August Industries Inc - 603-20February 10, 2020 Sent Via Email: sales@augustindustries.com Casey Jensen August Industries, Inc. 2811 Eisenhower St. Carrollton, TX 75007 Welcome to BuyBoard! Re: Notice of The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative Award Proposal Name and Number: Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment, Proposal No. 603-20 Congratulations, The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (Cooperative) has awarded your company a BuyBoard® contract based on the above-referenced Proposal. The contract is effective 4/1/2020 through 3/31/2021, with two possible one-year renewals. The contract documents are those identified in Section 3 of the General Terms and Conditions of the specifications. To view the items your company has been awarded, please review the proposal tabulation No. 603-20 on the following web-site: www.buyboard.com/vendor. Only items marked as awarded to your company can be sold through the BuyBoard contract. In addition, on this website you will find the membership list which will provide you with the names of all entities with membership in our purchasing cooperative. Enclosed with this letter you will find the following documents: 1. Vendor Quick Reference Guide 2. BuyBoard License and Identity Standards You are advised that receipt of a purchase order directly from a Cooperative member is not within the guidelines of the Cooperative. Accepting purchase orders directly from Cooperative members may result in a violation of the State of Texas competitive bid statute and termination of this Cooperative BuyBoard contract. Therefore, all purchase orders must be processed through the BuyBoard in order to comply. Please forward by email to info@buyboard.com any order received directly from a Cooperative member. If you inadvertently process a purchase order sent directly to you by a Cooperative member, please email the order info@buyboard.com and note it as RECORD ONLY to prevent duplication. As an awarded vendor a BuyBoard user id and password will be sent via e-mail 2 to 3 business days prior to the start of your contract. On behalf of the Texas Association of School Boards, we appreciate your interest in the Cooperative and we are looking forward to your participation in the program. If you have any questions, please contact Cooperative Procurement Staff at 800-695-2919. Sincerely, Arturo Salinas Department Director, Cooperative Procurement v.6.5 February 10, 2020 Sent Via Email: sales@augustindustries.com Casey Jensen August Industries, Inc. 2811 Eisenhower St. Carrollton, TX 75007 Welcome to BuyBoard! Re: Notice of National Purchasing Cooperative Award Proposal Name and Number: Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment, Proposal No. 603-20 Congratulations, The National Purchasing Cooperative (National Cooperative) has awarded your company a BuyBoard® contract based on the above-referenced Proposal. As provided for in the Proposal and your National Purchasing Cooperative Vendor Award Agreement, you are authorized to sell the goods and services awarded under the Proposal to National Cooperative members in states other than Texas through the BuyBoard. The contract is effective 4/1/2020 through 3/31/2021, with two possible one-year renewals. The National Cooperative membership list is available at our website www.buyboard.com/vendor. The list identifies the current members that may purchase awarded goods and services under your National Cooperative BuyBoard contract. You are advised that receipt of a purchase order directly from a National Cooperative member is not within BuyBoard guidelines. Accepting purchase orders directly from Cooperative members may result in a violation of applicable competitive procurement law and termination of this National Cooperative BuyBoard contract. Therefore, all purchase orders from National Cooperative members must be processed through the BuyBoard. Please forward by e-mail to info@buyboard.com any order received directly from a National Cooperative member. If you inadvertently process a purchase order sent directly to you by a National Cooperative member, please fax the order to the above number and note it as RECORD ONLY to prevent duplication. As an awarded vendor a BuyBoard user id and password will be sent via e-mail 2 to 3 business days prior to the start of your contract. On behalf of the National Cooperative, we are looking forward to your participation in the program. If you have any questions, please contact Cooperative Procurement Staff at 800-695-2919. Sincerely, Arturo Salinas Department Director, Cooperative Procurement v.6.5 W!!'!!~® 12007 Research Boulevard ·Austin, Texas 78759-2439 ·PH: 800-695-2919 ·FAX: 800-211-5454 • buyboard.com 7. Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act: Clean Air Act (42 USC 7401-767lq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 USC 1251-1387), as amended - Contracts and subgrants of amounts in excess of $150,000 must contain a provision that requires the non-Federal award to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act ( 42 USC 7401- 767lq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 USC 1251-1387). Violations must be reported to the Federal awarding agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). When required, Vendor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. 8. Debarment and Suspension: Debarment and Suspension (Executive Orders 12549 and 12689) - A contract award (see 2 CFR 180.220) must not be made to parties listed on the government-wide exclusions in the System for Award Management (SAM), in accordance with the OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR Part 1966 Comp. p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR Part 1989 Comp. p. 235), "Debarment and Suspension." SAM Exclusions contains the names of parties debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, as well as parties declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. Vendor certifies that Vendor is not currently listed on the government-wide exclusions in SAM, is not debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies or declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. Vendor further agrees to immediately notify the Cooperative and all Cooperative members with pending purchases or seeking to purchase from Vendor if Vendor is later listed on the government-wide exclusions in SAM, or is debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies or declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. 9. Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment: Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31 USC 1352) --Vendors that apply or bid for an award exceeding $100,000 must file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 USC 1352. Each tier must also disclose any lobbying with non- Federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any Federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the non-Federal award. As applicable, Vendor agrees to file all certifications and disclosures required by, and otherwise comply with, the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31USC1352). 10. Procurement of Recovered Materials: For Cooperative member purchases utilizing Federal funds, Vendor agrees to comply with Section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act where applicable and provide such information and certifications as a Cooperative member may require to confirm estimates and otherwise comply. The requirements of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 40 CFR Part 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, where the purchase price of the item exceeds $10,000 or the value of the quantity acquired during the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000; procuring solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery, and establishing an affirmative procurement program for procurement of recovered materials identified in the EPA guidelines. 11. Profit as a Separate Element of Price: For purchases using federal funds in excess of the Simplified Acquisition Threshold, a Cooperative member may be required to negotiate profit as a separate element of the price. See, 2 CFR 200.323(b). When required by a Cooperative member, Vendor agrees to provide information and negotiate with the Cooperative member regarding profit as a separate element of the price for a particular purchase. However, Vendor agrees that the total price, including profit, charged by Vendor to the Cooperative member shall not exceed the awarded pricing, including any applicable discount, under Vendor's Cooperative Contract. Proposal Forms COMM/SVCS v.05.31.2019 /J!w!!.!!l!!.t!" Proposal Invitation No. 603-20-Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment (Catalogs/Pricelists must be submitted with Proposal or Proposal will not be considered 1.) NOTE: Vendors proposing various manufacturer product lines per line it em on the Proposal Specification Form must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: [Manufacturers shall be listed In alphabetical order D/endor's must list one specific percentage discount for each Manufacturer listed. If a vendor's response to Proposal Specification Form states "please see attachment sheet," all manufacturers listed on the attachment sheet must indicate per manufacturer the line item that correlates to Proposal Specification Form or Vendor's proposal may not be considered. Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment State Percent(%) of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/ Pricelist1 Catalog/ Pricelist1 Discount Discount(%) Off Please state the discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Firearms and 1 Catalog/Pricelist for Ammunition. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Firearms and considered. Ammunition Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Tactical Equipment. 2 Catalog/Pricelist for % Tactical Equipment Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Night Sticks and 3 Catalog/Pricelist for Batons. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Night Sticks and considered. Batons Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Riot Equipment/Body 4 Catalog/Pricelist for Armor. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Riot Equipment/Body considered. Armor Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Vehicle 5 Public Safety Vehicle Equipment and Related Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST % Equipment and related be included or proposal will not be considered. accessories PROPOSAL NOTE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FORM 1. Catalogs/Pricelists are required to be submitted with Proposal /JJJll!!'!..'!!!f Proposal Invitation No. 603-20-Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment (Catalogs/Pricelists must be submitted with Proposal or Proposal will not be considered 1.) State Percent (O/o) of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/ Pricelist1 Catalog/ Pricelist1 Discount Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Tear Gas/Mace and Catalog/Pricelist for 6 Tear Gas/Mace and related items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % related items considered. Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Night Vision 7 Catalog/Pricelist for Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Night Vision Equipment considered. Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Thermal Imaging Catalog/Pricelist for 8 Thermal Imaging Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Equipment considered. Discount (%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Flashlights, Batteries, Catalog/Pricelist for 9 Flashlights, Batteries, and related items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will % and related items not be considered. Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Electronic Stand-up Catalog/Pricelist for 10 Electronic Stand-up Vehicle (ESV). Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Vehicle (ESV) considered. Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for All Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for All Types of Public Types of Public Safety 11 Patrol Bicycles, Safety Patrol Bicycles, Supplies and Related Accessories. % Supplies and Related Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered Accessories PROPOSAL NOTE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FORM 1. Catalogs/Pricelists are required to be submitted with Proposal IJJw!!.!!f!!1l Proposal Invitation No. 603-20-Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment (Catalogs/Pricelists must be submitted with Proposal or Proposal will not be considered 1.) State Percent (O/o) of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/ Pricelist1 Catalog/ Pricelist1 Discount Discount (%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Rescue Catalog/Pricelist for 12 Public Safety Rescue Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Equipment considered. Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Handcuffs and 13 Catalog/Pricelist for Restraints. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Handcuffs and considered. Restraints Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Scopes and Binoculars. 14 Catalog/Pricelist for % Scopes and Binoculars Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Alcohol and Drug 15 Alcohol and Drug Testing Products and Related Services. catalog/Pricelist MUST be % Testing Products and included or proposal will not be considered. Related Services Discount (%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Law Enforcement Catalog/Pricelist for 16 Law Enforcement Training Targets. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not % Training Targets be considered. Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Fingerprint Equipment 17 Catalog/Pricelist for and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Fingerprint Equipment considered. and Supplies PROPOSAL NOTE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FORM 1. Catalogs/Pricelists are required to be submitted with Proposal /Jlw!!.!!..'!.[J[ Proposal Invitation No. 603-20-Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment (Catalogs/Pricelists must be submitted with Proposal or Proposal will not be considered 1.) State Percent(%) of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/ Pricelist1 Catalog/Pricelist1 Discount Discount (%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Law Enforcement 18 Catalog/Pricelist for Knives and Tools (multipurpose tools, clip tools, mini tools, and % Law Enforcement related accessories). Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will Knives and Tools not be considered. Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Uniforms, 19 Public Safety Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets, Footwear and Accessories. catalog/Pricelist % Rainwear, Jackets, MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Footwear and Accessories Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Weather Monitoring 20 Catalog/Pricelist for Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Weather Monitoring considered. ~ystems Discount(%) Off Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for Red Light Monitoring 21 Catalog/Pricelist for Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Red Light Monitoring considered. Systems Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Speed Enforcement 22 Catalog/Pricelist for Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Speed Enforcement considered. Equipment Discount (%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Life 23 Public Safety Life Preserver and Related Items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or % Preserver and Related proposal will not be considered. Items PROPOSAL NOTE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FORM 1. Catalogs/Pricelists are required to be submitted with Proposal IJJ!!Jl!'!'!!!" Proposal Invitation No. 603-20-Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment (Catalogs/Pricelists must be submitted with Proposal or Proposal will not be considered 1.) State Percent (0/o) of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/ Pricelist1 Catalog/ Pricelist1 Discount Discount (%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Emergency Radio 24 Emergency Radio Dispatch Consoles and related items. catalog/Pricelist MUST be % Dispatch Consoles and included or proposal will not be considered. related items Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Safety and Security Catalog/Pricelist for 25 Safety and Security Window Film Products. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal % Window Film Products will not be considered. Discount (%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for All Types Security 26 Catalog/Pricelist for All Access Doors and related accessories (accordion, roll up, % Types Security Access woodfold, flat lead post, narrow lead post, and curved). Doors Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for All Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety 27 Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or % Products and proposal will not be considered. Equipment Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety 28 Public Safety Equipment Repair Parts. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or % Equipment Repair proposal will not be considered. Parts PROPOSAL NOTE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FORM 1. Catalogs/Pricelists are required to be submitted with Proposal Pw!!.!!~!1l Proposal Invitation No. 603-20-Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment (Catalogs/Pricelists must be submitted with Proposal or Proposal will not be considered 1.) State Percent (O/o) of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/ Pricelist1 Catalog/ Pricelist1 Discount Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Public Safety Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety 29 Equipment and Equipment and Products Maintenance/Warranty Agreements. % Products Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Maintenance/Warranty Agreements Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment State Percent (0/o) of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/ Pricelist1 Catalog/Pricelist1 Discount Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Breathing Apparatus. 30 Catalog/Pricelist for % Breathing Apparatus Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Protective Clothing and 31 Rescue Gear including Rescue Gear including Protective Boots, Helmets and Gear % Protective Boots, Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be Helmets and Gear considered. Bags Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Turnout Gear. 32 Catalog/Pricelist for % Turnout Gear Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. PROPOSAL NOTE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FORM 1. Catalogs/Pricelists are required to be submitted with Proposal /Jlw!!!!'l!Jl Proposal Invitation No. 603-20-Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment (Catalogs/Pricelists must be submitted with Proposal or Proposal will not be considered 1.) State Percent (O/o) of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/Pricelist1 Catalog/Pricelist1 Discount Discount(%) Off Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for Nomex Station 33 Catalog/Pricelist for Uniforms. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Nomex Station considered. Uniforms Discount (%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Communication 34 Catalog/Pricelist for Devices and Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal % Communication will not be considered. Devices and Systems Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for EMS Supplies and 35 Catalog/Pricelist for Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % EMS Supplies and considered. Equipment Discount (%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Portable Lighting 36 Catalog/Pricelist for Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Portable Lighting considered. Equipment Discount(%) Off Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for Vehicle Light Bars, 37 Catalog/Pricelist for Sirens and Speakers. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal % Vehicle Light Bars, will not be considered. Sirens and Speakers Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extrication Rescue 38 Catalog/Pricelist for Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Fire Extrication Rescue considered. Equipment PROPOSAL NOTE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FORM 1. Catalogs/Pricelists are required to be submitted with Proposal IJJw!!..'!'!!IJ" Proposal Invitation No. 603-20-Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment (Catalogs/Pricelists must be submitted with Proposal or Proposal will not be considered1.) State Percent(%) of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/ Pricelist1 Catalog/Pricelisti Discount Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Uniforms, 39 Firehouse Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets, Footwear and Accessories. catalog/Pricelist % ~ainwear, Jackets, MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Footwear and Accessories Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Gas Detection Devices. 40 Catalog/Pricelist for % Gas Detection Devices Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Discount (%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. 41 Catalog/Pricelist for % Fire Hose and Nozzles Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extinguishers and 42 Catalog/Pricelist for Fire Fighting Foam. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will % Fire Extinguishers and not be considered. Fire Fighting Foam Discount (%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Fighting Training 43 Fire Fighting Training Materials and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or % Materials and proposal will not be considered. Equipment PROPOSAL NOTE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FORM 1. Catalogs/Pricelists are required to be submitted with Proposal /JJWl!.f!'