Denton-MLK Recreational Center SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROOFING AT MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER FOR THE CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NUMBER: 19-1137-30 The contents of this Competitive Sealed Proposal are considered to be private data of The City of Denton; therefore, the contents herein may not be used or reproduced without the specific written permission of The City of Denton. 05/05/2020 Armko Industries, Inc. Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-006498 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX TABLE OF CONTENTS 00 01 10 - 1 00 01 10 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 LIST OF SPECIFICATIONS DIVISIONS AND SECTIONS 3 4 5 DIVISION 00 BID DOCUMENTS 6 01 10 Table of Contents 7 8 9 DIVISION 01 GENERAL 10 10 00 General Requirements 11 21 13 Cash Allowances 12 26 63 Change Orders 13 32 33 Photographic Documentation 14 33 00 Submittals and Substitutions 15 42 13 Architectural Abbreviations 16 73 29 Cutting and Patching 17 18 DIVISION 02 SITE CONSTRUCTION NOT USED 19 20 DIVISION 03 CONCRETE NOT USED 21 22 DIVISION 04 MASONRY NOT USED 23 24 DIVISION 05 METALS NOT USED 25 26 DIVISION 06 CARPENTRY 27 10 53 Miscellaneous Carpentry 28 29 DIVISION 07 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 30 22 16 Roof Board Insulation 31 41 13 Standing Seam Metal Roof System 32 62 00 Sheet Metal and Miscellaneous Accessories 33 62 13 Gutter and Downspouts 34 35 36 37 38 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 1 SECTION 01 10 00 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2 3 1.01 INSURANCE 4 5 A. Refer to Cooperative Agreement for the required Insurance Requirements: 6 7 B. This Insurance shall: 8 1. include coverage for the liability assumed by the Contractor; 9 2. include completed operation coverage which is to be kept in force by the Contractor 10 for a period of not less than one year after completion of the work provided for or 11 performed under these specifications; 12 3. not be subject to any of the special property damage liability exclusions commonly 13 referred to as the XCU exclusions pertaining to blasting or explosion, collapse or 14 structural damage and underground property; 15 4. not be subject to any exclusion of property used by the insured or property in the 16 case, custody or control of the insured or property as to which the insured for any 17 purpose is exercising physical control; and 18 5. the Certificates of Insurance furnished by the Contractor shall show by specific 19 reference that each of the foregoing items have been provided for. 20 21 C. The Certificates of Insurance furnished by the Contractor as evidence of the insurance 22 maintained by him shall include a clause obligating the Insurer to give City of Denton ten 23 (10) days prior written notice of cancellation or any material change in the insurance. 24 25 1.02 PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BONDS 26 27 A. If not already required and provided through the cooperative purchasing program, 28 contractor to provide the following P&P bonds 29 B. Prior to commencement of Work hereunder, Contractor will, if the Contract Price exceeds 30 $25,000.00, provide an Acceptable Surety Company Payment Bond, and if the Contract 31 Price exceeds $100,000.00, provide an Acceptable Surety Company Performance Bond, 32 each in principal amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, 33 conditioned that Contractor will faithfully perform all its undertakings in this Contract and 34 will fully pay all persons furnishing labor and material in the prosecution of the Work 35 provided for in this Contract. If any surety upon any bond becomes insolvent or otherwise 36 ceases to do business in this State, the Contractor shall promptly furnish equivalent 37 security to protect the interests of City of Denton and of persons furnishing labor and 38 materials in the prosecution of the Work. 39 40 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 2 1.03 INDEMNITY 1 2 A. The contractor shall indemnify the Owner and hold Owner harmless from and against any 3 and all loss, cost, damage or expense of every kind and nature (including, without 4 limitation, court costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of injuries to 5 or death of persons (including, without limitation, the Owner, the contractor and any 6 Subcontractor and their respective employees, agents, licensees and representatives) or 7 damage to or destruction of property (including, without limitations, property of the Owner, 8 the contractor and any Subcontractor and property of their respective employees, agents, 9 licensees and representatives) in any manner except as stated in Insurance sections 10 below, caused by, resulting from, incident to, connected with or growing out of 11 performance of the agreement, unless caused solely by the negligent acts or omissions of 12 the Owner, or its employees, agents, licensees or representatives. 13 14 B. Contractor shall give prompt notice to Owner's representative of all losses, damages or 15 injuries to person or property of Owner, contractor or third person in any way related to 16 this agreement or for which a claim might be made against Owner and shall promptly 17 report to Owner's representative all such claims of which contractor has notice, whether 18 relating to matters insured or uninsured. 19 20 C. No settlement of payment of any claim for loss, injury or damage or other matter as to 21 which Owner may be charged with obligation to make any payment or reimbursement 22 shall be made by contractor without the written approval of Owner. 23 24 1.04 LIENS 25 26 A. Neither the final payment nor the remaining retained percentage shall become due until 27 the contractor submits to the Owner: 28 1. an Affidavit that all payrolls, bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness 29 connected with the work for which the Owner or his property might in any way be 30 responsible, have been paid or otherwise satisfied; 31 2. consent of surety, if any, to final payment; 32 3. if required by the Owner, other data establishing payment or satisfaction of all such 33 obligations, such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens arising out of the Contract, 34 to the extent and in such form as may be designated by the Owner. 35 36 B. If any Subcontractor refuses to furnish a release or waiver required by the Owner, the 37 contractor may furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify him against any such 38 lien. 39 40 C. If any such lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are made, the contractor shall 41 refund to the Owner all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such 42 lien, including all costs and reasonable attorney's fees. 43 44 1.05 WAGES AND OVERTIME 45 46 A. Overtime: Work that the Contractor performs on overtime for the Contractor's benefit is 47 not billable to the Owner. The work that the Owner requests in writing to be performed 48 during off hours is billable to Owner by the Contractor at the rate as proposed under unit 49 cost. 50 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 3 B. Wage Rates: 1 2 1. Requirements: 3 4 a) Pay not less than the minimum wage scale and benefits indicated on the 5 "Minimum Wage Schedule" provided herein. 6 7 b) Wages listed are minimum rates only. 8 9 c) No claims for additional compensation will be considered by the Owner because 10 of payments of wage rates in excess of the applicable rate contained herein. 11 12 2. Applicable Statutes: Vernon's Civil Statutes, Section 2 of Article 5159a, which states 13 as follows: 14 15 "...The Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the State, County, City and County, 16 City, Town, District or other political subdivision on whose behalf the contract is 17 made or awarded, ten dollars ($10.00) for each laborer, workman or mechanic, for 18 each working day, or portion thereof, such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less 19 than the said stipulated rates for any work done under said contract, by him, or by 20 any Subcontractor under him, and the public body awarding the contract shall cause 21 to be inserted in the contract a stipulation to this effect..." 22 23 3. Payroll: In compliance with Article 5159a, Sections 2 and 3, of the Revised Civil 24 Statute referenced above, the Owner reserves the rights as defined by Section 3 25 which states as follows: 26 27 "Sec. 3. The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall keep, or cause to be kept, an 28 accurate record showing the names and occupations of all laborers, workmen and 29 mechanics employed by him, in connection with the said public work, and showing 30 also the actual per diem wages paid to each of such workers, which record shall be 31 open at all reasonable hours to the inspection of the public body awarding the 32 contract, its officers and agents." 33 34 1.06 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 35 36 A. Contractor represents that it is in compliance with the requirements of Executive Order 37 11246, as amended, relating to equal employment opportunity and non-segregated 38 facilities; Public Law 95-507 and Executive Order 11625 relating to Disadvantaged and 39 Minority Business Enterprises; Executive Order 11701 (41 CFR 50-250) relating to the 40 Employment of Veterans; and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (41 CFR 60-741) relating to 41 the Employment of Handicapped Persons. 42 43 1.07 ADDENDA 44 45 A. Any verbal statement or inference prior to the proposal opening regarding modification of 46 specifications is invalid unless so stated on an officially issued addendum. 47 48 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 4 1.08 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS 1 2 A. The Owner reserves the right to reject any one or all proposals, to waive any formalities or 3 irregularities, and to award the contract in the best interest of the City of Denton. 4 5 1.09 ASSIGNMENT 6 7 A. The contractor shall not assign this agreement, or any part thereof, without approval in 8 writing of the Owner. 9 10 1.10 RELATIONSHIP 11 12 A. The relationship of the contractor to the Owner shall be that of an independent contractor, 13 and the contractor shall have no power to bind the Owner. 14 15 1.11 TERMINATION 16 17 A. If the contractor shall default in performance of any terms or provisions of this agreement, 18 then the Owner may, upon seven (7) days prior written notice and without prejudice to any 19 other right or remedy, terminate the employment of the contractor and take possession of 20 the premises and all materials and appliances thereon and finish the work by whatever 21 method the Owner may deem expedient. In such event the contractor shall not be entitled 22 to receive any further payment hereunder until the work is finished. The total cost to the 23 Owner of finishing the work shall be paid to Owner or may be deducted from any balance 24 due the contractor under this agreement. 25 26 1.12 CANCELLATION 27 28 A. In the event the Owner decides not to proceed with the work, though the contractor is not 29 at fault and subject to provisions of Liens paragraph above, the Owner may terminate this 30 agreement at any time upon written notice to the contractor, thereupon the Owner's only 31 liability shall be to pay to the contractor all costs for labor and materials incorporated in the 32 work prior to termination and all costs incurred in discharging outstanding obligations of 33 the contractor at the request of the Owner, and a reasonable overhead and profit, less any 34 previous payments made hereunder or amount of claims of Owner against contractor. 35 36 1.13 PERMITS 37 38 A. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits required, give all legal notices and pay 39 all fees required for the work. Contractor shall comply with all ordinances and laws. Any 40 and all work done which does not meet requirements of any local authorities must be 41 properly redone, and incidental work replaced by the Contractor, without cost to the 42 Owner. 43 44 1.14 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 45 46 A. In the event of a conflict between the reroofing specifications and the Owner's contract 47 documents, the Owner's contract documents shall take precedence. 48 49 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 5 1.15 CONTRACT CONDITIONS 1 2 A. The contractor agrees that he is familiar with the premises, drawings and specifications, 3 accepts the conditions that will exist in performing the work and the price for this 4 agreement was established with full consideration of such acceptance. Contractor shall 5 perform the work under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Owner's representative 6 designated by the Owner. The contractor shall cooperate with Owner's representative and 7 other contractors on the premises and shall carry on the work as to not hinder, delay, or 8 interfere with the operations of the Owner or other contractors. 9 10 B. This roof system shall only be applied by a roofing Contractor previously certified by the 11 roof system manufacturer. Contractor must be able to furnish evidence of this certification. 12 13 C. Installer must be an experienced single firm specializing in the type of removal and 14 replacement work required, having at least five (5) years successful experience on 15 projects similar in size and scope and acceptable as applicators by the Owner's 16 representative. 17 18 1.16 CHANGES FOR EXTRA WORK 19 20 A. No change or addition to specifications and drawings shall be made except upon receipt 21 by the Contractor of a signed order from the Owner authorizing such a change. No claims 22 for an extra to the contract price shall be valid unless so authorized. 23 24 1.17 PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE 25 26 A. A conference shall be scheduled by the Owner's representative and conducted at the work 27 site prior to start of work. The Contractor's project supervisor or foreman and the Owner's 28 representative shall attend. Job schedule, submittals, existing conditions, and 29 specifications shall be reviewed and any questions arising shall be resolved to the 30 satisfaction of all parties prior to start of work. Contractor shall begin work within five (5) 31 calendar days following Owner's signing of contract and/or issuance of the written notice 32 to proceed with work, weather permitting. 33 34 1.18 WORKING TIME 35 36 A. A working day is defined as a calendar day, not including Saturdays, Sundays, or legal 37 holidays, in which weather or other conditions not under the control of the company will 38 permit the performance of the principal units of work underway for a continuous period of 39 not less than seven (7) hours between 7:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. For every Saturday on 40 which the company chooses to work, one day will be charged against the working time 41 when weather conditions will permit seven (7) hours of work as delineated above. A 42 principal unit of work shall be that unit which controls the completion time of the 43 agreement. Nothing in this item shall be construed as prohibiting the company from 44 working on Saturdays if it so desires. If Sunday work is permitted by the Owner, working 45 time will be charged on the same basis as weekdays. 46 47 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 6 1.19 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 A. All work and materials hereinafter specified shall be best of kind described and, unless 2 specified otherwise, shall be new and of best quality. The specified roofing system shall 3 have been used successfully in the United States for a minimum of ten (10) years. 4 5 B. All materials will be securely fastened in place in a watertight, neat and workmanlike 6 manner. 7 8 C. All workmen shall be thoroughly experienced in the particular class of work for which they 9 are employed. 10 11 D. All work shall be done in accordance with these specifications and shall meet the approval 12 in the field of the Owner's representative. Contractor's representative and/or job 13 supervisor shall have a complete copy of specifications and drawings on job site at all 14 times. 15 16 E. Contractor shall plan and conduct the operations of the work so that each section started 17 on one day is complete, details installed and thoroughly protected before the close of work 18 for that day. 19 20 F. Application of materials shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's 21 recommendations. In the instance of a conflict between these specifications and those of 22 the manufacturer, the most stringent shall take precedence. 23 24 G. Roofing system manufacturer shall have approval for FM Global wind uplift requirements 25 and shall meet Underwriter's Laboratory fire rating. 26 27 H. Roof system shall be installed in accordance with FM Global requirements. 28 29 1.20 EXAMINATION OF PREMISES 30 31 A. Before submitting proposals for his work, each contractor shall be held to have examined 32 the premises and satisfied himself as to the existing conditions under which he will be 33 obliged to work. 34 35 1.21 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 36 37 A. Work: The contractor shall maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage and 38 shall protect the Owner's and adjacent property from injury or loss arising from this 39 contract. He shall provide and maintain at all times any OSHA required danger signs, 40 guards, and/or obstructions necessary to protect the public and his workmen from any 41 dangers inherent with or created by the work in progress. All federal, state, and city rules 42 and requirements pertaining to safety and all EPA standards, OSHA standards, NESHAP 43 regulations pertaining to asbestos as required shall be fulfilled by the contractor as part of 44 his bid. 45 46 B. The contractor shall erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and 47 performance of the contract, reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, including 48 posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promulgating safety 49 regulations, and notifying owners and users of adjacent sites and utilities. 50 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 7 1 C. The contractor shall comply to all OSHA requirements and any other local, state or federal 2 regulations pertaining to protection and safety of persons or property. 3 4 D. The contractor shall repair, refinish, and make good any damage to the building or 5 landscaping resulting from any of his operation. This shall include, but is not limited to, 6 any damage to plaster, tile work, wall covering, paint, ceilings, floors, or any other finished 7 work. Damage done to the building, equipment, or grounds must be repaired at the 8 successful contractor's expense holding the Owner harmless from any other claims for 9 property damage and/or personal injury. 10 11 E. Property: Protect existing planting and landscaping as necessary or required to provide 12 and maintain clearance and access to the work of this contract. Examples of two 13 categories or degrees of protection are generally as follows: 14 1. Removal, protection, preservation, or replacement and replanting of plant materials. 15 2. Protection of plant materials in place, and replacement of any damage resulting from 16 the contractor's operations. 17 18 F. Safety Precautions and Programs: The contractor shall be responsible for initiating, 19 maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the 20 performance of the Contract. 21 22 G. Safety of Persons and Property: The contractor shall take reasonable precautions for 23 safety of, and shall provide reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 24 1. Employees on the work and other persons who may be affected thereby. 25 2. The work, materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on 26 or off the site, under care, custody or control of the contractor or the contractor’s 27 Subcontractors or Sub-subcontractors. 28 3. Other property at the site or adjacent thereto, such as trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, 29 pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation 30 or replacement in the course of construction. 31 32 H. The contractor shall give notices and comply in all respects with provisions and regulations 33 of any laws, acts, codes, ordinances, rules, regulations, and lawful orders of public 34 authorities that may be applicable to the performance of the work called for herein, and 35 that have bearing on the safety of persons or property, or their protection from damage, 36 injury, or loss. 37 38 I. Fire Safety: The contractor and all Subcontractors shall take all necessary precautions to 39 keep the premises free of fire and safety hazards. The contractor shall prevent all agents, 40 employees, licensees and invitees of the contractor from smoking on the Owner’s 41 premises and from operating or using any flame, spark or explosion hazard producing 42 devices anywhere on or about the premises without the written approval of the Owner’s 43 representative. 44 45 J. The contractor shall designate a responsible member of the contractor’s organization at 46 the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be the 47 contractor’s superintendent unless otherwise designated by the contractor in writing to the 48 Owner’s representative. 