Hazen - Denton Reclamation Solids Handling - 7350Reclamation Solids Handling RFQ #7350 | May 14, 2020 May 14, 2020 Crystal Westbrook Buyer City of Denton 901-B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 Re: Request for Qualifications 7350 Reclamation Solids Handling Dear Ms. Westbrook: Hazen and Sawyer (Hazen) is thrilled to present our uniquely qualified and available team to complete the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant (PCWRP) Solids Handling Improvements Project. Hazen has collaboratively supported the City over the past 5 years in identifying and assessing alternatives to meet the current and future expansion goals. This includes Hazen’s recommendation for a 5 mgd expansion utilizing chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT). Hazen provides the following unique qualifications to this project: 1. Unmatched Understanding – Hazen has partnered with the City in identifying solids handling capaci- ty restrictions, emergency water treatment plant solids handling solutions, solids handling improvements needed to realize the 5 mgd expansion and development of the conceptual design documents for the solids handling improvements. 2. Proven Track Record – Hazen strives to exceed expectations in project delivery and support and has demonstrated this mindset in our past projects with the City. Our support has ranged from evaluation through construction support on planned and emergency projects which have all been successful. 3. Committed Delivery Team with City Experience – Our delivery team is committed and available to complete this project. Our entire team has worked with the City of Denton and learned your design expec- tations. Our local delivery team, who developed the solids improvements conceptual design, is looking forward to completing what we started. 4. We Have a Head Start – We can save the City six months in initial assessment and evaluation time since we have already completed the conceptual design. This accelerates the overall project schedule and ad- dresses the operational needs more quickly. Very truly yours,Hazen and Sawyer Scott Hardy, PE, PMPSenior Associate and Fort Worth Operations Manager Hazen and Sawyer 500 West 7th Street, Suite 702 Fort Worth, TX 76102 • 817.870.2630 hazenandsawyer.com Understanding of the City’s Requirements Hazen and Sawyer 4 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Understanding of the City’s Requirements Hazen will expeditiously deliver the solids handling improvements project building off our previous experience collaboratively identifying the needs at the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant and developing the vision. The Hazen team proposed on this project has been collaboratively shaping the vision for the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant (PCWRP) through multiple projects over the last five years. Our understanding started with the development of the whole plant process model and lead to defining the expansion feasibility opportunities. Along our path we have provided operations support, emergency improvements, construction oversight and peak flow management design. Through these projects we understand the goals of the solids handling improvements are to improve treatment reliability and prepare PCWRP for future expansion. These goals need to be accomplished in a expedited schedule since the plant is already running at the edge of solids handling capacity and need to be accomplished in a cost effective way. RELIABILITY EXPANSION SCHEDULE COST MANAGEMENT Figure 1 on the next page illustrates our team’s engagement with this project from the start. In addition, our local team has been consistently supporting the City of Denton through these projects and are available to deliver the solids handling improvements project. The key individuals shown in Figure 1 will be able to accelerate delivery based on our previous work in defining the needs and build off what has already been started. Our delivery team has designed several projects collaboratively with the City of Denton staff and understands the operational and maintenance preferences that need to be incorporated into the design. As shown in Figure 2, the scope of this project covers multiple needs around the PCWRP identified by plant staff and by our previous projects. The capacity feasibility assessment identified most of these items as necessary for the plant to achieve an additional 5 mgd with chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT). However, before pursuing re-rating the facility with the regulatory authority, Texas Commission on Environment Quality (TCEQ), full scale validation testing and influent characterization is required. This cannot be accomplished with the plant’s interim configuration to manage solids with the dissolved air flotation thickeners (DAFTs) out of service. The site map, Figure 2, identifies the improvement areas along with our understanding of the need. Hazen and Sawyer 5 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 MARCH2015 JULY2015 AUG.2015 SEPT.2015 OCT.2015 NOV.2015 DEC.2015 MAY2016 JULY2016 FEB.2017 JAN.2018 AUG.2018 JUNE2018 OCT.2018 DEC.2018 APRIL2019 AUG.2019 JAN.2020 JAN.2015 B Plant-wide sampling C Identified solids handling and impacts from WTP solids D Hickory Creek Detention Facility design E Emergency pilot of rotary drum thickener F Operations model tool training G Interim resolution to WTP solids handlingH Emergency raw sewage pump station hydraulic assessment I West peak flow pump station design J Iron addition optimization jar testing K Hickory Creek lift station design L RSPS 2 constructionM Solids handling improvement concept defined N 5 mgd expansion feasability assessment O CEPT jar testing and process model update R HCLS construction S HCDF and WPFPS construction A Whole-plant process model development P Decision on CEPT and solids handling improvements Q Conceptual design of solids handling improvements Scott Hardy Brandt Miller CD Dassanayake Joe Rohrbacher Tom Paulmann Ryan Priest Tyler Hudson Fred Powell Brett Bueltel Colton Kolsea Jay London A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S From the Start Hazen has Collaboratively Shaped the Solids Handling Improvements Project Events Hazen Sta Our team saves 6 months in design schedule because we have already reviewed record drawings, performed site recon for power and utility tie-ins, performed design calculations, sized equipment, coordinated with vendors, evaluated technologies, developed P&IDs, site plan and equipment technical specifications. Figure 1 Hazen and Sawyer 6 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 3 RDTs, feed pumps, discharge pumps, wash water pumps and polymer feed system: Hazen evaluated technology options as part of the 5 mgd expansion feasibility. RDTs were selected for enclosed technology with minimal operational oversight. Additional wash water pumps are needed because existing plant service water pump station cannot meet capacity. Repurposing the Lamson Blower Building adjacent to RDT pad location for polymer equipment storage. New North Plant primary sludge pump station: Long primary sludge suction piping from two PCs results in operational challenges and reduced redundancy. New pump station improves sludge removal and is critical for CEPT implementation. New RAS and WAS sludge pumps: The WAS pumps in RAS/WAS PS No. 1 and No. 2 require replacement for new solids holding tank. The RAS pumping capacity needs to be increased for expansion and to address North Plant sludge removal challenges. Sludge holding tank aeration mixing system: The new sludge holding tank repurposes an existing abandoned tank on site. Sludge mixing is required for consistent solids feed to the RDT system and minimized polymer adjustments. Concrete containment berm: Improves ease of maintenance and decreases risk of overflow. Storage building (not shown above, location TBD): The City needs storage space to consolidate emergency equipment in one place for quick access. Fencing along southern boundary (not shown above): Improve plant security. Yard piping modifications (not shown above): Required for solids handling improvements; utilizing existing piping where possible. Replacement of primary sludge and grit pumps: Primary sludge and grit pumps have reached end of useful life at both North and South Plant. The North Plant pump type is not ideal for the application and would be replaced with a more suitable technology. MCC in Lamson Blower Building: The new thickening equipment will be powered from the Lamson Blower Building, which requires replacement of the existing MCC. Hazen performed a site reconnaissance visit to determine space suciency and feed capacity. South RAS MCC: Equipment at end of useful life. Aeration diuser replacement: The existing diusers in the North Plant are ceramic and reached the end of useful life. Initial vendor pricing shows replacement with membrane material is more cost eective. Replacement requires an additional adapter to avoid full replacement of diuser grid piping. The South Plant diusers can be replaced in kind. Air valve replacement: Multiple air valves have reached the end of useful life. Digester cleaning: Accumulation of inert grit and solids is typical in anaerobic digesters requiring periodic cleaning to restore treatment capacity. Rehabilitation of BFPs and conveyor: The BFP frames are in good condition but moving parts such as rollers, bearing and hydraulics have reached end of useful life and require rehabilitation. Rehabilitation can be performed in place or in the factory and will be assessed during design. There is a single conveyor which will require special consideration to maintain plant operation during construction. Digester piping valve condition assessment and replacement: Digester system valves have been replaced as needed in the past. This approach will identify valves before failure and replacing in a more cost aective manner. Primary Digester lid condition assessment and possible replacement: The existing digester lid is old and showing signs of leakage. Assessment will focus on potential rehab or full replacement. Odor control assessment: The new sludge holding tank presents a new potential source for odors and has an elevated opening. It is our understanding that this scope item is targeted to the sludge holding tank but we can perform a plant-wide assessment if necessary. The existing configuration does not blend primary sludge and WAS in a tank but samples can be collected to assess the odor potential and design an appropriate system to contain, convey and treat the new potential odor source. 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 12 13 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 Scope Items and Understandings Figure 2 Hazen and Sawyer 7 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Approach The City requires an organized delivery approach and our team has a head start on preliminary design which accelerates our delivery of this project. UNDERSTAND, EXPLORE OPTIONS, AND CONVERGE STEPS 1,2,3 BENEFITS • Hazen has already completed these tasks as part of the 5 mgd Expansion Feasibility Assessment and Solids Handling Conceptual Design. We are ready to start design on day 1. • An expedited assessment for scope items added will be performed in parallel to design TASKS • Understand existing condition of facilities and operational restrains • Develop solids handling basis of design for current and future expansion • Explore technology options to address capacity and operations challenges • Converge on the best solution for the City of Denton TASKS • Prepare contract documents for selected improvements • Milestone review workshops to solicit stakeholder comments • Constructability and Operability focused milestone reviews • O&M documentation requirements clear in specifications TASKS • Provide desired construction administration and management services. • Resident engineering services available • ProCore construction management tool experience TASKS • Develop accessible standard operating procedures (SOPs) that identify key performance indicators for sta to monitor and respond to process changes • Identify realistic metrics to track performance • Leverage certified operators for tailored onsite training • Compile maintenance requirement for new equipment BENEFITS • High quality, biddable, buildable contract documents • Improved ease of operation and maintenance with design features • Easily compile O&M information during Step 6 BENEFITS • Continuity of design intent • Incorporate operational considerations for any changes during design BENEFITS • Smooth transition from construction to operation • Aligns maintenance information format with existing maintenance management system STEP4 DESIGN STEP5 CONSTRUCT STEP6 COMMISSION Hazen’s conceptual design site plan for solids handling improvements and technical specifications. COMPLETED Hazen and Sawyer 8 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 We recognize that the City, like many municipalities in North Texas, will be faced with increased financial pressure from the economic impacts of COVID-19. Managing of the City’s financial resources in a cost conscience way through- out the project will be one of our focuses. In addition, we have assisted Texas utilities in the submission and justifica- tion for Texas Water Development Board SWIFT funding for construction projects to ease the long-term financial burden with loans currently at record low interest rates. This may provide the City with an alternative funding source with long terms rate management benefits and Hazen is prepared to help. Our local Hazen delivery team is currently working with North Texas Municipal Water District for Texas Water Development Board Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWRF) Loan approval in parallel to the design of the Rowlett Creek Regional WWTP Phase II Improvements for more then $50,000,000. CWRF interest rates are at record lows and may be a viable alternate funding mechanism for long term financial stability. Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Hazen’s commitment to quality is defined by our people and fostered through our formalized QA/QC process, which is in direct alignment with the City of Denton’s expectations and industry standard of care. This process is reinforced through our training programs for technical competency and QA/QC compliance. QA/QC is ingrained in our culture. Quality is imperative in all we do, from everyday emails to complex studies and design projects. Quality Assurance Processes Quality assurance is incorporating quality as we do our work. Hazen infuses quality in numerous ways: Technical Advisors: We use senior level personnel to effectively guide the work and to take advantage of decades of meaningful experience on similar projects. The assigned Technical Advisors will remain involved in and informed about the project from conception through completion, particularly regarding project objectives, approach to completion of the scope of work and the City of Denton’s’ expectations. 1. Design Guidelines and Checklists: Hazen has discipline-specific design guidelines and checklists to support staff with proven methods for execution and checking of work. 2. Training: Hazen continually provides technical training through process group participation, company-wide training sessions, and specialized boot camp training. 3. Continuous Improvement Portal: Hazen has a web-portal for staff to propose improvements to our master spec- ifications and standard details. Senior engineers review the suggestions and refine specifications and details. Develop QC Plan Perform QC Reviews Update Documents toincorporate comments Submit to Clientfor review • Establish QC reviewers • Identify QC review milestones• Set review schedule & budget • Receive and document comments• Document how comments are addressed • Meet with QC reviewers to discuss/resolve comments• Inform QC reviewers how comments were addressed Schedule Hazen and Sawyer 10 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Schedule Hazen has developed the conceptual design for the solids handling improvements at the PCWRP which will allow our team to jump straight to preliminary design for most of the scope areas. The City has included assessment tasks for the digesters and odor control which were not completed during conceptual design. These items will be assessed in parallel during design. Recommendations from the assessments will be documented in the Preliminary Design Workshop and carried into the Detailed Design phase. The schedule below illustrates our estimate for project execution and construction. At the request of the City, we are capable of accelerating the schedule further. Aug. 2020 2021 2023 Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.March April May June July Aug.Task Name Notice To Proceed Assessment Pecan Creek WWTP Site Visit Digestor Cover, Piping & Valves Assessment Odor Control Assessment Preliminary Design Grit Pumps Aeration Basin Diusers and Valves South RAS MCC Storage Building, Berm and Fencing Workshop Field Investigations Survey Geotechnical Investigations Detailed Design 60% Design - New Items 60% Design -Hazen Head Start Items QAQC 60% Design Submission Denton Submittal Review Period 60% Design Workshop 90% Design QAQC 90% Design Submission Denton Submittal Review Period 90% Design Workshop Bid Services Award Contract Construction Administration June Aug. 3 Aug. 28 Sept. 25 Dec. 11 Jan. 8 March 26 April 23 Past Performance and Experience Hazen and Sawyer 12 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Past Performance and Experience Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant (PCWRP) Process Modeling, Operations Tool and Capacity Feasibility Assessment Completion Date: 2019 Construction Value: NA (Study) Hazen developed a detailed and calibrated process model to (1) Determine potential operational and energy savings scenarios, (2) Evaluate the feasibility of realizing biological phosphorus removal and save costs on chemical addition, (3) Determine potential excess capacity available from existing facilities, and (4) Leverage it for operational training scenarios for plant staff. Hazen performed two days of onsite operations training with the process model tool. The project included on-call support such as the assessment of process upsets due to periodic water treatment plant residual discharges to the facility and emergency solids management assessment. Rotary drum thickeners (RDT) were piloted as a feasible mechanical thickening solution and Hazen developed the testing protocol and analyzed the results. Recently, Hazen was tasked with determining the feasibility and improvements necessary to expand the PCWRP by 5 mgd in average annual day flow (increase in peak flow would be managed through onsite and collection system storage). Multiple alternatives were evaluated using the process model including solids handling improvements, enhancing primary treatment and secondary treatment intensification. The results indicate the additional capacity can be realized through chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) and solids handling improvements to address the lack of thickening capacity. Immediate improve- ments required include new RDTs for thickening and polymer feed system for CEPT. Relevance: • Defined the scope of solids handling improvements project • Rotary drum thickener piloting • Solids handling condition assessment • Site reconnaissance to re-purpose existing infrastructure where possible Reference: City of Denton, TX Rusty Willard 1100 S. Mayhill Rd. Denton, TX 76208 940.349.8601 Rusty.Willard@cityofdenton.com Proposed Local Personnel: CD Dassanayake Project Director Brandt Miller Project Manager Scott Hardy Task Lead Tom Paulmann Project Engineer Ryan Priest Project Engineer Tyler Hudson Project Engineer Other Proposed Personnel: Joe Rohrbacher Technical Advisor Michael Bullard Technical Advisor Fred Powell Structural Hazen and Sawyer 13 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (RCRWWTP) Phase II Improvements Completion Date: August 2020 (Final Design) Final Design Completion Anticipated 2020 Construction Value: $55M Hazen was selected by NTMWD to evaluate and develop a preliminary engi- neering concept for the RCRWWTP to increase P2HF capacity from 77.5 mgd to 120 mgd while maintaining an AADF capacity of 24 mgd. Condition, hydraulic capacity and process capacity were assessed to identify gaps and opportunities to gain additional capacity with minimal capital improvements. Treatment alternatives considered included membrane bioreactors (MBR), densified acti- vated sludge (DAS) with step feed and high rate biological treatment. DAS with step feed was selected and saved NTMWD approximately $20M in capital cost and maintained operational simplicity. The solids handling facility was determined to be at the end of useful life. Four operation configurations (thickening WAS and dewatering, dilute WAS storage and dewatering, co-thickening and dewatering, and dewatering 24/7), three thickening technologies (RDT, GBT, and 3-belt filter press), and three dewatering technologies (3-belt filter press, centrifuge, and BFP) were evaluated. WAS thickening and dewatering were selected with GBTs and BFPs. Current design scope includes: influent lift station expansions, aeration basin improvements for step feed and diffuser replacement, new aeration direct drive blowers, clarifier mechanism replacement, new disc filters, new UV disinfection, new ferric sulfate storage and feed, new outfall pipeline, various hydraulic and distribution improvements throughout the site, and new solids handling facility with GBTs, BFPs, truck loadout and all ancillary pumping and chemical equip- ment. Construction sequencing is a significant challenge due to site constraints while maintaining plant operation. Relevance: • Design of thickening and dewatering improvements • Design of ancillary equipment (polymer, sludge pumping, service water, etc.) • Refurbishment of existing belt filter presses • Maintaining operation during construction phases • Odor control improvements • RAS pump design • Diffuser and air valve replacement • Blower design Reference: North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), TX Donna Long, PE 505 E. Brown St. Wylie, TX 75098 469.626.4719 dlong@ntmwd.com Proposed Local Personnel: Scott Hardy Task Lead Brandt Miller Project Manager CD Dassanayake Project Director Jay London Civil Ryan Priest Project Engineer Tyler Hudson Project Engineer Eduardo Leal Assistant Engineer Other Proposed Personnel: Joe Rohrbacher Technical Advisor Michael Bullard Technical Advisor Dick Pope Technical Advisor Bret Bueltel Technical Advisor Gerald Ratasky Technical Advisor Christopher Phillips Technical Advisor Fred Powell Structural John Ford Structural William Russell Architect Hazen and Sawyer 14 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Village Creek WRF Gravity Belt Thickener Addition Completion Date: 2016 Construction Value: $1M Design and construction of gravity belt thickener and supporting equipment retrofitted into an existing building. Installed equipment while keeping the facility in operation. Preliminary engineering included a solids production master plan and means of reducing the dependency on their dissolved air floa- tation thickeners for WAS thickening. Performed polymer evaluation comparing thickening performance with ten emulsion polymers and eight dry polymers on multiple blend concentrations of WAS and High Rate Clarifier (HRC) sludges. Also designed polymer system with tote connection for easy field testing of different emulsion polymers. Services during construction included submittal review, responses to requests, periodic observation visits, start-up and validation of equipment performance and close out. Relevance: • Design and construction support • Thickening improvements • PS and WAS pumping • Polymer system design • Startup assistance Reference: City of Fort Worth, TX Seiavash Mir 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX 76012 817.392.8404 Seiavash.Mir@fortworthtexas.gov Proposed Local Personnel: CD Dassanayake Project Director Brandt Miller Project Engineer Scott Hardy Start-up Assistance Other Proposed Personnel: Michael Bullard Technical Advisor Hazen and Sawyer 15 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Roberto R. Bustamante Wastewater Treatment Plant (RRBWWTP) Optimization and Expansion Completion Date: Ongoing Construction Value: $110M El Paso Water (EPW) identified capacity restrictions at the RRBWWTP limiting design capacity below the rated 39 mgd. Hazen was retained by EPW to validate the existing process capacity and identify alternatives to recover capacity back to the permitted 39 mgd. In addition, the flows to the facility exceed 75 percent of the permitted capacity triggering planning for expansion. This project includes developing treatment alternatives for the expansion to 51 mgd. Eventually, this facility will include an advanced treatment process to meet drinking water standards for direct potable reuse. Therefore, one goal of the optimization and expansion project is to economically meet the effluent quality desired to feed the advanced plant with consistent quality. This quality goal is more stringent than the effluent discharge permit. The evaluation phase of the project is currently underway with process model calibration and primary and secondary clarifier computational fluid dynamic models. In addition, existing solids handling processes will be evaluated with an attempt to increase the consistency of cake quality. Conceptual design will be completed for the selected alternative and design will proceed with the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) alternative delivery mechanism to expe- dite the schedule. Schedule is a significant driver for this project due to the current capacity limitations and the conceptual design must be completed in 8 month. Hazen is currently on schedule for completion. Relevance: • Evaluation of thickening and dewatering improvements • Odor control assessment • Diffuser replacement • BFP rehabilitation • Digester lid condition assessment • Digester piping and valve condition assessment • Digester cleaning Reference: El Paso Water, TX Robert Ortega, PE Project Manager 10001 Southside Rd El Paso, TX 79927 915.820.6164 ortegar@epwater.org Proposed Local Personnel: CD Dassanayake Project Director Brandt Miller Task Lead Scott Hardy Task Lead Tom Paulmann Project Engineer Ryan Priest Project Engineer Tyler Hudson Project Engineer Other Proposed Personnel: Joe Rohrbacher Technical Advisor Michael Bullard Technical Advisor Dick Pope Technical Advisor Bret Bueltel Technical Advisor Fred Powell Structural John Ford Structural William Russell Architect Hazen and Sawyer 16 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Greenwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Dissolved Air Flotation Thickener, Odor Control and Process Assessment Completion Date: 2019 (Study) Construction Value: $60M Condition of aging infrastructure in need of rehabilitation or replacement, nuisance odors, and treatment reliability were the primary drivers for this project at the 8 mgd Greenwood WWTP. Hazen was retained by the City to evaluate deficiencies at the existing facilities to address all the drivers for this project (condition, odors and reliability) in comparison to a process upgrade option that addresses the drivers and reduces overall cost. A calibrated waste- water process model was developed for the facility to evaluate alternative con- figurations and sizing. An alternate process configuration was recommended to eliminate the primary clarifiers and convert the existing anaerobic digesters to aerobic waste activated sludge storage. This process addressed the goals economically, reduced operational complexity and aligned this facility with the other four WWTPs the City owns and operates. Conceptual design is complete including the site master plan to expand the facility up to 16 mgd. The design