7510 - Contract Executed Docusign Transmittal Coversheet File Name Purchasing Contact Contract Expiration                  City of Denton _____________________________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION SHEET DEPARTMENT:3URFXUHPHQW &RPSOLDQFH DATE:2FWREHU SUBJECT  $GRSWLRQRIDFRQWUDFWZLWK/H[LV1H[LV5LVN6ROXWLRQV)/,QFWKURXJKDQ,QWHUORFDO&RRSHUDWLYH 3XUFKDVLQJ$JUHHPHQWZLWKWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI,QIRUPDWLRQ5HVRXUFHV ',5 &RQWUDFW1XPEHU',5 /*/&$/,5%XQGHUWKH*RYHUQPHQW&RGH&KDSWHUWRDXWKRUL]HDGGLWLRQDOIXQGVWR&LW\RI 'HQWRQFRQWUDFWVIRUVXEVFULSWLRQEDVHGFRPSXWHUDVVLVWHGOHJDODQGLQYHVWLJDWLYHUHVHDUFKVHUYLFHVDQG UHODWHGSURGXFWVSURYLGLQJIRUH[SHQGLWXUHVRIIXQGVWKHUHIRUDQGSURYLGLQJDQGHIIHFWLYHGDWH )LOH ±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ontract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B Vendor Contract No. ________________ Page 7 of 7 This Contract is executed to be effective as of the date of last signature. LexisNexis Risk Solutions FL Inc. Authorized By: _/signature on file/________ Name: _Haywood Talcove________________ Title: CEO, LexisNexis Special Services, Inc. Date: ____5/26/17 | 8:28 am____________ The State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources Authorized By: ___/signature on file/_____ Name: _Stacey Napier__________________ Title: _Executive Director, DIR_ _________ Date: _5/26/17 | 12:57 pm_____________________________ Office of General Counsel: ____/signature on file/________         Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B ŪdÐÒÉÌŅŏņńŅŌū -1- Accurint ................................................................................................................................ 2 Accurint for Law Enforcement (A4LE); Accurint for Government (A4Gov); and Accurint for Government Collections (A4GC) ............................................................................................................... 2 Accurint for Law Enforcement Plus (A4LE+); and Accurint for Government Plus (A4Gov+) .................... 2 Accurint Add-On Features ......................................................................................................................... 3 Accurint Flat Rate Price Schedules ............................................................................................................ 4 Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription ....................................... 4 Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription ............................. 12 Accurint for Government Collections NonFCRA Price Schedule – Flat Rate ....................................... 19 Accurint for Government Collections FCRA Price Schedule – Flat Rate ............................................. 22 Accurint for Government Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription ............................. 23 Accurint for Law Enforcement Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription ..................... 27 Accurint Transactional Price Schedules .................................................................................................. 31 Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Transactional .................................................................. 31 Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Transactional .......................................................... 39 Accurint for Government Collections NonFCRA Price Schedule – Transactional ............................... 46 Accurint for Government Collections FCRA Price Schedule – Transactional ...................................... 49 Accurint Social Media Analytics ........................................................................................... 50 Batch Solutions ................................................................................................................... 51 Accurint Crime Analysis, Accurint Crime Analysis Workstation ............................................. 56 Accurint Virtual Crime Center .............................................................................................. 57 Integrity Scans ..................................................................................................................... 58 Identity Management and Fraud Detection.......................................................................... 59 Payment Protection ............................................................................................................. 60 XML Access ......................................................................................................................... 61 Business Integrity Solution (BIS) Version 1.5 ........................................................................ 65 Investigative Portal ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..66 Payment Score....................................................................................................................................66 Threat Matrix......................................................................................................................................68 Table of Contents DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -2- Accurint for Law Enforcement (A4LE); Accurint for Government (A4Gov); and Accurint for Government Collections (A4GC) Fees below include all Standard Features (priced $0.00) in the attached Flat Rate Price Schedules. Also at no additional cost, this offer also includes the following features in flat-rate Accurint subscriptions: Real-Time Phones, Email Searching, and Real-Time Motor Vehicle Reports. x 1 to 25 users per agency: $91/user/month x 26 to 100 users per agency: $83/user/month x 101 to 250 users per agency: $81/user/month x 251 to 499 users per agency: $80/user/month x 500 to 999 users per agency: $75/user/month x 1,000+ users per agency: $65/user/month Per-search pricing is also available, if desired. This pricing requires a $50 per-month minimum commitment from each agency, regardless of the number of users. Each month the agency would pay $50 or the total fee for all Accurint searches conducted during the month, whichever is greater. Each agency would incur charges for each search, pursuant to prices listed in the attached Accurint Transactional Price Schedules. Accurint for Law Enforcement Plus (A4LE+); and Accurint for Government Plus (A4Gov+) Fees below include all Standard Features (priced $0.00) in the separately attached Flat Rate Price Schedules. Also at no additional cost, this offer includes the following features in flat-rate Accurint subscriptions: Real-Time Phones, Email Searching, and Real-Time Motor Vehicle Reports. x 1 to 25 users per agency: $101/user/month x 26 to 100 users per agency: $93/user/month x 101 to 250 users per agency: $91/user/month x 251 to 499 users per agency: $90/user/month x 500 to 999 users per agency: $85/user/month x 1,000+ users per agency: $75/user/month Accurint DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -3- Accurint Add-On Features x Advanced Sexual Offender (Online Batch) (available in A4LE and A4Gov only): $20.00/user/month x Aerial Imaging (available in A4LE and A4Gov only): $20.00/user/month x Government Location Report (available in A4Gov only): $15.00/user/month x Healthcare/Medical Bundle (available in A4LE and A4Gov only): $40.00/user/month x Identity Authenticate (available in A4LE and A4Gov only): $15.00/user/month x Identity Verification (available in A4LE and A4Gov only): $10.00/user/month x Law Enforcement Location Report (available in A4LE and A4LE+ only): $15.00/user/month x News: $35.00/user/month x Virtual Identity Search & Report: $25.00/user/month x Equifax Credit Reports (FCRA) (available in A4Gov only): $2.25 per search x Advanced Sexual Offender Search (available in A4LE+ and A4Gov+ only): $10.00/user/month x Advanced Sexual Offender (Online Batch) (available in A4LE+ and A4Gov+ only): $20.00/user/month x Aerial Imaging (available in A4LE+ and A4Gov+ only): $20.00/user/month x Government Location Report (available in A4Gov+ only): $15.00/user/month x Healthcare/Medical Bundle (available in A4LE+ and A4Gov+ only): $40.00/user/month x Sexual Offender Alerts (available in A4LE+ and A4Gov+ only): 15 alerts = $15.00/user/month; 30 alerts = $27.00/user/month; 60 alerts = $45/user/month DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -4- Accurint Flat Rate Price Schedules Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription Pricing is per hit unless otherwise indicated. All searches/reports with a price of $0.00 are considered “Standard Features” and are included in Subscription plan. Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription FEATURES PRICE Advanced Motor Vehicle Search $0.00 Advanced Person Search $0.00 Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Report $0.00 American Board Of Medical Specialties Search $1.00 American Board Of Medical Specialties Report $5.00 Associates ("Next Steps") $0.00 Bankruptcies, Liens & Judgments Search $0.00 Bankruptcy Search $0.00 Bankruptcy Report $0.00 Bankruptcy Docket Sheet ($0.50 For First 5 Pages & $0.20 Per Page Thereafter) (not discountable) $0.50 Bankruptcy Documents (Per Page, Up To Max Charge Of $6 Per Document) (not discountable) $0.20 Boolean Search $0.00 Business Credit $0.00 Business Credit Report $0.00 Business InstantID $0.00 Business InstantID & FraudDefender $0.00 Business Search $0.00 Businesses In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Canadian Phones $0.40 Case Audit Compliance $0.00 Case Connect Deconfliction Alerts $0.00 Civil Courts Search (Report Included) $0.00 CLIA Search $0.00 Concealed Weapons Permit $0.00 Corporation Filings (Report Included Except In Delaware) $0.00 Court Search Wizard (Additional Fees May Apply; Orders Are Non-Refundable) -- -County Civil Lower & Upper Court - 7 Year (not discountable) $35.00 -County Civil Lower & Upper Court - 10 Year (not discountable) $40.00 -County Criminal - 7 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -County Criminal - 10 Year (not discountable) $30.00 -Federal Division Civil - 7 Year (not discountable) $16.00 -Federal Division Civil - 10 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Federal Division Criminal - 7 Year (not discountable) $16.00 -Federal Division Criminal - 10 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Statewide Criminal (not discountable) $24.00 Criminal Records $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -5- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription Criminal Records Report $0.00 DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.00 Death Records $0.00 Death Records Report $0.00 Delaware Corporations (not discountable) $1.00 Delaware Corporations Report (not discountable) $11.00 Disclosed Entity Service $0.00 Driver Licenses $0.00 Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Search $0.25 Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Global Market Identifiers Search $3.75 Email Search $0.00 FAA Aircraft (Report Included) $0.00 FAA Pilots (Report Included) $0.00 Federal Civil Court Records Search (charged per search) $2.00 Federal Criminal Court Records Search $0.00 Federal Firearms & Explosives $0.00 Federal Employer ID Numbers (FEIN) $0.00 Fictitious Business Name $0.00 Foreclosures Search (Report Included) $0.00 Hunting/Fishing Licenses $0.00 Identity Authenticate (charged per search) $1.25 Identity Verification (charged per search) $0.60 InstantID Consumer Search $0.00 InstantID Consumer & FraudDefender Search $0.00 Internet Domains $0.00 Liens & Judgments $0.00 Liens & Judgments Report $0.00 Marriages / Divorces Search $0.00 Medical, Employment and Business Records Retrieval -- -Medical, Employee Or Business Record Retrieval With Authorization (not discountable) $35.00 -Medical, Employee Or Business Record Retrieval With Authorization And Affidavit (not discountable) $72.50 -Medical, Employee Or Business Record Retrieval By Subpoena (not discountable) $87.50 -Canvassing Up To 5 Custodians (not discountable) $50.00 -Canvassing From 5 To 10 Custodians (not discountable) $100.00 -Canvassing Above 10 Custodians, Per Custodian (not discountable) $10.00 -Chronological Sorting (charged per page) (not discountable) $0.03 -Pagination Only (charged per page) (not discountable) $0.10 -Research And Identify Custodial Location $0.00 - Long distance charges, phone charges, initial and follow up calls $0.00 -Prepare And Deliver Notice And Subpoena For Signature (If Required) $0.00 -Deliver Notice To All/3rd Party Notices $0.00 -Serve Subpoena To Custodian Of Record $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -6- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription -Pick-Up Scheduling And Two (2) Field Trips $0.00 -Mileage $0.00 -Return Record Review For Completeness And Legibility $0.00 -Rush Fee (One Way) (not discountable) $25.00 -Witness Fee (Pass Through Fees May Be Charged) $0.00 -Deposition Trip Fee (not discountable) $20.00 -Deposition Certification Fee (not discountable) $20.00 -Custodial Fee (Pass Through Fees May Be Charged) $0.00 -Custodial Fee Carrying Fee (10% of Pass Thru Fees May Be Charged) $0.00 -Hard Copy Per Page, Authorization (not discountable) $0.50 -Hard Copy Per Page, Subpoena, Includes Pagination And Sealing If Required (not discountable) $0.50 -Hard Copy, Shipping Cost (Pass Through Fees May Be Charged) $0.00 -Sales/Revenue Taxes (Pass Through Fees May Be Charged) $0.00 -X-Ray Duplication (not discountable) $17.50 -Fax Or Electronic Receipt Of Authorization For The Release Of Records $0.00 -Phone Charges $0.00 -Authorization Cover Sheet Preparation And Delivery Per Location $0.00 -Record Receipt And Review (QA) $0.00 -Electronic Posting Of Record, Per Page $0.00 -Hospital Charting (charged per page) (not discountable) $0.25 -Maximum Spend Without Client Authorization, MRR * (not discountable) $75.00 -Maximum Spend Without Client Authorization, X-Ray Duplication * (not discountable) $210.00 *Default Can Be Lower Or Higher Based On Customer Specifications -- Motor Vehicles Report $0.00 MVR Reports (Driving Records)** (plus state fee listed below) (charged per search) (not discountable) $5.00 -Alabama 3-Year (not discountable) $9.75 -Delaware 3-Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Florida 3-Year (not discountable) $8.10 -Florida 7-Year (not discountable) $10.10 -Illinois (not discountable) $12.00 -Indiana (not discountable) $7.50 -Iowa (not discountable) $8.50 -Kansas (not discountable) $8.70 -Maine 3-Year (not discountable) $7.00 -Minnesota 5-Year (not discountable) $5.00 -Mississippi 3-Year (not discountable) $14.00 -Nebraska 5-Year (not discountable) $3.00 -North Carolina 3/7-Year (not discountable) $10.00 -Rhode Island 3-Year (not discountable) $20.00 -South Carolina 3/10-Year (not discountable) $7.25 -Tennessee 3-Year (not discountable) $7.00 -Utah (not discountable) $9.