49 K. The contractor shall not load or permit any part of the construction or site to be loaded so 50 as to endanger its safety. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 8 1.22 EMERGENCY CALL 1 2 A. Twenty-four Hour Call: The contractor shall have personnel on call twenty-four (24) hours 3 per day, seven (7) days per week for emergencies during the course of a job. The 4 Owner's project manager is to have the twenty-four (24) hour numbers for the contact. 5 Contractor must be able to respond to any emergency call and have personnel on-site 6 within two (2) hours after contact. Numbers available to the Owner's project manager are 7 to be mobile, home and office numbers for: 8 1. Job Foreman 9 2. Job Superintendent 10 3. Owner or Company Officer 11 12 1.23 USE OF PREMISES 13 14 A. The Contractor is advised that the Owner will occupy the building at all times, and the 15 Contractor must provide all safeguards required to protect personnel and to keep noise 16 levels as low as reasonably possible for each operation. 17 18 B. The Contractor shall: 19 1. Coordinate work in such a manner as to not interfere with the normal operation of 20 the building. 21 2. Assume full responsibility for protection and safekeeping of products stored on 22 premises. 23 3. Agree to hold the Owner harmless in any and all liability of every nature and 24 description that may be suffered through bodily injuries, including death of any 25 persons by reason of negligence of the Contractor, agents, employees, or 26 Subcontractors. 27 4. The Contractor and all Subcontractors shall take all necessary precautions to 28 prevent the use of alcoholic beverages on the Owner’s premises. 29 30 C. Temporary Sanitary Facilities: 31 1. The contractor shall furnish and maintain temporary sanitary facilities for employees 32 use during this project, including temporary toilets, wash facilities, and drinking water 33 fixtures. 34 2. Toilet units shall be self-contained, single-occupant, of the chemical, aerated 35 recirculation, or combustion type, properly vented and fully enclosed with a glass 36 fiber reinforced polyester shell or similar nonabsorbent material. 37 3. Facilities shall be installed where they will best service the project's needs, with 38 Owner's/Owner's Representative's approval. 39 4. Contractor shall provide toilet tissue, paper towels, paper cups, and similar 40 disposable materials for each facility. Provide covered waste containers for used 41 material. 42 5. All portable facilities shall comply with local laws, codes, and regulations. 43 6. Contractor shall be responsible to see that the units are removed in a timely manner 44 after the completion of the project. 45 46 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 9 1.24 DEMOLITION 1 2 A. All abandoned pitch pans, equipment, vents, curbs, and other such debris shall be 3 removed by the Contractor. Abandoned items that require deck placement shall be 4 marked by the Owner prior to proposal due date and/or the commencement of work. 5 Contractor shall install new decking of like dimensions to provide a suitable substrate in 6 areas where penetrations through the deck are removed. 7 8 1.25 JOB CONDITIONS 9 10 A. Coordinate the work of the contractor with the work to be performed by the Owner's 11 personnel, to ensure proper sequencing of the entire work. The Owner's personnel will be 12 erecting interior protection for equipment, if required. The contractor is to schedule his 13 work so that adequate time is allowed for the Owner's personnel to perform this work. No 14 roof work shall be performed until the Owner's personnel have completed erection of the 15 interior protection in that area. 16 17 B. Proceed with roofing work only when weather conditions are in compliance with 18 manufacturer's recommended limitations, and when conditions will permit the work to 19 proceed in accordance with specifications. 20 21 C. Schedule the work so the building will be left watertight at the end of each day. Do not 22 remove more roofing material than can be reinstalled in any working day. 23 24 D. All surfaces to receive new roofing shall be smooth, dry, and free from dirt, debris, and 25 foreign material before any of this work is installed. Competent operators shall be in 26 attendance at all times equipment is in use. Materials shall be stored neatly in areas 27 designated by the Owner. Load placed on the roof at any point shall not exceed the safe 28 load for which the roof is designed. 29 30 E. The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to protect the roof mat and deck from 31 damage. The contractor shall be responsible for repairing all new areas of damage 32 caused by the negligence of the contractor, at the contractor's expense. The Owner's 33 on-site representative shall determine damage caused by contractor negligence. 34 35 F. The contractor shall follow local, state, and federal regulations, safety standards, and 36 codes for the removal, handling, and disposal of asbestos containing materials, if present. 37 When a conflict exists, use the stricter document. 38 39 G. Follow insurance underwriter's requirements acceptable for use with specified products or 40 systems. 41 42 H. Due caution should be exercised so as not to alter the structural integrity of the deck. 43 When cutting through any deck, care should be taken so as not to damage the deck or 44 any part of the deck, such as post tension cables, etc. 45 46 I. All kettles shall have an automatic thermostat control, and temperature gauge, all in 47 working order. 48 49 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 10 J. A temperature recording device, twenty-four (24) hour type, shall also be used. Daily 1 records will be delivered to the Owner's representative or designated person, at the end of 2 each twenty-four (24) hour recording. Calibrate all temperature controls. 3 4 K. For further information regarding roofing material manufacturer's recommendations for 5 project conditions, refer to the manufacturer's published application manual. 6 7 L. The contractor is to be aware of the potential for roof leaks on the existing roof as a result 8 of ruptured blisters and/or roof mat damage caused by the vacuum process, foot traffic, or 9 material and equipment storage. The contractor is to take all necessary precautions to 10 prevent damage to the existing roof. All damage to the existing roof that could result in 11 roof leaks is to be repaired on a daily basis by the roofing contractor. 12 13 M. The contractor is to verify the location of all interior ducts, electrical lines, piping, conduit, 14 and/or similar obstructions. The contractor is to perform all work in such a manner as to 15 avoid contact with the above mentioned items. 16 17 N. Surface and air temperatures should be a minimum 45° F during applications of cleaner 18 and waterproof coating and remain above 45 F for a minimum of four (4) hours following 19 applications. Verify compatibility of cleaner with coatings, paints, primers and joint sealers 20 specified. Advise Owner's representative of any problems in this regard prior to 21 commencing cleaning operations. 22 23 O. Temporary Sanitary Facilities: The contractor shall furnish and maintain temporary 24 sanitary facilities for employees use during this project. These will be removed after the 25 completion of the project. All portable facilities shall comply with local laws, codes, and 26 regulations. 27 28 1.26 CREWS AND EQUIPMENT 29 30 A. Contractor shall provide sufficient crews and equipment so that the project may progress 31 without interruption or unnecessary delay. 32 33 1.27 SUBCONTRACTING OF WORK 34 35 A. The Owner shall have the right to accept or reject the use of any subcontractor. The 36 Contractor shall submit a list of proposed Subcontractors with his proposal. 37 38 1.28 ON-SITE SUPERVISION 39 40 A. The Contractor is responsible for the management and control of the work. He shall give 41 his personal superintendence of the work or have a competent resident manager or 42 superintendent satisfactory to the Owner on the job site at all times while work is in 43 progress, with full authority to act for the Contractor as his agent. 44 45 1.29 INSPECTION OF WORK IN PROGRESS 46 47 A. The Owner's representative will require the material manufacturer's representative to 48 periodically examine the work in progress, as well as on completion, in order to assist in 49 ascertaining the extent the materials and labor procedures conform to the requirements of 50 the specifications. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 11 1 B. The authorized material manufacturer's field representative shall be responsible for: 2 1. Keeping the Owner's representative informed after periodic inspections as to the 3 progress and quality of the work observed. 4 2. Calling to the attention of the Contractor those matters observed which are 5 considered to be in violation of the contract requirements. 6 3. Reporting to the Owner's representative, in writing, any failure or refusal of the 7 Contractor to correct unacceptable practices called to his attention. 8 4. Confirming, after completion of the work and based on his observation and test, that 9 he has observed no application procedures in conflict with these specifications. 10 Final payment will not be released until all specified warranties have been received 11 by the Owner. 12 13 1.30 FIELD INSPECTION AND CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY 14 15 A. The Owner's representative shall at all times have access to the job site and work areas. 16 The Contractor will provide proper and safe facilities for such access and inspection. 17 18 B. Any time during the course of the project, an inspection may be deemed necessary by the 19 Owner/Owner's representative to have one or all of the following members of the 20 Contractor's organization present in person to inspect the work along with the 21 Owner/Owner's representative: Owner, a Majority Stockholder, President and/or Chief 22 Executive Officer of the contracting firm. 23 24 C. The Owner/Owner's representative, if deemed necessary, will notify in writing who in the 25 Contractor's organization they want to inspect the work on the roof in addition to the 26 Contractor's normal inspection. If the designated person or persons requested by the 27 Owner/Owner's representative fails to respond within forty-eight (48) hours to the request, 28 the work may be suspended, payment withheld and/or liquidated damages outlined in the 29 specifications assessed until such time the individual(s) inspect(s) the work with the 30 Owner/Owner's representative. 31 32 D. Neither the presence nor absence of the Owner's representative nor the manufacturer's 33 representative, nor an inspection by the manufacturer of the work or operation of the 34 Contractor, nor any failure by the manufacturer to detect, pinpoint, or object to any defect 35 in the work completed, nor any deviation from these specifications, nor the acceptance by 36 the manufacturer of any such defect or the approval of the manufacturer of any such 37 deviation shall relieve the Contractor, or reduce, or in any way limit or divide, his full 38 responsibility for the full performance of the work required of him under these 39 specifications. 40 41 E. It shall be understood that such field inspection as the Owner's representative may cause 42 to be performed by the material manufacturer will be performed by the material 43 manufacturer solely for the benefit of the Owner and in an attempt to assist with the 44 requirements of this specification. These requirements bind the Contractor even without 45 such inspection. 46 47 F. No inspection or any act or omission of either the Owner's representative or the 48 manufacturer's representative in connection with such inspection shall prejudice the 49 Owner's right to strict conformance, or under any circumstances be construed to excuse or 50 mitigate any mistake or non-conformance by the Contractor. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 12 1 1.31 MANUFACTURER'S INSPECTION 2 3 A. An inspection shall be made by a representative of the material manufacturer of the 4 completed project to ensure that said project was installed in accordance with the 5 manufacturer's specifications and illustrated details. Upon this approval of the project, the 6 specified warranty or warranties shall be written. 7 8 1.32 FINAL INSPECTION 9 10 A. Upon job completion, a final inspection will be made by Owner's representative. Final 11 payment will not be authorized for the work done until such inspection has been made and 12 all work is found to have been performed in accordance with the specifications and to the 13 satisfaction of the building Owner, and the specified warranties are issued. 14 15 B. The Contractor shall promptly remove any work that does not meet the requirements of 16 the plans and specifications or is incorrectly installed or otherwise disapproved by the 17 Owner as failing to meet with the plans and specifications. The Contractor shall promptly 18 replace any such work without expense to the Owner and shall bear the cost of making 19 good all work of other contractors or the Owner, destroyed or damaged by such removal 20 or replacement. 21 22 1.33 ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT 23 24 A. All air conditioning units and other rooftop equipment shall be moved by the roofing 25 Contractor as required to install roofing materials complete and in accordance with the 26 plans and specifications. When units or equipment are to be moved, they shall be 27 disconnected and moved by the roofing Contractor to a protected area so as not to 28 damage any part or component thereof, and shall be reset by the roofing Contractor and 29 reconnected at the Contractor's expense, all according to local building codes. All 30 disconnection and reconnection shall be performed by a mechanical and/or electrical 31 company licensed to perform such work and approved by the Owner's representative. 32 33 B. Contractor shall follow refrigerant recycling requirements as outlined in Section 608 of the 34 Clean Air Act, 1990, as amended (CAA), including final regulations published on May 14, 35 1993 (58 FR 28660), and the prohibition on venting that became effective on July 1, 1992. 36 37 C. Where mechanical items, conduits, cables, raceways, piping or any other roof-top 38 mounted item must be moved in any manner, or disconnected and reconnected as made 39 necessary by the reroofing of the specified areas at the facility, all roof-top equipment, 40 piping, insulation, wires, fiber optic cable, any information systems components, conduits, 41 panels, motor starters, raceways, switches, antennas, satellite components, etc. shall be 42 replaced or renewed to match existing if damaged by Contractor. NOTE: It is the 43 responsibility of the Contractor to review the condition of any and all of the above noted, or 44 similar, items with authorized Owner personnel to determine condition of said items 45 PRIOR TO START OF WORK. If this review is not completed as prescribed, any and all 46 damage found at the end of the work will be repaired solely at the contractor’s expense. 47 48 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 - 13 D. Any action by roofing contractor personnel which causes interruption of the ongoing works 1 of the Owner’s facility will be repaired at the sole expense of the roofing contractor. Upon 2 interruption of the Owner’s ability to meet required tasks, Owner may immediately, and 3 without the contractor’s permission, take such action as necessary to repair said damage 4 so that the Owner’s work may be resumed. The Owner has the obligation to notify the 5 contractor of such action as soon as possible, but in all cases must notify the contractor in 6 writing within 48 hours of the occurrence of the incident. 7 8 1.34 NAILERS AND ROOF DECK 9 10 A. Contractor shall notify the Owner's representative of unforeseen areas of damaged 11 decking, wet insulation or deteriorated nailers. Where the damage is serious and 12 extensive, it will be the Owner's prerogative to authorize removal and replacement. 13 14 B. Any areas of unusual deck deflection noticed by the Contractor during the course of the 15 job that will cause an area of ponding water should be brought to the attention of the 16 Owner's representative by the Contractor. 17 18 C. The Contractor shall furnish the Owner with a unit price for removal and replacement of 19 the damaged decking, wet insulation or deteriorated nailers. All nailers required for the 20 new roofing application shall be provided by the roofing Contractor, and included in the 21 proposal amount. Unit cost for nailers applies only to existing deteriorated nailers. If 22 lumber is required to make "flush" interior parapet wall, cost shall be included in Base 23 Proposal. 24 25 1.35 CLEANING AND DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS 26 27 A. Contractor shall keep the job clean and free from all loose materials and foreign matter. 28 Contractor shall take necessary precautions to keep outside walls clean and shall allow no 29 roofing materials to remain on the outside walls. 30 31 B. All waste materials, rubbish, etc., shall be removed from the Owner's premises as 32 accumulated. Rubbish shall be carefully handled to reduce the spread of dust. A suitable 33 scrap chute or hoist must be used to lower any debris. At completion, all work areas shall 34 be left broom clean and all contractor's equipment and materials removed from the site. 35 36 C. All bituminous or roofing related materials shall be removed from ladders, stairs, railings, 37 and similar parts of the building. 38 39 D. Debris shall be deposited at an approved disposal site. 40 41 42 END OF SECTION 01 10 00 43 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX CASH ALLOWANCES 01 21 13 - 1 SECTION 01 21 13 1 CASH ALLOWANCES 2 3 4 PART 1 - GENERAL 5 6 1.01 DESCRIPTION 7 8 A. Work included: To provide adequate budget and bonding to cover items not precisely 9 determined prior to bidding, allow within the proposed Contract Sum the amounts 10 described below. 11 12 B. Related Work: 13 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, 14 General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division 01 of these 15 Specifications. 16 2. Other provisions concerning Cash Allowances also may be stated in other Sections 17 of these Specifications. 18 19 C. All work to be performed from any contingency fund must be approved in writing from 20 Owner/Project Manager prior to work commencing. 21 22 1.02 SPECIFIC CASH ALLOWANCES 23 24 A. Allow the sum of $30,000.00 for General Contingency, as dictated by the Consultant and 25 Owner. 26 27 28 29 30 END OF SECTION 01 21 13 31 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES 01 26 63 - 1 SECTION 01 26 63 1 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES 2 3 4 PART 1 – GENERAL 5 6 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 7 8 A. Procedures for processing Change Orders. 9 10 1.02 SUBMITTALS 11 12 A. Submit name of the individual authorized to accept changes, and to be responsible for 13 informing others in contractor's employ of changes in the work. 14 15 B. Change Order Forms: AIA G701 16 17 1.03 DOCUMENTATION OF CHANGE IN CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 18 19 A. Maintain detailed records of work done on a time and material basis. 20 21 1. Provide full information required for evaluation of proposed changes, and to 22 substantiate costs of changes in the work. 23 24 B. Document each quotation for a change in costs or time with sufficient data to allow 25 evaluation of the quotation. 26 27 C. Provide data necessary to support computations: 28 29 1. Quantities of products, labor, and equipment. 30 2. Taxes, insurance and bonds. 31 3. Labor burden for labor on a change will be established at 46% maximum allowed of 32 labor cost. Labor burden is to include the cost FICA, workers compensation, state 33 and federal unemployment, and health insurance. 34 4. Justification for any change in contract time. 35 5. Credit for deletions from contract, similarly documented. 36 37 D. Support each claim for additional costs, and for work done on a time and material basis 38 with additional information: 39 40 1. Origin and date of claim. Note: Claims for additional cost must be submitted within 41 10 days of claim to be considered. 42 2. Dates and times work was performed, and by whom. 43 3. Time records and wage rates paid. 44 4. Invoices and receipts for products, equipment, and subcontracts, similarly 45 documented. 46 47 1.04 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE AUTHORIZATION 48 49 A. Consultant/Owner may issue a directive, signed by the Owner, instructing contractor to 50 proceed with a change in the work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES 01 26 63 - 2 1 B. Directive will describe changes in the work, and will designate method of determining any 2 change in contract sum or contract time. 3 4 C. Promptly execute the change in work. 5 6 1.05 LUMP SUM CHANGE ORDER 7 8 A. Will be based on proposal request and contractor's sum quotation, or contractor's request 9 for Change Order as approved by Consultant/Owner. 10 11 B. Contractor's overhead and profit shall not exceed 10% of the lump sum cost including 12 bonds and insurance. 