Exhibit 2 - Development AgreementORDINANCr NO. 19-Og% AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AGRL MEN"T REGARDING "1'HF PROVISION OI WASTEWATLR SERVICE I'OR ROBSON RANCI-I 3ETWI?EN TH CII'Y OF DENTON AND ROBSON DCVLLOPM NT, LP, A ARIZONA LIMITEI PARTNERSHIP; AUTHORIZING TI-IE CITY MANAGrR TO EX CtJTL TI-I AGREEMENT; AND I'ROVIDING AN EFF CTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, wastewater treatment for Robson Ranch is currently provided by the City through the Robson Ranch Water Reclamation Plant, and WHEREAS, City has made a proposal to Robson Development, LP, to eliminate fiirther expansion of the Robson Ranch Water Reclamation Plant and pump all wastewater from Robson Ranch development to the existing City wastewater system located on Crawford Road on the east side of Interstate Highway 35W; and WH REAS, the Robson Development, LP agrees that the City's proposal to change the wastewater service is desirable; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds the transaction contemplated by the attached agreement is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Denton; NOW, TH REFORE; THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF D NTON, TEXAS HEREI3Y ORDAINSw SECTION 1. The recitals and findings contained in the preamble of this ordinance are expressly incorporated herein. SECTION 2. The City Manager, or his designee, is hereby authorized to execute the agreement, attached as Exhibit "A", for and on behalf of the City of Denton and to perform any actions made necessary or prescribed by the attached agreeinent. SECTION 3. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause, or word in this ordinance, or application thereof to any persons or circumstances, is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not aFfect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; the City Council declares that it would have ordained such remaining portion despite such invalidity, and such remaining portion shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. y , m}this ordinance was madhe ordina -- and secondedThemotiOn nce was passed and approved by the followin vote ° g , Cl ris Watts, Mayor: Gerard Hudspeth, District 1: Keely G. Briggs, District 2: Don Duff, District 3: John Ryan, District 4: Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5: 1Vay Abstain Absent Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: ° PAS SED AND APPROVED this the °'° day of _. `'` ", - --- 2019. ATTEST: , ROSA RIOS, CITY "w"'RETARY k ; BY: ` , a,m_, . APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY CHRIS W, ""I", MAYOR... . BY: ._. a.. Page 2 TxE sTaTE oF TFxas § couN v oF i):NTON § Ac REEmENT Bv aNn BFTwEEN TxE ctTv oF llENTON, TExas AND R013SON DENTON DEVELOPMENT, LP RE(TAI2DING TI-iE PROVISION OF WASTF,WATF.R SERVICE FOR ROBSON RANCH w° i.°+"I"°''' (tlt "'",g?'°p r a'ro1,"" i v,1° N+.E :°a°o';1 n uG,r A »' :t ;,r e.-, "? l r ry aN aE .: a l'.,b a t, i')t v i,rN w t, l.', ;.t "4m°ii;.4 i r7 ut r M•.7.bxr w. e, :1 w w°r. vN Ah: i i w 1,,; is a;.`? N.. MZs.: :r«, "d I,. ww.1 85248, ,,a <<,e e ty of Uenton, 'l exas, municipal corparation and home-rule municipality (the City"), located in Denton County, Texas. a . WHF.,RI,AS, thc Devcloper is the developer of "Robson Ranch," development located in the City, and is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" which is altached hereto and incorporated herewith by reference (the "Development"); nd WHE1tEAS, wastewater treatment for Robson Ranch is currently provided by the City through the Robson Ranch Water Reclamation Plant located -vithin the Rol son Ranch development on property deecied to the City in that certain Speci l Warranty Deed, dated March 8, 2007, and recorded as Document Number 