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -7- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription -Vermont 3-Year (not discountable) $17.00 -West Virginia 7-Year (not discountable) $9.00 ** Customer will have access to and use of the MVR Reports (Driving Records) materials and features. MVR Reports (Driving Records) fees are subject to change without notice. -- National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report (not discountable) $3.00 National UCC Filings (Report Included) $0.00 NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs) Search $0.00 NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs) Report $0.00 Neighbors ("Next Steps") $0.00 NPI Data Search $0.00 NPI Report $0.00 Official Records Search (Report Included) $0.00 OSHA Investigative Reports Search $1.00 Passport Validation $0.00 People At Work Search $0.00 People In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Person Alerts Monitoring (Monthly Monitoring Transactions Per Acct.) (Alerts Charged At Regular Price) -- -1 - 50 $0.00 -51 - 250 $0.00 -251 - 500 $0.00 -501 - 1,000 $0.00 -1,001 - 5,000 $0.00 -5,001 - 25,000 $0.00 -25,001 - 100,000 $0.00 Professional Licenses $0.00 Property Assessment Search $0.00 Property Assessment Report $0.00 Property Deed Search $0.00 Property Deed Report (excluding Deed Image) $0.00 Property Deed Image (additional charge when ordered from within Property Reports) (not discountable) $8.00 Property Search (Property Assessments, Deeds & Mortgages) $0.00 Property Report (Property Assessments, Deeds & Mortgages, excluding Deed Image) $0.00 Provider Search $0.25 Provider Report $5.00 Provider Report Card (charged per search) $5.00 Provider Sanction Search (charged per search) $0.25 Provider Sanction Report $5.00 Real Time Person Search (charged per search) $3.50 Real Time Phone Search $0.00 Relatives ("Next Steps") $0.00 Relatives, Neighbors & Associates ("Next Steps") $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -8- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription Relavint Visual Link Analysis (Per Diagram) $0.00 Satellite Image Search $0.00 SEC Filings Search $3.50 Sexual Offenders (Report Included) $0.00 SIRIS $0.00 USA Patriot Act $0.00 Virtual Identity Search & Report $2.00 Voter Registrations $0.00 Watercraft $0.00 Watercraft Report $0.00 WorkPlace Locator (not discountable) $3.50 Reports Asset Report: Property Deeds & Assessments, Vehicle Registrations, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, and UCC Filings. $0.00 Business Link Report (charged per search) $5.00 Comprehensive Report (Best Value): Summary Report, Associates, Bankruptcy, Concealed Weapons Permits, Criminal Records, DEA Controlled Substances License Search, Driver's Licenses, FAA Aircraft, FAA Pilots, Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search, Hunting/Fishing Permits, Liens/Judgments, National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report, Neighbors, People at Work, Phones Plus, Possible Education, Professional Licenses, Property, Relatives (3 Degrees), Sexual Offenders, UCC Filings, Vehicle Registrations, Voter Registration and Watercraft. $0.00 Contact Card Report: Summary Report: Names Associated with Subject, Contact List: At Home, At Work, Through Family, Through Associates, Through Neighbors, Possible Relocation, Address Summary and Phones Plus (optional). $3.50 Entitlement Report: Summary Report, Phones Plus, Bankruptcy, Liens/Judgments, UCC Filings, People At Work, Driver’s Licenses, Vehicle Registrations, Property, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, Professional Licenses, Associates, Relatives (3 Degrees), Criminal Records And Sexual Offenders. Results Can Be Restricted By The User To Their Applicable Dates Of Interest. $0.00 Finder Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Phone Summary, Current Listed Phones, Unverified Phones With Type And Date Indicators, Current Neighbor Phones, Possible Relative Phones (2 Degrees), Possible Associate Phones, Phones At Historical Addresses, Bankruptcy Filings And Corporate Affiliations. $0.00 Government Location Report (charged per search) $1.00 Summary Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Census Data, Bankruptcy Indicator, Property Indicator And Corporate Affiliations Indicator. $0.00 Comprehensive Address Report: (Base Report Features: Current And Previous Residents And Phones At Address) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Bankruptcy $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -9- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription -Businesses At Address $0.00 -Concealed Weapons Permit Search $0.00 -Criminal Records Search $0.00 -Criminal Records Report $0.00 -Driver Licenses At Address $0.00 -Hunting/Fishing License Search $0.00 -Liens And Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicles Registered At Address $0.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.00 -Neighbors At Address $0.00 -Property Ownership Current / Previous $0.00 -Sexual Offenders Search (Report Included) $0.00 Comprehensive Business Report (Base Report Features: Name and TIN Variations, Parent Company, and Industry Information) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Associated Businesses $0.00 -Associated People $0.00 -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Business Registrations $0.00 -Corporation Filings $0.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -FAA Aircraft $0.00 -Internet Domain Names $0.00 -IRS 5500 $0.00 -Liens and Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicles $0.00 -Properties $0.00 -UCC Filings $0.00 -Watercraft $0.00 Custom Comprehensive Report (Base Report Features: Others Using Same SSN, Date and Location where SSN Issued, Company Header, Address Summary, Possible Education, Comprehensive Report Summary) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Associates $0.00 -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Criminal Records $0.00 -DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.00 -Driver Licenses Information $0.00 -Email Search $0.40 -Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search $0.00 -Liens And Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicle(s) Registration (Watercraft & Boat Trailers Included) $0.00 -National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report $0.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.00 -Neighbors (Up To 6 Neighbors At 10 Different Addresses) $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -10- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription -People At Work $0.00 -Phones Plus $0.50 -Professional Licenses $0.00 -Properties $0.00 -Relatives (Up to 3 Degrees of Separation) $0.00 -Sexual Offenders $0.00 -Supplemental Data Sources $0.00 -UCC Filings $0.00 Flat Rate Comprehensive Healthcare Business Report (includes Base Report Features and Additional Report Options listed below) $10.00 Comprehensive Healthcare Business Report (Base Report Features: Name, Address and Phone Variations; Parent Company, ID Numbers and Industry Information) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Associated Businesses $1.00 -Associated People $1.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Business Phone Matches $0.25 -Business Registrations $0.25 -Corporation Filings $1.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -FAA Aircraft $0.25 -Internet Domain Names $0.25 -IRS 5500 $1.00 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Motor Vehicles $0.75 -Properties $1.00 -Sanctions $0.50 -UCC Filings $0.50 -Verification $0.75 -Watercraft $1.00 Flat Rate Comprehensive Healthcare Provider Report (includes Base Report Features and Additional Report Options listed below) $6.00 Comprehensive Healthcare Provider Report (Base Report Features: Gender, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Tax ID(s) UPIN and NPI number) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Additional Deceased Data Sources $0.00 -Associates $0.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 -Business Address Summary $0.25 -Business Affiliations $0.50 -Business Phone Matches $0.25 -DEA Licenses $0.25 -Degrees $0.00 -Education $0.50 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -11- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription -Group Affiliations $0.50 -GSA Sanctions (charged per search) $0.50 -Hospital Affiliations $0.50 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Medical Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Possible Criminal Records (charged per search) $0.25 -Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Sanctions (Disciplinary) (charged per search) $0.50 -Sexual Offenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Specialties $0.00 -Verification $0.75 Online Batch Advanced Person Search $0.50 Deceased Person $0.25 Address (Single) $0.13 Address (Multiple) $0.16 Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co-Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Single) $0.23 Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co-Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Multiple) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (single) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (multiple) $0.30 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (single) $0.03 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (multiple) $0.04 Phones Plus $0.50 Real Time Phone Search $0.00 Real Time Motor Vehicle Registrations $1.50 Property - Add Up To Five Properties Owned By The Subject $1.00 Consumer InstantID $0.65 Consumer InstantID With Fraud Defender $0.95 Consumer InstantID With Red Flags Rule $0.90 Business InstantID $1.30 Business InstantID With Fraud Defender $1.30 Multiple = 2 Or More Phones/Addresses Returned -- DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -12- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription Pricing is per hit unless otherwise indicated. All searches/reports with a price of $0.00 are considered “Standard Features” and are included in Subscription plan. Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription FEATURES PRICE Advanced Motor Vehicle Search $0.00 Advanced Person Search $0.00 Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Report $0.00 American Board Of Medical Specialties Search $1.00 American Board Of Medical Specialties Report $5.00 Associates ("Next Steps") $0.00 Bankruptcies, Liens & Judgments Search $0.00 Bankruptcy Search $0.00 Bankruptcy Report $0.00 Bankruptcy Docket Sheet ($0.50 For First 5 Pages & $0.20 Per Page Thereafter) (not discountable) $0.50 Bankruptcy Documents (Per Page, Up To Max Charge Of $6 Per Document) (not discountable) $0.20 Boolean Search $0.00 Business Credit $0.00 Business Credit Report $0.00 Business Search $0.00 Businesses In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Canadian Phones $0.40 Case Audit Compliance $0.00 Case Connect Deconfliction Alerts $0.00 Civil Courts Search (Report Included) $0.00 CLIA Search $0.00 Concealed Weapons Permit $0.00 Corporation Filings (Report Included Except In Delaware) $0.00 Court Search Wizard (Additional Fees May Apply; Orders Are Non-Refundable) -- -County Civil Lower & Upper Court - 7 Year (not discountable) $35.00 -County Civil Lower & Upper Court - 10 Year (not discountable) $40.00 -County Criminal - 7 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -County Criminal - 10 Year (not discountable) $30.00 -Federal Division Civil - 7 Year (not discountable) $16.00 -Federal Division Civil - 10 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Federal Division Criminal - 7 Year (not discountable) $16.00 -Federal Division Criminal - 10 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Statewide Criminal (not discountable) $24.00 Criminal Records $0.00 Criminal Records Report $0.00 DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.00 Death Records $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -13- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription Death Records Report $0.00 Delaware Corporations (not discountable) $1.00 Delaware Corporations Report (not discountable) $11.00 Disclosed Entity Report $0.00 Driver Licenses $0.00 Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Search $0.25 Email Search $0.00 FAA Aircraft (Report Included) $0.00 FAA Pilots (Report Included) $0.00 Federal Criminal Court Records Search $0.00 Federal Firearms & Explosives $0.00 Federal Employer ID Numbers (FEIN) $0.00 Fictitious Business Name $0.00 Foreclosures Search (Report Included) $0.00 Hunting/Fishing Licenses $0.00 Identity Authenticate (charged per search) $1.25 Identity Verification (charged per search) $0.60 Internet Domains $0.00 Law Enforcement Location Report (charged per search) $1.00 Liens & Judgments $0.00 Liens & Judgments Report $0.00 Marriages / Divorces Search $0.00 Motor Vehicles Report $0.00 MVR Reports (Driving Records)** (plus state fee listed below) (charged per search) (not discountable) $5.00 -Alabama 3-Year (not discountable) $9.75 -Delaware 3-Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Florida 3-Year (not discountable) $8.10 -Florida 7-Year (not discountable) $10.10 -Illinois (not discountable) $12.00 -Indiana (not discountable) $7.50 -Iowa (not discountable) $8.50 -Kansas (not discountable) $8.70 -Maine 3-Year (not discountable) $7.00 -Minnesota 5-Year (not discountable) $5.00 -Mississippi 3-Year (not discountable) $14.00 -Nebraska 5-Year (not discountable) $3.00 -North Carolina 3/7-Year (not discountable) $10.00 -Rhode Island 3-Year (not discountable) $20.00 -South Carolina 3/10-Year (not discountable) $7.25 -Tennessee 3-Year (not discountable) $7.00 -Utah (not discountable) $9.00 -Vermont 3-Year (not discountable) $17.00 -West Virginia 7-Year (not discountable) $9.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -14- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription ** Customer will have access to and use of the MVR Reports (Driving Records) materials and features. MVR Reports (Driving Records) fees are subject to change without notice. -- MVR Wildcard Search $0.00 National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report (not discountable) $3.00 National UCC Filings (Report Included) $0.00 NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs) Search $0.00 NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs) Report $0.00 Neighbors ("Next Steps") $0.00 NPI Data Search $0.00 NPI Report $0.00 Official Records Search (Report Included) $0.00 Passport Validation $0.00 People At Work Search $0.00 People In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Person Alerts Monitoring (Monthly Monitoring Transactions Per Acct.) (Alerts Charged At Regular Price) -- -1 - 50 $0.00 -51 - 250 $0.00 -251 - 500 $0.00 -501 - 1,000 $0.00 -1,001 - 5,000 $0.00 -5,001 - 25,000 $0.00 -25,001 - 100,000 $0.00 Professional Licenses $0.00 Property Assessment Search $0.00 Property Assessment Report $0.00 Property Deed Search $0.00 Property Deed Report (excluding Deed Image) $0.00 Property Deed Image (additional charge when ordered from within Property Reports) (not discountable) $8.00 Property Search (Property Assessments, Deeds & Mortgages) $0.00 Property Report (Property Assessments, Deeds & Mortgages, excluding Deed Image) $0.00 Provider Search $0.25 Provider Report $5.00 Provider Report Card (charged per search) $5.00 Provider Sanction Search (charged per search) $0.25 Provider Sanction Report $5.00 Real Time Person Search (charged per search) $3.50 Real Time Phone Search $0.00 Relatives ("Next Steps") $0.00 Relatives, Neighbors & Associates ("Next Steps") $0.00 Relavint Visual Link Analysis (Per Diagram) $0.00 Satellite Image Search $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -15- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription Sexual Offenders (Report Included) $0.00 USA Patriot Act $0.00 Virtual Identity Search & Report $2.00 Voter Registrations $0.00 Watercraft $0.00 Watercraft Report $0.00 WorkPlace Locator (not discountable) $3.50 Reports Asset Report: Property Deeds & Assessments, Vehicle Registrations, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, and UCC Filings. $0.00 Comprehensive Report (Best Value): Summary Report, Associates, Bankruptcy, Concealed Weapons Permits, Criminal Records, DEA Controlled Substances License Search, Driver's Licenses, FAA Aircraft, FAA Pilots, Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search, Hunting/Fishing Permits, Liens/Judgments, National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report, Neighbors, People at Work, Phones Plus, Possible Education, Professional Licenses, Property, Relatives (3 Degrees), Sexual Offenders, UCC Filings, Vehicle Registrations, Voter Registration and Watercraft. $0.00 Finder Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Phone Summary, Current Listed Phones, Unverified Phones With Type And Date Indicators, Current Neighbor Phones, Possible Relative Phones (2 Degrees), Possible Associate Phones, Phones At Historical Addresses, Bankruptcy Filings And Corporate Affiliations. $0.00 Summary Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Census Data, Bankruptcy Indicator, Property Indicator And Corporate Affiliations Indicator. $0.00 Comprehensive Address Report: (Base Report Features: Current And Previous Residents And Phones At Address) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Businesses At Address $0.00 -Concealed Weapons Permit Search $0.00 -Criminal Records Search $0.00 -Criminal Records Report $0.00 -Driver Licenses At Address $0.00 -Hunting/Fishing License Search $0.00 -Liens And Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicles Registered At Address $0.