includes biological nutrient removal upgrades, new aeration blowers, secondary clarifier, solids pumping, sludge holding tank mixing system, rotary drum thickener facility, screw press dewatering, and ancillary solids handling equipment such as polymer, pumping and conveyance. Relevance: • Evaluation of thickening and dewatering improvements • Odor control assessment • Diffuser replacement • Digester condition assessment • Rotary drum thickener conceptual design • Solids handling ancillary equipment assessment (pumping, polymer and conveyors) • RAS and WAS pumping Reference: City of Corpus Christi, TX Daniel Deng 2726 Holly Rd Corpus Christi, TX 78415 361.826.1805 JiangangD@cctexas.com Proposed Local Personnel: CD Dassanayake Project Director Brandt Miller Task Lead Scott Hardy Task Lead Tom Paulmann Project Engineer Other Proposed Personnel: Joe Rohrbacher Technical Advisor Michael Bullard Technical Advisor Fred Powell Structural Bret Bueltel Technical Advisor Hazen and Sawyer 17 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 F. Wayne Hill WRC – Thickening Rehab Project Completion Date: 2013 Construction Value: $8.87M To save capital, Gwinnett County made the decision to centralize solids handling at the 60 mgd F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center (FWHWRC) and pump solids from the soon to be completed 22 mgd Yellow River WRF to FWHWRC for treatment and removal. As part of a plant-wide optimization study at FWHWRC, Hazen’s solids process evaluation confirmed Gwinnett County’s fears that the thickening and anaerobic digestion processes are not adequate for the design capacity of the 60 mgd (MMF) with the addition of solids from the Yellow River WRF (approximately 18 mgd at startup). Capacity improvements were identified and evaluated by Hazen to meet the plant’s maximum month capacity of 60 mgd with the addition of the Yellow River sludge, and co-thick- ening of primary and waste activated sludge to 5.5% solids was identified as the best option to implement. Gwinnett County issued a demand services work authorization to Hazen to perform an evaluation of gravity belt thickeners (GBTs) and rotary drum thick- eners (RDTs) in a co-thickening application for the capacity improvements. Multiple site visits to co-thickening installations were conducted with Gwinnett County operations and maintenance staff. Detailed layouts in 3-D, equipment comparisons, and costs analyses of GBTs and RDTs were performed. Extensive interviews and surveys were conducted with operators and maintenance per- sonnel at existing installations with a particular emphasis on installations utilizing the equipment in a co-thickening mode to operation. As RDTs were generally found to be more favorably received by operations and maintenance staff, offered the cleanest installation, fit best within the constraints of the existing building, and do not create the wet and corrosive environment associated with GBTs, Gwinnett County selected the slightly more costly rotary drum thickener technology. To meet Yellow River’s quickly approaching startup schedule, Hazen fast-tracked the detailed design services to replace FWHWRC’s existing thickening centri- fuges with six 400 gpm rotary drum thickeners. Provisions were included to attenuate primary sludge and dampen swings in solids concentration in a holding tank, decoupling primary sludge pumping from the thickening operation, allowing FWHWRC to discontinue its practice of in-tank thickening in the primary clarifiers, and allowing for more consistent feedstock and consistent polymer dosage to the RDTs. The project also included provisions for separate WAS holding and mixing, odor control, bulk polymer storage and feed, new 4-stage progressing cavity pumps for pumping thickened digested sludge to the digesters, new digested sludge piping to reduce headloss, and controls for unattended monitoring and auto- mated operation. Relevance: • Defined the scope of solids handling improvements project • Rotary drum thickener piloting • Solids handling condition assessment • Site reconnaissance to re-purpose existing infrastructure where possible Reference: Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources Justin Garmon 684 Winder Highway Lawrenceville, GA 30045 678.294.8399 Justin.garmon@gwinettcounty.com Proposed Local Personnel: Scott Hardy Project Manager Other Proposed Personnel: Michael Bullard Technical Advisor Experience and Qualifications of Hazen and Key Personnel Hazen and Sawyer 19 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Experience and Qualifications of Hazen and Key Personnel Since 1951, Hazen and Sawyer (Hazen), has focused on water and wastewater, with 95% of the firm’s business serving municipal clients. We are environmental engineers and scientists providing study, design, construction management, project management, and operations consulting for all things related to water. Having more than 1,100 professionals at Hazen who focus solely on water, provides the City of Denton with an indus- try-leading deep bench to address any challenge. The firm has the right expertise to address the solids handling improve- ment project challenges with cost effective solutions that are tried and true. Hazen has six fully functioning offices within Texas, two of which are in the DFW area, to serve the immediate needs of the City. Hazen has supported the City from both DFW offices for the last five years and has a proven track record of responsiveness, collaborative mentality and agility to adapt to changes. We look forward to continuing our support of the City’s initiatives and accomplishing the goals of this project. 1951 Firm Established 1,173 Employees 569 Professional Engineers 64 Innovation Awards in Last 10 Years 61 Oces Nationwide 32 Texas Professional Engineers 6 Texas Oces Nimble and Responsive Focused on Best-Fit Experts for Each Project Collaborative and Communicative Low Bureaucracy Hazen by the Numbers Hazen Oces Hazen Culture El Paso DallasFort Worth HoustonAustin CorpusChristi All Things Water According to ENR, Hazen and Sawyer is ranked as one of the top firms devoted entirely to water and wastewater for the past five years. Agile and Responsive Our low bureaucracy and collaborative culture bring our clients the right skills needed for every assignment at the right time. Thought Leaders Known primarily for providing top technical expertise, we maintain the industry’s largest research portfolio and help our clients make smart, forward-thinking decisions. We can bring solutions and experience to achieve your objectives Hazen and Sawyer 20 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Project Manager Scott Hardy, PE, PMP Technical Advisors Process Mechanical Michael Bullard, PE Odor ControlDick Pope, PE CivilJay London, PE Wastewater Process/AerationJoe Rohrbacher, PE Structural/Architectural Christopher Phillips, PE Electrical Gerald Ratasky, PE Instrumentation Daniel Edwards, PE Project Director CD Dassanayake, PhD, PE Civil Ryan Priest, PE Eduardo Leal, EIT Architectural William Russell, AIA, LEED AP Structural Fred Powell, PE John Ford, PE Process Mechanical Tom Paulmann, PE Brandt Miller, PE Tyler Hudson, EIT HVAC/Plumbing Norman Bartley, PE Electrical Brett Bueltel, PE Instrumentation Colton Kolesa, PE FirmsHazen Alliance Geotechnical Group Spooner & Associates Geotechnical Michael Roland, PE Survey Eric Spooner, RPLS We have assembled a team specifically for the PCWRP Solids Improvements project that balances a capable local project manager, local delivery staff and appropriate expertise for a successful project. All the personnel proposed for this project have worked with the City of Denton on past City projects and many worked to complete the conceptual design for the solids improvements. The individuals involved from the start of the project in preliminary engineering will be carried through construction and start-up ensuring the design intent and process/operation considerations are not lost over the life of the project. Many of our team members have delivered successful Denton projects from preliminary design through start-up. Our key delivery staff, Chamindra Dassanayake (CD), Scott Hardy, Brandt Miller, Tom Paulmann, Ryan Priest, Fred Powell, Brett Bueltel and Colton Kolesa are seasoned at delivering key projects for the City of Denton and have worked together on multiple projects tied to the scope areas of the solids handling improvements project. We have a head start having developed the conceptual design and will save months of assessment and evaluation time accelerating the delivery schedule. Hazen and Sawyer 21 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Scott Hardy, PE, PMP | Project Manager Mr. Hardy developed the RDT procurement documents for the PCWRP and previously managed a very similar RDT co-thickening project for the 60 mgd F. Wayne Hill WRC. Mr. Hardy also has assessed, designed and rehabbed 42 individual anaerobic digester tanks over the past 10 years. Projects Described in the Proposal: • PCWRP Process Modeling, Operations Tool and Capacity Feasibility Assessment, City of Denton, TX -Task Lead • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Task Lead • Greenwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Dissolved Air Flotation Thickener, Odor Control and Process Assessment, Corpus Christi, TX - Task Lead • Village Creek WRF Gravity Belt Thickener Addition, City of Fort Worth, TX - Start-Up Assistance • RRBWWTP Optimization and Expansion, El Paso Water, TX - Task Lead • F. Wayne Hill WRC Thickening Rehab Project - Project Manager Additional Experience: PCWRP Co-Thickening Preliminary Design and Procurement Documents, Denton, TXProject manager for the development of preliminary design and procurement documents for three 400 gpm rotary drum thickeners, double disc feed pumps, progressive cavity thickened sludge pumps and control system. Also develop preliminary design for new primary sludge pump station and upgrades to WAS pumps and large bubble mixing system for sludge holding tank. Hickory Creek Lift Station, City of Denton, TXProject manager design and construction services for a new 11 mgd firm capacity lift sta-tion to replace the existing Hickory Creek Lift Station. The new lift station design is within the existing property and includes three variable speed non-clog submersible pumps, hydraulic surge protection, 16-foot diameter prefabricated wet well, influent collection system and forcemain to tie into the existing buried infrastructure. Valley Creek WWTP Energy and Process Optimization Study, Jefferson County, AL Principal Investigator for the anaerobic digester optimization study. The seven existing digesters showed limited volatile solids destruction and foaming issues. Mr. Hardy recom-mended cleaning the digesters and installing a pumped mixing system to help restore and maintain active digester volume, installing automatic feed system with automatic valve and magnetic flow meters to evenly load the digesters and improvements to the hot water system control to provide uniform digester heating. Village Creek WWTP Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Receiving and Anaerobic Digester Upgrades, Jefferson County, AL Lead Project Engineer for the anaerobic digester rehabilitation, centrifuge dewatering optimization and FOG receiving facility. The digester upgrades included new hot water and digester heating systems, new pumped jet mixing system, digester gas piping replace- ment, and electrical/HVAC upgrades to meet current building codes. Centrifuge dewa- tering optimization included evaluation and optimization of feed pumps, polymer system, cake conveyors, cake pumping, and lime stabilization system. TP Smith WWTP, Tallahassee, FL Solids lead for design of two new anaerobic digesters and head house including mixing and heating systems, gas collection and compression and waste gas burners. Also designed an 11,000 lbs/day direct biosolids dryer facility. Firm: Hazen Education MS, Environmental Engineering BS, Environmental Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX (Environmental) Areas of Expertise • Water and wastewater process design • Water and wastewater facilities design • Process evaluations and optimization • Pump and pipeline hydraulic analysis and design • Anaerobic digestion • Combined heat and power and co-digestion design • Treatment plant hydraulics • Construction administration Experience • 21 total years • 14 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 22 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Chamindra Dassanayake, PhD, PE | Project Director Mr. Dassanayake (CD) has experience in the evaluation, design, and construction administration of water and wastewater treatment facilities. He has served Denton on various projects for the past 15 years and his familiar with the procedures, staff, and facilities. He has over 25+ years of experience in all facets of water and wastewater facilities studies, design, construction, and optimization. Most of this experience has been focused on delivering solutions to DFW and Texas clients. He is currently serving as Project Director on our current work with the City of Denton. Projects Described in the Proposal: • PCWRP Process Modeling, Operations Tool and Capacity Feasibility Assessment, City of Denton, TX - Project Director • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Project Director • Greenwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Dissolved Air Flotation Thickener, Odor Control and Process Assessment, Corpus Christi, TX - Project Director • RRBWWTP Optimization and Expansion, El Paso Water - Project Manager and Director Additional Experience: Hickory Creek In-System Peak Flow Storage Facility and PCWRP West Peak Flow Pump Station, City of Denton, TXProject director for the design of passive diversion structures with a baffle to mitigate floatables, 42-inch and 48-inch gravity diversion pipelines, 30 mgd and 24 mgd firm ca-pacity pump stations with submersible solids handling pumps, 3.5 MG above ground pre-stressed concrete storage