7486 - SPECIFICATION- Asphalt Paving (32 12 16)32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 1 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 SECTION 32 12 16 1 ASPHALT PAVING 2 GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1. Material requirements and construction methods for: 6 a. Asphalt Pavement 7 b. Asphalt Level-Up 8 c. Temporary Asphalt Pavement 9 B. Deviations from this City of Denton Standard Specification: 10 1. None. 11 C. Related Specification Sections include but are not limited to: 12 1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the 13 Contract. 14 2. Division 1 - General Requirements. 15 3. Section 32 01 17 – Flexible Paving Repair. 16 4. Section 32 11 29 – Lime Treated Base Courses. 17 5. Section 32 12 73 – Asphalt Paving Joint Sealants. 18 6. Section 32 05 16 – Aggregates for Exterior Improvements. 19 7. Section 41 14 00 – Batching Equipment. 20 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 21 A. Measurement and Payment 22 1. Asphalt Pavement (SY) 23 a. Measurement 24 1) Measured per square yard of Asphalt Pavement installed. 25 b. Payment 26 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this item 27 and measured as provided under “Measurement” will be paid for at the unit 28 price bid per square yard for “Asphalt Pavement (SY)” for: 29 a) Various types. 30 b) Various depths. 31 c) Various performance grade binders. 32 d) Various SAC requirements. 33 c. The price bid shall include: 34 1) Furnishing and installing Asphalt Pavement as specified by the Drawings 35 2) Shaping and fine grading the placement area 36 3) Testing and trial batches 37 4) All costs associated with obtaining and submitting the required action and 38 informational submittals 39 5) Asphalt, aggregate, and additives 40 6) Materials and work needed for any corrective action 41 7) Tack coat, PCE, Fog Seal, Crack sealant 42 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 2 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 8) Removal and/or sweeping excess material 1 2. Asphalt Pavement (TON) 2 a. Measurement 3 1) Measured tons of Asphalt Pavement (TON) installed 4 a) Tonnage is based on the rate of 110 lb/SY/in (pounds/square 5 yard/pavement inch) 6 b. Payment 7 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this item 8 and measured as provided under “Measurement” will be paid for at the unit 9 price bid per ton for “Asphalt Pavement (TON)” for: 10 a) Various types. 11 b) Various depths. 12 c) Various performance grade binders. 13 d) SAC requirements. 14 c. The price bid shall include: 15 1) Furnishing and installing Asphalt Pavement as specified by the Drawings 16 2) Shaping and fine grading the placement area 17 3) Testing and trial batches 18 4) All costs associated with obtaining and submitting the required action and 19 informational submittals 20 5) Asphalt, aggregate, and additives 21 6) Materials and work needed for any corrective action 22 7) Tack coat, PCE, Fog Seal, Crack sealant 23 8) Removal and/or sweeping excess material 24 25 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 3 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 3. Asphalt Level-Up 1 a. Measurement 2 1) Measured ton of Asphalt Level-Up installed 3 a) Tonnage is based on the rate of 110 lb/SY/in (pounds/square 4 yard/pavement inch) 5 b. Payment 6 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this item 7 and measured as provided under “Measurement” will be paid for at the unit 8 price bid per ton for “Asphalt Level-Up”. 9 c. The price bid shall include: 10 1) Furnishing and installing Asphalt Level-Up as specified by the Drawings 11 2) Shaping and fine grading the roadbed (as needed) 12 3) Testing and trial batches 13 4) All costs associated with obtaining and submitting the required action and 14 informational submittals 15 5) Asphalt, aggregate, and additives 16 6) Materials and work needed for any corrective action 17 7) Tack coat, PCE, Fog Seal, Crack sealant 18 8) Removal and/or sweeping excess material 19 4. Temporary Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement 20 a. Measurement 21 1) Measured per square yard of Temporary Asphalt Pavement installed. 22 b. Payment 23 1) The work performed, and materials furnished in accordance with this item 24 and measured as provided under “Measurement” will be paid for at the unit 25 price bid per square yard for Temporary Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement for: 26 a) Various depths of TY B asphalt pavement. 27 b) Various types of subgrade. 28 c) Examples: 29 (1) Temporary Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement, 4” of TY B on 6” of 30 Flexbase Subgrade 31 (2) Temporary Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement, 6” of TY B on 8” of 32 Cement Stabilized Subgrade 33 (3) Temporary Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement, 8” of TY B on 10” of Lime 34 Stabilized Subgrade 35 c. The price bid shall include: 36 1) Furnishing and installing Temporary Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement as 37 specified by the Drawings 38 2) Installation and of temporary asphalt 39 3) Any subgrade required per the drawings or requested by the Contractor due 40 to site conditions. Subgrade could consist of compacted subgrade, treated 41 subgrade, or flexible base. 42 4) Maintaining temporary asphalt for the duration of the traffic control phase 43 it is used for. 44 5) Removal of the temporary asphalt is considered subsidiary to the 45 installation. 46 6) Shaping and fine grading the roadbed (as needed) 47 7) Testing and trial batches (as needed) 48 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 4 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 8) All costs associated with obtaining and submitting the required action and 1 informational submittals 2 9) Asphalt, aggregate, and additives 3 10) Materials and work needed for any corrective action 4 11) Tack coat, PCE, Fog Seal, Crack sealant 5 12) Removal and/or sweeping excess material 6 1.3 REFERENCES 7 A. Abbreviations and Acronyms 8 1. AQMP – Texas Department of Transportation’s Aggregate Quality Monitoring 9 Program (Tex-499-A) 10 2. BRSQC – Texas Department of Transportation’s Bituminous Rated Source Quality 11 Catalog 12 3. HMA – Hot-Mix Asphalt 13 4. MPL – Texas Department of Transportation’s Material Producer List 14 5. MTD – Material Transfer Device 15 6. PCE – Prime, Cure, and Erosion Control 16 7. RAP – Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement 17 8. RAS – Recycled Asphalt Shingles 18 9. SAC – Surface Aggregate Classification 19 10. TCEQ – Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 20 11. TGC – Texas Gyratory Compactor 21 12. TxDOT – Texas Department of Transportation 22 13. VMA – Voids in Mineral Aggregate 23 B. Reference Standards 24 1. Reference standards cited in this Section refer to the current reference standard 25 published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Section 26 unless a date is specifically cited. 27 2. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 28 a. Handbook 44 – Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements 29 for Weighing and Measuring Devices. 30 3. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 31 Standards: 32 a. M323, Standard Specification for Superpave Volumetric Mix Design 33 b. R35, Standard Practice for Superpave Volumetric Design for Hot Mix Asphalt 34 c. T48, Standard Method of Test for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open 35 Cup 36 d. T201, Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts (Bitumens) 37 e. T202, Standard Method of Test for Viscosity of Asphalts by Vacuum Capillary 38 Viscometer 39 f. T315, Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of 40 Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) 41 g. T316, Standard Method of Test for Viscosity Determination of Asphalt Binder 42 Using Rotational Viscometer 43 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 5 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 h. T313, Test Method for Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of Asphalt 1 Binder Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) 2 4. TxDOT Test Procedures: 3 a. Tex-106-E, Calculating the Plasticity Index of Soils 4 b. Tex-107-E, Determining the Bar Linear Shrinkage of Soils 5 c. Tex-200-F, Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates 6 d. Tex-204-F, Design of Bituminous Mixtures 7 e. Tex-205-F, Laboratory Method of Mixing Bituminous Mixtures 8 f. Tex-206-F, Compacting Specimens Using the Texas Gyratory Compactor 9 (TGC) 10 g. Tex-207-F, Determining Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures 11 h. Tex-211-F, Recovery of Asphalt from Bituminous Mixtures by the Abson 12 Process 13 i. Tex-212-F, Determining Moisture Content of Bituminous Materials 14 j. Tex-217-F, Determining Deleterious Material and Decantation Test for Coarse 15 Aggregates 16 k. Tex-222-F, Sampling Bituminous Mixtures 17 l. Tex-226-F, Indirect Tensile Strength Test 18 m. Tex-227-F, Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity of Bituminous Mixtures 19 n. Tex-236-F, Determining Asphalt Content from Asphalt Paving Mixtures by the 20 Ignition Method 21 o. Tex-242-F, Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Test 22 p. Tex-243-F, Tack Coat Adhesion 23 q. Tex-244-F, Thermal Profile of Hot Mix Asphalt 24 r. Tex-406-A, Material Finer than 75 µm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates 25 (Decantation Test for Concrete Aggregates) 26 s. Tex-499-A, Texas Department of Transportation’s Aggregate Quality 27 Monitoring Program (AQMP) 28 t. Tex-530-C, Effect of Water on Bituminous Paving Mixtures 29 u. Tex-540-C, Measurement of Polymer Separation on Heating in Modified 30 Asphalt Systems 31 v. Tex-541-C, Rolling Thin Film Oven Test for Asphalt Binders 32 w. Tex-923-K, Verifying the Accuracy of Liquid Additive Metering Systems 33 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 34 A. Pre-Paving Meeting 35 1. Hold meeting 1 week prior to performing any tasks included under Asphalt Paving. 36 2. Invite the City and appropriate representatives. 37 3. Prior to pre-paving meeting, prepare the following: 38 a. Paving Plan including: 39 1) Paving widths 40 2) Joint offsets 41 3) Lift thicknesses for each paving course 42 b. Paving Process including: 43 1) Process to balance production, delivery, paving, and compaction to achieve 44 continuous placement operations and good ride quality. 45 2) Procedures to construct quality longitudinal and transverse joints 46 3) Proposed rolling pattern in accordance with Asphalt Placement. 47 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 6 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 c. Action and Information Submittals to be reviewed and approved: 1 1) Product Data 2 2) Hot-Mix Asphalt Mix Design 3 3) Trial Batch Testing 4 4) Certifications 5 5) Testing and Evaluation Reports 6 6) Equipment Submittal 7 7) Location of all Material Sources 8 8) Testing Laboratory 9 1.5 SUBMITTALS 10 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 11 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to commencement of any Asphalt 12 Paving activities. 13 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 14 A. Shop Drawings 15 1. Product Data 16 a. Provide electronic product data from each manufacturer that is supplying 17 asphalt binder, tack coat, Fog Seal, PCE, mineral filler, or additives to be used 18 on the project. 19 b. Product data sheets will include: 20 1) Manufacturer name 21 2) Date 22 3) Material description 23 4) Point of delivery 24 5) Produce data and test results as required in this specification 25 6) Material Safety Data Sheets (if applicable, required for PCE and all 26 additives) 27 7) Manufacturer Recommended Storing Data (if applicable) 28 8) Application Recommendations (if applicable) 29 9) Liquid Antistripping Agent Specific Data: 30 a) Specific gravity of the agent at the manufacturer’s recommended 31 addition temperature 32 b) Manufacturer’s recommended dosage range 33 c) Manufacturer’s Recommended Storage and Handling instructions 34 2. Hot-Mix Asphalt Mix Design – Provide the project mix design using the template 35 provided in Tex-204-F. The submittal will include: 36 a. The combined aggregate gradation, source, specific gravity, and percent of each 37 material used. 38 b. Asphalt binder content and aggregate gradation of Reclaimed Asphalt Paving 39 (RAP) and Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS) stockpiles. 