2U07-29967 in the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; and WHFRCAS, the City has made a proposal to tl e Devcloper to eliminate the turther exp nsion ofthe Robson Ranch Water Reclamation Plant and pump all wastewater from the Robson Ranch development to the existing CiCy wastewater syslem located on Crawfbrd Roaci on the easl side of lnterstate 1-{ighway 35W; and WHCREAS, the City has pre ared a proposed routing of the force main and gravity main to accomplish tlie pumping which is attached as [:xhibit "B;" and WI f;RF.AS, upon completion o('the proposed project in [;xhibit "B," t11e Cily will provide wastewater service to Robson Ranch for the currently approved fully develc ed condition of the development; and WH. EREAS, the Developer agrees that the City's proposal to change the wastewater service is desirable; NOW TIiEREFOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, aild the mutual promises and undertakings by the p rties hereto, the suf`ficiency oP which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby AGREE s follows: p, [)escription of I evcl,,'s Resnw nsibilities. 'The Developec's responsibilitics provided f'ac in t11is Agreemeilt are described as folla4vs, and the Developer agi•ees as follows: A. Thc 17evelnper agi•ees to pay thc City tlle totl! t° r-'our Mil[ion l7al[ars 4,000,000.00} in accordance with an agreed-upan pnyment schedule, ttached hereto as F_•,xhibit'"C." 3, Subject to the credits cliscussed herein, the Develc per wil! pay the City's standarcl wastew tter ii npact fee on a ha ise -by-house blsis fc7r hames bLiilt by the Develcsper at tlle Robsan Ranch development after the Rabsan Ranch Wastewater Recl m tion Plant is pumping wastewater and sewage to c ther C`ity t°e tment facilities. i D. The Develo er will continue ta be responsible for building, at Developer's expense, the wastewater callectian lines in new subdivisions as theyarc developed in Robson Ranch, which wastewater collectioil lines shal l be translerred to t11e City for aperation and mainten nce. 2. f ti°ip lirrp s9' "i" ^a a,il qNo`s., The City's responsibilities provided for ii tl7is Agreement are described as follows ; and the City a recs as follaws: A. `I'he City will design, construct nd maintain, C the City's expense, any madificat'rons t tlle Rabson Ranch Wastewater Reclamation Plant anci any lift stations, sewer lines, or ather P cilities needed to use the Rabson Ranch Wastewater Reclamation Plant as pumping stntion. B, The City will design , construct nd maintain ,t the City's exrense, any and II wastewater collection line,s, lift stat'rons and other facilities necessary or ppropriate ta transporC wastewater iram Robsan Ranch and from the Robson ftanch Wastewnter Reclamation I'lant to the City's wastewater treatment f cilities; C. The City will design, construct and maiiltain, at tlle City's expense, any aild all wastewater treatment facilities and other facilities necessary or appropriate ta treat wastcwater from Robsan Ranch; D. '1'he City will credit Developer ii1 tlle arnoui t o1'Oi e T`1lousaitd Uallars ($1,000.00} per ltome for the iicsl o'1e thousaitd (I,OOO} IIOI11eS 111 RUhSOCl Ra11CI1 iilat a°e subjecc ta the sewer 'rmpact fees, foi• a total ci•edit of' One illion Uollar°s ($1,000,0U0.00) towards sewer impact I'ees. U;o Thc City shall maintain sufii'icient capacity in its plants, and kcep that capacity availabfe to Ral son Ranch, so that development l Robson Ranch shall not be hindered or delayed due ta lack af sewer capacity or the proposed convei°siorl of wasle-vater service or lacic af capacity af'sewer mains ta transparl ;7stewater [i•o l Robson Ranch tc the treaty ent facilities. F. Subject to Section 1 B ab ve, fram and after the date of this Agreement