7448-SOWSCOPE OF WORK RFP #7448-AMI-AMR FEASIBILITY STUDY Project Name: AMI/AMR Feasibility Study Description: The City of Denton, Texas, is soliciting proposals for Automated Meter Reading (AMR) / Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI) assessment services to determine the feasibility, develop a deployment plan along with cost estimates and schedule for implementing an AMR/AMI system in the Water Utility service area. The City of Denton has approximately 39,000 meters ranging in size of 5/8” through 8” and a population over 130,000. Purpose  The purpose of this solicitation is to select a qualified consultant to conduct an evaluation of the existing water meter infrastructure, and develop recommendations, financial information, and implementation timelines for the City’s potential adoption of an Automated Meter Reading and/or Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMR/AMI) system that would best meet the needs of the City of Denton. CONSULTANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS:   Consulting Firm must have been continually in the business of providing AMI Consulting and Program Management, for at least 10 years.  Firm must have overseen at least three large AMI projects with over 50,000 service meters, including residential, commercial, and industrial customers within the last ten years. Some of the expected or potential outcomes for the evaluation of a fully automated AMR/AMI system are as follows:  Improved operational, meter reading and billing efficiency and reduced costs through remote data transmission  Improved customer service (ability to communicate more information and collect more timely information such as leak detection, abnormal usage patterns, and real-time consumption date, etc.)  Improved water usage accountability  Interface with Computer information system (CIS) and other necessary applications  Increased safety for field operations  Remote meter connect/disconnect  Tamper/theft detection  Reduced billing adjustments  Optimized revenue and reduced field work costs  Ability to retrofit existing newly installed meters with AMI/AMR units and make recommendations based on cost benefit.  Determine reliability of meter reads through existing meter boxes and vaults Scope of Work: The consultant must perform a comprehensive analysis of the current water distribution metering system needs, water customer service infrastructure, customer billing, software, cost, feasibility, viability and relative advantages and disadvantages of installing an AMR/AMI system citywide. The Consultant will develop up to three alternatives/options for the implementation and deployment of AMR/AMI program throughout the City. At least one alternative shall include a hybrid approach where some or all existing meters are not replaced but AMR/AMI technology is added to them. Each alternative analysis shall include recommendations of hardware (meters, computer systems, devices, etc.) with the advantages and disadvantages of each type of installation within the existing environment, and a cost-benefit analysis for consideration by the City. The City may select one alternative for development of an implementation plan. Project description:   The Consultant shall identify functional and technical requirements; produce a project plan, which shall consist of the work breakdown roles and structure from existing operational needs, scheduling, budget, staff requirements, risk plan, communication plan, quality control plan, potential procurement plan, meter change-out program development and failure rate/warranty expectations with each system.   Task 1: Project Management The selected Consultant must provide project management support, including participation in at least monthly meetings with the City of Denton’s Project Team, overseeing project schedule, tracking task status, and reporting issues. The selected consultant will be required to assign a dedicated Project Manager for the duration of the project to manage the assigned resources and ensure the requirements of this project are fully satisfied. In addition, the selected consultant will develop and maintain a schedule illustrating the work plan for executing the necessary activities to complete the delivery described in this Scope of Work. This schedule must be updated at least monthly.  Develop a proposed schedule with major milestones.  Recommend the makeup of City’s project team for AMR/AMI.  Assess the capacity of City’s staff to adequately support an implementation project and ongoing operations after implementation. Task 2A: Assessment of Existing Metering System The selected Consultant will perform an assessment of the City’s current water system infrastructure, billing system integration and IT requirements. The Contractor shall conduct data gathering meetings / interviews with various City departments including but not limited to Water Metering, Customer Service, Development Services, Denton Municipal Electric (DME), Finance/Budget and Tech Services (TS/IT). The purpose of this task is to familiarize the selected Consultant with the current system conditions as well as the needs and expectations of the end-users after successful implementation of a new AMR/AMI system.   Task 2B: Compatibility Assessment of Existing Billing System The City currently uses NorthStar as its customer information and billing system. The selected consultant will be expected to verify compatibility with NorthStar. During the Assessment phase, the Consultant shall assess how the proposed new meters will be incorporated into the current billing system. Subsequently, the Consultant will prepare a transition plan that will ensure a smooth and successful transition plan from the existing system to the new system.   