40 c. The target laboratory-molded density. 41 d. Results of all applicable tests in accordance with Delivery, Storage, and 42 Handling, Materials, and Source Quality Control. 43 e. Additive information including type, quantity, addition rate, and moisture 44 resistance requirements 45 f. The mixing and molding temperatures. 46 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 7 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 g. The signature of the person or persons performing the design. 1 h. The date the mixture design was performed. 2 i. The unique identification number for the mixture design. 3 B. Informational Submittals 4 1. Source Locations 5 a. Provide the location of all material sources 6 2. Equipment Information 7 a. Submittal for all major equipment to include: 8 1) Equipment name 9 2) Size 10 3) Intended use 11 3. Certificates 12 a. Provide material certifications for all asphalt paving materials certifying the 13 material complies with this Section. 14 b. Additional PCE Certifications 15 1) Provide a certification letter from an approved analytical lab per TxDOT’s 16 MPL with the product data sheet for PCE that has been signed by a lab 17 official indicating the PCE formulation does not: 18 a) Meet any characteristics of a Resource Conservation Recovery Act 19 (RCRA) hazardous waste. 20 b) Contain any or Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the product. 21 4. Test and Evaluation Reports 22 a. Provide testing and evaluation reports to the City for each material being used 23 to prepare asphalt pavement. Test samples to verify source material complies 24 with all requirements in this specification. Materials to be tested include, but 25 are not limited to: 26 1) Coarse and Fine Aggregate Testing 27 a) Provide verification material source location is listed on TxDOT’s 28 BRSQC. If it is listed, source quality testing may be waived. 29 b) If the source location is not listed on TxDOT’s BRSQC, provide all 30 testing and evaluation reports to verify the source material complies 31 with all requirements of Section 32 05 16. 32 2) Asphalt Binder 33 a) Manufacturer Supplied Testing Reports for Performance Grade Asphalt 34 Binder 35 b) Daily records of asphalt binder temperatures in accordance with section 36 Placement Operations. 37 b. Gyratory Compactor 38 1) Supply the City with the gyratory compactor correlation factor determined 39 as part of Source Quality Control. 40 c. Trial Batch 41 1) Provide a testing and evaluation report to the City for the trial batch 42 prepared in accordance with Source Quality Control. The trial batch will be 43 a representative sample verifying that the mix design meets the 44 requirements of this specification. 45 2) Provide the mix design that was used to produce the trial batch with the 46 trial batch test and evaluation reports. 47 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 8 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 5. Testing Laboratory 1 a. Submit for review and approval the following information for each testing 2 laboratory used on the project: 3 1) Testing Laboratory Name 4 2) Location 5 3) What tests will be performed at the lab if multiple labs are used. 6 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS 7 A. Test and Evaluation Reports 8 1. All test reports generated during testing. 9 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 10 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 11 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 12 A. Secure and maintain a location to store the material in accordance with Section 01 66 13 00. 14 B. Storage, Heating, and Application Temperatures of Bituminous Materials 15 1. Store and apply materials at the lowest temperature yielding satisfactory results. 16 2. Use storage and application temperatures in accordance with Table 1. 17 3. No material will be heated above the maximum temperature shown. 18 4. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for agitation requirements in storage. 19 5. Manufacturer’s instructions regarding application and storage temperatures 20 supersede those in Table 1. 21 Table 1 22 Storage and Application Temperatures 23 Type – Grade Application Storage Maximum Degrees Fahrenheit Recommended Range Degrees Fahrenheit Maximum Allowable Degrees Fahrenheit CSS-1h 50 – 130 140 140 PCE 50 – 130 140 140 PG Binders 275 – 350 350 350 C. Storage and Stockpiling of Recycled Materials 24 1. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 25 a. Test any RAP stockpiles (coarse and fine) for decantation in accordance with 26 Tex-406-A, Part 1. 27 b. Determine the plasticity index for RAP stockpiles (coarse and fine) in 28 accordance with Tex-106-E if the decantation value exceeds 5 percent. 29 c. Decantation and plasticity index requirements do not apply to RAP samples 30 with asphalt removed by extraction or ignition. 31 2. Recycled Asphalt Shingles 32 a. Stockpile to contain less than 0.5 percent deleterious materials. 33 b. Test stockpile in accordance with Tex-217-F, Part 3 to determine deleterious 34 material content. 35 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 9 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 D. Storage of Hot-Mix Asphalt 1 1. Do not store mixture long enough to affect the quality of the mixture. 2 2. Do not store mixture at the plant for longer than 12 hours unless otherwise 3 approved by City. 4 3. Provide asphalt storage sufficient to meet the plant requirements. 5 4. Heat asphalt by steam coils. Steam coils to be tight enough to prevent leakage of 6 moisture into the asphalt. 7 5. Store asphalt in accordance to the temperature requirements in Table 1. 8 6. Direct fire heating will not be permitted. 9 7. Agitating asphalt with steam or air will not be permitted. 10 8. Steam heating in accordance with the requirements of this Section. 11 E. Storage of Temporary Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving 12 1. Store temporary asphalt paving using the same storage requirements as Hot-Mix 13 Asphalt Paving. 14 1.11 SITE CONDITIONS 15 A. Weather Conditions 16 1. Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving 17 a. Place mixture when the roadway surface temperature is at or above the 18 temperatures listed in Table 2 unless otherwise approved or as specified in the 19 Drawings. 20 b. Measure the roadway surface temperature with a hand-held thermal camera or 21 infrared thermometer. 22 c. If roadway temperatures will reach the required temperature within 2 hours, the 23 City may allow placement before the roadway surface reaches the required 24 temperature. 25 d. Place mixtures only when weather conditions and moisture conditions of the 26 roadway surface are suitable as determined by the City. 27 e. The City may restrict the Contractor from paving if the ambient temperature is 28 likely to drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit within 12 hours of paving. 29 Table 2 30 Pavement Surface Temperatures 31 High Temperature Binder Grade Minimum Pavement Surface Temperatures (degrees Fahrenheit) Subsurface Layers or Night Paving Operations Surface Layers Placed in Daylight Operations PG 64-22, PG 70-22, And Prime Coat 60 50 1. Temporary Asphalt Paving 32 a. Install temporary asphalt paving using the same temperature requirements as 33 Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving. 34 2. Prime Coat 35 a. Apply the mixture in accordance with Table 2. 36 b. Measure the air temperature in the shade away from artificial heat. 37 c. The City will determine when weather conditions are suitable for application. 38 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 10 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 d. Do not permit traffic, hauling, or placement of subsequent courses over freshly 1 constructed prime coats. 2 e. Maintain the primed surface until placement of subsequent courses or 3 acceptance of the work. 4 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 5 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 6 2.1 CITY-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 7 2.2 MATERIALS 8 A. Use materials shown in Table 3, unless otherwise approved by City or specified in the 9 Drawings. 10 Table 3 11 Typical Material Use 12 Material Application Allowable Material Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Asphalt Mixtures PG 64-221 and PG 70-221 Tack Coat and Fog Seal Type CSS-1h Prime Coat PCE Erosion Control PCE 1. Refer to Asphalt Binder for information on when each performance grade binder is allowed. 13 14 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 11 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 B. Aggregate 1 1. Provide aggregates in accordance with Section 32 05 16. 2 2. Provide aggregates from sources in accordance with this Section and 32 05 16. 3 3. Notify the City of all source locations and any changes to material source or mix 4 design. 5 4. Aggregates for Asphalt Pavement to be approved by the City prior to use in 6 accordance with this Section. 7 5. Determine aggregate gradations for mixture design and production testing based on 8 the washed sieve analysis given in Tex-200-F, Part 2. 9 6. The Surface Aggregate Classification (SAC) will be SAC-A unless otherwise 10 specified in the Drawings for all surface courses. The SAC will only apply to the 11 aggregate used on the travel lanes unless otherwise specified in the Drawings. 12 Provide aggregates in accordance with all SAC requirements in Section 32 05 16. 13 7. Coarse Aggregate 14 a. Provide aggregates in accordance with the requirements of Section 32 05 16. 15 8. Fine Aggregate 16 a. Provide fine aggregates that consists of crushed stone, crushed gravel, sand, 17 and/or limestone or steel slag screenings in accordance with Section 32 05 16. 18 b. Provide fine aggregate in accordance with the gradation requirements shown in 19 Table 4. 20 c. No more than 15% of the total aggregate may be field sand or other uncrushed 21 fine aggregate. 22 d. Limestone or Steel Slag Screenings 23 1) Limestone or steel slag screenings may constitute part of or all of the fine 24 aggregate. 25 2) Provide screenings that conform to the requirements for Fine Aggregate in 26 Section 32 05 16. 27 Table 4 28 Gradation Requirements for Fine Aggregate 29 Sieve Size percent Passing by Weight or Volume 3/8-inch 100 No. 8 70–100 No. 200 0–30 C. Mineral Filler 30 1. Mineral filler is allowed unless otherwise specified in the Drawings and should 31 consist finely divided material such as: 32 a. Stone dust 33 b. Crushed fines 34 c. Hydrated lime 35 1) Use no more than 2 percent unless otherwise specified in the Drawings 36 2) Use no more than 1 percent if a substitute binder is used (refer to Table 10) 37 unless otherwise specified in the Drawings 38 d. Portland cement 39 1) Use no more than 2 percent unless otherwise specified in the Drawings 40 e. Fly ash 41 2. Provide mineral fillers that: 42 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 12 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 a. Are sufficiently dry, free flowing, and free from clumps and foreign matter 1 b. Meet the gradation requirements shown in Table 5 when performing Tex-200-F 2 Part 1 (based on weight) or Part 3 (based on volume). 3 c. In accordance with the requirements listed in Source Quality Control. 4 Table 5 5 Gradation Requirements for Mineral Filler 6 Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight No. 8 100 No. 200 55–100 D. Asphalt Binder 7 1. Asphalt binder will be PG64-22 for TY B mix designs unless otherwise approved 8 by the City or specified in the Drawings. 9 2. Asphalt binder will be PG70-22 for TY D and TY C mix designs unless otherwise 10 approved by the City or specified in the Drawings. 11 3. Provide material that: 12 a. Is produced from crude petroleum. 13 b. Is homogenous and free from water and residue from distillation of coal, coal 14 tar, or paraffin oil. 15 c. Will not foam when heated to 347 degrees Fahrenheit 16 d. In accordance with the requirements shown in Table 6 for performance grade 17 asphalt binder. 