tank, automated jet wash cleaning system and adsorption odor control. PCWRP, Raw Sewage Pump Station No. 2 (RSPS2) Hydraulic Improvements, City of Denton, TX Project director for the evaluation of the existing 26 mgd pump station and design of a baffle wall, pump replacement, redesign of the dry pit pump layout and piping configuration. Central WWTP Thickener Improvements, Dallas Water Utilities, TX Project director for the design of a rotary drum thickener facility at the 200 mgd WWTP. The facility included submersible feed pumps, a polymer mixing and injection system, a rotary drum thickener, progressive cavity discharge pumps, and civil design of all yard piping and site grading around the facility. Riverbend WRF Improvements, Upper Trinity Regional Water District, TX Project director for the improvements at the 4 mgd WRF. The project included design of a centrifuge dewatering facility with double disc feed pumps, a polymer mixing and injec- tion system, a non-potable water booster system and conveyors. In addition, the project included a waste activated sludge transfer pump station, alum metering pump expansion, and a new laboratory building. Southside WWTP Dewatering Facility, Dallas Water Utilities, TX Project director for construction administration for the 185dT/day dewatering facility. The project included review and processing of submittals, requests for information, cost pro- posals and design changes during construction. He managed start-up services including punch list development and completion, updating the maintenance system database and developing a standard operating procedure for the entire facility. Firm: Hazen Education PhD, Environmental Engineering M. Eng., Environmental Engineering BS, Applied Mathematics B. Eng., Chemical Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX (Environmental) Areas of Expertise • Wastewater Treatment Biological Nutrient Removal Process Evaluation and Design • Solids Process Evaluation and Design • Process Optimization • Dewatering Technology Evaluation and Design • Odor Control • Master planning • Rehabilitation and Retrofits Experience • 26 total years • 6 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 23 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Brandt Miller, PE | Process Mechanical Mr. Miller has experience in the evaluation, design, and construction administration of wastewater treatment facilities. He has experience with evaluating and optimizing wastewater treatment facilities through field analysis, troubleshooting, wastewater process model development and calibration. He has performed conceptual and preliminary engineering evaluations to address capacity, nutrient removal, aeration capacity, disinfection alternatives, energy management and operational cost optimization. His design and construction support experience includes aeration systems, lift stations, conveyance pipelines, solids handling facilities and chemical feed systems ranging in construction cost from $0.5-40M and facilities from 0.5-330 mgd. Projects Described in the Proposal: • PCWRP Process Modeling, Operations Tool and Capacity Feasibility Assessment, City of Denton, TX - Project Manager • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Project Manager • Greenwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Dissolved Air Floatation Thickener, Odor Control and Process Assessment, Corpus Christi, TX - Liquid Process Improvement Task Lead • RRBWWTP Optimization and Expansion, El Paso Water, TX - Liquid Process Improvement Task Lead Additional Experience: Hickory Creek In-System Peak Flow Storage Facility and PCWRP West Peak Flow Pump Station, City of Denton, TX Project manager and engineer for the design of passive diversion structures with a baffle to mitigate floatables, 42 and 48-inch gravity diversion pipelines, 30 and 24 mgd firm capacity pump stations with submersible solids handling pumps, 3.5 MG above ground pre-stressed concrete storage tank, automated jet wash cleaning system and odor control. PCWRP, Raw Sewage Pump Station No. 2 Hydraulic Improvements, City of Denton, TXProject manager and engineer for the evaluation of the existing 26 mgd pump station and design of a baffle wall, pump replacement, redesign of the dry pit pump layout and piping configuration. Central WWTP-Thickener Improvements, Dallas Water Utilities, TX Project Manager for the design of a rotary drum thickener facility at the 200 mgd WWTP. The facility included submersible feed pumps, a polymer mixing and injection system, a rotary drum thickener, progressive cavity discharge pumps, and civil design of all yard piping and site grading around the facility. Riverbend WRF Improvements, Upper Trinity Regional Water District, TXProject Manager for the improvements at the 4 mgd WRF. The project included design of a centrifuge dewatering facility with double disc feed pumps, a polymer mixing and injec-tion system, a non-potable water booster system and conveyors. In addition, the project included a waste activated sludge transfer pump station, alum metering pump expansion, and a new laboratory building. Southside WWTP Dewatering Facility, Dallas Water Utilities, TX Project Manager for construction administration for the 185dT/day dewatering facility. The project included review and processing of submittals, requests for information, cost pro- posals and design changes during construction. He managed start-up services including punch list development and completion, updating the maintenance system database and developing a standard operating procedure for the entire facility. Firm: Hazen Education BS, Civil Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX (Environmental) Areas of Expertise • Wastewater Treatment Biological Nutrient Removal Process Evaluation and Design • Wastewater process modelling • Diffused aeration • Chemical Feed System Design • Dewatering Technology Evaluation and Design • Odor control Experience • 11 total years • 6 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 24 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Michael Bullard, PE | Technical Advisor - Process Mechanical Mr. Bullard has over 30-years of experience as an engineer in the design, operation, maintenance and process optimization of municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment facilities. Mr. Bullard is Hazen’s National Residuals and Biosolids Mechanical Discipline Group Leader and has extensive experience in the full range of residuals and biosolids thickening, stabilization, dewatering, biogas utilization and treatment systems, and ultimate residuals management processes from a planning, design, and operational perspective. Projects Described in the Proposal: • F. Wayne Hill WRC Thickening Rehab Project - Senior Tech Advisor Additional Experience: Metropolitan WWTP Solids Handling and Treatment Evaluation, City of Columbia, SCSenior Technical Advisor. Evaluation of solids handling and residuals management pro-cesses included the estimation of solids production rates for flow rates ranging from 45 to 80 mgd, for process configurations both with and without nutrient removal. Assessed the ability of the existing DAFT thickening, anaerobic digestion, centrifuge dewatering and multiple hearth incineration facilities to treat resulting residuals mass and volumetric loadings at the selected operating conditions. Conducted a condition assessment to identify maintenance and repair requirements to restore existing infrastructure to optimal design capacity and capability. Valley Creek WWTP Solids Handling and Treatment Evaluation, Jefferson County, AL Project Engineer. Project included assessment of gravity and mechanical thickening al- ternatives for primary and secondary sludge streams; assessment of anaerobic digestion operations and performance improvement alternatives for enhanced mixing, heating and feeding improvements; and assessment of belt filter press dewatering facilities. Identified a range of capital and non-capital operational improvements to enhance operations in the solids handling unit processes. Assisted with the evaluation of digester gas utilization improvements for on-site generation of electrical power using spark ignited internal com- bustion engines coupled to generators. Village Creek WWTP Solids Handling and Treatment Evaluation, Jefferson County, AL Project Engineer. Project at the 60 mgd WWTP included assessment of existing thicken-ing, anaerobic digestion and dewatering unit processes for capacity adequacy and other process optimization alternatives. Identified improvements resulted in operational effi-ciencies and cost savings in the solids handling unit processes to meet anticipated loading rates for the 20-year planning period. Identified self-financing alternatives for improved FOG handling, receiving and treatment that will be result in increased digester gas pro-duction rates and removal of operational issues associated with handling the material in the liquid treatment train. Identified process improvements for anaerobic digestion to enhance digester operations and safety considerations with digester gas handling. Identified potential solutions for debottlenecking residuals dewatering unit treatment process. East and South Burlington WWTPs Solids Management Evaluation, City of Burlington, NC Project Engineer. Evaluation of solids management processes at the facilities including thickening, digestion, ZIMPRO thermal hydrolysis, and final dewatering unit processes. Evaluated over 25 different solids handling and management process configurations for feasibility, capital costs, and lifecycle costs for the development of an integrated residuals management plan to serve both plants with both near term and long term improvements identified. Firm: Hazen Education MS, Civil Engineering BS, Civil Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: NC, TN, VA, SC, NY Areas of Expertise • Residuals and biosolids management and planning • Residuals and biosolids facility design • Anaerobic digestion and digester gas utilization • Wastewater treatment facility design • Wastewater operations process optimization Experience • 33 total years • 22 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 25 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Joe Rohrbacher, PE | Technical Advisor - Wastewater Process/Aeration Mr. London has more than 18 years of consulting engineering experience, with successful performance in project management, engineering design, and construction administration. His major focus is on conveyance and civil/site design. Projects Described in the Proposal: • PCWRP Process Modeling, Operations Tool and Capacity Feasibility Assessment, City of Denton, TX -Technical Advisor • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Technical Advisor • Greenwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Dissolved Air Flotation Thickener, Odor Control and Process Assessment, Corpus Christi, TX - Technical Advisor • RRBWWTP Optimization and Expansion, El Paso Water, TX - Technical Advisor Additional Experience: Fred Hervey Water Reclamation Plant, Aeration Study and Process Optimization, El Paso Water, El Paso TX Process Engineer. Assisting with development of a calibrated process model and pilot-scale aeration diffuser testing protocol. The process model will be leveraged to determine dynamic aeration demands and evaluate optimization opportunities to improve denitrifi- cation and reduce methanol addition. Responsible for developing aeration demands and net present worth analysis for various diffuser alternatives based on pilot testing results. Secondary Treatment Upgrade Project, Union Sanitary District, Union City, CA Aeration Expert. The purpose of the project is to develop a unified approach to secondary treatment upgrades that will both increase capacity in the near-term while addressing anticipated nutrient limits to allow discharge to the Old Alameda Creek. Two alternative approaches were evaluated: conventional activated sludge and MBR for bay discharge along with Side-stream treatment and tertiary filtration to allow for discharge to the Old Alameda Creek. Hazen is provided process analysis of the existing WWTP to confirm that additional capacity, with nutrient removal, can be obtained from the existing facility to meet the District’s near-term needs. Hazen also determined the most efficient approach to expanding the treatment plant for long-term capacity and future nutrient requirements. Lower Berkeley WWTP Aeration Systems Improvement Project, Berkeley County, SC Project Engineer. Developed an alternatives analysis for expanding the Lower Berkeley WWTP from 18.5 to 22.5 mgd. Design of aeration and mixing improvements to increase capacity of the existing oxidation ditches to 22.5 mgd. North Regional WWTP Modules A, B and D conversion, Broward County, FL Project Engineer. Assisted in the detailed design to convert three 20 mgd mechanically aerated modules to diffused aeration including selection and specification of new blowers to allow foul air diffusion at the 95 mgd North Regional WWTP. Plantation WWTP Conversion to Diffused Aeration, Plantation, FLProject Engineer. Assisted in preliminary and detailed design of the conversion from me-chanical aeration to fine bubble diffused aeration at the 18 mgd Plantation WWTP. The project includes installation of new multi-stage blowers and foul air diffusion through the new system to reduce odor control costs. Firm: Hazen Education MS, Environmental Engineering BS, Environmental Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: NC, FL, SC, NY Areas of Expertise • Water and Wastewater Process Design • Wastewater Process Modeling • Aeration and Blower System Design • Hydraulic Analysis • Energy Optimization Experience • 21 total years • 19 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 26 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Dick Pope, PE, BCEE | Technical Advisor - Odor Control Mr. Pope is responsible for managing Hazen and Sawyer’s corporate-wide odor control services. He heads a company team of odor specialists who