13 14 1.06 UNIT PRICE CHANGE ORDER 15 16 A. For predetermined unit prices and quantities, Change Order will be executed on a lump 17 sum basis. 18 19 B. For unit costs or quantities of units of work that are not predetermined, execute work under 20 a construction change authorization. 21 22 1. Changes in contract sum or contract time will be computed as specified for time and 23 material Change Order. 24 25 C. Contractor's overhead and profit shall not exceed 10% of the unit price cost including 26 bonds and insurance. 27 28 1.07 TIME AND MATERIAL CHANGE ORDER 29 30 A. Submit itemized account and supporting data after completion of change. 31 32 B. Consultant/Owner will determine the change allowable in contract sum and contract time. 33 34 C. Contractor's overhead and profit shall not exceed 10% of the total of the time and material 35 cost including bonds and insurance. 36 37 1.08 EXECUTION OF CHANGE ORDERS 38 39 A. Consultant/Owner will issue Change Orders for signatures of parties. 40 41 1.09 CORRELATION OF CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS 42 43 A. Promptly revise schedule of values and application for payment forms to record each 44 authorized Change Order as a separate line time and adjust the contract sum as shown on 45 the Change Order. 46 47 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES 01 26 63 - 3 B. Promptly revise progress schedules to reflect any change in contract time, revise sub-1 schedules to adjust times for other items of work affected by the change, and resubmit. 2 3 4 5 END OF SECTION 01 26 63 6 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SUBMITTALS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 33 00 - 1 SECTION 01 32 33 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION 2 3 4 PART 1 - GENERAL 5 6 1.01 SUMMARY 7 8 A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for the following: 9 1. Preconstruction photographs. 10 2. Periodic construction photographs. 11 3. Final Completion construction photographs. 12 13 1.02 SUBMITTALS 14 15 A. Construction Photographs: Submit one print of each photographic view within ten (10) 16 days of taking photographs. Submission shall be on 8.5" by 11" paper, printed two 17 photographs per page. 18 1. Identification: 19 a) Below each print, provide a description of the view. 20 b) Date photograph was taken shall be stamped by camera with the 21 exception of Final Completion Construction Photographs. 22 2. Digital Images: With each submittal of prints also submit a complete set of digital 23 image electronic files on CD-ROM or flash drive. 24 25 26 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 27 28 2.01 PHOTOGRAPHIC MEDIA 29 30 A. Digital Images: Provide images in uncompressed JPEG format, produced by a digital 31 camera with minimum sensor size of 4.0 megapixels, and at an image resolution of not 32 less than 1024 by 768 pixels. 33 34 35 PART 3 - EXECUTION 36 37 3.01 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS 38 39 A. General: Take photographs using the maximum range of depth of field, and that are in 40 focus, to clearly show the work. Photographs with blurry or out-of-focus areas will not 41 be accepted. 42 43 B. Digital Images: Submit digital images exactly as originally recorded in the digital 44 camera, without alteration, manipulation, editing, or modifications using image-editing 45 software. 46 1. Field Office Images: Maintain one set of images on CD-ROM or flash drive in the 47 field office at project site, available at all times for reference. 48 49 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SUBMITTALS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 33 00 - 2 C. Preconstruction Photographs: Before commencement of demolition, take digital 1 photographs of project site and surrounding properties, including existing items to 2 remain during construction, from different vantage points, as directed by Project 3 Manager. 4 1. Take ten (10) photographs per facility to show existing conditions of property 5 before starting the work. 6 2. Take additional photographs as required to record settlement or cracking of 7 adjacent structures, pavements, and improvements. 8 9 D. Periodic Construction Photographs: Take minimum twenty (20) digital photographs per 10 facility weekly, with timing each month adjusted to coincide with the cutoff date 11 associated with each Application for Payment. Select vantage points to show status of 12 construction and progress since last photographs were taken. 13 14 E. Project Manager-Directed Construction Photographs: From time to time, Project 15 Manager will instruct photographer about number and frequency of additional digital 16 photographs with general directions on vantage points to show the status of 17 construction and progress since last photographs were taken. 18 19 F. Final Completion Construction Photographs: Take ten (10) digital photographs per 20 facility after date of Substantial Completion for submission as Project Record 21 Documents. Project Manager will direct photographer for desired vantage points. 22 1. Do not include date stamp. 23 24 25 26 END OF SECTION 01 32 33 27 28 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SUBMITTALS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 33 00 - 1 SECTION 01 33 00 1 SUBMITTALS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 2 3 4 PART 1 – GENERAL 5 6 1.01 DESCRIPTION 7 8 A. Work includes: Make submittals required by the Contract Documents, and revise and 9 resubmit as necessary to establish compliance with the specified requirements. 10 11 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE 12 13 A. Coordination of submittals: 14 1. Prior to each submittal, carefully review and coordinate all aspects of each item 15 being submitted. 16 2. Verify that each item and the submittal for it conform in all respects with the 17 specified requirements. 18 3. By affixing the Contractor's signature to each submittal, certify that this 19 coordination has been performed. 20 21 B. Substitutions 22 1. The contract is based on the standards of quality established in the Contract 23 Documents. Substitutions will be considered only when listed at time of bidding, 24 on the form provided in the bidding documents, and when substantiated by the 25 Contractor's submittal of required data within thirty-five (35) calendar days after 26 award of the Contract. 27 2. The following products do not require further approval except for interface within 28 the work: 29 a. Products specified by reference to standard specifications such as ASTM 30 and similar standards. 31 b. Products specified by manufacturer's name and catalog model number. 32 3. Where any material is specified by proprietary name, trade name, name of 33 manufacturer, generic name, or catalog number with the addition of such 34 expressions as "or equal"/"or approved equal", it is understood that the material 35 named is intended and no substitution will be allowed without written approval 36 by the Owner's representative three (3) calendar days prior to proposal due 37 date. 38 4. Should a specified material not be available, a substitution shall require approval 39 (in writing) of the Owner's representative and the roof system manufacturer 40 issuing the warranty before being utilized on this project. 41 5. Unless otherwise indicated, the materials to be used in this specification are 42 those specified and denote the type, quality, performance, etc. required. All 43 proposals shall be based upon the use of specified material. 44 6. Do not substitute materials, equipment, or methods unless substitution has been 45 specifically approved in writing for this work by the Project Manager. 46 47 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SUBMITTALS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 33 00 - 2 C. "Or equal" 1 1. Where the phrase "or equal", or "or equal as approved by the Project Manager", 2 occurs in the Contract Documents, do not assume that the materials, equipment, 3 or methods will be approved as equal unless the item has been specifically so 4 approved for this work by the Project Manager. 5 2. A Contractor who proposes to quote on the basis of an "or equal"/"or approved 6 equal" alternate material or system shall submit to the Owner's representative 7 the following information, at least five (5) calendar days prior to scheduled 8 proposal opening. Only one request for substitution will be considered for each 9 material or system. When substitution is not accepted, specified product or 10 system shall be used. 11 a) A five (5) gallon sample of any adhesive, coating, mastic, or sealant and a 12 three foot by five foot (3' x 5') sample of any sheeting or rolled goods as may 13 be specified. 14 b) A certificate from an accredited testing laboratory comparing the physical 15 and performance attributes of the proposed material with those of the 16 specified materials. 17 c) A list of at least three (3) local jobs where the proposed alternate material 18 was used under similar conditions and written documentation showing 19 successful installation in the United States of similar size and scope for a 20 minimum of ten (10) years. These jobs must be available for inspection by 21 the Owner's representative. 22 d) In the event a substitution is acceptable by the Owner, all contractors shall 23 be notified of the acceptable alternate within three (3) calendar days prior to 24 proposal opening. 25 e) During the course of work, the Owner's representative may secure from the 26 containers at the job site, samples of the materials being used and submit 27 the samples to an independent testing laboratory for comparison. If the 28 results of the independent testing laboratory prove that the materials are not 29 comparable and equal to the specified materials, the Contractor shall pay for 30 the testing and the Owner reserves the right to reduce the amount of the 31 proposal by twenty percent (20%) if all work has already been completed 32 before the test results become known. If the contract work is not completed 33 when the test results become known, the Owner shall impose a penalty in 34 proportion to the amount of work already completed, and all remaining work 35 shall be completed with the specified materials. 36 37 D. Procedure for Use of Substitution Request Form 38 1. Substitution request including all required documentation must be delivered 39 to the Owner's Representative's office no later than the date indicated in the 40 specifications. Requests submitted late will not be considered. 41 2. The Individual or Firm requesting a substitution must document that the 42 requested substitution is equal or superior to the specified product. Failure to 43 provide clear, accurate, and adequate documentation will be grounds for 44 rejection. 45 3. Required documentation shall consist of applicable information which would aid 46 the Architect in making an informed decision. Include side by side product 47 comparisons, technical data, laboratory test results, product drawings, etc. 48 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SUBMITTALS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 33 00 - 3 4. If use of the proposed product would result in changes to the design of the 1 building, the submittal shall describe fully the changes required to the drawings 2 or specifications. Any cost differences resulting from modifications to the 3 drawings and specifications and the cost of making the changes shall be borne 4 by the Product Supplier. 5 5. No product will be considered "as equal" to the product specified until it has 6 been included as an allowable substitution, in a written Addendum to the project. 7 8 1.03 SUBMITTALS 9 10 A. Make submittals of Shop drawings, samples, Substitution Requests, and other items 11 in accordance with the provisions of this section. 12 13 B. Upon receipt of Notice of Acceptance of this proposal, the Contractor shall submit the 14 following items. All submittals shall be submitted to the Owner/Owner's 15 representative within ten (10) calendar days of the date on the Notice of Acceptance 16 and prior to the award of contract. 17 1. Contractor's executed insurance certificate. 18 2. Material manufacturer's approval/acceptance of the specifications and details as 19 written or noted for this project, fastener pattern layout, insulation, fasteners and 20 all related materials. 21 3. Contractor's executed payment and performance bonds as required. 22 4. Shop drawings of all perimeter and projection details, and sheet metal details 23 approved by manufacturer, for Owner's approval if proposed details differ from 24 those included with this proposal package. These drawings shall be approved 25 by the membrane manufacturer and submitted at the preconstruction conference 26 for Owner review and approval prior to work start. 27 5. Approved applicator must submit a roof drawing which will be employed in the 28 project if proposed drawing differs from that included with this proposal package. 29 6. Detailed project sequencing, staging, material loading, manpower plans, and 30 detailed project construction schedule for approval. 31 7. Copy of warranty application that has been sent to manufacturer. 32 8. Sample of warranty that is to be issued upon project completion. 33 9. Submit list of all mechanical, electrical, rigging, sheet metal, and other 34 Subcontractors with evidence of Subcontractor's insurance coverage in 35 compliance with contract requirements. 36 10. Project superintendent's resume and project experience list for proposed 37 system. 38 11. Contractor shall submit written statement that their company or any 39 Subcontractor they may use is not employing workers classified as 40 undocumented workers on this project. 41 12. Samples of all materials not supplied or prior approved by the roofing membrane 42 manufacturer shall be submitted to the manufacturer for written approval prior to 43 installation start. 44 45 C. Samples and Manufacturer's Submittals: Submit prior to delivery or installation. 46 1. Samples of all roofing system components including all specified accessories. 47 2. Submit samples of proposed warranty complete with any addenda necessary to 48 meet the warranty requirements as specified. 49 3. Submit latest edition of manufacturer's specifications and installation 50 procedures. Submit only those items applicable to this project. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SUBMITTALS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 33 00 - 4 4. A written statement from the roofing materials manufacturer approving the 1 installer, specifications and drawings as described and/or shown for this project 2 and stating the intent to guarantee the completed project. 3 5. Manufacturer's Equiviscous Temperatures (EVT) for the specified bitumens. 4 6. Submit shop drawings, product data and mockups of all sheet metal. 5 6 D. Samples and Manufacturer's Submittals for Sheet Metal and Miscellaneous 7 Accessories: Submit prior to deliver or installation. 8 1. Submit shop drawings, product data and mockups of all sheet metal. 9 10 11 PART 2 – PRODUCTS 12 13 2.01 SHOP DRAWINGS 14 15 A. Scale and measurements: Make Shop Drawings accurately to a scale sufficiently 16 large to show all pertinent aspects of the item and its method of connection to the 17 work. 18 19 B. Shop Drawings: Provide manufacturer's approved details of all perimeter conditions, 20 projection conditions, and any additional special job conditions which require details 21 other than indicated in the drawings. 22 23 C. Shop Drawings and Product Data: 24 1. Manufacturer's Details: All termination details and other details normally 25 required by the membrane manufacturer's Technical Specifications, including 26 both standard details and special details, shall be furnished by the Contractor 27 and shall be approved in writing by the manufacturer, the company project 28 manager, and the Owner's representative prior to final installation. 29 2. As-built Drawings: Contractor shall supply the Owner with a full set of "as-built" 30 drawings depicting location, size, nomenclature and manufacturer of all replaced 31 roof slabs. One set of reproducible drawings, twenty-four inches by thirty-six 32 inches (24" x 36"), shall be supplied along with one set of copies. Contractor 33 shall also supply Owner with "as-built" roofing details as approved by the 34 appropriate manufacturer with original manufacturer's seals and signatures 35 thereon. Owner must have "as-built" drawings in hand prior to release of final 36 payment to the Contractor. 37 3. Initially submit three prints of each drawing, including fabrication, erection, layout 38 and setting drawings, and other such drawings as required under various 39 sections of the specifications until final approval is obtained. 40 4. Date and mark shop drawings to show name of project, Owner, Contractor, 41 origination Subcontractor, manufacturer or supplier, and separate details as 42 pertinent. 43 5. Shop drawings shall completely identify specification sections and locations at 44 which materials or equipment are to be installed. 45 6. Minimum drawing size shall be eight and one-half inches by eleven inches 46 (8-1/2" x 11"). 47 7. Submit sufficient copies of manufacturer's descriptive data including catalog 48 sheets for materials, equipment and fixtures, showing dimensions, performance 49 characteristics and capacities, diagrams and controls, schedules, and other 50 pertinent information required. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SUBMITTALS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 33 00 - 5 8. Submit brochures and other submittal data that cannot be reproduced 1 economically, in such quantities to allow the Owner to retain one copy of each 2 after review. Mark product data to show the name of project, Owner, Contractor, 3 originating Subcontractor, manufacturer or supplier, and separate details if 4 pertinent. 5 9. Product data shall completely identify specification sections and locations at 6 which materials or equipment are to be installed. 7 10. Accompany each submittal with a separate transmittal letter in duplicate, 8 containing date, project title and number, Contractor's name and address, 9 number of each shop drawing, product data and samples submitted, and 10 notification of deviations from Contract Documents. 11 11. One (1) set of prints and will be returned to the Owner for record. The cost of all 12 printing is the responsibility of the Contractor. 13 14 D. Provide manufacturer's approved details, or all perimeter conditions, project 15 conditions, and any additional special job conditions which require details other than 16 indicated in the drawings. 17 18 E. Types of prints required: Submit Shop Drawings in the form of six (6) bond prints of 19 each sheet. 20 21 F. Review comments of the Project Manager will be shown on the copies when it is 22 returned to the Contractor. The Contractor may make and distribute marked copies 23 as are required for his purposes. 24 25 G. Fax submittals are not acceptable. 26 27 2.02 MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE 28 29 A. Where contents of submitted literature from manufacturers includes data not pertinent 30 to the submittal, clearly show which portions of the contents is being submitted for 31 review. 32 33 B. Submit the number of copies which are required to be returned, plus one copy which 34 will be retained by the Project Manager. 35 36 2.03 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 37 38 A. Maintenance Procedures: Within ten days of the date of Substantial Completion of 39 the project, deliver to the Owner three copies of the manufacturer's printed 40 instructions regarding care and maintenance of the roof. 41 42 2.04 SAMPLES 43 44 A. Provide sample or samples identical to the precise article proposed to be provided. 45 Identify as described under "Identification of Submittals" below. 46 47 B. Number of samples required: 48 1. Unless otherwise specified, submit samples in the quantity which is required to 49 be returned, plus one which will be retained by the Project Manager. 50 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SUBMITTALS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 33 00 - 6 2. By pre-arrangement in specific cases, a single sample may be submitted for 1 review and, when approved, be installed in the work at a location agreed upon 2 by the Project Manager. 3 4 2.05 COLORS AND PATTERNS 5 6 A. Unless the precise color and pattern are specifically called out in the Contract 7 Documents, and whenever a choice of color or pattern is available in the specified 8 products, submit accurate color and pattern charts to the Project Manager for 9 selection. 10 11 B. Contractor shall hold ALL color samples until all items requiring color selections are 12 received. Only then should the actual color samples be submitted for selections. 13 Each sample shall be properly labeled with the name of the project, contractor, 14 manufacturer, and date of submission. Incomplete color submittal will be returned to 15 the Contractor. 16 17 C. The Contractor shall allow four weeks after all colors are submitted for final Owner 18 approval. 19 20 21 PART 3 – EXECUTION 22 23 3.01 IDENTIFICATION OF SUBMITTALS 24 25 A. Consecutively number all submittals. 26 27 B. Accompany each submittal with a letter of transmittal showing all information required 28 for identification and checking. 29 1. When material is re-submitted for any reason, transmit under a new letter of 30 transmittal and with a new transmittal number. 