18 e. Shows no separation when tested in accordance with Tex-540-C 19 20 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 13 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 Table 6 1 Performance Grade Asphalt Binder 2 Property and Test Method Performance Grade PG 64 PG 70 -22 -22 Average 7-Day Max Pavement Design Temperature, Degrees Celsius 1 < 64 <70 Min Pavement Design Temperature, Degrees Celsius 1 (i.e. design temperature shall be greater than shown) >-22 >-22 Original Binder Flash Point Temperature, AASHTO T48: Minimum, degrees Celsius 230 Viscosity, AASHTO T482,3 or T3162,3 Maximum, 3.0 Pa*s, Test Temperature, Degrees Celsius 135 Dynamic Shear, AASHTO T315:4 G*/sin(δ), Minimum, 2.00-kPa7 Test Temperature at 10-rad/s, Degrees Celsius 64 70 Elastic Recovery, D 6084, 50 Degrees Fahrenheit, percent minimum - 30 Rolling Thin Film Oven (Tex-541-C) Maximum Loss, maximum percent 1.0 Dynamic Shear, AASHTO T315: G*/sin(δ), Minimum, 2.20-kPa, Maximum, 5.0-kPa Test Temperature at 10-rad/s, Degrees Celsius 64 70 Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) Residue (R28) PAV Aging Temperature, degrees Celsius 100 Dynamic Shear, AASHTO T315: G*/sin(δ), Maximum, 5,000-kPa Test Temperature at 10-rad/s, Degrees Celsius 25 25 Creep Stiffness, AASHTO T313:5,6 S, Maximum, 300-MPa m-value, Minimum 0.300 Text Temperature at 60 s, Degrees Celsius -12 -12 Direct Tension, AASHTO T314:6 Failure Strain, Minimum, 1.0 percent Test Temperature at 1.0-mm/min, Degrees Celsius -12 -12 1. Pavement temperatures are estimated from air temperatures using an algorithm contained in the TxDOT PGEXCEL3.XLS software program, may be provided by the City, or by following the procedures as outlined in AASHTO MP2 and PP28. 2. This requirement may be waived at the discretion of the City if the supplier warrants that the asphalt binder can be adequately pumped, mixed and compacted at temperatures that meet all applicable safety, environmental, and constructability requirements. At test temperatures where the binder is a Newtonian fluid, any suitable standard means of viscosity measurement may be used, including capillary (AASHTO T201 or T202) or rotational viscometry (AASHTO T48 or T316). A waiver will need to be submitted to the City for approval prior to asphalt paving. 3. Viscosity at 135 degrees Celsius is an indicator of mixing and compaction temperatures that can be expected in the lab and field. High values may indicate high mixing and compaction temperatures. Additionally, significant variation can occur from batch to batch. Be aware that variation could significantly impact mixing and compaction operations. Contractor is responsible for addressing any constructability issues which may arise. 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 14 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 4. For quality control of unmodified asphalt binder production, measurement of the viscosity of the original asphalt binder may be substituted for dynamic shear measurements of G*/sin(δ) at test temperatures where the asphalt is a Newtonian fluid. Any suitable standard means of viscosity measurement may be used, including capillary (AASHTO T201 or T202) or rotational viscometry (AASHTO TP48 or T316). 5. Silicone beam molds as described in AASHTO TP 1-93 are acceptable for use. 6. If creep stiffness is below 300 MPa, direct tension test is not required. If creep stiffness is between 300 and 600 MPa, the direct tension failure strain requirement can be used instead of the creep stiffness requirement. The m- value requirement must be satisfied in both cases. E. Emulsified Asphalt for Tack Coat and Fog Seal (CSS-1h) 1 1. Use cationic emulsion CSS-1h in accordance with the requirements shown in Table 2 7 unless approved by the City or specified in the Drawings. 3 2. The material will be composed of a paving asphalt base uniformly emulsified with 4 water. 5 3. The material will be homogenous throughout and when stored will show no signs of 6 separation within 3-days after delivery. 7 4. Do not dilute emulsified asphalts at the terminal, in the field, or at any other 8 location before use. 9 5. Temperature 10 a. Never raise the temperature of the emulsion above 160 degrees Fahrenheit after 11 it is loaded for transportation from refinery to the purchaser. 12 b. Tack coat and prime coat may be reheated 13 c. Prevent localized overheating when reheating the material. 14 d. Do not allow the material to cool to a temperature of less than 40 degrees 15 Fahrenheit. 16 e. Apply the material at the manufacturer’s recommended temperature. 17 f. Provide a thermometer capable of testing the temperature of the asphalt binder 18 on site at all times. 19 20 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 15 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 Table 7 1 Tests and Properties of Cationic Emulsions 2 Property Test Procedure Slow Setting Type – Grade CSS-1h Min Max Viscosity, Saybolt Furol at 77 degrees Fahrenheit, second at 122 degrees Fahrenheit, second T 72 20 – 100 – Sieve Test, percent T 59 – 0.1 Cement Mixing, percent T 59 – 2.0 Coating Ability and Water Resistance: Coating, Dry Aggregate, After Spraying Coating, Wet Aggregate, After Spraying T 59 – – – – Demulsibility, 35 ml 0.8 percent Sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate, percent T 59 – – Storage Stability, 1 day, percent T 59 – 1 Particle Charge Test T 59 Positive Distillation Test: Residue by Distillation, percent by weight Oil Distillate, percent by volume of Emulsion T 59 60 – – 0.5 Tests on Residue from Distillation: Penetration at 77 degrees Fahrenheit, 100-g, 5- seconds Solubility in Trichloroethylene, percent Ductility at 77 degrees Fahrenheit, 5 cm/min, cm T 49 T 44 T 51 70 97.5 80 110 – – F. Emulsified Asphalt for Prime Coat, Curing, and Erosion Control (PCE) 3 1. Use slow setting PCE in accordance with the requirements shown in Table 8 unless 4 approved by the City or specified in the Drawings. 5 2. PCE may be used as a prime coat for base materials, curing seal for stabilized base 6 materials, and erosion control applications such as dust control, soil surface 7 stabilization, or mulch binder. 8 3. Do not dilute emulsified asphalts at the terminal, in the field, or at any other 9 location before use. 10 11 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 16 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 Table 8 1 Tests and Properties of PCE Emulsions 2 Property Test Procedure Type – Grade Slow Setting PCE1 Min Max Viscosity, Saybolt Furol at 77 degrees Fahrenheit, second at 122 degrees Fahrenheit, second T 72 10 – 100 – Sieve Test, percent T 59 – 0.1 Miscibility T 592 Pass – Demulsibility, 35 mL of 0.10 N CaCl2, percent T 59 – – Storage Stability, 1 day, percent T 59 – – Particle Size5, percent by volume < 2.5 µm Tex-238-F3 90 – Asphalt Emulsion Distillation to 500 degree Fahrenheit Followed by Cutback Asphalt Distillation of Residue to 680 degrees Fahrenheit Residue after both distillations, percent by weight Total oil distillate from both distillations, percent by volume of emulsion T 59 & T 78 – – – – Residue by Distillation, percent by weight T59 – – Residue by Evaporation, percent by weight T 594 60 – Tests on Residue after all Distillation(s): Viscosity, 140 degrees Fahrenheit, poise Kinematic Viscosity5, 140 degrees Fahrenheit, cSt Flash Point C.O.C, degrees Fahrenheit Solubility in Trichloroethylene, percent Float Test, 122 degrees Fahrenheit, seconds T 202 T 201 T 48 T 44 T 50 – 100 400 – – – 350 – – – 1. Each PCE shipment will include the information indicated under Source Quality Control 2. Except the dilution shall use 350-mL distilled or deionized water and a 100-mL beaker. 3. Use Tex-238-F, beginning at “Particle Size Analysis by Laser Diffraction”, with distilled or deionized water as a medium and no dispersant, or use another approved method. 4. Except the sample shall remain in the oven until foaming ceases, then cooled and weighed. 5. PCE must meet either the kinematic viscosity requirement or the particle size requirement G. Additives 3 1. General: 4 a. Only use additives when they are specified in the Drawings unless otherwise 5 approved by the City. 6 b. If additives are used, additive information to be provided as part of the HMA 7 Mix Design Action Submittal. 8 c. Stop production if the production mixture does not meet moisture resistance 9 requirements and correct the problem. 10 d. Verify when antistripping agents are added at the plant (batch or source 11 location) that: 12 1) The measuring device for the addition of the agent is connected into the 13 automatic plant controls to automatically adjust the supply to the plant 14 production and provide consistent percentage in the mixture. 15 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 17 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 2) Set automatic plant controls so that an interruption of asphalt antistripping 1 agent’s flow causes plant shutdown. 2 2. Lime Antistripping Agent: 3 a. Do not allow lime to be added directly into the mixing drum at any plant where 4 lime is removed through the exhaust stream unless the plant has a baghouse or 5 dust collection system that reintroduces the lime into the drum. 6 b. If lime is used, provide only commercial lime slurry in accordance with Section 7 32 11 29. 8 c. Add between 0.5 and 2.0 percent commercial lime slurry by weight of the 9 individual aggregate treated. 10 d. Mix the lime slurry in a suitable pug mill mixer with the aggregate. 11 e. Mix with aggregate between the plant cold feeds and the dryer or mixing drum 12 during mixture production. 13 3. Liquid Antistripping Agent 14 a. Add to the binder in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Do not 15 exceed the manufacturer’s maximum recommended dosage rate. 16 b. Provide a liquid antistripping agent uniform and shows no evidence of 17 crystallization, settling, or separation. 18 c. Ensure all liquid antistripping agents arrive in: 19 1) Properly labeled and unopened containers shipped directly from the 20 manufacturer 21 2) Sealed tank trucks with an invoice to show contents and quantities 22 d. Handle in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 23 e. Add at the manufacturer’s recommended addition temperature. 24 f. Add into the asphalt line by means of an in-line-metering device and a blending 25 device to disperse the agent. 26 g. Furnish a meter that reads in increments of 0.1 gallons or less. 27 4. Antistripping Additive Meters 28 a. Provide a means to check the accuracy of meter output for liquid and lime 29 additives. 30 b. For liquid additive meters, verify accuracy of the meter in accordance with Tex-31 923-K. 32 c. Ensure the accuracy of the meter is within 5.0 percent. 33 H. Recycled Materials 34 1. General 35 a. Use of RAP and RAS is permitted unless otherwise specified in the Drawings. 36 b. Do not exceed the maximum allowable percentages of RAP and RAS shown in 37 Table 9 unless specified in the Drawings. 38 c. Determine asphalt binder content and gradation of the RAP and RAS stockpiles 39 for mixture design purposes in accordance with Tex-236-F. 40 d. The City may verify the asphalt binder content of the stockpiles at any time 41 during production. 42 e. Perform all tests specified in the Drawings and listed under Source Quality 43 Control. 44 f. Asphalt binder from RAP and RAS is designated as recycled asphalt binder. 45 g. Calculate and ensure that the ratio of the recycled asphalt binder to total binder 46 does not exceed percentages shown in Table 10 during mixture design ad HMA 47 production when RAP or RAS is used. 48 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 18 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 h. Use a separate cold feed bin for each stockpile of RAP and RAS during HMA 1 production. 2 i. Surface, intermediate, and base mixes referenced in Table 9 and 10 are defined 3 as follows: 4 1) Surface –This is the pavement course placed at the top of the pavement 5 structure. RAP or RAS will not be permitted for use in the surface course. 