provide full-service, long-term odor control planning by conducting field investigations, performing odor dispersion modeling to further define off-site impacts, and assisting in selecting the level of control required. He also recommends odor control programs, selects cost-effective control equipment, conceptualizes system layouts, directs detail designers, reviews shop drawings, conducts performance tests, provides operations training and systems troubleshooting, meets with and advises communities and citizens’ advisory groups, develops public relations and neighborhood outreach programs, and provides expert testimony. His background includes developing immediate and long-term odor control and corrosion plans for more than 250 facilities around the country and beyond. Additional Experience: Odor Control for Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection Systems, Dallas Water Utilities, TX Responsible for directing the on-site odor assessment of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant and evaluation of the wastewater key force main pump station. The Central Plant is broken up into two separate plants: White Rock (low odor potential) and Dallas (high odor potential). The force main was a leading cause for the elevated hydrogen sulfide concen- trations at the Dallas plant headworks. The 28 open trickling filters were determined to be minor in comparison to the off-site impact of the Dallas headworks. Air dispersion mod- eling was performed to assess the degree of off-site impact of both existing and controlled conditions. All odor sources identified during the field investigations were included in the air dispersion model. An odor control master plan was developed and approved. The first phase of odor control, which addresses odors from the headworks and treats them in a biofilter, has been designed and constructed and is currently operating effectively. Odor Control Program at Village Creek WWTP, Fort Worth, TXDeveloped a phased approach to odor control at the Village Creek WWTP, taking into account the plant’s size, the numerous odor sources, and the proximity of residences. The first task was odor source identification and ranking using on-site analytical surveys for hydrogen sulfide and odor strength. Mapped the sources of odor complaints and investi-gated relevant meteorological conditions. Conducted neighborhood odor surveys and resident interviews to establish the relationship between plant odors and community perceptions. The key plant odor sources included the anaerobic digesters and the prima-ry clarifiers. Site studies showed that over 95 percent of the clarifier odors came from the weirs and could be controlled with weir covers. Weir covers were pilot tested and eventu-ally designed and installed along with wet scrubbers to treat the odors captured. Conducted field investigations to study the side-by-side effectiveness of pilot-scale activated carbon bed adsorption versus full-scale vessels in removing municipal wastewater odors gener-ated from sludge thickening operations. The project included the design of biofilters for screening and solids facilities. Plant-Wide Comprehensive Odor Assessment, F. Wayne Hill WRC, Gwinnett County, GA Technical lead on a comprehensive nuisance odor assessment of the F. Wayne Hill WRC. Samples were collected from all plant odor sources and existing odor control equipment and analyzed for H2S, Odor Strength, Amines, and Reduced Sulfur compounds. Continuous H2S loggers were placed at strategic locations around the plant to observe diurnal trends. Five Preliminary and Primary odor control wet scrubbers treating 250,000 cfm were re- viewed, inspected, and monitored (inlet and exhaust), along with other Odor Control Systems including additional wet scrubbers, activated carbon and biotrickling filters. Observations were made, and conclusions were summarized. Firm: Hazen Education MS, Environmental Engineering BS, Civil Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: NY. MA Board Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE) Areas of Expertise • Odor Control • Public Outreach • Corrosion Plans Experience • 41 total years • 5 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 27 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Christopher Phillips, PE | Technical Advisor - Structural/Architectural Mr. Phillips is an expert in the structural design and construction of water and wastewater treatment and pumping facilities. His experience includes intake structures, dams, process tanks, basins, treatment areas, reservoirs, and pump stations. He has extensive building design and construction experience as well as experience in bridge design and dam design and rehabilitation. He has performed many structural condition assessments and evaluations for various environmental and building structures at water and wastewater treatment plants, dams, spillways, and pump stations. Mr. Phillips participates extensively during the construction phase of projects constructed in the various regions of Hazen and Sawyer. His involvement includes contract document interpretation including responding to contractor’s RFIs, submittal review and approval, and construction inspection and supervision. He has extensive field experience and a broad knowledge of the composition and behaviour of hydraulic cement concrete. He is responsible for maintaining Hazen and Sawyer’s Corporate Structural Specifications. Additional Experience:Mr. Phillips has also participated in the various phases of design and construction for numerous wastewater treatment plant projects. His various roles include structural design, responsible charge of structural design documents, quality control and assurance, and construction administration efforts. Among these efforts include the following: • Arlington County WPCP Flow Equalization and Phase 4A Upgrades, Arlington County, VA (40 mgd) • Celanese WWTP Upgrade, Allegany County, MD (2.86 mgd) • T.Z. Osborne WWTP Expansions, City of Greensboro, NC (Two projects, years apart: 30 and 40 mgd) • South Durham WRF Upgrade and Expansion, City of Durham, NC (20 mgd) • Nansemond WWTP Upgrade and Expansion, Hampton Roads Sanitation District, Suffolk, VA (30 mgd) • Neuse River WWTP Upgrades and Expansions, City of Raleigh, NC (Multiple projects, over many years: 60 and 75 mgd) • Blue Plains WPCP Influent Screen Addition, DC Water and Sewer Authority, Washington, DC • Newtown Creek WWTP Main Building Modifications, NYDEP, New York, NY • Totopotomoy WWTP Nutrient Improvements Phase 1, Hanover County, VA • Roanoke Regional WPCP, Roanoke, VA (Multiple projects, over several years) • Noman Cole WPCP UV Disinfection Upgrade, Phase 1 and 2, Fairfax County, VA • Moores Creek WWTP Upgrades, Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority, Charlottesville, VA • Plum Island WPCP Upgrades, Charleston Public Works, Charleston, SC • Broad Run WPCP Upgrades, Loudoun County, VA • Henrico County WWTP Upgrades, Henrico County, VA Firm: Hazen Education M, Civil Engineering BS, Civil Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: NC, VA, NY, NJ, SC, OH, MD, DC Areas of Expertise • Structural design, analysis and construction of commercial, industrial, and environmental structures • Structural condition assessments of environmental and building structures • Behavior and composition of hydraulic cement concrete Experience • 35 total years • 31 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 28 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Gerald Ratasky, PE | Technical Advisor - Electrical Mr. Ratasky is the Corporate Discipline Manager for the Electrical Group. He is in responsible charge of all work performed by the Electrical and Control Systems Group in the Mid-Atlantic Regional office located in Raleigh, NC. He is an expert in the planning and design of electrical services for water and wastewater pumping and treatment facilities. His electrical design experience includes medium and low voltage power distribution systems, lighting systems, electrical equipment layouts, equipment controls, and equipment specifications. Projects Described in the Proposal: • PCWRP Process Modeling, Operations Tool and Capacity Feasibility Assessment, City of Denton, TX - Electrical Technical Advisor/Quality Assurance Additional Experience: Hickory Creek In-System Peak Flow Storage Facility, City of Denton, TX Electrical Technical Advisor/Quality Assurance. The City of Denton is mitigating sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) by constructing a storage tank out in the collection system to store flows in excess of the existing Hickory Creek Interceptor capacity. The project includes design of a passive diversion structure with a baffle to mitigate floatables, a gravity diver- sion pipeline, a 24-mgd lift station with submersible solids handling pumps, two 3.5 mg above ground prestressed concrete storage tanks, and an automated jet wash cleaning system. Hickory Creek Lift Station, City of Denton, TX Electrical Technical Advisor/Quality Assurance. The City of Denton is constructing a new 11-mgd firm capacity lift station to replace the existing Hickory Creek Lift Station. The new lift station design included three variable speed non-clog submersible pumps, hydraulic surge protection, and a 16-ft. diameter prefabricated wet well. Unique aspects of the project included protection of critical electrical infrastructure with a ballistic wall. Heat Tracing and Insulation Project, Denton Creek Regional Wastewater System, Trinity River Authority of Texas, TX Electrical Technical Advisor/Quality Assurance for the assessment, preliminary and detail design, and bidding of heat tracing and insulation systems at the wastewater treatment facility. Included updating controls, thermostat locations, and positive feedback tied to SCADA to confirm heat tracing operation. Thomas P. Smith WRF Improvements Project, City of Tallahassee, FLMr. Ratasky directed the electrical design for the City of Tallahassee Thomas P Smith Water Reclamation Facility Improvements project (estimated cost of $180M). Major pro-cess facilities include new headworks, primary clarifiers, activated sludge upgrades to 5-stage Bardenpho configuration for AWT nutrient removal, deep-bed denitrification filters, sodium hypochlorite disinfection, primary sludge thickening/fermentation, WAS thicken-ing, anaerobic digestion, centrifuge dewatering, and thermal sludge drying. The electrical system design included a complete renovation of the plant’s power distribution system. Dual utility supplies provide power to a new 15kV Class switchgear assembly with provisions for future standby generators. The new switchgear supplies power to low voltage power distribution and motor control equipment to support all the new process facilities. Firm: Hazen Education BS, Electrical Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX, NC, SC, VA, MD, DC, GA, FL, OH, MI, CA, IL, PA, DE, MI, AZ Areas of Expertise • Project/Department Management • Power Distribution • Electrical Controls • Process Instrumentation • Control Systems Experience • 42 total years • 26 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 29 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Daniel Edwards, PE | Technical Advisor -Instrumentation Mr. Edwards is an expert in instrumentation and control system design for water and wastewater treatment and pumping facilities. As one of Hazen and Sawyer’s Regional Control System Engineering Group Leaders, he advises and consults with clients regarding the automation of their facilities and operations. Mr. Edwards has been responsible for the design, construction administration, startup, and operational assistance of numerous control and information systems. His design experience includes all major brands of PLCs and Human- Machine Interface (HMI) software, and communication subsystems using fiber optic Ethernet, licensed and unlicensed radio, digital cellular, telephone, and frame relay. Projects Described in the Proposal: •PCWRP Process Modeling, Operations Tool and Capacity Feasibility Assessment, City of Denton, TX - Electrical Technical Advisor/Quality Assurance Additional Experience: Hickory Creek Detention Facility and Peak Flow Pump Station, Denton, TX Technical Specialist. Mr. Edwards is supervising the instrumentation and control design for a facility to divert wet weather flows from an existing gravity sewer interceptor to a 3.5 MG offline storage tank. A 24 mgd pump station with submersible non-clog pumps will then pump this volume back into the interceptor downstream of the diversion structure when the wet weather event is over. The facility also features odor control and a manually initiated, automatically controlled tank washdown system. The controls design includes local controller compatible with Denton’s standard hardware and software for incorpora-tion into the City’s radio-based SCADA system. The project also includes the separate Pecan Creek WRF West Peak Flow PS, which is a 24 mgd submersible non-clog pump station that conveys peak flows from the Pecan Creek interceptor to the existing Diurnal Basin Diversion Pipeline. This station also contains control equipment compatible with the City’s existing SCADA system. Hickory Creek Lift Station, Denton, TX Technical Specialist. Mr. Edwards is supervising the instrumentation and control design for an 11 mgd lift station with submersible non-clog pumps that replaces an existing lift station. The controls design includes local controller compatible with Denton’s standard hardware and software for incorporation into the City’s radio-based SCADA system Conversion to PLC-based SCADA System, F. Wayne Hill WRC, Gwinnett County DWR, GATechnical Specialist. Mr. Edwards is serving as Hazen’s technical manager for this project, which will convert the existing Foxboro Distributed Control System (DCS) to an open-ar-chitecture, PLC-based system. Hazen is the lead firm teaming with CH2M. As the plant’s existing documentation is incomplete, the preliminary design will include preparation of database-connected “smart” Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), development of functional control descriptions for the plant, development of input/output (I/O) and in-strument lists, and development of draft migration plans to transition between the two systems. GCDWR tasked the project team with re-evaluating the plant’s control strategies to ensure that the plant is operated in accordance with the latest state-of-the-industry technology and techniques. Final design will include vetting of all strategies and transition plans with the County’s selected system integrator and contractor, along with preparation of final plan and specification packages for the integrator and contractor. The new plant control system will feature state-of-the-art hardware, software, communication systems, and cybersecurity measures along with the latest concepts in situational awareness HMI application and alarm management design. Firm: Hazen Education ME, Sanitary Engineering BS, Environmental Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX, OH, MI, GA, MD, DC, VA, FL, NC Areas of Expertise • Project management • Instrumentation and controlsystems • SCADA and telemetry systems • Construction phase services Experience • 34 total years • 34 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 30 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Jay London, PE | Technical Advisor - Civil Mr. London has more than 18 years of consulting engineering experience, with successful performance in project management, engineering design, and construction administration. His major focus is on conveyance and civil/site design. Projects Described in the Proposal: • PCWRP Process Modeling, Operations Tool and Capacity Feasibility Assessment, City of Denton, TX - Civil Lead • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Civil Lead Additional Experience: Hickory Creek Peak Flow Detention Facility, City of Denton, TX Civil design, technical support and QA/QC of a wastewater peak flow detention facility, including a 24 mgd lift station and 7 MG storage facility. Hill Country Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), Palo Pinto County Municipal Water District No. 1, Palo Pinto County, TX Project Manager responsible for design of 0.1 mgd Package WWTP. Oak Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Bar Screen Improvements, City of Ennis, TX Project Engineer whose duties included design of plant headworks, including climber-type bar screen and influent channel. Oak Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), City of Ennis, TX Project Engineer responsible for various design aspects of a 4 mgd plant expansion. Project duties included design of plant hydraulics, return activated sludge and primary scum/ sludge pumping systems upgrades, reinforced concrete structures, and yard piping. Duties also included specifying equipment and materials associated with designs, coordinating production of contract documents, and coordinating the bidding process. Resident Engineer whose duties included daily construction inspection, coordinating shop drawing transmit- tals, reviewing shop drawings, conducting periodic progress meetings, processing RFIs and Change Orders, dispute resolution, and maintaining as-built documents. 2014 Water and Wastewater Main Replacements, Dallas Water Utilities, Dallas, TX Project Manager for planning and design of 5,000 LF of 12-inch wastewater main and 5,300 LF of 24-inch water main in Ervay/Akard between Woodall Rogers and Cadiz Street. The project was coordinated with associated street improvements in the area. Firm: Hazen Education BS, Civil Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX (Civil) Areas of Expertise • Civil design • Conveyance Experience • 18 total years • 3 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 31 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Tom Paulmann, PE | Process Mechanical Mr. Paulmann has completed numerous solids thickening and dewatering projects. He will use his former experience as an applications engineer for a dewatering system manufacturer for coordinating the detail BFP rehab and controls for the thiickeners. Projects Described in the Proposal: • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Structural • Greenwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Dissolved Air Floatation Thickener, Odor Control and Process Assessment, Corpus Christi, TX - Liquid Process Improvement Task Lead • RRBWWTP Optimization and Expansion, El Paso Water, TX - Structural Additional Experience: Village Creek WWTP Improvements – Phase 2, Jefferson County, AL Project Engineer. Design services during construction for rehabilitation of anaerobic digesters including mixing system, chopper pumps, heating system, and digester gas system improvements. Water Pollution Control Facility, Town of Leesburg, VA Project Engineer. Process mechanical design and design services during construction for replacement of anaerobic digester recirculation chopper pumps and dewatering process equipment. Southwest Water Reclamation Facility, Phase 1, Orange County, FL Project Engineer. Process mechanical design of new gravity belt thickener facility. Equipment Heat Trace and Insulation Project, Denton Creek Regional Wastewater System, Trinity River Authority of Texas, TXProject Engineer, Project Manager: Field assessment of heat trace and insulation. Generation of alternate designs to improve maintenance access and incorporate monitoring over SCADA. Compose Preliminary Design Report. Develop standard detail drawings for current/future use at TRA facilities. Coordinate drafting of project plans. Bidding services. Design Services During Construction. Texana Midway Tanker Cleaning Facility, Texarkana, TX Project Engineer. Performed field studies and composed technical memorandum – test- ing coagulants, flocculants, and activated carbon to determine COD removal. Regional WWTF, Niceville-Valparaiso Regional Sewer Board, FL Project Manager. Composed specifications and designed screw press dewatering system for waste activated sludge. Researched and implemented online solids-tracking in order to develop standard design for fully-automated, ratio-controlled system. Performed field studies for process refinement. Sugar Creek WWTP, Sangamon County Water Reclamation District, IL Project Manager. Designed process equipment ($2.4M) for new activated sludge dewa- tering and class B biosolids stabilization facility for 32MGD plant. Firm: Hazen Education M.Eng., Mechanical Engineering BS, Mechanical Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX Areas of Expertise • Solids treatment process and material handling design • Process-mechanical design and instrumentation/controls coordination • Process evaluations and optimization Experience • 8 total years • 3 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 32 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Ryan Priest, PE | Civil Mr. Priest has a breadth of wastewater treatment experience including on-site bench scale and field sampling, process analysis, site planning, as well as detailed process mechanical design of clarifiers, aeration basins and pump stations. At PCWWRP, he assisted in the bench scale chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) jar testing analysis, BioWin process modeling to evaluate alternative treatment methods, and developing preliminary site plans and cost estimates for each treatment alternative. This analysis was used to cost effectively unlock 5 mgd of treatment capacity while utilizing existing infrastructure. Projects Described in the Proposal: • PCWRP Process Modeling, Operations Tool and Capacity Feasibility Assessment, City of Denton, TX - Project Engineer • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Project Engineer • Greenwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Dissolved Air Flotation Thickener, Odor Control and Process Assessment, Corpus Christi, TX - Project Engineer • RRBWWTP Optimization and Expansion, El Paso Water, TX - Project Engineer Additional Experience: Hickory Creek In-System Peak Flow Storage Facility, City of Denton, TX Project engineer for the design of peak flow pump stations for the Hickory Creek and Pecan Creek wastewater treatment facilities. This process included hydraulic modeling of the system to the storage tanks/basin, pump sizing and selection, and designing the layout of the pump station. He also assisted in designing the washdown system for the Hickory Creek storage tanks. South Mesquite Creek RWWTP Peak Flow Study, NTMWD, TX Project engineer for the evaluation of peak flow alternatives for the 33 mgd RWWTP. Included the evaluation of the historical plant data to confirm the existing unit processes are performing within their expected and designed ranges. The influent fine screening facility cannot treat current design flows and required addressing during the alternatives evaluation. I then evaluated alternatives for the plant to meet current and future peak flows following expected plant expansions to 41 mgd, and later 49 mgd AADFs. The evaluation included expansion of influent pumping, screening, and de-gritting capacities to meet the P2HFs of the modeled hydrographs provided by NTMWD. Zacate Creek WWTP Ammonia Removal Feasibility Study, City of Laredo, TX Project engineer for the modeling the current operations of the Zacate Creek WWTP (14 mgd design plant capacity) due to ammonia toxicity, and assessing alternative nitrification processes using BioWin modeling. He also established a feasibility and cost matrix for the following treatment alternatives: • Conventional activated sludge • IFAS • BioMag or InDense • MBR Fred Hervey Water Reclamation Plant – Diffuser Evaluation, El Paso, TX Project engineer for building a BioWin process model and collecting and compiling infor- mation on the performance of different types of fine bubble diffusers for Fred Hervey Water Reclamation Plant (12 mgd AADF “no-discharge” facility). The diffusers under evaluation included: low pressure EPDM discs, silicone discs, and PTFE coated discs, and the practicality of using tube diffuses over discs. Firm: Hazen Education MS, Environmental Engineering BS, Civil Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX (Civil) Areas of Expertise • Pumping hydraulic analysis • BioWin modeling • Clarifier 2Dc modeling • Wastewater collection system design • Wastewater treatment process design • Water Supply and Distribution • Cost estimating – facility and pipeline (including tunneling) • GIS • Water and wastewater field and bench scale testing Experience • 4 total years • 4 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 33 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Tyler Hudson, EIT | Process Mechanical Mr. Hudson has experience in the planning and design services for various water and wastewater projects. He has performed field sampling and testing at multiple treatment facilities. Projects Described in the Proposal: • PCWRP Process Modeling, Operations Tool and Capacity Feasibility Assessment, City of Denton, TX - Project Engineer • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Project Engineer • RRBWWTP Optimization and Expansion, El Paso Water, TX - Project Engineer Additional Experience: Phase IIA Improvements Design, Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, North Texas Municipal Water District, TXProject Engineer supporting design of the Phase IIA Improvements for the Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant to increase capacity. Mr. Hudson provided detailed design for upgrades to the ferric sulfate chemical feed system including a new containment area and feed pump building. Mr. Hudson also provided detailed design for a new 43,000 scfm single stage wet chemical scrubber for the odor control system of the new solids handling facility. This also includes detailed design for the chemical facilities and recircu-lation pumps required for scrubber operation. Phase IIB Improvements Preliminary Design, Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, North Texas Municipal Water District, TXProject Engineering supporting preliminary design of the Phase IIB Improvements for the Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant to increase capacity. Mr. Hudson provided preliminary engineering and design for a new, 4.0 mgd non-potable water pump station. This includes a trench design with vertical turbine pumps. Hickory Creek Lift Station, City of Denton, TX Assistant Engineer supporting the design of an 11 mgd, 16’ diameter FRP circular wet well lift station, at 200 TDH to convey wastewater to the Pecan Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant through 3,000 LF of force main. Mr. Hudson designed the wet well layout and site plan, pump sizing, and selection; developed the specifications; and aided in the cost esti- mate. Phase II Improvements Study – Solids Alternatives Evaluation, Rowlett Creek Regional WWTP, North Texas Municipal Water District, Plano, TX Project Engineer supporting the historical analysis of the solids performance at the plant. Mr. Hudson helped develop multiple alternatives for future projected flows, sized the identified alternatives for future use, laid out the facilities for the potential alternatives, and determined cost of the alternatives. Solids Handling Evaluation, Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant, City of Denton, TX Project Engineer supporting the preliminary design for updated solids handling equipment at the City of Denton’s 21 mgd Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant. The evaluation considered liquid alternatives to increase overall plant capacity. Mr. Hudson developed sizing and preliminary design for new Rotary Drum Thickeners, Waste-Activated Sludge Pumps, Primary Sludge Pumps, a sludge mixing/holding tank, and a new primary digester. This includes development of a multiple design scenarios and cost estimates comparing each of the liquid treatment alternatives impacts on solids handling. Firm: Hazen Education BS, Chemical Engineering Certification/License Engineer-In-Training Areas of Expertise • Solids Handling Capacity and Alternatives Evaluations • Odor Control • Pumping Design Experience • 4 total years • 4 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 34 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Eduardo Leal, EIT | Civil Mr. Leal has experience in construction, design, bidding, procurement of water and wastewater treatment facilities and distribution systems. He has performed membrane treatment preliminary designs for the industrial sector. Projects Described in the Proposal: • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Assistant Engineer Additional Experience: Hickory Creek Detention Facility and West Peak Flow Construction Services, Denton, TXAssistant engneer for reviewing shop drawings for construction. Socio Vivienda, Guayaquil, Ecuador Assistant engineer for procurement of blowers, diffusers, and static screens. Small Diameters Pipeline Contract, Dallas Water Utilities, TX Assistant Engineer for DWU. Developed preliminary design reports (PDRs), designed and draft pipeline systems for different sectors of Dallas. Evaluated trenchless technology. Performed field visits to verify conflicts and design. Completed cost estimate. 2017 HVAC Asset Management of Facilities, Dallas Water Utilities, TX Project Manager for HVAC asset management systems for all DWU facilities including pump stations, water and wastewater facilities. Firm: Hazen Education BS, Mechanical Engineering Certification/License Engineer-In-Training Areas of Expertise • Desalination • Conveyance Experience • > 1 total year • 6 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 35 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 William Russell, AIA, LEED AP | Architectural Mr. Russell has extensive experience in the architectural design of water and wastewater treatment plants, maintenance buildings, laboratories, and other industrial facilities. As Architect, his responsibilities include preliminary and final design, technical specifications, cost estimation and project administration during construction. Mr. Russell utilizes computer applications during all phases of design. Projects Described in the Proposal: • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Architect • RRBWWTP Optimization and Expansion, El Paso Water, TX - Architect Additional Experience: Dry Creek WWTP Headworks and Odor Control Improvements, Northern Kentucky Sanitation District, KY QA/QC and Construction Administration services for dewatering renovations including a two story 7,000 square foot dewatering building. The project included new dewatering centrifuges and conveying equipment to deliver solids to a new load out facility. Odor control was a key component to the project. WPCC Enhancement Project, City of Marion, OHProject architect for design of improvements for the Water Pollution Control Center. The project included renovations to several existing facilities to bring them into NFPA 820 compliance and included new facilities. New facilities included chemical storage and feed building and an effluent and disinfection facility. The building utilized masonry construc-tion with a brick veneer. Erie WWTP Headworks Improvements, Erie Sewer Authority, PA Architectural design included the renovation of the east and west headworks facilities. Renovation work includes providing new door and window openings. Revising layout to accommodate new electrical room and equipment, new roofing system, new removable skylight, and new finishes. The removable skylights provides access to screening equip- ment and allows the screens to be removed through the roof. Twelve Mile Creek WWTP Expansion, Union County, NC Architectural design for the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP set a new design aesthetic for the facility. As development has approached the facility improvements to the exterior appear- ance was desired. The new buildings included grit facility, electrical building, blower building, and dewatering building. Each of these buildings were positioned at the perime- ter of the site and a visible from the neighborhoods and nearby roads. The new aesthetic uses a brick veneer utilizing two colors and translucent wall panels to break up scale and provide natural light. Sloped metal roofs with monitors were used to harmonize with the nearby residential neighborhoods. Thomas P. Smith Water Reclamation Facility Improvements Project, City of Tallahassee, FL QA/QC services. The project included a solids processing facility, including primary sludge thickening/fermentation, WAS storage and gravity belt thickening, two phase anaerobic digestion, sludge dewatering (centrifuges), thermal sludge drying facility and a septage/ FOG receiving and separation facility. It also includes new chemical storage/feed facilities for sodium hypochlorite, methanol, polymer and alum as well as an upgrade and expansion of effluent pump station. Firm: Hazen Education BA Design Certification/License Registered Architect: TX, CO, NY, NC, VA, IL, MD, CT, OH, NH, AZ, ME, NM, CA LEED AP BD+C NCARB Certificate Areas of Expertise • Programming and design of Water, Wastewater Facilities, • Laboratories and industrial facilities • Sustainable Design of Water and Wastewater Facilities • Utilization of computer applications in the design of water, wastewater and industrial facilities Experience • 35 total years • 24 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 36 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Fred Powell, PE | Structural Mr. Powell is a structural engineer with extensive experience in structural analysis, design, and construction of water and sanitary structures. He has served as the lead structural engineer on multiple plant upgrade and infrastructure improvement projects. Projects Described in the Proposal: • PCWRP Process Modeling, Operations Tool and Capacity Feasibility Assessment, City of Denton, TX - Structural • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Structural • Greenwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Dissolved Air Flotation Thickener, Odor Control and Process Assessment, Corpus Christi, TX - Structural • RRBWWTP Optimization and Expansion, El Paso Water, TX - Structural Additional Experience: Haskell Street Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Odor Control Improvements, El Paso Water Utilities, TX Structural Engineer for an odor control improvements project for a headworks and dewa- tering facility within a WWTP. Project included modifications to existing structures, odor control ducts, and pipe sup-ports, as well as replacement of bridge crane. Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant Pump Station Rehabilitation, Denton, TX Design of the Hickory Creek Detention Facility including a 3MG Prestressed Concrete Storage Tank, 24 mgd Pump Station, and flow diversion structure. Design of the Pecan Creek Interceptor including a 24-mgd Pump Station and Flow Diversion structure. Big Buffalo Creek WWTP Upgrade and Expansion, City of Sanford, NC Structural Engineer. Upgrade and expansion of the WWTP from 6.8 to 12 mgd. The project included new Grit Collectors, structural modifications to the Grit Handling Facility to install Grit Classifiers, Screenings and Distribution Box. Clarksville Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, Clarksville Gas and Water, Clarksville, TN Structural Design Engineer. Odor Control ducts and supports, and a Screening and Grit Removal Facility capable of treating up to 90 mgd. Village Creek WWTP Waste Gas Energy and Process Optimization, Jefferson County, AL Lead Structural Engineer. Replacement of multi-rake coarse screens in the existing 90- foot deep screenings channels. Designed modifications to anaerobic digester control building and boiler building. Weatherford Water Purification Plant (WPP) Master Plan, City of Weatherford, TX Provided structural condition assessment of existing facilities. This included review of existing drawings and previous reports, discussion with plant staff, on-site visual survey, evaluation of condition, evaluation of options for plant improvements and expansion, prioritization of im-provements, and development of planning level costs. Firm: Hazen Education BS, Civil Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX, OK, NH, FL, GA, AL, NU, NC, CA Structural Engineer: IL Areas of Expertise • Structural analysis, design, and construction of bridge and sanitary structures • Structural condition assessment and repair of environmental structures • Seismic design and detailing for earthquake resistant structures • Construction administration and field observation Experience • 24 total years • 21 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 37 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 John Ford, PE | Structural Mr. Ford has extensive experience in structural analysis and design of concrete and steel structures for petrochemical and wastewater plants. He has served as lead and support structural engineer for several plant upgrades and infrastructure improvement projects. Projects Described in the Proposal: • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Structural • RRBWWTP Optimization and Expansion, El Paso Water, TX - Structural Additional Experience: Freeport Terminal Marine and Dock Substructure Work, Phillips 66, Freeport, TX Structural Engineer for Phillips 66 Freeport LNG Export Terminal Marine and Dock Substructure in Freeport, TX. This terminal provides 4.4 MMbbl a month of LNG export capacity. Worked in collaboration with Phillips 66, Burns & McDonnell, Zachry, Moffatt & Nichol, Weeks Marine, and State Service for the marine and dock substructure design, fabrication, and construction. Designed structural steel supports for pipe, conduit, cable tray, and monorails on dock structures. Designed modular pipe rack supported by exist- ing landside structural steel sleepers. 35kV Cable Bridge, Phillips 66, Freeport, TX Lead Structural Engineer for a 125 ft structural steel bridge required for the reroute of two 35KV cables spanning federal wetlands. Coordinated with in-house survey group to de- termine grade elevations and limits of existing facilities. Developed routing plan and details for trench boxes utilized to route cables below grade to each plant’s motor control center. Capitol SkyMine, Skyonic Corporation, San Antonio, TXStructural Engineer for a carbon capture facility in San Antonio, Texas at Capitol Aggregates cement plant. Performed structural steel, concrete, and foundation design alongside Toyo Thai-USA. Designs include concrete rectangular tanks, multi-level open steel structures, equipment support foundations, pile supported mats, and concrete containment for chemical tanks. Performed construction support for CCC Group during the construction phase. Firm: Hazen Education BS, Civil Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX Areas of Expertise • Structural analysis and design of structural steel for industrial and wastewater facilities • Structural analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures for industrial and wastewater facilities • Pipe stress analysis for process piping • ASME VIII pressure vessel design • API 620 and 650 storage tank design Experience • 12 total years • < 1 year with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 38 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Norman Bartley, PE | HVAC/Plumbing Mr. Bartley has 30 years of experience and serves as Hazen’s HVAC Department Manager. His responsibilities include HVAC system design for large wastewater and drinking water treatment facilities. Projects Described in the Proposal: • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - HVAC/Plumbing Additional Experience: Haskell Street Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Upgrades, El Paso Water, TXHVAC Lead. Performed a condition assessment and smoke tests to determine the effi-cacy of the HVAC supply and exhaust systems for the Headworks facility and sludge storage tanks covers. The evaluation included carbon and wet scrubber odor control systems. The carbon system served the sludge tank metal covers and the wet scrubbers served the headworks facility. The report provided detail design recommendations for the HVAC supply, exhaust, and carbon systems. The report recommended the use of bio-trickling filters to replace the wet scrubbers. Haskell Street Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades, El Paso Water, TXHVAC Lead. Performed HVAC and odor control design upgrades for the headworks building at this 27.7-mgd facility. The design includes replacing all existing HVAC equipment, ductwork, and wet scrubbers. The HVAC supply equipment was replaced with 100% outside air direct expansion air conditioning units. The wet scrubbers are being replaced with new bio-trickling filters. The design included replacing damaged ductwork and re-us-ing ductwork that is determined to be in good condition. Gowanus Combined Sewage Overflow Facility, NYCDEP, Brooklyn, NY HVAC Engineer of Record for the design for the Gowanus Combined Sewage Overflow Facility. This facility design included the 60,000 cfm odor control system. The odor con- trol system utilizes activated carbon media vessels. The design also includes the ventila- tion systems, both supply and exhaust, for the various classified and unclassified areas. The heating system utilized two 100% fire tube boiler systems. Manayunk Sewer Basin, City of Philadelphia, Venice Island, PAHVAC Lead. Hazen was tasked with designing a 3.75-mg CSO detention facility on Venice Island, in the Manayunk section of the city. Responsible for the design of the HVAC and odor control systems for the Manayunk CSO facility. This included HVAC for the CSO tanks, blower area, and electrical rooms. The design included compliance with NFPA 820 ventilation requirements including hazardous exhaust systems. (2011) Wards Island Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility, NYCDEP, Queens, NY HVAC Lead. Responsible for evaluating the existing odor control system for the