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.00 -Neighbors At Address $0.00 -Property Ownership Current / Previous $0.00 -Sexual Offenders Search (Report Included) $0.00 Comprehensive Business Report (Base Report Features: Name and TIN Variations, Parent Company, and Industry Information) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -16- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription -Associated Businesses $0.00 -Associated People $0.00 -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Business Registrations $0.00 -Corporation Filings $0.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -FAA Aircraft $0.00 -Internet Domain Names $0.00 -IRS 5500 $0.00 -Liens and Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicles $0.00 -Properties $0.00 -UCC Filings $0.00 -Watercraft $0.00 Custom Comprehensive Report (Base Report Features: Others Using Same SSN, Date and Location where SSN Issued, Company Header, Address Summary, Possible Education, Comprehensive Report Summary) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Associates $0.00 -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Criminal Records $0.00 -DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.00 -Driver Licenses Information $0.00 -Email Search $0.00 -Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search $0.00 -Liens And Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicle(s) Registration (Watercraft & Boat Trailers Included) $0.00 -National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report $0.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.00 -Neighbors (Up To 6 Neighbors At 10 Different Addresses) $0.00 -People At Work $0.00 -Phones Plus $0.50 -Professional Licenses $0.00 -Properties $0.00 -Relatives (Up to 3 Degrees of Separation) $0.00 -Sexual Offenders $0.00 -Supplemental Data Sources $0.00 -UCC Filings $0.00 Flat Rate Comprehensive Healthcare Business Report (includes Base Report Features and Additional Report Options listed below) $10.00 Comprehensive Healthcare Business Report (Base Report Features: Name, Address and Phone Variations; Parent Company, ID Numbers and Industry Information) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Associated Businesses $1.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -17- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription -Associated People $1.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Business Phone Matches $0.25 -Business Registrations $0.25 -Corporation Filings $1.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -FAA Aircraft $0.25 -Internet Domain Names $0.25 -IRS 5500 $1.00 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Motor Vehicles $0.75 -Properties $1.00 -Sanctions $0.50 -UCC Filings $0.50 -Verification $0.75 -Watercraft $1.00 Flat Rate Comprehensive Healthcare Provider Report (includes Base Report Features and Additional Report Options listed below) $6.00 Comprehensive Healthcare Provider Report (Base Report Features: Gender, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Tax ID(s) UPIN and NPI number) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Additional Deceased Data Sources $0.00 -Associates $0.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 -Business Address Summary $0.25 -Business Affiliations $0.50 -Business Phone Matches $0.25 -DEA Licenses $0.25 -Degrees $0.00 -Education $0.50 -Group Affiliations $0.50 -GSA Sanctions (charged per search) $0.50 -Hospital Affiliations $0.50 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Medical Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Possible Criminal Records (charged per search) $0.25 -Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Sanctions (Disciplinary) (charged per search) $0.50 -Sexual Offenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Specialties $0.00 -Verification $0.75 Online Batch Advanced Person Search $0.50 Deceased Person $0.25 Address (Single) $0.13 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -18- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription Address (Multiple) $0.16 Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co-Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Single) $0.23 Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co-Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Multiple) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (single) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (multiple) $0.30 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (single) $0.03 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (multiple) $0.04 Phones Plus $0.50 Real Time Phone Search $0.00 Real Time Motor Vehicle Registrations $1.50 Property - Add Up To Five Properties Owned By The Subject $1.00 Consumer InstantID $0.65 Consumer InstantID With Fraud Defender $0.95 Consumer InstantID With Red Flags Rule $0.90 Business InstantID $1.30 Business InstantID With Fraud Defender $1.30 Multiple = 2 Or More Phones/Addresses Returned -- DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -19- Accurint for Government Collections NonFCRA Price Schedule – Flat Rate Pricing is per hit unless otherwise indicated. All searches/reports with a price of $0.00 are considered “Standard Features” and are included in Subscription plan. Accurint for Gov Collections NonFCRA Price Schedule – Flat Rate NON-FCRA FEATURES PRICE Associates ("Next Steps") $0.00 Basic Lookup $0.00 Business Credit $0.00 Business Credit Report $0.00 Business InstantID $0.00 Business InstantID & FraudDefender $0.00 Business Search $0.00 Businesses In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Canadian Phones $0.40 Corporation Filings (Report Included Except In Delaware) $0.00 Death Records $0.00 Death Records Report $0.00 Deep Skip Search $0.00 Delaware Corporations (not discountable) $1.00 Delaware Corporations Report (not discountable) $11.00 Driver Licenses $0.00 Dun & Bradstreet (not discountable) $0.25 Email Search $0.40 Fictitious Business Name $0.00 InstantID $0.00 InstantID With FraudDefender $0.00 Internet Domains $0.00 Motor Vehicle Locator $0.00 Motor Vehicle Locator Report $0.00 National UCC Filings (Report Included) $0.00 Neighbors ("Next Steps") $0.00 People At Work Locator $0.00 People In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Person Alerts Monitoring (Monthly Monitoring Transactions Per Acct.) (Alerts Charged At Regular Price) -- -1 - 50 $0.00 -51 - 250 $0.00 -251 - 500 $0.00 -501 - 1,000 $0.00 -1,001 - 5,000 $0.00 -5,001 - 25,000 $0.00 -25,001 - 100,000 $0.00 Person Search $0.00 Phone History Report (not discountable) $0.25 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -20- Accurint for Gov Collections NonFCRA Price Schedule – Flat Rate Phones Plus $0.50 Professional Licenses $0.00 Real Property Locator (Property Assessments, Deeds and Mortgages) $0.00 Relatives ("Next Steps") $0.00 Relatives, Neighbors & Associates ("Next Steps") $0.00 Reverse Lookup $0.00 USA Patriot Act $0.00 Voter Registration Locator $0.00 WorkPlace Locator (not discountable) $3.50 Reports Comprehensive Contact & Locate Report: Summary Report, Associates, Driver’s Licenses, Neighbors, People at Work, Phones Plus, Professional Licenses, Property, Relatives (3 Degrees), UCC Filings and Voter Registration. $0.00 Finder Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Phone Summary, Current Listed Phones, Unverified Phones With Type And Date Indicators, Current Neighbor Phones, Possible Relative Phones (2 Degrees), Possible Associate Phones, Phones At Historical Addresses And Corporate Affiliations. $0.00 Comprehensive Address Report: (Base Report Features: Current And Previous Residents And Phones At Address) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Businesses At Address $0.00 -Driver Licenses At Address $0.00 -Motor Vehicles Registered At Address $0.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.00 -Neighbors At Address $0.00 -Property Ownership Current / Previous $0.00 Comprehensive Business Report (Base Report Features: Name and TIN Variations, Parent Company, and Industry Information) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Associated Businesses $0.00 -Associated People $0.00 -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Business Registrations $0.00 -Corporation Filings $0.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -FAA Aircraft $0.00 -Internet Domain Names $0.00 -IRS 5500 $0.00 -Liens and Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicles $0.00 -Properties $0.00 -UCC Filings $0.00 -Watercraft $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -21- Accurint for Gov Collections NonFCRA Price Schedule – Flat Rate Custom Comprehensive Report: Base Report: Others Using Same SSN, Date and Location where SSN Issued, Comprehensive Report Summary, Address Summary, Company Header. $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Associates $0.00 -Driver Licenses Information $0.00 -Email Addresses $0.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.00 -Neighbors (Up To 6 Neighbors At 10 Different Addresses) $0.00 -Phones Plus $0.50 -Professional Licenses $0.00 -Real Property Locator $0.00 -Relatives (Up to 3 Degrees of Separation) $0.00 -UCC Filings $0.00 -Voter Registration Locator $0.00 Online Batch Address (Single) $0.13 Address (Multiple) $0.16 Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co-Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Single) $0.23 Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co-Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Multiple) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (single) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (multiple) $0.30 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (single) $0.03 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (multiple) $0.04 Multiple = 2 Or More Phones/Addresses Returned -- DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -22- Accurint for Government Collections FCRA Price Schedule – Flat Rate Pricing is per hit unless otherwise indicated. All searches/reports with a price of $0.00 are considered “Standard Features” and are included in Subscription plan. Accurint for Gov Collections FCRA Price Schedule – Flat Rate FCRA FEATURES PRICE Bankruptcy Search $0.00 Bankruptcy Report $0.00 Concealed Weapons Permit $0.00 Criminal Records $0.00 Criminal Records Report $0.00 Equifax Recovery Report (FCRA) $0.65 FAA Aircraft (Report Included) $0.00 FAA Pilots (Report Included) $0.00 Federal Firearms & Explosives $0.00 Hunting/Fishing Licenses $0.00 Judgments & Liens $0.00 Judgments & Liens Report $0.00 Marriages / Divorces Search $0.00 Property Assessment Search $0.00 Property Assessment Report $0.00 Property Mortgages and Deeds Search $0.00 Property Mortgages and Deeds Report (excluding Deed image) $0.00 Real Property (Assessments, Deeds and Mortgages) $0.00 Real Property Report $0.00 Sexual Offenders (Report Included) $0.00 Watercraft $0.00 Watercraft Report $0.00 Reports Asset Report: Property Deeds & Assessments, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft and UCC Filings. $0.00 Comprehensive Report: Summary Report, Bankruptcy, Concealed Weapons Permits, Hunting / Fishing Permits, and Liens & Judgments. $0.00 Comprehensive Address Report $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Liens And Judgments $0.00 Custom Comprehensive Report $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Criminal Records $0.00 -Liens And Judgments $0.00 -Sexual Offenders $0.00 -Supplemental Data Sources $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -23- Accurint for Government Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription Pricing is per hit unless otherwise indicated. All searches/reports with a price of $0.00 are considered “Standard Features” and are included in Subscription plan. Accurint for Government Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription ACCURINT FOR GOVERNMENT PLUS FEATURES PRICE Accurint Mapping (Charged per layer) $0.00 Advanced Motor Vehicle Search $0.00 Advanced Person Search $0.00 Advanced Sexual Offender Search $2.00 Aerial Imaging $3.00 Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Report $0.00 Bankruptcies, Liens & Judgments Search $0.00 Bankruptcy Search $0.00 Bankruptcy Report $0.00 Basic Lookup $0.00 Boolean Search $0.00 Business Search $0.00 Case Audit Compliance $0.00 Case Connect Deconfliction Alerts $0.00 Civil Courts Search (Report Included) $0.00 Concealed Weapons Permit $0.00 Corporation Filings (Report Included Except In Delaware) $0.00 Criminal Records $0.00 Criminal Records Report $0.00 DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.00 Death Records $0.00 Death Records Report $0.00 Driver Licenses $0.00 Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Global Market Identifiers Search $3.75 Email Search $0.00 FAA Aircraft (Report Included) $0.00 FAA Certifications (Report Included) $0.00 Federal Civil Court Records Search (charged per search) $2.00 Federal Criminal Court Records Search $0.00 Federal Firearms & Explosives $0.00 Federal Employer ID Numbers (FEIN) $0.00 Foreclosures Search (Report Included) $0.00 Hunting/Fishing Licenses $0.00 Identity Authenticate (charged per search) $1.25 Identity Verification (charged per search) $0.60 Internet Domains $0.00 Liens & Judgments $0.00 Lineup $0.00 Marriages / Divorces Search $0.00 Motor Vehicles Report $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -24- Accurint for Government Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription ** Customer will have access to and use of the MVR Reports (Driving Records) materials and features. MVR Reports (Driving Records) fees are subject to change without notice. -- National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report $0.00 National UCC Filings (Report Included) $0.00 Official Records Search (Report Included) $0.00 OSHA Investigative Reports Search $1.00 Passport Validation $0.00 People At Work Search $0.00 People In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Person Alerts Monitoring (Monthly Monitoring Transactions Per Acct.) (Alerts Charged At Regular Price) -- -1 - 50 $0.00 -51 - 250 $0.00 -251 - 500 $0.00 -501 - 1,000 $0.00 -1,001 - 5,000 $0.00 -5,001 - 25,000 $0.00 -25,001 - 100,000 $0.00 Person Search $0.00 Phones Plus $0.50 Professional Licenses $0.00 Property Assessment Search $0.00 Property Assessment Report $0.00 Property Deed Search $0.00 Property Deed Report (excluding Deed Image) $0.00 Real Time Phone Search $0.00 Relavint Plus Link Analysis (per diagram) $0.00 Reverse Lookup $0.00 SEC Filings Search $3.50 Sexual Offenders (Report Included) $0.00 USA Patriot Act $0.00 Virtual Identity Search & Report $2.00 Watercraft $0.00 Watercraft Report $0.00 Wildcard Search $0.00 WorkPlace Locator (not discountable) $3.50 Reports Asset Report: Property Deeds & Assessments, Vehicle Registrations, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, and UCC Filings. $0.00 Business Link Report (charged per search) $5.