7420 - PLANS - DME Hickory GIS Duct BankOWNER'S CERTIFICATESTATE OF TEXAS §COUNTY OF DENTON §WHEREAS, THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS is the owner of that certain 2.200 acre tract of land situated in the E. Puchalski Survey, Abstract No. 996, City of Denton, Denton County, Texas, andbeing known as all of those tracts of land conveyed to the City of Denton, Texas, per Deeds recorded in Document No. 2015-22690, 2015-22691, 2015-85581, 2015-85582, 2015-101198,2015-101199 & 2015-112709 of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows:BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped “ARTHUR SURVEY” found for corner in the East line of Bonnie Brae Street (a variable width right-of-way), said point being the Southwest cornerof the above cited City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-85582);THENCE North 00°13'58" East, along said Bonnie Brae Street and the West line of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-85582), passing a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped “TNP” foundat the Northwest corner of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-85582) and the Southwest corner of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-85581), at a distance of 72.00 feet, andcontinuing along said Bonnie Brae Street and the West line of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-85581), passing a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped “TNP” found at the Northwestcorner of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-85581) and the Southwest corner of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-112709), at a distance of 132.00 feet, and continuing alongsaid Bonnie Brae Street and the West line of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-112709), passing an “X” cut found at the Northwest corner of said City of Denton tract (DocumentNo. 2015-112709) and the Southwest corner of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-101198), at a distance of 192.00 feet, and continuing along said Bonnie Brae Street and the West lineof said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-101198), passing a point at the Northwest corner of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-101198) and the Southwest corner of said City ofDenton tract (Document No. 2015-101199), at a distance of 252.00 feet, and continuing along said Bonnie Brae Street and the West line of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-101199), fora total distance of 324.00 feet to a PK nail found in the South line of Oak Street (a called 60 foot right-of-way as shown on the Final Plat of Whitten Addition as recorded in Cabinet J, Page 99 of thePlat Records of Denton County, Texas);THENCE South 89°03'53" East, along said Oak Street and the North line of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-101199), passing a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped “TNP” found at theNortheast corner of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-101199) and the Northwest corner of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-22690), at a distance of 100.28 feet, samebeing the Northwest corner of Lot 5 in said Whitten Addition, and continuing along said Oak Street and the North line of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-22690), for a total distanceof 299.86 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped “TNP” found at the Northeast corner of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-22690), same being the Northeast corner of Lot 6 in saidWhitten Addition;THENCE South 00°14'12" West, departing said Oak Street, and along the East line of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2014-22690), same being the East line of said Lot 6, passing a 1/2 inchsquare iron rod found at the Southeast corner of said Lot 6 and the Northeast of said Lot 3, at a distance of 156.09 feet, and continuing along said City of Denton tract (DocumentNo. 