7612 Courier Service SOW UDThe City of Denton desires to solicit qualified proposals for Library branch to branch courier service for the Denton Public Library Background The City of Denton is a vibrant and growing community in North Texas. Home to two state universities, the University of North Texas and Texas Woman’s University, and a campus of North Central Texas College, Denton values education innovation, creativity, and the arts. Denton Public Library (DPL) is a department of the City of Denton. Denton Public Library strengthens community, transforms lives, and inspires imagination. In addition to supporting lifelong learning and championing literacy with its strong and diverse collections, it provides enriching experiences, celebrates local history, embraces technology, and builds community connections. Denton Public Library’s three locations serve a population of 138,541 residents. Library circulation, visit, and collection information for FY18/19 and 19/20 is as follows: # of library visits # of physical items in collection # of circulations # of holds fulfilled FY18/19 499,822 276,486 1,193,799 118,691 FY19/20* 219,866 256,158 923,443 132,009 *Changes in yearly statistics due to 2020 COVID-19 crisis and library being closed to walk-in service March-October 2020. FY18/19 data provided for normal workload example. Materials for Transit Denton Public Library patrons may request materials from one location be transferred to another location for hold pickup. Hold materials are pulled daily and holds to be picked up at another DPL location are placed in bins for transit. All DPL materials may also be returned at any DPL location. Upon return, materials that belong to another DPL location are placed in bins for transit. Denton Public Library currently uses a courier service to transfer materials between branches Monday- Friday, excluding any library holidays. Materials are placed in transit bins as they are returned or pulled to fulfill holds. Bins are labeled to indicate which location they are to be transferred to. Courier service begins in the morning after 9 a.m. and ends in the afternoon before 4 p.m. A total of four (4) daily courier stops are made Monday-Friday in the following order: 1. Emily Fowler Central Library to pick up bins 2. South Branch Library to pick up and drop off bins 3. North Branch Library to pick up and drop off bins—Includes North Branch circulation and Technical Services bins 4. Emily Fowler Central Library to drop off bins Bin Counts* Emily Fowler Central Library South Branch North Branch** FY18/19 Bins Delivered 4333 4112 4170 FY18/19 Bins Picked Up 3347 4364 5652 FY19/20 Bins Delivered 3208 3592 3916 FY19/20 Bins Picked Up 2841 3621 4584 *Changes in yearly statistics due to 2020 COVID-19 crisis and library being closed to walk-in service March-October 2020. FY18/19 data provided for normal workload example. **North Branch Bins Picked Up reflects North Branch circulation and Technical Services bins picked up at the North Branch location. Scope of Work General Information 1. The proposer shall execute the assigned pick-ups and deliveries between library locations each working day, Monday through Friday, excluding any library holidays. 2. Items to be picked up and delivered are library materials (books, DVDS, CDs, programming kits, etc.), interoffice mail, boxes, and miscellaneous packages. On occasion, there may also be limited quantities of small library equipment to be transported. Most items are primarily, but not always, transported in bins approximately 23 ½” (L) x 19 ½” (W) x 10” (H). The average weight of a bin is 50 lbs. The volume of material to be picked up and delivered will vary from one location to another and from day to day. Monday deliveries are largest as they include materials accumulated over the weekend. 3. There will be no required pickups or deliveries on the holidays (Attachment B – DPL Holiday Closure Information). Coordination of courier services related to holiday closures will be established with the selected vendor to ensure that the needs of DPL, our patrons and the courier contractor are met. Specifications 1. The contractor shall provide secure transport of all items. The contractor shall not remove any materials from their packaging. The contractor shall keep all contents secure and shall take all necessary precautions to protect against theft, loss, or damage. 2. The contractor shall execute the pick-up from each location no earlier than 9:00 a.m. and shall execute delivery to each location no later than 4:00 p.m. the same day. 3. Materials shall be delivered to and picked up from a designated location inside each facility. All materials available for transport should be moved from each location each day. 4. The contractor shall provide all equipment, material, and labor necessary to perform the requirements of the contract, including providing and maintaining vehicles with ramps or lift- gates, hand trucks, dollies, etc. necessary to meet the requirements of the courier services. The contractor shall take all action necessary to protect its own and Denton Public Library’s furnished materials, supplies, and equipment from loss, damage, or theft. 5. The Contractor must use a vehicle with enough cargo space to handle an average route’s load (approx. 50-125 bins in one trip) without unscheduled returns to any library location is strongly recommended. A 14’-16’ box van with either a ramp or liftgate has been used successfully in the past. 6. The contractor shall manage the total work effort associated with the services and equipment required herein to fully assure timely execution of the requirements. 