,I UHTXHVWHG E\ WKH &LW\ WKH LQVXUHU VKDOO UHGXFH RU HOLPLQDWH VXFK GHGXFWLEOHV RU VHOILQVXUHGUHWHQWLRQVZLWKUHVSHFWWRWKH&LW\LWVRIILFLDOVDJHQWVHPSOR\HHVDQG YROXQWHHUVRUWKHFRQWUDFWRUVKDOOSURFXUHDERQGJXDUDQWHHLQJSD\PHQWRIORVVHVDQG UHODWHGLQYHVWLJDWLRQVFODLPDGPLQLVWUDWLRQDQGGHIHQVHH[SHQVHV  x/LDELOLW\SROLFLHVVKDOOEHHQGRUVHGWRSURYLGHWKHIROORZLQJ            &LW\RI'HQWRQ7H[DV&RQWUDFW 6WDQGDUG$JUHHPHQWIRU(QJLQHHULQJ5HODWHG'HVLJQ6HUYLFHV5HYLVHG'DWH3DJHRI  x1DPHDVDGGLWLRQDOLQVXUHGWKH&LW\RI'HQWRQLWV2IILFLDOV$JHQWV (PSOR\HHVDQGYROXQWHHUV  x7KDWVXFKLQVXUDQFHLVSULPDU\WRDQ\RWKHULQVXUDQFHDYDLODEOHWRWKHDGGLWLRQDO LQVXUHGZLWKUHVSHFWWRFODLPVFRYHUHGXQGHUWKHSROLF\DQGWKDWWKLVLQVXUDQFH DSSOLHVVHSDUDWHO\WRHDFKLQVXUHGDJDLQVWZKRPFODLPLVPDGHRUVXLWLVEURXJKW 7KHLQFOXVLRQRIPRUHWKDQRQHLQVXUHGVKDOOQRWRSHUDWHWRLQFUHDVHWKHLQVXUHU V OLPLWRIOLDELOLW\  x3URYLGHD:DLYHURI6XEURJDWLRQLQIDYRURIWKH&LW\RI'HQWRQLWVRIILFLDOV DJHQWVHPSOR\HHVDQGYROXQWHHUV  xCancellation: City requires 30 day written notice should any of the policies described on the certificate be cancelled before the expiration date.  x6KRXOGDQ\RIWKHUHTXLUHGLQVXUDQFHEHSURYLGHGXQGHUDFODLPVPDGHIRUP &RQWUDFWRUVKDOOPDLQWDLQVXFKFRYHUDJHFRQWLQXRXVO\WKURXJKRXWWKHWHUPRI WKLVFRQWUDFWDQGZLWKRXWODSVHIRUDSHULRGRIWKUHH\HDUVEH\RQGWKHFRQWUDFW H[SLUDWLRQVXFKWKDWRFFXUUHQFHVDULVLQJGXULQJWKHFRQWUDFWWHUPZKLFKJLYHULVH WRFODLPVPDGHDIWHUH[SLUDWLRQRIWKHFRQWUDFWVKDOOEHFRYHUHG  x6KRXOGDQ\RIWKHUHTXLUHGLQVXUDQFHEHSURYLGHGXQGHUDIRUPRIFRYHUDJHWKDW LQFOXGHVDJHQHUDODQQXDODJJUHJDWHOLPLWSURYLGLQJIRUFODLPVLQYHVWLJDWLRQRU OHJDOGHIHQVHFRVWVWREHLQFOXGHGLQWKHJHQHUDODQQXDODJJUHJDWHOLPLWWKH &RQWUDFWRU VKDOO HLWKHU GRXEOH WKH RFFXUUHQFH OLPLWV RU REWDLQ2ZQHUV DQG &RQWUDFWRUV3URWHFWLYH/LDELOLW\,QVXUDQFH  x6KRXOG DQ\ UHTXLUHG LQVXUDQFH ODSVH GXULQJ WKH FRQWUDFW WHUP UHTXHVWV IRU SD\PHQWV RULJLQDWLQJ DIWHU VXFK ODSVH VKDOO QRW EH SURFHVVHG XQWLO WKH &LW\ UHFHLYHVVDWLVIDFWRU\HYLGHQFHRIUHLQVWDWHGFRYHUDJHDVUHTXLUHGE\WKLVFRQWUDFW HIIHFWLYHDVRIWKHODSVHGDWH,ILQVXUDQFHLVQRWUHLQVWDWHG&LW\PD\DWLWVVROH RSWLRQWHUPLQDWHWKLVDJUHHPHQWHIIHFWLYHRQWKHGDWHRIWKHODSVH  63(&,),&$'',7,21$/,1685$1&(5(48,5(0(176  All insurance policies proposed or obtained in satisfaction of this Contract shall additionally comply with the following marked specifications, and shall be maintained in compliance with these additional specifications throughout the duration of the Contract, or longer, if so noted:   >;@$ *HQHUDO/LDELOLW\,QVXUDQFH   *HQHUDO/LDELOLW\LQVXUDQFHZLWKFRPELQHGVLQJOHOLPLWVRIQRWOHVVWKDQ 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¶VIDLOXUHWRFRPSO\ZLWKDQ\RIWKHVHSURYLVLRQVLVDEUHDFKRIFRQWUDFW E\WKHFRQWUDFWRUZKLFKHQWLWOHVWKHJRYHUQPHQWDOHQWLW\WRGHFODUHWKHFRQWUDFWYRLGLI WKHFRQWUDFWRUGRHVQRWUHPHG\WKHEUHDFKZLWKLQWHQGD\VDIWHUUHFHLSWRIQRWLFHRI EUHDFKIURPWKHJRYHUQPHQWDOHQWLW\                                      Exhibit CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE - FORM CIQ For vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity This questionnaire reflects changes made to the law by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session. This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code, by a vendor who has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a) with a local governmental entity and the vendor meets requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local government entity not later than the 7th business day after the date the vendor becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006(a-1), Local Government Code. A vendor commits an offense if the vendor knowingly violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor. 1 Name of vendor who has a business relationship with local governmental entity. 2 Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire. (The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than the 7th business day after the date on which you became aware that the originally filed questionnaire was incomplete or inaccurate.) 