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -25- Accurint for Government Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription Comprehensive Report (Best Value): Summary Report, Associates, Bankruptcy, Concealed Weapons Permits, Criminal Records, DEA Controlled Substances License Search, Driver's Licenses, FAA Aircraft, FAA Pilots, Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search, Hunting/Fishing Permits, Liens/Judgments, National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report, Neighbors, People at Work, Phones Plus, Possible Education, Professional Licenses, Property, Relatives (3 Degrees), Sexual Offenders, UCC Filings, Vehicle Registrations, Voter Registration and Watercraft. $6.00 Contact Card Report: Summary Report: Names Associated with Subject, Contact List: At Home, At Work, Through Family, Through Associates, Through Neighbors, Possible Relocation, Address Summary and Phones Plus (optional). $3.50 Finder Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Phone Summary, Current Listed Phones, Unverified Phones With Type And Date Indicators, Current Neighbor Phones, Possible Relative Phones (2 Degrees), Possible Associate Phones, Phones At Historical Addresses, Bankruptcy Filings And Corporate Affiliations. $0.00 Government Location Report (charged per search) $1.00 Relatives, Neighbors, & Associates Report $0.00 Comprehensive Address Report: (Base Report Features: Current And Previous Residents And Phones At Address) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Businesses At Address $0.00 -Concealed Weapons Permit Search $0.00 -Criminal Records Search $0.00 -Criminal Records Report $0.00 -Driver Licenses At Address $0.00 -Hunting/Fishing License Search $0.00 -Liens And Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicles Registered At Address $0.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.00 -Neighbors At Address $0.00 -Property Ownership Current / Previous $0.00 -Sexual Offenders Search (Report Included) $0.00 Comprehensive Business Report (Base Report Features: Name and TIN Variations, Parent Company, and Industry Information) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Associated Businesses $0.00 -Associated People $0.00 -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Business Registrations $0.00 -Corporation Filings $0.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -Internet Domain Names $0.00 -Liens and Judgments $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -26- Accurint for Government Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription -Motor Vehicles $0.00 -Properties $0.00 -UCC Filings $0.00 Custom Comprehensive Report (Base Report Features: Others Using Same SSN, Date and Location where SSN Issued, Company Header, Address Summary, Possible Education, Comprehensive Report Summary) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Associates $0.00 -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Criminal Records $0.00 -DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.00 -Driver Licenses Information $0.00 -Email Search $0.00 -Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search $0.00 -Liens And Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicle(s) Registration (Watercraft & Boat Trailers Included) $0.00 -National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report $0.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.00 -Neighbors (Up To 6 Neighbors At 10 Different Addresses) $0.00 -People At Work $0.00 -Phones Plus $0.50 -Professional Licenses $0.00 -Properties $0.00 -Relatives (Up to 3 Degrees of Separation) $0.00 -Sexual Offenders $0.00 -Supplemental Data Sources $0.00 -UCC Filings $0.00 Online Batch Batch Person Search $0.50 Batch Telephone $0.10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -27- Accurint for Law Enforcement Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription Pricing is per hit unless otherwise indicated. All searches/reports with a price of $0.00 are considered “Standard Features” and are included in Subscription plan. Accurint for Law Enforcement Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription ACCURINT FOR LAW ENFORMEMENT PLUS FEATURES PRICE Accurint Mapping (Charged per layer) $0.00 Advanced Motor Vehicle Search $0.00 Advanced Person Search $0.00 Advanced Sexual Offender Search $2.00 Aerial Imaging $3.00 Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Report $0.00 Bankruptcies, Liens & Judgments Search $0.00 Bankruptcy Search $0.00 Bankruptcy Report $0.00 Basic Lookup $0.00 Boolean Search $0.00 Business Search $0.00 Case Audit Compliance $0.00 Case Connect Deconfliction Alerts $0.00 Civil Courts Search (Report Included) $0.00 Concealed Weapons Permit $0.00 Corporation Filings (Report Included Except In Delaware) $0.00 Criminal Records $0.00 Criminal Records Report $0.00 DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.00 Death Records $0.00 Death Records Report $0.00 Driver Licenses $0.00 Email Search $0.00 FAA Aircraft (Report Included) $0.00 FAA Certifications (Report Included) $0.00 Federal Criminal Court Records Search $0.00 Federal Firearms & Explosives $0.00 Federal Employer ID Numbers (FEIN) $0.00 Foreclosures Search (Report Included) $0.00 Hunting/Fishing Licenses $0.00 Identity Authenticate (charged per search) $1.25 Identity Verification (charged per search) $0.60 Internet Domains $0.00 Liens & Judgments $0.00 Lineup $0.00 Marriages / Divorces Search $0.00 Motor Vehicles Report $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -28- Accurint for Law Enforcement Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription ** Customer will have access to and use of the MVR Reports (Driving Records) materials and features. MVR Reports (Driving Records) fees are subject to change without notice. -- National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report $0.00 National UCC Filings (Report Included) $0.00 Official Records Search (Report Included) $0.00 Passport Validation $0.00 People At Work Search $0.00 People In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Person Alerts Monitoring (Monthly Monitoring Transactions Per Acct.) (Alerts Charged At Regular Price) -- -1 - 50 $0.00 -51 - 250 $0.00 -251 - 500 $0.00 -501 - 1,000 $0.00 -1,001 - 5,000 $0.00 -5,001 - 25,000 $0.00 -25,001 - 100,000 $0.00 Person Search $0.00 Phones Plus $0.50 Professional Licenses $0.00 Property Assessment Search $0.00 Property Assessment Report $0.00 Property Deed Search $0.00 Property Deed Report (excluding Deed Image) $0.00 Real Time Phone Search $0.00 Relavint Plus Link Analysis (per diagram) $0.00 Reverse Lookup $0.00 Sexual Offenders (Report Included) $0.00 USA Patriot Act $0.00 Virtual Identity Search & Report $2.00 Watercraft $0.00 Watercraft Report $0.00 Wildcard Search $0.00 WorkPlace Locator (not discountable) $3.50 Reports Asset Report: Property Deeds & Assessments, Vehicle Registrations, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, and UCC Filings. $0.00 Comprehensive Report (Best Value): Summary Report, Associates, Bankruptcy, Concealed Weapons Permits, Criminal Records, DEA Controlled Substances License Search, Driver's Licenses, FAA Aircraft, FAA Pilots, Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search, Hunting/Fishing Permits, Liens/Judgments, National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report, Neighbors, People at Work, Phones Plus, Possible Education, Professional Licenses, Property, Relatives (3 Degrees), $6.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -29- Accurint for Law Enforcement Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription Sexual Offenders, UCC Filings, Vehicle Registrations, Voter Registration and Watercraft. Finder Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Phone Summary, Current Listed Phones, Unverified Phones With Type And Date Indicators, Current Neighbor Phones, Possible Relative Phones (2 Degrees), Possible Associate Phones, Phones At Historical Addresses, Bankruptcy Filings And Corporate Affiliations. $0.00 Law Enforcement Location Report (charged per search) $1.00 Relatives, Neighbors, & Associates Report $0.00 Comprehensive Address Report: (Base Report Features: Current And Previous Residents And Phones At Address) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Businesses At Address $0.00 -Concealed Weapons Permit Search $0.00 -Criminal Records Search $0.00 -Criminal Records Report $0.00 -Driver Licenses At Address $0.00 -Hunting/Fishing License Search $0.00 -Liens And Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicles Registered At Address $0.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.00 -Neighbors At Address $0.00 -Property Ownership Current / Previous $0.00 -Sexual Offenders Search (Report Included) $0.00 Comprehensive Business Report (Base Report Features: Name and TIN Variations, Parent Company, and Industry Information) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Associated Businesses $0.00 -Associated People $0.00 -Bankruptcy $0.00 -Business Registrations $0.00 -Corporation Filings $0.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -Internet Domain Names $0.00 -Liens and Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicles $0.00 -Properties $0.00 -UCC Filings $0.00 Custom Comprehensive Report (Base Report Features: Others Using Same SSN, Date and Location where SSN Issued, Company Header, Address Summary, Possible Education, Comprehensive Report Summary) $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Associates $0.00 -Bankruptcy $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -30- Accurint for Law Enforcement Plus Price Schedule – Flat Rate, Per User Subscription -Criminal Records $0.00 -DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.00 -Driver Licenses Information $0.00 -Email Search $0.00 -Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search $0.00 -Liens And Judgments $0.00 -Motor Vehicle(s) Registration (Watercraft & Boat Trailers Included) $0.00 -National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report $0.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.00 -Neighbors (Up To 6 Neighbors At 10 Different Addresses) $0.00 -People At Work $0.00 -Phones Plus $0.50 -Professional Licenses $0.00 -Properties $0.00 -Relatives (Up to 3 Degrees of Separation) $0.00 -Sexual Offenders $0.00 -Supplemental Data Sources $0.00 -UCC Filings $0.00 Online Batch Batch Person Search $0.50 Batch Telephone $0.10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -31- Accurint Transactional Price Schedules Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Transactional Pricing is per hit unless otherwise indicated Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Transactional FEATURES PRICE Advanced Motor Vehicle Search (charged per search) $1.00 Advanced Person Search $0.50 Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Report $5.00 American Board Of Medical Specialties Search $1.00 American Board Of Medical Specialties Report $5.00 Associates ("Next Steps") $1.00 Bankruptcies, Liens & Judgments Search (charged per search) $0.50 Bankruptcy Search (charged per search) $0.25 Bankruptcy Report $1.00 Bankruptcy Docket Sheet ($0.50 For First 5 Pages & $0.20 Per Page Thereafter) (not discountable) $0.50 Bankruptcy Documents (Per Page, Up To Max Charge Of $6 Per Document) (not discountable) $0.20 Boolean Search $2.00 Business Credit (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 Business Credit Report $20.00 Business InstantID (charged per search) $1.30 Business InstantID & FraudDefender (charged per search) $1.30 Business Search (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.35 Businesses In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Canadian Phones $0.40 Case Audit Compliance $0.00 Case Connect Deconfliction Alerts $0.00 Civil Courts Search (Report Included) (charged per search) $2.00 CLIA Certificate Search (not discountable) $0.25 Concealed Weapons Permit $0.25 Corporation Filings (Report Included Except In Delaware) $1.00 Court Search Wizard (Additional Fees May Apply; Orders Are Non-Refundable) -- -County Civil Lower & Upper Court - 7 Year (not discountable) $35.00 -County Civil Lower & Upper Court - 10 Year (not discountable) $40.00 -County Criminal - 7 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -County Criminal - 10 Year (not discountable) $30.00 -Federal Division Civil - 7 Year (not discountable) $16.00 -Federal Division Civil - 10 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Federal Division Criminal - 7 Year (not discountable) $16.00 -Federal Division Criminal - 10 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Statewide Criminal (not discountable) $24.00 Criminal Records (charged per search) $1.