6 2) Intermediate – TY B asphalt courses placed directly under the surface 7 course and above the base course. 8 3) Base – TY B asphalt course placed directly under the intermediate course in 9 the HMA pavement structure. 10 2. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 11 a. Consists of salvaged, milled, pulverized, broken, or crushed asphalt pavement. 12 b. Use of RAP is permitted for TY B asphalt courses unless otherwise specified in 13 the Drawings. 14 c. Crush or break RAP so that 100 percent of the particles pass the No. 2 sieve. 15 d. Fractionated RAP is defined as 2 or more RAP stockpiles that are divided into 16 coarse and fine fractions. 17 e. Ensure that the coarse RAP stockpile contains only material retained on a 3/8 18 inch or 1/2 inch sieve unless otherwise approved. 19 f. Ensure that the fine RAP stockpile contains only material passing the 3/8 inch 20 or 1/2 inch sieve unless otherwise approved. 21 g. The maximum percentages of fractionated RAP may be comprised of coarse or 22 fine fractionated RAP. 23 h. The maximum percentages of fractionated RAP may also be a combination of 24 both coarse and fine fractionated RAP. 25 i. Provide RAP material free from dirt or other objectionable materials. 26 j. Do not use any RAP material if the decantation value exceeds 5 percent and the 27 plasticity index is greater than 8. 28 k. Conform storing and stockpiling RAP to the requirements under Delivery, 29 Storage, and Handling. 30 Table 9 31 Maximum Allowable Amounts of RAP1 32 Maximum Allowable Fractionated RAP2 (percent) Maximum Allowable Unfractionated RAP3, (percent) Surface Intermediate Base Surface Intermediate Base 0.0 25.0 30.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 1. Must also meet the recycled binder to total binder ratio shown in Table 10. 2. Up to 5 percent RAS may be used separately or as a replacement for fractionated RAP 3. Unfractionated RAP may not be combined with fractionated RAP or RAS. 3. Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS) 33 a. RAS is processed asphalt shingle material from manufacturing of asphalt 34 roofing shingles or from re-roofing residential structures. 35 b. Post-manufactured RAS is processed manufacturer’s shingle scrap by-product. 36 c. Post-consumer RAS is processed shingle scrap removed from residential 37 structures. 38 d. Comply with all regulatory requirements stipulated for RAS by the TCEQ. 39 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 19 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 e. Use of post-manufactured RAS or post-consumer RAS (tear-offs) is permitted 1 for TY B asphalt courses unless otherwise specified in the Drawings. 2 f. RAS may be used separately or in conjunction with RAP. 3 g. Up to 5 percent RAS may be used separately or as a replacement for 4 fractionated RAP in accordance with Table 9 and 10. 5 h. Process RAP by ambient grinding or granulating such that 100 percent of the 6 particles pass the 3/8 inch sieve when tested in accordance with Tex-200-F, 7 Part 1. 8 i. Perform a sieve analysis on processed RAS material before extraction (or 9 ignition) of the asphalt binder. 10 j. Add sand meeting the requirements of fine aggregate in Section 32 05 16 and 11 fine aggregate gradation to RAS stockpiles if needed to keep the processed 12 material workable. 13 k. Fine RAP may also be added to RAS stockpiles if needed to keep the processed 14 material workable. 15 l. Any stockpile that contains RAS will be considered a RAS stockpile. 16 m. RAS is limited to no more than 5.0 percent of the HMA mixture in accordance 17 with Table 9. 18 n. Certify compliance of the RAS with DMS-11000, “Evaluating Using 19 Nonhazardous Recyclable Materials Guidelines.” 20 o. Treat RAS as an established nonhazardous recyclable material if it has not 21 encountered any hazardous materials. 22 p. Use RAS from shingle sources on the TxDOT MPL or approved by City. 23 q. Substantially remove all materials before use that are not part of the shingle 24 such as wood, paper, metal, plastic, and felt paper. 25 r. Do not use RAS if the deleterious materials content is more than 0.5 percent of 26 the stockpiled RAS unless otherwise approved. 27 Table 10 28 Allowable Substitute PG Binders and Maximum Recycled Binder Ratios 29 Originally Specified PG Binder Allowable Substitute PG Binder Maximum Ratio of Recycled Binder to Total Binder1, (percent) Surface Intermediate Base PG 64-222 None 0.0 30.0 30.0 PG 70-222 64-22 0.0 20.0 20.0 1. Combined recycled binder from RAP and RAS 2. Use no more than 20.0 percent recycled binder when using this originally specified PG binder. I. Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Mix Design 30 1. Prepare a mix design for each asphalt type specified in the Drawings (TY B, C, or 31 D) in accordance with the requirements listed in Table 11. 32 2. Design the mixture using a Texas Gyratory Compactor (TGC). 33 3. Provide a mix design after the trial batch tests are complete in accordance with the 34 requirements in this Section. 35 a. Superpave Mix Design: Prepare in accordance with M323 and R35. 36 37 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 20 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 Table 11 1 Dense Graded Hot-Mix Master Gradation Limits (% Passing by Weight of Volume) 2 and VMA Requirements 3 Sieve Size B Fine Base C Coarse Surface D Fine Surface 2 inch – – – 1-1/2 inch 100.01 – – 1 inch 98.0 – 100.0 100.01 – 3/4 inch 84.0 – 98.0 95.0 – 100.0 100.01 1/2 inch – – 98.0 – 100.0 3/8 inch 60.0 – 80.0 70.0 – 85.0 85.0 – 100.0 No. 4 40.0 – 60.0 43.0 – 63.0 50.0 – 70.0 No. 8 29.0 – 43.0 32.0 – 44.0 35.0 – 46.0 No. 30 13.0 – 28.0 14.0 – 28.0 15.0 – 29.0 No. 50 6.0 – 20.0 7.0 – 21.0 7.0 – 20.0 No. 200 2.0 – 7.0 2.0 – 7.0 2.0 – 7.0 Design VMA, Percent Minimum – 13.0 14.0 15.0 Production (Plant-Produced) VMA, Percent Minimum – 12.5 13.5 14.5 Allowable PG Binder - PG64-22 PG 70-22 PG70-22 1. Defined as maximum sieve size. No tolerances allowed. J. Temporary Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement 4 1. Temporary HMA Pavement in accordance with all the requirements of TY B 5 asphalt. 6 2. Submit a mix design if TY B Asphalt Paving is not being used as a pavement 7 course other than for temporary hot-mix asphalt. 8 3. No trial batches will be required to verify mix design for temporary HMA 9 pavement. 10 K. Trial Batch Production and Testing 11 1. Trial Batch 12 a. Produce a trial batch of the mix design based on the requirements of the 13 specified asphalt mix (TY B, C, or D) in a large enough quantity to ensure the 14 mixture meets the Section requirements. Perform testing on the trial batch to 15 verify the mixture produced using the submitted mix design in accordance with 16 the requirements in Table 11, 12, 13, and 14. 17 b. Provide the necessary quantity of each material to the laboratory for testing and 18 production of the trial batch. 19 c. Perform testing on the trial batch to verify the mix design is in conformance 20 with the requirements of this specification. 21 d. If the trial batch does not meet the requirements of this Section, prepare a 22 revised mix design. Produce and test trial batches until a trial batch is produced 23 that meets all of the requirements in this Section. 24 e. Use only equipment and materials proposed for use on the project to produce 25 the trial batch. 26 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 21 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 f. Use materials to produce the trial batch in accordance with all requirements in 1 this Section. 2 g. Use a TxDOT MPL laboratory to perform the Hamburg Wheel test. Refer to 3 Table 18 for requirements. 4 h. Provide a new trial batch when the plant or plant location is changed. 5 2. Gyratory Compactor 6 a. Use a TGC calibrated in accordance with Tex-914-K, Part 2 when designing 7 the mixture in accordance with Tex-204-F, Part 2 for molding production 8 samples. 9 b. Use the dense-graded design procedure provided in Tex-204-F. 10 c. Use Tex-206-F, Part 2 to perform a gyratory compactor correlation when the 11 City uses a different gyratory compactor during verification testing. Apply the 12 correlation factor to all subsequent production test results when applicable. 13 3. Target laboratory-molded density when the TGC is used 14 a. Design the mixture at a 96.5 percent target laboratory-molded density. Increase 15 the target laboratory-molded density to 97.0 percent or 97.5 percent at the 16 Contractor’s discretion or when specified in the Drawings. 17 b. Use an approved laboratory from the TxDOT MPL to perform the Hamburg 18 Wheel test and provide the results with the mix design. Refer to Table 18 for 19 requirements. 20 c. The mix design in accordance with the requirements under section Materials 21 and Source Quality Control. 22 4. Ignition Oven Correction Factor 23 a. Determine the aggregate and asphalt correction factors from the ignition oven 24 in accordance with Tex-236-F. 25 b. Provide the City with split samples of the mixtures including all additives 26 (except water) and blank samples used to determine the correction factors for 27 the ignition oven used for QA testing during production. 28 5. Boil Test 29 a. Perform Tex-530-C and retain the tested sample until completion of the project 30 or as directed. 31 b. Use this sample for comparison purposes during production. 32 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 22 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 Table 12 1 Laboratory Mixture Design Properties 2 Mixture Property Test Method Requirement Target Laboratory-Molded Density (TGC), percent Tex-207-F 96.51 Indirect Tensile Strength (dry), psi Tex-226-F 85-2002 Boil test3 Tex-530-C – 1. Increase to 97.0 percent or 97.5 percent at the Contractor’s discretion or when specified in the Drawings. 2. The City may allow the IDT strength to exceed 200 psi if the corresponding Hamburg Wheel rut depth is greater than 3.0 mm and less than 12.5 mm. 3. Used to establish baseline for comparison to production results. May be waived when approved. Table 13 3 Operational Tolerances for Mix Design and Trial Batch Testing 4 Description Test Method Allowable Difference Between Trial Batch and Mix Design Individual percent retained for No. 8 sieve and larger Tex-200-F Or Tex-236-F Must be Within Master Grading Limits in Table 11 Individual percent retained for sieves smaller than No. 8 and larger than No. 200 Percent passing the No. 200 sieve Asphalt binder content, percent Tex-236-F +/- 0.5 Laboratory-molded density, percent Tex-207-F +/- 1.0 In-place air voids, percent N/A Laboratory-molded bulk specific gravity N/A VMA, percent, minimum Tex-204-F Note 1 Theoretical maximum specific (Rice)gravity Tex-227-F N/A 1. Test and verify Table 11 requirements are met. L. Production Operations 5 1. General 6 a. Take corrective action and receive approval to proceed after any production 7 suspension for noncompliance to the specification. 8 b. Submit a new mix design and perform a new trial batch when the asphalt binder 9 content of: 10 1) Any RAP stockpile used in the mix more than 0.5 percent higher than the 11 value shown on the mixture design report. 12 2) Any RAS stockpile used in the mix more than 2.0 percent higher than the 13 value shown on the mixture design report. 14 2. Mixture and Discharge of Materials 15 a. Notify the City of the target discharge temperature and produce the mixture 16 within 25 degrees Fahrenheit of the target. 17 b. Monitor the temperature of the material in the truck before shipping to ensure 18 temperature does not exceed 350 degrees Fahrenheit and does not fall lower 19 than 215 degree Fahrenheit. 20 c. The City will not pay for or allow placement of any mixture produced above 21 350 degree Fahrenheit. 22 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 23 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 d. Control the mixing time and temperature so that all moisture is substantially 1 removed from the mixture before discharging from the plant. 2 e. Production Testing – Obtain the sample immediately after discharging the 3 mixture into the truck and perform the production testing in accordance with 4 Source Quality Control promptly. 