31 2. On re-submittals, cite the original submittal number for reference. 32 33 C. On at least the first page of each submittal, and elsewhere as required for positive 34 identification, show the submittal number in which the item was included. 35 36 D. Maintain an accurate submittal log for the duration of the work, showing current status 37 of all submittals at all times. Make the submittal log available to the Project Manager 38 for his review upon request. 39 40 3.02 TIMING OF SUBMITTALS 41 42 A. Make submittals far enough in advance of scheduled dates for installation to provide 43 time required for reviews, for securing necessary approvals, for possible revisions and 44 re-submittals, and for placing orders and securing delivery. 45 46 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SUBMITTALS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 33 00 - 7 B. Revisions: 1 1. Make revisions required by the Project Manager. 2 2. If the Contractor considers any required revision to be a change, he shall so 3 notify the Project Manager. 4 3. Make only those revisions directed or approved by the Project Manager. 5 6 7 8 END OF SECTION 01 33 00 9 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS 01 42 13 - 1 SECTION 01 42 13 1 ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS 2 3 4 PART 1 - GENERAL 5 6 1.01 SCOPE 7 8 A. This section describes abbreviations and how they are used in these specifications 9 and on the approved drawings. 10 11 1.02 DESCRIPTION 12 13 A. When references are made in these specifications to the standards, specifications, or 14 other published data of various international, national, regional, or local organizations, 15 such organizations may be referred to by their acronym or abbreviation only. 16 17 B. Abbreviations can have more than one meaning. The abbreviation shall be 18 considered with respect to different disciplines where the context in which each is 19 used makes the meaning clear. 20 21 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE 22 23 A. In case of conflict between abbreviations, or between abbreviations and symbols, 24 most stringent requirement shall govern. 25 26 B. Discrepancies and conflicts shall be noted and brought to the Project Manager's 27 attention for interpretation and clarification. 28 29 1.04 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 30 @ At A/C Air Conditioning ABV Above ACOUST Acoustical ADD Addendum ADH Adhesive ADJ Adjustable ADJC Adjacent AFF Above finish floor AGG Aggregate AHU Air Handling Unit ALT Alternate ALUM Aluminum ANOD Anodized APPROX Approximate ARCH Architect/Architectural ASPH Asphalt AUD Auditorium BBD Bulletin Board BD Board BEL Below BET Between BFF Below finish floor BIT Bituminous BLDG Building BLK Block BLKG Blocking BM Beam BM Bench Mark BOT Bottom BRG Bearing BRK Brick BSMT Basement BUR Built-up Roof BW Both Ways CAB Cabinet CAD Cadmium CEM Cement CER Ceramic CFL Counterflashing CFMF Cold Formed Metal Framing CFT Cubic Foot CHBD Chalkboard CHT Ceiling Height CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS 01 42 13 - 2 CIR Circle CJ Control Joint Cl Cast Iron CLG Ceiling CLR Clear Dimension CLST Closet CM-TILE Ceramic Mosaic Tile CMU Concrete Masonry Unit COL Column COMP Compress(ed)(ion)(ible) CONC Concrete CONST Construction CONT Continuous CORR Corridor CPT Carpet(ed) CR Cold Rolled CRS Course(s) CS Carpet Strip CT Ceramic Tile CY Cubic Yard D Depth DEM Demolish, Demolition DEPT Department DF Drinking Fountain DIA Diameter DIM Dimension DMPF Dampproofing DN Down DR Door DS Downspout DWG Drawing DWL Dowels DWR Drawer E East EA Each EIFS Exterior Insulation and Finish EJ Expansion Joint ELEC Electrical ELEV Elevation, Elevator EOD Emergency Overflow Drain EOS Emergency Overflow Scupper EPO Emergency Power Off EQ Equal EQUIP Equipment EST Estimate EWC Electric Water Cooler EXH Exhaust EXIST Existing EXP Exposed EXT Exterior FB Face Brick FD Floor Drain FE Fire Extinguisher FEC Fire Extinguisher Cab. FECR Fire Extinguisher Cab. Rated FHC Fire Hose Cabinet FIN FL Finish Floor FIN Finish(ed) FL Floor FLG Flashing FLUOR Fluorescent FLX Flexible FO Face of FOF Face of Finish FOM Face of Masonry FOS Face of Studs FR Frame FS Federal Specification FT Foot, Feet FTG Footing FUR Furring FURR-DN Furrdown FUT Future FVC Fire Valve Cabinet GA Gage, Gauge GALV Galvanized GB Grab Bar GL Glass, Glazing GVL Gravel GYP.BD. Gypsum Board HB Hose Bibb HC Handicapped HDW Hardware HDWD Hardwood HM Hollow Metal HORIZ Horizontal HR Hour HT Height HTG Heating HVAC Heating/Ventilation/AC HWH Hot Water Heater IN Inch INCAND Incandescent INCL Include(d)(ing) INSTRU Instruments INSUL Insulation INT Interior INTM Intermediate INV Invert JAN Janitor JF Joint Filler JST Joist JT Joint KIT Kitchen KPL Kick Plate CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS 01 42 13 - 3 L Length LAB Laboratory LAD Ladder LAM Laminated LAV Lavatory LH Left Hand LICLG Lay-in Ceiling LOC Location LPT Low Point LT Light LTWT Lightweight LVR Louver MAS Masonry MATL Material MAX Maximum MECH Mechanical MED Medium MEMB Membrane MFD Manufactured MFR Manufacturer MH Manhole MIL Thousandth Inch MIN Minimum MIR Mirror MISC Miscellaneous MO Masonry Opening MT Mount(ed)(ing) MTL Metal MULL Mullion N North NAT Natural NELMA Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association NIC Not in Contract NL Nailable NLGA National Lumber Grades Authority NO Number NOM Nominal Dimension NPA National Particleboard Association NRC Noise Reduction Coefficient NTS Not to Scale O.C. On Center O.C.E.W. On Center Each Way OA Overall OBS Obscure OH Overhead OPNG Opening OPP Opposite OPP.HAND Opposite Hand P.LAM Plastic Laminate PAR Parallel PART'N Partition PCF Pound per Cubic Foot PERIM Perimeter PKG Parking PL Plate PLAS Plaster PLAS.LAM Plastic Laminate PLBG Plumbing PLUMB Plumbing PLYWD Plywood PNL Panel PR Pair PROJ Projection PROP Property PSF Pounds per Square Foot PSI Pounds per Square Inch PTD Painted PVC Polyvinyl Chloride PVMT Pavement Q-TILE Quarry tile R Radius, Riser R/A Return Air RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe RD Roof Drain RE: Reference REFL Reflected REFR Refrigerator REG Register REINF Reinforcing REM Remove REQ'D Required RET Return REV Revision, Revised RFH Roof Hatch RM Room RO Rough Opening ROW Right of Way S South SC Solid Core SCHED Schedule SCWD Solid Core Wood Door SECT Section SHT Sheet SHTH Sheathing SIM Similar SKL Skylight SL Sleeve SNT Sealant SPCL Special SPEC Specification SPIB Southern Pine Inspection Bureau SPK Speaker SPKLR Sprinkler SQ Square SS Stainless Steel STD Standard CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS 01 42 13 - 4 STL Steel STOR Storage STRUC Structure, Structural SUSP Suspended SYM Symmetr(y)(ical) SYST System T & G Tongue and Groove T Tread T.O.B. Top of Beam T.O.J. Top of Joist T.O.S. Top of Steel T.O.SL. Top of Slab TA Toilet Accessories TB Towel Bar TC Top of Curb TEL Telephone TEMP Temporary TEMP.GL Tempered Glass TERR Terrazo THK Thick(ness) THRESH Threshold TKBD Tackboard TKS Tackstrip TOL Tolerance TV Television Outlet TYP Typical UL Underwriter's Laboratories UNO Unless Noted Otherwise UR Urinal VB Vapor Barrier VCT Vinyl Composition Tile VERT Vertical VIN Vinyl VNR Veneer VWC Vinyl Wall Covering W West W Width W/ With W/O Without WC Water Closet WCLIB West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau WD Wood WG Wire Glass WH Wall Hung WP Waterproofing WPT Working Point WWF Welded Wire Fabric WWPA Western Wood Products Association PART 2 - PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 – EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 01070 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX CUTTING AND PATCHING 01 73 29 - 1 SECTION 01 73 29 1 CUTTING AND PATCHING 2 3 4 PART 1 - GENERAL 5 6 1.01 SUMMARY 7 8 A. This section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for cutting and 9 patching. 10 11 B. Refer to other sections for specific requirements and limitations applicable to cutting 12 and patching individual parts of the work. 13 1. Requirements of this section also apply to mechanical and electrical 14 installations, as well as work specified in other Divisions. 15 16 1.02 SUBMITTALS 17 18 A. Cutting and Patching Proposal: Where approval of procedures for cutting and 19 patching is required before proceeding, submit a proposal describing procedures well 20 in advance of the time cutting and patching will be performed and request approval to 21 proceed. Include the following information, as applicable, in the proposal: 22 1. Describe the extent of cutting and patching required and how is to be performed, 23 and indicate why it cannot be avoided. 24 2. Describe anticipated results in terms of changes to existing construction. 25 Include changes to structural elements and operating components as well as 26 changes in the building's appearance and other significant visual elements. 27 3. List products to be used and firms or entities that will perform work. 28 4. Indicate dates when cutting and patching is to be performed. 29 5. List utilities that will be disturbed or affected, including those that will be 30 relocated and those that will be temporarily out-of-service. Indicate how long 31 service will be disrupted. 32 6. Where cutting and patching involves addition of reinforcement to structural 33 elements, submit details and engineering calculations to show how 34 reinforcement is integrated with the original structure. 35 7. Approval by the Architect to proceed with cutting and patching dos not waive the 36 Architect's right to later require complete removal and replacement of a part of 37 the work found to be unsatisfactory. 38 39 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE 40 41 A. Requirements for Structural Work: Do not cut and patch structural elements in a 42 manner that would reduce their load-carrying capacity or load-deflection ratio. 43 1. Obtain approval of the cutting and patching proposal before cutting and patching 44 the following structural elements: 45 a) Bearing and retaining walls 46 b) Structural concrete 47 c) Structural steel 48 d) Lintels 49 e) Structural decking 50 f) Miscellaneous structural metals 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX CUTTING AND PATCHING 01 73 29 - 2 g) Equipment supports 1 h) Piping, ductwork, vessels and equipment 2 3 B. Operational and Safety Limitations: Do not cut and patch operating elements or 4 safety related components in a manner that would result in reducing their capacity to 5 perform as intended, or result in increased maintenance, or decreased operational life 6 or safety. 7 1. Obtain approval of the cutting and patching proposal before cutting and patching 8 the following operating elements or safety related systems: 9 a) Shoring, bracing and sheeting 10 b) Primary operational systems and equipment 11 c) Air or smoke barriers 12 d) Water, moisture or vapor barriers 13 e) Membranes and flashings 14 f) Fire protection systems 15 g) Noise and vibration control elements and systems 16 h) Control systems 17 i) Communication systems 18 j) Conveying systems 19 k) Electrical wiring systems 20 l) Special construction specified by Division 13 sections 21 22 C. Visual Requirements: Do not cut and patch construction exposed on the exterior or in 23 occupied spaces, in a manner that would, in the Architect's opinion, reduce the 24 building's aesthetic qualities, or result in visual evidence of cutting and patching. 25 Remove and replace work cut and patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner. 26 1. If possible, retain the original installer or fabricator to cut and patch the following 27 categories of exposed work, or if it is not possible to engage the original installer 28 or fabricator, engage another recognized experienced and specialized firm: 29 a) Matched-veneer woodwork 30 b) Performed metal panels 31 c) Window wall system 32 d) Acoustical ceilings 33 e) Finished wood flooring 34 f) Carpeting 35 g) Aggregate wall coating 36 h) Wall covering 37 i) HVAC enclosures, cabinets or covers 38 39 40 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 41 42 2.01 MATERIALS 43 44 A. Use materials that are identical to existing materials. If identical materials are not 45 available or cannot be used where exposed surfaces are involved, use materials that 46 match existing adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible with regard to visual 47 effect. Use materials whose installed performance will equal or surpass that of 48 existing materials. 49 50 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX CUTTING AND PATCHING 01 73 29 - 3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 1 2 3.01 INSPECTION 3 4 A. Before cutting existing surfaces, examine surfaces to be cut and patched and 5 conditions under which cutting and patching is to be performed. Take corrective 6 action before proceeding if unsafe or unsatisfactory conditions are encountered. 7 1. Before proceeding, meet at the site with parties involved in cutting and patching, 8 including mechanical and electrical trades. Review areas of potential 9 interference and conflict. Coordinate procedures and resolve potential conflicts 10 before proceeding. 11 12 3.02 PREPARATION 13 14 A. Temporary Support: Provide temporary support of work to be cut. 15 16 B. Protection: Protect existing construction during cutting and patching to prevent 17 damage. Provide protection from adverse weather conditions for portions of the 18 Project that might be exposed during cutting and patching operations. 19 1. Avoid interference with use of adjoining areas or interruption of free passage to 20 adjoining areas. 21 2. Take all precautions necessary to avoid cutting existing pipe, conduit or 22 ductwork serving the building, but scheduled to be removed or relocated until 23 provisions have been made to bypass them. 24 25 3.03 PERFORMANCE 26 27 A. General: Employ skilled workmen to perform cutting and patching. Proceed with 28 cutting and patching at the earliest feasible time and complete without delay. 29 1. Cut existing construction to provide for installation of other components or 30 performance of other construction activities and the subsequent fitting and 31 patching required to restore surfaces to their original condition. 32 33 B. Cutting: Cut existing construction using methods least likely to damage elements to 34 be retained or adjoining construction. Where possible, review proposed procedures 35 with the original installer, and comply with the original installer's recommendations. 36 1. In general, where cutting is required, use one hand or small power tools 37 designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering and chopping. Cut holes and 38 slots neatly to size required with minimum disturbance of adjacent surfaces. 39 Temporarily cover openings when not in use. 40 2. To avoid marring existing finished surfaces, cut or drill from the exposed or 41 finished side into concealed surfaces. 42 3. Cut through concrete and masonry using a cutting machine such as a 43 carborundum saw or diamond core drill. 44 4. Comply with requirements of applicable sections of Division 2 where cutting and 45 patching requires excavating and backfilling. 46 5. Bypass utility services such as pipe or conduit, before cutting, where services 47 are shown or required to be removed, relocated or abandoned. Cut-off pipe or 48 conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve or plug and seal the 49 remaining portion of pipe or conduit to prevent entrance of moisture or other 50 foreign matter after bypassing and cutting. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX CUTTING AND PATCHING 01 73 29 - 4 1 C. Patching: Patch with durable seams that are as invisible as possible. Comply with 2 specified tolerances. 3 1. Where feasible, inspect and test patched areas to demonstrate integrity of the 4 installation. 5 2. Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend finish restoration into 6 retained adjoining construction in a manner that will eliminate evidence of 7 patching and refinishing. 8 3. Where removal of walls or partitions extends one finished area into another, 9 patch and repair floor and wall surfaces in the new space to provide an even 10 surface of uniform color and appearance. Remove existing floor and wall 11 coverings and replace with new materials, if necessary, to achieve uniform color 12 and appearance. 13 4. Where patching occurs in a smooth painted surface, extend final paint coat over 14 entire unbroken area containing the patch after the patched area has received 15 primer and second coat. 16 5. Patch, repair or rehang existing ceilings as necessary to provide an even plane 17 surface of uniform appearance. 18 19 3.04 CLEANING 20 21 A. Thoroughly clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching is performed or used 22 as access. Remove completely paint, mortar, oils, putty and items of similar nature. 23 Thoroughly clean piping, conduit and similar features before painting or other finishing 24 is applied. Restore damaged pipe covering to its original condition. 25 26 27 28 END OF SECTION 01 73 2929 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 06 10 53 - 1 SECTION 06 10 53 1 MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 2 3 4 PART 1 – GENERAL 5 6 1.01 DESCRIPTION 7 8 A. This Section includes the following: 9 1. Framing with dimension lumber. 10 2. Rooftop equipment bases and support curbs, as required. 11 3. Wood blocking, cants, and nailers. 12 4. Wood furring. 13 5. Sheathing. 14 6. Plywood backing panels. 15 7. Removal and replacement of damaged, deteriorated or non-compliant five-eighths 16 inch (5/8") fire rated plywood sheathing for roof substrate, as required. 17 18 1.02 DEFINITIONS 19 20 A. Rough Carpentry: Carpentry work not specified in other Sections and not exposed, 21 unless otherwise specified. 22 23 B. Exposed Framing: Dimension lumber not concealed by other construction and 24 indicated to receive a stained or natural finish. 25 26 1.03 SUBMITTALS 27 28 A. All submittals shall be in compliance with Section 01 33 00 Submittals Procedures. 29 30 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE 31 32 A. Testing Agency Qualifications: To qualify for approval, an independent testing agency 33 must demonstrate to Structural Engineer 's and/or Project Manager's satisfaction, 34 based on evaluation of agency-submitted criteria conforming to ASTM E 699, that it has 35 the experience and capability to satisfactorily conduct the testing indicated without 36 delaying the Work. 37 38 B. Single-Source Responsibility for Engineered Wood Products: Obtain each type of 39 engineered wood product from one source and by a single manufacturer. 40 41 C. Forest Certification: For the following wood products, provide materials produced from 42 wood obtained from forests certified by an FSC-accredited certification body to comply 43 with FSC 1.2, "Principles and Criteria". 44 1. Dimension lumber. 45 2. Miscellaneous lumber. 46 3. Interior wood trim. 47 4. Shelving and clothes rods. 48 5. Plywood. 49 6. Oriented strand board. 50 7. Particleboard underlayment. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 06 10 53 - 2 8. Hardboard underlayment. 1 2 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 3 4 A. Keep materials under cover and dry. Protect from weather and contact with damp or 5 wet surfaces. Stack lumber, plywood, and other panels. Provide for air circulation 6 within and around stacks and under temporary coverings. 7 1. For lumber and plywood pressure treated with waterborne chemicals, place 8 spacers between each bundle to provide air circulation. 9 10 11 PART 2 – PRODUCTS 12 13 2.01 MANUFACTURERS 14 15 A. Available Manufacturers (for Wood Sources outside the Scope Requirements for 16 Fire-Treated Plywood): Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers 17 offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, 18 the following: 19 1. Wood-Preservative-Treated Materials: 20 a) J. H. Baxter Co. 21 b) Chemical Specialties, Inc. 22 c) Continental Wood Preservers, Inc. 23 d) Hickson Corp. 24 e) Hoover Treated Wood Products, Inc. 25 f) Osmose Wood Preserving, Inc. 26 2. Metal Framing Anchors: 27 a) Cleveland Steel Specialty Co. 28 b) Harlen Metal Products, Inc. 29 c) Silver Metal Products, Inc. 30 d) Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc. 31 e) Southeastern Metals Manufacturing Co., Inc. 32 33 2.02 LUMBER - GENERAL 34 35 A. Lumber Standards: Comply with DOC PS 20, "American Softwood Lumber Standard," 36 and with applicable grading rules of inspection agencies certified by ALSC's Board of 37 Review. 38 39 B. Inspection Agencies: Inspection agencies, and the abbreviations used to reference 40 them, include the following: 41 1. NELMA - Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association. 42 2. NLGA - National Lumber Grades Authority (Canadian). 43 3. RIS - Redwood Inspection Service. 44 4. SPIB - Southern Pine Inspection Bureau. 45 5. WCLIB - West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau. 46 6. WWPA - Western Wood Products Association. 47 48 C. Grade Stamps: Provide lumber with each piece factory marked with grade stamp of 49 inspection agency evidencing compliance with grading rule requirements and identifying 50 grading agency, grade, species, moisture content at time of surfacing, and mill. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 06 10 53 - 3 1. For exposed lumber, furnish pieces with grade stamps applied to ends or back 1 of each piece, or omit grade stamps and provide grade-compliance certificates 2 issued by inspection agency. 3 4 D. Where nominal sizes are indicated, provide actual sizes required by DOC PS 20 for 5 moisture content specified. Where actual sizes are indicated, they are minimum 6 dressed sizes for dry lumber. 7 1. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. 8 2. Provide dry lumber with 19% maximum moisture content at time of dressing for 9 2-inch nominal thickness or less, unless otherwise indicated. 10 3. Provide dry plywood with 15% maximum moisture content at time of dressing for 11 2-inch nominal thickness or less, unless otherwise indicated. 12 13 2.03 WOOD-PRESERVATIVE-TREATED MATERIALS 14 15 A. General: Where lumber or plywood is indicated as preservative treated or is specified 16 to be treated, comply with applicable requirements of AWPA C2 for lumber and 17 AWPA C9 for plywood. Mark each treated item with the Quality Mark Requirements of 18 an inspection agency approved by ALSC's Board of Review. 19 1. Do not use chemicals containing chromium or arsenic. 20 2. For exposed items indicated to receive stained finish, use chemical formulations 21 that do not bleed through, contain colorants, or otherwise adversely affect 22 finishes, and mark end or back of each piece. 23 3. Do not use material that is warped or does not comply with requirements for 24 untreated material. 25 26 B. Pressure treat aboveground items with waterborne preservatives to a minimum 27 retention of 0.25 lb/cu. ft. After treatment, kiln-dry lumber and plywood to a maximum 28 moisture content of 19% for lumber and 15% plywood. Treat indicated items and the 29 following: 30 1. Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equipment support bases, blocking, stripping, and 31 similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers, and 32 waterproofing. 33 2. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, furring, stripping, and similar concealed members 34 in contact with masonry or concrete. 35 36 C. Complete fabrication of treated items before treatment, where possible. If cut after 37 treatment, apply field treatment complying with AWPA M4 to cut surfaces. Inspect each 38 piece of lumber or plywood after drying and discard damaged or defective pieces. 39 40 2.04 FIRE-RETARDANT-TREATED MATERIALS 41 42 A. General: Where fire-retardant-treated materials are indicated, provide materials that 43 comply with performance requirements in AWPA C20 for lumber and AWPA C27 for 44 plywood. Identify fire-retardant-treated wood with appropriate classification marking of 45 UL, U.S. Testing, Timber Products Inspection, or another testing and inspecting agency 46 acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 47 1. Use treatment for which chemical manufacturer publishes physical properties of 48 treated wood after exposure to elevated temperatures, when tested by a 49 qualified independent testing agency according to ASTM D 5664 for lumber and 50 ASTM D 5516 for plywood. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 06 10 53 - 4 2. Use treatment that does not promote corrosion of metal fasteners. 1 3. Use Exterior type for exterior locations and where indicated. 2 4. Use Interior Type A High Temperature (HT), unless otherwise indicated. 3 4 B. For exposed items indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, use chemical 5 formulations that do not bleed through, contain colorants, or otherwise adversely affect 6 finishes. 7 8 2.05 MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER 9 10 A. General: Provide lumber for support or attachment of other construction, the following: 11 1. Rooftop equipment curbs and support bases 12 2. Cant strips 13 3. Bucks 14 4. Nailers 15 5. Blocking 16 6. Furring 17 7. Grounds 18 8. Stripping 19 20 B. Fabricate miscellaneous lumber from dimension lumber of sizes indicated and into 21 shapes shown. 22 23 C. Moisture Content: 19 percent maximum for lumber items not specified to receive wood 24 preservative treatment. 25 26 D. Grade: For dimension lumber sizes, provide No. 3 or Standard grade lumber per 27 ALSC's NGRs of any species. For board-size lumber, provide No. 3 Common grade 28 per NELMA, NLGA, or WWPA; No. 2 grade per SPIB; or Standard grade per NLGA, 29 WCLIB or WWPA of any species. 30 31 B. All wood nailers, structural cants, curbs, and other miscellaneous rough carpentry, 32 shall be lumber as recommended by NRCA, and Underwriters Laboratory guidelines. 33 34 C. Vertical Wall Shimming Material: Shall be exterior grade plywood, gypsum core 35 board, or concrete core board unless otherwise accepted by Project 36 Manager/Architect. Thickness shall be as required for attachment or to make material 37 flashing flush or level with offsets and/or transitions, minimum three-fourths inch 38 (3/4"). Proper selection of material is required to achieve UL guidelines. 39 40 2.06 WOOD-BASED STRUCTURAL-USE PANELS, GENERAL 41 42 A. Structural-Use Panel Standard: Provide plywood panels complying with DOC PS 1, 43 "U.S. Product Standard for Construction and Industrial Plywood." 44 45 B. Trademark: Factory mark structural-use panels with APA trademark evidencing 46 compliance with grade requirements. 47 48 C. Miscellaneous Concealed Plywood: Exterior sheathing, span rating to suit framing in 49 each location, and thickness as indicated but not less than one-half inch (1/2"). 50 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 06 10 53 - 5 D. Miscellaneous Concealed Oriented Strand Board: Exposure 1 sheathing, span rating to 1 suit framing in each location, and thickness as indicated but not less than one-half inch 2 (1/2"). 3 4 E. Plywood Underlayment: DOC PS 1, Exterior A-C with fully sanded face, thickness as 5 indicated but not less than one-half inch (1/2"). 6 7 F. Hardboard Underlayment: AHA A135.4, Class 4 (Service), Surface S1S; with back side 8 sanded. 9 10 G. Miscellaneous Exposed Plywood: DOC PS 1, A-D Interior, thickness as indicated but 11 not less than one-half inch (1/2"). 12 13 2.07 CONCEALED, PERFORMANCE-RATED STRUCTURAL-USE PANELS 14 15 A. General: Where structural-use panels are indicated for the following concealed types of 16 applications, provide APA-performance-rated panels complying with requirements 17 designated under each application for grade, span rating, exposure durability 18 classification, and edge detail (where applicable). 19 1. Thickness: Provide panels meeting requirements specified but not less than 20 thickness indicated. 21 2. Span Ratings: Provide panels with span ratings required to meet "Code Plus" 22 provisions of APA Form No. E30, "APA Design/Construction Guide: Residential 23 & Commercial." 24 25 B. Roof Sheathing: APA-rated sheathing, minimum five-eighths inch (5/8"). 26 27 C. Roof Sheathing: APA-rated Structural I sheathing. 28 1. Exposure Durability Classification: Exterior. 29 2. Span Rating: 40/20 or Roof - 40. 30 31 2.08 FASTENERS 32 33 A. General: Provide fasteners of size and type indicated that comply with requirements 34 specified in this Article for material and manufacture. 35 1. Where rough carpentry is exposed to weather, in ground contact, or in area of 36 high relative humidity, provide fasteners with a hot-dip zinc coating per 37 ASTM A 153 or of Type 304 stainless steel. 38 39 B. Use fasteners of appropriate type and length. Predrill members when necessary to 40 avoid splitting wood. 41 42 C. Nails, Wire, Brads, and Staples: FS FF-N-105. 43 44 D. Power-Driven Fasteners: CABO NER-272. 45 46 E. Wood Screws: ASME B18.6.1. 47 48 F. Lag Bolts: ASME B18.2.1. 49 50 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 06 10 53 - 6 G. Bolts: Steel bolts complying with ASTM A 307, Grade A; with ASTM A 563 hex nuts 1 and, where indicated, flat washers. 2 3 H. Fastener for Wood Deck: Shall be a #14 fastener, fluorocarbon coated, with CR-10 4 coating. A minimum .200 diameter shank and .250 diameter thread. To be used with 5 round pressure plates or bar, and having a fluorocarbon CR-10 coating, when subjected 6 to thirty (30) Kesternich cycles (DIN 50018) shows less than 10% red rust which 7 surpasses FM Global Approval Standard 4470, or approved equal. Fasteners, plates, 8 and/or bars shall be listed in the FM Global Approval Guide. 9 10 2.09 METAL FRAMING ANCHORS 11 12 A. General: Provide galvanized steel framing anchors of structural capacity, type, and size 13 indicated and as follows: 14 1. Research or Evaluation Reports: Provide products for which model code 15 research or evaluation reports exist that are acceptable to authorities having 16 jurisdiction and that evidence compliance of metal framing anchors for 17 application indicated with building code in effect for Project. 18 2. Allowable Design Loads: Provide products with allowable design loads, as 19 published by manufacturer, that meet or exceed those indicated. Manufacturer's 20 published values shall be determined from empirical data or by rational 21 engineering analysis, and demonstrated by comprehensive testing performed by 22 a qualified independent testing agency. 23 24 B. Galvanized Steel Sheet: Hot-dip, zinc-coated steel sheet complying with ASTM A 653, 25 G60 coating designation; structural, commercial, or lock-forming quality, as standard 26 with manufacturer for type of anchor indicated. 27 28 C. Joist Hangers: U-shaped joist hangers with 2-inch- long seat and 1-1/4-inch- wide 29 nailing flanges at least 85 percent of joist depth. 30 1. Thickness: 0.052 inch. 31 2. Thickness: 0.064 inch. 32 33 D. Top Flange Hangers: U-shaped joist hangers, full depth of joist, formed from metal 34 strap with tabs bent to extend over and be fastened to supporting member. 35 1. Strap Width: 1-1/2 inches. 36 2. Strap Width: 2 inches. 37 3. Thickness: 0.052 inch. 38 4. Thickness: 0.064 inch. 39 40 E. Bridging: Rigid, V-section, nailless type, 0.064 inch thick, length to suit joist size and 41 spacing. 42 43 2.10 VERTICAL WALL SHIMMING MATERIAL 44 45 A. Shall be one of the following unless otherwise accepted by Owner's representative: 46 OSB, exterior grade plywood, gypsum core board or concrete core board. Proper 47 selection of material is required to achieve FM Global and UL guidelines. 48 49 50 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 06 10 53 - 7 PART 3 – EXECUTION 1 2 3.01 INSTALLATION, GENERAL 3 4 A. Discard units of material with defects that impair quality of rough carpentry and that are 5 too small to use with minimum number of joints or optimum joint arrangement. 6 7 B. Set rough carpentry to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true to line, cut, 8 and fitted. 9 10 C. Fit rough carpentry to other construction; scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. 11 Correlate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds, and similar supports to allow 12 attachment of other construction. 13 14 D. Apply field treatment complying with AWPA M4 to cut surfaces of preservative-treated 15 lumber and plywood. 16 17 E. Securely attach rough carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as 18 indicated, complying with the following: 19 1. CABO NER-272 for power-driven staples, P-nails, and allied fasteners. 20 2. Published requirements of metal framing anchor manufacturer. 21 3. "Recommended Nailing Schedule" of referenced framing standard and with 22 AFPA's "National Design Specifications for Wood Construction." 23 4. "Table 2305.2--Fastening Schedule" of the BOCA National Building Code. 24 25 F. Use common wire nails, unless otherwise indicated. Use finishing nails for finish work. 26 Select fasteners of size that will not fully penetrate members where opposite side will be 27 exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between 28 members. Install fasteners without splitting wood; predrill as required. 29 30 G. Use stainless-steel nails where rough carpentry is exposed to weather, in ground 31 contact, or in area of high relative humidity. 32 33 H. Countersink nail heads on exposed carpentry work and fill holes with wood filler. 34 35 3.02 ROUGH CARPENTRY 36 37 A. Nailers shall be installed according to NRCA, Underwriters Laboratory, and IBC 38 guidelines. 39 40 B. Wooden nailers shall be installed at gravel stops, drip edges, expansion joints, and on 41 outside perimeter of building. 42 43 C. Gravel stop and drip edge nailers shall be the same height as the new insulation 44 being installed where required. 45 46 D. Nailers shall be raised if necessary by anchoring an additional nailer of appropriate 47 height to the existing nailer if the existing nailer is not to be replaced. 48 49 E. Expansion joint nailers shall extend upward a minimum of eight inches (8") above 50 finish roof height. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 06 10 53 - 8 F. Where parapet wall exists, specified vertical wall shimming material shall be installed 1 beginning at roof height up to a minimum of twelve inches (12”) above finished roof 2 surface, or as detailed, to provide substrate for horizontal termination of roof to wall 3 flashing system. 4 5 G. Any lumber or shimming required for attachment, or to make material flashing flush or 6 7 3.03 NAILERS 8 9 A. Wooden nailers shall be installed at gravel stops, drip edges, and expansion joints on 10 outside perimeter of building according to NRCA, Underwriters Laboratory and IBC 11 guidelines. 12 13 B. All Construction: Nailers shall be the same height as the new recovery board being 14 installed where required. Nailers shall be raised if necessary by anchoring an 15 additional nailer of appropriate height to the existing nailer if the existing nailer is not 16 to be replaced. Nailers shall be anchored to resist a pull-out force of one hundred 17 seventy-five pounds (175#) per foot. Fasteners shall be no less than two (2) per 18 nailer, and be spaced at three feet (3') on center maximum. 19 20 C. Expansion joint nailers shall extend upward a minimum of eight inches (8") above 21 finish roof height. 22 23 3.04 NAILERS 24 25 A. Wooden nailers shall be installed at gravel stops, drip edges, and expansion joints on 26 outside perimeter of building according to NRCA, Underwriters Laboratory and IBC 27 guidelines. 28 29 B. All Construction: Gravel stop and drip edge nailers shall be the same height as the new 30 insulation being installed where required. Nailers shall be raised if necessary by 31 anchoring an additional nailer of appropriate height to the existing nailer if the existing 32 nailer is not to be replaced. Nailers shall be anchored to resist a pull-out force of one 33 hundred seventy-five pounds (175#) per foot. Fasteners shall be no less than two (2) 34 per nailer, and be spaced at three feet (3') on center maximum. 35 36 C. Expansion joint nailers shall extend upward a minimum of eight inches (8") above finish 37 roof height. 38 39 D. Where parapet wall exists, fire treated plywood lumber must be installed a minimum of 40 twelve inches (12”) above finished roof surface to provide substrate for horizontal 41 termination of roof to wall flashing system. 42 43 3.05 STRUCTURAL WOOD CANTS 44 45 A. Toe of cant shall be level with the surface to receive new roof membrane and in all 46 cases anchored according to NRCA, Underwriters Laboratory, and IBC guidelines. 47 48 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 06 10 53 - 9 B. Provide full 45 degree cant strips (no partials) at all intersections of vertical and 1 horizontal surfaces, such as walls, parapet walls, curbs, expansion joints, etc., and as 2 recommended by membrane manufacturer. 3 4 C. Cants shall provide a four inch (4") rise above the roof’s surface and extend a minimum 5 of four inches (4") horizontally. 6 7 D. Toe of cant shall be level with the surface to receive new roof membrane and in all 8 cases anchored according to NRCA, Underwriters Laboratory, and IBC guidelines. 9 10 E. Cant strips shall be installed at the intersection of the deck and all vertical surfaces. 11 12 F. If a wood cant is used where insulation exists, cant shall be toe nailed into treated 13 wood nailer under cant the same height as insulation. 14 15 3.06 WOOD GROUNDS, NAILERS, BLOCKING, AND SLEEPERS 16 17 A. Install wood grounds, nailers, blocking, and sleepers where required for screeding or 18 attaching other work. Form to shapes shown and cut as required for true line and level 19 of attached work. Coordinate locations with other work involved. 20 21 B. Attach to substrates to support applied loading. Recess bolts and nuts flush with 22 surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. Build into masonry during installation of masonry 23 work. Where possible, anchor to formwork before concrete placement. 24 25 C. Install permanent grounds of dressed, preservative-treated, key-beveled lumber not 26 less than 1-1/2 inches wide and of thickness required to bring face of ground to exact 27 thickness of finish material. Remove temporary grounds when no longer required. 28 29 3.07 WOOD FRAMING, GENERAL 30 31 A. Framing Standard: Comply with AFPA's "Manual for Wood Frame Construction," 32 unless otherwise indicated. 33 34 B. Install framing members of size and at spacing indicated. 35 36 C. Do not splice structural members between supports. 37 38 D. Firestop concealed spaces of wood-framed walls and partitions at each floor level and 39 at ceiling line of top story. Where firestopping is not inherent in framing system used, 40 provide closely fitted wood blocks of 2-inch nominal- thickness lumber of same width as 41 framing members. 42 43 END OF SECTION 06 10 53 44 45 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX ROOF BOARD INSULATION 07 22 16 - 1 SECTION 07 22 16 1 ROOF BOARD INSULATION 2 3 PART 1 – GENERAL 4 5 1.01 REFERENCES (INCLUDING LATEST REVISIONS) 6 7 A. Comply with governing local, state, and federal regulations, safety standards, and 8 codes. 9 10 B. Testing Laboratory Services: Test results shall meet or exceed established 11 standards. 12 13 C. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (Roofing Covering): Class A fire hazard classification. 14 15 D. American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) 16 1. C 177 Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal 17 Transmission Properties by Means of the Guarded-Hot-Plate 18 Apparatus 19 2. C 209 Methods of Testing Insulating Board (Cellulosic Fiber), Structural and 20 Decorative 21 3. C 728 Perlite Thermal Insulation Board 22 4. D 41 Asphalt Primer Used in Roofing and Waterproofing 23 5. D 312 Asphalt Used in Roofing 24 6. D 1621 Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics 25 7. D 4601 Asphalt Coated Glass Fiber Base Sheet Used in Roofing 26 27 E. The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) - Roofing and Waterproofing 28 Manual 29 30 F. American National Standards Institute/Single Ply Roofing Industry (ANSI/SPRI) 31 32 G. American Society of Civil Engineers - ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and 33 Other Structures (for wind uplift criteria) 34 35 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE 36 37 A. Regulatory Requirements 38 1. Classified by Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) as Class A roof covering. 39 2. Follow local, state, and federal regulations, safety standards, and codes. 40 41 B. Installation 42 1. Installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's current published 43 application procedures, NRCA general recommendations, and ASCE 7 wind uplift 44 criteria. 45 2. Roof system manufacturer's technical specifications shall be considered part of 46 this specification and shall be used as reference for specific application 47 procedures. 48 49 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX ROOF BOARD INSULATION 07 22 16 - 2 C. Contract Documents 1 1. In the case of an inconsistency between the drawings and specifications or within 2 either document not clarified by addendum, the better quality or greater quantity of 3 work shall be provided in accordance with the Project Manager's/Architect's 4 interpretation. 5 6 1.03 SUBMITTALS 7 8 A. Product Data: Submit Manufacturer's product data sheets for each product. 9 10 B. Shop Drawings: Layout of roof plan showing tapered design, tapered insulation pattern, 11 direction of slope, amount of slope, spot elevations indicating thicknesses at high and 12 low points. 13 14 C. Certification: Submit roof manufacturer's certification in writing that insulation is 15 acceptable as substrate for application of specified roof system. 16 17 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 18 19 A. Store materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 20 21 B. When stored outdoors: 22 1. Tarp and shield insulation from moisture and ultraviolet rays. 23 2. Elevate insulation above substrate four inches minimum. 24 3. Secure insulation to resist high winds. 25 4. Distribute insulation stored on roof deck to prevent concentrated loads that would 26 impose excessive stress or stain on deck or structural members. Verify that 27 structure can accommodate additional loading. 28 5. Wet insulation, or insulation that has been wet but which has dried, may not be 29 used and shall be removed completely and immediately from the job site. 30 6. Do not double stack bundles of insulation on the roof top. 31 32 1.05 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING 33 34 A. Substrate Acceptance: Roof system manufacturer's representative shall inspect roof 35 deck and associated substrates and provide written acceptance of conditions. 