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -32- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Transactional Criminal Records Report $1.00 DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.25 Death Records (charged per search) $0.25 Death Records Report (charged per search) $1.00 Delaware Corporations (not discountable) $1.00 Delaware Corporations Report (not discountable) $11.00 Disclosed Entity Service (not discountable) $5.00 Driver Licenses $0.75 Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Search $0.25 Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Global Market Identifiers Search $3.75 Email Search $0.40 FAA Aircraft (Report Included) $0.25 FAA Pilots (Report Included) $0.25 Federal Civil Court Records Search (charged per search) $2.00 Federal Criminal Court Records Search (charged per search) $3.00 Federal Firearms & Explosives $0.25 Federal Employer ID Numbers (FEIN) $0.50 Fictitious Business Name $0.50 Foreclosures Search (Report Included) $1.00 Hunting/Fishing Licenses $0.25 Identity Authenticate (charged per search) $1.25 Identity Verification (charged per search) $0.60 InstantID Consumer Search (charged per search) $0.75 InstantID Consumer & FraudDefender Search (charged per search) $1.05 Internet Domains $0.25 Liens & Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 Liens & Judgments Report $1.00 Marriages / Divorces Search $1.00 Medical, Employment and Business Records Retrieval -- -Medical, Employee Or Business Record Retrieval With Authorization (not discountable) $35.00 -Medical, Employee Or Business Record Retrieval With Authorization And Affidavit (not discountable) $72.50 -Medical, Employee Or Business Record Retrieval By Subpoena (not discountable) $87.50 -Canvassing Up To 5 Custodians (not discountable) $50.00 -Canvassing From 5 To 10 Custodians (not discountable) $100.00 -Canvassing Above 10 Custodians, Per Custodian (not discountable) $10.00 -Chronological Sorting (charged per page) (not discountable) $0.03 -Pagination Only (charged per page) (not discountable) $0.10 -Research And Identify Custodial Location $0.00 - Long distance charges, phone charges, initial and follow up calls $0.00 -Prepare And Deliver Notice And Subpoena For Signature (If Required) $0.00 -Deliver Notice To All/3rd Party Notices $0.00 -Serve Subpoena To Custodian Of Record $0.00 -Pick-Up Scheduling And Two (2) Field Trips $0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -33- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Transactional -Mileage $0.00 -Return Record Review For Completeness And Legibility $0.00 -Rush Fee (One Way) (not discountable) $25.00 -Witness Fee (Pass Through Fees May Be Charged) $0.00 -Deposition Trip Fee (not discountable) $20.00 -Deposition Certification Fee (not discountable) $20.00 -Custodial Fee (Pass Through Fees May Be Charged) $0.00 -Custodial Fee Carrying Fee (10% of Pass Thru Fees May Be Charged) $0.00 -Hard Copy Per Page, Authorization (not discountable) $0.50 -Hard Copy Per Page, Subpoena, Includes Pagination And Sealing If Required (not discountable) $0.50 -Hard Copy, Shipping Cost (Pass Through Fees May Be Charged) $0.00 -Sales/Revenue Taxes (Pass Through Fees May Be Charged) $0.00 -X-Ray Duplication (not discountable) $17.50 -Fax Or Electronic Receipt Of Authorization For The Release Of Records $0.00 -Phone Charges $0.00 -Authorization Cover Sheet Preparation And Delivery Per Location $0.00 -Record Receipt And Review (QA) $0.00 -Electronic Posting Of Record, Per Page $0.00 -Hospital Charting (charged per page) (not discountable) $0.25 -Maximum Spend Without Client Authorization, MRR * (not discountable) $75.00 -Maximum Spend Without Client Authorization, X-Ray Duplication * (not discountable) $210.00 *Default Can Be Lower Or Higher Based On Customer Specifications -- Motor Vehicles Report $1.00 MVR Reports (Driving Records)** (plus state fee listed below) (charged per search) (not discountable) $5.00 -Alabama 3-Year (not discountable) $9.75 -Delaware 3-Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Florida 3-Year (not discountable) $8.10 -Florida 7-Year (not discountable) $10.10 -Illinois (not discountable) $12.00 -Indiana (not discountable) $7.50 -Iowa (not discountable) $8.50 -Kansas (not discountable) $8.70 -Maine 3-Year (not discountable) $7.00 -Minnesota 5-Year (not discountable) $5.00 -Mississippi 3-Year (not discountable) $14.00 -Nebraska 5-Year (not discountable) $3.00 -North Carolina 3/7-Year (not discountable) $10.00 -Rhode Island 3-Year (not discountable) $20.00 -South Carolina 3/10-Year (not discountable) $7.25 -Tennessee 3-Year (not discountable) $7.00 -Utah (not discountable) $9.00 -Vermont 3-Year (not discountable) $17.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -34- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Transactional -West Virginia 7-Year (not discountable) $9.00 ** Customer will have access to and use of the MVR Reports (Driving Records) materials and features. MVR Reports (Driving Records) fees are subject to change without notice. -- National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report (not discountable) $3.00 National UCC Filings (Report Included) $1.00 NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs) Search (charged per search) $0.50 NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs) Report (charged per search) $1.50 Neighbors ("Next Steps") (not discountable) $0.25 NPI Data Search (not discountable) $0.25 NPI Report $0.50 Official Records Search (Report Included) $0.25 OSHA Investigative Reports Search $1.00 Passport Validation (charged per search) $1.00 People At Work Search $1.00 People In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Person Alerts Monitoring (Monthly Monitoring Transactions Per Acct.) (Alerts Charged At Regular Price) -- -1 - 50 $3.00 -51 - 250 $15.00 -251 - 500 $30.00 -501 - 1,000 $60.00 -1,001 - 5,000 $300.00 -5,001 - 25,000 $1,500.00 -25,001 - 100,000 $6,000.00 Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 Property Assessment Search $1.00 Property Assessment Report $1.00 Property Deed Search $1.00 Property Deed Report (excluding Deed Image) $1.00 Property Deed Image (additional charge when ordered from within Property Reports) (not discountable) $8.00 Property Search (Property Assessments, Deeds & Mortgages) $2.00 Property Report (Property Assessments, Deeds & Mortgages, excluding Deed Image) $2.00 Provider Search $0.25 Provider Report $5.00 Provider Report Card (charged per search) $5.00 Provider Sanction Search (charged per search) $0.25 Provider Sanction Report $5.00 Real Time Person Search (charged per search) $3.50 Real Time Phone Search $0.50 Relatives ("Next Steps") $1.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -35- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Transactional Relatives, Neighbors & Associates ("Next Steps") $2.00 Relavint Visual Link Analysis (Per Diagram) (not discountable) $2.00 Satellite Image Search $0.00 SEC Filings Search $3.50 Sexual Offenders (Report Included) (charged per search) $1.00 SIRIS $0.00 USA Patriot Act (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 Virtual Identity Search & Report $2.00 Voter Registrations $0.25 Watercraft $0.50 Watercraft Report $1.00 WorkPlace Locator (not discountable) $3.50 Equifax Credit Reports (FCRA) (per search) $2.25 Reports Asset Report: Property Deeds & Assessments, Vehicle Registrations, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, and UCC Filings. $3.50 Business Link Report (charged per search) $5.00 Comprehensive Report (Best Value): Summary Report, Associates, Bankruptcy, Concealed Weapons Permits, Criminal Records, DEA Controlled Substances License Search, Driver's Licenses, FAA Aircraft, FAA Pilots, Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search, Hunting/Fishing Permits, Liens/Judgments, National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report, Neighbors, People at Work, Phones Plus, Possible Education, Professional Licenses, Property, Relatives (3 Degrees), Sexual Offenders, UCC Filings, Vehicle Registrations, Voter Registration and Watercraft. $6.00 Contact Card Report: Summary Report: Names Associated with Subject, Contact List: At Home, At Work, Through Family, Through Associates, Through Neighbors, Possible Relocation, Address Summary and Phones Plus (optional). $3.50 Entitlement Report: Summary Report, Phones Plus, Bankruptcy, Liens/Judgments, UCC Filings, People At Work, Driver’s Licenses, Vehicle Registrations, Property, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, Professional Licenses, Associates, Relatives (3 Degrees), Criminal Records And Sexual Offenders. Results Can Be Restricted By The User To Their Applicable Dates Of Interest. $4.00 Finder Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Phone Summary, Current Listed Phones, Unverified Phones With Type And Date Indicators, Current Neighbor Phones, Possible Relative Phones (2 Degrees), Possible Associate Phones, Phones At Historical Addresses, Bankruptcy Filings And Corporate Affiliations. $3.50 Government Location Report (charged per search) $1.00 Summary Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Census Data, Bankruptcy Indicator, Property Indicator And Corporate Affiliations Indicator. $0.50 Comprehensive Address Report: (Base Report Features: Current And Previous Residents And Phones At Address) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -36- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Transactional -Businesses At Address $0.25 -Concealed Weapons Permit Search $0.25 -Criminal Records Search (charged per search) $1.00 -Criminal Records Report $1.00 -Driver Licenses At Address $0.75 -Hunting/Fishing License Search $0.25 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Motor Vehicles Registered At Address $0.75 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.50 -Neighbors At Address $0.25 -Property Ownership Current / Previous $1.00 -Sexual Offenders Search (Report Included) (charged per search) $1.00 Comprehensive Business Report (Base Report Features: Name and TIN Variations, Parent Company, and Industry Information) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Associated Businesses $1.00 -Associated People $1.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Business Registrations $0.25 -Corporation Filings $1.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -FAA Aircraft $0.25 -Internet Domain Names $0.25 -IRS 5500 $1.00 -Liens and Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Motor Vehicles $0.75 -Properties $1.00 -UCC Filings $0.50 -Watercraft $1.00 Custom Comprehensive Report (Base Report Features: Others Using Same SSN, Date and Location where SSN Issued, Company Header, Address Summary, Possible Education, Comprehensive Report Summary) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Associates $1.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Criminal Records (charged per search) $1.00 -DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.25 -Driver Licenses Information $0.75 -Email Search $0.40 -Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search $0.25 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Motor Vehicle(s) Registration (Watercraft & Boat Trailers Included) $0.75 -National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report $3.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.50 -Neighbors (Up To 6 Neighbors At 10 Different Addresses) $0.25 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -37- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Transactional -People At Work $1.00 -Phones Plus $0.50 -Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Properties $1.00 -Relatives (Up to 3 Degrees of Separation) $1.00 -Sexual Offenders (charged per search) $1.00 -Supplemental Data Sources (charged per search) $1.00 -UCC Filings $1.00 Flat Rate Comprehensive Healthcare Business Report (includes Base Report Features and Additional Report Options listed below) $10.00 Comprehensive Healthcare Business Report (Base Report Features: Name, Address and Phone Variations; Parent Company, ID Numbers and Industry Information) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Associated Businesses $1.00 -Associated People $1.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Business Phone Matches $0.25 -Business Registrations $0.25 -Corporation Filings $1.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -FAA Aircraft $0.25 -Internet Domain Names $0.25 -IRS 5500 $1.00 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Motor Vehicles $0.75 -Properties $1.00 -Sanctions $0.50 -UCC Filings $0.50 -Verification $0.75 -Watercraft $1.00 Flat Rate Comprehensive Healthcare Provider Report (includes Base Report Features and Additional Report Options listed below) $6.00 Comprehensive Healthcare Provider Report (Base Report Features: Gender, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Tax ID(s) UPIN and NPI number) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Additional Deceased Data Sources $0.00 -Associates $0.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 -Business Address Summary $0.25 -Business Affiliations $0.50 -Business Phone Matches $0.25 -DEA Licenses $0.25 -Degrees $0.00 -Education $0.50 -Group Affiliations $0.50 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -38- Accurint for Government Price Schedule – Transactional -GSA Sanctions (charged per search) $0.50 -Hospital Affiliations $0.50 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Medical Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Possible Criminal Records (charged per search) $0.25 -Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Sanctions (Disciplinary) (charged per search) $0.50 -Sexual Offenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Specialties $0.00 -Verification $0.75 Online Batch Advanced Person Search $0.50 Deceased Person $0.25 Address (Single) $0.13 Address (Multiple) $0.16 Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co- Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Single) $0.23 Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co- Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Multiple) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (single) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (multiple) $0.30 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (single) $0.03 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (multiple) $0.04 Phones Plus $0.50 Real Time Phone Search $0.50 Real Time Motor Vehicle Registrations $1.50 Property - Add Up To Five Properties Owned By The Subject $1.00 Consumer InstantID $0.65 Consumer InstantID With Fraud Defender $0.95 Consumer InstantID With Red Flags Rule $0.90 Business InstantID $1.30 Business InstantID With Fraud Defender $1.30 Multiple = 2 Or More Phones/Addresses Returned -- DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -39- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Transactional Pricing is per hit unless otherwise indicated Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Transactional FEATURES PRICE Advanced Motor Vehicle Search (charged per search) $1.00 Advanced Person Search $0.50 Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Report $5.00 American Board Of Medical Specialties Search $1.00 American Board Of Medical Specialties Report $5.00 Associates ("Next Steps") $1.00 Bankruptcies, Liens & Judgments Search (charged per search) $0.50 Bankruptcy Search (charged per search) $0.25 Bankruptcy Report $1.00 Bankruptcy Docket Sheet ($0.50 For First 5 Pages & $0.20 Per Page Thereafter) (not discountable) $0.50 Bankruptcy Documents (Per Page, Up To Max Charge Of $6 Per Document) (not discountable) $0.20 Boolean Search $2.00 Business Credit (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 Business Credit Report $20.00 Business Search (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.35 Businesses In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Canadian Phones $0.40 Case Audit Compliance $0.00 Case Connect Deconfliction Alerts $0.00 Civil Courts Search (Report Included) (charged per search) $2.00 CLIA Certificate Search (not discountable) $0.25 Concealed Weapons Permit $0.25 Corporation Filings (Report Included Except In Delaware) $1.00 Court Search Wizard (Additional Fees May Apply; Orders Are Non-Refundable) -- -County Civil Lower & Upper Court - 7 Year (not discountable) $35.00 -County Civil Lower & Upper Court - 10 Year (not discountable) $40.00 -County Criminal - 7 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -County Criminal - 10 Year (not discountable) $30.00 -Federal Division Civil - 7 Year (not discountable) $16.00 -Federal Division Civil - 10 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Federal Division Criminal - 7 Year (not discountable) $16.00 -Federal Division Criminal - 10 Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Statewide Criminal (not discountable) $24.00 Criminal Records (charged per search) $1.00 Criminal Records Report $1.00 DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.25 Death Records (charged per search) $0.25 Death Records Report (charged per search) $1.00 Delaware Corporations (not discountable) $1.