the City shall 7 only collect wastewater irnpact fees f°om Develc>ei• or Rovson Ranch f i• ex nsion of ti•eatinent capacity nnd cxpansion af interceptors at the then current r te establish ed in applic ble and effective impact fee ordinance applicable to all dev elopmcn ts within thc serviceare. G, "Che City acknowledges and agrees that all repair s, replacements, warrant'res and otller work speciiied oi• •efet°enced 7n vai`ious lettei°5 aIlCI COIli1T1U111Cc 1;lO11S 11°011l llle C-1t CO the Developer relating to wastewater tre tment, including but nc t limited tc all items specified in the letter ciated January 23, 2015 from P.S. Arara to Steven Sori nc and the letter dated June 19, ?Ol5 fram Cieorge Campbell to Steven Soriano, have been satisl-ied or waived by the Crty, and Developer has no itirther obl i ations with respect to any such items. The City furthei• acknowledges and grecs that the Devel per has no further abligatians or liabilities regnrdin wastewater under the Letter of Understanding execuled by the City and the Developer in or about January, 2000. 3. I"c.st c. Any notice, demand or ther eammunieation cequired ar permitted ta be delivered hereunder (other than invoices to bc delivered as hercinafter described} shall be deemed given and ceceived when sent by United States mail, postagc pre-paid, ccrtified m il, return receipt requested, acidressed to each respective party, or sent vi f'csimile to the I`ax number set P rth 1or each party at the time indicated on the con•mat'ron of' transmissi n generated by the sender's electronic equipment, as follows: l r„ tl 'ui, City c>f enton, Texas 215 C, McKinney Street Denton, Texas 76201 nttcntion: P. S. Arora Ueneral Manager of Wastewater Fax No.: (940) 349-8951 If to Che Develo Robson I:)er ton Developmei7t, I_P 9532 T. Riggs Road Sun Lakes, A°izona 85248 Atte,tioil: Steven Soriano/Paul t Robinsan Vice Presiclent/Vice President Fax No.: (480) 895-5455 4'ilf d :.._.:. City of enton, Texas 215 C. McKinney Street Dentan, Texas 7C201 Attentic n: Trey Lansfc rd Deputy City ttorney Fax Na.: 940}382-7923 V4 i i .. ai, l:?_m r The arties l ereto m y charlge their res ective notice ciddr esses for all coinmLinicat oi s and invoices, by written notice delivered to the other party, in accorciance with the terms ofthis Section 3. i 1 i 1 , a v i ar rv .]i, v+,As 1,JtJ v rr ] ', °rv : s Cl..t1Sl Ei Y L C,Y Is7 l y ' + C, y il CI I CI i SU. I + YI " A Y, I S IC / S, A+ S, ' L '' S, CONTRACTOI2S, WITH 12CC Altll TO THE Y I2FORMANCE OF THIS AGEi E1V1ENT; AND SHALL, AT lTS OWN COST AND EXPI;NSE, DEFEIYll AND PROTECT THE OTHER AGAINST ANY ANU ALL SUCH CLAIMS AND DrMAIYDS. 5. ;I inic is a„t;t„hmc ,,s„s nmccm "l,imc is of the cssencc in the perform nce of`obligations under this n„ent. 6. d",.tw r d I,,r, btr wi I tzl b,i fl tud 9:°t TI1is Agreement was executed in tl7e State of Texas and shall be gaverned by, construed, interpreted, and enf'orced all in accordancc with the laws of the State of Texas. All obligations of the parties created under this lgreement are fully perFormable in Uenton County, I'exas. The parties agree that exclusive venue for any lawsuit IITOCC111 Of lllleCpPetlll c111y O'the rights nd abligations, or for any other cause of' actian arising undei° th s Agreement, sltall be a court aI`comE7eteilt jurisdictian n Uenton CounCy, 'l'exas. 'I he C;ity does not hereby voluntarily waive any claim or defense it may have at law, including but nat limited t<7 immunity. 