36 37 B. Manufacturer's approved roofing contractor shall inspect and approve deck and 38 substrates. 39 40 C. Plan roof layout with respect to roof deck slope to prevent rainwater drainage into 41 completed roofing. 42 43 D. Do not install more insulation than can be covered with complete roof system in same 44 day. 45 46 1.06 PRODUCT CONDITIONS 47 48 A. Environmental Requirements: 49 1. Apply roofing and insulation in dry weather. 50 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX ROOF BOARD INSULATION 07 22 16 - 3 2. Do not proceed with roof construction during inclement weather or when 1 precipitation is predicted 40% or more possibility. 2 3. Do not apply insulation over wet or moist deck or in foggy conditions. 3 4. Days with wind speeds of 30 mph or greater shall be considered "Bad Weather" 4 days. 5 6 B. Emergency Equipment: Maintain on-site equipment and material necessary to apply 7 emergency temporary seals I the event of sudden storms or inclement weather. 8 9 C. Costs for emergency roofing shall be borne by Contractor. 10 11 12 PART 2 – PRODUCTS 13 14 2.01 NAILBASE FOR STEEP SLOPE 15 16 A. Factory fabricated polyisocyanurate nailbase clad rigid insulation with nominal 17 three-fourths inch (3/4") exterior grade plywood to achieve a minimum total 18 R-value of 30. Verify compatibility with roofing membrane manufacturer. 19 1. Rmax, “Nailable Base-3” 20 2. Hunter Panels, “H-Shield NB” 21 22 PART 3 – EXECUTION 23 24 3.01 PROTECTION OF ROOFING 25 26 A. Provide special protection from traffic on yet to be removed roofing. 27 28 B. Provide special protection from traffic on completed work. 29 30 3.02 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION 31 32 A. Do not install until defects are corrected and deck substrate meets roof system 33 manufacturer's requirements. 34 35 B. Do not apply insulation unless asphalt application temperature, EVT of approximately 36 375° F to 425° F, can be maintained or when water or moisture is present on substrate. 37 Do not heat asphalt above flashing point, or 525° F. 38 39 C. Examine substrate and related surfaces, and verify that there are no conditions such as 40 inadequate anchorage, foreign materials, moisture, ridges, depressions, or other 41 conditions which would prevent satisfactory installation of roof system. 42 43 D. Start of work constitutes acceptance of deck substrate and site conditions. 44 45 E. Sweep deck substrate clean of dust and debris immediately prior to installation of 46 nailbase. 47 48 3.03 NAILBASE FOR STEEP SLOPE INSTALLATION 49 50 A. Comply with system manufacturer's written instructions for installing roof insulation. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX ROOF BOARD INSULATION 07 22 16 - 4 1. Install one (1) layer of nailbase insulation under area of roofing in required 1 thickness to achieve specified 'R' value. Install insulation in a continuous straight 2 line with end joints staggered between rows, abutting edges and ends between 3 boards. Fill gaps exceeding one-fourth inch (1/4") with insulation. 4 2. Attach insulation to deck as recommended by the insulation manufacturer in the 5 required pattern to achieve the design wind uplift loading specified. 6 3. Use Wind Rated fasteners as recommended by the insulation manufacturer. 7 4. Seal all joints in top layer of insulation with sealing tape. 8 5. Apply no more insulation than can be covered in the same work day. 9 6. No insulation is required above uninsulated spaces, i.e. canopies and exterior 10 porches. 11 12 installation of roof system. 13 14 3.04 CLEANING 15 16 A. Remove debris and material wrappers from jobsite. Leave insulation clean and dry, 17 ready to receive roofing membrane. 18 19 20 END OF SECTION 07 22 16 21 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 1 SECTION 07 41 13 1 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 2 3 4 PART 1 - GENERAL 5 6 1.01 DESCRIPTION 7 8 A. Work Included: The contractor shall provide all material, labor, and administration and 9 other items to provide a complete standing seam metal roof system complying with 10 performance requirements indicated and capable of withstanding structural movement, 11 thermally induced movement and exposure to weather without failure or infiltration of water 12 into the building interior. 13 14 B. Coordinate standing seam metal roof system with roofing substructure work. 15 16 C. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General 17 Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of these 18 Specifications. 19 20 1.02 SECTION INCLUDES 21 22 A. Preformed and prefinished standing seam metal roof system with continuous mechanically 23 seamed ribs, concealed clips and fastening devices. 24 25 B. Color coordinated ridge, hip, valley, gable, eave, corner, rake, headwall, counterflashings 26 and miscellaneous flashings and attaching devices. 27 28 C. Provide concealed clips, fasteners, closures and factory and field applied sealants as 29 necessary to meet design criteria and ensure a weathertight installation. 30 31 D. High Temperature Bituthane membrane roofing underlayment. 32 33 E. Factory fabricated polyisocyanurate nailbase clad rigid insulation Refer to 07 22 16 Roof 34 Board Insulation for Nailbase configuration. 35 36 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 37 38 A. Design Requirements: 39 40 1. The standing seam metal roof system, including: panels, flashings, attachment clips and 41 attachment screws shall be designed by the metal roof system manufacturer per to 42 meet the following design criteria: 43 44 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 2 a. 2015 version of the International Building Code, (IBC-2015). 1 b. A basic wind speed of 130 mph. 2 c. Listing of applicable loads by roof zones (interior, edges and corners). 3 d. The building importance factor is one - Essential Facilities. 4 e. Roof snow load is per local requirements as determined by Panel Manufacturer 5 f. The building exposure factor is "C", open terrain. 6 7 2. The standing seam metal roof system manufacturer shall provide an engineered 8 analysis of the roofing system, sealed by a registered Structural Engineer employed by 9 the manufacturer and licensed in the State of Texas, verifying that the product and 10 attachment methods will resist wind pressures imposed upon it pursuant to the design 11 criteria and that the roofing system fully complies with all specified requirements. 12 3. The panel system shall bear fully documented proof that it has been independent 13 laboratory evaluated using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Guide Specification 14 (CEGS) 07416. 15 16 a. Testing shall include establishment of ultimate and allowable system uplift 17 capacities for both the "field" and "areas of discontinuity". 18 b. "Proof" shall be defined as both the manufacturer and the product being included in 19 the document entitled: "List of Approved Standing Seam Metal Roof Systems" as 20 published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 21 22 4. Provide factory preformed panel system that has been pretested and certified by 23 manufacturer to comply with specified requirements under installed conditions. 24 5. Provide factory engineered and tested end lap (splice) details at roof third points, per 25 ASTM 2140 water immersion testing. 26 6. Provide continuous mechanically seamed ribs that inherently increase load span 27 capability, stiffness and flexural stress handling capacity. 28 7. Provide continuous butyl sealant within the confines of the female flange. 29 8. Provide panel that has been tested and approved for a Class 4 Impact (Hail) resistance 30 rating per UL 2218. Listing shall be present on the UL website (Refer to Underwriters 31 Laboratories website at www.ul.com). 32 9. On-site or field manufactured panels are prohibited. Field curving of pre-manufactured 33 panels is acceptable. 34 35 B. Structural Requirements: 36 37 1. Panel structural properties determined in accordance with latest edition of American 38 Iron and Steel Institute's "Cold Formed Steel Design Manual," using "effective width" 39 concepts. 40 2. Wind uplift design for roof assemblies shall be calculated by the standing seam metal 41 roofing system manufacturer per ASTM E 1592. Calculations shall include 42 establishment of ultimate and allowable roof system uplift capacities for both the "field" 43 and "areas of discontinuity". 44 3. Provide confirmation of positive and negative buckling moments and uplift capacity 45 determined by full-scale tests. 46 47 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 3 C. Substrate Criteria: 1 2 1. Standing Seam Metal Roofing System: Engineer standing seam metal roof system 3 installed over Bituthane membrane underlayment and factory fabricated 4 polyisocyanurate Nailbase clad rigid insulation over metal decking that is capable of 5 withstanding the design loads when applied at 90° to the surface and spaced as shown 6 on the approved shop drawings. 7 2. Waterproof Membrane Underlayment: Apply high temperature waterproof bituthane 8 membrane under entire roof surface per manufacturers written instructions. 9 3. Polyisocyanurate Nailbase clad Rigid Insulation: Attach Polyisocyanurate Nailbase R-10 30 clad Rigid Insulation to metal decking as per the manufacturers written instructions 11 and in the required pattern to resist the design loading. Refer to 07 22 16 Roof Board 12 Insulation for Nailbase configuration. 13 14 D. Environmental Requirements: Actual independent laboratory certified test results must be 15 submitted. 16 17 1. Resistance to air infiltration (Tite-Loc-Plus): .002 cfm per linear foot of joint when tested 18 in accordance with ASTM E 1680 at static test pressure differential of 12.00 psf. 19 2. Resistance to water infiltration (Tite-Loc-Plus): No leakage through panel joints when 20 tested in accordance with ASTM E 1646 at static test pressure differential of 12 psf. 21 22 1.04 SUBMITTALS 23 24 A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's specifications, engineered detail drawings, and 25 installation instructions. 26 27 B. Shop Drawings: 28 29 1. Submit three (3) sets of full size (24"x36") approval / design drawings produced by the 30 standing seam metal roof system manufacturer indicating thickness and dimensions of 31 parts, fastenings and anchoring methods, details and locations of seams, transitions 32 and other provisions necessary for thermal expansion and contraction. 33 2. Indicate roof terminations, clearly showing flashings and change of direction caps. 34 3. Clearly indicate locations of field and factory applied sealant. 35 4. Show locations, spacing patterns and types of hold-down clips and fasteners. 36 5. Provide (24"x36") blue line or Auto CAD produced drawings provided by the standing 37 seam metal roof system manufacturer showing a complete roof plan, roof panel layout, 38 and cross section details for every individual condition of the entire roof system. 39 40 C. Samples: 41 42 1. Submit two (2) samples, twelve inch (12") long by full width of panel, showing proposed 43 metal gauge and seam profile. 44 2. Submit color samples on metal for Architect's selection from manufacturer's full range of 45 color offerings including custom (metallic colors) colors. 46 47 D. Test Reports: Submit verification the panel system meets the Environmental Conditions for 48 the indicated test pressures and performance listed for Air and Water Infiltration. 49 50 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 4 E. Engineered Design Calculations: 1 2 1. Submit panel system manufacturer's design calculations verifying the panel system 3 meets the specified building code as defined in Section 1.03 System Description, A. 4 Design Requirements listed above. 5 2. Design calculations shall be sealed by a registered Structural Engineer employed by the 6 standing seam metal roof system manufacturer and licensed in the State of Texas. 7 8 F. Certification: 9 10 1. Submit manufacturer's certification that materials and finishes meet specified 11 requirements. 12 2. Submit written verification of panel Applicator's factory installation training performed by 13 the standing seam metal roof system manufacturer and a copy of the Panel Applicator's 14 "Authorized Applicator" certificate. 15 16 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE 17 18 A. Manufacturer's Qualifications: 19 20 1. Minimum twenty (20) years experience in the fabrication of standing seam metal roof 21 systems on projects of similar size and scope. Upon request, submit a minimum of five 22 (5) project references for Architect's review. List project address, date of installation, 23 Architects and Owner's name and telephone numbers. 24 2. No other manufacturer of standing seam metal roof systems will be accepted without 25 prior written approval of the Architect and based upon the manufacturer verifying the 26 product can meet or exceed all performance criteria listed in these specifications. 27 3. Requests to be listed as an approved manufacturer must be submitted in writing a 28 minimum fifteen (15) days prior to bid date accompanied by product literature, technical 29 information, sealed engineer's calculations verifying conformance, and a product 30 sample. Approved manufacturers will only be set forth in a written and issued 31 addendum. 32 4. No substitutions will be permitted after the bid date. 33 5. Factory Technical Representative: Roofing Contractor is to arrange and schedule the 34 manufacturer’s technical representative to be on site the first day of the installation of 35 manufacturer’s roofing system. The manufacturer's technical representative shall 36 inspect the work of the contractor at least one time each week during the course of the 37 installation of the Standing Seam metal roofing system. The manufacturer's technical 38 representative shall perform with the owner's representative and the roofing contractor 39 a final inspection of the roofing system. At the completion of the final inspection, 40 provide to the roofing contractor a list of punch list items (if any) to be correct before 41 technical acceptance of the roofing project and prior to issuance of manufacturer's 42 Twenty (20) Year Full System Warranty. Field reports shall be provided after each 43 inspection within five (5) days of site visit. 44 45 B. Applicator Qualifications: 46 47 1. Panel Applicator must have a minimum of five (5) years experience in the application of 48 standing seam metal roof systems. 49 2. Panel Applicator must be factory trained by the standing seam metal roof system 50 manufacturer prior to the bid date in order to obtain a contract for installation. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 5 3. Use adequate members of skilled workers who are thoroughly trained and experienced 1 in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements 2 and the methods needed for proper performance of the work in this Section. 3 4. Use equipment of adequate size, capacity and numbers to accomplish the work of this 4 Section in a timely manner. 5 5. Upon request, submit a minimum of five (5) successfully completed projects of similar 6 size and scope. List project address, date of installation, Architect and Owner's name 7 and telephone numbers. 8 6. Single Source Responsibility: Provide all items of the standing seam metal roof system 9 work specified herein by a single roofing contractor to provide undivided responsibility. 10 11 C. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with all requirements of applicable building codes and 12 other agencies having jurisdiction for positive and negative design loads of standing seam 13 metal roof systems. 14 15 D. Maintain one copy of each document on site. 16 17 E. Factory Technical Representative: Roofing Contractor is to arrange and schedule the 18 manufacturer’s technical representative to be on site the first day of the installation of 19 manufacturer’s roofing system. The manufacturer's technical representative shall inspect 20 the work of the contractor at least one time each week during the course of the installation 21 of the Standing Seam metal roofing system. The manufacturer's technical representative 22 shall perform with the owner's representative and the roofing contractor a final inspection of 23 the roofing system. At the completion of the final inspection, provide to the roofing 24 contractor a list of punch list items (if any) to be correct before technical acceptance of the 25 roofing project and prior to issuance of manufacturer's Twenty (20) Year Full System 26 Warranty. Field reports shall be provided after each inspection within five (5) days of site 27 visit. 28 29 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 30 31 A. Delivery: 32 33 1. Delivery of material shall be made only after suitable facilities for its storage and 34 protection area available on the site. 35 2. Protect products and accessories from damage and discoloration during transit and at 36 project site. 37 3. Upon receipt of prefinished preformed metal panels, flat sheets, flashings and panel 38 accessories, Panel Applicator shall examine each container for damage and for 39 completeness of the consignment. 40 41 B. Storage: 42 43 1. Store materials out of the weather in a clean, dry place. One end of each container 44 should be slightly elevated and covered with a loose weatherproof covering to prevent 45 condensation. 46 2. Panels and/or flashings with strippable film must not be stored in areas exposed to 47 direct sunlight. 48 3. Care should be taken to prevent contact with any substance that may cause 49 discoloration. 50 4. Store materials to provide ventilation and prevent bending, abrasion or twisting. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 6 5. Do not overload roof structure with stored materials. Do not permit material storage or 1 traffic on completed roof surfaces. 2 C. Handling: 3 4 1. Care should be taken to avoid gouging, scratching or denting. 5 2. Do not allow traffic on completed roof. If required, provide cushioned walk boards. 6 3. Protect installed products from damage caused by foreign objects and construction until 7 completion of project. 8 4. Comply with pertinent provisions of Supplementary General Conditions. 9 10 1.07 WARRANTY 11 12 A. Furnish manufacturer's standard twenty (20) year, non-prorated material and labor written 13 finish warranty stating that architectural fluorocarbon finish will be: 14 15 1. Free from fading or color change in excess of five (5) NBS units as measured per 16 ASTM 2244-68. 17 2. Will not chalk in excess of a numerical rating of seven (7) when measured in 18 accordance with standard procedures specified in ASTM D 659-74. 19 3. Will not peel, crack, chip or delaminate. 20 21 B. Furnish a written warranty signed by the Panel Applicator for a two (2) year period from the 22 date of substantial completion of the building guaranteeing materials and workmanship for 23 weathertightness of the roofing system, flashings, penetrations and against all leaks. 24 25 C. Special Weathertight Warranty: Furnish manufacturer's twenty (20) year, full system, non-26 prorated, no dollar limit weathertight warranty to be jointly signed by the manufacturer and 27 the Panel Applicator. 28 29 D. Protect products and accessories from damage and discoloration during transit and at 30 project site. Store sheets and components in dry storage area to prevent condensation. 31 32 E. Do not overload roof structure with stored materials. Do not permit material storage or 33 traffic on completed roof surfaces. 34 35 1.08 PRE-INSTALLATION CONFERENCE 36 37 A. Convene prior to commencing work of this Section. 38 39 B. Attendants: Panel Applicator, installer of each component of associated work, installers of 40 deck or substrate construction to receive roofing work, Architect, Owner or Owner's 41 Representative, Roofing system manufacturer's technical representative and General 42 Contractor. 43 44 C. Record discussion, decisions and agreements reached and furnish a copy to each 45 attendant. 46 47 D. Review installation procedures and coordination required with related Work. 48 49 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 7 E. Tour representative areas of roofing substrates, inspect and discuss condition of 1 substrates, roof drains, curbs, penetrations, wood nailers and other preparatory work 2 performed by other trades. 3 4 F. Review structural loading limitations of steel deck and inspect deck for loss of flatness and 5 as required for mechanical fastening. 6 7 F. Review roofing system requirements (approved manufacturer's shop drawings, 8 specifications and other contract documents. 9 10 G. Review required submittals. 11 12 H. Review and finalize construction schedule related to roofing work and verify availability of 13 materials, installer's personnel, equipment and facilities needed to avoid delays. 14 15 I. Review weather and forecasted weather conditions and procedures for coping with 16 unfavorable conditions, including possibility of temporary roofing. 17 18 J. General Contractor to document the meeting with written minutes and copy all in 19 attendance. 20 21 22 PART 2 – PRODUCTS 23 24 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS 25 26 A. Standing Seam Metal Roof System: 27 28 1. Petersen Aluminum Corporation: Tite-Loc Plus 29 2. McElroy Metals 30 3. Berridge 31 4. Or prior approved equal 32 33 B. High temperature Bituthane Membrane Waterproof Underlayment: A 40 mil self-adhering 34 membrane, or prior approved equal. 