2019 Emissions Inventory Proposal - City of Denton LF 420 SOUTHWEST BLVD., STE. 206 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76109 PHONE: (817) 735-9770 FAX: (817) 735-9775 P:\LFG\PROPOSAL\CITY OF DENTON\EMISSIONS INVENTORIES\EI2019\MEMO EI 2019.DOC Weaver Consultants Group  Page 1 of 1  M E M O R A N D U M TO: Ami Reeder City of Denton DATE: January 6, 2020 FROM: Archana Nagaraj Matt K. Stutz, P. E. Weaver Consultants Group, LLC PROJECT: LLCP-011-02-11-05 RE: 2019 Emissions Inventory City of Denton Landfill Weaver Consultants Group, LLC (WCG) is pleased to provide the City of Denton with the following scope of work and estimate for professional engineering services for the City of Denton Landfill. The service to be provided under this scope of work includes preparation and submittal of 2019 Emissions Inventory to the TCEQ. WCG appreciates the opportunity to assist the City with this project. If you have any questions or comments, please call. SCOPE OF WORK  2019 EMISSIONS INVENTORY   CITY OF DENTON LANDFILL Prepared for City of Denton January 2020 Prepared by Weaver Consultants Group, LLC 6420 Southwest Blvd., Suite 206 Fort Worth, Texas 76109 817-735-9770 Weaver Consultants Group, LLC P:\LFG\PROPOSAL\CITY OF DENTON\EMISSIONS INVENTORIES\EI2019\EI 2019.DOC 1/6/20 1 2019 EMISSIONS INVENTORY RESPONSE  CITY OF DENTON LANDFILL  Project Understanding  In an effort to maintain compliance with all state air quality regulations, the City of Denton has requested that Weaver Consultants Group, LLC (WCG) submit a proposal for preparing the 2019 Emissions Inventory (EI) for the City of Denton Landfill. Task – Prepare Emissions Inventory Response  WCG will prepare the 2019 EI calculations for the site using the information provided by the site. The landfill emission calculations will be prepared utilizing the available site-specific information and the U.S. EPA’s Landfill Gas Emissions Model (Model). The Model will be used to estimate the landfill’s actual emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Emission calculations will be prepared for the particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10, and PM30) emissions generated from vehicles traveling on unpaved roads and earthmoving operations at the site by utilizing the EPA’s Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42). The flare emissions will be calculated using the site-specific information and manufacturer emission factors or AP-42 emissions factors. Emission calculations will also be prepared for the storage tanks, solidification operations, emergency generator, and surface coating operations. In addition, WCG will prepare the EI forms with the calculated emission totals and other site information to be submitted to the TCEQ. Upon completion of emission calculations, WCG will submit electronically in STEERS the calculated emission totals and other site information as required by the TCEQ regulations. Project Budget  The estimated cost for this project is shown below with all services being provided on a lump sum basis. Weaver Consultants Group, LLC P:\LFG\PROPOSAL\CITY OF DENTON\EMISSIONS INVENTORIES\EI2019\EI 2019.DOC 1/6/20 2 Cost Estimate for 2019 Emissions Inventory  Task & Description Labor Cost Direct  Expenses Total Cost  2019 Emissions Inventory $2,600 $200 $2,800 Total Cost $2,800 Project Schedule  The EI will be prepared upon receipt of proposal acceptance. The City of Denton will be sent a draft for review, comment, and signature, and WCG will submit the final version of the EI to the TCEQ by the required due date. It is assumed that all necessary site information to complete the EI will be received by first week of February 2020. Assumptions  To prepare the scope of work and budget for the proposed services, WCG has made the following assumptions:  The City of Denton will provide all necessary information (hard copy and electronic copy) relevant to this project. Available background materials requested will be available to WCG at no cost.  A landfill representative will answer and provide as much information as possible to WCG’s questions regarding the emission sources.