2014-22691), for a total distance of 315.17 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped “TNP” found at the intersection with the North line of Hickory Street (a called 60 foot right-of-way as shownon the Final Plat of Whitten Addition as recorded in Cabinet J, Page 99 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas);THENCE South 89°14'52" West, along the South line of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-22691) and the North line of said Hickory Street, passing a 1/2 inch iron rod found at theSouthwest corner of said Lot 3 at a distance of 99.17 feet, same being the Southeast corner of Lot 4 of said Whitten Addition, and continuing along said City of Denton tract (Document No.2014-22691) passing the Southwest corner of said Lot 4 at a distance of 199.60 feet, same being the Southwest corner of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-22691) and the Southeastcorner of said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-85582), and continuing along said City of Denton tract (Document No. 2015-85582) for a total distance of 299.86 feet to the POINT OFBEGINNING, and containing 2.200 acres of land, more or less.STATE OF TEXAS§COUNTY OF DENTON§NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the City of Denton, Texas, does hereby adopt this Replat, designating the herein described property as Lot 1, Block 1, DMEHICKORY SUBSTATION ADDITION, an Addition to the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever all streets, alleys, parks, watercourses, drains,easements, and public places shown hereon for the purpose and consideration therein expressed.BY: Date: , 2019.Todd Hileman, City ManagerSTATE OF TEXAS§COUNTY OF DENTON§Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Todd Hileman, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoinginstrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed.WITNESS my hand and seal of office, this the day of , 2019.Notary Public in and for the State of TexasSURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATEI, Marvin King, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, State of Texas, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown hereon were foundor set as described, and that this plat correctly represents the survey made by me or under my direction and supervision and is in accordance with the Platting Rules and Regulations of the City of Denton,Texas.Marvin King, R.P.L.S.Texas Registration Number 5581DATE: , 2019.STATE OF TEXAS§COUNTY OF DENTON§Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Marvin King, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoinginstrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed.WITNESS my hand and seal of office, this the day of , 2019.Notary Public in and for the State of TexasOWNER/DEVELOPERCITY OF DENTON215 E. McKinney StreetDenton, Texas 76201PH: 940-349-8200FAX: 940-349-7211SURVEYORTEAGUE NALL & PERKINS3200 S. Interstate 35E, Suite 1129Denton, Texas 76210PH: 940-383-4177FAX: 940-383-8026T.B.P.L.S. Firm No. 10011601CERTIFICATE OF APPROVALAPPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS.on this, the day of , 2019.Chairperson, Planning and Zoning CommissionCity SecretaryBEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 1 THRU 5 OAK TERRACE ADDITIONAND LOTS 3 THRU 6, BLOCK A WHITTEN ADDITIONCONTAINING 2.200 ACRES OF LANDSITUATED IN THEEUGENE PUCHALSKI SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 996City of Denton, Denton County, TexasDME HICKORYSUBSTATION ADDITIONNOVEMBER 2019 SHEET 1 OF 1FINAL REPLATGENERAL NOTES:1. Taps made to existing waterlines or relocation of fire hydrants shall be done by the City of Dentonat the contractors expense. Contact the City of Denton Water Department at 940-349-7181.2. Taps made to existing sewer lines shall be done by the City of Denton at the contractors expense.Contact the City of Denton Wastewater Department at 940-349-8489.3. The minimum finished floor elevations shall be provided when a building permit application issubmitted. The minimum finished floor elevations shall be based on the current FEMA data. Theminimum finished floor elevations shall be stated as mean sea level rather than relative based onNAVD 1988 datum.4. This Replat does not remove or amend any covenants or restrictions. [Sec. 212.014, (3); LocalGovernment]5. The purpose of this Replat is to combine Lots 1 thru 5 of Oak Street Terrace Addition, and Lots 3thru 6 in Block A of the Whitten Addition, into one single Lot.SCALE: 1" = 30'LEGENDC 2019 COPYRIGHT BY TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDL:\PROJECTS\DME13222 DME CIP Support\Hickory St. Substation\cad\survey\DME HICKORY SUBSTATION ADDITION.dwgSURVEY NOTES:1. All property corners are marked with