7402 -Technical Specification - Eagle GIS Structures DemolitionDenton Municipal Electric City of Denton, Texas TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION for Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition IFB # 7402 PROJECT SUMMARY Denton Municipal Electric (DME, City of Denton, Texas) is seeking bids for the demolition of structures at the Eagle GIS Substation project site. Not all necessary site demolition work is being performed at this time for the Eagle GIS Substation. Only buildings, miscellaneous above ground structures and equipment, and utility services are being demolished at this time. The remaining demolition required to construct the Eagle GIS Substation will be performed at a future date with a future project. This specification provides the information necessary to allow prospective Contractors to prepare a bid for the demolition work as described and shown on the drawings. The Contractor shall provide all equipment, materials and labor necessary to complete the work described in a manner satisfactory to the Owner. Any drawing errors discovered shall be promptly reported to DME for resolution via this solicitation’s Ionwave page (dentontx.ionwave.net – Questions tab) only. Do not call or email DME or Purchasing directly. The construction work required for this IFB shall be as described in the plans and specifications. As an introduction and summary, typical principal components of the demolition work are: Demolition work: The Contractor shall demolish two buildings, one having a floor area of 10548 square feet and the other having a floor area of 3693 square feet. Building demolition includes the roof system, the wall system, all interior features, all attached features, and all floor penetrations, protrusions, depressions, etc. The concrete foundation and concrete floors shall remain except for the necessary demolition in order to provide safe conditions as described in the specifications. The Contractor shall also demolish all other structures and equipment on the site except for area light standards and associated electrical. Electrical service to the buildings shall be remove by the Owner. The Contractor shall demolish utility services for both buildings, except that one water service shall remain. The Owner will specify which water service shall remain at the start of construction. All water and sewer demolition shall be performed by a licensed plumber. The Contractor shall coordinate the demolition of franchise utilities with the representative owner of those utilities. It is the sole responsibility of the Contractor to have the franchise utilities demolished according to the franchise utilities’ and the City of Denton’s requirements. All removal and disposal shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The City shall not be responsible for the cost due to removal and disposal of the demolished materials. All cost required to complete the work shall be included in the bid. IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 2 Technical questions, drawings, and transmittals shall be directed via this solicitation’s Ionwave page (Questions tab) only. Calling or emailing DME staff or Purchasing staff directly may result in disqualification (Attribute 51: General Provisions #9 Unauthorized Communications). PROJECT LOCATIONS The project is located at the southeast corner of Eagle Drive and Bernard Street. I. GENERAL A. Definitions 1. The term "Owner" shall mean The City of Denton and their duly authorized representatives, namely Denton Municipal Electric (DME) , as well as any persons in whom or authority in which may be vested the duties and functions which the “Owner” is now authorized by law to perform. 2. The term "Engineer" shall mean the Engineer employed by the Owner to provide engineering services for the Project, and said Engineer's duly authorized assistants and representatives. 3. The term "Supervisor" and or “Observer” shall mean the person, if any, appointed by the Owner to be the “on-site representative”. The term is limited to such special representative of the Owner, if any, who is responsible exclusively to the Owner. 4. The term "Contractor" shall mean any entity that is submitting a proposal for the construction of the project, and subsequently, the entity that is selected to construct the project in accordance with the plans, specifications, and construction drawings provided. 5. The term "Project" shall mean the construction of the work described herein and on the project plans and construction drawings. 6. The term "Completion of Construction" shall mean full performance by the Contractor of the Contractor's obligations under the Contract and all amendments and revisions thereof including the Contractor's obligations to obtain releases of liens from material men and Subcontractors as stated in the IFB document. 7. The term "Completion of the Project" shall mean full performance by the Contractor of the Contractor's obligations under the contract and all amendments and revisions thereof and when final payment is made to the Contractor. B. Conflicts in Documentation In the event conflicts are discovered between this Technical Specification and the IFB instructions, the more restrictive statements shall apply. C. Evaluation and Awards Evaluation and award will be in accordance with IFB document. IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 3 Companies that have had serious accidents or near misses or for which there is actual or anecdotal evidence of poor performance, poor safety practices, lack of performance, or any other serious problems of any kind will be disqualified. D. Pre-Submission Meeting A virtual pre-submission meeting will be held at the time and location indicated in the IFB document. Information on demolition activities will be provided in the pre-submission meeting for prospective contractors. A by appointment only formal walkthrough is planned at the end of the pre-submission meeting. This walkthrough at the project site will be held in order for bidders to view the interior of the buildings and view the project as a whole. In order to maintain social distancing guidelines, prospective contractors must make an appointment to attend a walkthrough. Appointment requests may be submitted using the questions tab of this solicitation. Only one representative per firm will be allowed. Appointment instructions are provided in the event ‘Activities’ tab of this solicitation. E. Complete and Safe Demolition Site It is the intent of this specification to require demolition work that brings the site clear of buildings, structures, equipment, and utility services, but to retain impervious surfaces in order to prevent ground erosion to occur. Also the intent is to leave the site safe from tripping hazards, protrusions that