7. Entirety af ;re ae;i:nt. This greement constitutcs thc safe and entirc agrcement and uiiderst nding between the C'rty and t11e Developer regardiilg the abc ve propased change in wastew ter service. Neitller p rty hereta is bound by oi• liable (ar any stltement, represent tiail, promise, inducement, understanding, or undertaking of any 1<in l or nature, whether written or oral, with regard to the subject matter 1lerec f not set forth or provided or herein. This Agreement replaces all prior agreements and undertal<ings between the parties hereto with regard t tlle subject mattec hereaf. [t is expressly grced that thc Parties may havc athcr agrcements cavering othcr scrvices not expressl} pravidcd tc r herein, which agreements re unaffected by this n reemcnt. 8• I a w'1 m u ITmm The City ancl tlle Developer shall not be in default or atherwise liable fc7r aily delay rn, oi• fail u•e Uf, pe'°farmance under this Agreernent if such delay oi• failui•e arises by any re isan beyond its reasonable contral, including any act f God, any acts of the camn ion enemy or terrarism, the elements, earthqu kes, flaods, fires, C 1CI1.1111CS, riots, f ilures or delay in transportatian or communic tions. Howcver, neither the lack of tunds nor the lack of re sonable planning sh ll be deemed to be a reasan beyond a party's rcason ble canti•ol. The parties will pramptly 'rnform aild coilsult with each ather as to any of'the above c uses, which in their judgment may or could be the cause ai'a delay in the performance oi'this Agreement, and each party shall use commercially reasonabfe best e1'forts to lirnit delays on its part. 9. " aµm ayp i9m m v, lf any term r provision of' this Agreement is held by a court to be illegal, invalid, or unenforcec ble, the legality. validity or enfoi•ceability ofthe remaining terms or provisions of this Asreement shall not be af'Fected thereby, and in lieu af each illegal, invalid or ur enfarceable term or provisian tl ece shall be idc ed autom itically to this Agreement a legal, valid ar enfc rceable te,°m ar pi°ovrsion as similar as possible to the term or provision declared illegal, invalid, oi• unenforceable. 10. Amendment. This Agreement may be amencled anly upon the mtrtu l agr•eement of both aI' the Parties hereto, which amendment sh ll nat be e1'Pective until it is red iced to writing and uthorized and executed by the Parties. 1 I. .^W mb M atN ili . 1'he City and the Developer agr e that this Agreement may not be ssigned witl out the prior written consent of the other party due to the special covenants, iiature, and subject matter of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregaing, Develo er may assibn tllis A reement, without tlle cc7ilsent c7f the City , to any (i} entity that, directly or indirect(y, owns or controls, is awned or cantralled by, or is under cammon ownership ac control of, Dcveloper, (ii) cntity ta whom Developer has ssigned all or substantially all oi' its nssets relating ta dcvelopment and salc o1`homes at Robson Ranch, and/or (iii} to any banl<, financing instituti n or other lender, or groups thereof; pursuant to the terms aI` any financiil; agreernents . 12. NoITWaiver The failure af the City or the Developer to insist, an any occasion, upan strict perfarmmance of any provisian of this Agreement will nat be considered to waive the obligations, rights, or duties imposed upon the Parties. No waiver af any breach or violation of any term of this Agreement shall be dcemed or cansti•ucd ta constitutc a waiver of any other breach oi• violatian, whether concurren or subsequent, and whether af' the same or of' a different type ai' breach ar viol lion. 13. %a pr.l W-l;a•1.I m,&i owu,wu,;. "I his A reement is nc t intended to, and does not cre Ce rights, remedies, or benetits of any character whatsoever in favor of any persons, corparatic ns, associations, or entities othei• than the Parties hereto and tl7eir permitted successors-in-interest; and the obGgations hcrein undcrtaken and assumed are solely for thc use and benefit of the Parties, their successors-in-interest, and any permitted assigns pursuant to the tcrms and provisions of this Agreement. ara r t,,h ,eacii„r1 s_and Coilstruction IwA reeil er t., 'T'he descriptive Iteadings of' the14. 