7. The contractor will ensure sufficient staffing levels necessary to provide uninterrupted, timely, and reliable services to the library. The proposer must submit evidence of staffing available that can meet and be responsive to the daily scheduled services. The contractor must ensure backup for regular drivers who are absent from work. 8. The contractor shall ensure each mail courier driver employed by the Proposer: a. Possesses a valid and appropriate Texas Driver’s license for the type of vehicles being driven. b. Possess and present upon request a copy of current vehicle registration and have valid vehicle insurance coverage within required limits. 9. The Contractor will ensure that drivers have been properly trained on contractor policies and city's comprehensive driving policy which includes no more than 3 moving violations in 12 months or 4 in 36 months. NO DUI/DWI for 36 months. 10. Contractor Shall Require Employees self-disclose, without the necessity of an inquiry, any loss or limitation in driver's license status and any and all arrests, charges, or convictions for DWI, DUI, Involuntary (vehicular) Manslaughter, or Reckless Driving, whether such incidents arose out of work-related driving or not. Contractor will immediately notify the City of any of the above violations. The City will have the option to request removal of individual driver from City routes. 11. Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not allowed on City of Denton premises. Alcohol or drugs are not allowed on the premises. Smoking is prohibited on all City of Denton property. 12. The Contractor will remove any employee whose conduct is improper, inappropriate, or offensive as determined by DPL. A removed employee is not allowed to work on DPL’s premises without the written consent of DPL. 13. Vehicles must be able to safely enter and exit delivery drop off areas. One location has a loading dock. Two locations do not. Any of our locations may be visited during the pre-bid site tour, with prior coordination. a. Emily Fowler Central Library-Park in the staff parking lot entry, to the side and enter through the staff double doors. b. South Branch Library-Park in delivery parking space and enter through the staff double door entry. c. North Branch Library-Park at loading dock and enter through double doors at loading dock. 14. While on DPL business, drivers must have company identification, ID badges or company uniform (shirt, hat, etc). 15. Only authorized employees of the Contractor are allowed in Denton Public Library facilities. All drivers shall be working while inside a facility. No family members, friends, or animals shall accompany contractor employees or agents while working for DPL. All drivers will stay within the area specified for the performance of their duties or the use of our rest room facilities. Drivers will minimize social conversation with working DPL staff, to reduce interruption of staff work duties. 16. The implementation of the proposer’s courier service will occur without disruption to the current courier services, DPL’s customers, and staff. 17. The proposer must provide an implementation plan including a timeline of key dates to ensure an “on-time” implementation. 18. The implementation plan must include proposer responsibilities and DPL responsibilities, and it must be agreed to in advance by DPL. 19. The proposer must provide a damaged and lost materials procedure. 20. The proposer shall provide information about its customer service support: a. toll-free number b. web-entry of support requests c. e-mail access d. hours of availability e. other relevant details for each support method. 21. The customer services support must address the following: a. Procedures b. Safety and performance concerns c. Holiday or closure/inclement weather updates d. Delivery troubleshooting e. Route updates/additions 22. The selected provider will have been in operation at least three years. 23. Use of Subcontractors—the selected proposer shall be solely responsible for all services as required by the RFP. Subcontractors, if any, will be the responsible of the Proposer and the roll of subcontractors must be clearly identified in the proposal. The use of a subcontractor(s) does not relieve the selected Proposer of liability under this contract. Company History Client references for similar work performed Proposer shall submit a listing of three (3) previous library customers. The services provided to these clients must have characteristics as similar as possible to those requested in this RFP. Information for each client must include the following:  Clients name  Date of service  Contact person  Title  Address  Phone number  E‐mail address Failure to provide the above information may result in the Proposer being disqualified and its proposal not considered. The City of Denton reserves the right to contact any and all references and to obtain, without limitation, information regardless of the Proposer’s performance on the listed jobs. The City reserves the right to contact any and all references. ATTACHMENT A City of Denton Request for Proposal for Courier Services for Denton Public Library Denton Public Library 2021 Holiday Closure Information New Year’s Day Friday, January 1, 2021 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday, January 18, 2021 Memorial Day Monday, May 31, 2021 Independence Day Sunday, July 4 and *Monday, July 5, 2021 (Observed) Labor Day Monday, September 6, 2021 Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 25, 2021 Friday After Thanksgiving Friday, November 26, 2021 Christmas Eve *Thursday, December 23, 2021 (Observed) Christmas Day *Friday, December 24, 2021 (Observed) and Saturday, December 25 New Year’s Day *Friday, December 31, 2021 (Observed) and Saturday, January 1, 2022 Staff Development Day TBD fall, 2021