could cause harm, and depressions that would be walking hazards. Once the demolition work is complete the surface of the site shall be safe and non- erodable. All spoils from the demolition work shall be removed from the site by the Contractor. Bid pricing shall reflect these requirement. It is not possible to specify or describe every detail of work required to complete a project of this nature or to predict problems that might be encountered. The successful Contractor will be required to provide all labor, equipment, tools, specified material, and incidental items necessary to undertake the demolition work and complete the project, as described herein, resulting in fully prepared and functional sites that perform to their intended purposes. Minor omissions from the specification or drawings shall not relieve the Contractor from the obligation to provide the completed project that is fully functional as intended by the Owner. Failure of this specification to describe each detail or incidental item necessary to a complete and functional project shall not entitle the Contractor to additional charges. Examples of items that will not be considered as basis for claims for additional cost are, but shall not be limited to, minor relocations, minor changes in the demolition plan, differences in the actual surface of the site from that shown on the demolition plan, reasonable weather delays, site cleanup, etc. Further, all work shall be performed and completed in a thorough, safe, and workmanlike manner and shall follow the best modern recognized practices, notwithstanding any omissions from this specification. IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 4 F. Price Calculation for Evaluation The price to be used in evaluating the bids will be constructed by applying the unit price to the quantities shown on the IFB pricing/”Line Items’ tab to arrive at a total estimated price. G. Mobilization It is recognized that there is legitimate mobilization cost for the demolition work. Mobilization will be paid only for the initial time equipment is brought to the site. Mobilization will not be paid for replacements of equipment whether due to maintenance needs or for other reasons. No demobilization costs will be paid by the owner. H. Water Used for Construction Water used for any uses including sprinkling, testing, and flushing of pipelines, or any other purpose incidental to this project, will be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor may obtain the water from any source, including the City of Denton. In the event that the Contractor obtains the water from the City, the Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements for securing and transporting such water and shall take such water in such a manner and at such times that will not produce a harmful drain or decrease of pressure in the City's water system. The Contractor shall make arrangements with the City to provide the water required and the Contractor shall pay for the water at the prevailing rate. I. Electrical Service Used for Construction There will not be electrical service at the project site. If electrical service is required for the Contractor’s activities, the Contractor shall make necessary arrangements for temporary electrical service as required with the City prior to construction. The cost for temporary electrical service shall be considered subsidiary to the bid items for the project. J. Work Required Near Energized Lines Denton Municipal Electric is a municipally owned electric utility whose business purpose is to transmit, distribute, and sell electricity. The work identified in this IFB is intended to provide facilities that will form part of the infrastructure necessary for operation of the electric utility. No work is required on energized lines for this project; however the Contractor is hereby notified that there may be energized electric power lines on or near the work areas. Work may be required above energized underground distribution conductors. Appropriate precautions are required to prevent tools or equipment being placed or operated closer than ten (10) feet from any distribution voltage overhead power line or closer than twenty (20) feet from any transmission voltage overhead power line. The Contractor shall consult with DME for appropriate instructions on working near underground conductors. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with all OSHA requirements related to the work. K. Compliance with Statutes and Regulations The Contractor shall comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations pertaining to the work. The Contractor understands that the obligations of the parties IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 5 hereunder are subject to the applicable regulations and orders of governmental agencies having jurisdiction in the premises. L. Extension to Successors and Assigns Each and all of the covenants and agreements herein contained shall extend to and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. M. Standard of Work and Codes and Standards All work shall be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner in accordance with the plans, specifications, and construction drawings. N. Drawings and Other Documents All drawings, maps, and other documents pertaining to projects or otherwise provided pursuant to this IFB or referenced herein shall be considered a part of this specification. O. Locations of Facilities, Surveying, and Staking No surveying or staking is anticipated for this project. Location of facilities will be the responsibility of the Contractor. P. Safety Requirements The Owner considers safety to be the highest core value and priority. The goal is for zero incidents or injuries. The same goal is expected of Contractors and subcontractors throughout the project. In submitting a proposal, the Contractor is agreeing to pursue the work with the highest degree of regard for all aspects of safety in the prosecution of the project. The Contractor further agrees that the Owner, or any designated employee or representative of the Owner, has the right to stop work at any time that it is believed that there is, or could be, a compromise to safety; and, that in the case of such a work stoppage, the Contractor will not be allowed to continue the work until the compromise to safety is resolved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Any work stoppage for reasons of safety will not be considered as basis for a claim for additional funds. 1. The work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local safety regulations and in accordance with all Owner safety policies. The Contractor shall comply with all reasonable safety requirements by the Owner. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for the observance of proper safety practices and the avoidance of unnecessary damage to property by all personnel engaged in the work. 3. The Contractor shall take all steps necessary to prevent damage to or interference with existing power lines, communication facilities, roadways, railroads, waterways, buried cables, pipelines, fences and other facilities adjacent to or crossing the project right-of- way. 4. Neither the professional activities of the Engineer, nor the presence of the Engineer and/or Owner or the Engineer’s and /or Owner’s employees and sub-consultants at the construction site, shall relieve the general Contractor and any other entity of their obligations, duties, and responsibilities including, but not limited to, construction IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 6 means, methods, sequences techniques, or procedures necessary for performing, superintending, or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the contract documents and any health or safety precautions required by any regulatory agencies. The Contractor agrees that he is solely responsible for job-site safety, and warrants that this shall be made evident in the Owner’s agreement with the Contractor. The Contractor also agrees that the Owner, the Engineer and the Engineer’s consultants shall be indemnified and shall be insured under the Contractor’s general liability insurance policy. 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for citations and fines imposed on the Contractor from all sources. 6. The Contractor shall ensure that proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is use at all time buy all employees on site. As a minimum, this shall consist of hard hats safety glasses, leather work boots, and appropriate work cloths. 7. The Owner reserves the right to conduct random safety inspections. 8. Timeliness of injury notification – Injuries, accidents, near misses, and damage to equipment shall be reported to the Owner immediately after occurrence. The Contractor shall conduct an investigation and provide a written report to the Owner within 48 hours of any of the above types of incidents. 9. Return to work procedure – When an employee of the Contractor is injured and the injury requires off-site medical attention, it is required that the employee have a return to work authorization signed by a licensed medical provider stating that the employee is cleared to return to work with or without limitations. The Contractor may also be required to complete a root cause analysis that clearly defines the cause of the incident and the methods that will be instituted for prevention of recurrence. The Owner reserves the right to require that this root cause analysis be completed before resuming the work. Q. Locating Underground Utilities As required by State law, the Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required locates for underground facilities prior to any excavation. Should unlocated, or incorrectly located, underground utilities or other structures be encountered during excavation, the Contractor shall consult with the Owner immediately to determine a course of action. The Contractor shall cooperate with all parties in resolving any problems discovered and in keeping any utilities services in operation to the greatest extent reasonable while alternative solutions are implemented. The Contractor shall be responsible for repair of damaged underground facilities where the Contractor has failed to obtain proper locates prior to excavation. Any repairs required shall be done to the satisfaction of the Owner. R. Errors and Omissions by the Contractor No payment shall be made to the Contractor for materials or labor required to correct errors or omissions on the part of the Contractor. Payments shall not be made for work found not to be in accordance with the plans and specifications. IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 7 S. Work Staging Areas The project site may be used as a staging area. If the Contractor must use private land for staging or other construction purposes, the Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with the landowner and shall pay all rental or other costs. The owner will not be liable for any damage, theft or vandalism that occurs to the Contractor’s equipment on the site. Any land, whether belonging to the City of Denton or to a private landowner, used for staging or other construction purposes shall be thoroughly cleaned after use and restored to a smooth surface free of ruts and reseeded if appropriate. T. Security The Owner will not be liable for any damage, theft or vandalism that occurs to the Contractor’s equipment on the substation site or any staging site. U. Portable Toilet The Contractor shall provide a “port-a-potty” type facility on site. The Contractor shall provide any additional portable toilet facilities as necessary to accommodate Contractor personnel. V. Site Waste and Spoil Management and Cleanup During the course of the project, from beginning to end, the Contractor shall maintain a continuous waste management and cleanup program. All demolition material and/or waste material shall be contained or stockpiled daily and removed from the site no later than the next day. Any kind of waste, whether generated by the project or by employees of the Contractor, shall be contained daily in a dumpster or other containers and removed from the site. This type of waste shall not be left or allowed to accumulate outside the waste container beyond the end of the day. The project will not be considered complete until the requirements of this section are complete. Failure to comply with the requirements of this section at the end of the day will result in a mandatory work stoppage on the following day until the cleanup is completed and, at the option of the Owner, result in a forfeiture by the Contractor of $100 per day per occurrence to be deducted from any payment due or from any future pay request. Exceptions will be granted when weather makes cleanup problematic. The Owner must approve exceptions in advance. W. Acceptance After work has been completed, the site will be inspected, at the expense of the Owner, to determine whether the requirements of these specifications have been fulfilled. Final payment under the contract will not be made until this inspection is completed and the IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 8 Owner is entirely satisfied with the demolition work, and the site is brought into compliance with all plans and specification requirements. II. Demolition A. Time and Manner of Demolition 1. The Contractor agrees to commence demolition on a date to be determined (hereinafter called the "Commencement Date"). The Contractor further agrees to prosecute diligently and to complete demolition in strict accordance with the plans, specifications, and construction drawings within the time frame provided. 