1 v7rious articles and sectioJls ot'this Agi°eement have been inserted foc the coilvenience of'i°eiereJtce only, and are to be afforded no signiiic ince in the interpretatian or constructian of this AgreEment. Both Partics hereto have participated in the negotiation and preparatian of this Agreement, which shall nc>t be coi 5trlied either i nore oi° less strongly against ur for either Party. 15. Gender Within this Agreemenl, wards oI' any gender shall be held and construed to include any other gender, and wards in the singular number shall be held and construed to include the plural, unless the context otherwise cequires. 16, H:xhibits. nll F.xhibits to this ngreement are incorporatcd herewith by reference far all purpc ses, wherever reference is made to tl7e same. l7. q aw iw I f"d r T."his Agreement shall be biiiding upon and in ire to the beneIit oi'the parties and their respective heirs, executors, administr tors, legal re resent tives, successors, and permitted 18. g lr ml, t,,9° t."M 4 a t.. This Agreement may be executed in couilterparts, each of which is decmed an original, but all of which constitute but one and the samc instrument 19. ,,I t ip:^. The City represents that this Agreement has Ueen ap roved and duly adopted l y tlle City Council of°the City in accoi°d nce with all applicable public meetings and public ilotice requircments (IICIUC{lll, but not limited to, notices required by the Tcxas Open Meetings Act} and that that the individual cxecuting this Agreernent on bchalf of the City has been authorized ta do so. Developer represents that this Agreement has been appraved by approrriate actic.n of Developer and that the individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of' Ueveloper have been authorized to do so. IN WITNESS WHL+:REOF, the Parties have caused this lgreement lc. k ;a n cd by their respectiv duly t,kthorized ofticials and of cers on this the °. day of r , 2019. CITY" ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY s . y , w.,., . o. . THC CfTY OF DENTON, TEXAS A 'l,exas Municipal Coiporation t °" ,w . .. v. .e. _ gy ' r R.°, ' APPROVED 1S TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, Ci`q°lI l'I°°:°ITY ATTORNEY ti BY= .. _ _ T'odd f-Iileman, City Manager 215 E. McKinney Denton, "I exas 76201 Pax No. (940) 349-8596 nrv',LOPER ROBSON DC;NTON DEVFLOAM I;NT, LP, an Arizona limited partnership Eiy: Denton PropertyManaoement Comp ny, an Arizona corporation doing business in fexas as Robson Denton Managemeilt Company, its Cieneral Partner s gy ,"„ :... ", rv,w. . .., . Name: Paula RoUinson Title; Vice President AC:I{N(:) WLEDC;EMENTS STATE; Or Tl?XAS COUNTY (r D1;NTON This instrument was acknowledged before me, on this ^" day of 2019, by Todd Hileman, City Manager of the City of Denton, 1`ex1s, Mu»icipal C:orp ration, on behalf of the same. Moi a'i iv 9,"`.,.irp w vrrsUrvwa rr r mro rvuurvu,w sas mvi :a. ruewmr,u e .rs 9su oar I/`fll: l It'wC[hE`tl Wxl7Y' v,, w" ' P`P i ilV rll i ( r ri l Y{ i 7'riw I1 l rY'I"fl Y4 L^a7 ( r e`7 i . iF Jraii I Yt71u il> ,'tf Jl a m r"'UN9tl31016 W'I'14pWdOuMRal'' IPIOIYAYNr%'9JNAfNFY7 WIvbVINPy '41Vll'A 'JAU/Nl{,,YUn pdiYAlknrrOILIN i l" '° ' d.Y! N " 9,1' " d ' , , „ ' • m..4.. ... :^ .._ N p;,,rr°wa Public in and for tlle Statc of Tex s r N liw iu,w ui ant was lcknowledged before me, the undersigned uthority on this __3 _d y of , 2019, by P u.la Rabinson, the Vice President of Denton Property Manage nent Company, an Ai•izona corporation doing business in Texas as Robson Denton Management Comp ny, as the