dewater- ing facility (for replacement) and providing a cost estimate at this 275-mgd WRRF. The odor control system uses wet scrubbers and carbon vessels. Overseeing the new design to replace the wet scrubbers and existing FRP fans with new FRP fans and new radial carbon vessels. Nut Island Odor Control Design Upgrade, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Stoneham, MA HVAC Engineer of Record. Provided technical leadership to replace and upgrade the HVAC supply and odor control exhaust systems. The design replaced and upgraded the air handling units and supply ductwork to the influent screening facility. The exhaust ductwork, odor control fans and carbon vessels are replaced. The HVAC systems was designed in compliance with NFPA 820 requirements for wastewater screening areas. New hot water boilers were designed to replace the existing hot water boilers. The design replaces and upgrades the HVAC systems serving the administrative areas. Firm: Hazen Education BS, Mechanical Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX, NY, NC, FL, MA, GA, VA, NH Areas of Expertise • HVAC • Power generation • Fire protection • Mechanical system design Experience • 31 total years • 12 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 39 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Brett Bueltel, PE | Electrical Mr. Bueltel has over 12 years of electrical engineering experience in water and wastewater treatment facilities, water distribution systems and wastewater collection systems. Projects Described in the Proposal: • Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, North Texas Municipal Water District, TX - Electrical • Greenwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Dissolved Air Flotation Thickener, Odor Control and Process Assessment, Corpus Christi, TX - Electrical Additional Experience: Nashville Central WWTP Headworks, Nashville, TN Technical Advisor/QC Reviewer of the electrical design of a new 440 mgd Headworks Facility for the Nashville Central WWTP. The new headworks facility will replace the two existing headworks facilities onsite. The new Headworks Facility includes coarse screen- ing, grit removal systems, fine screening and odor control systems. Muddy Creek at Westbourne HRT, Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Technical Advisor/QC for the improvements project to the existing HRT facility. The project included planning, design and construction phase services. In addition to increas- ing the settling and disinfection capacity of the facility from 51 mgd to 107 mgd by adding chemical treatment and simplifying flow routing, the project improved flow monitoring, added an emergency relief gate at the diversion chamber to reduce upstream sewer backups and installed new screens. Anaerobic Digester Upgrades, City of Newark, OHElectrical Engineer for the anaerobic digester upgrades project. Improvements to the existing anaerobic digester facility and control building included the design of fixed covers with draft tube mixers for three 60-ft diameter anaerobic digesters, spiral type heat ex-changers, sludge recirculation and transfer pumps, gas handling and safety equipment including a foam separator, a new boiler facility, and life safety upgrades including venti-lation monitoring, gas detection, and other NFPA 820 improvements. North Olmsted WWTP Phase 2 Improvements, City of North Olmsted, OH Completed the design for the improvements to the WWTP including (3) new diesel standby generators, 13.2kV main switchgear, a new Preliminary Treatment Facility, transformation of the existing Aeration Tanks to a vertical loop reactor system, replacement of existing aeration blowers with high speed blowers, new RAS/WAS Pump Station and Final Clarifiers, addition of UV disinfection and tertiary filters, modifications to existing Sludge Storage Building with the addition of sludge storage blowers, upgrades to the Solids Handling Facility with the addition of a new centrifuge and odor control equipment, and modifications to the existing Chemical Building. The improvements increased the plant’s peak wet weather capacity from 22 mgd to 40 mgd. Marion Water Pollution Control Center Improvements, Marion, OH Electrical Engineer of record responsible for the electrical design of a $25M upgrade project to the Marion WPCC. Improvements include the design of new 12.47kV main switchgear with automatic transfer controls for a new 1,500 kW, 480V diesel-fueled gen- erator set and step-up transformer, modifications to the existing overhead 12.47kV elec- trical distribution loop throughout the WPCC, addition of a new 5MG EQ basin and pump station, new CEPT chemical storage facility, new Effluent and Disinfection Facility, modi- fications to other miscellaneous processes, and improvements throughout the site to address NFPA 820. Firm: Hazen Education BS, Electrical Engineering Certification/License Professional Engineer: TX, OH, KY, TN, MI, IN, PA, WV Areas of Expertise • Low and Medium Voltage Power Distribution, Lighting, Motor Controls, and Variable Frequency Drives • Computer Analysis and Design of Electrical Power Systems using SKM Power Tools, Computer Aided Design using AutoCAD Experience • 12 total years • 12 years with Hazen Hazen and Sawyer 40 Reclamation Solids Handling • 7350 Colton Kolesa, EI | Instrumentation Mr. Kolesa’s experience includes I&C design for remote well water treatment sites, chemical systems for waste water treatment, pump stations, and membrane bioreactor treatment. I&C detailed design includes development of process and instrumentation diagrams, equipment specifications, installation details, and instrument and input/output schedules on various types of projects. Mr. Kolesa has also provided construction services related to submittal review and RFI responses. Additional Experience: Hickory Creek Lift Station, City of Denton, TX Assistant Engineer for the instrumentation design for the new 11 mgd, 16’ diameter FRP circular wet well lift station, at 200 TDH to convey wastewater to the Pecan Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant through 3,000 LF of force main. Mr. Kolesa coordinated I&C design with Denton’s technical staff and contractor’s system integrator. University Park Water Reclamation Facility Upgrade Project, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA Assistant Engineer. I&C design for upgrades to the existing plant to increase capacity and efficiency. The project consisted of a new preliminary treatment facility, new biological reactor basins, a new membrane bioreactor (MBR) system and modifications to the ex- isting effluent pump station. The project also included modifications to the existing control system, including alternative designs for DCS based control system (existing) and PLC based system (proposed option). Raw Wastewater Pumping Station Piscataway Waste Water Treatment Plant, WSSC, Accokeek, MDAssistant Engineer. I&C design for a new 60-MGD raw wastewater influent pumping station. The project consisted of automated coarse screening, screenings conveyance, two trench style wet wells, variable speed pumps, and self-cleaning wet well sequence. The project also included a gateway PLC to monitor smart electrical switchgear. The pump station was networked to the existing plant network through two separate fiber connections, keeping electrical gear monitoring and the pump station network separate. Interim Biosolids Project Broad Run Water Reclamation Facility, Loudoun Water, Ashburn, VA Assistant Engineer. Assisted on design of expansion of the biosolids treatment facility with adding additional digesters, digester gas storage, chemical systems and combustible gas detection. Responsible for I&C construction services including submittal reviews, RFI responses and panel testing. Firm: Hazen Education BS, Mechanical Engineering Certification/License Engineering Intern Areas of Expertise • Instrumentation and control design • AutoCAD P&ID • Submittal review Experience • 6 total years • 6 years with Hazen Michael D. Roland, P.E. Vice President Areas of Expertise • Project Management • Geotechnical Engineering • QA/QC Years of Experience 30 Years with AGG 20 Education Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, 1989 Registration Registered Professional Engineer, Texas, #96043 - 2005 Office Location Dallas, Texas Contact mroland@aggengr.com 214-500-3100 Qualifications & Experience Mr. Roland has over 30 years experience in geotechnical consulting and construction materials engineering in the North Texas area. The majority of the projects that Mr. Roland has worked on have consisted of roadway projects including pavement design, PVR calculations, bridge foundation recommendations, retaining walls recommendations, Related Project Experience Water Line Bore Crossing Beneath KSC Railroad - Proposed Hickory Creek - Basin Detention Facility, Denton, Texas - Geotechnical Engineer – March 2019 Mr. Roland was responsible for the geotechnical investigation and project management for this project. AGG provided geotechnical investigation services for this project. The project consists of a bore crossing of a new water line beneath Kansas City Southern (KCS) Railway property. The proposed new water line was installed in conjunction with the construction of the proposed Hickory Creek Basin Detention Facility in Denton, Texas. The anticipated bore crossing will extend for 160 linear feet from Station 4+69 to Station 6+29. Geotechnical Investigation - Proposed Hickory Creek Lift Station - Denton, Texas – April 2017 Mr. Roland was responsible for the geotechnical investigation and project management for this project. AGG provided geotechnical investigation services for this project. The project consists of a new lift station to be constructed on the west side of Teasley Lane and Old Alton Road in Denton, Texas. The new lift station is be 16 feet in diameter and founded at a depth of about 40 feet below the existing grade. Proposed Pecan Creek Interceptor - Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant – Geotechnical Engineer – October 2016 - Mr. Roland was responsible for the geotechnical investigation and project management for this project. AGG provided Geotechnical Investigation Services for this project. The project consists of a new diversion junction box structure and a new pump station structure to be constructed in conjunction with the proposed pecan creek interceptor project located at the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant. The existing plant is located on the northeast quadrant of Treatment Plant Road and Landfill Road in Denton, Texas. The new diversion junction box structure will have plan dimensions of about 20 feet by 20 feet and will be founded at a depth of about 25 feet below ground surface. The new pump station structure will have plan dimensions of about 20 feet by 20 feet and will be founded at a depth of about 38 feet below ground surface. Proposed Hickory Creek Basin Detention Facility - Denton, Texas - Geotechnical Engineer – February 2016 - Mr. Roland was responsible for the geotechnical investigation and project management for this project. AGG provided geotechnical engineering and construction materials testing services for this project. The project consists of a prestressed concrete equalization tank, gravity pipelines and a new proposed access road in Denton, Texas. The storage tank will be 130 feet in diameter and 35 feet in height with a capacity of 3.5 million gallons. We understand that the proposed tank will be founded at an elevation of 582.5 feet. The pump station for the storage tank will be founded at a depth of about 45 feet below the existing ground surface (approximate elevation of 537 feet). SURVEYING SERVICES RESUME PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES P ROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES Mr. Eric Spooner has 25 years of Professional Land Surveying experience working for private and public agencies. He earned his license to practice Professional Land Surveying in 2006 and is now the President of Spooner and Associates. The majority of Mr. Spooner’s surveying experience is in mapping and professional services for design projects. He has 25 years of experience in completing design improvement projects for districts such as North Texas Municipal Water District, Tarrant Regional Water District and Trinity River Authority. GENERAL EXPERIENCE » NTMWD Raw Water Pipeline from Kaufman to Collin County – Surveyor • 30-miles of mapping for raw water pipeline design & construction • Easement and ROW acquisition for over 200 parcels » Denton Lake Lewisville WTP – Surveyor • Plant mapping for expansion, boundary and easements » Denton Lake Ray Roberts RWPS – Surveyor • Pump station mapping for improvement design • Raw water intake lake mapping » TRWD IPL Pipeline Project – Surveyor • 2-mile section of the pipeline line project • Easement and ROW acquisition for over 35 parcels » Denton Lake Lewisville RWPS – Surveyor • Pump station mapping for improvement design • Raw water intake lake mapping » Trinity River Authority, Central Regional WTP – Surveyor • Mapping for multiple projects • Setup of plant wide geodetic control network. » Trinity River Authority, Ten Mile Creek WTP – Surveyor • Mapping of entire facility for design • Setup of plant wide geodetic control network » Trinity River Authority, Denton Creek WTP – Surveyor • Mapping of entire facility for design • Setup of plant wide geodetic control network » City of Arlington, Pierce Burch WTP – Surveyor • GIS mapping of key assets in plant • Full mapping of plant for major expansion • Mapping and easements for pipeline improvements » City of Claymore, WTP – Surveyor • Complete WTP improvement project • Scanning and mapping of entire plant including internal buildings » City of Longview, Grace Creek WTP – Surveyor • Complete WTP improvement project • Scanning and mapping of entire plant including internal buildings » Town of Flower Mound, WTP – Surveyor • Complete WTP improvement project • Mapping of entire plant including internal buildings