7534_-_SOW_GeneratorEXHIBIT A  RFP 7534  SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK      RFP7534  1   PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Denton (City) intends to award a three (3) year service contract, with two (2) possible one-year renewal, to a qualified vendor/ service provider with substantial, relevant experience, and expertise to provide preventive maintenance (PM), annual PM, inspections, testing and repair services to all City of Denton emergency standby generators. SCOPE OF WORK ON-SITE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE, INSPECTIONS, REPAIR SERVICES, AND INSTALLATION OF STAND-BY EMERGENCY GENERATORS This specification describes services to provide, by skilled technician to inspect, service, test, PM, annual PM, installation and repair for all the City of Denton (City) generators at various locations throughout the City (See Exhibit 1) on a periodic basis. The intent of the service is to ensure the City's generators are routinely maintained, serviced, and ready for immediate and sustained operation during power outages and other incidents involving the loss of electricity. The vendor shall be responsible for the servicing, troubleshooting, repairing, ordering, and replacing parts on the City's emergency standby generators in accordance with the manufacturer's standard service and repair recommendations to ensure each unit is operating as designed for its intended application. Non- emergency service will be conducted during normal business hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding regular holidays observed by the City, with little interruption to the City's daily business activities. Services provided under the contract shall meet or exceed all requirements herein. SECTION I 1. QUALIFICATIONS A. Successful vendor/bidder shall have been in the Generator Service industry for a minimum of ten (10) years. B. Successful vendor/bidder Technicians shall have a minimum of five (5) years Generator Service experience. The successful bidder must show proof of technicians’ credentials. C. The company must have the ability to provide one (1) hour response time for Emergency Calls, available 24/7/365 days a year. Office location submitted with bid. Additionally, the company must have the ability to service/replace units that are up to 1500KW and a system voltage of 4160. D. Three (3) references from governmental entities for the products or services requested. The City prefers references from municipalities of similar size. 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Employ all work personnel in accordance with the requirements set forth by the United States Department of Labor. B. Contractor personnel shall wear an identification tag or uniform with the company name EXHIBIT A  RFP 7534  SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK      RFP7534  2   visible at all times while on the City property. All vehicles shall be clearly identified with the full name of the Contractor’s firm. C. Be responsible for risk of loss or damage to all parts and equipment provided under this service until they have been installed and accepted by the City. Acceptance by the City shall not relieve the vendor of any obligation to ensure that all parts, materials, and supplies are consistent with specifications and fit for their intended purpose. D. Provide all labor, materials, miscellaneous parts, equipment, tools, transportation and methods of communication, and, if required, additional miscellaneous services necessary to meet requirements of the specified services throughout the term of the contract. All materials/parts should be original equipment manufacturer (OEM) unless prior approval from the designated City representative. E. Provide a telephone number to a centralized manned station or answering service that is available 24-hours per day, seven days a week, including holidays, to report problems or to request service. F. Ensure service technicians have on-going training on current and new technologies throughout the term of the contract. G. Ensure their factory trained service technicians maintain their certification(s) and, if applicable, any licenses required in the performance of the service. H. Provide name of primary point-of-contact person along with their phone number and email address. SECTION II 1. SERVICE REQUIREMENTS The vendor will perform one preventive maintenance (PM) inspection and one annual (PM) inspection and service, which includes a 2hr or 4hr load bank test. The vendor will perform inspections, installation, repairs, and maintenance on all City generators. This includes but not limited to repairs, maintenance of automatic or manual transfer switches, all associated sensors, senders, relays, PC boards, timers and all other devices, which comprise the appropriate integrated emergency power system. A. Complete PM and annual PM activities, in six (6) months intervals, in accordance with the generator scope of work in Section II area 5 A through H. All work shall meet or exceed the manufacturer's recommended servicing requirements.. B. Coordinate with and obtain approval from the designated City representative prior to initiating any major repairs. The City will not be responsible for payment for any repairs completed without City approval. EXHIBIT A  RFP 7534  SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK      RFP7534  3   C. Perform all generator service work in the least disruptive manner to the City. The service work should not inconvenience the building's occupants or interfere with the City's daily business activities. 2. EMERGENCY CALL-OUT: A. The vendor shall verbally respond to requests for emergency services to any generating unit within thirty (30) minutes and be on site to perform repairs within one (1) hour after being contacted. The designated City representative will notify the vendor if a call constitutes an emergency situation. The vendor shall contact the designated City representative upon arrival at the job site. Emergency work shall be performed during normal working hours, whenever possible; however, services shall be performed on a 24-hour, seven day a week basis, if deemed necessary. 3. NON-EMERGENCY CALL-OUT A. The vendor shall verbally respond to requests for non-emergency service to any generating unit within four hours and be on site to perform repairs within 48-hours after being contacted. All service will be conducted during normal business hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The vendor shall contact the designated City representative upon arrival at the job site. 4. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS. OR REPLACEMENTS A. The City may add, delete, or replace (see Exhibit 1). The City will advise the vendor of any additions, deletions, replacement, or location change of a generator and when service shall begin or end. 5. INSPECTIONS. TESTING, AND REPAIRS A. During each PM inspections, all systems shall be visually checked for potential problems and physically tested to assure reliability. Fuel and oil systems shall be checked for contaminants and degradation during this inspection. The vendor shall perform a PM inspection on all generators. The PM inspection service shall include, at a minimum, the inspection points listed below 1) Cooling System  Radiator - - Visual inspection for leaks, damage, and debris.  Coolant- Visual inspection for correct level and condition of coolant (rust, oil, and contaminants). Check coolant conditioner concentration and temperature protection. Check radiator cap gasket and sealing surface.  Hose and Connections - visual inspection of all hoses for deterioration. Check tightness of connections.  Fan Drive Pulley and Fan - Check for loose or worn pulleys and lube fan drive Check for operation and clearance.  Fan Belts - Inspect for wear or deterioration. Check tension and adjust as necessary.  Jacket Water Heater - Inspect for proper operation. Check thermostat EXHIBIT A  RFP 7534  SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK      RFP7534  4   settings for proper coolant temperature.  Water Pump- Visual and operational inspection for leaks or unusual noises. 2) Fuel System  Fuel Line and Connections - Inspect for leaks and tightness of connections. Check for line breaks.  Governor and Controls- inspect governor oil level. Inspect controls and linkage for proper operation. 3) Air Induction and Exhaust System   Air Inlet System - Inspect piping and air filter housing for damage, loose connections, and evidence of leaks.  Clean air filter housing - If air filter is cleaned or replace. Check housing seals and gaskets.  Air Filter Service Indicator- Note reading. Inspect for proper operation. Reset indicator.  Turbocharger - Inspect for oil leakage or exhaust leakage. Check for unusual noises and proper operation. 4) Lube Oil System  Oil Level - Inspect for correct oil level and contamination. Visually inspect unit for leaks. Add oil as necessary  Oil Pressure - Operational check of gauge for correct pressure.  Crankcase Breather - Inspect for proper operation. Check connections and inspect hose for deterioration. Note excessive blow by. 5) Starting System  Batteries - Inspection for damage or leakage, clean battery using acid neutralizer. Clean and tighten all battery cable connections.  Batteries (Specific Gravity) - Check electrolyte level and specific gravity.  Battery Charger - Inspect for proper operation, loose terminals, and deteriorated wiring.  Starting Motor - Inspect electrical connections and wiring  Operational check for abnormal engagement and cranking noises. 6) Engine Monitors and Safety Controls  Safety Controls - Check for loose connections and wiring deterioration.  Remote Annunciator and Alarms - Inspect all panel and system alarms. 7) Control Panel  Start Controls Manual/Auto - Operational check for proper operation. Check automation start.  Voltmeter - Operational check for correct reading, if load is available.  Frequency Motor - Operational check for correct readings. Load and no-load readings, if possible. EXHIBIT A  RFP 7534  SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK      RFP7534  5   B. Perform PM inspection services six (6) month from annual PM services at a time mutually agreed upon between the City representative and the vendor. Confirm each inspection via phone or email to the designated City representative 72-hours prior to the beginning of each inspection. C. Provide a service ticket to the designated City representative for signature upon completion of each inspection or repair by the end of the day. D. The vendor shall provide an inspection report to the designated City representative the finding, which will include but not limited to, any discrepancies, repairs needed, and need to watch items if any. The inspection report should be submitted by the end of the day. No parts, supplies, or annual services should be included in the PM inspection costs. If repairs are need vendor is to provide cost estimate for needed repairs. E. The vendor shall perform an annual PM inspection and load bank test on each generator once a year, six (6) months from PM inspection services. All Labor, oil filters, fuel filters, air filters, oil, and EPA disposal fees should be included in the cost. All parts should be OEM. The annual PM inspection service shall include all services required in the PM specified in SECTION II 5 A-D, in addition to the services outlined below: 1) Lube Oil System -  Change Oil and Filters – Changed with OEM parts and include  Inspect all gaskets and seals.  Crankcase Breather- Inspect and clean. 2) Air Induction System -  Turbocharger - Inspect turbocharger for proper endplay of rotating assembly. Check for oil leakage or unusual noises.  Air Filter- Inspect and Clean or Change as necessary. 3) Engine Monitors and Safety Controls-  Gauge Accuracy - check oil pressure, water temperature, and alternator gauges for accuracy.  Safety Controls - inspect for proper operation, loose connections, and wiring deterioration. Check all safety controls for proper operation.  Remote Annunciator and Alarms - inspect and test all panel and system alarms for proper operation.  Sending Unit Switches - check water temperature and oil pressure. 4) Switchgear Equipment  Inspect and operate circuit breakers manually  Inspect bus bar and feeder connections  Inspect transfer switch connections tighten if necessary  Inspect insulation  Inspect the Automatic Transfer Switches  Vacuum and clean transfer switch enclosures 5) Interior Wiring Components EXHIBIT A  RFP 7534  SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK      RFP7534  6    Perform visual inspection of all wiring and connections for signs of tracking, overheating, and insulation deterioration. Check and tighten, where necessary, all control circuit-wiring terminals. Check all time delay settings and adjust to the customers' specifications. Check condition of main and arching contacts and auxiliary contacts. Check all common and ground wires. Measure and record resistance to ground readings. Check for proper transfer operation and sequencing of time control parameters. Verify proper operation of all phase and voltage sensitive controls. Perform relative infrared heat scan on all contacts. 