a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped “TNP” set, unless otherwise noted.2. Bearings of lines shown hereon are referenced to Grid North of the Texas Coordinate System of 1983 (North CentralZone; NAD83(CORS96) Epoch 2002.00) as derived locally from Western Data Systems Continuously OperatingReference Stations (CORS) via Real Time Kinematic (RTK) methods. The distances shown hereon representsurface values utilizing an Average Combination Factor of 1.0001506303. As determined by scaled map location and graphical plotting on FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps, CommunityPanel No. 48121C0360G Map Dated April 18, 2011, this property shown hereon lies within Zone "X" (unshaded).Zone "X" - Other Areas (unshaded), is defined as areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain.4. Utility information shown hereon is based on above ground visible evidence only. Underground utilities havenot been located and/or identified. Additional utilities may affect this property that are not shown hereon.W. OAK STW. HICKORY STSTELLA STN. BONNIE BRAE STAVE HPROJECTLOCATIONTHOMAS STAVE GAVE GPRELIMINARY, THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE AND SHALLNOT BE USED OR VIEWED OR RELIED UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY DOCUMENT.VICINITY MAPNOT TO SCALECITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO. FPXXXXXXIMPORTANT NOTICE:THE CITY OF DENTON HAS ADOPTED THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE (THE “CODE”). THECODE GENERALLY PROHIBITS STRUCTURES WITHIN 17.5 FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THECENTERLINE OF OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION LINES AND WITHIN 37.5 FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THECENTERLINE OF OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES. IN SOME INSTANCES THE CODE REQUIRESGREATER CLEARANCES. BUILDING PERMITS WILL NOT BE ISSUED FOR STRUCTURES WITHINTHESE CLEARANCE AREAS. CONTACT THE BUILDING OFFICIAL WITH SPECIFIC QUESTIONS.3200 S. Interstate 35E, Suite 1129Denton, Texas 76210940.383.4177 ph 940.383.8026 fxwww.tnpinc.comT.B.P.L.S. Firm No. 10011601 Sheet 22 Development Assistance Team Approved 03/10/20 SANITARY SEWER · · ENGINEERING SERVICES CERTIFICATION: THIS CITY OF DENTON STANDARD DETAIL SHEET IS AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN THIS PROJECT BY THE ENGINEER WHOSE SEAL APPEARS HEREON, AND WHO CERTIFIES THE CONTENT OF THE DETAILS AND NOTES HEREIN HAVE NOT BEEN ALTERED AND ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR APPROPRIATE USE OF THE STANDARDS WITHIN THIS SHEET. STANDARD DETAILS WASTEWATER DETAILS S E W E R ENGINEERING SERVICES CERTIFICATION: THIS CITY OF DENTON STANDARD DETAIL SHEET IS AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN THIS PROJECT BY THE ENGINEER WHOSE SEAL APPEARS HEREON, AND WHO CERTIFIES THE CONTENT OF THE DETAILS AND NOTES HEREIN HAVE NOT BEEN ALTERED AND ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR APPROPRIATE USE OF THE STANDARDS WITHIN THIS SHEET. STANDARD DETAILS WASTEWATER DETAILS ENGINEERING SERVICES CERTIFICATION: THIS CITY OF DENTON STANDARD DETAIL SHEET IS AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN THIS PROJECT BY THE ENGINEER WHOSE SEAL APPEARS HEREON, AND WHO CERTIFIES THE CONTENT OF THE DETAILS AND NOTES HEREIN HAVE NOT BEEN ALTERED AND ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR APPROPRIATE USE OF THE STANDARDS WITHIN THIS SHEET. STANDARD DETAILS WATER/WASTEWATER SHARED DETAILS ENGINEERING SERVICES CERTIFICATION: THIS CITY OF DENTON STANDARD DETAIL SHEET IS AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN THIS PROJECT BY THE ENGINEER WHOSE SEAL APPEARS HEREON, AND WHO CERTIFIES THE CONTENT OF THE DETAILS AND NOTES HEREIN HAVE NOT BEEN ALTERED AND ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR APPROPRIATE USE OF THE STANDARDS WITHIN THIS SHEET. STANDARD DETAILS CURB & GUTTER/JOINT/INTERSECTION/HEADER DETAILS CERTIFICATION: THIS CITY OF DENTON STANDARD DETAIL SHEET IS AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN THIS PROJECT BY THE ENGINEER WHOSE SEAL APPEARS HEREON, AND WHO CERTIFIES THE CONTENT OF THE DETAILS AND NOTES HEREIN HAVE NOT BEEN ALTERED AND ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR APPROPRIATE USE OF THE STANDARDS WITHIN THIS SHEET. STANDARD DETAILS SIDEWALK DETAILS 30 31 32