5 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 6 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 7 A. Tests and Inspections 8 1. Verification Testing 9 a. Verification testing will be performed in accordance with Tex-500-C, Part 3 10 2. Material Source Testing and Submittals 11 a. Perform testing on all materials that have changed source locations to verify the 12 material conforms to all requirements in this specification. 13 b. Provide new submittals for all materials produced from a new source location. 14 c. Perform all Source Quality Control tests required. Use the test results from the 15 Source Quality Control tests as a comparison during construction. 16 d. Aggregate Quality Requirements 17 1) Perform all aggregate testing in accordance with Section 32 05 16. 18 e. Mineral Filler 19 1) Refer to Table 14 for testing requirements. 20 f. Asphalt Binder Quality Requirements 21 1) Provide manufacturer testing reports in accordance with Action Submittals. 22 2) Refer to Table 14 and Materials for testing requirements. 23 g. Emulsified Asphalt for Tack Coat and Fog Seal (CSS-1h) 24 1) Provide manufacturer testing reports in accordance with Action Submittals. 25 2) Testing will be done in accordance with Tex-500-C, Part 3 26 3) Refer to Table 14 and Materials for testing requirements. 27 h. Emulsified Asphalt for Prime Coat, Curing, and Erosion Control (PCE) 28 1) Provide manufacturer testing reports in accordance with Action Submittals. 29 2) Refer to Table 14 and Materials for testing requirements. 30 Table 14 31 Material Source Quality Testing 32 Material Characteristic Test Method Requirement Aggregate Perform all aggregate testing in accordance with Section 32 05 16 Mineral Filler Linear Shrinkage Tex-107-E 3 percent maximum Asphalt Binder Perform all tests specified under Materials and Source Quality Control. Provide testing and evaluation reports in accordance with Action Submittals Tack Coat and Fog Seal (CSS-1h) Prime Coat, Curing, and Erosion Control (PCE) 3. HMA Mix Design and Trial Batch 33 a. Perform the required tests specified under Materials and provide testing and 34 evaluation reports in accordance with Action Submittals. 35 4. Temporary Asphalt Pavement 36 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 24 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 a. Source Quality Control testing and inspections is not required for temporary 1 HMA pavement. 2 5. Asphalt Production Acceptance 3 a. General 4 1) Perform Tex-226-F on the first day of production to confirm the indirect 5 tensile strength does not exceed 200 psi. 6 2) Take corrective action to bring the mixture within specification compliance 7 if the indirect tensile strength exceeds 200 psi unless otherwise directed. 8 b. Production Lot 9 1) A production lot consists of 4 equal sublots. 10 2) The default quantity of a lot is: 11 a) 1,000 tons 12 b) 9,000 SY for 2” pavement course thickness 13 c) 4,500 SY for 4” pavement course thickness 14 d) 3,000 SY for 6” pavement course thickness 15 e) 2,500 SY for 8” pavement course thickness 16 f) 1,500 SY for 12” pavement course thickness 17 3) The City may change the standard lot size based on the anticipated daily 18 production to ensure there are 3 or 4 sublots produced each day. 19 c. Production Sampling 20 1) Mixture Sampling 21 a) Obtain hot-mix samples from trucks at the plant in accordance with 22 Tex-222-F. 23 b) Blind Samples 24 (1) The City may select “blind” samples throughout the project for 25 verification testing. 26 (2) Test the blind sample in accordance with asphalt production testing 27 and provide testing and evaluation reports to the City in accordance 28 with Action Submittals. 29 2) Asphalt Binder Sampling 30 a) Obtain a 1 quart sample of the asphalt binder at approximately the same 31 time the mixture sample is obtained for regular samples and blind 32 samples. 33 b) Sample from a port located immediately upstream from the mixing 34 drum or pug mill in accordance with Tex-500-C, Part 2. 35 c) Label the can with the date and sequential testing number that 36 corresponds with the mixture sample obtained at the same time. 37 d. Production Testing 38 1) General 39 a) Control the production process and perform production tests to verify 40 the asphalt produced is within the operational tolerances listed in Table 41 15. 42 b) The City may sample and test at any time during production to verify 43 compliance. 44 c) Take immediate corrective action if the laboratory-molded density on 45 any test is less than 95 percent or greater than 98 percent to bring the 46 mixture within these tolerances. 47 d) The City may suspend work at any time if a sample does not conform 48 to the requirements in this specification. 49 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 25 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 e) The City may suspend operations if the Contractor’s corrective actions 1 do not produce acceptable results. 2 f) The City will allow production to resume when test results or other 3 information indicates that the next mixture produced will be within 4 operational tolerances. 5 e. Operational Tolerances 6 1) Gradation 7 a) Suspend operation and take corrective action if any aggregate is 8 retained on the maximum sieve size shown for Dense Graded Hot-Mix 9 Master Gradation Limits. 10 b) Production will be suspended when test results for gradation exceed the 11 operational tolerances for: 12 (1) 3 consecutive tests on the same sieve 13 (2) 4 consecutive tests on any sieve unless otherwise directed 14 2) Asphalt Binder Content 15 a) Suspend production and shipment of the mixture if the test results 16 deviate from the mix design by more than the operational tolerance 17 shown in Table 15 for any asphalt binder content test. 18 3) Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) 19 a) Take immediate action if the VMA for any test is less than the 20 minimum VMA requirement shown for Dense Graded Hot-Mix Master 21 Gradation Limits. 22 b) Suspend production and shipment of the mixture if the City’s VMA 23 results: 24 (1) On 2 consecutive tests are below the minimum VMA requirement. 25 (2) Is more than 0.5 percent below the minimum VMA requirement 26 c) For asphalt installed with non-conforming VMA, the City may: 27 (1) Require removal and replacement of any asphalt installed 28 (2) Allow the asphalt to remain in place without payment. 29 f. Moisture Content 30 1) Determine the moisture content, if requested, by oven-drying in accordance 31 with Tex-212-F, Part 2 and verify that the mixture conforms to the 32 requirements in Table 15. 33 g. Individual Loads of Hot-Mix 34 1) The City may reject individual truckloads of hot-mix at any time if the City 35 suspects the load does not conform to the requirements of this specification. 36 2) When a load of hot-mix is rejected for reasons other than temperature, 37 contamination, or excessive uncoated particles, the Contractor may request 38 that the rejected load be tested within 4 hours of rejection. 39 3) Sample and test the mixture. If the test results are within the operational 40 tolerances in Table 15, payment will be made for the load. If the test results 41 are not within operational tolerances, no payment will be made. 42 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 26 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 Table 15 1 Production Testing 2 Description Test Method Operational Tolerances Contractor Testing Frequency City Verification Testing Frequency Individual percent retained for No. 8 sieve and larger Tex-200-F Or Tex-236-F +/- 5.01 1 per sublot The City may request the Contractor to perform additional verification testing throughout the project. No more than an additional 10 percent of each test performed will be requested The City may perform verification testing utilizing a third party testing laboratory. Individual percent retained for sieves smaller than No. 8 and larger than No. 200 +/- 3.01 Percent passing the No. 200 sieve +/- 2.01 Asphalt binder content, percent Tex-236-F 0.5 1 per sublot VMA, percent, minimum Tex-204-F Note 2 1 per sublot Laboratory-molded density, percent Tex-207-F +/- 1.0 1 per sublot Laboratory-molded bulk specific gravity N/A 1 per sublot Theoretical maximum specific (Rice) gravity Tex-227-F N/A 1 per sublot Recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) Tex-217-F, Part 3 N/A As requested Moisture content, maximum percent Tex-212-F 0.2 Boil test4 Tex-530-C – Hamburg wheel test Tex-242-F See Table 18 1. When within these tolerances, mixture production gradations may fall outside the master grading limits. The percent passing the No. 200 will be considered out of tolerance when outside the mater grading limits. 2. Test and verify that mix design requirements are met. 3. For all tests that have N/A for tolerances, material must conform to requirements provided within this specification. No tolerances are allowed. 4. The City may wave the sampling and testing requirements. B. Non-Conforming Work 3 1. General 4 a. The City may at any time reject a material if it is found to be non-conforming to 5 this specification. 6 b. The City may require the Contractor at any time to remove and replace installed 7 Asphalt Pavement if any material it was made with is found to be non-8 conforming. This would be at no cost to the City. 9 2. Aggregates 10 a. Aggregates that fail to meet the requirements of Section 32 05 16 will be 11 rejected by the City. 12 b. Any rejection of materials or source locations will be at no cost to the City. It is 13 the responsibility of the Contractor to provide materials that comply with the 14 requirements of this specification. 15 3. Asphalt Binder 16 a. Material may be rejected at any time based on the following: 17 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 27 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 1) If the certified letters provided by the manufacturer indicate the supplied 1 asphalt binder is not in conformance with the Products section of this 2 specification. 3 2) For failure to meet requirements of this specification. 4 3) For any defect causing it to be unsuitable for the intended use. 5 b. If during verification testing, the material does not conform to the requirement 6 of this specification, the City may stop work until the Contractor can determine 7 the source of the problem at no cost to the City. The City may require that the 8 area installed using the non-conforming asphalt binder be removed and 9 replaced at no cost to the City. 10 4. HMA Mix Design and Verification 11 a. The City may reject the mix design if it does not conform to the requirements 12 of this specification. Any asphalt installed using a non-conforming mix design 13 will be subject to removal and replacement at no cost to the City. 14 b. If the trial batch does not conform to the requirements specified in this 15 specification, the Contractor will produce trial batches at no cost to the City 16 until the trial batch meets the requirements specified. 17 c. The City may perform verification testing on all trial batches to verify the 18 conformance of the mixture. 19 5. Temporary Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving 20 a. If the temporary HMA pavement fails due to materials non-conforming to the 21 requirements of TY B asphalt, the City may require the Contractor to remove 22 and replace the temporary asphalt pavement. 23 PART 3 - EXECUTION 24 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 25 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 26 3.3 PREPARATION 27 A. Hauling 28 1. Equipment for Lay-Down Operations 29 a. Use belly dumps, live bottom, or end dump trucks to haul and transfer mixture. 30 b. Except for miscellaneous areas, end dump trucks are only allowed when used in 31 conjunction with a Material Transfer Device (MTD) with remixing capability 32 unless otherwise allowed. 33 c. When end dump trucks are used, ensure the bed does not contact the paver 34 when raised. 35 2. Operations 36 a. Clean all truck beds before use to ensure the mixture is not contaminated. 37 b. Provide trucks with enclosed sides to prevent asphalt mixture loss. 38 c. Cover each load of mixture with waterproof tarpaulins. 