6) Enclosure  Wipe Down  Clean Interior of enclosure and remove accumulated dust and/or dirt.  Check door closure, locking bar, and mechanism for proper operation 7) Take oil and fuel samples and submit samples to a laboratory for analyses.  Submit report of the laboratory findings to the designated City representative.  Any fluids that fail to meet the manufacturer's minimum recommended standards. Drain and replenish. 8) Test all safety shutdowns. Conduct a series of tests to ensure reliability and satisfactory interfacing between the generator and the building it supports. 9) Load Bank Test: Conduct a minimum two-hour or four-hour load bank test on each generator to confirm proper operation. Load bank test equipment rental cost and personnel costs shall be included in bid price. The test should be conducted during normal business hours. F. The vendor shall provide an inspection report to the designated City representative which should to include, but not limited to, a copy of all test results safety shutdowns, load bank test, any discrepancies, repairs needed, and need to watch items if any. The inspection report should be submitted by the end of the day. G. Ensure that generator is put back into stand-by mode. H. The designated City representative must be notified prior to any needed repairs found during the PMs. 6. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A. The vendor shall properly dispose of all hazardous materials generated from this service (i.e., waste oil, used oil/fuel filters, contaminated fuel, lubricants, etc.) in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. 7. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES EXHIBIT A  RFP 7534  SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK      RFP7534  7   A. The vendor shall provide miscellaneous emergency standby generator services (e.g., minor upgrades, minor installations, fabrication work, sheet-metal work, rental equipment, installation services, etc.) under this contract, as necessary, to complete needed repairs and to ensure all generators are ready for immediate and sustained operation. B. The vendor shall provide a detailed parts and labor cost estimate, which shall be approved by the designated City representative, prior to any work being performed. C. The vendor shall provide miscellaneous emergency standby generator parts, as necessary, to complete the work allowed as "Miscellaneous Services". D. Miscellaneous parts and repairs will be paid at the cost approved by the City prior to installation. E. The vendor will provide a quote if requested on a purchase of a new standby emergency generator which will include installation, and warranties (as in the warranty section in this scope of work). F. The vendor needs to verify, correct, and keep up to date the City’s Generator list (City will provide). When any updates are made, a corrected/updated list must be given to the designated City representative. 8. WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS A. PERFORMANCE WARRANTY: The vendor shall guarantee all work, equipment and materials included in the service against any defects in workmanship; and shall satisfactorily correct, at no cost to the City, any defects that may become apparent within one year after completion of work. The warranty period shall commence on the date the work was completed and accepted by the City. If the vendor is notified in writing of a deficiency in the work provided within one year from completion of the work, the vendor should, re-perform the work in question at no additional cost to the City. B. MATERIAL WARRANTY: Parts furnished under the purchase order shall be the latest parts in current production, as offered to commercial trade, and shall be of quality material. USED, SHOPWORN, DEMONSTRATOR, PROTOTYPE, RECONDITIONED OR DISCONTINUED PARTS OR MATERIALS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. The warranty period for vendor provided parts or materials shall be for a period of one year after completion of the installation work or within the manufacturer's standard warranty period, whichever is the later. The warranty period shall commence on the date the parts were installed and accepted by the City. 9. SAFETY A. The vendor shall provide their service personnel with all required personal safety gear and instruct them to adhere to all safety practices, policies, procedures, rules and requirements, EXHIBIT A  RFP 7534  SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK      RFP7534  8   that are common to the industry, at all times, while performing service work under this contract. B. The vendor shall provide all tools and equipment necessary for the performance of this service, and ensure the items are appropriate for the assigned task, well maintained, calibrated, and in proper working order before conducting any inspections or initiating any repair work under the contract. C. The vendor shall thoroughly examine and become familiar with the systems and associated facilities to ensure the service can be completed in an orderly and safe manner prior to commencing any work. D. The vendor shall maintain a safe work environment at all times. The vendor shall immediately report to the designated City representative the existence of any unsafe conditions, which may compromise the safety of personnel in the performance of this service. 10. EXTRA CHARGES A. All mileage, travel time, trip charge, service charge, or any extra charge is not permitted unless quoted in the RFP. 11. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. All work shall conform to all applicable, building, mechanical, plumbing, fire and electrical codes and regulations. B. All work required should be conducted during regular business hours, which consist of Monday through Friday, 07:00 - 17:00 (7:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.) hours, unless an emergency and directed by the designated City representative to perform the work after regular business hours. C. All invoices, service tickets, inspection report, and test results should include generator’s:  Location/Building  Date of Services  Make/Brand  Model #  Serial #  PO# (on all Invoices) The invoice should be mailed to: City of Denton Attn: Accounts Payable 215 E McKinney St. Denton TX 76201