2. The time for completion of demolition work is critical. It is not anticipated that there will be any reason for an extension of the time required to complete the project. Extensions of time for completion will be considered only as a last resort and only for causes that are beyond the control and without the fault of the Contractor, including acts of God, fires, floods, inability to obtain materials, and acts or omissions of the Owner with respect to matters for which the Owner is solely responsible. Provided, however, that no such extension of time for completion shall be granted the Contractor unless within five (5) days after the happening of any event relied upon by the Contractor for such an extension, Contractor shall have made a request therefor in writing to the Owner, and provided further that no delay in such time of completion or in the progress of the work which results from any of the above causes except acts or omissions of the Owner, shall result in any liability on the part of the Owner. 3. The Contractor shall submit a demolition plan schedule that includes the intended sequence and intended schedule for demolition prior to the pre-construction conference. B. Environmental Protection The Contractor shall perform work in such a manner as to maximize preservation of beauty, conservation of natural resources, and minimize marring and scarring of the landscape and silting of streams. The Contractor shall not deposit trash in streams or waterways, and shall not deposit herbicides or other chemicals or their containers in or near streams, waterways or pastures. The Contractor shall follow, under the general direction of the Owner and/or Engineer, the criteria relating to environmental protection as specified herein by the Owner and/or Engineer. C. Contractor’s Resources The Contractor agrees that in the event his bid is accepted, he will make available for use in connection with the proposed demolition all necessary resources to prosecute the project within the expected time. This shall include, as a minimum, tools, equipment, and qualified superintendents, foremen, technicians, and other labor resources. D. Supervision and Inspection 1. The Contractor shall cause the demolition work on the project to receive constant supervision by a competent and qualified superintendent employed by the Contractor (hereinafter called the "Superintendent") who shall be present at all times during IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 9 working hours where demolition work is being carried on. The worksite shall have continuous English speaking supervision. The Contractor shall also employ, in connection with the demolition of the project, capable, experienced and reliable foremen and such skilled workmen as may be required for the various classes of work to be performed. Directions and instructions given to the Superintendent by the Owner shall be binding upon the Contractor. 2. The Owner reserves the right to observe, directly or through an independent engineering or testing firm, the activities of the Contractor and to require changes to procedures that, in the Owner’s or his representative’s opinion, do not meet the requirements or intents of this specification. 3. The Contractor shall plan and coordinate the work with the Owner such that notice and opportunity is afforded for inspection. 4. The Owner reserves the right to require the removal from the project of any employee of the Contractor if in the judgment of the Owner such removal shall be necessary in order to protect the interest of the Owner. The Owner, Engineer or the Supervisor has the right to suspend the work wholly if the Contractor or any of the Contractor's employees are being abusive or in any way trying to intimidate the Owner, Engineer or the Supervisor. If work is suspended due to this provision, there will be a meeting with the following entities represented to resolve and correct any problems: the Supervisor, the Engineer, the Contractor and the Contractor’s Surety. The Contractor shall not be compensated monetarily or by extension of completion date if the work on the project is suspended due to this provision. The Owner, Engineer or the Supervisor, if any, shall have the right to require the Contractor to increase the number of its employees and to increase or change the number or kind of tools and equipment if at any time the progress of the work shall be unsatisfactory to the Owner; but the failure of the Owner to give any such directions shall not relieve the Contractor of its obligations to complete the work within the time and in the manner specified in this proposal. 5. The manner of demolition of the project, and all materials and equipment used therein, shall be subject to the inspection, tests and approval of the Owner and/or Engineer and the Contractor shall furnish all information required by the Owner and/or Engineer concerning the nature or source of any materials incorporated or to be incorporated in the project. The Owner and/or Engineer shall have the right to inspect all payrolls, invoices of materials, and other data and records of the Contractor and of any subcontractor, relevant to the construction of the project. The Contractor shall provide all reasonable facilities necessary for such inspection and tests and shall maintain an office at the site of the project, with telephone service where obtainable (mobile phone acceptable). The Contractor shall have an authorized agent accompany the Owner and/or Engineer when final inspection is made and, if requested by the Owner, when any other inspection is made. 6. In the event that the Owner or the Engineer shall determine that the demolition work contains or may contain defects, it shall be the duty of the Contractor and the Contractor's surety or sureties to have an inspection made by an Engineer approved by the Owner, for the purpose of determining the exact nature, extent and location of such defects. IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 10 7. The Engineer may recommend to the Owner that the Contractor suspend the work wholly or in part for such period or periods as the Engineer may deem necessary due to unsuitable weather or such other conditions as are considered unfavorable for the satisfactory prosecution of the work, excessive easement damage, or because of the failure of the Contractor to comply with any of the provisions of the specification: Provided, however, that the Contractor shall not suspend work pursuant to this provision without verbal authority from the Owner to do so. If verbal instruction is given, it shall be verified within twenty-four hours by written notification from the Owner. The time of completion herein above set forth shall be