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -40- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Transactional Delaware Corporations Report (not discountable) $11.00 Disclosed Entity Report (charged per search) (not discountable) $5.00 Driver Licenses $0.75 Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Search $0.25 Email Search $0.40 FAA Aircraft (Report Included) $0.25 FAA Pilots (Report Included) $0.25 Federal Criminal Court Records Search (charged per search) $3.00 Federal Firearms & Explosives $0.25 Federal Employer ID Numbers (FEIN) $0.50 Fictitious Business Name $0.50 Foreclosures Search (Report Included) $1.00 Hunting/Fishing Licenses $0.25 Identity Authenticate (charged per search) $1.25 Identity Verification (charged per search) $0.60 Internet Domains $0.25 Law Enforcement Location Report (charged per search) $1.00 Liens & Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 Liens & Judgments Report $1.00 Marriages / Divorces Search $1.00 Motor Vehicles Report $1.00 MVR Reports (Driving Records)** (plus state fee listed below) (charged per search) (not discountable) $5.00 -Alabama 3-Year (not discountable) $9.75 -Delaware 3-Year (not discountable) $25.00 -Florida 3-Year (not discountable) $8.10 -Florida 7-Year (not discountable) $10.10 -Illinois (not discountable) $12.00 -Indiana (not discountable) $7.50 -Iowa (not discountable) $8.50 -Kansas (not discountable) $8.70 -Maine 3-Year (not discountable) $7.00 -Minnesota 5-Year (not discountable) $5.00 -Mississippi 3-Year (not discountable) $14.00 -Nebraska 5-Year (not discountable) $3.00 -North Carolina 3/7-Year (not discountable) $10.00 -Rhode Island 3-Year (not discountable) $20.00 -South Carolina 3/10-Year (not discountable) $7.25 -Tennessee 3-Year (not discountable) $7.00 -Utah (not discountable) $9.00 -Vermont 3-Year (not discountable) $17.00 -West Virginia 7-Year (not discountable) $9.00 ** Customer will have access to and use of the MVR Reports (Driving Records) materials and features. MVR Reports (Driving Records) fees are subject to change without notice. -- DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -41- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Transactional MVR Wildcard Search $1.00 National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report (not discountable) $3.00 National UCC Filings (Report Included) $1.00 NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs) Search (charged per search) $0.50 NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs) Report (charged per search) $1.50 Neighbors ("Next Steps") (not discountable) $0.25 NPI Data Search (not discountable) $0.25 NPI Report $0.50 Official Records Search (Report Included) $0.25 Passport Validation (charged per search) $1.00 People At Work Search $1.00 People In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Person Alerts Monitoring (Monthly Monitoring Transactions Per Acct.) (Alerts Charged At Regular Price) -- -1 - 50 $3.00 -51 - 250 $15.00 -251 - 500 $30.00 -501 - 1,000 $60.00 -1,001 - 5,000 $300.00 -5,001 - 25,000 $1,500.00 -25,001 - 100,000 $6,000.00 Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 Property Assessment Search $1.00 Property Assessment Report $1.00 Property Deed Search $1.00 Property Deed Report (excluding Deed Image) $1.00 Property Deed Image (additional charge when ordered from within Property Reports) (not discountable) $8.00 Property Search (Property Assessments, Deeds & Mortgages) $2.00 Property Report (Property Assessments, Deeds & Mortgages, excluding Deed Image) $2.00 Provider Search $0.25 Provider Report $5.00 Provider Report Card (charged per search) $5.00 Provider Sanction Search (charged per search) $0.25 Provider Sanction Report $5.00 Real Time Person Search (charged per search) $3.50 Real Time Phone Search $0.50 Relatives ("Next Steps") $1.00 Relatives, Neighbors & Associates ("Next Steps") $2.00 Relavint Visual Link Analysis (Per Diagram) (not discountable) $2.00 Satellite Image Search $0.00 Sexual Offenders (Report Included) (charged per search) $1.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -42- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Transactional USA Patriot Act (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 Virtual Identity Search & Report $2.00 Voter Registrations $0.25 Watercraft $0.50 Watercraft Report $1.00 WorkPlace Locator (not discountable) $3.50 Reports Asset Report: Property Deeds & Assessments, Vehicle Registrations, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, and UCC Filings. $3.50 Comprehensive Report (Best Value): Summary Report, Associates, Bankruptcy, Concealed Weapons Permits, Criminal Records, DEA Controlled Substances License Search, Driver's Licenses, FAA Aircraft, FAA Pilots, Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search, Hunting/Fishing Permits, Liens/Judgments, National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report, Neighbors, People at Work, Phones Plus, Possible Education, Professional Licenses, Property, Relatives (3 Degrees), Sexual Offenders, UCC Filings, Vehicle Registrations, Voter Registration and Watercraft. $6.00 Finder Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Phone Summary, Current Listed Phones, Unverified Phones With Type And Date Indicators, Current Neighbor Phones, Possible Relative Phones (2 Degrees), Possible Associate Phones, Phones At Historical Addresses, Bankruptcy Filings And Corporate Affiliations. $3.50 Summary Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Census Data, Bankruptcy Indicator, Property Indicator And Corporate Affiliations Indicator. $0.50 Comprehensive Address Report: (Base Report Features: Current And Previous Residents And Phones At Address) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Businesses At Address $0.25 -Concealed Weapons Permit Search $0.25 -Criminal Records Search (charged per search) $1.00 -Criminal Records Report $1.00 -Driver Licenses At Address $0.75 -Hunting/Fishing License Search $0.25 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Motor Vehicles Registered At Address $0.75 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.50 -Neighbors At Address $0.25 -Property Ownership Current / Previous $1.00 -Sexual Offenders Search (Report Included) (charged per search) $1.00 Comprehensive Business Report (Base Report Features: Name and TIN Variations, Parent Company, and Industry Information) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Associated Businesses $1.00 -Associated People $1.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -43- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Transactional -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Business Registrations $0.25 -Corporation Filings $1.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -FAA Aircraft $0.25 -Internet Domain Names $0.25 -IRS 5500 $1.00 -Liens and Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Motor Vehicles $0.75 -Properties $1.00 -UCC Filings $0.50 -Watercraft $1.00 Custom Comprehensive Report (Base Report Features: Others Using Same SSN, Date and Location where SSN Issued, Company Header, Address Summary, Possible Education, Comprehensive Report Summary) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Associates $1.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Criminal Records (charged per search) $1.00 -DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.25 -Driver Licenses Information $0.75 -Email Search $0.40 -Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search $0.25 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Motor Vehicle(s) Registration (Watercraft & Boat Trailers Included) $0.75 -National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report $3.00 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.50 -Neighbors (Up To 6 Neighbors At 10 Different Addresses) $0.25 -People At Work $1.00 -Phones Plus $0.50 -Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Properties $1.00 -Relatives (Up to 3 Degrees of Separation) $1.00 -Sexual Offenders (charged per search) $1.00 -Supplemental Data Sources (charged per search) $1.00 -UCC Filings $1.00 Flat Rate Comprehensive Healthcare Business Report (includes Base Report Features and Additional Report Options listed below) $10.00 Comprehensive Healthcare Business Report (Base Report Features: Name, Address and Phone Variations; Parent Company, ID Numbers and Industry Information) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Associated Businesses $1.00 -Associated People $1.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Business Phone Matches $0.25 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -44- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Transactional -Business Registrations $0.25 -Corporation Filings $1.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -FAA Aircraft $0.25 -Internet Domain Names $0.25 -IRS 5500 $1.00 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Motor Vehicles $0.75 -Properties $1.00 -Sanctions $0.50 -UCC Filings $0.50 -Verification $0.75 -Watercraft $1.00 Flat Rate Comprehensive Healthcare Provider Report (includes Base Report Features and Additional Report Options listed below) $6.00 Comprehensive Healthcare Provider Report (Base Report Features: Gender, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Tax ID(s) UPIN and NPI number) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Additional Deceased Data Sources $0.00 -Associates $0.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 -Business Address Summary $0.25 -Business Affiliations $0.50 -Business Phone Matches $0.25 -DEA Licenses $0.25 -Degrees $0.00 -Education $0.50 -Group Affiliations $0.50 -GSA Sanctions (charged per search) $0.50 -Hospital Affiliations $0.50 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Medical Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Possible Criminal Records (charged per search) $0.25 -Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Sanctions (Disciplinary) (charged per search) $0.50 -Sexual Offenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Specialties $0.00 -Verification $0.75 Online Batch Advanced Person Search $0.50 Deceased Person $0.25 Address (Single) $0.13 Address (Multiple) $0.16 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -45- Accurint for Law Enforcement Price Schedule – Transactional Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co- Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Single) $0.23 Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co- Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Multiple) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (single) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (multiple) $0.30 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (single) $0.03 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (multiple) $0.04 Phones Plus $0.50 Real Time Phone Search $0.50 Real Time Motor Vehicle Registrations $1.50 Property - Add Up To Five Properties Owned By The Subject $1.00 Consumer InstantID $0.65 Consumer InstantID With Fraud Defender $0.95 Consumer InstantID With Red Flags Rule $0.90 Business InstantID $1.30 Business InstantID With Fraud Defender $1.30 Multiple = 2 Or More Phones/Addresses Returned -- DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -46- Accurint for Government Collections NonFCRA Price Schedule – Transactional Pricing is per hit unless otherwise indicated Accurint for Gov Collections NonFCRA Price Schedule – Transactional NON-FCRA FEATURES PRICE Associates ("Next Steps") $1.00 Basic Lookup (not discountable) $0.10 Business Credit (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 Business Credit Report $20.00 Business InstantID (charged per search) $1.30 Business InstantID & FraudDefender (charged per search) $1.30 Business Search (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.35 Businesses In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Canadian Phones $0.40 Corporation Filings (Report Included Except In Delaware) $1.00 Death Records (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 Death Records Report (charged per search) $1.00 Deep Skip Search $0.50 Delaware Corporations (not discountable) $1.00 Delaware Corporations Report (not discountable) $11.00 Driver Licenses $0.75 Dun & Bradstreet (not discountable) $0.25 Email Search $0.40 Fictitious Business Name $0.50 InstantID (charged per search) $0.75 InstantID With FraudDefender (charged per search) $1.05 Internet Domains (not discountable) $0.25 Motor Vehicle Locator $0.75 Motor Vehicle Locator Report $1.00 National UCC Filings (Report Included) $1.00 Neighbors ("Next Steps") (not discountable) $0.25 People At Work Locator $1.00 People In The News (not discountable) $5.00 Person Alerts Monitoring (Monthly Monitoring Transactions Per Acct.) (Alerts Charged At Regular Price) -- -1 - 50 $3.00 -51 - 250 $15.00 -251 - 500 $30.00 -501 - 1,000 $60.00 -1,001 - 5,000 $300.00 -5,001 - 25,000 $1,500.00 -25,001 - 100,000 $6,000.00 Person Search (not discountable) $0.35 Phone History Report (not discountable) $0.25 Phones Plus $0.50 Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -47- Accurint for Gov Collections NonFCRA Price Schedule – Transactional Real Property Locator (Property Assessments, Deeds and Mortgages) $2.00 Relatives ("Next Steps") $1.00 Relatives, Neighbors & Associates ("Next Steps") $2.00 Reverse Lookup (not discountable) $0.10 USA Patriot Act (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 Voter Registration Locator (not discountable) $0.25 WorkPlace Locator (not discountable) $3.50 Reports Comprehensive Contact & Locate Report: Summary Report, Associates, Driver’s Licenses, Neighbors, People at Work, Phones Plus, Professional Licenses, Property, Relatives (3 Degrees), UCC Filings and Voter Registration. $6.00 Finder Report: Address Summary, Others Using SSN, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Phone Summary, Current Listed Phones, Unverified Phones With Type And Date Indicators, Current Neighbor Phones, Possible Relative Phones (2 Degrees), Possible Associate Phones, Phones At Historical Addresses And Corporate Affiliations. $3.50 Comprehensive Address Report: (Base Report Features: Current And Previous Residents And Phones At Address) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Businesses At Address $0.25 -Driver Licenses At Address $0.75 -Motor Vehicles Registered At Address $0.75 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.50 -Neighbors At Address $0.25 -Property Ownership Current / Previous $1.00 Comprehensive Business Report (Base Report Features: Name and TIN Variations, Parent Company, and Industry Information) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- -Associated Businesses $1.00 -Associated People $1.00 -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Business Registrations $0.25 -Corporation Filings $1.00 -Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 -FAA Aircraft $0.25 -Internet Domain Names $0.25 -IRS 5500 $1.00 -Liens and Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Motor Vehicles $0.75 -Properties $1.00 -UCC Filings $0.50 -Watercraft $1.00 Custom Comprehensive Report: Base Report: Others Using Same SSN, Date and Location where SSN Issued, Comprehensive Report Summary, Address Summary, Company Header. $0.50 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -48- Accurint for Gov Collections NonFCRA Price Schedule – Transactional Additional Report Options: -- -Associates $1.00 -Driver Licenses Information $0.75 -Email Addresses $0.40 -Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.50 -Neighbors (Up To 6 Neighbors At 10 Different Addresses) $0.25 -Phones Plus $0.50 -Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 -Real Property Locator $1.00 -Relatives (Up to 3 Degrees of Separation) $1.00 -UCC Filings $1.00 -Voter Registration Locator (not discountable) $0.25 Online Batch Address (Single) $0.13 Address (Multiple) $0.16 Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co- Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Single) $0.23 