general partner of IZobson Dentoil Uevelopmeiit, LI', an Arizon limited pai•tnership, for the purposes thei•ein contained. C EBBIE SINGER Notary Public, Ste1e of Arizona Maricopa County My Commisalon Expires December 14, 2019 9 r sw•1 ly a k c iNa rwuci !'a r".;atat c oi Arizona I.E;C;,I I E,C;Fgii'"I'I()i l (7l '1"1-IFa C7E F_,_,CiPI CEai'C' CiiIBIT A b . w ,„ . C , "SY IV I IPi Leea Description BEING a 2725 acro tract of land i k , ,r1 c e u ro ym t ra r a a W l'a r,t Ta a,«" i ar, ,F k;t l i P 17' C, 1 r' t Na 1 the ''l RR Abatr ct IV'o t i and +1" x t i z va, ,'rs No i, a aa u aly, "d t , satd r i u r b t e t° s d d b l la r''a k r aY "a 1 y` i s ,h 1 `•+r;n ut'i r u c:a 1, o '4 t ac rd a t aw i,', ect w; t1 a b r ar- t al r3 c 6 3 x k a a a' b,,+a s 1 wr COMMENGINa at a 1/2 nch ix r G f unc "r b a-t t. r kk a °ar id 1 a ay r c k moet southarly x C +ar o.f a tract of 1 r m i to l w r d 1;G 1 Lt °+ ad cro n "V"ira `+"i0, Y'a, 7 ofeald Daed ReGorde, Denton aa y°p "xa, 1, 1 ' ur an c s l lra ec r i c`r F l t a a as, 'rn a , aun, "G, a' l a k ar s r 1s aa tt car lr°aa e ak a° a" rl tw y w ^r 'b zr k r t"Ma +na pr t r r - Nrr a +n i+y x b° w r L'a c wr a r No p c a oa rra nutea ]9 socta a "ti,, d of24 50 f6et, THENCE North 00 degcaea S7 awa aa "'"a t;, + rs,:r!° C v i^a w aiNrtirra, TH f Nr k ' 51 mtinu "4 ee a ^VP r Eho n zr hcs l 1 s w"d +ad r p e s J #"a t i fGµf r ay), u c u a' Ji t THENCE North 00 degreeg 17 mtnutes 0 aeconda West, 8678 70 3'e t v t a a tvneofCr,+E'rd pa a ased 9 fc ot c r TI NCE Soutb 69 degraes 25 mmutea 27 aconda Weat, a dia- tance of 2533 5S feet along the north l ne ofaa d Crswford Road aa l 4 'a r m r t-C w y t t r a d a r y r Y k w r y a a c" 1 r n+ c, TH NCE Nortb UO degree9 83 minutos 88 econda'Wee 488156 C a 1y 1 r a 'a d d r z r a 90 f"at w r k;-rE w, THENCE North 89 s r m 51 minutos 47 aeconda ed Weat) w th the north line oF a 7_acre tract of land aad the Cd k'k C 0. 1 I Y' t t F ucre tract of land deeded to Lotta Evera Callahan sad W Callahan aa racorded !n Volume f d r }, 1'1 V M' v/r * S: Gff // : / t jv nt ( r 7 sd "+1 "J 6 c a rt•, a C u a °, o a If a t i' i { a^a 4 i r t u r V"ea e d a u r r t aa " C of uad a +". ai Mc e e a.d ka t l ve u a ar d F.vV Callshan a diecance of 1708 41 Faot, i ar au a e "4 (a at 4 r+ G w rr t vzt w 1 a "r i o, ;, etanc a"V 'oet p i:mt S a H iw + r d a mut 7 a r t (rl r ^9 Fs 1 f "i n 1:t a r d t a c i a aa ra u,, i"^r rxr,. d tl tk t 6 ci ra y x r i i r y s c+ feo THP,NCE North 89 degreoa 4 r a a r+ond k„ 791 f T an dd H t re ad T';i ,k a 00 da r c e 07 mluu a's Esst,'i 8 98 feat; F YENC Nbrth 89 degrese: 48 m nutea 51 eaands a t, I21b 60 feat, ll'C t i +a 9 r x t e U a " d ar au r t +a t l na ot ,+ iVw c J IC r, T td ^z of Y a nr pro H r ad, a Mc M n, Ltd +d t af SU74 89 feet, cE c r C i a s7 ro t l8 u ci ed N r kw rw v 5 rrf s d liww l"1 ut 1 .a++t oi land as. 1+' McCukchin daed, u dl tsnce oi 9gU0 00 faeE to the PE3INT OF 8 t31NNI1V(3 and caata nyng 2 r s or a, more or l ax f THENCE South 00 07' a_.___... ...___ . _.. _ .. ..... ._ ....._.__ .. .. .., .....___ — _...... . . ........ _. r..__ .c r r.. ................ g as t ar, 9 w. ~ .' ' w" r M a N o , n s N The following paymeni schedule is establishe:d for the constructi.on of the pump stations and pipel ne for abandonment of the Robson Ranch Water Reclarnation Plant. Within thirty (,30) d ys after the City provfdes Developer a wrltten certification that a mllestone set forth below has been satlsffed; payment of the amount-set forth nppositethat rriilestone will be due, tlro l i ti r pM c t sN r r r t rN tl r Mr n: i C r C" aN'r Ci r " r t c rslru lc r; '1i11 r a ro q tl:r a r J ct c M tr°u ti ar :"N. bwkll r v rr l ai' r+, ca ti r r°ctVs a [°t c p t r C} i. at l $ Pw"MMi i r