3 Name of local government officer about whom the information in this section is being disclosed. Name of Officer This section, (item 3 including subparts A, B, C & D), must be completed for each officer with whom the vendor has an employment or other business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a), Local Government Code. Attach additional pages to this Form CIQ as necessary. A. Is the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from the vendor? Yes No B. Is the vendor receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from or at the direction of the local government officer named in this section AND the taxable income is not received from the local governmental entity? Yes No C. Is the filer of this questionnaire employed by a corporation or other business entity with respect to which the local government officer serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownership of one percent or more? Yes No D. Describe each employment or business and family relationship with the local government officer named in this section. 4 I have no Conflict of Interest to disclose. 5 Signature of vendor doing business with the governmental entity Date                             Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 55462D67AA36492B885C598AFA2BCA56 Status: Completed Subject: Please DocuSign: City Council Contract 7347-Lake Lewisville Pipeline Condition Assessmentle Source Envelope: Document Pages: 50 Signatures: 6 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 6 Initials: 1 Crystal Westbrook AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 crystal.westbrook@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 7/14/2020 10:27:29 AM Holder: Crystal Westbrook crystal.westbrook@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Crystal Westbrook crystal.westbrook@cityofdenton.com Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 7/14/2020 10:30:48 AM Viewed: 7/14/2020 10:31:29 AM Signed: 7/14/2020 10:32:48 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 7/14/2020 10:32:50 AM Viewed: 7/15/2020 7:37:40 AM Signed: 7/15/2020 7:39:23 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Mack Reinwand mack.reinwand@cityofdenton.com City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 7/15/2020 7:39:25 AM Viewed: 7/22/2020 3:57:38 PM Signed: 7/22/2020 4:01:11 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign John Galleher john.galleher@xyleminc.com Vice President Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 7/22/2020 4:01:14 PM Resent: 7/29/2020 7:42:12 AM Viewed: 7/29/2020 2:31:21 PM Signed: 8/3/2020 10:40:39 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 7/29/2020 2:31:21 PM ID: 631418ef-5b80-410a-a8d0-ebf1d26af553 Signer Events Signature Timestamp Frank Pugsley frank.pugsley@cityofdenton.com Water and Wastewater Utilities Director City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 8/3/2020 10:40:42 AM Viewed: 8/3/2020 11:37:05 AM Signed: 8/3/2020 11:37:37 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 8/3/2020 11:37:05 AM ID: ffde92bb-feb3-44e1-9b1d-07a4fec05b07 Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 8/3/2020 11:37:40 AM Viewed: 8/27/2020 8:50:20 AM Signed: 8/27/2020 8:51:03 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Todd Hileman Todd.Hileman@cityofdenton.com City Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 8/27/2020 8:51:06 AM Viewed: 8/27/2020 9:42:06 AM Signed: 8/27/2020 9:42:11 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 7/25/2017 11:02:14 AM ID: 57619fbf-2aec-4b1f-805d-6bd7d9966f21 Rosa Rios rosa.rios@cityofdenton.com City Secretary Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 8/27/2020 9:42:14 AM Viewed: 8/27/2020 10:37:05 AM Signed: 8/27/2020 10:37:29 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 8/27/2020 10:37:05 AM ID: dd6e766f-8617-4acf-bb3b-10d0a0c9dd40 In Ierson Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor DeliverI Events Status Timestamp Igent DeliverI Events Status Timestamp IntermediarI DeliverI Events Status Timestamp Certified DeliverI Events Status Timestamp CarIon CopI Events Status Timestamp Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 7/14/2020 10:32:49 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: CarIon CopI Events Status Timestamp Not Offered via DocuSign Sherri Thurman sherri.thurman@cityofdenton.com City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 8/3/2020 11:37:39 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Zolaina Parker Zolaina.Parker@cityofdenton.com City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 8/27/2020 10:37:32 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Stephen Moore stephen.moore@cityofdenton.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 8/27/2020 10:37:33 AM Viewed: 8/27/2020 10:39:00 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Iitness 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