35 36 1. Tamko "TW Metal and Tile" 37 2. Grace "Ice and Water Shield HT" 38 3. Or Prior approved equal 39 40 C. Factory Fabricate Polyisocyanurate Nailbase-Clad Rigid Insulation: Refer to 07 22 16 Roof 41 Board Insulation for nail base configuration. 42 43 D. Substitutions: 44 45 1. Approved manufacturers will only be set forth in a written and issued addendum. 46 2. Alternate manufacturers must fully comply with all specified requirements. 47 48 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 8 2.02 MATERIALS 1 2 A. Panels: 3 4 1. Prefinished Galvalume® sheet, ASTM AZ50 made of 55% aluminum, 1.6% silicon and 5 the balance zinc as described in ASTM specification A792. 6 2. Panels shall be 22-gauge with a Polyvinylidene (Kynar 500) Finish. 7 3. Factory fabricated panel with integral continuous overlapping seams suitable for 8 continuous locking or crimping by mechanical means during installation. Onsite or field 9 manufactured panel profiles are not acceptable. 10 4. Seam Size: 11 12 a. Male leg: 2" high, on Tite-Loc Plus 13 b. Female leg: 2" high, on Tite-Loc Plus 14 15 5. Provide butyl sealant within the confines of female seam flange, on the bottom edge of 16 female seam flange, designed to seal against adjacent male panel leg. 17 18 B. Clip/Fastener Assemblies: 19 20 1. Typical clip, UL-90 requirements: 21 22 a. Wind Rated Fasteners: As per approved manufacturer's engineered shop drawings. 23 b. Wind Rated Clip: Sliding 22-gauge galvanized steel hook in combination with a 24 double fastened 18-gauge galvanized steel base, both at Fy (MIN) = 33 ksi. Clip 25 hook shall have a shop installed hot-melt butyl sealant for continuity of seal at clip 26 locations. 27 28 2. Typical Low Clip Requirements: 29 30 a. UL-90 Fasteners: As per approved manufacturer's engineered shop drawings. 31 b. Sliding 26-gauge at Fy=40ksi (MIN) galvanized steel hook in combination with a 32 double fastened 18-gauge at Fy = 50 ksi (MIN) galvanized steel base. Clip hook 33 shall have a shop installed hot-melt butyl sealant for continuity of seal at clip 34 locations. 35 36 3. Standard Flashing Fasteners: Same as Wind Rated Fasteners specified above. 37 38 C. Accessories: 39 40 1. Provide manufacturer's standard accessories and other items essential to 41 completeness of the standing seam metal roof installation. 42 2. Roof Jacks: Manufacturer's standard EPDM with an aluminum sealing base ring; for 43 openings twelve inches (12") or smaller, centered in panel; do not interrupt seam. 44 3. Roof Curbs: fabricated to the specifications of the standing seam metal roof 45 manufacturer, thereby assuring compatibility with the roof construction framing and 46 covering. Roof curbs shall be of sufficient size and design to coordinate with 47 requirements for support of heat and smoke vents specified in another Division 7 48 Section. Roof curb flashing and framing shall provide for the expected expansion and 49 contraction of the standing seam metal roofing system. 50 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 9 4. Gutters and downspouts will be fabricated to the same gauge and specification as 1 panel. 2 3 D. Field Sealants: 4 5 1. Color coordinated primerless silicone, urethane, or high grade, non-curing butyl as 6 recommended and engineered by panel manufacturer. 7 2. Do not use sealants containing asphalt. 8 9 E. Bituthane Membrane Waterproof Underlayment: 10 11 1. 40 mil flexible, self-adhering rubberized asphalt sheet membrane with a polymeric film 12 on the surface and a removable silicone-treated release sheet on the adhesive side 13 2. Bituthane membrane underlayment shall be rated for high temperature resistance up to 14 260 F. 15 3. Bituthane membrane shall have a maximum permeance rating of 0.05 perms. 16 4. Minimum thickness shall be 40 mils. 17 18 F. Field Fabricated Polyisocyanurate Nailbase Clad Rigid Insulation: Refer to 07 22 16 Roof 19 Board Insulation for nail base configuration. 20 21 2.03 FABRICATION 22 23 A. Panels: 24 25 1. Provide factory formed panel widths of sixteen inch (16"), with a one and one-half inch 26 (1-1/2") high standing seam. 27 2. On-site or field manufactured panels are prohibited. Field curving of pre-manufactured 28 panels is acceptable. 29 3. Provide panels with no end laps (splices). 30 4. Roof panels shall have flush horizontal and vertical surfaces to facilitate sealing at 31 terminations. 32 33 B. Seams: 34 35 1. Panel seams shall interlock entire length of seam, by means of a mechanically driven 36 rib seamer. 37 2. Design standing seam to lock up and resist joint disengagement during design wind 38 uplift conditions as calculated to comply with local building codes and design uplift 39 criteria. 40 3. Provide factory sealant within confines on trailing edge of female seam leg to aid in 41 resistance of leaks and provide panel-to-panel seal while allowing expansion and 42 contraction movement, and the seams shall be continuously locked or crimped together 43 by mechanical means during installation. 44 45 C. Clips: 46 47 1. Provide Wind Rated Clips designed to allow panels to thermally expand and contract 48 and provide a minimum of ± one inch (1") of thermal movement. Clips shall incorporate 49 a self-centering feature to allow a minimum of one-half inch (1/2") of movement in either 50 direction for a total movement of one inch (1"). 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 10 2. Clips shall be designed to meet positive and negative pressures as calculated and 1 engineered by the standing seam metal roofing system manufacturer. 2 3 D. Engineer panels to use concealed anchors that permit expansion and contraction. 4 5 E. Trim/Flashings: 6 7 1. Prefinished sheet metal designed by the manufacturer in the same gauge, material and 8 finish as the standing seam metal roofing system. 9 2. Locations, design, sealing and fastening methods as per the manufacturer's approved 10 engineered shop drawings. 11 12 2.04 FINISH 13 14 A. Fluorocarbon Coating: 15 16 1. Full strength 70% Kynar 500® coating baked on for fifteen (15) minutes at 450°F to dry-17 film thickness of 1.0 mil. 18 2. 15% reflective gloss (ASTM D 523). (Low Gloss). 19 3. 0.3 mil baked on epoxy primer. 20 4. Backer side of panels to be painted with an off-white polyester coating. 21 5. Top Side Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range of color 22 offerings, including metallic and custom colors 23 24 25 PART 3 - EXECUTION 26 27 3.01 CONNECTING WORK 28 29 A. General: Provide metal roofing panels of full length from eave to ridge when possible. 30 31 1. Field cutting by torch is not permitted. 32 2. Do not apply roofing during inclement weather. 33 3. Do not apply roofing to damp or frozen deck surface. 34 4. Do not expose materials vulnerable to water, wind or sun damage in quantities greater 35 than can be weatherproofed during the same day. 36 5. Rigidly fasten point of fixity (high center) of metal roof panels and allow free eave 37 movement due to thermal expansion and contraction per the approved shop drawings. 38 6. Install screws fasteners with power tools having controlled torque. 39 7. Locate and space fasteners per the approved shop drawings in true vertical and 40 horizontal alignment. 41 8. Install all flashings per the approved shop drawings as work progresses. Position roof 42 jacks only in the flat of the panel; do not alter standing seam ribs. 43 44 B. The Panel Applicator shall examine all surfaces on which their work is to be applied, and 45 shall notify the Architect in writing if not suitable to receive their work. Work on any surface 46 shall constitute acceptance of this surface by the Panel Applicator. After beginning 47 installation, install approximately 500 square feet of panels for Architect's approval, before 48 proceeding with substantial work. 49 50 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 11 C. Wood Members, Units: Comply with requirements of Section 06 10 14 Wood Blocking of 1 these specifications for nailers and other wood members indicated as roofing system work. 2 Provide wood pressure treated with water-borne preservatives for above ground use. All 3 nailers shall be anchored sufficiently to resist a force of 75 pounds ± per linear foot in any 4 direction. Provide nailers at all locations required by the roofing manufacturer (whether 5 shown or not) – verify conditions prior to commencement of roofing installation. 6 7 3.02 FIELD MEASUREMENTS 8 9 A. Panel Applicator must take field measurements to verify or supplement dimensions 10 indicated prior to fabrication of any materials. Where field measurements cannot be made 11 without delaying the work, either establish opening dimensions and proceed with fabricating 12 panels without field measurements or allow for trimming panel units. 13 14 3.03 POLYISOCYANURATE NAILBASE CLAD RIGID INSULATION INSTALLATION 15 16 A. Refer to 07 22 16 Roof Board Insulation for nail base configuration. 17 18 3.04 WATERPROOF UNDERLAYMENT INSTALLATION 19 20 A. Adhere one ply of high temperature 40 mil self-adhering waterproofing underlayment over 21 entire roof surface. Stagger joints perpendicular to metal roofing panels and over parapet 22 blocking per manufacturer's written instructions, but with not less than six inch (6") laps at 23 vertical (side) laps and four inch (4") horizontal (top and bottom) laps. 24 25 B. Install an extra layer of minimum thirty-six inch (36") wide waterproof membrane down all 26 valley, rake wall, eaves and gable conditions, using a minimum six inch (6") horizontal (top 27 and bottom) lap. 28 29 3.05 METAL ROOFING INSTALLATION 30 31 A. Workmanship shall conform to standards set forth in the architectural sheet metal manual 32 as published by SMACNA. 33 34 B. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for assembly, installation, and erection in order to 35 achieve a weathertight installation. Install in accordance with approved shop drawings. 36 37 1. Anchor securely in place using clips and fasteners spaced in accordance with 38 manufacturer's recommendations for design wind load criteria. 39 2. Panels should be installed in such a manner that horizontal lines are true and level and 40 vertical lines are plumb. 41 3. Field apply sealant to penetrations, transitions, and other locations as necessary for an 42 airtight, waterproof installation. 43 4. Remove all protective film, if any, before installation of materials. 44 45 C. Dissimilar Metals: Do not allow panels or flashings to come into contact with dissimilar 46 metals. 47 48 3.06 CLEAN UP 49 50 A. Clean exposed surfaces of work promptly after completion of installation. 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM 07 41 13 - 12 1 B. Only minor scratches and abrasions will be allowed to be touched up. Any other damaged 2 material shall be replaced. 3 4 C. Leave work areas clean, free from grease, dirt, finger marks, stains and stains. 5 6 D. Remove scrap and debris from surrounding grounds and work areas daily. 7 8 3.07 PROTECTION 9 10 A. Metal Roofing: Protect work as required to ensure that the standing seam metal roof system 11 will be without damage at time of final completion. 12 13 14 END OF SECTION 07 41 13 15 16 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SHEET METAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES 07 62 00 - 1 SECTION 07 62 00 1 SHEET METAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES 2 3 4 PART 1 - GENERAL 5 6 1.01 SUMMARY 7 8 A. Section Includes: 9 1. Provide flashing and sheet metal components for moisture protection. 10 2. Related accessories. 11 12 1.02 DEFINITIONS 13 14 ACM Asbestos Containing Materials 15 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 16 ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 17 CTEM Coal-Tar Elastomeric Membrane 18 EIP Ethylene Interpolymer 19 EPA Environmental Protection Agency 20 EPDM Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer 21 EPS Expanded Polystyrene 22 EVT Equiviscous Temperatures 23 FM Factory Mutual 24 IBC International Building Code 25 KEE Ketone Ethylene Ester 26 NDL No Dollar Limit 27 NESHAP National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants 28 NRCA National Roofing Contractors Association 29 OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration 30 SBS Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene 31 SDI Steel Deck Institute 32 SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association 33 UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 34 35 1.03 SUBMITTALS 36 37 A. Product Data: 38 1. Submit shop drawings, product data and mockups of all sheet metal. 39 40 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE 41 42 A. Comply with governing local, state, and federal regulations, safety standards, and 43 codes. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers in satisfactory use in similar 44 service for five (5) years. Use experienced installers. Deliver, handle and store 45 materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 46 47 B. Reference Standards: Applicable portions of ASCE, SMACNA, ASTM, and NAAMM 48 publications. 49 50 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SHEET METAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES 07 62 00 - 2 1.05 WARRANTIES 1 2 A. Manufacturer's Product Warranty: Submit manufacturer's standard limited product 3 warranty signed by the manufacturer's authorized official, guaranteeing to correct 4 failures in product which may occur during the warranty period, without reducing or 5 otherwise limiting any other rights to correction which the Owner/Project Consultant 6 may have under the contract documents. Failure is defined to include product failure 7 which leads to interruption of a watertight installation. Correction may include repair 8 or replacement of failed product. 9 10 B. Contractor's Warranty Period: For roofing flashing and sheet metal, provide a written 11 warranty which shall warrant work to be free of leaks and defects in materials and 12 workmanship for two (2) years, starting from date of substantial completion. 13 14 C. Defects of the sheet metal occurring during the warranty period shall be promptly 15 corrected by the contractor, and defects of the roofing shall be promptly corrected by 16 the manufacturer at no additional cost to the Owner. Upon notification from the 17 Owner or the Owner's representative that evidence of a defect exists, the responsible 18 party shall immediately inform the Owner's representative of the date on which 19 corrective work will be scheduled, and shall notify the Owner's representative when 20 the corrective work has been completed. 21 22 23 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 24 25 2.01 SHEET METAL MATERIAL 26 27 A. Hot-dipped Galvanized Steel for use as counterflashings (where not visible from the 28 ground), and expansion joints: Minimum 24-gauge, G-90, hot-dipped galvanized 29 metal, commercial quality, ASTM A 653/A 653M. 30 31 B. Stainless Steel for use as pitch pans: Minimum 24-gauge, commercial quality, 32 ASTM A 653/A 653M. 33 34 C. Hot-dipped Galvanized Steel for use as continuous clips: Minimum 22-gauge, G-90, 35 hot-dipped galvanized metal, commercial quality, ASTM A 653/A 653M. 36 37 D. Prefinished Galvanized Sheet Steel (where visible from the ground): Shall be 24-38 gauge flat stock, prefinished with Kynar finish meeting ASTM A 446, forty-five and 39 one-half inches to forty-eight inches width by one hundred twenty inches in length 40 (45-1/2" - 48" x 120") for use as new metal edge gravel guard, cover plates, 41 downspouts, gutters, coping and miscellaneous metal. 42 43 E. Stainless Steel: QQ-S-766, Class 304 or 316; or ASTM A 167, Type 304 or 316; form 44 and condition most suitable for the purpose. 45 46 F. Prefinished Aluminum: Shall be that most suitable for the purpose. 47 48 G. All existing sheet metal shall be replaced with new metal of like gauge and type, or as 49 specified on drawings. 50 51 H. All prefinished metal color shall be as selected by Owner/Architect from 52 manufacturer's full range of colors, including metallics. 53 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SHEET METAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES 07 62 00 - 3 2.02 FASTENERS 1 2 A. Fasteners shall be same metal as flashing/sheet metal, or other non-corrosive metal 3 as recommended by sheet manufacturer for the specific application. Match finish of 4 exposed heads with material being fastened. 5 6 B. Fasteners and fastening plates or bars shall be listed in the FM Global Approval 7 Guide. 8 9 C. Fastener for Brick: Shall be one-fourth inch by two inches (1/4" x 2"), zinc with plated 10 steel or stainless steel nail, one piece unit, flat head. 11 12 D. Screws: Self-taping sheet metal type with neoprene washer, as appropriate. 13 14 E. Pop Rivets: Full stainless steel Series 42 or 44, as appropriate. 15 16 F. Continuous Clip: Concealed hold-down clip type; of same materials as coping, gravel 17 guard, sized to suit application. Use a continuous clip, minimum 22-gauge G-90 18 galvanized. 19 20 2.03 RELATED MATERIAL 21 22 A. Plastic Cement: FS SS-C-153, cutback asphalt type. 23 24 B. Solder: QQ-S-571 composition best suited for purpose; use high tin content, 25 minimum 60/40, for stainless steel and monel alloy. 26 27 C. Copper, Sheet, and Strip: QQ-C-576, ASTM B 370, light cold-rolled temper, minimum 28 16 ounce. 29 30 D. Sealant (for Sheet Metal): One-component polyurethane, conforming to requirements 31 of FS TT-S-230C, non-staining and non-bleeding. 32 33 E. Miscellaneous Materials: 34 1. Downspout Boots: Provide and install cast iron by Neenah Foundry Company, 35 or pre-approved equal. 36 2. Splash Blocks: Concrete, 3000 psi, 28 days. Provide and install with protection 37 pads at all downspouts. Dimensions shall be a minimum eighteen inches wide 38 by thirty-six inches long (18" x 36"). 39 3. Metal Accessories: Provide and install sheet metal clips, straps, anchoring 40 devices, and similar accessory units as required for installation of work, 41 matching or compatible with material being installed, non-corrosive, size, and 42 gauge required for performance. 43 44 45 PART 3 - EXECUTION 46 47 3.01 INSPECTION 48 49 A. Verify roof openings, curbs, pipes, sleeves, ducts or vents through roof are solidly set, 50 cant strips and reglets in place, substrates are smooth and clean and nailing strips 51 located. 52 53 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SHEET METAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES 07 62 00 - 4 B. Verify membrane termination and base flashings are in place, sealed and secure, 1 prior to metal installation. 2 3 C. Beginning of installation means acceptance of conditions. 4 5 3.02 PREPARATION 6 7 A. Field measure site conditions prior to fabricating work. Provide all shop drawings and 8 mock-ups one month prior to installation to the Owner/Project Consultant for approval. 9 10 B. Install starter and edge strips and cleats before starting installation. 11 12 3.03 FABRICATION - GENERAL 13 14 A. Shop-fabricate work to greatest extent possible. Comply with details shown, and with 15 applicable requirements of SMACNA "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" and other 16 recognized industry practices. Fabricate for waterproof and weather-resistant 17 performance; with expansion provisions for running work, sufficient to permanently 18 prevent leakage, damage or deterioration of the work. Form work to fit substrates. 19 Comply with material manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Form 20 exposed sheet metal work without excessive oil-canning, buckling, and tool marks, 21 true to line and levels as indicated, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. 22 23 B. Fabricate gravel stops/fascia, gutters/downspouts, counterflashings, expansion joints, 24 and copings with new galvanized sheet metal as specified. Fabricate gravel guard 25 and fascia to size and dimensions as indicated on the drawings. Fabricate light metal 26 coping, gutters and downspouts as indicated. 27 28 C. Fabricate pitch pans with new stainless steel as specified. 29 30 D. Form sheet metal on bending brake. 31 32 E. Form materials with straight lines, sharp angles and smooth curves. 33 34 F. Fold back edges on concealed side of exposed edge to form hem (1/4" minimum). 35 36 G. Weld or solder joints on parts that are to be permanently and rigidly assembled. 37 38 H. Limit single-piece lengths to ten feet (10'). 39 40 I. Fabricate corner pieces with eighteen inch (18") extensions, mitered and sealed by 41 forming as one piece. 42 43 J. Where installing flashing directly to masonry or dissimilar materials, backpaint with 44 bituminous paint. 45 46 K. Install new metal rooftop projections. New rooftop projection details shall be as 47 recommended in NRCA or SMACNA handbooks. All rooftop projections shall be 48 cleaned, all joints sealed, and painted with a rust inhibitive paint. 49 50 L. All sheet metal shall be sealed and watertight. 51 52 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SHEET METAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES 07 62 00 - 5 M. Metal work should be secured so as to prevent damage from buckling or wind. Where 1 clips are shown, fabricate as detailed. 2 3 N. All metal to receive bitumen or adhesive shall be first primed with asphalt primer. 4 5 O. All prefinished metal shall be sanded and/or abraded prior to receiving primer. 