increased by the number of days of any such suspension, except when suspension is due to the failure of the Contractor to comply with any of the provisions of this contract. In the event that work is suspended by the Contractor with the consent of the Owner, the Contractor before resuming work shall give the Owner at least twenty-four (24) hours notice. E. Defective Materials and Workmanship 1. The acceptance by the Owner or the Engineer of any materials equipment (including owner-furnished materials) or any workmanship shall not preclude the subsequent rejection thereof if such materials, equipment, or workmanship shall be found defective after delivery or installation, and any such materials, equipment or workmanship found defective before final acceptance of the construction shall be replaced or remedied, as the case may be, by and at the expense of the Contractor. Any such condemned material or equipment shall be immediately removed from the site of the Project by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Owner, Engineer, or Supervisor of any damage that is caused to any Owner furnished materials due to accident or negligence. If the Owner deems it necessary, the damaged material shall be replaced by the Contractor at Contractor’s expense. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment hereunder so long as any defective materials, equipment or workmanship in respect to the Project, of which the Contractor shall have had notice, shall not have been replaced or remedied, as the case may be. 2. Notwithstanding any certificate which may have been given by the Owner or the Engineer, if any materials, equipment (except Owner-furnished materials) or any workmanship which does not comply with the requirements of this specification shall be discovered within one (1) year after completion of construction of the project, the Contractor shall replace such defective materials or equipment or remedy any such defective workmanship within thirty (30) days after notice in writing of the existence thereof shall have been given by the Owner. In the event of failure by the Contractor to do the requested correction, the Owner may replace such defective materials or equipment or remedy such defective workmanship, as the case may be, and in such event the Contractor shall pay to the Owner the cost and expense thereof. III. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACTOR A. Protection to Persons and Property 1. The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions for the safety of employees on the work and of the public, and shall comply with all applicable IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 11 provisions of federal, state, and municipal safety laws and building and construction codes, as well as the safety rules and regulations of the Owner. All machinery and equipment and other physical hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction" of the Associated General Contractors of America unless such instructions are incompatible with federal, state or municipal laws or regulations. 2. The following provisions shall not limit the generality of the above requirements: a. The Contractor shall at no time and under no circumstances cause or permit any employee of the Contractor to perform any work upon energized lines, or upon poles carrying energized lines. b. The Contractor shall limit the movement of its crews and equipment so as to cause as little damage as possible to access ways and areas adjacent to the project site and shall endeavor to avoid marring the lands. All fences, which are necessarily opened or moved during the construction of the project, shall be replaced in as good condition as they were found. Except for access by public roads, the Contractor shall confine all activities to land owned by the City of Denton that are part of the project site or access easements thereto. Damage to adjacent properties shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be monetarily responsible to the Landowner for any damages to adjacent property or associated livestock. The Owner will settle damages with the Landowner and deduct such settlement from any funds due the Contractor if the Contractor does not settle damages with the Landowner within thirty (30) days after such damages occurred and became known to the Landowner, Owner, or Contractor. c. The project, from the commencement of work to completion, or to such earlier date or dates when the Owner may take possession and control in whole or in part as hereinafter provided, shall be under the charge and control of the Contractor and during such period of control by the Contractor all risks in connection with the construction of the project and the materials to be used therein shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall make good and fully repair all injuries and damages to the project or any portion thereof under the control of the Contractor by reason of any act of God or other casualty or cause whether or not the same shall have occurred by reason of the Contractor's negligence. The Contractor shall hold the Owner harmless from any and all claims for injuries to persons or for damage to property happening by reason of any negligence on the part of the Contractor or any of the Contractor's agents or employees during the control by the Contractor of the project or any part thereof. d. The Contractor shall remove any and all excess or unusable rock, debris, underbrush and other useless material from the site of the project as rapidly as practicable as the work progresses. e. Upon violation by the Contractor of any of the provisions of this section, after written notice of such violation given to the Contractor by the Owner, the Contractor shall immediately correct such violation. Upon failure of the Contractor to do so, the Owner may correct such violation at the Contractor's expense: Provided, however, that the Owner may, if it deems it necessary or IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 12 advisable, correct such violation at the Contractor's expense without such prior notice to the Contractor. f. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner monthly reports in duplicate of all accidents, giving such data as the Owner may prescribe. B. Delivery of Possession and Control to Owner Upon written request of the Owner, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner full possession and control of any portion of the project, provided the Contractor shall have been paid at least ninety-five percent (95%) of the cost of demolition of such portion. Upon such delivery of the possession and control of any portion of the project to the Owner, the risk and obligations of the Contractor with respect to such portion of the project so delivered to the Owner shall be terminated: Provided however, that nothing herein contained shall relieve the Contractor of any liability with respect to defective materials and workmanship. C. Non-assignment of Contractor The Contractor shall perform directly, and without subcontracting, not less than eighty percent (80%) of the demolition work for the project, to be calculated on the basis of the total contract price. The Contractor shall not assign the contract effected by an acceptance of this proposal or any interest in any funds that may be due or become due hereunder or enter into any contract with any person, firm or corporation for the performance of the Contractor's obligations hereunder or any part thereof, without the approval in writing of the Owner and of the Surety and Sureties on any bond furnished by the Contractor for the faithful performance of the Contractor's obligations hereunder. If the Contractor, with consent of the Owner, and any Surety or Sureties on the Contractor's bond or bonds, shall enter into a subcontract with any subcontractor for the performance of any part of this contract, the Contractor shall be as fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of such subcontractor and of persons employed by such subcontractor as the Contractor would be for its own acts and omissions and those of persons directly employed by it. D. Restoration and Cleanup The Contractor shall maintain a continuous cleanup program throughout construction both with regard to refuse and the surface condition of the site. All refuse, either project related or that generated by the Contractor’s personnel, shall be properly disposed of or placed by the end of each workday. The Contractor shall keep the surface of the site in a reasonably graded state with ruts repaired, spoil from excavation stockpiled or used were additional fill is needed, and excavations for removal of trees or other underground structures, whether natural or manmade shall be refilled an restored to a safe condition immediately upon completion of the removal and, in no case, left open beyond the end of the work day. Excess excavated or other removed material may be temporarily stockpiled in a common location on site to accumulate amounts that will allow truckload disposal to be efficient. The Owner reserves the right to specify when removals are made. There is no guarantee, but the a design objective will be to balance sites to the degree possible to avoid import or export. IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 13 E. Special Requirements 1. City of Denton Requirements -- The Contractor shall comply with all City of Denton construction, traffic control, and other regulatory or rule requirements. Silt fences are required to be maintained. The Contractor shall install silt fences and other erosion control measures as required by the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The Contractor shall comply with the requirements contained in the SWPPP and any amendments made thereto. 2. Vehicle Inspection -- Each vehicle that is to be used on the project may be inspected by the Owner at any time for excessive oil leaks. If significant oil leaks are found, the Contractor shall fix them before putting the equipment on any site. The Contractor shall be responsible to keep all his equipment maintained in such a manner to prevent oil leaks on the Owner's properties. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS In an effort to protect the environment, to minimize damage claims against the Contractor and the Owner, every person working on this project needs to understand and follow the guidelines set out below. The construction contract requires that the Contractor perform the work "in such manner as to minimize marring and scarring of the landscape and silting of streams". The Engineer’s and Owner’s personnel will also be subject to these requirements. The following requirements shall be followed wherever applicable, except where local regulations or Land Owner requirements are more stringent, in which case the more stringent requirements shall govern. A. Hunting There will be no hunting by the Contractor, his employees, or guests, on the project site, or on the privately owned lands which this line traverses. No firearms are to be carried by personnel engaged in the construction of this project. B. Fires Open fires of any type shall not be permitted on project site, or on adjacent property. All grass fires that start in the vicinity where the Contractor is working shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and all damage payments to the Land Owner and Tenant or governmental agency shall be made by the Contractor. C. Contamination Crankcase oil, hydraulic oil, gasoline, etc., shall never be dumped into streams or onto the ground, but must be removed from the project for proper disposal. All used cans, boxes, packages and litter of all types shall be removed from the site immediately after use and shall never be allowed to be scattered by wind or to cause a fire hazard. D. Excavation Any and all excess earth, rock, debris, underbrush and all other useless material shall be removed by the Contractor from the site of the project as rapidly as possible as the work progresses. IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 14 E. Open Holes No holes shall be left open or unfilled over night. F. Markers No section corner markers, property corner or corner post shall be disturbed in any way. If the placement of a structure is set too close to the marker or corner, the Contractor shall contact the Owner and/or Engineer to resolve the problem. G. Roads The Right of Way shall be used by the Contractor between public roads for the travel of the Contractor's vehicles. An exception to this requirement is granted to the Contractor in those specific circumstances stated on the plan and profile sheets or addendum, that existing roads may be used. If the Contractor desires to use other existing trails or roads through private property, he will obtain written permission from the Land Owner with a copy thereof provided to the Engineer and Owner for their files before the trail or road is used by the Contractor. H. Fences The Contractor shall protect all fences on or adjacent to the Owner’s property, unless they are designated for removal. I. Gates Gates shall be used for all ingress and egress. Gates shall be closed and locked in accordance with the Owner’s instruction during the course of the project. J. Notification The Contractor shall notify the project Observer and Denton Municipal Electric dispatcher each working day concerning the planned location of each Contractor crew on the project. The Owner may require other notifications to meet operational and safety requirements. K. Firearms There shall be absolutely no firearms carried by any individual