Waterfall Phones: Directory Assistance Match, Address And Name Variations, Co- Residents, Phones Plus & Relatives; Add-Ons Possible Relocation, Neighbors & People At Work (Multiple) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (single) $0.25 Waterfall Phone with Address (multiple) $0.30 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (single) $0.03 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (per input) (multiple) $0.04 Multiple = 2 Or More Phones/Addresses Returned -- DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -49- Accurint for Government Collections FCRA Price Schedule – Transactional Pricing is per hit unless otherwise indicated Accurint for Gov Collections FCRA Price Schedule – Transactional FCRA FEATURES PRICE Bankruptcy Search (charged per search) $0.25 Bankruptcy Report $1.00 Concealed Weapons Permit (not discountable) $0.25 Criminal Records (charged per search) $1.00 Criminal Records Report $1.00 Equifax Recovery Report (FCRA) $0.65 FAA Aircraft (Report Included) (not discountable) $0.25 FAA Pilots (Report Included) (not discountable) $0.25 Federal Firearms & Explosives (not discountable) $0.25 Hunting/Fishing Licenses (not discountable) $0.25 Judgments & Liens (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.25 Judgments & Liens Report $1.00 Marriages / Divorces Search $1.00 Phones Plus $0.50 Property Assessment Search $1.00 Property Assessment Report $1.00 Property Mortgages and Deeds Search $1.00 Property Mortgages and Deeds Report (excluding Deed image) $1.00 Real Property (Assessments, Deeds and Mortgages) $2.00 Real Property Report $2.00 Sexual Offenders (Report Included) (charged per search) $1.00 Watercraft $0.50 Watercraft Report $1.00 Reports Asset Report: Property Deeds & Assessments, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft and UCC Filings. $3.50 Comprehensive Report: Summary Report, Bankruptcy, Concealed Weapons Permits, Hunting / Fishing Permits, and Liens & Judgments. $6.00 Comprehensive Address Report $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 Custom Comprehensive Report $0.00 Additional Report Options: -- -Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 -Criminal Records (charged per search) $1.00 -Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 -Sexual Offenders (charged per search) $1.00 -Supplemental Data Sources (charged per search) $1.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -50- Starter Package Basic Package Professional Package 1 Professional Package 2 Social Media Objects Per Contract Period: 250 500 1,000 2,500 Social Media Events Per Month: 250,000 500,000 1M 3M Total Monthly Price $1,007 $1,978 $3,356 $9,066 Total Yearly Price $12,084 $23,736 $40,272 $108,792 Accurint Social Media Analytics DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -51- BATCH PRODUCTS PER INPUT PRICE PHONES & ADDRESSES Address (single) $0.07 Address (multiple) $0.08 Address Monitor (single) $0.01 Address Monitor (multiple) $0.01 Best Address for Government $0.07 NCOA $0.01 EDA Phones - Directory Assistance Match on Input (single) $0.03 EDA Phones - Directory Assistance Match on Input (multiple) $0.04 EDA Phones Monitor (single) $0.01 EDA Phones Monitor (multiple) $0.02 Phone Finder - Basic Search $0.50 Phone Finder - Premium Search $0.60 Phone Finder - Ultimate Search (not discounted) $0.65 Contact Plus with Address (single) (not discounted) $0.31 Contact Plus with Address (multiple) (not discounted) $0.36 Waterfall Phones (single) $0.07 Waterfall Phones (multiple) $0.09 Waterfall Phones Monitor (single) $0.01 Waterfall Phones Monitor (multiple) $0.02 Landline $0.31 Real Time Phone Search $0.00 Reverse Phone $0.09 Address and Phone (single) $0.20 Address and Phone (multiple) $0.24 Address and Phone Monitor (single) $0.01 Address and Phone Monitor (multiple) $0.02 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (requires address or phone process) (single) (charged per search) $0.03 Address and/or Phone Confirmation (requires address or phone process) (multiple) (charged per search) $0.04 Email Addresses $0.16 Phone Line Type (CELL, PAGER, POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), VOIP (Voice Over IP), TIME, WEATHER, Puerto Rico/US Virgin Isl) (charged per search) $0.05 Phone Line Type Monitoring (not discounted) $0.10 IDENTITY LexID -- Best $0.32 LexID -- Unique Identifier Only $0.02 Date of Birth $0.05 Most frequently reported SSN and/or Best SSN $0.32 Best SSN for Government $0.32 Batch Solutions DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -52- BATCH PRODUCTS PER INPUT PRICE Person Locator (includes Best Name, Address, Phone) $0.15 Red Flags $0.10 Up to five AKA's including DOB $0.10 ICR Basic $0.75 ICR with Phones $1.25 RELATED INDIVIDUALS Associates $0.50 Neighbors $0.24 People at Work $0.40 People at Work Monitor $1.00 People At Work (Flag) $0.02 Relatives $0.95 DEMOGRAPHICS Drivers License Locator $0.06 Marriages & Divorces $1.00 Professional Licenses $0.15 Provider Screening $6.00 Voter Registration Search $0.04 ASSETS FAA Aircraft $0.01 Motor Vehicle Registration $0.20 Motor Vehicle Registration (Flag) $0.01 Real Time Motor Vehicle Registrations $1.50 Non-Registered Vehicle Indicator $2.50 Non-Registered Vehicle Indicator (does not include Real-Time Gateway) $2.00 Non-Registered Vehicle Indicator (Real-Time Gateway only) $1.50 Property $0.30 Property Capital Gains Indicator (not discounted) $10.00 Property Fraud Discovery (not discounted) $3.00 Property Monitor $1.00 Homestead Exemption $2.00 Watercraft Registration $1.00 Luxury Asset Tax $5.00 HEALTHCARE NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs) $2.00 Patient Household Attributes (not discounted) $0.05 Short Term Rental Indicator $1.50 BUSINESS Active/Inactive Company $0.06 Business Address $0.13 Business Credit Report Attributes (not available for Financial Institutions or Telcos) (not discounted) $3.00 Business Credit Score (not available for Financial Institutions or Telcos) (not discounted) $1.50 Business Failure Score (not available for Financial Institutions or Telcos) (not discounted) $1.50 Business Email Addresses $0.12 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -53- BATCH PRODUCTS PER INPUT PRICE Business Fax Number $0.03 Business Phones $0.06 Business Property Ownership (Flag) $0.01 Business Registration Indicator $5.00 Business Search Full Package (includes: FEIN, Parent/Subsidiary, SIC & Descriptions, Number of Employees, Sales/Revenue for Company, Active/Inactive, URL, Business Property Ownership flag, UCC Flag, Tax Lien Flag, Judgment Flag, Business Phones, Business Fax Number, Business Address, Business Email Addresses, Business Updated Address, Executives, Responsible Party for Business Name, Responsible Party Phone) $3.00 Business Updated Address $0.10 Company Contact Package (includes: Business Phones, Business Fax Number, Business Address, Business Email Addresses, Business Updated Address, Executives, Responsible Party for Business Name, Responsible Party Phone) $1.75 Company Information Package (includes: FEIN, Parent/Subsidiary, SIC & Descriptions, Number of Employees, Sales/Revenue for Company, Active/Inactive, URL Search, Business Property Ownership flag, UCC Flag, Tax Lien Flag, Judgment Flag) $1.75 Corporation / Limited Partnerships Filings $0.40 Executives $0.06 FEIN $0.15 Judgment (Flag) $0.01 Number of Employees $0.08 Parent/Subsidiary $0.06 Responsible Party for Business Name $0.05 Responsible Party Phone $0.05 Sales/Revenue for Company $0.13 Secretary of State $0.40 Tax Lien (Flag) $0.01 UCC Filings $0.80 UCC Filings (Flag) $0.01 URL $0.03 DEROGATORY AND DECEASED (Non-FCRA) Wage Garnishment $0.20 Civil and Criminal Records $0.10 Civil and Criminal Records (Flag) $0.03 Civil and Criminal Records Monitor $0.01 Deceased (Flag) $0.01 Deceased $0.01 Deceased Monitor $0.01 Bankruptcy Events Scrub (Non-Monitored) $0.50 Bankruptcy Events Collection (Chapter 7) $1.00 Bankruptcy Events Collection (Chapter 13) $3.00 Foreclosure (or Pre-Foreclosure) $0.04 Foreclosure (or Pre-Foreclosure) (Flag) $0.01 Judgment and Lien $0.02 Foreclosure (or Pre-Foreclosure) Monitor $0.01 Judgment and Lien (Flag) $0.01 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -54- BATCH PRODUCTS PER INPUT PRICE Judgment & Lien Monitor $0.01 LexisNexis Contact Risk (Flag) $2.00 LexisNexis Contact Risk $2.50 LexisNexis Contact Risk Monitor $2.50 Possible Incarceration $0.01 Possible Incarceration (Flag) $0.01 Possible Incarcerations Monitor $0.01 Sex Offender Search (review of existing file) $0.01 Negative News $25.00 Suspicious Identity (Flag) $0.10 Tax Refund Investigative Solution (not discounted) $2.00 REPORTS ASSET REPORT: Property Deeds & Assessments, Vehicle Registrations, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft and UCC Filings. $3.50 COMPREHENSIVE REPORT: Summary Report, Phones Plus, Bankruptcy, Liens & Judgments, UCC Filings, People at Work, Driver’s Licenses, Vehicle Registrations, Property, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, Professional Licenses, National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report, Voter Registration, Hunting/Fishing Permits, Concealed Weapons Permits, Associates, Relatives (3 Degrees), Neighbors, Criminal Records and Sexual Offenders. $6.00 ENTITLEMENT REPORT: Summary Report, Phones Plus, Bankruptcy, Liens/Judgments, UCC Filings, People at Work, Driver’s Licenses, Vehicle Registrations, Property, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, Professional Licenses, Associates, Relatives (3 Degrees), Criminal Records and Sexual Offenders. Results can be restricted by the user to their applicable dates of interest. $4.00 FINDER REPORT: Address Summary, Others using SSN, Date/Location where SSN issued, Phone Summary, Current Listed Phones, Unverified phones with Type and Date Indicators, Current Neighbor Phones, Possible Relative Phones (2 Degrees), Possible Associate Phones, Phones at Historical Addresses, Bankruptcy Filings and Corporate Affiliations. $3.50 SUMMARY REPORT: Address Summary, Others using SSN, Date/Location where SSN issued, Census Data, Bankruptcy Indicator, Property Indicator and Corporate Affiliations Indicator. $0.50 COMPREHENSIVE BUSINESS REPORT (Base Report Features: Name, Address and Phone Variations, Parent Company, Id Numbers and Industry Information) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- Associated Businesses $0.50 Associated People $0.50 Bankruptcy $1.00 Business Registrations $0.13 Corporation Filings $0.40 Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discounted) $3.75 FAA Aircraft $0.08 Internet Domain Names $0.03 IRS 5500 $0.10 Liens and Judgments $0.25 Motor Vehicles $0.15 Properties $0.30 UCC Filings $0.40 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -55- BATCH PRODUCTS PER INPUT PRICE Watercraft $0.30 CUSTOM COMPREHENSIVE REPORT (Base Report Features: Others Using Same SSN, Date and Location where SSN Issued, Company Header, Address Summary, Comprehensive Report Summary) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- Associates $0.50 Bankruptcy $1.00 Criminal Records $1.00 Driver Licenses Information $0.15 Liens and Judgments $0.25 Motor Vehicle(s) Registration (Watercraft & Boat Trailers included) $0.15 National Motor Vehicle Accident Search & Report $0.60 Neighborhood Profile (2000 Census) $0.25 Neighbors (Up to 6 Neighbors at 10 Different Addresses) $0.24 People at Work $0.40 Phones Plus $0.50 Professional Licenses $1.00 Properties $0.30 Relatives (Per Degree of Separation; Up to 3 Degrees) $0.95 Sexual Offenses $1.00 Supplemental Data Sources $1.00 UCC Filings $0.80 SCORING Portfolio Evaluation Report Custom DEROGATORY AND DECEASED – BANKO (FCRA) Bankruptcy (Flag) $0.01 Bankruptcy (Short) $0.01 Bankruptcy (Short) Monitor $0.01 Bankruptcy (Full Record) $0.02 Bankruptcy Monitor (Full Record) $0.01 Banko Events Monitoring $0.50 Deceased (Flag) $0.01 Deceased $0.01 Deceased Monitor $0.01 Electronic Bankruptcy Notification (EBN) $0.60 Bankruptcy + Electronic Bankruptcy Notification (EBN) $0.60 Bankruptcy Events Scrub (Non-Monitored) $0.50 Bankruptcy Events Collection (Chapter 7) $1.00 Bankruptcy Events Collection (Chapter 13) $3.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -56- Accurint Crime Analysis # of Sworn Officers Annual Subscription Price (includes 1 database interface) 51-150 $13,680 26-50 $6,840 Up to 25 $3,420 ACA Workstation: $2,200 per year, per license Accurint Crime Analysis, Accurint Crime Analysis Workstation DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -57- # of Sworn Officers Annual Subscription Price 50-150 $17,400 Under 50 $12,000 x Prices will increase 3% per annum per agency to cover increased costs of data management/hosting. x Above pricing is only for jurisdictions with 5m or less population served. x Includes one Data Interface implementation, maintenance and hosting. Accurint Virtual Crime Center DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -58- Product Price Benefit Integrity Scan $1.25/input Benefit Integrity Scan + Beneficiary Risk Score $2.85/input Provider Integrity Scan for Provider Enrollment $5.25/provider Provider Integrity Scan for Fraud Detection $3.80/provider Provider Integrity Scan for Claims Processing no discount Provider Integrity Scan for Data Integrity $3.80/provider Provider Integrity Scan Full Suite (All Use Cases) $10.00/provider Benefit Assessment $2.00/input Integrity Scans DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -59- Product Price Instant Verify $0.30/input Instant ID Q&A $1.15/input One-Time Password $.22/input FlexID $.22/input Fraudpoint Score and Attributes $.58/input Tax Refund Investigative Solution (Identity Integrity Solution) $2.00/input (minimum order is $400,000) ICR (Identity Contact Resolution) $0.75/input ICR (Identity Contact Resolution) + Phones $1.20/input Capital Gains Solution (Batch Tax Evasion Solution) $10.00/input Identity Management and Fraud Detection DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -60- General Rules: 1. Minimum 3 year term. 2. Quarterly or Monthly data submission processing available ("Frequency") for all product options (except POI Predictive Modeling). 3. Customer responsible for T&E for onsite training visits. 4. Software upgrades included at no additional charge 5. Account management support included at no additional charge to customer. 6. New companies, subsidiaries, or lines of business acquired by or merged with an existing client are subject to the same pricing guidelines. 7. An increase above 20% in the number of enrollees in a year will incur additional fees. 8. Implementation costs assumes one data feed. Any additional data feeds are subject to added on fees 9. Both Parties agree to treat this project as a top-level project and will use best business efforts to ensure that the project does not incur unreasonable delays. 