6 7 P. Separations: Provide for separation of metal from non-compatible metal or corrosive 8 substrates by coating concealed surfaces at locations of contact, with bituminous 9 coating or other permanent separation as recommended by manufacturer/fabricator. 10 11 Q. Bed flanges of work in a thick coat of bituminous roofing cement where required for 12 waterproof performance. 13 14 3.04 INSTALLATION 15 16 A. General: All sheet metal termination to vertical wall shall have a through-wall with 17 receiver installed on masonry walls or prefabricated "Z" bar flashing pre-installed to 18 fluid applied wall finished prior to installation of sheet metal termination. This applies 19 to edge metal, base flashing closures and all vertical surface intersections. Refer to 20 NRCA, SMACNA, and metal manufacturer's guidelines. 21 22 B. Gravel Guard/Fascia: 23 1. Shall be installed with expansion joints, ten feet (10') on center, one-fourth inch 24 (1/4") expansion leeway, with a cover plate. 25 2. Form sections identical to profiles as shown or approved similar, to match 26 existing building. 27 3. Fabricate corner pieces with minimum eighteen inch (18"), maximum forty-eight 28 inch (48") extensions, formed and sealed with rivets and sealant, as one piece. 29 4. Hem exposed edges one-half inch (1/2") minimum. 30 5. Backpaint flashing in contact with masonry or dissimilar materials with 31 bituminous paint. Surface sand before applying primers. 32 6. Integrate flashing in a manner consistent with detailing. 33 7. Provide and install continuous clip, minimum 22 gauge. 34 8. Apply sealant at horizontal juncture of gravel guard metal to exterior vertical 35 wall. 36 9. Shall be fabricated in accordance with published details. 37 10. Install bead of sealant at metal edge juncture at exterior wall surface. 38 39 C. Coping: 40 1. Install new pre-manufactured metal coping for a permanent watertight 41 installation. 42 2. All coping shall be pre-manufactured to include 43 low profile standing metal seam 44 to meet ANSI/SPRI ES-1 requirements. 45 3. Shall be minimum 24-gauge prefinished Kynar installed in ten foot (10') sections 46 maximum. 47 4. Vertical fascia shall extend minimum two and one-half inches (2-1/2") or be 48 minimum one and one-half inches (1-1/2") below bottom of nailer, whichever is 49 greater. 50 5. Fabricate corner pieces with minimum eighteen inch (18"), maximum forty-eight 51 inch (48") extensions, formed and sealed with rivets and sealant, as one piece. 52 6. Hem exposed edges one-fourth inch (1/4") minimum. 53 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SHEET METAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES 07 62 00 - 6 7. Provide and install continuous clip, minimum 22-gauge. 1 8. Shall be fabricated in accordance with published details. 2 3 D. Expansion Joint Field and at Wall: 4 1. Shall be as outlined by details, and be in full compliance with these 5 specifications. 6 2. Lock seams and end joints. 7 3. Fabricate corner pieces with minimum eighteen inch (18"), maximum forty-eight 8 inch (48") extensions, formed and sealed with rivets and sealant, as one piece. 9 4. Hem exposed edges one-fourth inch (1/4") minimum. 10 5. Backpaint flashing in contact with masonry or dissimilar materials with 11 bituminous paint. Surface sand before applying primers. 12 6. Integrate flashing in a manner consistent with detailing. 13 7. Provide and install continuous clip, minimum 22-gauge or one gauge thicker 14 than flashing. 15 8. Shall be fabricated in accordance with published details. 16 17 E. Counterflashing: 18 1. Provide and install new two-piece sheet metal counterflashing as required for a 19 permanent watertight installation. 20 2. Saw cut brick mortar joint to receive friction fit reglet and removable 21 counterflashing as detailed in SMACNA 7th Edition Figure 4-4D. 22 23 F. Pitch Pans – Stainless Steel: 24 1. Install pitch pans of 24-gauge stainless steel according to NRCA standards, 25 minimum of six inches by six inches (6" x 6"). 26 2. Pitch pans shall be fabricated to minimum of four inches (4") above the finished 27 roof membrane. Seams of pitch pans shall be soldered inside and out. 28 3. Mastic shall be applied under pitch pan flange a minimum of one-half pound 29 (1/2#) per linear foot. 30 4. All metal flanges shall be primed with asphalt primer prior to flashing installation. 31 Inside of pitch pan shall be cleaned and primed. 32 5. All projections enclosed in pitch pans shall be cleaned in any manner suitable 33 and coated with a rust inhibitive coating as approved by the Owner/Project 34 Consultant. Coating shall be allowed to dry prior to pitch pan fill. 35 6. Base of pitch pans shall be filled around penetration with M-1 sealant. Sprinkle 36 mod bit granules over sealant 1/4" deep. 37 7. Top finish fill shall be coal-tar urethane, with minimum fill to top of pitch pan 38 sides. 39 8. Strip metal flange of pitch pan with one strip of Type IV fiberglass felt set in hot 40 bitumen extending from the outer edge of the flange a minimum of three 41 inches (3") inward to base of pitch pan. 42 9. Strip in fiberglass felt with 60 mil coal-tar elastomeric membrane (CTEM) 43 flashing set in hot asphalt extending from the outer edge of the Type IV 44 fiberglass underlayment a minimum of three inches (3") inward to the base of 45 the pitch pan. 46 47 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX SHEET METAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES 07 62 00 - 7 G. Bonnets/Hoods: 1 1. Fabricate and install above all pitch pans, where necessary, or reinstall as 2 applicable, metal bonnets over all pitch pans, NO EXCEPTIONS. 3 2. Bonnets/Hoods shall be manufactured with metal compatible with metal to which 4 bonnet is to be attached. 5 3. On beams and other steel, weld in place bonnets fabricated from one-fourth inch 6 (1/4") steel plate. 7 4. Draw band bonnets fabricated from 22-gauge galvanized steel may be used on 8 circular projections. 9 10 3.05 FINISH 11 12 A. Backpaint concealed metal surfaces with bituminous paint where expected to be in 13 contact with cementitious materials or dissimilar metals. Exposed surfaces to be 14 provided with a factory applied fluorocarbon Kynar finish meeting ASTM A 446 and 15 AAMA specification 605.2 for high performance coating. 16 17 B. New 24-gauge hot-dipped galvanized metal shall be painted on all locations visible 18 from the ground with an industrial grade paint as selected by Project 19 Manager/Architect from manufacturer's full range of colors, including metallics. 20 Galvanized metal surface must be properly prepared by removing all oil, grease, 21 and/or protective mill coatings by solvent cleaning surface in accordance with 22 SSPC-SP1, and according to paint manufacturer's recommendation, to ensure proper 23 adhesion of paint to metal. 24 25 26 27 END OF SECTION 07 62 00 28 29 30 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS 07 62 13 - 1 SECTION 07 62 13 1 GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS 2 3 PART 1 - GENERAL 4 5 1.01 SUMMARY 6 7 A. Section Includes: 8 1. Precoated galvanized steel gutters, downspouts, scuppers, brackets, spacers, 9 fasteners, stiffeners and caps. 10 2. Precast concrete splash blocks. 11 12 1.02 REFERENCES 13 14 A. American Society for Testing and Materials: 15 1. ASTM A 48 Grey Iron Castings. 16 2. ASTM A 167 Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet 17 and Strip. 18 3. ASTM A 361 Sheet Steel, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by Hot-Dip Process for 19 Roofing and Siding. 20 4. ASTM A 446 Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, 21 Structural (Physical) Quality. 22 5. ASTM B 32 Solder Metal. 23 6. ASTM B 209 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate. 24 25 B. Federal Specifications: FS TT-C-494 – Coating Compound, Bituminous, Solvent 26 Type, Acid Resistant. 27 28 C. SMACNA – Architectural Sheet Metal Manual. 29 30 1.03 SUBMITTALS 31 32 A. Product Data: Provide technical data, installation instructions, and general 33 recommendations for each specified sheet material and fabricated product. 34 35 B. Shop Drawings: Showing layout, profiles, jointing methods, fastening details, 36 locations, and installation details. 37 38 C. Samples: Submit six inch (6") long samples of factory-fabricated products illustrating 39 component design, finish, color and configuration. 40 41 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE 42 43 A. Installer Qualifications: Five years documented experience installing sheet metal 44 systems. 45 46 B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with applicable code for size and method or rain 47 water discharge. Comply with SMACNA Manual for sizing components for rainfall 48 intensity determined by storm occurrence of 1 in 5 years. 49 50 C. Gutters/Downspouts and all accessories shall be designed and provided by metal 51 roofing manufacturer providing the standing seam metal roof panels. 52 53 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS 07 62 13 - 2 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 1 2 A. Stack preformed and prefinished material to prevent twisting, bending or abrasion, 3 and to provide ventilation. Slope to drain. 4 5 B. Prevent contact with materials during storage which may cause discoloration, staining 6 or damage. 7 8 1.06 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING 9 10 A. Coordinate work with roofing work for correct sequencing of items which makes up 11 entire weatherproof, rain drainage and sheet metal system. 12 13 B. Coordinate work with downspout discharge pipe inlet. 14 15 C. Coordinate gutter and downspout system with installation of field fabricated flashing 16 and sheet metal and sheet metal roofing under Section 07600. Work of this Section 17 shall bring gutters and downspouts to point of connection with roofing system, with 18 necessary accommodations for connections. 19 20 21 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 22 23 2.01 MATERIALS 24 25 A. Pre-Coated Galvanized Steel: ASTM A 446, Grade A, G 90 zinc coating, 24-gauge 26 core steel, shop pre-coated. 27 28 B. Fasteners: Galvanized steel screws, bolts or nuts, as applicable. 29 30 C. Stiffener Angles and Supports: Formed steel, type to match gutters, 18-gauge and 31 clad with prefinished metal cover. 32 33 D. Solder: ASTM B 32, 50-50 percent tin/lead solder with rosin flux for use with steel. 34 35 E. Neutralized: Five percent (5%) to ten percent (10%) washing soda solution. 36 37 F. Protective Back Paint for Galvanizing: Zinc chromate or galvanized iron type. 38 39 G. Bituminous Coating: FS TT-G-494, or MIL-C-18480, or SSPC-12, cold-applied 40 bituminous mastic, compound, for 15 mil dry film thickness coating. 41 42 H. Wire Screen: One-half inch (1/2") mesh, stainless steel. 43 44 I. Splash Pads or Blocks: Precast concrete type; minimum 3000 psi at 28 days, with 45 minimum five percent (5%) air entrainment. 46 47 2.02 FABRICATION 48 49 A. Gutters: SMACNA style profile as detail by Architect; same gauge as panel. 50 51 B. Downspouts: SMACNA profile as detailed by Architect; same gauge as panel. 52 53 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS 07 62 13 - 3 C. Fabricate gutters and downspouts true to design and dimensions, straight and without 1 deformation. Finish work free from blemishes, abrasions, tool marks, burrs and other 2 defects which may affect strength or performance. Form corners to smallest radius 3 possible without causing grain separation or otherwise impairing work. Allow for 4 expansion and contraction. 5 6 D. Completely weld joints in gutter sections to provide watertight units. Form expansion 7 joints between gutter sections as shown. Weld stiffener angles to gutters 4'-0" on 8 center. 9 10 E. Weld angles to underside of gutters at downspout locations to form frame, weld 11 downspout tube to angles. 12 13 F. Form gutters in eight foot (8') or ten foot (10') long welded sections, lap joints one and 14 one-half inch (1-1/2"). Provide loose-locked expansion joints midway between outlet 15 tubes and where gutter ends adjoin walls. Fit joints with cover strips in manner to 16 provide watertight connections. 17 18 G. Provide outlet tubes with flanges riveted and soldered to form gutters. Extend tubes 19 three inches (3") into downspouts. Set gutters to slope to downspouts minimum one-20 eighth inch (1/8") for each foot. 21 22 H. Form downspouts in eight foot to ten foot (8' - 10') lengths. Telescope end joints one 23 and one-half inch (1-1/2") and lock longitudinal joints. Fasten downspouts to walls 24 with three inch (3") wide straps. Space straps not more than eight feet (8') apart. 25 Provide shoulder of solder on each side of downspout above each strap. Fasten 26 straps to walls with screws in lead sleeves. Form downspouts of length to discharge 27 water three feet to zero inches (3' – 0") from building slab. 28 29 I. Lock and solder, or weld without flux all seams. Close tops of downspout heads with 30 18-gauge removable strainer type with wire screen. 31 32 J. Field measure site conditions prior to fabricating work. 33 34 K. Fabricate with required connection pieces. 35 36 L. Hem exposed edges of metal. 37 38 M. Support Brackets, Joint Fasteners: Profiled to suit gutters and downspouts. 39 40 N. Anchorage Devices: SMACNA requirements. Type recommended by fabricator. 41 42 O. Downspout Supports: 18-gauge straps, Kynar. Color and finish to match gutter. 43 44 P. Gutter straps and supports to be 18-gauge and clad with prefinished metal cover as 45 detailed. 46 47 Q. Seal all metal joints watertight for full metal surface contact. 48 49 R. Downspouts: Rectangular profile. Seal all joints, six inches by six inches (6" x 6"). 50 51 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS 07 62 13 - 4 2.03 FINISHES 1 2 A. Gutter and Downspouts: 70-75 percent fluorocarbon resin equivalent to Kynar 3 500/Hylar 5000; custom color as selected by Architect. 4 5 B. Back paint concealed metal surfaces with protective backing paint to minimum dry 6 thickness of 15 mils. 7 8 C. Apply bitumen protective backing paint on surfaces in contact with dissimilar 9 materials. 10 11 12 PART 3 - EXECUTION 13 14 3.01 INSTALLATION 15 16 A. Install gutters, downspouts and accessories in accordance with SMACNA 17 Architectural Sheet Metal Manual. 18 19 B. Joint lengths with seams watertight. Flash and seal gutters to downspouts and 20 accessories. 21 22 C. Slope gutters to drain. 23 24 D. Set splash blocks under downspouts. 25 26 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 27 28 A. Flood test gutters and downspouts upon completion. Repair any leaks. 29 30 31 END OF SECTION 07 62 13 32 CITY OF DENTON PROJECT NO.19-1137-30 MLK RECREATIONAL CENTER, DENTON, TX ROOF PLANS/DETAIL DRAWINGS ROOF PLANS/DETAIL DRAWINGS 1 2 3 1.01 ROOF PLANS 4 5 A. Any drawings supplied are for reference purposes only. Dimensions, penetrations, 6 curbs, etc. must be field verified. Those shown are typical but may not be all inclusive, 7 and contractor shall be responsible for the correctness of same. Any existing insulation 8 thickness, deck type or other details shown on the drawings shall be subject to 9 contractor confirmation. 10 11 1.02 DETAIL DRAWINGS 12 13 A. The enclosed details for this project are intended primarily to present the proper 14 installation of the membranes used for waterproofing at flashings, perimeter closures, 15 roof projections, etc. Specific underlying construction configurations, such as walls, 16 nailers, wood backing, structural steel, etc., which may currently be in place may or may 17 not be accurately depicted on the attached details. Unless specifically called out in the 18 accompanying written specifications, or where a detail is noted "AS DRAWN", and/or 19 proper roofing and construction practices are not being followed, underlying 20 construction configurations are to remain unchanged from those in place on the building 21 prior to this reroofing. 22 23 24 25 END OF SECTION 26 SLOPESELF ADHERING UNDERLAYMENT CONT. JOGGLE CLEAT SET ON DOUBLE SIDED ADHESIVE TAPE. FASTENED ACCORDING TO LOCAL WIND UPLIFT CRITERIA PREFINISHED DOWNSLOPE ''L'' TYPE PERIMETER METAL FLASHING PREFINISHED GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT PREFINISHED STANDING SEAM METAL PANEL PANEL CLIP MIN. 2 FASTENERS PER CLIP INSTALL SEALANT AT ENDS OF VERTICAL SEAMS 8" 8" 1" INSTALL ADDITIONAL LAYER OF SELF ADHERING UNDERLAYMENT AT EAVES, EDGES, RAKES AND VALLEYS GUTTER STRAPS GUTTER STRAPS PREFINISHED 3" HIGH EAVE EDGE METAL FLASHING WITH CONTINUOUS CLEAT. PROVIDE AND INSTALL PREFINISHED DOWNSPOUTS COORDINATE WITH EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR LOCATIONS FOLD ENDS OF VERTICAL SEAMS. CLAD NAIL BASE INSULATION PREFINISHED METAL FASCIA TRIM PREFINISHED METAL SOFFIT PANELS CONTINUOUS CLIP BELOW AT DRIP EDGE 2X TREATED WOOD NAILERS CONTINUOUS FASTEN ACCORDING TO LOCAL UPLIFT CODES DOWN TO METAL DECK TO MATCH THICKNESS OF CLAD NAIL BASE. COORDINATE FASCIA DESIGN WITH ARCH. ENSURE EDGE SECUREMENT TO MEET OR EXCEED LOCAL WIND ZONE REQUIREMENTS. FACTORY INSTALLED SEALANT CLIP AS SPECIFIED PREFINISHED STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF PANELS FASTENERS AS SPECIFIED EXTEND DOWN THROUGH METAL ROOF DECK W/MIN. 3/4" PENETRATION INTO TOP OF FLUTE DOUBLE ROLLED SEAM CLAD NAIL BASE INSULATION STANDING SEAM METAL EDGE GUTTER - NAIL-BASE R2.01 DATE: SCALE : NOT TO SCALE DRAWN BY: PROJECT NO: DETAIL NAME: PROJECT FOR: CITY OF DENTON MLK RECREATION CENTER 1300 WILSON STREET DENTON, TEXAS 76205 AS05/05/2020 19-1137-30 05/05/2020 ARMKO INDUSTRIES,INC.ARMKO INDUSTRIES,INC.Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-6498 1320 Spinks Road Flower Mound, TX 75028 (972)874-1388 SLOPEPREFINISHED 4" VENTED ''T'' TYPE RAKE EDGE METAL CONTINUOUS CLEAT CONTINUOUS BEAD OF SEALANT INSTALL SELF ADHERING UNDERLAYMENT INSTALL ADDITIONAL LAYER OF SELF ADHERING UNDERLAYMENT CONTINUOUS STRUCTURE ROOF DECKING 2X TREATED WOOD NAILERS CONTINUOUS FASTEN ACCORDING TO LOCAL UPLIFT CODES DOWN TO METAL DECK TO MATCH THICKNESS OF CLAD NAIL BASE. STANDING SEAM METAL PANEL FIELD BEND PANEL UP 1 1/2" PANEL CLIP W/2 FASTENERS @ 12" O.C. CONT. PREFINISHED METAL RAKE FASCIA CONTINUOUS CLIP AT DRIP EDGE CLAD NAIL BASE INSULATION COORDINATE FASCIA DESIGN WITH ARCH. 1/8" RIVET @ 6" O.C. FASTENER PAINTED TO MATCH EA. CLIP 6" O.C. PREFINISHED GABLE FLASHING EXTEND MEMBRANE DOWN OVER CONT. CLIP. CONTINUOUS CLIP CONTINUOUS BEAD OF SEALANT FASTENERS LINE OF SUBSTRATE ANGLE TRIM BUTYL TAPE EDGE TRIM 12" WOOD NAILERS CONTINUOUS ATTACH TO STRUCTURE BELOW FASTENERS PREFINISHED METAL FASCIA TRIM STANDING SEAM RAKE - NAIL-BASE R2.02 DATE: SCALE : NOT TO SCALE DRAWN BY: PROJECT NO: DETAIL NAME: PROJECT FOR: CITY OF DENTON MLK RECREATION CENTER 1300 WILSON STREET DENTON, TEXAS 76205 AS05/05/2020 19-1137-30 05/05/2020 ARMKO INDUSTRIES,INC.ARMKO INDUSTRIES,INC.Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-6498 1320 Spinks Road Flower Mound, TX 75028 (972)874-1388 SLOP E PREFINISHED SHEET METAL VENTED RIDGE CAP ''Z'' CLOSURE FASTENED AND SET IN BUTYL TAPE SEALANT - SEAL VERTICAL LEGS TURN PANEL PANS UP AT RIDGE TO PROVIDE SECONDARY CLOSURE ADDITIONAL PLY OF SELF ADHERING MEMBRANE AT RIDGE CAP SELF ADHERING UNDERLAYMENT SLOP E PREFINISHED STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF CLAD NAIL BASE INSULATION TURN VERTICAL LEGS BACK AT EACH RIB 1" AND SEAL/RIVET OVER BUTYL TAPE TURN VERTICAL LEGS BACK AT EACH RIB 1" AND SEAL/RIVET OVER BUTYL TAPE WOOD NAILERS AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN INSULATION HEIGHT STANDING SEAM RIDGE - NAIL-BASE R2.03 DATE: SCALE : NOT TO SCALE DRAWN BY: PROJECT NO: DETAIL NAME: PROJECT FOR: CITY OF DENTON MLK RECREATION CENTER 1300 WILSON STREET DENTON, TEXAS 76205 AS05/05/2020 19-1137-30 05/05/2020 ARMKO INDUSTRIES,INC.ARMKO INDUSTRIES,INC.Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-6498 1320 Spinks Road Flower Mound, TX 75028 (972)874-1388 WIDT H MIN. F L A N G E 8" S L O P E SLOPE VALLEY METAL LOCK PANEL PANS TO ENGAGE VALLEY METAL INSTALL SEALANT IN ENDS OF VERTICAL SEAMS ARCHITECTURAL METAL ROOF PANEL VALLEY CLIP MIN. 2 FASTENERS PER CLIP (APPROX. 2'' WIDE) BEND CLIP BACK OVER TO COVER FASTENERS SLIP SHEET UNDERLAYMENT OR ICE-DAM PROTECTION MEMBRANE CENTER RIB (1'' MIN. HEIGHT) 1'' MIN. THERMAL INSULATION STANDING SEAM VALLEY - NAIL-BASE R2.04 DATE: SCALE : NOT TO SCALE DRAWN BY: PROJECT NO: DETAIL NAME: PROJECT FOR: CITY OF DENTON MLK RECREATION CENTER 1300 WILSON STREET DENTON, TEXAS 76205 AS05/05/2020 19-1137-30 05/05/2020 ARMKO INDUSTRIES,INC.ARMKO INDUSTRIES,INC.Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-6498 1320 Spinks Road Flower Mound, TX 75028 (972)874-1388 SLOP E SL O P E SHEET METAL HIP CAP ''Z'' CLOSURE FASTENED AND SET IN SEALANT, OR SOLDERED AS MATERIAL PERMITS - SEAL VERTICAL LEGS ARCHITECTURAL METAL ROOF PANEL SEAMS AND PANEL PROFILES VARY SLIP SHEET UNDERLAYMENT ROOF SUBSTRATE TURN PANEL PANS UP TO PROVIDE SECONDARY CLOSURE CUT EXISTING NAILBASE AND INSERT NEW WOOD NAILERS THE SAME THICKNESS AS THE EXISTING NAILBASE. ROOF DECKING TO REMAIN HIP/RIDGE DETAIL R2.05 DATE: SCALE : NOT TO SCALE DRAWN BY: PROJECT NO: DETAIL NAME: PROJECT FOR: CITY OF DENTON MLK RECREATION CENTER 1300 WILSON STREET DENTON, TEXAS 76205 AS05/05/2020 19-1137-30 05/05/2020 ARMKO INDUSTRIES,INC.ARMKO INDUSTRIES,INC.Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-6498 1320 Spinks Road Flower Mound, TX 75028 (972)874-1388