or in any vehicle on any City of Denton work site or parked on adjacent property. IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED THAT THE CONTRACTOR GIVE EACH EMPLOYEE A COPY OF THE ABOVE SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. A written report will be provided to the Contractor by the Owner for each incident that is observed. V. ACCESS A. Ingress and Egress 1. The activities of the Contractor are to be restricted to the Owner’s property. The property is described on the plans. The Contractor is responsible for assuring that the property boundaries are known and that activities are confined to the property and easements. IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 15 2. The Contractor shall repair any damage to ingress and egress routes caused by the Contractor’s activities. The project will not be considered complete until such repairs are made. VI. DEMOLITION WORK A. Mobilization / Demobilization General: This item includes mobilization cost such as site equipment and personal mobilization, up front coordination and other activities to prepare for the start of work. This item also governs the demobilization for the project including record drawings, general site final clean up, equipment and personal departure from the site, and other project closing activities. Payment: Payment shall be at the contract lump sum price for Mobilization/ Demobilization. The combination of mobilization/demobilization will be paid once only at the initial time equipment and personnel are brought to the site. Mobilization will not be paid for replacements of equipment whether due to maintenance needs or for other reasons. Demobilization will not be paid at the final time equipment and personnel are removed from the site and all required demobilization items are satisfactorily provided. The City will consider additional mobilization cost if work must be halted on the site and work delayed until a significantly later time as long as the halted work and delay is not due to the Contractor’s negligence in performing the work. B. Surety Bonds General: This item shall be used to separate the bonds as specified in the contract documents into a separate line item. Include all bonds with their related costs in this item. Payment: Payment shall be the contract lump sum for all bonds provided for in the bid. C. Hydromulch In addition to the requirements of North Central Texas Council Of Governments (NCTCOG) Item 202.6, hydromulch must be sprouted and must achieve 75% healthy established ground coverage prior to the removal of erosion control devices and must achieve full coverage within the one-year maintenance period. The type of grass and rate of application shall be as indicated below: Planting Season Seed and Application Rate April through September 50 lb/acre hulled Bermuda October through March 35 lbs/acre unhulled Bermuda 75 lbs/acre Millet IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 16 150 lbs/acre Rye Note: All application rates are Pure Live Seed rates as defined in NCTCOG Spec. Item 202.6.3. Regular watering sufficient to establish growth is included in this item. All areas disturbed by the Contractor during the course of construction must be stabilized. The Contractor shall also be responsible for watering at intervals required to maintain adequate growth and establishment of the grass. The Contractor will be responsible for acquiring the water and no additional pay will be given. Watering shall be done at a minimum of twice a week until proper coverage is obtained and the project has been accepted. Contractor must achieve 75% coverage prior to the final acceptance of the project with no bare spots larger than 25 square feet. If areas do not meet minimum coverage, then the Contractor must re-hydromulch failed areas until proper coverage is obtained. Contractor shall be responsible for mowing the project area to maintain a maximum grass height of 6” until the final acceptance of the project. The Contractor shall be responsible for any measures necessary to establish a uniform stand of grass as described above, including but not limited to mulching, placement of an erosion control mat, or other measures. Payment: Payment shall be at the contract unit price per square foot of Hydromulch complete in place with 75% vegetative coverage achieved. Required re-hydromulching of areas not achieving 75% coverage will not be paid and is considered incidental to the work. D. Temporary Erosion Control This item shall be in accordance with NCTCOG Spec Item 201 except as herein described. The Contractor shall provide erosion control as may be needed during the course of the work. During demolition, if any of the erosion control measures are found to be inadequate the Contractor must re-evaluate the erosion control measures and notify the Owner of any problems. The Contractor must clean all erosion control measures after a storm event to ensure that they will function correctly for the next storm event. All materials collected in the erosion control devices must be removed properly at the Contractor’s expense. After any required hydromulching has been completed, it may be necessary to add additional erosion control devices to ensure seeding takes hold. This shall be subsidiary to this proposal item. All maintenance of erosion control devices and any additional measures needed to ensure proper erosion control will be considered subsidiary to this proposal item. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing all erosion control devices once the area has been properly re-vegetated, and coverage is accepted by the Owner. Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for the erosion control measures as needed for this project. Payment: Payment shall be at the contract lump sum price for Temporary Erosion Control. IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 17 E. Demolition and Removal of Buildings This item covers the complete demolition of all designated buildings on the site in accordance with City of Denton and OSHA requirements. Prior to commencing demolition, the Contractor shall ensure that all utilities (water, sewer, gas, electric, phone, cable) are disconnected. A work plan shall be submitted detailing the means and methods to be used for the demolition operations and documentation that the necessary local and State permitting has been completed and approved. A detailed safety plan and traffic control plan shall be a part of the work plan. Utilization of the work plan is subject to the Owner’s requirements and shall be modified as required prior to utilization of the work plan. Demolition of the buildings will include but not be limited to: • Removal of all existing structures, including roof system, wall system, interior facilities, walls, piping, electrical and