10. Any material modifications to the agreement may result in additional fees. 11. Client agrees to work with LexisNexis to develop ROI metrics and track results. Client agrees to work with LexisNexis to develop a case study for sales and marketing purposes. Intelligent Investigator assuming 5,000,000 members monthly $600,000 per year Relationship Mapping: Suspect Address assuming 5,000,000 members monthly $600,000 per year Pharmacy/Dental Add-On assuming 5,000,000 members monthly $50,000 per year Total Licensing Fees $1,250,000 Additional Services and Fees Hosting $400,000 Implementation $250,000 Total Hosting & Implementation Fees $650,000 Total Healthcare Analytics Annual Fees: $1,900,000 Provider of Interest (POI) Predictive Modeling $480,000 per year Prepayment Manager assuming 5,000,000 members monthly $400,000 per year Payment Protection DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -61- Pricing is per hit unless otherwise indicated. Accurint XML Feature Price Advanced Person Search $0.50 Bankruptcy Search (charged per search) $0.25 Bankruptcy Report $1.00 Basic Lookup (not discountable) $0.10 Business InView Credit Report (not available to Financial Inst. or Telco; other restrictions apply) (not discountable) $15.00 Business InView Report (not available to Financial Inst. or Telco; other restrictions apply) (charged per hit) (not discountable) $6.00 Business Search (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.35 Canadian Phones $0.40 Civil Courts Search (Report Included) (charged per search) $2.00 CLIA Search $0.25 Concealed Weapons Permit $0.25 Contact Plus Search $0.65 Corporation Filings (Report Included Except In Delaware) $1.00 Criminal Records (charged per search) $1.00 Criminal Records Report $1.00 DEA Controlled Substances License Search $0.25 Death Records (charged per search) $0.25 Death Records Report (charged per search) $1.00 Directory Assistance Reverse Search (Reverse Directory) $0.10 Disclosed Entity Report (charged per search) (not discountable) $5.00 Driver Licenses $0.75 Driver Licenses Report $0.25 Email Search $0.40 FAA Aircraft (Report Included) $0.25 FAA Pilots (Report Included) $0.25 Federal Firearms & Explosives $0.25 Find a Business (charged per search) $0.50 Florida Accidents Search (Report Included) $2.00 Foreclosures Search (Report Included) $1.00 Healthcare Provider Search $0.25 Healthcare Provider Report $5.00 Healthcare Provider Sanction Search $0.25 Healthcare Provider Sanction Report $5.00 Healthcare Consolidated Provider License and Sanction Report $10.00 Healthcare Consolidated Search Service (charged per search) $5.00 Hunting/Fishing Licenses $0.25 Internet Domains $0.25 LexID – Unique Identifier Only $0.02 LexID Best (Best Name, Address, SSN, DOB, DOD, Phone, LexID Unique Identifier) $0.35 Liens & Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 Liens & Judgments Report $1.00 Marriages / Divorces Search $1.00 XML Access DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -62- Accurint XML Feature Price Mortgage Fraud Report (All Report Options) $6.00 Address History per subject $2.00 Employer Validation per subject $0.35 InstantID® Consumer Verification per subject $0.65 Property Chronology History (charged per search) $3.00 Motor Vehicles Search $0.75 Motor Vehicles Report $1.00 National Accident Report (charged per search) $2.00 National UCC Filings (Report Included) $1.00 Neighbors Report $0.25 NPI Data Search (not discountable) $0.25 NPI Report $0.50 Official Records Search (Report Included) $0.25 Patient Household Attributes (not discountable) $0.05 People At Work Search $1.00 Person Search (not discountable) $0.35 Phone Finder - Basic Search (per input) $0.50 Phone Finder - Premium Search (per input) $0.60 Phone Finder - Ultimate Search (per input) (not discountable) $0.65 Phones Plus $0.50 Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 Property $2.00 Property Report $2.00 Property History (charged per search) $3.00 Rate Evasion Evaluation Analytical Tool: Basic Report Includes: Identity Validation, Matching Index, Previous Addresses, Reverse Phone, Driver's License, Motor Vehicle Registrations, Additional Drivers, Other Potential Additional Drivers. $1.00 Real Time Motor Vehicle Registrations (charged per search) $3.50 Real Time Phone Search (charged per search) (not discountable) $0.50 Relatives, Neighbors & Associates $2.00 Sexual Offenders (Report Included) (charged per search) $1.00 Social Media Locator (not discountable) $4.00 Tax Refund Investigative Solution $2.00 USA Patriot Act (charged per search) $0.25 Voter Registrations $0.25 Watercraft $0.50 Watercraft Report $1.00 WorkPlace Locator (not discountable) $3.50 Reports Address Report $1.00 Asset Report: Property Deeds & Assessments, Vehicle Registrations, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, and UCC Filings. $3.50 Business Risk Compliance Report (Access Restrictions May Apply) (charged per hit) $17.00 Comprehensive Report (Best Value): Summary Report, Phones Plus, Bankruptcy, Liens/Judgments, UCC Filings, People At Work, Driver’s Licenses, Vehicle Registrations, Property, Watercraft, FAA Pilots, FAA Aircraft, Professional Licenses, Florida Accidents, Voter Registration, Hunting / Fishing Permits, Concealed $6.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -63- Accurint XML Feature Price Weapons Permits, Associates, Relatives (3 Degrees), Neighbors, Criminal Records And Sexual Offenders. Contact Card Report: Summary Report (With Property Indicator, Corporate Affiliations Indicator, Names Associated With Subject), Contact List: At Home, At Work, Through Family, Through Associates, Through Neighbors, Possible Relocation, Phones Plus (Optional), Address Summary, And Bankruptcy Information. $3.50 isNexis Identity Fraud Report (charged per search) $5.00 Finder/People Report: Address Summary, Others Using Ssn, Date/Location Where SSN Issued, Phone Summary, Current Listed Phones, Unverified Phones With Type And Date Indicators, Current Neighbor Phones, Possible Relative Phones (2 Degrees), Possible Associate Phones, Phones At Historical Addresses, Bankruptcy Filings And Corporate Affiliations. $3.50 Relatives, Neighbors, & Associates Report $2.00 Smartlinx® Business Report (charged per search) $20.00 Smartlinx® Person Report (charged per search) $20.00 Comprehensive Business Report (Base Report Features: Name, Address And Phone Variations, Parent Company, ID Numbers And Industry Information) $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- Associated Businesses $1.00 Associated People or Executives $1.00 Bankruptcy (charged per search) (not discountable) $1.00 Business Registrations $0.25 Company Profile Or Registered Agents $1.00 Corporation Filings $1.00 Dun & Bradstreet Records (not discountable) $3.75 FAA Aircraft $0.25 Internet Domain Names $0.25 IRS 5500 $1.00 Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 Motor Vehicles $0.75 Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 Properties $1.00 UCC Filings $0.50 Watercraft $1.00 Custom Comprehensive Report: Base Report: Others Using Same SSN, Date and Location where SSN Issued, Comprehensive Report Summary, Address Summary, Company Header. $0.50 Additional Report Options: -- Associates $1.00 Bankruptcy (charged per search) $1.00 Concealed Weapon Permits $0.25 Corporate Affiliations $1.00 Criminal Records (charged per search) $1.00 DEA Controlled Substance $0.25 Driver Licenses Information $0.75 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -64- Accurint XML Feature Price Email Addresses $0.40 FAA Aircraft $0.25 FAA Certifications (Pilots) $0.25 Federal Firearms & Explosives Licenses $0.25 Fictitious Businesses $0.50 Florida Accidents $2.00 Foreclosures $1.00 Global Watchlists $0.25 Healthcare Providers $0.25 Healthcare Sanctions $0.25 Hunting & Fishing Licenses $0.25 Liens And Judgments (charged per search) $0.25 Motor Vehicle(s) Registration (Watercraft & Boat Trailers Included) $0.75 Neighborhood Profile (2010 Census) $0.50 Neighbors (Up To 6 Neighbors At 10 Different Addresses) $0.25 People At Work $1.00 Phones Plus $0.50 Professional Licenses (charged per search) $1.00 Properties $1.00 Relatives (Up to 3 Degrees of Separation) $1.00 Sexual Offenders (charged per search) $1.00 UCC Filings $1.00 Voter Registration $0.25 Watercraft $1.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -65- BIS for TAX Version 1.5 Customer Population TIER BIS List Annual Price Includes Unknown Businesses Accurint Seats that can be included: Seats are optional City/County <50k Tier 3 $30,000 5 City/County 50k-149k Tier 2a $45,500 8 City/County 150k-499k Tier 2b $80,000 12 City/County 500k-1M Tier 2c $120,000 15 City/County >1M Tier 1 $150,000 20 State < 3M S Tier 3 $180,000 30 State 3M - 9.9M1 S Tier 2 $300,000 40 State >10M2 S Tier 1 $500,000 60 BIS for Reg & Admin Version 1.5 Customer Population TIER BIS List Annual Price Includes Unknown Businesses Accurint Seats that can be included: Seats are optional City/County <50k Tier 3 $3,750 2 City/County 50k-149k Tier 2a $7,000 4 City/County 150k-499k Tier 2b $12,500 7 City/County 500k-1M Tier 2c $20,000 12 City/County >1M Tier 1 $35,000 20 State < 3M S Tier 3 $100,000 20 State 3M - 9.9M1 S Tier 2 $150,000 25 State >10M2 S Tier 1 $300,000 40 Business Integrity Solution (BIS) Version 1.5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -66- 1 user $160 per user, per month, per agency 2 to 4 users $150 per user, per month, per agency 5 to 10 users $140 per user, per month, per agency 11 to 25 users $130 per user, per month, per agency 26 to 50 users $125 per user, per month, per agency 51 to 100 users $120 per user, per month, per agency 101 to 200 users $115 per user, per month, per agency 201 to 300 users $110 per user, per month, per agency 301 to 400 users $105 per user, per month, per agency 401 to 500 users $100 per user, per month, per agency 501 to 600 users $195 per user, per month, per agency Payment Score is a FCRA product and will be on a separate Schedule A from the Non-FCRA features included in the bundle. A single PDF document is provided with both the FCRA and Non-FCRA features and the associated per input prices for each, with a single monthly commitment. Investigative Portal Payment Score Payment Score Standalone Price Schedule Monthly Volume Tiers List Price 50,000 100,000 250.000 500,000 1,000,000 Payment Score $0.07 $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 $0.02 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        Appendix C Pricing Index Computer Assisted Legal and Investigative Research DIR Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B -67- PAYMENT SCORE BUNDLE PRICE SCHEDULE Committed Monthly Volume Tiers 1,000 1,001 to 15,000 15,001 to 25,000 25,001 to 50,000 50,001 to 100,000 100,001 + Payment Score & Contact Plus (Multiple) Payment Score $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 $0.02 $0.01 Contact Plus (multiple) $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 Total Price Per Input $0.26 $0.25 $0.24 $0.23 $0.22 $0.21 Payment Score & Contact Plus (Single) Payment Score $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 $0.02 $0.01 Contact Plus (single) $0.17 $0.17 $0.17 $0.17 $0.17 $0.17 Total Price Per Input $0.23 $0.22 $0.21 $0.20 $0.19 $0.18 Payment Score, Contact Plus (Multiple) & Address (Single) Payment Score $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 $0.03 $0.02 Contact Plus (multiple) $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 Address (single) $0.06 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.04 $0.04 Total Price Per Input $0.32 $0.30 $0.29 $0.28 $0.27 $0.26 Payment Score, Contact Plus (Single) & Address (Single) Payment Score $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 $0.03 $0.02 Contact Plus (single) $0.17 $0.17 $0.17 $0.17 $0.17 $0.17 Address (single) $0.06 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.04 $0.04 Total Price Per Input $0.29 $0.27 $0.26 $0.25 $0.24 $0.23 Payment Score & Waterfall Phones (Multiple) Payment Score $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 $0.03 $0.02 Waterfall Phones (multiple) $0.15 $0.14 $0.14 $0.12 $0.11 $0.10 Total Price Per Input $0.21 $0.19 $0.18 $0.15 $0.14 $0.12 Payment Score & Waterfall Phones (Single) Payment Score $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 $0.03 $0.02 Waterfall Phones (single) $0.12 $0.11 $0.11 $0.10 $0.09 $0.07 Total Price Per Input $0.18 $0.16 $0.15 $0.13 $0.12 $0.09 Payment Score, Waterfall Phones (Multiple) & Address (Single) Payment Score $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 $0.03 $0.02 Waterfall Phones (multiple) $0.15 $0.14 $0.13 $0.12 $0.11 $0.09 Address (single) $0.06 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.04 $0.04 Total Price Per Input $0.27 $0.24 $0.22 $0.20 $0.18 $0.15 Payment Score, Waterfall Phones (Single) & Address (Single) Payment Score $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 $0.03 $0.02 Waterfall Phones (single) $0.11 $0.11 $0.10 $0.10 $0.09 $0.07 Address (single) $0.06 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.04 $0.04 Total Price Per Input $0.23 $0.21 $0.19 $0.18 $0.16 $0.13 DocuSign Envelope ID: 43FB8E14-161D-4FCE-8EE7-0645120CF5B6DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CB5792-7E99-4748-94B5-3630099DA59E        CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LexisNexis Risk Solutions 9443 Springboro Pike|Miamisburg, OH 45342|Direct 937 865-8813|Email Mike.Norfleet@lexisnexis.com May 1, 2020 Denton Police Department 601 E. Hickory Street Denton TX, 76205 LexisNexis® is providing this written quote detailing the cost for Accurint Virtual Crime Center. This product is listed on the Texas DIR (Contract No. DIR-LGL-CALIR-01B). To my knowledge, the police department doesn’t fall within sworn officer range but we’ve made an effort to keep the cost consistent and use the DIR rates as a baseline for this proposed 2 year agreement. https://pubext.dir.texas.gov/portal/internal/contracts-and-services/Contracts/DIR-LGL-CALIR- 01B%20Appendix%20C%20Pricing%20Index%20(per%20Amendment%201).pdf Recommended Package Item Term Annual Subscription Fee Accurint Virtual Crime Center 2/1/2021-1/31/2022 $19,000 2/1/2022-1/31/2023 $19,570 *Following the initial term the subscription shall automatically renew w/ a 3% increase for an additional period of twelve (12) months (each one, a "renewal Term"), unless written notice of termination is provided to either party at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the initial term or any renewal term Sincerely, Mike Norfleet LexisNexis Risk Solutions (937) 865-8813 Office Mike.norfleet@lexisnexisrisk.com         Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: C9A6AD7955FA4D9FAAF0153087C32072 Status: Completed Subject: ***Purchasing Approval*** 7510 - Virtual Crime Center Services and Products Source Envelope: Document Pages: 78 Signatures: 2 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 2 Initials: 0 Cori Power AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 cori.power@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 10/15/2020 4:30:25 PM Holder: Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 10/15/2020 4:41:51 PM Viewed: 10/15/2020 4:42:03 PM Signed: 10/15/2020 4:42:40 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Drew Allen drew.allen@cityofdenton.com Sr. Mgr, Enterprise Applications & Projects City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 10/15/2020 4:42:41 PM Viewed: 10/15/2020 4:45:04 PM Signed: 10/15/2020 4:45:38 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 10/15/2020 4:45:40 PM Viewed: 10/15/2020 4:46:13 PM Signed: 10/15/2020 4:47:15 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Tiffany Wei Tiffany.Wei@cityofdenton.com Business Information Analyst City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 10/15/2020 4:47:17 PM Viewed: 10/15/2020 4:56:38 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 10/15/2020 4:47:17 PM Viewed: 10/16/2020 11:18:34 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 10/15/2020 4:47:17 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 10/15/2020 4:47:17 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 10/15/2020 4:47:17 PM Completed Security Checked 10/15/2020 4:47:17 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps