7486 - SPECIFICATION - Aggregates for Exterior Improvements (32 05 16)32 05 16 AGGREGATES FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS Page 1 of 7 CITY OF DENTON RFP 7486 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 SECTION 32 05 16 1 AGGREGATES FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1. Coarse and fine aggregate requirements for asphalt and concrete. 6 B. Deviations from this City of Denton Standard Specification: 7 1. None. 8 C. Related Specification Sections include but are not limited to: 9 1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the 10 Contract. 11 2. Division 1 - General Requirements. 12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Aggregate materials, equipment, tools, and incidentals will not be measured or paid for 14 separately. All items required for the testing and furnishing of aggregates is subsidiary 15 to other pertinent items. 16 1.3 REFERENCES 17 A. Abbreviations and Acronyms 18 1. AQMP – Texas Department of Transportation’s Aggregate Quality Monitoring 19 Program (Tex-499-A) 20 2. BRSQC – Texas Department of Transportation’s Bituminous Rated Source Quality 21 Catalog 22 3. CRSQC – Texas Department of Transportation’s Concrete Rated Source Quality 23 Catalog 24 4. HMA – Hot-Mix Asphalt 25 5. RAP – Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement 26 6. RAS – Recycled Asphalt Shingles 27 7. SAC – Surface Aggregate Classification 28 8. TxDOT – Texas Department of Transportation 29 9. WWARP – Wet Weather Accident Reduction Program 30 B. Reference Standards 31 1. Reference standards cited in this Section refer to the current reference standard 32 published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Section 33 unless a date is specifically cited. 34 2. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Departmental Material 35 Specifications (DMS) 36 a. DMS-9210, Limestone Rock Asphalt (LRA). 37 3. TxDOT Test Procedures: 38 32 05 16 AGGREGATES FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS Page 2 of 7 CITY OF DENTON RFP 7486 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 a. Tex-100-E, Surveying and Sampling Soils for Highways. 1 b. Tex-107-E, Determining the Bar Linear Shrinkage of Soils. 2 c. Tex-200-F, Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. 3 d. Tex-203-F, Sand Equivalent Test. 4 e. Tex-217-F, Determining Deleterious Material and Decantation Test for Coarse 5 Aggregates (Bituminous Mixtures). 6 f. Tex-221-F, Sampling Aggregate for Bituminous Mixtures, Surface Treatments, 7 and Limestone Rock Asphalt. 8 g. Tex-280-F, Determining Flat and Elongated Particles. 9 h. Tex-402-A, Fineness Modulus of Fine Aggregate. 10 i. Tex-406-A, Material finer than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregates 11 (Decantation Test for Concrete Aggregates) 12 j. Tex-408-A, Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate for Concrete. 13 k. Tex-410-A, Abrasion of Coarse Aggregate Using the Los Angeles Machine. 14 l. Tex-411-A, Soundness of Aggregate Using Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium 15 Sulfate. 16 m. Tex-413-A, Determining Deleterious Material in Mineral Aggregate. 17 n. Tex-460-A, Determining Crushed Face Particle Count. 18 o. Tex-499-A, Aggregate Quality Monitoring Program. 19 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 20 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 21 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 22 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 23 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 24 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 25 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 26 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 27 1. Secure and maintain a location to store the material in accordance with Section 01 28 66 00. 29 B. Storage and Stockpiling of Aggregates 30 1. General 31 a. Selected stockpiling location should be relatively flat. Clean the area of trash, 32 weeds, and grass. 33 b. Stockpile aggregates for each source and type separately. 34 c. Do not add materials to approved stockpiles. 35 d. Prevent segregation of the aggregates and maintain the stockpiles. 36 2. Coarse Aggregates 37 a. Separate the stockpiles into different gradations. 38 b. The stockpiles should be separated so that the grading requirements of final 39 product are met when the piles are combined. 40 c. No more than 20 percent by weight of material that passes a number 8 sieve 41 will be allowed in the coarse aggregate stockpile unless specified in the 42 Drawings. 43 32 05 16 AGGREGATES FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS Page 3 of 7 CITY OF DENTON RFP 7486 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 3. Fine Aggregates 1 a. Stockpiles may contain coarse aggregate of up to 20-percent by weight. 2 b. The coarse aggregate included in the fine aggregate stockpile is required to 3 meet the quality tests specified in Table 2. 4 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 5 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 6 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 7 2.1 CITY-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 8 2.2 MATERIALS 9 A. General 10 1. Provide aggregates free from loam, clay balls, or other injurious foreign matter 11 occurring either free or as a coating. 12 2. Provide aggregates in accordance with the definitions in Tex-100-E. 13 3. Perform, document, and provide all test results for aggregate testing. 14 4. Provide aggregates from sources that stockpile each type of aggregate separately. 15 5. Furnish LRA in accordance with DMS-9210, “Limestone Rock Asphalt (LRA)” 16 when used. 17 6. Provide aggregates for asphalt production from TxDOT’s Bituminous Rated Source 18 Quality Catalog (BRSQC). 19 7. Provide aggregates for concrete production from TxDOT’s Concrete Rated Source 20 Quality Catalog (CRSQC). 21 8. Submit material tests from source locations to verify the aggregates are in 22 accordance with this Section. 23 9. Conform aggregate sampling to Tex-221-F. 24 Table 1 25 Aggregate Types 26 Type Material A Gravel, crushed slag, crushed stone, or LRA B Crushed gravel, crushed slag, crushed stone, or LRA C Gravel, crushed slag, or crushed stone D Crushed gravel, crushed slag, or crushed stone B. Coarse Aggregate 27 1. The portion of the total aggregates retained on the number 10 sieve. 28 2. Provide coarse aggregate of uniform quality throughout. 29 3. Asphalt Requirements 30 a. General 31 1) Provide aggregates from stockpiles that have no more than 20% material 32 passing the number 8 sieve. 33 32 05 16 AGGREGATES FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS Page 4 of 7 CITY OF DENTON RFP 7486 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 2) Provide aggregates that meet the definitions of crushed gravel or crushed 1 stone in accordance with Tex-100-E. 2 3) Use only the rated values on the BRSQC for hot-mix. Rated values for 3 surface treatment do not apply to coarse aggregate sources used in hot-mix 4 asphalt. 5 4) Maximum aggregate size should not be over half of the proposed lift depth 6 to prevent particle on particle contact issues. 7 b. RAP 8 1) Aggregate from RAP is not required to meet the requirements of Table 2 9 unless otherwise specified in the Drawings or directed by the City. 10 c. SAC Requirements 11 1) Furnish aggregate with a minimum SAC of A for all surface course asphalt 12 lifts used on travel lanes. The BRSQC lists the SAC for sources on the 13 AQMP. 14 2) Do not blend aggregate to meet the SAC unless otherwise approved. 15 3) If blending is approved by the City: 16 a) Class A and Class B aggregates are defined in TxDOT WWARP. 17 b) Class B aggregate meeting all other requirements in Table 2 may be 18 blended with a Class A aggregate to meet requirements for Class A 19 materials. 20 (1) Ensure that at least 50 percent by weight, or volume if required, of 21 the material retained on the Number 4 sieve comes from the Class 22 A aggregate source. 23 c) Blend by volume if the bulk specific gravities of Class A and B 24 aggregates differ by more than 0.300. 25 d) Coarse aggregate from RAP and RAS will be considered as Class B 26 aggregate for blending purposes. 27 4. Concrete Requirements 28 a. General 29 1) Provide coarse aggregate consisting of durable particles of gravel, crushed 30 blast furnace slag in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C989 31 Grade 100 or 120, recycled crushed hydraulic cement concrete, crushed 32 stone, or combinations which are free from frozen material and from 33 injurious amounts of salt, alkali, vegetable matter, or other objectionable 34 material. 35 2) Provide coarse aggregate of uniform quality throughout. 36 37 38 32 05 16 AGGREGATES FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS Page 5 of 7 CITY OF DENTON RFP 7486 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 Table 2 1 Coarse Aggregate Requirements 2 Property Test Method Requirement Sampling Tex-221-F – SAC Tex-499-A (AQMP) Note 1 Deleterious material, percent maximum Tex-217-F, Part 1 1.5 Decantation, percent maximum Tex-406-A, Part 2 1.5 Los Angeles Abrasion, percent maximum Tex-410-A 40 Magnesium sulfate soundness,2,3 5 cycles, percent maximum (non-air-entrained concrete and asphalt) Tex-411-A 25 Coarse aggregate angularity, 2 crushed faces, percent minimum Tex-460-A, Part 1 85 Additional Requirements for Asphalt Flat and elongated particles at 5:1, percent maximum Tex-280-F 10 Additional Requirements for Concrete Magnesium sulfate soundness,2,4 5 cycles, percent maximum (air-entrained concrete) Tex-411-A 18 Weight of Clay Lumps, percent maximum Tex-413-A 0.25 Weight of Shale, percent maximum 1.0 Weight of Laminate and Friable Particle, percent maximum 5.0 1. SAC A for All Surface Courses Unless Otherwise Noted on Drawings. 2. Recycled crushed hydraulic cement concrete is not subject to 5-cycle magnesium sulfate soundness requirements. 3. Only when air-entrained concrete is required by the plans. 4. FOR CONCRETE ONLY: If the material finer than the number 200 sieve is determined to be at least 85% calcium carbonate in accordance with Tex-406-A: • Increase the decantation limit to 3.0 percent for all classes of concrete. • Increase the decantation limit to 5.0 percent for Class A, B, and P concrete. • Provide test results with concrete action submittals. C. Fine Aggregate 3 1. Consists of crushed stone, crushed gravel, sand, and/or limestone or steel slag 4 screenings 5 2. Provide fine aggregate, except for field sand, from coarse aggregate sources that 6 meet the requirements of this specification. 7 3. Asphalt Requirements 8 a. Provide sand, limestone, or steel slag screenings passing the number 40 sieve 9 that conform to the requirements shown in Table 3. 10 b. Provide aggregates free from impurities. 11 c. Use fine aggregate, with the exception of field sand, from coarse aggregate 12 sources that conform to requirements in Table 3. 13 d. Sand 14 1) No more than 15 percent of the total aggregate may be field sand or other 15 uncrushed fine aggregate. 16 2) Gradation – The gradation of the sand is the portion of the total aggregate 17 that passes the No. 10 sieve. Provide sand that is well graded and composed 18 of sound, durable sand particles. 19 20 32 05 16 AGGREGATES FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS Page 6 of 7 CITY OF DENTON RFP 7486 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 4. Concrete Requirements 1 a. Provide fine aggregate consisting of natural sand, manufactured sand, or a 2 combination of the two, that is clean, hard, durable, uncoated, and free from 3 clay lumps. 4 b. Provide fine aggregate free from frozen material and injurious amounts of salt, 5 alkali, vegetable matter, or other objectionable material. 6 Table 3 7 Fine Aggregate Requirements 8 Property Test Method Requirement Requirements for Asphalt Linear Shrinkage, Percent, Maximum Tex-107-E 3 Organic Impurities Tex-408-A None allowed Additional Requirements for Concrete Weight of clay lumps, percent maximum Tex-413-A 0.50 Sand Equivalent, percent maximum Tex-203-F 80 Fineness Modulus Tex-402-A 2.3 to 3.1 Organic Impurities* Tex-408-A None allowed * - Only when air-entrained concrete is required by the plans. 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 9 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 10 A. Aggregate Quality Requirements 11 1. Submit material tests from source location to verify the aggregates are in 12 accordance with the applicable requirements in Tables 2 and 3. 13 a. Test and Evaluation Reports 14 a) Provide testing and evaluation reports to the City for each material 15 being used to prepare concrete pavement. Test samples or provide 16 product data verifying source material complies with all requirements 17 in this Section. Materials to be tested include, but are not limited to: 18 (1) Coarse and Fine Aggregate Testing 19 (a) Provide verification that the material source location is listed 20 on TxDOT’s CRSQC. If listed, source quality testing may be 21 waived. 22 (b) If the source location is not listed on TxDOT’s CRSQC, 23 provide all testing and evaluation reports to verify the source 24 material complies with all requirements in Section 32 05 16. 25 (2) Cement and Supplementary Cementing materials 26 (3) Manufacturer supplied testing and product data 27 2. Submit new material tests from any new source location. 28 B. Non-Conforming Work 29 1. General 30 a. The City may at any time reject a material if it is found to be non-conforming to 31 this Section. 32 b. The City may require the Contractor at any time to remove and replace installed 33 Concrete Pavement if any material used is found to be non-conforming at no 34 cost to the City. 35 36 32 05 16 AGGREGATES FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS Page 7 of 7 CITY OF DENTON RFP 7486 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 2. Aggregates 1 a. Test in accordance with specified ASTM and TxDOT Test Methods in this 2 Section. 3 b. Aggregates that fail to meet the requirements of this Section will be rejected. 4 c. Aggregate source locations may be rejected if supplied aggregates do not meet 5 the requirements of this Section. 6 d. Any rejection of materials or source locations will be at no cost to the City. 7 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] 8 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 9 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 10 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 11 3.4 INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 12 3.5 REPAIR [NOT USED] 13 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 14 3.7 SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 15 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 16 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 17 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 18 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 19 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 20 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 21 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 22 END OF SECTION 23 24 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 25