!!Jl Proposal Invitation No. 603-20-Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment (Catalogs/Pricelists must be submitted with Proposal or Proposal will not be considered 1.) State Percent (0/o) of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/ Pricelist1 Catalog/ Pricelist1 Discount Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Optical Emergency 44 Optical Emergency Traffic Pre-Emption Supplies and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist % Traffic Pre-Emption MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Supplies and Equipment Bauer Discount(%) Off Compressors Entire Product Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse 15 Catalog 45 Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or % Equipment and proposal will not be considered. Supplies Bauer Parts Price List Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Equipment 12 46 Catalog/Pricelist for Repair Parts. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Firehouse Equipment Repair Parts considered. Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Equipment 47 Firehouse Equipment and Products Safety Maintenance/Warranty Agreements. % and Products Safety Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Maintenance/Warranty Agreements PROPOSAL NOTE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FORM 1. Catalogs/Pricelists are required to be submitted with Proposal /J!w!'!'!!!f Proposal Invitation No. 603-20-Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment (Catalogs/Pricelists must be submitted with Proposal or Proposal will not be considered1.) Section III: Traffic Signal Supplies and Equipment State Percent (0/o} of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/ Pricelist1 Catalog/Pricelisti Discount Discount(%) Off Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for Traffic Signal 48 Catalog/Pricelist for Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Traffic Signal considered. Equipment Discount (%) Off Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for Traffic Signal Supplies. 49 Catalog/Pricelist for % Traffic Signal Supplies Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Traffic Signal 50 Catalog/Pricelist for All Products. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Other Traffic Signal considered. Products Discount(%) Off Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Traffic Signal Repair 51 Catalog/Pricelist for Parts. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Traffic Signal Repair considered. Parts Discount(%) Off Catalog/Pricelist for Traffic Signal Please state the(%) off catalog/pricelist for Traffic Signal 52 Equipment and Equipment and Products Maintenance/Warranty Agreements. % Products Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Maintenance/Warranty Agreements PROPOSAL NOTE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FORM 1. Catalogs/Pricelists are required to be submitted with Proposal Pw!!.!!.'!J.t!" Proposal Invitation No. 603-20-Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment (Catalogs/Pricelists must be submitted with Proposal or Proposal will not be considered 1.) Section IV: Security Personnel Services and Solutions -In accordance with Chapter 1702 of the Texas Occupations Code, vendors proposing to serve Cooperative members in Texas must hold, maintain, and submit with their proposal a copy of their current, valid license as issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Vendors proposing to serve Cooperative members outside of Texas must hold, maintain, and submit with their proposal a copy of their current, valid license(s) which are required by an'' legal authority in the jurisdiction(s) Vendors propose to serve. State Percent (0/o) of Item Discount off State Name of Exceptions to No. Short Description Full Description Catalog/Pricelist1 Catalog/ Pricelist1 Discount Discount(%) Off Rate Please state the (%) off rate sheet for Security Personnel Services 53 Sheet for Security and Solutions (weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly) rates. $ Personnel Services and Solutions Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Section V: Installation and Repair Service Detailed Exceptions to Item Not to Exceed Hourly Information on Hourly Labor No. Short Description Full Description Labor Rate Hourly Labor Rate Rate Not to Exceed Hourly Labor Rate for Hourly Labor Rate for Installation/Repair Service of Public 54 Installation/Repair Safety Equipment and Products -State the Not to Exceed hourly $ Hour Service of Public Safety labor rate for Installation/Repair Service of Public Safety Equipment Equipment and and Products. Products Not to Exceed Hourly Labor Rate for Hourly Labor Rate for Installation/Repair Service of Firehouse $ 95.92 55 Installation/Repair Equipment and Products -State the Not to Exceed hourly labor /Hour Service of Firehouse rate for Installation/Repair Service of Firehouse Equipment and Equipment and Products. Products Not to Exceed Hourly Labor Rate for Hourly Labor Rate for Installation/Repair Service of Traffic 56 Installation/Repair Signal Equipment and Products -State the Not to Exceed hourly $ Hour Service of Traffic labor rate for Installation/Repair Service of Traffic Signal Equipment Signal Equipment and and Products. Products PROPOSAL NOTE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FORM 1. Catalogs/Pricelists are required to be submitted with Proposal