39 d. Coat the inside truck beds, when necessary, with a City approved release agent. 40 e. Petroleum based products, such as diesel fuel will not be allowed. 41 B. Surface Preparation 42 1. Asphalt Placement 43 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 28 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 a. Prepare the surface by removing raised pavement markers and objectionable 1 material such as moisture, dirt, sand leaves, and other loose impediments from 2 the surface before placing. 3 b. Remove vegetation from pavement edges. 4 2. Prime Coat 5 a. Prepare the surface by sweeping or other approved methods. 6 b. When directed lightly sprinkle the surface with water before applying prime 7 coat to control dust and ensure application. 8 3.4 INSTALLATION 9 A. Equipment 10 1. General 11 a. Provide equipment that does not damage underlying pavement. 12 b. Comply with laws and regulations concerning overweight vehicles 13 c. Use other equipment that will consistently produce satisfactorily results when 14 approved. 15 2. Batching Equipment 16 a. Batching equipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 41 17 14 00. 18 3. Asphalt Paver 19 a. General 20 1) Furnish a paver that will produce a finished surface that meets longitudinal 21 and transverse profile, typical section, and placement requirements 22 2) Ensure the paver does not support the weight of any portion of hauling 23 equipment other than the connection. 24 3) Provide loading equipment that does not transmit vibrations or other 25 motions to the paver that adversely affect the finished pavement quality. 26 4) Equip the paver with an automatic, dual, longitudinal-grade control system 27 and an automatic, transverse-grade control system. 28 b. Tractor Unit 29 1) The tractor unit will be able to push or propel vehicles dumping directly 30 into the finishing machine to obtain the desired lines and grades to 31 eliminate any hand finishing. 32 2) Equip the unit with a hitch that is able to maintain contact between the 33 hauling equipment’s rear wheels and the finishing machine’s pusher rollers 34 while mixture is loaded. 35 c. Screed 36 1) Provide a heated compacting screed that will produce a finished surface 37 that meets the longitudinal and transverse profile, typical section, and 38 placement requirements. 39 2) Screed extensions must provide the same compacting action and heating as 40 the main unit unless otherwise approved. 41 d. Grade Reference 42 1) Provide a grade reference with enough support that the maximum 43 deflection does not exceed 1/16 inch between supports. 44 2) Ensure that the longitudinal controls operate from any longitudinal grade 45 reference including a string line, ski, mobile reference, or joint matching 46 shoes. 47 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 29 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 4. Material Transfer Devices (MTD) 1 a. Provide the specified type of device if showed on drawings. 2 b. Ensure the devices provide a continuous, uniform mixture flow to the paver. 3 5. Remixing Equipment 4 a. Provide equipment that includes a pug mill, variable pitch augers, or variable 5 diameter augers operating under a storage unit with a minimum capacity of 8 6 tons. 7 6. Motor Grader 8 a. Provide a self-propelled grader with a blade length of at least 12 feet and a 9 wheelbase of at least 16 feet. 10 7. Hand-Held Thermal Camera or Thermal Imaging System 11 a. Provide a hand-held thermal camera or thermal imaging system meeting the 12 requirements of Tex-244-F. 13 b. A thermal imaging system is the preferred method for obtaining temperatures. 14 8. Rollers 15 a. Provide rolling equipment required to achieve adequate compaction based on 16 site conditions. If compaction is not achieved based on Site Quality Testing due 17 to inadequate rollers, provide new rolling equipment. Any rolled utilizing 18 inadequate rollers is subject to removal and replacement at no cost to the City. 19 b. Use a pneumatic-tire roller to seal the surface unless excessive pickup of fines 20 occurs. 21 c. Provide rollers meeting the requirements in Table 16 for each type of roller 22 required for compaction. 23 Table 16 24 Roller Requirements1 25 Roller Type Materials to be Compacted Load (Tons) Contact Pressure Roller Speed (MPH) Steel Wheel Asphalt Greater than or equal to 10 Greater than or equal to 325 pounds per inch of wheel width 2 – 3 Vibratory Asphalt Type A< 6 Type B > 6 Type C as specified in the Drawings Per equipment specification and as approved As approved Light Pneumatic Asphalt, Prime Coat, Tack Coat, Fog Seal 4.5 – 90 Greater than or equal to 45 psi 4 – 12 Medium Pneumatic Asphalt 12 – 25 Greater than or equal to 80 psi, as directed 4 – 12 1. Unless otherwise specified by the City or the drawings. 9. Straightedges and Templates 26 a. Furnish 10 foot straightedges and other templates as required or approved. 27 10. Distributor Vehicles 28 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 30 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 a. Furnish vehicles that can achieve a uniform placement 1 b. The nozzle patterns, spray bar height, and distribution pressure must work 2 together to produce uniform application. 3 c. The vehicle should be set to provide a “double lap” or “triple lap” coverage. 4 d. Nozzle spray patterns should be identical to one another along the distributor 5 spray bar. 6 e. Spray bar height should remain constant. 7 f. Pressure within the distributor must be able to force the tack coat, fog seal, 8 and/or PCE material out of spray nozzles at a constant rate. 9 B. Coring Equipment 10 1. Provide equipment suitable to obtain a pavement specimen meeting the dimensions 11 for testing when coring is required. 12 C. Ride Quality Equipment 13 1. Surface Test Type A 14 a. Provide a 10-foot straightedge 15 b. A high-speed or lightweight inertial profiler certified at the Texas A&M 16 Transportation Institute may be used when approved by the City. 17 2. Surface Test Type B 18 a. Provide a high-speed or lightweight inertial profiler certified at the Texas A&M 19 Transportation Institute. 20 b. Provide equipment certification documentation. 21 c. Display a current decal on the equipment indicating the certification expiration 22 date. 23 d. Use a certified profiler operator from TxDOT’s MPL or as approved by the 24 City. When requested, furnish documentation for the person certified to operate 25 the profiler. 26 3. Diamond Grinding Equipment 27 a. Provide self-propelled powered grinding equipment specifically designed to 28 smooth and texture pavements using circular diamond blades when grinding is 29 required. 30 b. Provide equipment with automatic grade control capable of grinding at least 3 31 feet of width longitudinally in each pass without damaging the pavement. 32 D. Placement Operations 33 1. General 34 a. Collect haul tickets from each load of mixture delivered to the project and 35 provide to the City as directed. 36 b. Measure and record the internal temperature of the asphalt mixture using a 37 hand-held thermal camera or an infrared thermometer when a thermal imaging 38 system is not used. A thermal imaging system is the City’s preferred method for 39 measuring temperatures. 40 c. Measure the temperature as it is discharged from the truck or Material Transfer 41 Device (MTD) to the paver. Do not measure the temperature after the mix has 42 already entered the paver. 43 d. Record an approximate station number or GPS coordinate on each ticket. 44 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 31 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 e. Calculate the daily yield and cumulative yield for the specified lift and provide 1 to the City at the end of paving operations for each day unless otherwise 2 directed. 3 f. The City may suspend production if the Contractor fails to produce and provide 4 haul tickets and yield calculations by the end of paving operations for each day. 5 g. Place the mixture to meet the typical section requirements and produce a 6 smooth finished surface with a uniform appearance and texture. 7 h. Offset longitudinal joints of successive courses of hot-mix asphalt between 3 8 and 5 feet. The City may require any successive course that is not placed with 9 an offset to be removed and replaced at no cost to the City. 10 i. Place mixture so that longitudinal joints on the surface course coincide with 11 lane lines or as directed. 12 j. Ensure that all finished surfaces will drain properly. 13 k. Placement can be performed by hand in situations where the paver cannot place 14 it adequately due to space restrictions. 15 l. Receive approval from the City prior to placing any asphalt pavement by hand. 16 m. Hand-placing should be minimized to prevent aggregate segregation and 17 surface texture issues. 18 n. All hand placement will be checked with a straightedge or template before 19 rolling to ensure uniformity. 20 o. Place the mixture at the rate or thickness specified in the Drawings. 21 p. The specified layer thickness is based on the rate of 110 pounds per square yard 22 per inch of pavement unless another rate is specified in the Drawings. 23 q. Install asphalt lifts in accordance with the recommended thicknesses shown on 24 Table 17. 25 Table 17 26 Compacted Lift Thickness and Required Core Height 27 Mixture Type Compacted Lift Thickness Guidelines Minimum Untrimmed Core Height (inch) Eligible for Testing Minimum (inch) Maximum (inch) Recommended (inch) B (Intermediate and Base Course) 2.50 5.0 3.0 1.75 C (Surface Course) 2.0 4.0 3.0 1.50 D (Residential Only Surface Couse) 1.50 3.0 2.0 1.25 1. Testing 28 a. Perform coring and testing in accordance with Site Quality Control. 29 2. Tack Coat 30 a. Tack coat is required when the current lift is not paved the same day as the 31 previous lift, during overlay procedures, or any time an asphalt layer is added 32 on top of cold asphalt. 33 b. Clean the surface before placing the tack coat. 34 c. Tack coat is subsidiary to the appropriate corresponding asphalt bid item when 35 used. 36 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 32 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 d. Distribute the material smoothly at a rate of 0.10 gallons of residual asphalt per 1 square yard of surface area unless otherwise approved by the City or specified 2 in the Drawings. 3 e. Apply a uniform tack coat at the specified rate unless otherwise directed. 4 f. Apply the tack coat in a uniform manner to avoid streaks and other irregular 5 patterns. 6 g. Apply a thin, uniform tack coat to curbs, gutters, vertical faces of existing 7 pavements, and all structures in actual contact with asphaltic mixes. 8 h. Allow adequate time for emulsion to break completely before placing any 9 material. 10 i. Prevent splattering of tack coat onto adjacent features or structures. 11 j. The City may use Tex-243-F to verify that the tack coat has adequate adhesive 12 properties and may suspend paving operations if the tack coat is considered 13 non-conforming. 14 k. Place the tack coat in advance of paving to allow enough time to break or set 15 before applying hot-mix asphalt layers. 16 l. Roll the tack coat with a pneumatic-tire roller to remove streaks and other 17 irregular patterns when directed. 18 m. Do not allow traffic on tack coat unless covered with blotter material. 19 n. Blotter Material 20 1) Blotter material is subsidiary to tack coat when used. 21 2) Provide blotter material consisting of either base course sweepings obtained 22 from cleaning the base or native sand unless otherwise specified in the 23 Drawings or directed by the City. 24 3) A typical application rate for blotter material is 4 to 8 pounds per square 25 yard. 26 3. Prime Coat 27 a. Prime coat is required to be placed on any subgrade that is not paved 28 immediately. 29 b. Prime coat is subsidiary to the appropriate corresponding asphalt bid item when 30 used. 31 c. Apply material within 15 degrees Fahrenheit of the approved temperature in 32 accordance with Deliver, Storage, and Handling. 33 d. Do not exceed maximum temperatures in accordance with Delivery, Storage, 34 and Handling. 35 e. Distribute the material smoothly at a rate of 0.10 gallons per square yard of 36 surface area unless otherwise approved by the City or specified in the 37 Drawings. 