Task 3: Evaluation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Technologies The Consultant shall evaluate available AMR/AMI technologies and provide recommendations on the best use of technology given the City’s operating environment. This evaluation shall include:  Evaluate the performance of alternative meter reading technologies (system- wide AMR, system-wide AMI, and/or a hybrid system) from industry-leading manufacturers of AMR/AMI technologies in comparison to the base case (current methods) and determine the relative advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.  Determine if multiple AMR/AMI systems are available to meet City’s needs ensuring that a fair, open and competitive process can be used to select a responsible vendor/contractor.  Provide recommendations for an AMR/AMI technology system, billing system integration, staffing evaluation, and other technology issues.  Define the risks this project poses to the organization and the required mitigation strategies. These are from all aspects of the project including equipment failure, battery life expectancy, customer billing issues, communication problems, and software issues with migrating the new meter information into our billing system. The consultant shall also provide information on the critical success and risk factors of projects similar in size and scope as well as direction on implementation.  Review and evaluate the option of integrating with DME electric meter reading system.   Task 4: Financial Analysis The Consultant shall include an estimate for infrastructure cost associated with the recommended AMR/AMI improvements as well as annual operation and maintenance cost for the first ten years of operation. A full economic analysis will be completed including a full cost/benefit analysis, revenue recovery and payback, return on investment, life cycle cost, and net present value. The financial analysis shall address how the system will improve/reduce current and future billing issues. Items to be addressed in the financial cost benefit analysis are:  Years to Payback  Net Present value  Return on Investment  Cash flow analysis  Funding options/recommendations, funding schedule by fiscal year and source of funding including grants and any other financing options  Assessment of the impact of the project on City’s rates, fees and charges  Ensures that all required IT, communications and other hardware and software needed for a successful implementation are detailed and any conflicts identified and corrective actions recommended.  Recommendations concerning meter changeout schedules, based on the expected lifecycle of the new meters and the schedule for conversion to AMI/AMR meters outlined in the implementation plan.  The Consultant shall also identify and evaluate any grant, rebate, or other alternative funding source for implementation of an AMR/AMI system that the City would be eligible to apply for and obtain.   Task 5: Business Case Recommendations Recommendations shall include a recommended AMR/AMI system to implement along with type of system recommended while considering the potential retrofit of existing newer meters to compliment the proposed system. A summary of the financial analysis as well as an estimated phasing schedule for construction/installation shall be included.  As part of the Business Case development, assess and report on the organizational impact of potential AMI/AMR solutions on applicable City business processes, personnel, and technology.   Task 6: AMR/AMI Implementation Plan The Consultant shall also develop a “Road Map” for the City to consider if the City chooses to implement an AMR/AMI system. The Implementation Plan shall include a basic description of how the selected AMR/AMI technology would be deployed in a phased approach within the entire City water service area. For the selected alternative, the implementation options shall address project planning, budgeting, and overall system performance. A schedule for implementation of the project shall be estimated based on the findings of the study along with the selected system type. Develop an effective communications plan that includes all aspects of the project from start to finish. This plan should give expected timelines on when communication should start, how often, when it should be updated, to whom and what methods should be utilized. This plan shall also include an approach and examples of communications to customers about the system being installed, what to expect, changing out meters, billing questions as well as internal communication with all City AMR/AMI Team members to keep informed.   Summary    Guide the City in objectively assessing the criteria and conditions that must be addressed with respect to existing systems within the City to successfully deploy an automatic metering system. Evaluate and recommend potential synergies and/or modifications to existing pilot systems to improve or build on the proposed system.  Quantify specific operational benefits to be realized through AMR/AMI implementation.  Identify qualified AMR/AMI vendors and technologies that will meet the City’s needs, including assessment of their long-term viability.  Identify AMR/AMI technology alternatives that present reasonable options for the City.  Review and present the City with existing systems available in the market, the tradeoffs among those systems, and how the various functionalities of the systems can lead to operational benefits.  Review, evaluate, and report on potential initiatives or opportunities for the City to partner with our electric power company (DME) to collaborate on AMI infrastructure costs.  Conduct a risk assessment of available alternatives and recommend strategies to minimize AMR/AMI implementation risks. Provide alternatives and strategies to reduce the impact and risk in operations, customer service, AMI installation, and management.  Evaluate applicable existing City IT hardware and software systems for required interface with AMR/AMI. Assess if meter data management (MDMS) system upgrades are required and make recommendations.