lighting systems, contents, waste, equipment and facilities, underground equipment, underground structures, equipment and facilities attached to buildings, etc. Only the foundation and concrete floor shall remain. • All floor coverings shall be removed completely, exposing the concrete floor surface. • Concrete stim walls shall be saw cut to be flush with the concrete floor. All penetrations, protrusion, and irregularities in the foundation and/or floor shall be removed flush as required by the owner. All depressions shall be filled with concrete. The finished demolition work for the foundation and concrete floor shall be smooth and free from tripping hazards, walking hazards, or areas that could be deemed a hazard according to the owner. All materials shall be removed and disposed of at an approved off-site facility. Contractor shall take measures to ensure that adjacent properties are not damaged. After demolition, the Contractor shall grade the site for positive drainage and hydromulch disturbed areas to prevent erosion. Under this pay item, the Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the appropriate demolition permit with the City of Denton, and for paying the $95 fee. Asbestos Abatement is not included within Demolition and Removal of Buildings. Refer to Asbestos Abatement within Buildings. Payment: Payment shall be at the contract unit price per square foot for Demolition & Removal of Buildings based upon the square foot footprint of the buildings. F. Miscellaneous Demolition This item covers the demolition of all miscellaneous equipment, structures, and facilities on the site in accordance with City of Denton and OSHA requirements. IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 18 • Removal of fencing as shown on the drawings • Removal of telephone lines and services • Removal of all trash and debris • Removal of equipment • Removal of air conditioning and heating system components and proper capture of refrigerants • Removal of Business signs, poles and foundations. • Removal of water services. Water service shall be disconnected at the meter box, and the meter removed and delivered to the City of Denton. The water service shall be removed from the building to the property line and capped at the property line. This work shall be performed by a plumber licensed in the State of Texas. Work shall include backfilling the trench with suitable backfill in 8 inch lifts and compacting the backfill to 95% of standard proctor at the appropriate moisture content. One water service shall be preserved as designated by the Owner in the field. • Sanitary sewer service shall be removed to the right-of-way line and a two-way cleanout installed. This work shall be performed by a plumber licensed in the State of Texas. Work shall include backfilling the trench with suitable backfill in 8 inch lifts and compacting the backfill to 95% of standard proctor at the appropriate moisture content. • Other franchise utility services and appurtenances shall be removed as required by the Owner and plugged or capped according to the utility owner. Work shall include backfilling the trench with suitable backfill in 8 inch lifts and compacting the backfill to 95% of standard proctor at the appropriate moisture content. Payment: Payment shall be at the contract lump sum price for Miscellaneous Demolition. G. Asbestos Abatement within Buildings by Others An Asbestos Survey has been conducted by the Engineer for buildings to be demolished. Asbestos found during the asbestos survey has been abated. H. Signs, Barricades and Traffic Handling This item shall include all necessary barricades, barrels, signs, orange safety fencing and other safety and traffic control devices necessary to ensure the safety of the travelling public adjacent to the work site. All traffic control measures shall comply with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and City of Denton requirements. A Right- of-way permit will be required from the City of Denton for any work in public right-of- way. No lane closures will be allowed without the express permission of the city of Denton. A safety and traffic control plan shall be included within the Contractor’s Work Plan that is submitted at the pre-construction conference. IFB 7402 - Eagle GIS Substation Existing Structures Demolition Technical Specifications 19 Payment: Payment shall be at the contract lump sum price for Traffic Control, Barricades, Barriers, and Warning Signs. I. Tree Protection Fencing This item shall consist of providing and installing orange plastic mesh security fencing at existing trees to be protected. The owner will identify the general locations of tree protection fencing in the field prior to start of the demolition work. This item also includes the removal of tree protection fencing after the completion of the demolition work and the owner has accepted the work. Payment: Payment shall be at the contract lump sum price for Tree Protection Fencing. J. Temporary Chain Link Fencing This item shall consist of providing and installing galvanized chain link fencing and gates around the perimeter of the site generally following the property boundary. The approximate length of temporary fencing is 1100 linear feet. This work includes two double gates with one set of gates at each of the two existing driveways. Each of the double gates shall have a total clear width of 18 feet unless otherwise approved by the Owner. The fencing and double gates shall include 3 strands of 12 ½ GA – 4 half -round barbs of no. 14 steel wire on barbed wire arms. The fencing fabric shall be 2”-9 gauge hot dipped galvanized fabric. Main post shall be 3” O.D. galvanized steel. Line post shall be 2 5/8” O.D. galvanized steel post. The fencing height excluding the 3 strands of barbed wire shall be 8 feet.The bottom edge of the fabric shall be secured with 7 gage tension wire. The fencing shall be firmly secured together and firmly secured to the ground as required by the owner so that there is no fence lateral movement. The temporary fencing and double gates shall remain once construction is completed. Payment: Payment shall be at the contract lump sum price for Temporary Chain Link Fencing. WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE The supplier shall guarantee that the material and workmanship furnished shall be free from all defects and shall give successful service under the intended operating conditions. The supplier shall also agree upon notice from the Owner to promptly and without charge, and to the satisfaction of the Owner, make such changes, replacements, corrections, etc., which may be required to make good all defects developing in the site work under its intended use with proper care for a minimum period of 12 months from the date the construction is accepted by the Owner.