38 f. Roll the freshly applied prime coat with a pneumatic-tire roller to ensure 39 penetration when directed. 40 g. Before allowing traffic to use a primed surface, apply asphalt base course or 41 blotter material. 42 h. Provide blotter material in accordance with Tack Coat. 43 4. Lay-Down Operations 44 a. Thermal Profile 45 1) General 46 a) Use a hand-held thermal camera or thermal imaging system to obtain a 47 continuous thermal profile in accordance with Tex-244-F. 48 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 33 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 b) Use a thermal imaging system where possible. The use of a hand-held 1 thermal camera is only permitted when it is not feasible to use a 2 thermal imaging system. Receive approval from the City before using a 3 hand-held thermal camera. 4 2) Thermal Segregation 5 a) Moderate 6 (1) Any areas that have a temperature differential greater than 25 7 degrees Fahrenheit, but not exceeding 50 degrees Fahrenheit are 8 deemed as having moderate thermal segregation. 9 b) Severe 10 (1) Any areas that have a temperature differential greater than 50 11 degrees Fahrenheit are deemed as having severe thermal 12 segregation. 13 3) Thermal Imaging System 14 a) This is the preferred method by the City to prepare thermal profiles and 15 measure thermal segregation. 16 b) Review the output results when a thermal imaging system is used. 17 c) Provide the automated report described in Tex-244-F to the City daily 18 unless otherwise directed. 19 d) Modify the paving process as necessary to eliminate any recurring 20 (moderate or severe) thermal segregation identified by the thermal 21 imaging system. 22 e) The City may suspend paving operations if the Contractor cannot 23 successfully modify the paving process to eliminate recurring severe 24 thermal segregation. 25 f) Density profiles are not required when using a thermal imaging system. 26 g) Provide the City with electronic copies of all daily data files that can be 27 used with the thermal imaging system software to general temperature 28 profile plots upon completion of the project or as requested. 29 4) Thermal Camera 30 a) Refer to Asphalt Production Acceptance for size of lots and sublots. 31 b) Take immediate corrective action to eliminate recurring moderate 32 thermal segregation when a hand-held thermal camera is used. 33 c) Provide the City with the thermal profile produced in accordance with 34 Tex-244-F of every sublot within one working day of the completion of 35 each lot in accordance with Site Quality Control. 36 d) Suspend operations and take immediate corrective action to eliminate 37 severe thermal segregation unless otherwise directed. 38 e) Resume operations when the City determines that subsequent 39 production will meet the requirements of this specification. 40 f) Evaluate areas with severe thermal segregation by performing density 41 profiles in accordance with Site Quality Control. 42 g) Remove and replace the material in any areas that have both severe 43 thermal segregation and a failing result for Segregation (Density 44 Profile) unless otherwise directed. 45 h) Any asphalt removed and replaced due to non-conformance with the 46 requirements of this specification will be at no cost to the City. 47 b. Screed Heaters 48 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 34 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 1) Turn off screed heaters to prevent overheating of the mat if the paver stops 1 for more than 5 minutes. 2 2) The City may evaluate the suspect area in accordance with Site Quality 3 Control if the screed heater remains on for more than 5 minutes while the 4 paver is stopped. 5 E. Compaction 6 1. General 7 a. Compact the pavement uniformly to contain between 3.8 percent and 8.5 8 percent in-place air voids. 9 b. Take immediate corrective action to bring the operation within 3.8 percent and 10 8.5 percent when the in-place air voids exceed the range of these tolerances. 11 c. The City will allow paving to resume when the proposed corrective action is 12 likely to yield between 3.8 percent and 8.5 percent in-place air voids. 13 2. Rollers 14 a. Provide rollers that meet the Equipment requirements of this specification. 15 b. Use additional rollers as required to remove any roller marks. 16 c. Use only water or an approved release agent on rollers, tamps, and other 17 compaction equipment unless otherwise directed. 18 d. Use the control strip method shown in Tex-207-F, Part 4 on the first day of 19 production to establish the rolling pattern that will produce the desired in-place 20 air voids unless otherwise directed. 21 e. Use the approved rolling pattern for the remainder of the project unless 22 otherwise directed. 23 3. Tamps 24 a. Use tamps to thoroughly compact the edges of the pavement along curbs, 25 headers, and similar structures. 26 b. Use tamps only in locations that will not allow thorough compaction with 27 rollers. 28 c. The City may require rolling with a trench roller on widened areas, in trenches, 29 and in other limited areas. 30 4. Temperature 31 a. Complete all compaction operations before the pavement temperature drops 32 below 160 degrees Fahrenheit unless otherwise allowed. 33 b. The City may allow compaction with a light finish roller operated in static 34 mode for pavement temperatures below 160 degrees Fahrenheit. 35 c. Allow the compacted pavement to cool to 160 degrees Fahrenheit or lower 36 before opening to traffic unless otherwise directed. 37 d. When directed, sprinkle the finished mat with water or limewater to expedite 38 opening the roadway to traffic. 39 3.5 REPAIR 40 A. Repair flexible pavement in accordance with Section 32 01 17. 41 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 42 3.7 SITE QUALITY CONTROL 43 A. Placement Acceptance 44 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 35 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 1. General 1 a. Shoulders, Ramps, Etc 2 1) Shoulders, ramps, intersections, acceleration lanes, deceleration lanes, and 3 turn lanes are subject to in-place air void determination unless otherwise 4 specified in the Drawings. 5 2) Intersections may be considered miscellaneous areas when determined by 6 the City. 7 3) Production Lot – Refer to Production Acceptance 8 b. Miscellaneous Areas 9 1) Areas that typically involve significant handwork or discontinuous paving 10 operations. These would include: 11 a) Temporary detours 12 b) Driveways 13 c) Mailbox turnouts 14 d) Crossovers 15 e) Gores 16 f) Spot level-up areas 17 g) Other similar areas 18 2) Miscellaneous areas also include level-ups and thin overlays when the layer 19 thickness specified on the plans is less than the minimum untrimmed core 20 height eligible for testing shown in Table 17. 21 3) Miscellaneous areas are not eligible for random placement sampling 22 locations. 23 4) Compact miscellaneous areas in accordance with Compaction. 24 5) Miscellaneous areas are not subject to in-place air void determination, 25 thermal profiles testing, segregation (density profiles), or longitudinal joint 26 density evaluations. 27 2. Placement Sampling 28 a. General 29 1) Provide the equipment and means to obtain and trim roadway cores on-site. 30 2) Obtain the cores within 1 working day of the time the placement area is 31 completed unless otherwise approved. 32 3) Random coring locations may be requested by the City based on visual 33 irregularities in the pavement. 34 4) Shoulders, ramps, intersections, acceleration lanes, deceleration lanes, and 35 turn lanes are always eligible for selection as a random sample location. 36 b. Coring Location, Sizes, and Identification 37 1) Coring Set: 38 a) Is defined as all of the pavement cores across the full width of the 39 roadway for the station location determined at the beginning of each 40 day. 41 b) Provide one core on the inside an outside edge of each travel lane 42 across the full width of the roadway. 43 c) Provide a 2 foot clearance from a longitudinal joint or edge of 44 pavement. 45 2) Location 46 a) Mark station locations where core sampling is to be taken at the 47 beginning of each day. 48 b) For projects placing more than 1,000 tons of asphalt per day: 49 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 36 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 (1) Perform tests in accordance with Table 19 and Site Quality 1 Control. 2 c) For projects placing less than 1,000 tons of asphalt per day: 3 (1) Provide a Coring Set at only one location per day unless additional 4 cores are requested by the City based on irregularities or suspicion 5 that the pavement is non-conforming. 6 (2) Request approval from the City for the core location prior to 7 coring. 8 d) For projects placing less than 100 tons of asphalt per day: 9 (1) City may exempt the Contractor from collecting pavement cores 10 each day. 11 (2) Coordinate with the City to determine how many pavement core 12 sets will be required for testing. 13 (3) The City may request pavement cores at any time for verification 14 testing. 15 3) Sizes 16 a) For TY D pavement, cores will be 4 inch in diameter 17 b) For TY B and TY C pavement, cores will be 6 inch in diameter. 18 4) Identification: 19 a) Identification number 20 b) Station location 21 c) The untrimmed core height 22 c. Pavement Cores 23 1) The City inspector will witness the coring operation and measurement of 24 the core thickness. 25 2) The inspector should visually inspect each core to verify current paving 26 layer is bonded to the underlying layer. 27 3) Take corrective action if an adequate bond does not exist between the 28 current and underlying layer to ensure an adequate bond will be achieved 29 during subsequent placement operations. 30 4) The untrimmed core height must be in accordance with the requirements in 31 Table 17. 32 5) If the cores are an acceptable height, trim the cores immediately after 33 obtaining the cores in accordance with Tex-207-F. 34 6) Any core that does not meet the requirements in Table 17 will be rejected. 35 7) The City may request additional cores to be taken within the area. If more 36 than 2 cores are non-conforming, the pavement area may be subject to 37 removal and replacement at no cost to the City. 38 8) Trim the cores on-site in the presence of the inspector. The cores may be 39 trimmed by the testing lab if approved by the City. 40 9) Blind Coring Locations 41 a) The City may select “blind” coring locations throughout the project for 42 verification testing. 43 b) Test the blind pavement cores in accordance with asphalt placement 44 testing and provide testing and evaluation reports to the City in 45 accordance with Action Submittals. 46 d. Core Hole repair 47 1) Dry the core holes and tack the sides and bottom immediately after 48 obtaining the cores. 49 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 37 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 2) Fill the hole with the same type of mixture and properly compact the 1 mixture. 2 3) Holes may be repaired with other methods approved by the City. 3 3. Placement Testing 4 a. General 5 1) Perform placement tests in accordance with Table 19 and 20. 6 2) The City may suspend work at any time if any of the test results are non-7 conforming with the requirements of this specification. 8 3) Verification Testing 9 a) The City may request the Contractor to perform additional testing to 10 verify compliance, or the City may perform verification testing 11 utilizing a third-party testing laboratory. 12 b) The City may request verification testing at any time if production is 13 suspected to be non-conforming. 14 b. In-Place Air Voids 15 1) Measure in-place air voids in accordance with Tex-207-F and Tex-227-F. 16 2) Before drying to a constant weight, cores may be pre-dried using a Corelok 17 or similar vacuum device to remove excess moisture. 18 3) Average the values obtained for all cores taken during each production day 19 to determine the theoretical maximum specific gravity. 20 4) Use the average air void content for in-place air voids. 21 5) Use the vacuum method to seal the core if required by Tex-207-F. 22 6) Remove and replace any area with in-place air voids less than 2.8 percent 23 or greater than 9.5 percent. 24 c. Segregation (Density Profile) 25 1) Test for segregation using density profiles in accordance with Tex-207-F, 26 Part 5. Density profiles are not required if a thermal imaging system is 27 used. 28 2) Perform a density profile every time the paver stops for more than 60 29 seconds on areas that are identified by either the Contractor or the City as 30 having thermal segregation. Perform density profiles on any visibly 31 segregated areas unless otherwise approved. 32 3) Perform a minimum of one profile per sublot if the paver does not stop for 33 more than 60 seconds and there are no visibly segregated areas or areas that 34 are identified as having thermal segregation. 35 4) Provide the City with the density profiles of every sublot in the lot within 36 one working day of the completion of each lot. 37 5) The density profile is considered failing if it exceeds the tolerances in Table 38 20. 39 6) The City may require the Contractor to remove and replace the area in 40 question if the area fails the density profile and has surface irregularities as 41 defined in Irregularities. Remove and replace the failing area at no cost to 42 the City. 43 7) Investigate density profile failures and take corrective actions during 44 production and placement to eliminate the segregation. 45 8) Suspend production if 2 consecutive density profiles fail unless otherwise 46 approved. 47 9) Resume production after the City approves changes to production or 48 placement methods. 49 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 38 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 d. Longitudinal Joint Density 1 1) Informational Tests 2 a) Perform joint density evaluations while establishing the rolling pattern 3 and verify that the joint density is no more than 3.0 pounds per cubic 4 foot below the density taken at or near the center of the mat. 5 b) Adjust the rolling pattern, if needed, to achieve the desired joint 6 density. 7 c) Perform additional joint density evaluations as directed by the City. 8 2) Record Tests 9 a) Perform a joint density test 2 to 4 times a day or as directed by the City 10 along all joints that will become a longitudinal joint. 11 b) Joint density evaluations are not applicable in areas described as 12 Miscellaneous Areas. 13 c) Determine the joint density in accordance with Tex-207-F, Part 7. 14 d) Record the joint density information and submit results to the City. 15 e) The evaluation is considered failing if the joint density is more than 3.0 16 pounds per cubic foot below the density taken at the nearest core 17 sample location and the correlated joint density is less than 90 percent. 18 f) Provide the City with the density profile of every test within 1 working 19 day of the completion of each working day. 20 g) Investigate joint density failures and take corrective actions during 21 production and placement to improve joint density. Suspend production 22 if the evaluations on 2 consecutive tests fail unless otherwise approved. 23 h) Resume production after Engineer approves changes to production or 24 placement methods. 25 e. Hamburg Wheel Test 26 1) The City may perform a Hamburg Wheel test at any time during production 27 or placement including when the boil test indicates a change in quality from 28 the materials submitted for the trial batch. 29 2) The City may request additional cores to be taken and the Hamburg Wheel 30 test to be performed where rutting is observed. 31 3) Suspend production until further Hamburg Wheel tests meet the specified 32 values when the production or core samples fail the Hamburg Wheel test 33 criteria in Table 18. 34 4) Obtain core samples from the center of the finished mat or other areas 35 excluding the vehicle when path. 36 5) The City may require up to the entire area of any mixture failing the 37 Hamburg Wheel test to be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s 38 expense. 39 6) If the City determines the material to be removed and replaced, the 40 Contractor may request the City re-test the failing material. 41 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 39 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 Table 18 1 Hamburg Wheel Test Requirements 2 High-Temperature Binder Grade Test Method Minimum Number of Passes at 12.5 mm1 Rut Depth, Tested at 50 degrees Celsius PG 64 Tex-242-F 10,0002 PG 70 15,0003 1. When the rut depth at the required minimum number of passes is less than 3 mm, the City may require the Contractor to increase the target laboratory-molded density (TGC) by 0.5 percent to no more than 97.5 percent. 2. May be decreased to no less than 5,000 passes when specified in the Drawings. 3. May be decreased to no less than 10,000 passes when specified in the Drawings f. Recovered Asphalt Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) and Aging Ratio 3 1) The aging ratio is the DSR value of the extracted binder divided by the 4 DSR value of the original unaged binder. 5 2) The City may request an aging ratio test be performed on production 6 samples or cores from suspect areas of the project to determine recovered 7 asphalt properties. 8 3) Asphalt binders with an aging ratio greater than 3.5 do not meet the 9 requirements for recovered asphalt properties and may be deemed 10 defective. 11 4) Obtain DSR values in accordance with AASTO T 315 at the specified high 12 temperature performance grade of the asphalt. 13 5) Recover the asphalt binder for testing from production samples or cores in 14 accordance with Tex-211-F. 15 6) The City may require removal and replacement of the defective material at 16 the Contractor’s expense. 17 g. Irregularities 18 1) Identify and correct irregularities including segregation, rutting, raveling, 19 flushing, fat spots, mat slippage, irregular color, irregular texture, roller 20 marks, tears, gouges, streaks, uncoated aggregate particles, or broken 21 aggregate particles. 22 2) If the City determines that the irregularity will adversely affect pavement 23 performance, the City may require the Contractor remove and replace the 24 non-conforming area at no cost to the City. 25 3) If irregularities are detected, the City may require the Contractor to 26 immediately suspend operations. The City may allow the Contractor to 27 continue operations for more than one day while the Contractor is taking 28 appropriate corrective action. 29 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 40 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 Table 19 1 Placement Testing 2 Description Test Method Allowable Tolerances Contractor Testing Frequency1 City Verification Testing Frequency In-place air voids, percent Tex-207-F and Tex- 227-F +/- 1.0 1 per sublot The City may request the Contractor to perform additional verification testing throughout the project. No more than an additional 10 percent of each test performed will be requested The City may perform verification testing utilizing a third party testing laboratory. Segregation (density profile) Tex-207-F, Part 4 N/A 1 per sublot Longitudinal joint density Tex-207-F, Part 7 N/A 1 per sublot Recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) Tex-217-F, Part 3 N/A As requested Thermal profile2 Tex-244-F N/A 1 per sublot Asphalt binder sampling and testing Tex-500-C N/A 1 per sublot Tack coat sampling and testing Tex-500-C, Part 3 N/A As requested Aging ratio, maximum ratio AASHTO T315 3.5 As requested Establish a Rolling Pattern Tex-207-F See Compaction Ride quality Tex-1001-S See Ride Quality 1. For projects placing less than 700 tons of asphalt pavement per day, refer to Placement Sampling. 2. If using a thermal imaging system, provide the automated report daily unless otherwise directed. If using a thermal camera, provide a thermal profile per sublot daily unless otherwise directed. 3. For all tests that have N./A for tolerances, material must conform to requirements provided within this specification. No tolerances are allowed. Table 20 3 Segregation (Density Profile) Acceptance Criteria 4 Mixture Type Maximum Allowable Density Range (Highest to Lowest) Maximum Allowable Density Average (Average to Lowest) Type B 8.0 pounds per cubic foot 5.0 pounds per cubic foot Type C and Type D 6.0 pounds per cubic foot 3.0 pounds per cubic foot B. Ride Quality 5 1. General 6 a. Provide pavement to have a finished grade that is smooth and true to the 7 established line, grade, and cross-section. 8 b. Ride quality will be measured parallel (longitudinal) and perpendicular 9 (transverse) to the centerline of the roadway for pavement surfaces. 10 2. Transverse Profile Measurements 11 a. Use a 10-foot straightedge to perform ride quality tests or a high-speed or 12 lightweight inertial profiler that has been certified at the Texas A&M 13 Transportation Institute. 14 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 41 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 1) If using an inertial profiler, provide equipment certification documentation, 1 display a current decal on the equipment indicating the certification 2 expiration date, and use a certified profiler operator from TxDOT’s 3 Material Producer List. 4 2) Use an inertial profiler when requested by the City. 5 3) Provide documentation of profiles when requested by the City. 6 b. Perform tests daily throughout the duration of the project. 7 c. Perform tests on the finished surface of the completed project or at the 8 completion of a major stage of construction as approved. 9 d. Perform testing during off-peak traffic flow. Operate the inertial profiler in a 10 manner that does not disrupt traffic flow as directed. 11 e. When measuring the ride quality on a surface open to traffic, use a moving 12 traffic control plan in accordance with Part 6 of the TMUTCD and the 13 drawings. 14 3. Acceptance Plan 15 a. General 16 1) Evaluate longitudinal and transverse profiles to verify there is not more 17 than 1/8-inch variation between any 2 contacts. Perform corrective action 18 on surface areas that have more than 1/8-inch variation between any 2 19 contacts 20 2) Fog seal the aggregate exposed by diamond grinding or other approved 21 work methods. 22 3) When a fog seal is required, use a fog seal that conforms to the 23 requirements for cationic emulsified asphalt, CSS-1h, within this 24 specification. 25 b. Localized Roughness 26 1) Determine areas of localized roughness using the individual profile from 27 each wheel path. 28 2) Use a 10-foot straightedge to locate areas that have more than 1/8-inch 29 variation between any 2 contacts on the straightedge. 30 3) The City may waive localized roughness requirements for deficiencies 31 resulting from manholes or other similar appurtenances near the wheel 32 paths. 33 c. Corrective Action 34 1) Use diamond grinding to correct variations in the pavement surface or 35 localized roughness. 36 2) After making corrections, reprofile the pavement section to verify that 37 corrections have produced the required improvements. 38 3) If corrective action does not produce the required improvement, the City 39 may require: 40 a) Continued corrective action 41 b) Removal and replacement of area at no cost to the City. The City may 42 negotiate a reduced payment amount for the defective area to remain in 43 place. 44 C. Temporary Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving 45 1. Does not require any placement sampling or testing. 46 2. Acceptance Plan 47 a. Acceptable ride quality includes: 48 32 12 16 ASPHALT PAVING Page 42 of 42 CITY OF DENTON 7486 RFP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 28, 2020 1) A maximum depth of potholes to be 0.25 inches. 1 2) Maintain temporary hot-mix asphalt in accordance with 32 01 17. 2 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 4 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 5 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 6 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 7 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 8 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 9 END OF SECTION 10 11 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12